Literotica Clued Me In

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Literotica prepared Cole for a confrontation with his wife.
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Most people's view of certain things is determined by their experience when they were young; I'm no exception. Where I grew up I became jaded by certain types of people because those types in my area were at least one of obnoxious, untrustworthy, shallow, entitled, haughty, and evil. To explain I need to give some background.

I was born -- and still am -- Cole Andrea Wallace to a beautiful sleek mother who is a pediatrician and a handsome athletic father who is a university economics professor. In view of my parents' good looks I have a handsome face and an athletic build -- that's not bragging because I had nothing to do with it; it's simply DNA. I never considered myself hot shit because of it. I am proud of my academic and athletic achievements but only because I had to work hard for them -- it wasn't simply a matter of DNA, like my looks are.

In the upper middle class area where I grew up there were lots of good looking mothers, and as a result a lot of good-looking girls. I hope that my area isn't representative of the country in general because all of the good-looking girls had one or more of the conditions I earlier described, namely they were obnoxious, untrustworthy, shallow, entitled, haughty, and/or evil. Despite being sought after solely because of my appearance I had lots of bad experiences with unsuitable good-looking girls through elementary and secondary schools, As a result I developed an aversion to beautiful girls and instead became enamored with pleasant looking, smart, modest, upbeat, and trustworthy girls.

My predilection for non-beautiful but pleasant looking smart upbeat trustworthy women ultimately resulted in me marrying my girlfriend since my junior year in college, Alicia, who had those characteristics. We married shortly after we graduated. I know that some people were confused as to why I married someone whose wasn't in my league as far as looks were concerned -- 97% of people would consider me better looking than Alicia at the time of our marriage -- but I really didn't give a shit because I loved Alicia and she loved me.

Also, Alicia and I had a very rewarding sex life. Her body was really nice and comfortable, and she loved sex. She was inexperienced when we started dating but took to sex like a proverbial fish to water. She was multi-orgasmic, inventive, active, and concerned about my enjoyment. She loved foreplay and oral and there was hardly a time that we played hide-the-salami that I didn't orally stimulate her pussy and nipples before or after. Once we started having sex after about our fifth date it was really a rare situation when we didn't have dazzling sex four or five times a week.

I believe that both Alicia and I considered our marriage superbly successful through at least the first eleven years. We had careers that we enjoyed, a boy (Keith) and a girl (Susie) who we dearly loved, and a good cadre of friends. One thing that Alicia became very pleased with -- and I have to admit that at the time I was too -- was an enhancement of her appearance just before our tenth anniversary when our kids were 7 and 4.

Alicia had a car accident shortly before our tenth anniversary; while it resulted in no long-term issues, it did mess up her nose, chin, and cheek bones. The top-rated plastic surgeon we employed to treat her told us that since she had to reconstructive surgery anyway that she could give Alicia any nose, chin, and/or cheek bones that she wanted. What Alicia chose gave her the same basic features as before, only significantly more attractive. I guess that after her surgery she would be considered beautiful by most people, not just pleasant looking as she was when we married.

There was another change in Alicia after her plastic surgery. She was not happy with what two pregnancies and child births had done to her body -- although I still found her eminently sexually attractive -- so she made a concerted effort to get in shape. After a year of diligently working out three-four days a week her body -- which pre-pregnancy was delightful to begin with -- was closer to "hot" than "delightful."

Unfortunately, within about a year after her plastic surgery, and seven or eight months into her workout regime, I started to notice changes in Alicia; and they weren't for the better as far as I was concerned.


While most of my activities revolved around (in order of quality time spent) my family, work, sports, and cooking, I did develop interests in many things on the Internet. While sports sites were my favorites, one of the entertainment sites that I visited several times a week was Literotica. I had a strong marriage and no interest in hard core porn, but I found many of the stories there strangely entertaining (a number were about willing cuckolds and swingers which did NOT appeal to me, but I could normally weed them out by the brief description, the comments, or the first few paragraphs). The stories that I found most interesting -- probably because the actions leading up to the seminal events and the reactions of the husbands were so varied -- were the one where the wife announced an upcoming one-night stand, telling the husband to get with the program or else. I don't know why these stories appealed to me -- but they did.

The "announcement" stories, as I call them, were written by many excellent authors including hooked1957, britease, Richard Gerald, and jpb, with many reviewed or edited by blackrandl1958 (other "announcement" authors please don't be angry if I left you out; these are just the ones that I can remember most easily), a lot of them starting with those infamous words "We need to talk!" While I focused on these stories I never really considered that they could ever apply to me -- I mean Alicia would never try a stunt like that -- I mean it was impossible; until it wasn't.

Because I had focused so much on the "announcement" stories I knew the signs when Alicia started acting a little squirrely. Some of the things that tipped me off were her talking in glowing terms about a new client, Bret Brooke, at the public relations firm she was a manager at; in candid (or alcohol-induced) moments telling some of her female friends that she hadn't had the sexual experiences before marriage that many of them had because of her previously ordinary loooks; starting to show a little bit of the "entitlement" attitude by beautiful women and girls that I had known that so turned me off, hinting at possibly wanting a boob job, and although our sex life was still dazzling seeming to be more concerned with her pleasure than mine than she had been in the past.

Things started to come to a head when I met Bret Brooke, and Alicia giggled when around him -- she never giggles. He is a slick looking bastard, about my size, with what I guess many women may consider a handsome face, and with a wardrobe that would lead you to believe that he felt that expensive clothes makes a man grander than those around him. He showed his true asshole colors by being smug when I was introduced to him, and when he tried a "crusher" grip which insecure or jerk individuals use to feel superior. The "crusher" grip didn't work out too well for him, however, since one of my thrice weekly workout regimes includes using hand grip exercisers. Once I sensed his "crusher" I applied my own. When his face turned pale I released my grip, but he got the message since he surreptitiously tried to massage his right hand with his left after I released it.

The kids were now 9 and 6 when Alicia more told me than asked that we were going to Bret's lake house -- mostly for pleasure but she had a few work items to discuss with him since she was in charge of his account -- for a weekend. Bells started ringing in my head but I kept a calm demeanor and asked only simple non-threatening questions, although I did express to her (not for the first time) that I thought that Brooke was an ass. Fortunately, I had eleven days advance notice, so I would be well prepared. I had already -- when reading the many varied "announcement" stories -- come to several conclusions as to what I would do if I were in the position of the poor schmuck husbands in those stories, so I was able to act almost immediately after being informed of the weekend trip.

The first thing that I did was to talk to my older brother Ted, who is a pharmacist. Actually, he owns half a dozen pharmacies and is the head of a pharmacist's trade group, and is knowledgeable about every drug imaginable. This was not something that I could talk with him about over the phone, so I invited him to a college football game.

After the game sitting in my car in the stadium parking lot I got real with Ted -- who liked Alicia but always was slightly perplexed about why I married her, although Alicia and Ted's wife Audrey are good friends.

"Ted, I've got a problem that I think that you can help me with; I'm talking to you solely on a confidential basis, what I say never to be repeated to anyone; can you agree to that big brother?"

"Wow, Cole; I've never seen you with such a serious expression. If it's not clearly illegal, or if it's only slightly illegal but there is no chance of being caught, then I guarantee that I'll help you and my lips are forever sealed."

I gave him a brotherly hug as I mumbled "Thanks," the hug taking him a little aback but reinforcing the seriousness of my problem.

I sighed and then said "I need a drug or compound that will almost immediately temporarily preclude a guy from getting an erection, or at least greatly diminish how hard and capable of intercourse the erection gets." Ted stared at me and I could tell from his demeanor that he was about to ask "What's this about," but I pre-empted him by saying "Please don't ask me why I need it; I'm torn up knowing that I want to have it. Just tell me if there is such a drug or compound and if you can provide it."

Ted thought for a while, then got out his iPhone and did a quick search in databases, and using terminology, that the average person has no access to and/or wouldn't understand, respectively. In three minutes he had an answer. "There is a new drug out for treating sexual predators that is for use only on an emergency basis, for a short period of time, that meets your criteria. It is a combination of the anti-androgens cyproterone acetate and cimetidine, with as additives a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and an antiepileptic. Its trade name is Soflex."

"I have no idea what you just said, but does it work?" I smiled.

"According to the studies it is 87-93% effective at preventing or greatly diminishing an erection if two 50 mg doses are given a few hours apart, it acts within four to six hours after the second dose is delivered, and the effects last for about three days. It has no known really serious side effects. However, those results are for a hypersexual man, like a sexual predator. It is not labelled for any other use since if given to an average man the results would likely be more intense," he replied.

"What form is it in?" I inquired.

"A liquid or capsule," he replied.

"Can you get 125 or 150 mg in liquid form in case there is some spillage?" I asked.

"This is in the category of 'slightly illegal but there is no chance of getting caught.' I probably can get it through a contact at the drug company that makes it; it costs $360 for three 50 mg liquid doses," Ted continued quickly looking at his iPhone again, "however, and it will take a few days for me to get it."

"One more thing, can you get me a syringe full of muscle relaxant that will last for about an hour?"

"That's not a problem; that's only about $30," Ted responded.

"I'll bring the cash to your office as soon as you say you have the Soflex and the syringe," I responded. Since I gave him another brotherly hug and there was a tear in my eye he didn't ask any questions. "I'll call when they come in," was his response. Then as we exited the parking lot we started talking about the game we had just seen and about plans for an upcoming barbeque with our families at Audrey's parents' house.

The next day I got the smallest most unobtrusive recording device on the market; that and a thirty minute tutorial by the guy who sold it to me, cost $400.

I also bought, on-line, a Taser+ Pulse for $470 with an effective 15 foot range for disabling someone for at least 30 seconds with one discharge.

I went to see a family law expert, got all of the information that I needed about the law and procedure, and even paid her to prepare a draft complaint assuming that things would go as I expected.

I called Bret Brooke's executive assistant who answered the phone "Mr. Brooke's office, this is Janie."

"Hi Janie; I'm Cole Wallace. My wife Alicia and I have been invited to Bret's lake house the weekend of the 14th. It was so nice of him that I want to do something special for him, but I need your expert help."

"I'd be happy to give it a try," was Janie's sing song reply.

"Well I pride myself on being an excellent amateur chef and I'd like to make him a nice dinner on Friday night and a lunch on Saturday that he really would like. Can you give me some ideas, Janie?"

"Sure -- let me think a minute. I know that one of his very favorite foods is lobster risotto and he likes steak," she replied.

"Is there some dinner food aside from steak that he likes, probably some sort of chicken or veal dish that requires a little prep time -- I want to impress him," I continued, almost choking on my syrupy sweet words.

"Well I know that he took me and some of our staff to a fancy Italian restaurant one night to celebrate a big contract, and we all raved -- including Mr. Brooke -- about the Veal Scallopini Piccata," she enthusiastically replied.

"I love making that dish," I lied, never having made it before but knowing that I could easily learn it since I have made many similar dishes in the past. "Thank you so much Janie, you're wonderful. Would you mind if you kept this a secret; I want to surprise Bret."

"Sure, no problem, I'm glad that I was able to help," she giggled.

"Bret is so lucky to have a great employee like you," I signed off, really gilding the lily.

The day that I picked up the Soflex and syringe from Ted I called Alicia at her office and said "You know I've thought about it and it really was nice of Bret Brooke to invite us to his lake house. Let me know how many people will be there because I intend to make gourmet meals for Friday night and Saturday at lunch as a think you."

"Why how sweet," Alicia replied, falling for my lie about how nice Bret was being because that is what she wanted me to believe. "I'll talk to Bret and get back to you."


The fateful Friday trip started about noon. Both Alicia and I had taken the day off, and made arrangements for our kids Keith and Susie to be picked up from school by my parents to visit with them Friday night to Sunday late afternoon. We had about a 200 mile trip to the lake house and I wanted to get there in plenty of time to fix dinner and refrigerate the items for Saturday's lunch. I brought all of the items I needed with me in a cooler and cloth bag, including a wide and heavy bottomed pan for making the risotto.

On the trip there I was as pleasant as I could possibly be considering my inner turmoil. Alicia's demeanor -- happy-go-lucky on the outside, but obviously with her own inner turmoil -- was expected. When I sensed her inner turmoil my confidence in what was going to happen rose from 90% to 99.9%.

We arrived at the house first, met by the maid and George. George is a goon that I had seen with Brooke at two events, who I assumed was his bodyguard; he's about 6 feet 5 inches (2 meters) tall, 290+ pounds (132 kg), and he looks stupid and mean. Four other guests, Alicia's big boss John Osteen from her workplace and his wife Carol, and a woman employee Grace and who I assumed was her husband Bruce, from Brooke's office, arrived next, followed by the grand entrance of the man himself about five o'clock.

I started preparing dinner about quarter to six for a seven o'clock serving. As expected, out of the corner of my eye I saw Alicia being friendly and giggly with Brooke, and him being lecherous with her -- there was no reason to do anything about it then; my time would come.

The veal preparation, along with the side dishes, proceeded smoothly. The maid served the plates that I prepared artistically, and I had her hold Brooke's and mine for last since as the host and since the veal dish was his favorite Bret was going to get a bigger portion than the others. I cleverly mixed 75 mg (in case he didn't eat everything on his plate) of the clear, odorless, liquid Soflex with his portion. As the maid served his portion I entered the outdoor patio where the meal was being served last, with my plate in hand. Not surprisingly Alicia was sitting with Brooke at one end of the table, and I was placed at the other end farthest from them. "Payback will really be a bitch" I said to myself as I forced a grin.

Everyone loved the meal, and every plate was clean by the time that dinner was over. "Maybe I should have only added 50 mg of Soflex instead of 75," I said to myself, but I really didn't give a shit.

There was lots of drinking and body contact during the evening, concluded with a drunk (everyone except for me and George -- the maid had left) game of Charades. Grace, the female employee from Brooke's workplace was fairly blatant in coming on to me -- Grace wasn't with her husband, as I had assumed; Bruce was a gay male employee of Brooke's. Grace was married though, but apparently that didn't bother her; she was obviously primed by Brooke, and probably Alicia, to be a surrogate Saturday night.

I was able to get a drunk (for only the fourth time that I could recall) Alicia up to our bedroom by midnight. Since this might be the last time that I ever fucked her, despite her initial unwillingness (I'm sure that she wanted to "save herself" for Brooke) I really pasted her. I had scored a little blue pill from Ted and though perhaps I initially forced myself on her, by about the fifth time I sucked her clit while stimulating her G-spot with my finger, she was with the program.

After Alicia's first orgasm I turned her on her hands and knees and ensconced my throbbing cock into her pussy in one thrust, eliciting a low groan from her. I may have been more energetic than at any other time in my history in pounding her pussy while at the same time twisting a nipple with one hand and inserting two fingers of the other hand into her rosebud -- something rarely done before because she claims to consider it "dirty." She didn't have any complaints that night, however. It wasn't long before she had an almost debilitating second orgasm, and when I unloaded two testicles worth of seminal fluid into her she had a debilitating (no "almost" about it) third orgasm.

I wasn't done with Alicia though. After taking about twenty minutes to recover, and with her a combination of wiped out and asleep, I started licking her pussy again. It took a while before she snapped out of her sleep or stupor, I don't know which, but once she did she was very receptive to me abusing her cunt and manipulating her tits at the same time. Once she was suitably charged up I entered her while she was on her back, and put her calves on my shoulders. Thereafter I proceeded to give her another all-time pounding, resulting in a string of orgasms for her, and a very enjoyable ejaculation for me.

Shortly after my second ejaculation of the night into her now well-used pussy she promptly either passed out or fell asleep. I got up, took the little blue pill that I had been given by Ted, and got a little sleep myself. Having never used a little blue pill before I wasn't sure how I would react to it. In my case, at least, what it did was wake me up my cock was so hard and throbbing. I had never fucked Alicia three times in quick succession before, but tonight I would.