Literotica Clued Me In


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Up until that point I don't think that I had said a word. I pulled her toward me, kissed her zealously, and then said "Time to torture you for zapping my balls."

As she giggled I picked her up, carried her over to the king sized bed with the covers turned down, tossed her on it, and then started to mount the bed to get at her. She scurried around the mattress pretending that she wanted to get away laughing "Don't touch me you pervert."

I did touch her, however. I rolled her onto her back and then went after the perfect slit in her perfect pelvis between her perfect thighs. I gave her multiple orgasms in succession until she begged me "Please Orion5," my stage name on Divorcee Hookups, "I've got to take a break; my circuits are fried; please stop and I'll never shock you again."

"OK, but only because you asked so nicely," I grinned.

I played with the perfect nipples on her perfect tits while she huffed and puffed to gain control of her faculties. Once she did she grabbed my cock and said "Isn't there someplace your Cyclops wants to be?"

When my cock entered her perfect pussy and she put her perfect arms around my neck and brought her perfect lips into contact with mine an electric shock -- this time not caused by her buzzer -- shot up my spinal cord. We quickly settled into synchronized active mating. I was afraid that I had come too quickly when only a few minutes after entering her with the roar of a lion I spurted into her time and again. Fortunately she must have been as energized as I was because she clamped her pc muscles on my cock and screamed and shuddered shortly after my first spurt left my cock.

When I finally went limp and withdrew we were both sweaty, but content, with satisfied smiles on our faces. Staring into her perfect blue eyes I spontaneously uttered "That may have been the most fun that I ever had in my life!"

Her smile faded, and I thought that I might have said something wrong; but after a delay of a few seconds a crooked smile returned and she replied "That may have been the most flattering thing that anyone has ever said to me." That was followed by five minutes of lip-locking, which then turned into her sucking my cock hard again and then mounting me and riding me cowgirl style as I mauled her flopping tits. Once she started going "Ahh...ahh...ahh," with a strained look on her face I pulled her torso to me, squishing her tits into my chest, and bucked upwardly until we had rip-roaring mutual orgasms.

Throughout the night we massaged and played with each other until exhausted we fell into a deep sleep with me spooning her. We woke up the next morning in exactly the same position. After a quick game of hide-the-salami in the shower, we both got dressed for work.

As I walked the five blocks from Vega's hotel to my office, after leaving her with a passionate toe-curling kiss, my mind wandered. I came to a legitimate conclusion. I had only met three women in my life that I could fall in love with and spend the rest of my life with (assuming something like the "announcement" didn't take place); definitely Alicia and Vega, and probably Rigel. Unfortunately, two of those three were unavailable since none of Alicia, Vega and me could leave our families, jobs, and lives and move hundreds of miles to a new location; and the third woman -- Alicia -- had ripped my heart out. Suddenly, for the first time since I saw Vega for lunch I felt a pit in my stomach and an unwelcome tear moistened my eye.

I kept in contact with Rigel and Vega, and even had two more interludes with Vega and one with Rigel, each experience as fantastic as the preceding one.


While I was primarily (and sometimes famously) enjoying my experience with Divorcee Hookups, discussing property division with Alicia was proceeding slowly, although amicably. Since about four months before the divorce was likely to come through Alicia asked that we make the weekly kid exchanges either using the "nanny" who we both employed, or at one set of parents' houses. Alicia still got along very well with my parents, and me with hers. Both sets were pleasant and anxious to help, but didn't interfere.

Alicia and I concluded all of the details of our breakup a good two months before the divorce decree was expected. I agreed for her to keep the house and after a delay of a year she could pay me a monthly sum to reimburse me for my half ownership. We split all of our monetary assets 50-50 and I let her have whatever chattel she wanted that didn't have any special meaning for me. There was no alimony or maintenance either way since we both made good money, no child support since we had joint custody, and we agreed to put an equal amount into the kids' college funds each year, and discuss all important decisions relating to them.

I didn't ask Alicia how or what she was doing during our roughly weekly phone calls, nor did she ask me. The kids occasionally made comments about "Uncle Ron" -- who I assumed was her new love interest -- and "Mom's big bandages," but I never interrogated them about those or related statements.

The divorce papers finally came through -- emailed to me by my attorney Margo. I hadn't really thought about how I would feel when they did. I surprised myself when I wept like a baby for a good ten minutes when I saw the email. I really had loved Alicia -- especially before her attitude change once she got her cosmetic surgery -- and was saddened by the present state of our family.

I hadn't seen Alicia for about four months when two days after the divorce decree came in she called me and after some small talk said "Say, Cole; would you mind if I drop the kids off late afternoon on Friday. I'd like to get a look at your condo. The kids seemed to like it there."

"No -- no problem. Please drop them by any time after 4:30; I'll be sure to be there by then."

"Great; we'll probably be by at five o'clock. See you then," was her pleasant reply.

I made sure that the condo was neat and clean before Alicia's arrival on Friday. I had all of the ingredients in for the kids' favorite dinner.

I heard the doorbell at 4:59. I wondered why my son Keith didn't just use his key; I guessed that Alicia may have felt uncomfortable if he did, so she had the kids ring the doorbell.

As usual when they came for their week with me the kids were like they were shot out of a cannon when they burst through the door and hugged me. After kissing and hugging them I looked up to greet Alicia.

I almost fainted.

I'm sure that my mouth was agape.

I stuttered something unintelligible and thought that I heard Alicia say "Hi Cole."

I was gobsmacked;





Alicia's face looked almost exactly like it did when I married her! Her body was even more sleek than after she started her exercise regimen now more than three years ago.

I looked at her left hand; she still had her engagement and wedding rings on!

I think that I finally got out "Hi Alicia; you look good; really good."

"Do you like mommy's new face daddy?" my now eight year old daughter excitedly yelled while she jumped up and down and pulled on my shirt. "Everybody kept it a secret really well, didn't we daddy?"

"Yes you kept the secret, Susie; and yeah...her face looks really nice," I finally mumbled. "Please come in Alicia; kids, won't you show Mom around."

While the kids showed their Mom around I used that fifteen minutes to try and get my wits about me. While I almost never drank, I felt that I needed something so I got out a bottle of brandy and chugged three shot glasses full.

Millions of questions ran through my head. Did she get cosmetic surgery to win me back? As a form of repentance? To change her life? Why is she wearing the engagement and wedding rings I gave her? What the fuck!

When a smiling Alicia returned with the joyful kids she said "Thanks for having me over, Cole. Your place is perfect for you and the kids. Maybe you could bring them by the house next Friday."

She was just about to the door when I exclaimed "Wait; I'm making the kids' favorite meal; I have plenty of food; won't you stay for dinner?"

When the kids took up the cause, she couldn't refuse. All four of us did various parts of the preparation for dinner just like our family might have done two years ago. There wasn't a hint of acrimony during the meal with lots of laughs. I can't really tell you exactly what was said, however, because I was mesmerized by Alicia's face. I couldn't help it that she caught me staring at her several times; she merely smiled in response then looked away.

We played a family game after dinner; Susie won! Keith loved talking baseball and even though eight year old Susie read at a sixth grade level she loved having a story read to her before bed. I took Keith up to his room to talk a little ball and Susie and I asked Alicia to read to her.

I was sitting in the kitchen sipping my fourth shot glass of brandy of the night when Alicia came downstairs after reading to Susie. "Thanks for your hospitality, Cole," she smiled as she picked up her purse giving every indication that she was leaving.

"Can't you stay a while longer?" I asked, gently grabbing her arm.

"OK -- what would you like to talk about?" she slyly grinned.

"Why did you reverse your cosmetic surgery; I thought that you were happy with your new look."

"I was, but for the wrong reasons. I blame it on making me stupid and losing the only man who ever treated me great, and who loved me unconditionally. I liked the old me better, so I changed back."

"Why are you still wearing your engagement and wedding rings?"

"Once I got my head out of my ass I realized that the only man that I could ever love is you, and I wear them as a remembrance of the love you used to have for me."

I know that we talked some more -- but after that I couldn't really concentrate on anything else. All I could do was stare at her now pleasant, but not beautiful, open friendly face, her left hand, and her hot body.

I do remember at one point standing up, lifting her into my arms, then mumbling "I hope that you don't report me for sexual assault -- but that is what I'm going to do," as I carried her compliant body to my bedroom.

As I carried her Alicia whispered into my ear "Be gentle with me; I haven't been intimate with anyone since the Friday night at the lake house a year ago."

That shocked the shit out of me, but I didn't react.


Three orgasms for me, and an endless number for Alicia, later I was awakened from a delicious slumber by a series of kisses on my lips. My eyes opened to see Alicia -- dressed in the same clothes as last night -- gazing into my eyes. "Thank you, Cole; I don't know if you remember but in the throes of passion last night I apologized to you and you forgave me."

"I remember," I moaned.

"I thought it best if I leave before the kids get up. Otherwise they might get the unrealistic expectation that we may get together as a family again."

"Is that unrealistic?" sprinted through my brain, before I caught myself and said to myself "that's just your dick talking after as passionate a night as you and Alicia ever spent together."

As I was trying to stutter some other thought or question Alicia interrupted me. "Why don't you stay for dinner when you bring the kids over next Friday?"

", yeah," I stammered.

The next five Fridays we essentially had a repeat of that first Friday; we had dinner, we played family games, and then Alicia and I made mad passionate love until about six Saturday morning when the visitor would leave. During this time I found out that Ron wasn't her love interest -- he is a gay guy who she started her own PR business with after quitting John and Bret, and she is having more fun and making more money than ever before. She has no love interest. We both couldn't help but notice the positive effect those Fridays had on Susie and Keith.

On the seventh Friday -- actually the Saturday morning after the seventh Friday -- when Alicia started to get up after another night of passionate lovemaking I pulled her back down into my arms. "Alicia, I have a proposition; how would you feel about me moving back into the house. I'm on a month-to-month rental here, so I can move any time."

"Will we share a bedroom?" she asked.

"We'll share a bed, not just a room," I replied.

"Do you love me?"

"I never stopped loving you; it was a matter of trust; I now trust you and know that you love me. You couldn't fake your reaction to our love making the last several weeks -- just like you have to know that I couldn't fake my loving reaction to you."

"Will we be exclusive?"

"I insist on it -- both ways."

"Will we get married again?"

"Maybe -- I can't tell you yet if I'll ask you, and I don't know if you'll accept. I'm open to the possibility."

Alicia never explicitly said "yes" to my proposition. I assumed that she did agree, however, since after our discussion she immediately started sucking my cock, then rode me cowgirl trying to rip my dick off as I mauled her tits until we had disabling mutual massive orgasms.

When Alicia and I were making breakfast together when Susie and Keith got up the next morning their eyes were as big as baseballs. Keith only said "Hi Mom," and gave her a hug. Susie was not so reserved. "Does this mean that you two are back together?" Susie asked with her lower lip quivering.

"I'm moving back to the house next weekend," I smiled.

Keith and Susie immediately started crying as they hugged us so tightly that they almost cut off circulation. If I had any doubts about the wisdom of our decision they were washed away by our kids' tears.

Things went as smoothly as could be expected for the next month. Then I was confronted with a test. Vega was back in town and wanted to meet.

I did meet Vega for lunch; I told her about my situation; she was happy for me. I hope that my pledge of exclusivity wasn't violated by the goodbye-forever kiss that she gave me which was so plasma hot that steam was coming out of my ears!


It's been three years since I moved back home. Alicia and I aren't officially married, but everyone treats us like we are, and nobody asks questions. We have the normal tiffs that all married couples have but they're no big deal and our love for each other is unequivocal.

I'm glad that Literotica clued me into what was going to happen so that I could effectively deal with it. I am even more pleased that our story didn't turn into either a complete BTB or RAAC.

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Ocker53Ocker5314 days ago

It’s impossible to believe that they could reconcile after such a callous betrayal, having them get back together is just ludicrous ⭐️⭐️

26thNC26thNC22 days ago

I enjoyed the story, even with the RAAC. Some a these womens is beyond dumb.

oldtwitoldtwit22 days ago

Oh what a good plot line for on here, well done, really good story and you picked some of the good bits from all the other good ones on here.

Calico75Calico75about 1 month ago

Well written, but I don't agree that she changed from an entitled, uncaring bitch just because she had facial surgery. Expect her to bounce back to entitlement at some point in the future. There was also no follow up about what happened at the cabin. No bloodshed is necessary, but something is needed. Enjoyable overall!

AnotherChapterAnotherChapter3 months ago

i believe some writers here don’t get the vast difference between a simple act of infidelity (bad enough, by the way) and a malicious attack on a marriage and upon the wronged spouse. The utter disrespect shown by Alicia, in the typical “Weekend castration” attempt c/w bodyguard, hidden keys, etc calculated to utterly humiliate, leaves NO possible room for reconciliation. She was a hateful, conniving, sadistic bitch. In the end her claimed apology in the midst of sex is lame. Sorry but that is game, set, and match!

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