Life's Twists and Turns


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"Goodnight, Finlay," he said as he gently touched her cheek.

"Goodnight, Wade," she said, wanting to say so much more.

For the next week, Wade had very little time to spend with Finlay which was probably a good thing as every time he saw her it felt like his heart was literally aching. They spoke briefly as one of them came home to Finlay's house to be with the kids and left notes as needed to make sure no balls got dropped as Kenny got ready to start school.

She tried to protest when he gave her most of his first paycheck a week later, but without it, she'd have been late on the mortgage and her children would have had very little to eat. But what moved her even more than his generosity was the way her children talked about him every time she came home.

Yes, her boys missed their daddy, but Wade kept them so busy and so entertained that Finlay had never seen them so happy. And perhaps it was just being out from under Levi and all of his controlling BS, but she had to admit that she was happy, too. And as the days had ticked by she realized that her happiness wasn't just due to getting rid of the wrong man, it was being near the right one.

That night, after putting her kids to bed, she sat down and wrote a personal letter to Wade. She could have typed it up on the computer in just seconds, but handwriting it provided the special touch she needed it to convey.

"Dear Wade,

I hope you don't think I've forgotten about the things we discussed that night. I haven't. In fact, I think about them pretty much all the time. Lately, every time I see you, I find myself wanting to tell you what you want to hear. But each time, I also find myself unable to say them because well, until now, I wasn't sure I did.

As I watch you do so much for me and for my children, it often moves me to the point of tears. You are the most loving, caring, giving man I've ever known. I kept telling myself there was no reason for you to do all this, and then I'd remember what you told me. That you want to. That doing these things makes you happy. And yes, that you love me.

I'm at a point now where I know how I feel, and I want to tell you, but not in a note. I would very much like to go out with you sometime—on a date. A real date. Lord knows we can't afford to spend money, but there are many things to do for free, and as long as we're doing them together, isn't that what matters?

Would it be presumptuous to assume your mom wouldn't mind watching the kids for a couple of hours sometime? If so, I would love to spend some time with you, Wade. Alone. Just the two of us. Someplace quiet where we can talk. To talk about my feelings for you. My very real feelings.

I hope and pray I haven't waited too long.

With my love,


She folded the note and put it in the refrigerator then taped it to the milk carton knowing he'd find it in the morning when he came over to feed the kids.

Finlay found it very difficult to sleep that night as the realization hit her that she really was in love with him. It had taken her some time to admit it because, after all, she was coming out of a marriage in which her own husband had tried to kill her. And then there was the age difference. If that wasn't enough, there was the issue of her having not one, but three, small children.

Lastly, there was her need to be sure someone so young and so handsome really wanted to sign up for the chaotic mess she called her life and live it with a woman her age. But when she finally understood him and believed that he did, her heart was so full it felt like it would burst unless she could tell him and tell him soon. But she had to tell him at the right time and in the right place, and that couldn't come soon enough.

Finlay managed to get a whole three hours sleep before Riley woke up wanting to be fed. It was just her luck that Riley wouldn't take a bottle so she was going to have to warm up some baby food meaning there would be no time to lay back down. Once Riley was fed and back asleep, Finlay showered and got dressed.

She was both dreading and excited about seeing Wade knowing how much she had to say but unable to say it to him in the kitchen.

He was right on time as always, and when she saw him she wasn't sure she could wait. When he smiled at her and said, "Good morning. You look amazing," a part of her died inside from wanting to talk to him then and there.

She was wearing a waitress's uniform and her hair was in a ponytail. She had bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep, and yet he told her she was beautiful the way he always did.

She saw him reach for the refrigerator door and Finlay nearly dove to stop him as he opened the door and reached for the milk.

"Hey. Easy there," he said. "When did you start drinking milk in your coffee?"

He smiled at her as she tried to physically restrain him, but he just put an arm around her and grabbed the carton.

"Oh, ho! What do we have here?" he said when he saw the paper with the hearts drawn in red.

"You can't look at that now," she protested loudly trying to take it away from him.

"I believe I can," he taunted as he held it up high. "See? It has my name on it right there. See? It says 'For Wade' in big red letters."

"No. Wade. Please don't," she begged but he'd turned around, pulled the note off, and was already reading it.

"I wanted this to be special, and you're ruining it. Wade. Please don't..."

He set the note down, turned toward her and with tears in his eyes said quietly, "You can quit your crummy job today if you like."

"What? No, I can't. I...we...need the money," she told him.

He put his hands on her shoulders and said, "If you want to work after we're married, that's fine. I'll never tell you what you can and can't do. But I can go to work full-time tomorrow and make...well, a lot of money. More than enough to support us whether or not you decide you want to sell real estate again—or whatever you want to do. But I don't want my wife waiting tables."

He touched her chin and said, "Please?"

"Do I even get to tell you I love you, too?" she asked sweetly as she put her arms around his neck.

"You just did," he told her with a smile.

"So does this mean you don't want to go out with me?" she asked, her heart now beating fast.

"In, out. I want it all, Finlay. And I want it with you...sweetheart. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you and I want to marry you as soon as possible."

"That's the sweetest-but-strangest proposal I've ever heard," she said barely able to speak.

"I can't afford to buy even the smallest ring right now but I will. I promise you I will," he told her. "If you can wait for that, you can have all the love I have to give in the meantime and forever after."

"I don't need a ring, Wade. I just need you," she told him with pure sincerity.

"You have me. You always have," he said as he stroked her cheek.

" will you kiss me again?" she asked hopefully.

Without answering, he leaned down and kissed her softly and slowly as tongues touched then swirled. When it ended they just held one another not wanting the moment to end.

"I still don't really know why you love me, Wade. But I am so very thankful and happy that you do," Finlay said as tears of joy filled her eyes.

"That's because you don't see what I see," he told her while he held her close.

"Oh, right. Puffy eyes, crows feet, my sexy waitress outfit, the ugly brown shoes. Yeah, I'm a real catch, aren't I?" she said now wondering what he saw.

"Except that those things aren't you. They don't make me smile or laugh. They don't fill my thoughts and my dreams. They don't make me happy."

He pulled back and when she looked at him he said, "But you do, Finlay, and you always have."

"The boys will up soon," she said as tears fell from her eyes. "We...we need to talk to them before they see us kissing or..."

"Or?" he said gently.

"Or see you staying here? With me. In our bed?" she said with wishful eyes. "Will you stay with me tonight...sweetheart?"

"Of course I will. Tonight and every night," he assured her.

Just as she was about to kiss him, Kenny came out rubbing his sleepy eyes.

The moment he saw Wade, he smiled happily and said, "You're here!" as he went to him and jumped into his outstretched arms as though his mother wasn't even there.

Wade scooped him up and said, "Hey, buddy! How'd you sleep?"

"Good," he said. "I had a dream last night."

"You did? What was it about?"

"I dreamed you were my new daddy," he said as he hugged Wade's neck.

"Would you like me to be?" Wade asked.

"Uh-huh," the sleepy little boy said.

"Well, maybe we can talk about that later today."

"Okay," he said. "Can I have cereal?"

Finlay smiled as she tried not to cry and said, "I'll get it. I don't need a manny around here anymore."


Wade did stay with her that night and every night after that for the rest of their lives.

The divorce was final before the trial started some seven months later, and Wade, who was finally able to afford a modest little diamond ring, proposed to the woman he loved.

Finlay did testify but had very little say beyond expressing the level of shock she'd experienced when she learned what her husband had planned to do. She looked at him as she spoke hoping her words sank in as she told them how he would never see his children—or her—again. How that because of his betrayal she'd finally found the man she loved with all her heart; the man who'd loved her for as long as he'd known her. A man who was not only not a kid anymore, but more of a man than her ex-husband could ever hope to be.

Fiona also had no idea what her former boyfriend had been planning in order for them to be together, and also had very little to say when called to the stand. But she did tell her former boss that he'd never again lay his hands on the very generous gift he'd given her. There'd been a lot of chuckling as she raised her ample chest showing off the prize Levi had lost as the judge called for order as he tried not to laugh himself.

Wade's mother was now well enough to help out with the children for a half day anytime Finlay needed a break, but not well enough to go back to work. She'd filed for disability over a year ago, and by the time her son married the beautiful older woman from next door in her home, it had been approved.

She loved Finlay like the daughter she'd never had and considered her three children her very own grand babies and showered them with love and spoiled them the way every grandparent does.

Levi surrendered his parental rights and three months later, Wade adopted all of them and considered them his own and in time, the only father they knew was Wade Brown who shared the same last them with them and their beautiful mother.

Finlay returned to selling real estate, but did so on a part-time basis. As an RN, Wade made more money than her ex ever had, so she was able to work when she wanted to and be at home with the children she loved the rest of the time.

She was still very careful with money, but she loved being able to look beautiful for her husband whenever he came; the husband who unfailingly told her how wonderful she looked whether she was in a hot, slinky dress or a pair of sweats.

As their first anniversary rolled around, Finlay asked her handsome young husband if he might want to have one more child.

"As much as I love children, I don't need one with my DNA to be happy, honey," he told her as they lay in bed together. "I have three of my own already, and I'm married to the woman of my dreams. So unless you want a fourth, I'm perfectly content."

Finlay never cried anymore, but her husband's words caused her to tear up.

"How did I ever get so lucky?" she asked as she laid her head on his chest.

"You?" Wade said as he stroked her silky hair. "I'm the lucky one. Had I not come home when I did, and had you not needed a part-time manny, we wouldn't be here together surrounded by the three most wonderful children in the world."

Finlay raised her head up then said, "I love you so much, Wade Brown."

Wade smiled back then said, "I love you even more, Finlay Brown."

"Oh, yeah? Then prove it!" she said with a happy smile as she reached for him.

Finlay cried out in joy as he made love to her, something she never again went without since the night he moved in. She managed not to cry as she thought about how perfect her life was now after coming so close to having it taken from her.

Had she not been speeding and had a police officer not been there...

"Another of life's twists and turns," she thought to herself as she shuddered at the thought.

Moments later, she shuddered even harder as she came at the same time her gorgeous young husband came inside her.

"Is that proof enough?" he asked her with a smile as he lay on top of her still inside her.

"I suppose. For tonight anyway. But I may need to be reminded again tomorrow," she said sweetly before pulling him close and telling him how much she loved him.

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RanDog025RanDog025over 1 year ago

Beautiful story with excellent writing skills. I noticed that the Author has picking the common Literotica bad habit of the use of dot dot dot's all through the story, meant for a pause thinking the reader brain is not capable of doing the same as a comma, lol. Not to mention the missing of words and the over use of the typical stuttering the human race has in their own mind. I've never met anyone that stutters like the characters invented at Literotica. After reading tens of thousands of, lets just call them books, I'll never understand why someone that needs at least 2 years of College level, of at least, English Literature, after reading how many stories, decides to write a stories without basic Literacy! Still I gave a score of 5 BIG ASS FUCKING FLAMING NOVA STARS for the story itself, which was excellent. But damn, how do you rate the laziness in editing your own story before submission? I'd say, 'Keep them coming' but use TextAloud to write your stories and save it to text file and listen to your story in TextAloud when correcting your mistakes in the text file. Damn, that can be done with Notepad. Enough said! Very Talented Author for this being this Authors first story of his I've read!

Rancher46Rancher46about 3 years ago

What a wonderful love story. Thanks for sharing. Well done 5++stars

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefabout 4 years ago
Call the plumber, please

This is another of your great stories in a long line of them, however, you may need to stick to your writing and leave the plumbing to a plumber. P-traps are part of the drain system and do not need the water shut off to work on them, just don't run the sink taps until the repair is completed. Other than that, the story was another easy read that was enjoyed very much. Thanks

Richie4110Richie4110almost 6 years ago
Great Love Story

Thanks for sharing your story with me.

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago
Very nice

Thanks for the love story.

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