Life's Changes Ch. 14


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After my first orgasm hit me it seemed I was having them every few seconds. How long this all lasted I have no idea. All I know is I was cuming and they kept switching. I could tell they were getting tired and close to cuming when they started switching sooner. The last time Kim was in my mouth I heard her say

"The next time we switch I going to take your ass. Do you want me to fuck your tiny pretty ass?" She said in a mocking tone. I knew it was because I made her say I have one to release her spell. She pulled her dick from my mouth and I said

"Yes please take my ass. Please fuck my ass and cum in it."

Kim shoved her cock back in my mouth one last time and pumped it in and out of my throat. Then she said switch and pulled away from me. The switch this time took longer because Kim had gone over to my makeup case and got the tube of anal lube I always seem to carry.

"You might want to wait till I get my cock up this sluts ass before you stick your' in her mouth. You wouldn't want her to bite it off." Kim told Jenny.

"I don't know, she's had Bill's cock up her ass and loved it." Jenny told her

I was in my total submissive role and didn't say anything. I know I enjoyed Bill's and Cheryl's cock up me but they put it in real slow I just hoped Kim did it the same way. Kim got behind me and I felt her finger invaded my bottom. They felt slick so I figured she was greasing me up, which I was glad of it.

Then I felt her cock at my entrance, I started to shake slightly whether from fear or anticipation I couldn't say. I wanted her to fuck my ass but I didn't want her to hurt me. Kim must have realized that she could hurt me so she slowly eased her cock into my ass. There was a slight bit of pain but once the head of Kim's cock was in me only pure pleasure remained.

"Ok slut let's see what it's like to fuck this tiny pretty ass of yours." Kim said taunting me.

I pushed back taking in about half of her cock and groaned at the wonderful feeling I got. Kim pulled back and shoved that half back in and an inch more. I moaned again. Yes I really did love getting fucked up the ass. Jenny's magical cock was hovering near my mouth so I swallowed it down to get her back in the action.

With in moments both girls were riding my ass and mouth at record speed trying to get themselves off. I was doing my best to help them in that effort. I just hopped they lasted a long time. My wish was not to come this \night. Jenny's hips started to lose the rhythm she had, which told me she was so close to filling my mouth with cum. I started to suck harder and swallowed even more. I felt the head of her dick swell in my throat.

"Oh good what a fucking mouth she has. I can't take it any more. I cuming." The last was a scream as cum shoot out of her cock and into my mouth. I swallowed every drop of cum that came out of her cock. It was hot and creamy and there seemed to be so much of it. Jenny pulled her spent cock from my mouth and collapsed on to the bed. With her gone I concentrated on Kim fucking my sweet ass.

"Oh god your ass hole is so fucking tight. And the way you're working it going to make me shoot a load any second." Kim yelled

I knew she was close I could fell her thrusts become jerky. Kim pulled me up so I was knelling with out my hands touching the bed. She started to kiss my back and neck between bits. Kim reached down between my legs and took my clit between her fingers and twisted my clit around. It was like she threw a switch and caused me to cum. The sparks that shoot through my eyes as my orgasm enveloped my whole body blinded me. If Kim wasn't holding me I would have collapsed. My ass muscles clamped down on Kim so hard I pulled her cum from her. Kim screamed in my ear she was cuming as I felt her cock inject her cum deep in my bowels. Kim lost her footing and we collapsed on the bed next to Jenny.

We laid there, Kim still tightly behind me and Jenny along side me. Our breathing was quick and shallow. Kim's cock was still in my ass but it was loosing its firmness. I knew it wouldn't be long till it slid out and lay limp between her legs. With in seconds it did just that I was left feeling empty and well used, but in a good way I had given pleasure to my friends and they gave me pleasure in return. Jenny rolled over onto her side facing me and wrapped her arm around us. She started to kiss my face and Kim kissed my back. A minute or two later Kim said

"Yes Sheri you have a tiny pretty ass. And I mean that in all sincerity. I've never experienced anything that wonderful I all my life. Pam's ass didn't feel that good." Kim then rolled onto her back

I followed suit as Jenny rolled over as well. There we were three women totally exhausted, completely content with life and completely sexually satisfied. We lay there till we recovered some of our energy, till I started to feel her cum leak out of me. I sat up and said.

"Well ready to go again?" I really wasn't I thought that would get a rise out of them.

"Are you kidding I'm exhausted. There's no way I'm going to do that again." Jenny said

"Count me out. I'm done I know I can get another hard on if I call it back, but I'm finished. You made me walk around all day then made me fuck you till I couldn't see any more. Now you want to do it again. You are an insatiable whore aren't you?" Kim rattled on I giggled and said

"I didn't make you fuck me, you did that on your own. And yes I'm insatiable if you want me to be. I was just giving you all a hard time. I'm really done in. I need a shower to get this cum off and out of me and then it's time for sleep."

Kim and Jenny both agreed with me that a shower was a good idea, but that was about all. After the shower, which I tried very hard to get all Kim's cum out of me and to which I knew I didn't. I would still some leak out of me over night. We went to bed. What a sight we must have made three beautifully women naked and asleep in each other's arms.

My sleep was interrupted by my appearance in the Renewal. I almost groaned when I realized where I was standing. Then I remembered that I had made arrangements to hold court on Fridays. Subconsciously I must have remembered this and came here. Realizing I had no choice but to go, I flew over to the clearing that would hold my court.

When I arrived there was very few people there. My Sergeant at arms told me that only one person had a problem that she need to speak to me about and two other wish to offer their services. I took the two who wish to make an offer first. After dealing with them quickly, but politely. I told Efin to bring forth the one who had the problem.

A small nymph approached my throne and went to her knees. She was tiny for a nymph just over three feet tall. But what was really strange was her skin color. She was mostly brown but she had streaks of dark green and blacks of different shades. Her ears where quite pointy unlike my own which were pointy but more rounded. You would not mistake this girl for human. I had her stand and asked what her problem was and with whom. She seemed timid and shy.

"You may not know this but I'm a wood nymph. Recently the woods where I live have been getting very busy. A bunch of sprites and a band of gnomes have moved into my woods. My queen these woods are mine they always have been. They were my mother's before me and hers before her." She stopped her self and then went back to her original problem

"Now the gnomes I don't mind. Their fun to have around and their cleaning up the woods. I do my best, but it's lot of work for one nymph. Anyway they told me that you are going to live in the big rock in the clearing of my woods."

I tried to figure out what she was talking about. The big rock she was talking about must be the mansion and the wood surrounding it must be the woods she refereed to as hers. When I had this all figured out She continued

"My question is do I have to move and give up my home?" She asked you could see the relief on her face now that she had gotten all that out. I asked her name and she told me Dema.

"Well Dema I didn't know you lived in the woods. If I had then I would have talked to you first about moving into the estate. Do you have to move, can't we share to woods. I won't be in them much so you won't have to worry about us." I could see her sprits lift at my words.

"Danella and I were hopping we could stay. We were just hopping you wouldn't mind that we're there."

"Of cause you can stay. Who's Danella?" I asked

"Danella lives in the pond in the woods. She said that I shouldn't tell you we were there, She said if you didn't know we were there then you couldn't ask us to leave."

"You said Danella lives in the pond. is she a water nymph?" Dema nodded her head. "You tell Danella that you both can stay where you are and I'll try not to disturb you. Is it ok if the gnomes stay too?"

"Oh yes they throw some really fun parties. if I may I have one other question." I asked what it was. "The other day you came to look at the rock and I saw a few human males with you. Are they your mating stock or are they free to mate with Danella and I?" That threw me for a loop. I asked her to tell me what she had in mind.

"My mother and Danella's mother had to leave the woods so they could find male humans to mate with, when it was time to have us. It's getting time for Danella and I to have offspring. We're not to keen on leaving the woods to mate and we were wondering if we could use your males to mate with."

"Do you only mate to have young?" I asked

"Normally no, but Danella and I don't like to leave the woods. So we've learned to pleasure each other. To have young ones we will need human males, but we won't need them much. Just till we're with child then we won't bother them anymore." I just about laughed the way she was putting it.

"Dema can you and Danella come to the rock where I'll be living?" She told me she could "Then come and meet my males and if you like them and they like you. Then you can mate with them. As often as you and the male would like." I could see she really liked this.

"Thank you my Queen. I'll tell Danella that you friendly and you want to meet her. She's kind of shy around new people. But once she gets to know you she's really a good person." We said our good byes and she disappeared.

Once I was done with Dema I told Efin that I will see him next week and Efin told me he didn't think I would get many problems for a while. Because every one was still new to their powers but I should keep the weekly courts just in case. I agreed with him then I disappeared to wake once more in the bed that I was sharing with Jenny and Kim.

I woke up the next morning around ten o'clock. Jenny was still lying next to me, but Kim was already up and gone. When I stretched Jenny jumped with a start.

"I'm sorry I did mean to wake you." I told her

"You didn't. I've been lying here waiting for you to wake up. I enjoyed feeling you next to me." Jenny told me I told her I enjoyed her next to me too. Then she said

"I want to talk to you about last night. Are you ok with what happen? I know we came on a little strong, I'm afraid we may have over done it."

"No I loved it. I have no problems with what happen and any time you all want to do it again you just do it. I loved being used like that." Jenny went to kiss me but I pulled away.

"Let me shower and brush my teeth first then we can kiss. It's nothing about you or what we did, I just have to be clean." I told her. She looked suspicious but followed me into the bathroom anyway.

We brushed our teeth while the shower was heating up. When it was hot we jumped in and quickly washed off. Then I pulled her to me and said

"Now you can kiss me." We kissed like to honeymooners till the shower started turning cold.

"Your serious about the shower thing aren't you?" She asked as we exited the shower

"Yes I have this fear that my lover will reject me because I smell bad. I know it's weird, but that's just me." I told her

"I never noticed that before?"

"Any time we slept together I was always up and showered before you were up. It has nothing to do with you or anyone else. It's just me."

"You must have one hell of a water bill." Jenny said jokingly

"After we moved into our house Bill told me I had to cut down on my showers because our bill was to high. I did, but I wouldn't let Bill touch me unless I had a shower first, Then he couldn't make love to me because I would be dirty until my next shower. After three days he told me I could take all the showers I wanted, he'd find the money somewhere." I told her and we both laughed.

Jenny and I dressed in short skirts and tank tops and on our feet we wore tennis shoes. We then went down to find coffee and some thing to eat. Every one was down in the kitchen. I went straight to Bill and sat on his lap put my arms around him and kissed him. By the time we were done kissing Pam had set my coffee and a plate of fruit in front of me. So I sat with my naked bottom on Bill's lap and ate my breakfast. While I ate Bill's hand crept around my waist and dipped under my skirt and started to finger my pussy. That lasted a few minutes till Jenny said.

"Trying to get her started early today aren't you?" Bill blushed a deep red. I turned to Jenny and said

"Don't disturb someone when they're trying to work." Which had the Jenny and Bill laughing, everyone else was trying to figure out what we were doing.

"Well is everyone ready to go. We have a lot of shopping to do." I asked after I finished my breakfast.

"More haven't we got enough cloths already?" Jeri and Mary both said

"You all have everyday wear. Now we have to get cloths to take on the cruise. That includes formal gowns and swim wear. Plus we have to stop at Jackie's for domination wear. Not to mention what we need to wear when we pull into port." I told every one

"Oh yea your going to need a few formal to Gin. And what about a nice little bikini to sit by the pool." Jenny told Ginny and Sharon asked Sal if he had any.

"I doubt I'll be going, but no I don't have any." He told her

"If you tell your boss that you made plans for the cruise before you applied. I'm sure they'll let you go. So you should get gowns to wear I sure you be able to wear them someday." I told him

"I'd hate to lie to a new employer. I'll get them just in case and I can return them if I can't go"

"Think positive that's my motto. Okay everyone let's get moving." I said as I got off of Bill's lap. Sharon told Sal to go ahead and she'll be right up. I had a feeling that I was going to be asked a question I didn't want to answer.

"And Sal remember you have to go as Sally." I told Sal

"You mean during the day in broad daylight. Won't somebody see I'm not a real girl?" I could hear the fear in his voice.

"How is it going to look when your trying on dress a dressed as Sal." I asked

"Can't I just buy them? I know my size." He asked

"Sal if you want them to fit properly then you have to try them on. Just be confident you'll be fine." I told him I'd make sure he doesn't have a problem. Sal left to get changed. Then Sharon said to me

"You handled that well."

"Thanks I have a lot of experience getting cross dressers to do what I want." I told her

"I can see that. Can you tell me truthfully why you left the living room last night so abruptly." Sharon asked. I knew I could tell her that watching Sally blow Bill had gotten me excited and I want to go and do something about it. But that would be a lie and I didn't want to lie to her. Besides I'm sure I didn't look all that excited last night.

"You want the truth? If it wasn't Sally doing the sucking would you have enjoyed it as much, was it done that well?" I asked

"That's what I though. It didn't look like Sally was enjoying it and Glenda sure wasn't." She said

"I figured if I left in would break it up."

"Well it did. I asked Sally if she like doing Glenda. She said she did but she not very good at it. She said she's watched porn tapes to get better and she thought she was doing it okay." Sharon told me

"She obviously watched the wrong ones. Are you any good at giving head?" I asked

"I don't think so I never had anyone ask for a second blow job." She said as her face turned a bright red.

"Maybe you could ask Pam to give you a lesson." I told her. I knew where this was going and I was just avoiding the enviable.

"I asked her, she told me you would have to give your permission. Then she said that if I could get you to show us we'd be learning from the best." She said hopefully

"You both want to learn?" She nodded her head.

"I'll teach you but I don't want to hear anymore whining from Sally about dressing up. If she is going to dress like a girl then do it other wise don't. No more whining please." I told her and I was serious. Sharon told me she'd talk to Sal

"Don't force her she has to want this. I don't care either way and neither should you." I told her as she left the room.

"Well I guess you got talked into teaching him anyway?" Kim asked after Sharon had left.

"I knew I was going to, it was just a matter of time. Now let me listen to what Sharon says to Sal. I don't want to make the same mistake I did with Debbie." I told them. I concentrated on the voices around the house till I singled out Sal's and Sharon's voices

"Don't you think it crazy for me to dress like a girl in broad day light?" I heard Sal ask Sharon.

"No I think you'll do just fine. You looked like a girl last night. In fact you look more like one the some real girls I know. But if you don't want to go dressed as one you don't have to we'll figure something else out. I just want you to be happy." Sharon told him

"I just want you make you happy. Do you want me to dress like a girl? I'll do it for you."

"I want you to be happy too. We talked about me being your mistress. Do you really want me to be one to you to tell you what to do? To take the responsibility of deciding what you should do and wear? Do you want me to tell you to get dressed like a girl?"

"Yes I want you to take control of my life. I want you as my Mistress, but I don't want to lose you over this. I don't want you thinking some day that you want a real man not some sissy." He told her

"You are a real man in my eyes. A man that's not afraid to show his feeling. Now come on and let's get you dressed. Oh by the way do you want to learn to give great blow jobs like Pam gave Jeri last night?"

"Oh yea she was great. Did Sheri give her permission to teach me?"

"Before I answer that tell me the truth. Do I give good head?"

"Your great." Sal told her. I could tell that Sal was lying just by his voice.

"You're sweet for trying to save my feelings, but I can tell you weren't telling the truth just now. So I guess that's a no, I don't give great blowjobs. Don't try to deign it. So Sheri's going to teach both of us." She told Sal

"Really, Pam says she the best. You're going to learn too, how come?"

"Because I want to give you the best blow jobs I can so you won't feel the need to go out and get them with out me. By the way how do you feel about having and open marriage? I really would like one, but if you don't then we won't.

"I don't see any sense to learning to give good blow jobs if we don't. But if we do have an open marriage then I want to know who you're with and I'll tell you who I'm with and if either of us don't like what's happening they should tell the other."

"Good idea now let's get you dressed before they leave with out us." I hear Sharon tell Sal before I quit listening to them.

"Well do they seem to be okay?" Jenny asked after she could see I was no longer ease dropping.

"They seem just fine." I told them just as Bill and Ginny came back in the room.