Lilith's Emporium - The Dark Witch


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Gary looked back at Nessira for a moment nodding slightly as they continued towards the door and to his car. Nessira watched them get into his car and leave. She continued staring out the window for a moment until the car was gone.

"Are you okay?" She asked turning towards her daughter.

"Oh yeah, it's just a normal Tuesday as far as I'm concerned, how about you?"

Nessira stared outside a moment longer before she said: "Me, no, I'm not okay." before walking past her and heading upstairs.


It had been over a week since Gwyneth went to the shop and she had mostly stayed in bed. Gary tended to her every need making sure she ate and bathed. He even went and bought some clothes for her to try on as he wanted her to feel like this was her home but he knew she had a lot to deal with.

"I'm sorry, for everything, I've been such a burden to you since we met." She said as they laid in bed together.

"Not at all, it will get better in time, I'm just glad to be here for you."

"I promise to make this all up to you someday," she said with a smile.

"You don't owe me anything."

"I owe you everything, you were right, I'd rather be here with you than the alternative, I'm sorry I haven't lived up to the dream version of me."

"You are a dream come true, so it wasn't you giving me those visions, where did they come from?"

"I wish I knew, it must be some sort of magic, but who would have done it?"

"Nessira?" He asked.

"No, the look on her face when I got there was not of a person expecting to see me, I don't know, but I hope they were right about us," she said before kissing him.

As he enjoyed the flavor of her lips they heard the doorbell ring. Confused Gary rolled out of bed and headed for the door as Gwyneth got up and went with him to make sure it wasn't a trap or something. As he approached the door he looked out the window to see the young blonde woman from the shop whom he knew was Nessira's daughter which made him even more confused as he looked back at Gwyneth.

"It's okay, open the door," she said standing by his side.

"Hello?" He asked seeing the pretty woman standing there.

"Sorry, hope I'm not interrupting anything?"

"No, it's fine, can we help you?"

"Nessira wants to speak with you," she said looking at Gwyneth.

"Well, I don't want to speak with her!"

"Look, I know my Mom has done horrible things, but she's still my Mom, and she has been spending the last few years trying to make amends for everything she has done, trust me I know what she has done, I've heard the stories, talked to people who were there, even Lilith has told me a lot of what happened."

"Lilith, she lives?"

"Yeah, she was the one who placed Nessira in a statue for over a century to punish her for her crimes. Look I'm not saying you guys should start hanging out and be BFF's or whatever."

"BFF's?" She asked confused by the term.

"Never mind, she just wants to talk, you can call her every horrible name in the ancient texts if you want, but she wants to talk to you."

Gwyneth stood there for a moment not sure what to do before she turned to Gary. "What do you think?"

"I mean, what have you got to lose?"

"Fine, I'll speak with her, where and when?"

"She's actually sitting out back on the patio waiting for you."

"Of course she is," Gwyneth said with sarcasm in her voice.

"You want me to come with you?" Gary asked taking her hand.

"No, I will face her alone, I can handle myself," she said before walking towards the back door.

"Okay, well um, would you like to come in?" He asked Shadow who shrugged and accepted the invitation.

"You want coffee or soda or anything?"

"No, I'm fine, thanks."

"Okay then, so your mom is a succubus, so what's your story?"

"I'm a forest Nymph mutated by the seed of an ancient god, who feeds off the nutrients of any mortal I lay with leaving them nothing but ash when I am done." She said with a serious look in her eye raising an eyebrow.

"Of course you are," he said not sure where to take the conversation next.


Gwyneth walked out the back slider seeing Nessira sitting on one of Gary's lounge chairs staring off at the view. Gwyneth was edgy as she did not trust the red witch at all and thought this might be a trap.

"Nessira," she said standing there staring at her.

"This is a nice place, better than the little house you had back then."

"Don't talk about that, what do you want Nessira?"

"I want to chat, please sit."

"I'd rather stand."

"Oh please, I drank this," Nessira said throwing her a small empty bottle.

"This is... You're human?"

"For the next hour or so, so if you want to kill me this is the best time."

"Don't tempt me, why would you do that?"

"So you know I'm serious, I'm putting my life on the line."

"Maybe I should just end you now," she said as her eyes began to glow.

"I don't care if you kill me, maybe I deserve it, but you threatened my family, that I have a problem with."

"You really think I care what you take issue with?"

"I do because the Gwyneth I remember would never kill innocent people to get revenge!"

"Well, people change, you above all should know that succubus!"

Nessira sat there quiet for a moment before finally saying: "yes, I do."

She sat there staring off into the distance for a while before Gwyneth finally sat down on the chair next to her. She was also silent as she just sat stating off. For a moment she was reminded of old times again when she and Nessira enjoyed each others company but that quickly changed back as her anger returned.

"I am sorry I threatened your family, they shouldn't be the ones to pay for your sins."

"But the people we love always do."

"I heard you were placed in a statue for a while, by your own mother?"

"Yeah, Lilith had had enough of my tantrum so she punished me."

"Someone had to."

"Yeah, I know, and I know I will never outrun my past, there is always someone looking for revenge."

"You mean I'm not the first?"

"No, there was a warlock who used Patrick against me, shoving a cursed blade into his heart."

"Really, what happened?"

"I gave him mine."

"You what?"

"My heart beats in my husband's chest, we are bound together."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because... He is the love of my life."

"I thought Sebastian was the love of your life, remember him, that's where all this started," Gwyneth said as Nessira turned to her with a strange look in her eyes. "He... He's Sebastian isn't he?"

"In a sense, yes, reincarnated."

"How did you find him?"

"I didn't, he found me," Nessira said wiping a tear away from her eye. "I even tried to wipe his memory but, he came back to me."

"Well, for what it's worth, you were never happier than you were with Sebastian, he was a good man."

"The best, better than I deserve," she said waiting for a response from Her but not getting one. "So um, what's the deal with your guy in there?"

"He found me as well, and nursed me back to health."

"Oh, and?"

"And what, he's a great guy but..."

"But what?"

"My plan was to kill you and myself, now I... I feel lost."

"I don't think you're lost at all, I think you just fear the path you're on, he was willing to die for you, being in the business I am now, that means something."

"Look, I don't need relationship advice from you alright."

"In that case, mind if I have myself a snack?"

"I will end you witch!"

"There it is, I think you just answered your own question."

"Shut up," she said sitting back in her chair as they were both silent for a long time.

"I have missed you," Nessira said giving her a smile.

"Honestly, in a way, I've missed you too, the old you, but too much has happened Nessira, I don't think those versions of us exist anymore, I am haunted by too many faces of those who are gone."

"As am I, but I'm trying Gwyneth, I am trying very hard to make up for past mistakes, I am constantly reminded of those dark days."

"Well good, but if I may ask, how do you deal with it, those horrible memories, I mean if you truly are trying to be good it must bother you?"

"By doing good things for others, and fucking as much as possible."

Gwyneth chuckled a little even though she didn't want to. "Don't make me laugh."

"Seriously, if there is anything I can ever do to even start to make up for what happened."

"We'll see," she said not sure what to say next. "So what's with the shop?"

"Lilith entrusted me with those creatures to find them a mate, a home."


"At first I didn't care as much, someone even died in order to bring something else to life, just nature I told myself but even that blew up in my face, but now I try very hard to match these beings up with the right person."

"You help monsters find love?"

"That's all everyone wants, maybe you should give it a chance?"

"And what happens when the red witch turns again?"

"Then I'll have my family to stop me like they did last time."

"Last time?"

"I was captured and corrupted by Baphomet and her demon Ror'gon, Shadow was able to break their hold on me, quite literally actually, she is a strong girl, I am so proud of her."

"And what happens when Baphomet tries again?"

"Well her skull is hanging on the wall of my enchanting room, so she hasn't much trouble lately, but now I know the dark witch of the north is watching me too."


"Well, I hope not always, I do some pretty dirty stuff with..."

"Okay just stop it," Gwyneth said with a little disgust in her voice.

"So are we good?"

"Good, I think we are far from good, but I'm not trying to kill you at the moment."

"Well, it's a start."

"I have a question, what do you know of dream spells?"

"What, why?"

"Just curious, mainly dreams about the future?"

"Very little, Patrick had a vision once but it was a message from the future, I think only a God or Goddess could do something like that, why, what did you see?"

"Not me, Gary, he apparently saw me coming before we met."

"Interesting," Nessira said as she seemed deep in thought for a moment.

"If you are such a matchmaker, I thought maybe you..."

"I'm not that good," she said as she was just as confused as Gwyneth.

"You fucking cheater!" They suddenly heard Shadow's voice yell from the house before jumping up to investigate.

When they ran into the house they were expecting the worst only to see Gary and Shadow sitting on the couch playing a video game that involved racing to which Gary was winning and Shadow was getting angry.

"That's how you play the game," Gary said with a chuckle.

"You do know I can kill you right?"

"Hey don't be a sore loser."

"Okay, kids, time to go," Nessira said breaking up the little fight.

"He started it!" Shadow said dropping the controller and walking towards her mother.

"Well maybe if you two learn to behave we can set up another play date," Nessira said jokingly.

"Seriously Mom?" Shadow said before walking towards the door. "And remember what I said cheater," she said pointing at Gary. "You hurt her, I kill you."

"Understood," he replied as Shadow headed for the daughter.

"Oh, here, this is for you," Nessira said handing her a small red stone.

"What is this?" Gwyneth asked.

"Something I've spent years working on, consider it a gift."

"Is it going to poison me?"

"You know me better than that," Nessira said with a smile before closing the door behind her.

"I hope so," she said to herself before turning towards Gary. "So what was that all about?" Gwyneth asked sitting down next to him.

"She's a weird girl, but we were both bored so we started playing Mario Kart."

"No I mean, what did she tell you about me?"

"Just that she had heard the stories about you from her mother, and that you were special, I guess Nessira still holds you in very high regard."

"Huh," she said without further comment.

"So are you guys okay?"

"We are... well I am more focused on you and me at the moment."


"Yeah, I like it here, I like it here with you."

"So you want to stay?"

"Well, you're all I have really."

"Oh, okay."

"Don't be like that, I want to stay here with you."


"Well, you did tell me you love me."

"I did didn't I."

"Unless you've changed your mind, I mean after the night we had, I think anyone would have told me they loved me."

"Well, I mean... It may have been a factor but..."

"But remember, I can't have children, does that bother you, is that going to be an issue?"

"There is more to life than kids, but we can still try, over and over..." he said jokingly not telling her about the dream he had where they had a child.

"Stop it," she said with a laugh. "So answer me this, if we never had sex again, would you still love me?"


"Well, that was quick?"

"It would be really hard, but yeah I would."

"You don't even know me, just this dream girl you've seen."

"You are my dream girl, you have a good heart, and you care about others, and you smell of lilacs, and you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

"Really, nothing to say about Nessira? Her daughter isn't bad either."

"Not a fan of blondes and Nessira's cute but redheads are too much trouble, and they can't compare to you, my beautiful Gwyneth."

"Remember the other day when you called me Gwyn?"

"Yeah, it's just something I do, make nicknames out of peoples real names, but I'll stop if you want."

"No, I like it, it's sort of a personal name just for you and me."

"In that case, I love you Gwyn."

"What am I gonna do with you," she said as she got comfortable putting her legs up of his lap. "But we have something serious to discuss."

"Oh, and what's that?"

"These imperfections you spoke of before."

"Oh that, look I was just drunk and teasing you."

"It is dangerous to tease a witch, but I want to make sure I compare to your dream woman, I want a thorough investigation done, start with my legs here." She said snapping her fingers as the leggings she was wearing began to burn away like magic. "Get a closer look, tell me what is wrong with these?"

"Um..." He said as he looked at the two beautiful stems across his lap.

"Go ahead, feel them, let me know if you find and scar, bump, or anything you disapprove of." She said as Gary began to rub his hands along her skin.

Gwyneth bit her lips enjoying the feeling of his fingers as they caressed her legs. She bent her knee as her foot gently brushed across his crotch which he noticed and acknowledge with a deep breath. Even her feet were small and perfect as he looked them over feeling them as well.

"None of that!" She said with a giggle kicking his hand away.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were ticklish."

"Well now you do, but moving on," she said as she snapped her fingers again causing her shirt to disappear until she was lying there wearing nothing but a pair of black panties.

She leaned up towards him straddling his lap as he looked over this gorgeous creature before him seeing her perfect breasts mere inches from his face again. He looked up into her green eyes again as she looked down at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, go one, if I am going to be staying here I want to make sure these are to your liking as well." She said grabbing his hands and placing them on her mounds. "How do they feel?"

"Wow um, they feel like perfect orbs."

"I see, is that all?"

"No, the skin is smooth, warm, inviting," he said as he gently brushed his thumbs across her nipples making her moan a little. "I want to rest my head against them, I want to..." He said pausing for a moment before he wrapped his lips around one of her nipples giving it a gentle suck before teasing it with his tongue.

Gwyneth tilted her head back enjoying the sensation as she could feel the bulge in his pants beginning to press against her. She wanted him so badly right now but was enjoying this little game they were playing and didn't want it to end quite yet.

"So... They are...mmhh, up to your standards?"

"Beyond expectation, but there is still something I need to examine."

"And what is that?" She asked with a smile as he pulled himself up kissing her lips while his hands slid around her back and gently moved her over and down onto the couch.

She smiled at him as she laid there allowing him to manhandle her. "Your legs are perfect, they are like a beautiful road leading to an amazing destination," he said as his finger ran gently along her inner thigh before lightly brushing along the front of her panties. "If you will allow me to investigate?"

"By all means, we must be thorough," she said before he slid off her panties and began moving closer to her slit.

Gwyneth was so aroused by all of this. She had been with men in the past but she had never been more turned on than she was right now as he began to kiss her inner thigh as he got closer to her. Her pussy was already wet as she couldn't wait for him to touch it. He was so close she could feel his breath between her legs as he looked over her entrance before he touched her clit with his tongue.

"Fuck!" She blurted out feeling him finally touch her as he poked and explored her waiting pussy with his mouth.

He was gentle for a while just teasing her which she both loved and hated at the same time. She enjoyed the sensations but also wanted more as her body squirmed beneath him. She squirmed and moaned at his attentions breathing heavily as he continued. After he felt he teased her enough he buried his face between her legs and began to really focus on pleasuring her.

"Oh...God!" She yelled out as she grabbed his hair holding on while he made her whole body jerk with just his tongue.

She grabbed the back of the couch digging her fingernails into the leather as she had never been pleasured like this before. It was almost too much for her to handle which was surprising to her as usually she needed magic to make herself feel this good but Gary was able to bring her there with ease as she let out a scream before her juices began to pour from between her legs.

"Fuck!" She said a couple of times as she struggled to catch her breath. He continued to tease her clit a little making her body jerk a few more times before she said: "for the love of God stop!" Sitting up covered with sweat. "I think you broke me," she added as she covered her pussy with her hand still reeling from the experience.

"Sorry, I just wanted to..."

"Stop talking, fuck," she said laying back against the couch again still breathing heavily. "Are you a sorcerer?"

"Not that I know of?"

"You have a magic tongue good Sir, you could enslave women with that wonderful thing."


"However, I need to regain my dominance here, I am Gwyneth, the dark witch of the north," she said sitting back up as she approached him with glowing green eyes which seemed to arouse Gary as they stared at him. "And I will not be overpowered by just any man Wizard!"

She snapped her fingers again causing Gary's belt to unbuckle and his pants to open up as if presenting his swollen member to her. She smiled looking down at his erect cock sticking up in the air already dripping from his arousal waiting for her touch.

"What the..."

"Ah, there it is, you know it dangerous To reveal such thing to a witch," she said with a smile as she began to examine it closer. "I could do whatever I want to you, and you could not stop me," she continued getting him both more aroused and nervous at the same time.

"What uh... what could you do?"

"Now telling you is no fun," she said as he lips got close to his quivering member gently kissing the tip.

Her lips were soft as she gently sucked on the skin just below the head of his cock. It felt amazing as he let out a moan as she continued to play with his cock making little circles with her tongue and teasing every inch of it. Her hands slid up under his shirt as she gently ran her fingernails along his chest while she engulfed his cock in her mouth.