Like a Moth to a Flame


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And Rick was at fault too, wasn't he? He'd never sat her down and leveled with her about his needs and problems—well, never except that one time back when Lucy was in about the fourth grade. That was the time he'd tried that macho shit of threating to look for sex elsewhere.

She didn't want to face up to it, but he had come to her with his heart on his shoulders, and what did she do? She played the hard ass and threatened him with taking the kids and letting him pay alimony and child support. Debby really didn't understand herself why she did it; and she was sorry, but she let it hang there for months before seeming to go away.

If there was anything Rick loved, it was his children, so he quickly backed off and in a month or two the happy couple settled back into their normal routine, the routine which led to the once in a while sex mentioned earlier. Oh, yeah, Rick did fill in the empty spots with beauties from Hustler magazine and Miss Five Fingers.

Hey! Don't knock it—it worked and got them to the main part of our story—the time when first Ned, then Lucy left for college. Anyone who has had a kid in college knows it's expensive and the expense increases with each additional child.

The Lakes, if they didn't know it before, quickly realized it the year Lucy entered college. Rick was now completely in charge of the farm, and had managed to keep their head above water with only Ned attending Clemson. As soon a Lucy entered College, family finances started dipping below the surface. Like so many before them, the Lakes solved the problem by Debby going back to work.

Debby found a position as clerk in the personnel office of Big Dog Trucking. Her job consisted of keeping the government happy with the company's fuel records. While it didn't require a genius it did require attention to detail and was important if Big Dog Trucking was to stay off of the government's naughty list.

Debby was a conscientious worker, quickly taking on other responsibilities, including short haul driving when needed. After twenty three months with the company she was promoted to driver supervisor; as such her job was recruiting and keeping drivers for the company's trucks and assuring those drivers met company requirements.

Those requirements included checkout rides with new drivers and keeping the trucks appearance meeting Big Dog Trucking standards. Drivers liked to joke that "Momma Debby" was the main reason you never saw a filthy Big Dog truck on the road.


Back on the home front things were getting better for Rick and Debby also. With less worry about the kids and paying bills, the sex factor began a slow upswing. Rick heard less, "I've got a headache" and almost never "I'm too tired tonight, Honey." Once again Rick was seeing signs of the sexy woman he'd married all those years before.

Then one night Debby, who usually got home first and fixed dinner, was a little late so Rick threw a couple pork chops in the oven and had just about finished fixing a salad when he heard the door open and Debby charged into the kitchen.

"There's my man," she said throwing her arms around him while trying to get her tongue as far down his throat as possible. Sexually things had been getting better, but not that much better. Naturally with her grinding her body against his pelvis, his cock went from soft and pliable to rock hard in nothing flat.

"Forget that dinner," she said turning the stove's knobs to off. "I brought you a snack—all you have to do is find it. I'll even help." She captured his hand and shoved it under her dress. It had been years since Rick had seen his wife like this, but he still remembered her 'horny as hell' mood.

By the time Rick striped his clothes off Debby was naked and stretched out on their bed with her legs spread wide. "It's all yours, big boy," she said in a loud whisper. "What are you going to do with it?"

'What the hell? What's gotten into her?' Rick thought when she had an orgasm almost as soon as he pushed into her slick pussy. Later, he wondered if he was getting sloppy seconds and wished he'd taken time to check that out before he added his cum to whatever was greasing his way.

Of course this thought had taken some time to fully bang around in his head—mostly because the way his wife's cunt was clamping and unclamping his cock. His brain was too occupied with what was happening down in his lower quarters to worry about anything else.

He needn't have worried about another cock violating his personal territory—yet. Debby was still true to her vows, but she had been turned on by another man and if Rick hadn't been available she wasn't sure what might have happened.


The change in Debby that Rick had wondered about had its roots in an event which took place about six weeks earlier. That was the day her boss had informed Debby he was hiring a personal assistant for her.

Her reaction was, "That sounds good, Boss, but are you sure we can afford it?"

"No problem," was his reply. "We got in on that new government program. They want to get people working, so Uncle Sam is paying the biggest part of their salary for a few years."

"How Long?"

"Oh just long enough for them to start pulling their weight."

'Great,' Debby thought, 'another affirmative action deadhead to pull the rest of us down.' Of course she didn't say that aloud. What she said aloud was, "Well, it might work—be the first government boondoggle that did though." She just had to get that one little dig in.

She often had lunch with girls from other companies and for weeks the main subject of conversation was the new government sponsored hires. Debby shuddered as tale after tale of arrogance and general incompetence made the lunch rounds. What on earth had the boss gotten them into?

Debby had a change of heart after the boss stuck his head in the door and said, "Mrs. Lake, This is your new assistant, Mr. Sanders. He will answer directly to you, so I'll let you show him the ropes." And just like that, he was gone.

She was deep into a spreadsheet and half pissed by having to bother with another government program so without looking up, she said, "Have a seat, I'll be with you in a minute."


"Yes Ma'am." The rich baritone voice brought back memories almost forgotten; memories of Flat Rock High School and the night she became a woman.

It had been her night to help in the concession stand and since she didn't have a date, she volunteered to take care of the final details so her friends wouldn't be late to the pity party being held down at the lake. She was just about through when the freshly showered team burst out of the gym and rushed to their cars like they should have rushed the opposing team's offence. She fastened the lock as they roared away to the tune of squealing rubber.

Debby was in no hurry—no date and nothing to look forward to except a night of TV with her folks—so she was pretty much dragging her feet as she made her way to her car. She was aware enough of her surroundings to realize hers was not the only car left in the lot. Not thirty feet away from hers was a Chevy pickup she recognized as belonging to their team's quarterback.

She didn't move in the same circles as him, but she had seen him around, she knew his name was Robert Sanders and all the black girls and many of the white girls were said to be ready to drop their panties at the slightest sign he was interested.

She still remembered every detail—her engine wouldn't even turn over and she was about to panic when a younger version of the voice she heard now said, "Maybe I can help." After poking around a bit under the hood, he said. "Girl, it looks to me like you have a dead battery. You want to call someone or can I take you home?"

Even in the moderately lit parking lot Debbie got a good understanding of why Robert Sanders was so popular. " you?" She knew she sounded like a blubbering idiot, but her brain and her mouth just wouldn't get in sync.

Robert couldn't suppress a grin. "C'mon girl." He guided her over to his pickup. It was so high off the ground, as was becoming the style for all the cool white guys, and while Robert wasn't white, thanks to a great grandfather he wasn't exactly black either, so he could move in either circle much easier than his darker skinned buddies. The most beautiful of the white girls flocked to him but most of his close friends were forced to hunt for white pussy among the lesser attractive girls.

For a long drawn out moment Robert held the passenger side door open for Debby before she finally said, " I don't think this dress was designed for stepping up into such high vehicles."

Robert could feel himself blushing. He was well aware Debby wasn't a girl who ran with the wild crowd so he knew he had to take things really slow. It took a bit of fumbling to boost her into the cab but he did manage to cop a feel of her well rounded ass in the process.

Debby tried to pretend she didn't notice the electric like shock that accompanied his hand on her thigh while lifting her. She'd played around with several boys before, but none had ever got beyond third base.

Tonight just might be different; tonight she was in the truck with the team quarterback, the boy every senior girl would gladly surrender their virginity to, if they still had it—but tonight he belonged to her, and she still had her virginity—at least for a short time longer. The very thought made her both hot and cold at the same time.

Debby fidgeted with her dress, her hair, and even with the radio dial, as the Ford F-150 raced out of town. Like most boys his age Robert had the exhaust system customized so it was barely legal and he loved to gun the big V-8 engine any time he thought the cops weren't around.

"This isn't the way to my house!" Debby had to almost shout to be heard over the engine noise.

"You didn't really want to go home so early, did you? After all this is homecoming night and I was supposed to pick up Bessie Ray for a little fun, but I spent so long trying to help you she'll be long gone by now." Robert had reached for her hand, pulling her closer.

Debby willingly slipped across the bench seat, until their thighs were touching, and when he placed her hand on his thigh she didn't attempt to move it—not even when he took his hand off hers and placed it on the inside of her thigh.

"Where're we going?" Was that really her voice? It sounded kind of squeaky; she felt tightness in her chest and her breathing didn't feel right.

"I was planning to take Bessie Ray to my Uncle Jim's camp down on the river. You know—just sit around, watch the fireflies, munch on a bit of cheese and maybe have a sip or two of champagne, while we talk. I kind of hope you'll agree to take Bessie Ray's place—it'll be really neat."

"Sure, why not? We don't have anything else to do." Debby couldn't believe Robert wanted to spend homecoming night with her—or at least part of it, or that she actually agreed to go someplace to be alone with him. She could picture her friends all partying together and having to slip off to enjoy a little heavy petting, while she would be all alone with the finest boy in the senior class.

If she could believe her friends, she was the last virgin in the class, but after tonight she'd no longer have that distinction. They sat quietly—Robert driving the truck with one hand while the other traced paths up and down her inner thighs, driving her crazy.

For her part, she was so inexperienced she mostly patted the inside of his thigh. Like a shy dog creeping toward its master's petting hand, Robert's steadily growing cock crept toward her petting fingers. When her fingers touched his cock, she jerked her hand away like it was a snake.

"Don't be afraid, girl—it won't bite."

Gaining courage, her fingertips touched the shaft again, then finally she rested her hand on it for a short while before tentatively grasping it. His sharp intake of breath offset her barely breathing as she stroked it through the fabric of his pants. Debby had nothing to compare Robert's size with, so to her his almost seven inches seemed amazing.

Arriving at the uncle's camp Robert said, "Wait here." Then unloaded the packed picnic basket, took it inside, turned on the lights and AC, before returning to the truck. Scooping Debby up in his arms, he carried her like a bride across the threshold.

After enjoying a few crackers, some cheese, and couple paper cups of champagne, Robert had forgotten the proper glasses, Debby's face was flushed and she was giggling about everything, so Robert made his move.

Stretching her out on the bed he began stripping her, planting kiss after kiss on each patch of bare skin as it was exposed.

"No, no; you shouldn't be doing that," she protested, but quickening breath, her constant giggling and the way her hands pulled at his clothes, as if trying to get them off but not quite confident enough yet to accomplish the goal, made it obvious to both of them she didn't mean a word she was saying.

Finally the last bit of cloth from both of them had been thrown to the winds, where it now lay scattered over the floor like land mines and Robert's long, hard shaft, with its purple mushroom shaped head was bobbing in her face.

Debby may have been inexperienced, but she had listened to the girls talk and according to them guys liked for girls to take their thing in their mouth and suck until they cum.

Yes, Debby knew what was expected, but actually wrapping her lips around the head of that manly shaft was still a step too far for her. However it sure felt good when he teased her with that big cock of his.

More than ready to settle for what was offered, Robert continued rubbing and poking around on her labia and mons until her juices were literally draining down her perineum.

Debby was twisting, humping and moaning like a woman possessed. Realizing she was as ready as she would ever be, he lifted her legs across his shoulders, swiped his cock through her weeping slit a couple times, lined it up just right and pushed.

Debby screamed when he burst through her hymen, so he paused a few moments, allowing her time to adjust while he assured her it would feel better in just a few minutes. Finally she began to push back against him so he continued his conquest of her body until he was fully seated and she was someplace between enjoying her new reality and being scared to death.

"Did you put on a rubber?"

"Nawh, I'll just pull out before I go." He assured her. "Using a rubber is like taking a shower wearing a raincoat." That satisfied her until she felt him pumping sperm into her steaming pussy, but by that time it was too late. If she was fertile, she was pregnant for this was the days before the morning after pill.

"Let me up...let me go," she struggled to get from under him, however she didn't struggle too long or too hard, and in the process Robert's cock penetrated her again. This time it felt a bit better.

"Hush—it's okay..." Robert's words faded away as they kissed, and their passion started building to white hot levels.

Robert would have continued all night, but after the second time Debby was so sore she couldn't stand for him to touch it. His sperm continued to drain, soaking her panties when she tried to pull them back on. She desperately hoped Daddy would be asleep when she got home.

The next couple weeks were a nervous time for Debby and Robert as they waited for her monthly visitor. They both knew Daddy wouldn't be pleased if she presented him with a dark skinned Grandchild, and he was of that generation that had ways of making problems disappear.

The sigh of relief could probably be heard in the next county the morning Debby told Robert her period had started. Like most young folks they believed they were invincible, so the very next weekend, after the red flag was lowered, the two lovers were slipping away to meet again at Uncle's cabin. The difference being, Robert said that showering in a raincoat wasn't that bad after all.

Their salt-pepper relationship continued throughout the summer, cumulating in a sex filled, tearful last night just before they both left for college. The lovers never saw or spoke again—until they met at Big Dog Trucking.


Despite the changes the years had brought about,, Debby recognized Robert immediately and got more than a little flustered at being exposed to her past with no more warning. Robert, for his part quickly picked up on her desire to keep things professional and an observer would never guess they even knew each other if Debby hadn't introduced him as a school classmate.

Since his position was that of her personal assistant, or Debby's PA, as everyone started referring to him, Robert and Debby were pushed into spending more and more time together and soon they became just Rob and Deb, in everyday settings.

It started out very innocently; from lunching together in the break room in front of other employees to just eating in her office with the door always propped open, and finally to always closing the door. Each day the lunchtime conversations got just a little raunchier and Debby started feeling just a little bit sexier.

The lunching together didn't stop; lunches got a little more regular, a little longer and the 'lunch conversations' got more risqué, a little more intimate and yes, Debby was starting to understand why Laura might step out on Ben. Ty'ron was every bit as sexy as Rob.

Lunch time became hotter, although not quite as hot as Rob wanted, but Deb was sure it was too hot to meet with Rick's approval. She was considering breaking off the lunch talks, for the last thing she wanted was to hurt Rick, but as she mulled everything over she realized her increased libido occurred with the start of these little lunch meetings, and since Rick was the recipient of the benefits these changes brought, she decided to just continue and be very careful not to go too far.


This wasn't Rob's first 'married woman' rodeo; he knew just when to push the boundaries and when to fall back and regroup and he wasn't against calling in the reserves when needed.

He was aided in his quest to seduce Debby by an unexpected source, Ty'ron Martin, an old college team mate. They'd remained fast friends from their freshman year, despite Ty'ron starting every game while Rob only got to play when the game was hopelessly lost or assuredly won. Rob had run into him at Bubba's Bar and Grill only a week after he'd started working at Big Dog Trucking.

Naturally after a couple brews the conversation got around to their conquest among the fairer sex. "Hey Bro, you remember that white chick I told you about from my home town?"

"The one you said you got her cherry?"

"Yep, same one. Would you believe I'm actually working under Debby now..."

"Don't make no difference, man—you on top, her on top; it's all good."

"Shit, Bro, you know that ain't what I'm talking about—She's my immediate boss—Yep, name's Debby Lake now and boy, did she make good! She runs things at work; in fact the owner don't make a move without her." That might not have been exactly accurate, but Rob figured it made him sound a little more important, working for the company's number two honcho.

"Wait a minute—did you say Debbie Lake? Man, my main squeeze's always talking about that chick. Says she's trying to get her to go out with one of my friends, but ain't having much luck so for. Man! You work on that and maybe you and me get us two Oreo cookies one night soon."

"Shit yeah, Man! You make sure your friend works from her end and I'll keep working on my end—shit, maybe soon it'll be like old times..."

The two friends continued to meet to talk, drink and flirt with the women. It wasn't unusual for them to take a couple black girls back to one of their places, and they even shared, but after every encounter, the memory of Rob's high school romance with Debby haunted him.