Like a Moth to a Flame


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So now the problem was, where could she hang out until it was safe to go home and still not be seen by others? The answer came instantly—The Bluff.

Yes, that's it; the perfect place to remain out of sight—in the daytime; at night was a different story. The Bluff was a place down on the river where teenagers loved to park and watch the moon. It would be deserted during the day, but after dark one could be sure to find several couples parked and making out.

Heck, she and Rick still parked there once in a while just to recapture that feeling of youth. In fact, they had spent a couple pleasant hours there the night before Rob came to work at Big Dog Trucking. So why in the world did she let herself become entangled with a man like Rob? She looked over at him again. Stupidity! That's her only excuse—Rob couldn't measure up to Rick in any department—even his dick that once seemed so big, back when she gave him her virginity, was really about the same size as Rick's.

And here she was—riding back to work after freshly fucking a man who wasn't her husband—stupid, stupid, stupid!

When they got back to the Big Dog Trucking, she said, "I'm going home Rob," she said, heading to her car instead of the front door, "Tell the boss something I had for lunch didn't agree with me." 'Well, that's not exactly a lie, is it?' She satisfied herself with the thought, as she drove out the parking lot, headed for The Bluff.

Once there she tuned in a local country station which was playing the 'Oldies, but Goodies.' Tears lowly dribbled down her cheeks as 'somebody-done-somebody-wrong' songs filled the air. When 'Your Cheating Heart' played, she cried herself to sleep.

Awakening some time later, she glanced at her watch. 4 O'clock! Crap! She'd overslept, but thank God she woke up when she did, she still had time to get home and cleanup before Rick came in.

Absorbed in her problems, she didn't pay much attention to the two Black and Whites that flew around her when she was about halfway home. A few miles closer home the county ambulance flew past her, its red lights flashing and its siren wailing, barreling its way toward tragedy, where ever it was. She dismissed it with the thought, 'Some poor devil must be in real trouble.'

Two minutes and about two miles farther, a more troubling thought crossed her mind; that's when she fully realized their farm lay in the direction the cops were heading, and that farming was a risk laden proposition.

"Oh God—No! Don't let Rick be hurt," she prayed. That would be just too cruel—Rick in a farm accident the very time she was cheating on him—and for what? A cheap thrill with a self-centered, egotistical ass who wasn't half the man Rick was.

Why on earth had she ever started messing with Rob again? Thinking back, she realized a lot of the suave debonair ways she thought she saw in Rob back in the day, was actually her lack of experience. Almost anybody who was reasonably charming would impress the naïve young girl she was back then. Yes, she had matured a lot since that night she and Rob had visited his uncle's camp, but apparently she was still stupid—stupid enough to risk everything she held dear for a cheap thrill. God, please let Rick be okay.

She felt gladness, followed by a stab of guilt, when she saw the emergency vehicles gathered at 'Brown Cow Farms.


Sitting in his air-conditioned John Deere trying to finish plowing the forty acres of corn before he had to quit for the day, Rick was okay—physically, but mentally he was a troubled man. He couldn't bring himself to admit he suspected there was more to Debby's libido spike than met the eye.

Damn it! He was fine up until the time he and Bob Brown had stopped in town for lunch. They were sitting in a booth, where they could both watch the good looking women taking their lunch break. No, neither of them were in the market, nor was either of them dead; if the young ladies wanted to display a lot of leg, it was their duty to watch and appreciate what they had to offer.

That's what they were doing, watching and appreciating, when who walked in the door? No other than Laura, Bob's wife, and she was on the arm of Ty'ron Martin, the once star college linebacker, who was a shoo-in for the Rams, until he blew up his knee in the pre-season training. Still, he was a legend in his own mind and the minds of many of the townsfolk.

Apparently neither Laura nor Ty'ron saw Bob and Rick, for while Ty'ron and Laura stood at the takeout counter, he got a good handful of her ass. Before Laura pushed his hand away Rick was pretty sure he saw her mouth the words, 'Not here.'

"Did you see that Son-of-a-Bitch? He just felt my wife's ass."

Rick watched as Bob sat there, unmoving, his face slack apparently in shock, and then tears started trickling down his cheeks. He felt he had to do something, so he offered, "You want to kick his ass Bob, I got your back.

By the time Bob regained control of his emotions, his wife and Ty'ron had picked up their order and were walking out the door. "Naw," He said, "We'd just start a big fuss and you can bet your ass when the cops get here we'll be the ones in trouble. Nobody goes against Mr. Football—nobody in this town anyway. I'll have a talk with her when she gets home."

After that Bob ordered another round of beers and started pouring his heart out. Rick tried to sit quietly and just listen because it was obvious the poor guy had a lot he needed to get off his chest

Rick would have bet the entire farm on Debby's loyalty to their marriage when he entered the diner; but after seeing and hearing everything, he wasn't nearly as sure when he walked out. Far too much of what Bob related about Laura's behavior could be said about Debby, especially the part about having little interest in sex, then becoming interested to the point of trying to fuck him to death.

The only drastic variation was that Laura once again lost interest in sex, but still had far too many unexplained absences. Of course after what they had just seen, that was easily explainable. She hadn't lost interest in sex; she had just lost interest in sex with Bob.

Debby, however, still wanted him to screw her almost every day and she still seemed to enjoy it. One thing was for sure, he certainly did.

As he finished the last round, he heard sirens and they were getting closer. His field was surrounded by woods, so he had no idea where all the excitement was until he pulled into the main road and could see cops and an ambulance turn into the 'Brown Cow Farms' lane.

He turned his tractor in after them and since he was deer hunting buddies with over half the cops in the county, they freely shared what they knew, which was basically Bob came home, found Laura and Ty'ron fucking in the master bedroom and put four loads of 00 buckshot in them, and then called 911 reporting that a killing had occurred out here. Apparently he then put the last load in his mouth, blowing the entire top of his head off.

Even though Rick had been forewarned, standing beside Deputy Coker and watching the three bodies being rolled out to the waiting ambulances was still a shock. 'Maybe I should have forgotten about finishing plowing that field and stayed with Bob. I saw how upset he was—but I never dreamed he'd pull something like this,' he thought.

"Damn fool, he should have just loaded them in that thing and planted em about ten feet deep out in one of his back fields," Deputy Croker said, pointing to a Case tractor fitted with a backhoe and a loading pan. "Yep, just plant em, clean up and say she'd finally run off with some of that BBC she was so crazy about."

Rick looked at him in amazement, saying, "You know damn well if he'd done that you'da hounded him forever."

"Bullshit! Everybody in the department knew about her and Ty'ron. Believe me, we wouldn't have put in much effort and even if we did, long as he planted deep enough that animals wouldn't dig em up, nobody'd ever find em."

'Damn!' Rick thought, 'He's right—one of the back fields, run a disk harrow over it, maybe plant a little fall wheat.' However, he didn't make further comment.

His mind was too busy thinking about the talk he and Bob had over lunch, and the similarities in their situations. He still couldn't quite bring himself to believe Debby would cheat, but what if she did—what if he should find out—would he pull a Bob and kill her and her lover?

Her lover maybe, but not Debby; he loved Debby too much to ever harm her. But what if she was cheating? Would he want to know? Yes—No—what if? His mind was in turmoil as he drove the tractor home.


Debby heard the tractor stopping at the barn and rushed about making one last check. Was there anything—anything at all, that might betray her; 'PLEASE, GOD,' she silently prayed, 'Forgive me and help me never to pull such a stunt again.'

Taking one last look at herself in the full-length mirror, she met Rick at the door with a passionate kiss.

"Whoa, what's all this about? I usually don't get this kind'a thing kiss until I get you warmed up."

"I'm just showing my man how much I love him. Besides, I was a little late, so we're going to have to make do with frozen Piazza. It was only then that she noticed his dejected mood. "What's got you so down; you look like you'd have to jump up to touch a snake's belly."

She turned away to get him a Bud Lite from the fridge. "By the way, Honey, you got any idea what's going on at the Brown's? From all the county vehicles there when I came home I figured Laura must have arranged a police escort to the party." She snickered, "That woman never does anything by halves."

"I...Uh...That is..." Rick's voice was breaking. Debby and Laura had been close; how could he tell her the bad news?

"My god, Honey, what's wrong?" Debby finally noticed just how broken up her husband was. She caught his arm, led him to a chair, then sat beside him.

Rick was getting his emotions a little more under control; he also remembered what he and Bob had discussed at lunch and what he'd seen—he had to know more. He really wasn't much of a drinker, but he emptied the can in a couple of gulps, let out a loud belch, and then reached for a second can.

"You better ease up a bit Honey; you wouldn't want to arrive at the party high, would you?

"Ain't gonna be no party—dead, they're all dead." Bob as still slightly in shock.

"Dead? What do you mean dead? Who's dead, Rick?" She asked. "You're not making sense, what happened?"

"I'll tell you what happened, but first, did you know Laura was fucking that asshole?"

'OH OH.' Debby thought, 'He knows something, but how much? Girl, you don't want'a say too much, but you better not lie, either. No telling how much he knows and I can see he isn't in any mood for BS.'

"I didn't actually see anything, but I've heard rumors. However, it doesn't sound like Laura." She figured this wasn't an outright lie, she really hadn't seen a thing. "Why? What makes you ask?"

"Had lunch with Bob today and he filled me in on a few things. Then to top it off, Laura and Ty'ron walks into the diner together and I actually saw him feel her ass, right there in front of everybody."

"Oh my god!" Debby felt like she was trying to breathe through a thick, wet, cotton cloth. Rick had been talking with Bob, who probably spilled his guts about all the arguments that he and Laura had been having. Had Laura said anything to Bob about trying to get Debby and Rob to go nightclubbing with her and Ty'ron? Had Bob mentioned it to Rick?

"Oh god, what a mess," she muttered. By then, instead of her comforting Rick, it was the other way around. Except for Rick's firm grip on her arm, she'd have probably fallen out of the chair.

Sitting side by side in kitchen chairs soon became too uncomfortable. "Can we go into the den, Rick?" she asked. Rising up, she took three steps and would have fallen except for Rick's strong arm grabbing around her waist. She clung to him until during the few steps to the den, where they plopped down on the sofa and sat without speaking. Neither could quite wrap their mind around the day's events.

When Rick said Ty'ron was dead along with Bob and Laura, Debby suspected she basically knew the rest of the story. She'd warned Laura many times about not bringing her lover home, but Laura seemed to get some perverse pleasure out of fucking Ty'ron in the Bob's bed and nothing could deter her.

Somehow her mind kept flipping around to putting herself and Rob in Laura and Ty'ron's place. Bob and Rick had both served in the Marine's Recon outfit and she'd once overheard them after too many beers. Apparently neither was strangers to hand to hand combat and both had some pretty bloody tales.

If Bob could go nuts and start shooting, Rick might very well do the same. Suppose Rick had stumbled upon her and Rob this afternoon; would she and Rob be dead now? God! She was a fool.


For his part, Rick's thoughts were along the same line. No doubt in his mind that Laura had been fucking that guy for a long time, and obviously Bob had dismissed his suspicions—until today. Today the pressure built to the point he couldn't handle it—and yet Bob and Laura seemed so happy together; just like him and Debby.

Could Debby be fucking around on him? Sounded almost like she and Laura were following the same script; and if she was, what was he going to do about it? That was the question...

For both Rick and Debby the evening was a quiet one, except for answering several calls from nosey neighbors wanting to know what happened over at the Browns. All met the same answer, "Not sure of anything except Bob, Laura and another man are dead. That didn't satisfy anybody, but Rick was in no mood for gossip, so it had to do.

With the party no longer in the works, she threw together a quick snack—neither were very hungry—and cuddled together on the sofa while watching the movie, 'A Walk on the Moon.'

Rick found himself identifying with character, Marty and comparing Debby to the movie's Pearl. When Marty discovers Pearl has had sex while he was working, Marty looses it—for a while. When all is said and done, Pearl breaks up with her lover; Marty sees he's better off with Pearl than without her and they live happily ever after.

During the last part of the movie Rick was doing some hard thinking. Did he really want to lose Debby? The down deep answer to that was no. And really, he didn't know for sure Debby had screwed around on him—even going by the theory Debby was following Laura's script, she hadn't slacked up sex with him like Laura did with Bob, once she was fucking Ty'ron. By the time Marty forgives Pearl, Rick had made up his mind.

Debby was his wife, he loved her, and any son of a bitch trying to take her from him was going to have the fight of his life. If she was worth fighting to win in the first place, she damn well was worth fighting to keep.

THIS WAS WAR! Having made that decision, he felt a weight lift from his shoulders. Turning the TV off, he opened the first battle of the war and his lofty mission was to make sure she was sexually satisfied. When he started kissing and rubbing her breast, she was just a bit antsy and unsure. Rick thought it was almost like she was afraid of the intimacy. However as he advanced to the second stage in the battle of the sexes, she asked if he didn't want to go to the bedroom.

"Nuh-huh," His reply wasn't very articulate, what with his face buried between her legs, but she got the message and fully concurred. Grabbing his hair in both hands, she pulled his face right where she needed it to be. Between her grinding her pussy into his face and his tongue attacking her nubbin, like there was no tomorrow, the first skirmish of the 'Keep Debby' campaign was soon over and it was time for an all-out assault.

Debby met the attack by stretching her naked body out on the sofa, with one leg thrown over the back and the other foot resting of the floor, giving Rick an open field of play and he slid his cock into her slick center. From that position he could keep a foot on the floor and use it for extra power on the down strokes.

Never had an enemy's attack been more welcome; each time his weapon plunged into her body she thrust her hips upward. The tip of his stabbing spear rubbed over her g-spot before touching her cervix. Each stroke elicited a steady string of erotic nothings from Debby and drove them to even greater heights of passion.

Ultimately Rick's forces were frozen at the point of deepest penetration, while Debby's vaginal muscles tried to strangle the invader, ceasing only when its limp body gave a final quiver and began to withdraw. Finally, when both sides were spent and the residue of battle was draining down Debby's butt cheeks and onto the sofa's cushion, they were forced to declare a truce.

Unwilling to break the magic of the moment, the lovers simply shifted about so that Debby was lying with her back pressed to Rick's stomach while his hand, cupping her breast, prevented her from falling onto the floor.

They awoke next morning to a bright sunshine day, but one in which, due to the situation, only essential work would be done on the farm. Debby said she had to run into the shop to sign some papers, but that could be done almost anytime.

Both were sitting in the breakfast cove sipping on coffee and munching 'Krispy Kreme' doughnuts and pushing the elephant as far into a corner as they could, when the phone rang.

"Hello." Rick picked up the receiver. Debby saw his countenance cloud over as he silently listened. She could hear just enough to tell it was a woman on the other end, but couldn't make out a word she was saying.

Finally Rick hung up and returned to his coffee and doughnut, staring silently into the distance as he finished them.

"Well, who was that?" Debby could stand the suspense no longer; obviously it was bad news, and as far as she was concerned, the devil she knew was better than the devil she didn't know. However, she was totally unprepared for his next words.

"Remember that girl, Nancy, that you always say is a pain in the ass? Well, I'm pretty sure I recognized her voice and she ain't your friend; she was saying she saw you and Rob kissing in the parking lot yesterday..."

"Rick, I, I. um. That is ..." It felt like the world was closing in around her. Why, she asked herself for the hundredth time since yesterday, did she have to act like such a slut. She had the life she wanted, wrapped up in a red ribbon, and it looked like she'd thrown it away for a man, who was in every way that counted, her husband's inferior. Through tear clouded eyelids she saw her husband extend his hand, palm forward, indicating she should be quiet, as he started talking.

"Debby, I love you more than life itself. Believe me, I did a lot of thinking since yesterday, and I've made a decision. No, don't say a word." He wanted to finish before she started trying to hand him a bunch of crap.

"Here's my decision—I don't want to know anything about what you may or may not have done. If you've done anything wrong, I forgive you—I'm going to try my best to trust you completely. In other words, I'm giving you a free pass for anything you've done in the past, including what you might feel duty bound to do today. After today, if I see any indication you are having anything at all to do with that bastard, or anything that won't pass the normal husband test with any other man, you won't like the consequences, and neither will he."

As he finished speaking a crying Debby flew into his arms, smothering him with kisses. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, Honey. I swear, I'll never give you reason to regret this."

When they finally managed to tear themselves apart, Rick disappeared into a back room, only to appear moments later with a 12 gauge Browning automatic shotgun under his arm.