Life's Changes Ch. 14


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"Sal asked me to marry him and I said yes. Well actually it was more like yes yes yes." Sharon told us her excitement showed when she said the three yes's. Everyone sat in shock except for Bill and I, because we did much the same thing Bill asked me to marry him three days after we first met. I knew I wanted to be his a wife half an hour after we met. Bill stood up and said

"I think this calls for a toast. I get some champagne." Bill went to the kitchen with Jeri and Pam. When he came back with the glasses he said, "I hope you will be as happy as Sheri and I. Congratulations." We all drank our wine while Sal and Sharon did that arm loop thing before they drank.

"Sharon Sal. I really hope the best for you but if were going to go to dinner I think we should get ready." I told every one. Every one agreed. Bill and I went up to the master bedroom and jumped in the shower. After we soaped each other down and our hands were doing more then washing each other I asked

"You didn't seem to surprised that Sal asked Sharon to marry him?"

"I was expecting it. She told me in the office the other day that if he asked she would say yes. She said there was something between them something almost spiritual between them. They felt so right together. I know that feeling it's the way I always felt about you. If there is such a thing as soul mates we're it."

"I know what you mean. I felt the same way. I wanted you from the moment I first saw you. It wasn't sexual I just wanted to be close to you, to have you touch me. When you came over to me and spoke to me it was like a dream come true. I was weak in the knees and your face spellbound me. I almost didn't say anything back." I told him as I wrapped my arms around him and he me

"I know it took every ounce of courage I could muster just to go over to you. When you touched my hand I felt a spark of magic pass between us it was the most wonderful thing I ever felt. I still feel that spark when ever you touch me." Bill then kissed me, when our lips separated I whisper in his ear

"Bill take me, make love to me, now, right here. Let me feel you inside of me." Nothing more needed to be said. As our lips met I could feel his cock swell between us.

He was as eager as I was for this. He took one of my ass cheeks in each of his hands and he lifted me till his cock slid between my legs. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he poked up at me once and found my opening, then he let my weight do the rest. My own weight forced me down, taking his cock deep into me. A moan of pure pleasure escaped my lips as I bottomed out on him.

Bill lifted me and then allowed me to sink back down on him repeatedly. When his arms grew tired of lifting me I used my own legs to lift off him then sink back down. We made slow gentile love till the excitement had build to a fever pitch. Then Bill pushed my back against the wall and started to pound his cock into me. Oh god I loved it when he pounds his thick cock deep into me. His rapid pounding drove me in orgasm.

"Oh I'm cuming baby you making me cum sweetie. Oh god I needed this so bad. Fuck me hard Bill fuck me deep and hard."

Bill did his best to give me what I wanted. What I needed, what I was desperate to get. Bill pounded me, fucked me with every thing he had. The shower did little to cool our bodies from the fire that burned with in us. I came twice more as I rode his magnificent cock. His nine-inch thick cock was all that I could think of, all that I cared about. All that I wanted at this moment was that cock pounding in and out of me.

"Ah that's it baby that's all I can do." Bill told me through clinched teeth.

"Cum baby cum for me. Let me feel your cock cuming." I screamed

I felt Bill's cock swell as he groaned. Then I did something I have never done before. I rose up dislodging his cock from me, and then I slid down his body till I was facing his cock. I pulled his cock into my mouth and down my throat in on motion. The move was more then Bill could stand, he fired hot cum deep into my throat. I swallowed and he fired again. I took his balls in my hand and gave them a slight squeeze and He fired again. I then pulled my mouth up to the tip and worked his shaft with my other hand as I continued to squeeze his balls with my other. Bill seemed to cum forever. Even when nothing came out of his cock he seemed to keep cuming.

Bill locked his knees and collapsed against the wall. His breathing was coming hard as if he had just run a marathon. I continued to lick and lightly suck his cock till it had shriveled down to a soften state. Then I unwound myself from Bill's legs and allowed him to sink to his knees. Bill took me in his arms and kissed me his tongue searched my mouth for any of his creamy goodness, but I had swallowed it all.

"Sorry I guess I was a little piggy on that one." I told him after he pulled his mouth from me.

"It's okay I don't think I have the energy to swallow anyway. God that was fantastic. I don't think I ever came so hard or for so long."

"I know you were still cuming even when nothing was coming out. You were terrific." I told him as we held each other.

"So were you babe so were you." He told me as the water from the showerhead was raining down on us. Bill and I cuddled for a few minutes more then I said

"We better get going I'm sure everyone is waiting for us." Bill groaned as I started to get up then he got up as well. We both staggered out of the shower and dried off then into the bedroom to get dressed. Bill was exhausted, but I knew he would never forgive himself if he didn't get dressed. I got Bill a new garter belt and stocking that we had bought today. After getting those on him I put a black thong panties on him then I went to put on the matching bra.

"I was hoping I could wear that new blue corset we bought today." He told me

"You really don't need it but if that's what you want then sure you can wear it." I told him. I took off the black thong and replaced it with a blue one to match the corset. The new corset was two sizes smaller then his last one. It fit him snugly but not too tight, then I put on his bra. I stood back and looked at him. He was quite lovely in his scanties. And the feel of his tight body was a turn on. The corset was baby blue satin, which was had bone stays. It was quite expensive but he was worth it. He tried to talk me into getting one too but I refused going for a couple of satin bustier instead.

Once I had his five-inch spike heels on I told him to get his make up on while I got dressed. I decided on wearing my new red knit cocktail dress that was oh so short. So I put on the red buster with matching garter belt and bra, and red leather thong panties. By this time Bill was done with his make up so I helped him with his dress. It had a high choker style collar. The hem stopped a good four inches from his knee.

I could see that Bill was going to have one of two problems tonight. Either none of the guys that are looking for tranies are going to believe he is one or he's going to have then all over him. Bills legs looked absolutely gorgeous in the heels he was wearing. It's hard to believe that a man's legs would look so feminine.

After I finished getting dressed we went down to the living room. Pam Mary and Jeri were all ready there. All three were wearing new dresses I had bought them. Pam's and Mary's where both leather. Pam's was black while Mary's was red. Both were extremely short with deep plunging necklines and extremely tight. Both were wearing five-inch heels. I almost drooled looking at them

Jeri was wearing a lavender satin cocktail dress with silver sequins. It had the same choker style collar as Bills dress. Her heels were only four inches high. I walked over to her and said

"You look lovely. Are you ok with those heels I know your not use to them?"

"I think so, but please don't make me change them." She said almost begging me. Then to the real girls I said

"You two look absolutely yummy. Your both so hot so fuckable. I may just stay here with you two." Which got blush from both of them.

Ginny Jenny and Kim came down together All three were strikingly beautiful in the short dress and hi heels. Bill Ginny and Jeri grouped together leaving the real girls to talk while we waited for Sharon and Sal (hopefully Sally) to come down. Twenty minutes later Sharon and Sally finally made their appearance

As I had thought Sally was a strikingly beautiful shemale. Due to her slim build and her feminine looks she could pass easily. The only problem was because of her slim build, her Adams apple was visible pronounced. She really needed to wear a full collar like Bill and Jeri wear wearing, But for tonight there wouldn't be that problem. At least no one that saw it would care that it's there. I went to her and introduced myself as if I never saw her before. Which of cause I hadn't. Then I walked her around to everyone and introduced her to all. Sally face was in a constant state of blushing due to all the attention she was getting. But she was also lapping it up. Once introductions were over and Sally was talking to Ginny and Bill Sharon came over to me and said

"Thanks she was just beside herself upstairs. She really thought everyone was going to make fun of her. I know you all wouldn't, but I had a hell a of a time convincing her of it."

"It was hard for Glenda the first time she went out in public. She's quite beautiful." I told her

"Isn't she, but there's something a miss that I can't put my finger on."

"If I may. I don't mean to criticize but she has a problem with her neck." I told Sharon

"She does I don't see it?"

"You might notice that real women don't have an Adam's apple and hers is quite visible, not that anyone would care tonight. You might want to think about that in the future."

"Oh yea I see it now. Is that why Glenda and Jeri are wearing choker style collars?"

"That's right theirs aren't as visible as Sally's is but there still there." I told her. Then Sharon excused herself and ran back up stairs. A minute or two later she came back down and went over to Sally. I could see she was putting something around her neck. When Sharon came back over to me I could see that Sally now had a two-inch wide choker with a cameo pin attached to it around her neck. The choker affectedly hid Sally's Adam's apple.

"What do you think?" Sharon asked

"Perfect, it goes perfectly with her dress too."

"That's my grandmothers cameo I always carry it with me in case I find a reason to wear it. Thankfully I had the right color choker too."

Bill asked if we were ready to go. I told him I was mostly because I was starving I only had an apple to eat all day. Twenty minutes later we walked into Benders. And as usual Max made us all feel welcome.

"Sheri my sweet little girl. It is so good to see you again. And Jenny you always bring me such lovely women. Welcome all of you to my little club. I see you have reservations for dinner tonight so let me show you all to a table." Max let us to a table then made sure to hold everyone's chair. Before I sat down I told him I needed to speak to him about the cruise

"After dinner come to my office and we'll talk. As long as you're not going to cancel on me." He said in almost a whisper.

"Oh I wouldn't dream of it I'm looking forward to it" I said loud enough so that other around me could hear. I could almost see the relief on his face

"Oh very good so eat and enjoy yourselves and tonight we have a very good band so stay for some dancing." Max told us before he left.

We had a superb dinner as usual for Bender's. We had four bottles of champagne, two to toast Sally's coming out and two to toast Sally and Sharon's engagement. When dinner was over Jenny and I went to find Max. Before leaving the table I got a firm commitment from Kim and Sharon that they also wanted to go on the cruise. Sally wanted to but was afraid that with her knew job she wouldn't be able to. I knew she would so I planed on her coming as well. I figured that Beth and Julie Ann would want to come as well and most likely Janie and Kandy. So I needed at least five more suites if it was possible.

We found Max at the reception desk and he escorted us to his office. Once inside he asked, "What can Max do for you lovely ladies?"

"How is the booking going for the cruise?" I asked

"We're not quite full but I'm really close." Max told me which could mean just about anything.

"I need a few more rooms, suites really if they are available, preferable close to me." Max hemmed and hawed till I told him that I was willing to pay for those. I knew he thought I was looking for a freebie, which I wasn't

"I'm sure I can do something for you let me look." Max pulled out a book that contained a list of names with numbers to the right of them. I learned later that the numbers were room numbers and the names next to them were the names of the party that reserve them.

"How many were you looking for?"

"I need five more if possible." I told him which brought a smile to his face.

"I just so happen to have five suites left. Should I put your name down for them?" I told him he could as I handed him my credit card. He took it giving it a suspicious look which by this time I had learned meant he had not hear of the bank on the card. Then he asked

"Are you going to pay for all of these?"

"Yes. Including their bar bills and port charges and all gratuities." Max took down the number on the card and the name of the bank then handed it back to me.

"Is there anything else I can do?" I told him no then he asked Jenny if she needed anything and she said no. When he was walking us out to the dance hall he said to me "You know you sure have changed in the last few weeks. You not the same innocent little girl who came in here the first time."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked

"I liked you the way you were, but I also like you the way you are. You're very confident in yourself but your still a sweet girl. So its neither bad nor good just different." I grabbed his jacket collar and pulled him down to me and kissed him on the lips.

"Thank you for likeing me." I told him after he asked why I kissed him.

Jenny and I went to the dance hall while Max went back to the reception desk. We found Kim sitting by herself. I sat down next to her and Jenny sat down next to me. I saw Mary and Pam were on the dance floor with partners who couldn't keep their hands of my girl's bottoms. Sharon and Sally were dancing together. Bill and Jeri were standing by another table talking to a few of the men sitting there. As I watched Bill and Jeri I could see they were flirting with men there. I could tell by the way they stood or when they laughed at something they kept touching one of the men. I turned to Kim and asked

"How come you're not dancing?"

"I just sat down we figured that one of us should stay at the table to watch our purses. Ginny was doing it and she had to go to the bathroom." Sharon sat down at the table while Sally excused herself to go to the bathroom. Once Sally was gone Sharon asked

"Are we going to stay here long?"

"I thought we'd stay a couple of hours why doesn't Sally like it?" I said

"Oh Sally likes it. She says it's so much better the club we met in, but were kind of, well how can I put this."

"Your kind of horny. That 's how you put it." Jenny said to her

"Well yea we are and Sally said she wants to pay off her bet to you so I can watch. And I'm really excited about watching her do it." Jenny and I laughed because we were the same way the first time our husbands suck off another man.

While Jenny and I told her how exciting it was to watch I heard a disturbance out on the dance floor I looked up to see Pam making a beeline to our table with some guy in hot pursuit. As they got closer I could hear the guy saying something about just one more dance that was all he needed. Kim and I stood up and Pam ducked in behind us with the guy trapped on the other side. I noticed that he had a hard on and there was a wet spot on his slacks. The guy was trying to get around Kim who was doing a great job of blocking him.

"Look Mister she doesn't want to dance with you any more. So why don't you go find someone else." I told him

"Look why don't you mind your own business and stay out of mine." The guy said in a hate full tone.

"She is my business so leave her alone." I told him

"Look bitch." Was all that came out of his mouth before Kim had him by the throat.

"If I was you I'd be real careful about who you calling a bitch asshole. You might notice your starting to have trouble breathing right about now. Now I am going to let you go and your going to apologize to my friend here. Then you going to turn around and walk away. If you don't I'm going to break you. Do you understand? Blink once if you do." The guy blinked once and Kim released him

"I'm sorry I call you a bitch." He said after he sucked in a breath of air. He turned around and walked right into Max. Max grabbed him and said

"Are you causing trouble here. I told you once before about not making trouble here. Now it's time to leave." Max apologized for the disturbance and half carried and half walk the guy out of the hall. The only problem was Max chose a door that only he could fit though. The guy wound up walking into the wall. Of cause Max told the guy he was sorry for not realizing the door way was to small for the both of them. I turned to Pam after Max was gone

"Are you ok sweetie?"

"Yes he didn't try to hurt me, it was just gross what he was doing. I've had guys get hard on's before while dancing with them, it just happens you know. But this guy was humping me on the dance floor. I told him to stop several times and I even tried to walk away but he held me there. It was just so demeaning." I put my arm around her and hugged her to me.

"I'm sorry sweetie do you want to leave now?" I asked

"Well only if everyone else does I don't want to be a party pooper."

"The party will start when we all get back to were we're staying. How about every one else ready to go back and have some fun." I asked. All the others had returned to the table during the incident. Everyone agreed to leave.

As we were leaving I noticed that the poster that was out in the lobby about the cruise had written on it in magic marker the words sold out. Max was sorry to see us go but understood that we weren't in the mood to dance any longer. He walked us out to our car just so we didn't meet with any trouble. Twenty minutes later we were back at the mansion. We all agreed that we would take showers and meet back in the living room in tap pants and camisoles.

Twenty minutes later I was sitting on one of the couches with Kim on one side of me and Jenny on the other. Pam Mary and Jeri were sitting on the floor in front of us Bill and Ginny were on the other couch Jenny Kim and I were kissing and running our hands all over each other. Jeri Pam and Mary were doing much the same Bill and Ginny were mostly watching us while Sharon and Sally were heavy into each other.

After a half an hour of this heavy petting I was ready to take Jenny or Kim or both of them up to my bedroom. Bill and Ginny were now making out and each had the other's cock in there hands. Jeri was sitting between Pam and Mary each had one of Jeri nipples in their mouth and was nursing like babies. From Sally I heard

"My god, look at the size of that thing." I realized that Sally had finally seen what Bill had between his legs. Poor Bill turned beet red with embarrassment. One thing bad about having a big cock is every one makes a big deal about it.

"It is big isn't it and it feels so good inside you." Sharon was saying. I could see the lust in her eyes.