Listen When Sibyl Speaks Pt. 01


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"No problem! You're still going to get a lot of attention, but this time people won't think you're, uhm, you know..."

"What about my clothes?"

"Um, they're okay I guess, if you mean to show so much skin. But the leopard print is definitely a no-no."

"Aw, it is? But I like it!"

Faith giggled, "sorry! I guess you got really excited when you left your... your community."

Sibyl nodded solemnly. "I did."

"If you're looking for work I know something you could do. It's very easy and it pays well."

"Really? And what's that?" With Faith poised to leave her job at the lab for her modelling career Sibyl hoped she wasn't about to be offered it. Not only would it be a demotion, but there wasn't going to be much of a lab left after she and Dr. Schaller's disappearances.

"Well, I'm actually a model, and well, you could easily be one too. Definitely."

"Ohhh. Thanks. Are you sure though? I don't think I have the body for it..."

Faith's eyes momentarily flashed down to her oversized round breasts, so garishly presented in her tight dress. "Oh, there is definitely a demand for your body type. ...In fact I'm a little jealous. Can I give you the number for my agent?"

"I don't have a phone. Yet." Her old phone was floating downstream in the pocket of a dead man.

"Wow, okay! It must have been very different in Kansas."

"It was a very private community. A bit backwards."

"You should get a phone now that you're here. When you do, here's my number," she said. She grabbed a paper towel and doodled on it with her eyeliner. "Call me and I can set you up! Or even if you just need a friend or a big sister."

Sibyl chuckled, amused by the thought of sweet young Faith acting like her 'big sister'. But then, she didn't appear to be any older than eighteen and seemed completely inept at how to be a woman in society, so it was understandable that the twenty-something year old girl would take that stance. She folded up the note and put it into her purse. "I will. Thank you very much, Faith. You've been wonderful to me, and I could use a friend."

"No problem, Sibyl!" Smiling with delight, she held her arms out wide, and they shared a big sisterly hug.

Subconsciously Sibyl already knew that their relationship would be very different from that. She knew that Faith wouldn't be staying with Jeff for much longer, that she had unknowingly just met her mistress.

Chapter 7

"Hi Lucy," Faith said. She had her usual smile on, though her sunny disposition was strained. Yellow police tape blocked her entry inside. "Um... what's happened here?"

"We're still not totally sure." Lucia was getting out of her car. "Have you seen Dr. Schaller yet?"

"No... no sign of him."

"Hmm. I've been trying to get in touch with him all weekend, but his phone is dead." Faith could see from the dark circles beneath her eyes that she'd barely slept that weekend.

"...So what's happened?"

"Someone broke into the lab on Friday night. They took something extremely valuable from us, and it seems Dr. Schaller has disappeared."

"Oh no!"

"Yeah. Until we get Dr. Schaller or the stolen item back, the only people who have work to do here are the cops. I was hoping he'd turn up this morning, like maybe he just lost his phone or something but he'd still come to work..."

"He's usually the first one here."

"Yeah. So I don't know what's going on, but I'm a bit worried."

"A bit? Where's Dr. Schaller?!"

"I... I wish I could tell you."

He was gone forever, yet that valuable thing which had disappeared from the lab was closer than they thought. Crouching behind a decorative bush, Sibyl was privy to their conversation, her keen ears easily able to pick up their voices in the calm morning air. As she saw Faith tear up she was touched to realize that the pretty young lady truly cared for her... or at least, the man she once was.

She waited until Faith got back into her car to leave, not wishing to lose the persona she had built with her over the weekend. That Monday morning would be all about Lucia.

Once her car was out of sight she made her move, silently approaching from behind as Lucia was raising her phone to her ear. "You can call off the investigation. I'm right here."

"Hmm?" The bespectacled brunette turned to her, and for a moment her eyes didn't register who she was looking at. Then in awe, her cell phone nearly fell from her hand and her jaw dropped. "Buh...?! Sibyl?!"

"Yes. It's me..."

Aghast, Lucia staggered back. "Sibyl... how?! Oh my god!" She looked the blonde idol up and down, in disbelief at the sight of her clothed, walking and talking after so many years spent dormant in a tube. "I can't even... how is this possible? You can talk?"

Sibyl passed a folded bundle of clothes -- the ones she had borrowed on the night of her awakening -- to Lucia. "Yes, I can now. I'm alive."

Lucia recoiled at the offering, instinctively fearful. With shaking hands she accepted her belongings. "But how? You've been mentally inert for your entire life! This is impossible!"

Sibyl was beginning to smile softly, and in the morning light she looked like an angel in common clothes. "Oh, no... it's not. I've been listening, all this time. Learning."

"Your brain scan has always been a flatline. This can't be..."

"Well the brain scan didn't work like it was supposed to, then. Just one of the things about me which runs against the norm."

"Yes, I... I suppose so, if you're standing here and holding a conversation." Lucia blinked, becoming silent as she still struggled to believe what she was seeing. "I'm sorry, this is just... I can barely breath, this is so strange. So... do you know where Doctor Schaller is?"

Sibyl looked away, searching for an explanation. Knowing full well how dangerous she could be, Lucia feared for the worst as she saw her hesitate. "Where... where has he gone, Sibyl?"

"I don't know. When he woke me, I was so tired, I couldn't follow him... couldn't see where he was going."

"So he left? Do you have any idea where? I know he's in the habit of confiding things with you, once Faith and I go home..."

"I don't know where. But he isn't home."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I live there now. He's given me all his things."

Lucia scratched her head, "what... he has? I don't get it. Why?"

"I'm his daughter."

"You're his daughter," she repeated. She began to pace a small circle by the entrance of the lab, restlessly kicking at pebbles. "I... suppose you are, aren't you? I mean he didn't have any children. He doesnt, I mean!"

"No... I think you're right, to speak of him in past tense. I think he's gone."

Lucia stopped. "...Dead...?"

Sibyl nodded. "It seemed like he was done."

"I... oh god... Dr. Schaller..." It was like a knife had been thrust into her gut. She wrapped her arms around herself, her face scrunching together in sorrow.

Sibyl stepped closer, gently placing her hands over Lucia's crossed arms. The young scientist twitched at her touch, but allowed it. "He was in a lot of pain... he told me so, all the time."

"I know he was. He'd never tell me, but I could see it. He was so sad. And his health was failing..."


"God." Lucia dropped down to sit on the curb, resting her elbows on her knees and supporting her tired head in the palms of her hands. "What now... what now..."

Sibyl gently lowered herself to sit beside her, and she even ventured to wrap an arm around the brunette's waist. After a quiet moment Lucia looked at her: "at least everything's been returned to the lab. Our project is still... intact..."

Sibyl nodded, "yes. I'm here."

"...And I have so many questions..."

Chapter 8

"And lift!"

With minimal effort the slender blonde, looking pretty in her little black dress, hoisted a file cabinet off of the ground. It was packed with forms accumulated by the lab over the years, and a square of dust and grime was revealed where it had sat.

"Okay, lower it."

Sibyl set it back down, her breasts jostling against her chest as it thunderously retook its place on the floor.

Lucia was checking off boxes on clipboard. "Fantastic. That thing is easily three hundred pounds. You really are as strong as our analysis indicated."

Sibyl dusted off her dress, "okay. So what now?"

"Now this." Lucia dumped a cup full of thumbtacks onto the floor.


She pointed at the ground: "how many are there?"

"Thirty seven."

Lucia blinked, then looked down to her clipboard and began to check off more boxes. "Right. Thirty seven. You were able to count them all with a glance?"


"Amazing. With a single look the average human can recognize a quantity just within the single digits. It's called 'subitizing'. You, with your additional neural pathways, have a good deal more processing power than that."

Sibyl nodded, a smile growing on her lips. I didn't realize it, but she's right. My old mind was worn smooth by the years it spent in Stuart Schaller's brain. I feel so much sharper now, and moreso with each consecutive day. Like wax filling a mould, my consciousness is gradually occupying all the additional synapses of Sibyl's superior brain... "Are you impressed?"

"Well, I've been impressed with you since the day I signed up for this job. You are truly a remarkable... organism. But now that you're walking and talking, we have proof for all the conclusions we've drawn by studying your body."

"You've studied it well."

She still had her gaze down on her notepad. "Yes. I take pride in my work, after all..."

In Lucia's presence, Sibyl's expanded intellect was keenly able to analyze her by the hints of her behaviour and the scent of her pheromones, subtle though they may have been. She was weighing her options. She knew, from the years Dr. Schaller had worked with her, that she had occasionally gazed upon Sibyl with more than just a scientific fascination. She could see now that Lucia wanted her.

The mind inside Sibyl had always wanted Lucia.

"You can study me even closer now. In ways that weren't possible before... "

"Yes, that's true..."

Lucia was still looking down at her clipboard. She didn't see Sibyl stalking closer to her, didn't see her flicking the straps of her dress off her shoulders. She pulled the it down, baring her stunning torso. "Go ahead, then."

"Hmm?" Lucia looked up, and her eyes went wide. She stepped back, unsure what her test subject's intentions were but suddenly feeling quite crowded. "S-Sibyl?"

"Come now..." She pulled the dress down her hips and it fell lightly down her legs. She stepped out of it, bringing her nude self even closer to Lucia, barring her into a corner. She spread her arms and assumed a statuesque pose. "Maybe it's time you learn with your body instead of that clipboard."

"Sibyl, you're scaring me!" Yet her eyes were already darting up and down, taking in the awe inspiring sight of her perfection.

"I suppose you might be a little scared, at first." Sybil swiftly closed the remaining distance between them, melting herself up against the slender brunette. She was smiling in a sultry way, biting down on her bottom lip hotly as she looked Lucia in the eye. Her hands slid down her sides, coming to rest at her lush and curvy rear, where she pulled her even closer. "But you've wanted this. You've dreamt of this. Don't bother denying it."

The normally articulate scientist dropped her clipboard and uttered a quiet sigh of confusion. She could feel Sibyl's endowment crushing up against her thigh, awakening an unscholarly lust of the loins, not of the mind.

She had always been a size queen. If there was any theme to the string of boyfriends she'd kept, it was that they each were an upgrade on the previous, to satisfy her want for something bigger and better. For years she had been secretly fascinated by how Sibyl, the perfect woman, could sit at rest in her chamber and already approach the biggest she'd yet had. She'd fantasized about what lengths Sibyl would display if her body were to awaken... and there she was, her buxom form slithering naked against her.

When she tilted her head and made motions to kiss her, Lucia accepted with a feeble moan. They fell against the nearby wall into a heated embrace.

Sibyl's touch was unashamedly invasive, sliding down Lucia's jeans to grasp and fondle her plump latina cheeks. It was something she'd always wanted to do. She moaned, so very pleased and growing hotter by the moment. Her indulgence had her throbbing for action, growing against the young woman's leg, her building length folding against itself in its compaction.

"Oh my god, Sibyl..."

"Mmh..." She pulled her hips back, freeing her shaft to unfurl into the open space between their legs, where it swung heavily and battered against Lucia's thighs. Feeling the magnitude of Sibyl's potency against her, Lucia shuddered. She could feel herself beginning to sweat. Her want only increased as she felt her stiffening and rising against the inside of her thigh.

"Please, I'm s-scared..."

"Scared?" Sibyl stepped back, and her hardness flipped up into the open space, bobbing rigidly. Lucia was quick to look down at it, her eyes bulging with unguarded curiosity and hunger.

"Oh my god..."

"You smell more excited than scared, to me." Sibyl carefully removed Lucia's glasses. "Come into the lab, and we can continue our tests..."

Lucia was spellbound by what she beheld, though her vision had become less acute with the removal of her eyewear. The blurry sight of that golden haired goddess, with her impossible cock so straight and huge, was irresistible. She was practically hypnotized as Sibyl turned and made off towards the lab, her hourglass body swaying with unbridled femininity as she went, countering the long and hard presence that proceeded her. A rough tug broke her out of her reverie as she realized she was being led by hand.

"Shut the door behind you."

"Y-yes, Sibyl..."

As soon as they were within the familiar confines of the laboratory Sibyl released her hand and headed for a lab bench. On that bench she, or rather her unoccupied body, had been opened up and dissected countless times, only to be stitched back together and placed back in her tank to heal. She gracefully sat herself on its edge, letting one leg hang down while the other was folded against herself. She gazed over at Lucia expectantly as she swung her cock upwards to slowly trail a hand up and down. "You must be hot. You're sweating."

Lucia had come to stand before the lab bench, and she was looking Sibyl over with fear and longing. "Yes..."

"Why don't you take your clothes off then. I think they're just in the way..."

With an obedient nod she slipped out of her jeans. Her shirt was next to go, leaving her in her black bra and thong panties. Sibyl slid to one end of the lab bench, making space for Lucia, who crawled up onto the table and towards her, seeking another kiss.

That kiss was brief, and the blonde chuckled against her trembling lips as she felt a hand clumsily fumble for her shaft, trailing downwards to the base once it had found its target. Lucia moaned hotly, her touch soon spurred into motion. "Oh my god... it's gigantic. It's... beautiful..."

Sibyl nodded, her tongue trailing over her plump pink lips as she reached out to undo the clasp of Lucia's bra. She flicked it off her shoulders, letting it fall to her wrists, and reached out to cup her firm breasts. They were a perfect handful with perky nipples which were quick to harden against her touch.

"Mmmh," Lucia sighed. She tossed her bra to the floor and began to work Sibyl's cock with both hands, amazed at how much there was for her to hold. She nudged the heat of the head against her cheek worshipfully, her eyes wide with disbelief as she stared down the barrel of her fleshy rifle.

"Go ahead then..."

Without response she tucked the head into her mouth, filling it with throbbing hotness. Her strokes become firmer as her excitement built. "Mm!"

"Ohhh, yes..." Sibyl leaned back, beginning to writhe with pleasure and joy. It was even better to have someone else, such as her beautiful scientist, be the one to lick and stroke her immense gift.

The slow flow of precum began, as indicated by the sudden inhale and surprised look on Lucia's face. For a moment she seemed to ponder the taste of the hot liquid as it trickled against her tongue, but soon its effects took hold. Her eyes closed as with a low moan her efforts were renewed in double, her arms pumping up and down more eagerly than before as she drank the aphrodisiac fluid. In doing so she had crossed the line, becoming a slave bonded by lust to Sibyl.

A throb issued from the base of that cock, and a spurt of pre flooded Lucia's mouth. Her eyes bugged with surprise, and she gave a slight frantic giggle, but without missing a beat she swallowed it down and continued with even greater fervour. Her hands as one pumped up and down as Sibyl moaned and stirred sensually, sifting the flesh of one of her great round breasts through her touch.

"Mmm Lucia... you like it, don't you? You like the taste of my cum...?"

She nodded, still busily attending to Sibyl's throbbing shaft.

"I think there's something very special about it. We'll have to take samples..."

"Mhm," Lucia hummed distractedly through a hot mouthful.

"I have to warn you though, the sample size can be very large."

Lucia shuddered at the thought of that. She began to give Sibyl her all, desperate to see her idol release a creamy load.

"Ooh, god! It won't be long!" Feeling the pressure building within her, Sibyl curled forward. She began to throb with a pre-orgasmic force that both frightened and exhilarated Lucia, whose lips unsealed themself from the head of her cock as she gave her final pumps. She stared rapt at her as the doors to ecstasy opened.

The first blast painted a streak starting at Lucia's collar, up her neck and over her lips, some thick rivulets finding their way into her mouth. She squealed with terror and excitement at the magnitude of that outburst, feeling disbelief as Sibyl released consecutive ropes of thick cum on her. She plunged her back into her mouth, stroking the slick shaft as she tried to swallow each huge burst.

There was just so much. She was amazed as the excess slopped off onto the lab table despite the full swallows she was taking in. It was unlike her to so wantonly drink down the release of a partner -- Lucia was a spitter, not a swallower -- but as Sibyl had said, there was something special about her seed. It wasn't ordinary cum, it was something rare, something precious. It was divine mana, the nectar of the gods.

"Jesus," Lucia breathed. She licked her lips, still slowly stroking as the final drips of cum left, watching in amazement as they fell to join the thick puddle on the surface of the bench below.

"Ohhh... That was so good. Thank you, Lucia."

"I'm in utter shock at the, the volume of your... your load."

Sibyl reached out to stroke her cheek. "It looks like you've got a lot more research to do."

Lucia looked up to her, then crawled close for a kiss. A hand remained on her stiffness, stroking its slick surface. "Yes..."



Not much later Lucia had the police call off their investigation into the break-in, informing them that everything that had gone missing was returned. Their business of highly classified 'research' was to resume, without delay. The search for Dr. Schaller, however, continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great story

I'm glad to see that you kept your high standarts (I began reading goddesses). I'm eager to read the next part.

PTWaters1PTWaters1about 9 years ago
Good story!

I've read much of your work and do enjoy the depth of your storylines. Looking forward to reading more about Sibyl, Lucia and Faith!

natlouwetnatlouwetabout 9 years ago

I love all your work. You inspire me to write, but I fear my stuff would only be blatant rip off of your stuff and you are an amazing artist.

GeneraZGeneraZover 9 years agoAuthor
Re: Ugg

Believe me I tagged the hell out of this but somehow my tags disappeared while posting. It looks like Literotica staff put some general ones based on the story description. I wish I knew how to replace them so I could have this story reach it's intended crowd.

SynapsisSynapsisover 9 years ago

I want to like this story, but I just don't find the transgender thing all that sexy. Also, if the military was interested in a super soldier, Sibyl being transgender doesn't make a lot of sense. I feel like Sibyl could have been a man and this story been exactly the same. Going forward you might want to tag the story as transgender or consider posting in that category.

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