Like Mother, Like Daughter

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Discovery educates one generation, elates another.
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She's not "less than half your age," instead, she's "a bit younger," Dave thought to himself, sitting opposite this charming creature, attempting to iron out his conflict. When he first received the e-mail a few weeks ago he never expected to actually meet her – or that she'd be so attractive.

The e-mail read: "My mother Susan told me so many nice things about you and I would appreciate it, if you have the time, to sit and talk to you about her. I know it would give me a chance to feel closer to her and to thank you for being so good to her. I am working on an assignment in Portland and fly in once every week or two. If you'd have the time I'd love to buy you a cup of coffee and talk. If you're interested please give me a call. Starlight Gold"

He couldn't believe it. He hadn't seen Susan Gold since shortly after he'd graduated college. Though he certainly remembered her, he was surprised at her daughter's e-mail. He hadn't even thought about her since they'd split up more than thirty years ago.

Yet here he was with Starlight, Light for short. What a name, he thought. It was so Sixties of Susan to pick that name for her daughter. Light was a looker, quite a bit more robust than he remembered Susan who'd been very skinny.

"…You see," Light was saying, "I was born four or five years after you two split up…"

Starlight was a brunette with very fair skin and blue-gray eyes that seemed to look into his soul. She looked athletic, both lean and muscular, about five-five and very attractive. She exuded confidence, with a strong sense of presence, yet there was something self-effacing and down-to-earth about her. These were rare qualities in such a striking young woman.

"…it happened so suddenly," Light was saying, "that we just had no time to think about it. She was diagnosed, spent the next few weeks in the hospital, and that was it. We were always close and we shared even more at the end."

She stopped, brought some tissues out of her purse and wiped her eyes.

"I'm sorry," she continued. "Even though it's been a couple of years, sometimes it seems like yesterday."

"It's alright. I understand," Dave said. "My parents passed away more than fifteen years ago and I miss them to this day."

She briefly touched the back of his hand sitting on the table. "Thank you for understanding. I just wanted to talk to you about your time with Susan.

"I know she was my mom, but from when I was seven she insisted I call her by her first name. I guess it seemed so progressive back then."

He sat back and took a deep breath.

"Light, listen, it's been more than thirty years since I saw or even spoke with your mother. I must admit my memories are not very detailed."

"It's OK. I understand," she said, returning to her purse, this time pulling a small notebook out. "Would you mind if I ask you some specific questions?"

"No, not at all. I just don't know what I can tell you about Susan."

Dave's mind tried to return to his college days. He'd met Susan when they were both living in the "Ice House" as they used to call it – the place was always cold. In the summer it had air conditioning that had two settings: off or freezing. In the winter, except for an occasional noise, the furnace failed to let you know it had ever been installed.

It was an old Victorian style house that had been converted into a few apartments. Susan and her roommate were in a two bedroom next to his own studio. At the moment he couldn't remember the name of the roommate.

What he could remember was how much sex he and Susan had had. It seemed that once they starting seeing each other they took it upon themselves to explore sex as though it were a project. She was a year or two older, but had only slept with a half-dozen men. Dave had only had sex with two girlfriends and neither had been very satisfying.

But when he and Susan met, the sexual sparks started flying almost from their first date.

"…so I found this journal that Susan kept from when you lived at the Ice House together."

Dave was surprised out of his reverie by this. That Susan had kept a journal was news to him. He didn't recall that.

"She had alluded to having it once or twice, but I never believed her. Whenever I would ask her something about her youth, she'd say, 'Who remembers? I'll have to look that up in Susan's Sex Stories and see what it says.'"

He felt a little uncomfortable with this new information about documentation Susan had written. "Did she actually write it back then?"

"It looks like she wrote in it every day while you were living in the Ice House. After you moved away she just wrote in it when you two got together."

"Uh oh. Now I'm getting embarrassed. I hope there was nothing personal."

"Nothing but personal," she responded. "But, listen, there's nothing bad in here. She just enjoyed your relationship and loved her sex life with you. That's a good thing."

A spate of disjointed images of specific sex acts, positions, locations, and his and her combined body parts flooded his brain. The time he'd spent with Susan had been special for them both. They had experimented with almost everything two people can, more or less. However, he was not feeling very comfortable discussing this with her daughter in this coffee shop.

"You know, Light, I'm feeling a tad uneasy about all of this right now and I have an idea. If you really want to discuss this I think I'm going to need something stronger than caffeine. When old friends, former girlfriends, people of my generation start dying it makes me think about my own mortality and that's something I'd rather do with alcohol."

He paused to take a close look at Starlight to make sure she wasn't misinterpreting his meaning.

"You said you're in town until the end of the week, right? Why don't you come to my place tomorrow evening? I'll make us dinner and we can discuss Susan's Sex Stories in a more comfortable – at least for me – environment. How does that sound?"

He suddenly realized that he was only half explaining his rationale for a change of venue. It was true that he wasn't feeling very comfortable in this café with its rather garish décor and bright lights. However, he also felt his libido sending the message that Light was hot and possibly available.

Briefly he chided himself on these slightly unsavory thoughts about this whole sordid tale, but then his natural urges overwhelmed and ultimately discarded those thoughts.

Of course she might be interested in only what she said she was. If that was the case, fine. But, he flattered himself, perhaps she wanted more. If so, who was he to deny her anything?

"You know, that would be fine. I got a sense that this is a little awkward for you – I know it is for me – but there are a few things I'd really like to go into. And, you're right, here isn't the place. Why don't you give me your address and I'll see you tomorrow night? Can I bring anything?"

Dave drove back to his office thinking about both Starlight and Susan Gold. Light had said that her father left when she was eight, but that Susan's parents had helped them and by the time she went off to college Susan was very comfortable.

With mixed emotions and a blur of images not recalled in decades, his mind turned to the next evening's menu.

With quite a bit of time until her next appointment Starlight popped into an upscale clothing store. She managed to find something casual yet classy to wear for her dinner with Dave.

He wasn't at all what she had expected from the journal. Though he was in his fifties, he seemed to be fit and to have a flat stomach. In addition, his warm smile was infectious.

She was glad that he was friendly. Though not expecting an ogre, she just didn't know if he'd even want to get together, much less take additional time to answer her questions about the journal.

Her plan might not be as crazy as she'd initially thought.

* * *

By now, enjoying the final few morsels of a memorable meal and savoring what was left of a splendid and very complementary bottle of a bold and fruity Amador County Zinfandel, Dave had come to two decisions on issues that had been nagging at him all day.

First, he'd done the math, so to speak, the last time he'd seen Susan he'd been twenty-two. Light had told him she was twenty-five. (To his eye she looked even younger.) Now in his fifties he'd been relieved to know that there was no way she could be related, so to speak.

It plagued him for a while that she was so much younger since the few women he now occasionally dated were more age appropriate, some with daughter's the same age as Starlight. After stewing about it on and off for part of the day he just decided to let it go.

The second decision had to do with the first, but more importantly and in sequence. If she was just the daughter of a woman he'd not seen or even thought about in more than thirty years and if she was interested in more than just discussing this woman's diary, was there anything wrong with pursuing that interest?

He knew he was flattering himself on this issue. She hadn't shown any clear signs of wanting more. Being a gentleman especially with their age difference he would not initiate anything without a strong signal. On the other hand, she was beautiful, trim, and, most importantly, present.

He had mulled this over all day. No longer could Dave say he was balding. He had admitted to himself that he was bald, on top anyway. So be it. If a woman was interested, she was interested and the hair, or lack thereof, was a non-issue. At five-ten, he was pretty average looking, although he did work out five or six days a week. Thus, he was in shape and took pride in his quite desirable BMI.

The thing of which he was most proud, however, was his virility. He had many contemporaries who were reliant on the erectile dysfunction medications, so prominently advertised in the media, but he had no need for them, at least, as yet. He'd been blessed with both good equipment and function. On a weekend not more than a month ago he'd had Friday and Saturday night dates with two different women, both ending the following morning. Both he and his dates had had a reasonable number of orgasms. Though it had been the first time he'd dated in a while, a fifty-something man should be proud of the ability to orgasm a few times in an evening of pleasure – and he was.

With these potential and nagging issues no longer weighing on his conscience he returned his focus to Light.

Across the table Starlight was experiencing her own mental polyphony. "Would you mind if I ask you about some of the more intimate details?" she was asking, but her mind was remembering the journal entries she'd devoured.

Today we did it in the car in the parking lot at the lib on campus. It was snowing and even though people were walking all around us, the windows were covered in snow. My butt was freezing, but Dave warmed me up, and how!

"I guess not, but I must ask you 'why?'" he responded. The more attractive she looked in the candlelight, the less he wanted to think about Susan. He briefly deemed it a little bizarre that she'd ask him about sexual details he'd shared with her mother decades ago. But, he asked himself, could this be the "strong signal" for which he was waiting?

"You're right, I really shouldn't pry. It's just that I was glad to read that you'd, shall we say, satisfied her. Immensely," Light told him. "To tell you honestly, when I stepped back and read her journal from a little distance, it was very hot reading." She smiled at him, a smile that just glowed in the sparkling light. "It seemed that you two must have tried to break some records!"

There was a scene that popped into Dave's head at that moment. He thought it was from the classic comedyAnimal House, but wasn't sure, as it was such a cliché. In a bedroom he saw a young man looking down at a very inebriated young woman with an angel on one of his shoulders and a devil on the other, each arguing his point, morality versus availability.

"Well, we were young and curious and, at that time, it might have involved some things that no politician has ever admitted to inhaling," he joked.

While still grinning at his own attempt at humor, Starlight, looking suddenly serious, stood up from the table and walked around to him. She put the palm of her right hand on the back of his head and commenced lightly stroking his neck. Smiling down at him she asked, "Would you be interested in showing me how you broke some of those records?"

With this question Light took her other hand, reached out for his right hand, and brought it to her face. She took a moment to moisten her lips with her tongue. Confident that they were sufficiently lubricated she took his index finger, licked it up and down a couple of times and slowly sucked it into her mouth, teeth safely behind her supple lips. Keeping firm pressure on it, past each joint, she very slowly drew it in deeper along her tongue. When it came to the back of her mouth, his finger touched her throat and she gagged, just slightly.

After she just as slowly drew the finger out of her mouth, she took his hand and pressed it to her breast. "You see, Dave," she said, "I might be able to learn some things if we pursued the details of Susan's Sex Stories."

Before this turn of events Dave might have been a bit unsure of how to proceed with Starlight, still waiting for that subtle signal of her potential interest. Now he heard a claxon.

He sat up straighter to reach her mouth while she accommodated by lowering her lips to his. The remnants of the wine enhanced the sensuous feel of her parted lips.

Her lips were active partners in their oral dance. By now, Light had put one hand firmly on the table to brace herself. She, too, was surprised by the intensity of their kiss. The tip of her tongue exploring his lips, she found herself more aroused than she'd been for a long time.

We were walking on campus and Dave had his arms around me. Suddenly, he stopped, turned to look at me and kissed me. It was a deep, soulful kiss. The world seemed to drift away and I eagerly kissed him back, my tongue dueling with his. It lasted no more than a minute, but when he stopped my panties were wet.

After a several moments, while still enjoying the luxuriousness of the kiss, Dave reached to her waist, put his hand under her knit top and with a sudden motion slid his hand under it, pressing his palm against her firm stomach. He stopped there, just letting his hand feel the softness and the heat of her skin.

Trembling slightly at the sudden contact Starlight relaxed into the warmth of his touch. She resisted the urge to push his hand lower, though her sexual center cried out for it. Continuing to tease Dave's lips seductively with her tongue, she felt his hand begin to slide upwards. It was moving so slowly and his touch excited her so, she began to doubt exactly who was teasing whom.

His hand continued its climb upward in the center of her torso, pushing her top and her bra up over her breasts. He stopped kissing her to briefly enjoy the site of her breasts in front of him.

Leaning in towards her he caressed one very erect nipple, circling his tongue around it, enjoying both her perfume and her natural fragrance. Implausibly the nipple seemed to become even harder against his tongue.

As he continued these caresses for some time, Light heard herself moaning in a kind of "out of the body" way. Her eyes were closed, she was rocking just slightly, and embracing his head against her breasts. As he moved to her other breast, performing the same motion, she felt the conflict of wanting the not yet kissed nipple to be stimulated while missing his attention to the first.

David must have spent fifteen minutes just kissing my breasts this afternoon. I actually had a few tiny orgasms from his oral attention. That's never happened to me before. Wow!

Fully engaged in his attention to her round, firm breasts, Dave was not quite yet aware of his growing erection nor the discomfort it was beginning to cause in his pants.

Several minutes passed this way, Dave alternating breasts, Starlight enjoying the stimulation, until she could take it no more. She wasn't sure exactly what she wanted to do next, but she knew it would involve body parts currently unexposed.

Her mind remembering back to the journal and what it documented about Dave's mouth, she made a decision. She reached to her waist, opened her jeans, and pulled them down with one hand as she set herself on some vacant real estate atop the dining room table.

With his eyes still closed, Dave realized he was just beginning to tongue the air, the luscious breast no longer pressed to his face. Suddenly, no more than a foot in front of him was Light's wonderfully moist and fragrant pussy. Whoa, he thought for a second, this happened fast.

Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth (though for the nonce he did see an ironic humor in that adage), he began to move his lips towards her light brown and neatly trimmed bush. He paused briefly to enjoy her femaleness. She was visibly moist and her lips were slightly puffed from her arousal. He loved the way she smelled and the look of the taught skin on her firm, smooth inner thighs, her aroused clitoris peeking out from their intersection.

Bending slightly he put his mouth to her lips and slid his tongue down along one side and up the other.

For Light, aroused by the anticipation alone, it was an incredible tease. She struggled to keep herself from reaching down to take his head and guide him to her clitoris. Yet, she wanted to relish the feeling when it happened and the slower he went the more excited she became. Leaning back she moved both her hands behind her, angling her hips up for his access.

I'd never really enjoyed it when my other boyfriends licked me. It always felt like they were doing me a favor. But, today when Dave was kissing my pussy I came so many times I lost count. It was almost as if I had a twenty minute orgasm. And we haven't even smoked any pot since Saturday.

After exploring a variety of areas of her pussy and attempting to determine which techniques worked best and where, Dave used all this newly and delightfully learned knowledge to please Starlight. With each longer moan and higher pitched squeal increasing his knowledge of her body, Dave was proving to her that Susan had been nothing but truthful. His loving attention proceeding apace, Light was surprised at how rapidly she was moving towards her climax, something she too rarely experienced.

Continuing his ministrations Dave was suddenly aware that, though Light's jeans were now at her ankles offering her delicious pussy up for his exploration, his jeans were very much still on his hips constraining his cock, yearning to be free.

At the moment of this realization, and initially unbeknown to him, Starlight began to climax. Her body began to tense up just as Dave's tongue applied a slight bit more pressure to her clitoris. That put her over the top.

Realizing the beginning of this ultimate moment, Dave tried to determine exactly what Starlight needed to hold onto this orgasm, to make it grow and last. He'd remembered experimenting with this when he was younger. By the time he was married, though, his wife always marveled at his ability to know just what to do next – as she'd told him in glowing terms on more than a few occasions.

Always one to appreciate compliments on a performance Dave was proud of his abilities. Now, while Light was making some brief squeals of delight, he just kept doing what he'd discovered working for her, lengthening her pleasure.

Though not a twenty minute orgasm as she'd read about in Susan's journal, it did last for several minutes, getting stronger and more intense until Light had to pull back slightly, the intensity becoming just too much while the excitement of the orgasm temporarily drained her energy.
