Little Tish Ch. 02


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Suddenly fearful she was going to tell me they were secretly in love or something, I nervously pushed, "What about him?"

"Well, "she continued, "I have grown to love you both, in a way." Looking sort of pensive and confused, she continued, "I'm still trying to get a handle on my feelings for you but I do know that I love you enough that I need for you to be happy."

After a long pause, she went on, "I am pretty observant and I have been watching you and Jackie and the way you guys are around each other. It's like you really adore each other but are doing everything you can to hide it. You are sincerely courteous to each other but when you accidently touch each other, you both pull away quickly like you're both afraid of getting burned or something.

"And I've watched you two," she continued. "I've watched you both stare longingly at each other when you think no one's looking at you."

Finally she just shook her head and blurted: "Oh, my poor little Tish, you really do love him, don't you?"

Shocked, I replied, "Well of course I love him. He's my brother and my best friend in the world. Well at least we used to be best friends." I added with a sad sigh.

"No Tish, I mean you are IN love with him and he is definitely IN love with you. I know it must have been torture on you both feeling the way you do and not having any idea what the hell was wrong. I've watched the way you two look at each other when you think no one is watching. You are both clueless about it but it's obvious to me."

'I can't be that oblivious,' I thought to myself as I considered her observations.

Then, rather shaken, I replied, "Oh no Billie. You're crazy. We are brother and sister; we can't love each other that way! We don't . . . I mean we always . . . That doesn't make any . . . But . . . uh . . . Oh my god!" I cried out in anguish. "It couldn't be true! It just couldn't be! . . Could it?"

But even as I said it, I could feel my eyes start to fill with long delayed tears and my heart start to break all over again. It was true. I did love him and I always have.

Seeing my desolation, she soothed, "But don't worry too much about it, sweetie," she counseled, "It's not the end of the world and there is hope for you. There's hope for you both. You're not the only smart one here you know and I've done some research. You have options," she said with an encouraging grin on her gorgeous face.

As we pulled up to her house, she gave me a quick peck on the lips, opened the door and smiled encouragingly. "We'll talk. Call me."

And with that, she gracefully floated down her driveway and vanished into her house, leaving me a basket case.

'Can that possibly be true?' I mused driving home. The more I thought about it, about the way he looks at me sometimes when I turn my head suddenly, about my conflicted feelings for him and the way he always makes my heart flutter and my insides melt whenever he gives me those wonderful big, loving hugs of his, the more I thought that it could well be true.

As I drove along I started thinking. 'I wonder if Jackie has ever thought about me like that? Hey,' I just realized, 'I know how I might be able to find out. It'll be sneaky but I think I'll just have to see for myself.'

I was mildly surprised to find myself tingling again and I noticed that my panties were still soaked. 'All this has turned me into a aching waterfall,' I groused silently as I squirmed and squeezed my legs together yet again..

And that got me thinking about my wonderful, sexy new friend, Billie.

'Oh my God,' I thought to myself as the miles passed slowly by, 'she is so beautiful . . . and so soft! I love looking at her and feeling her soft nakedness pressed so warmly next to my body. Her breasts are scrumptious looking and they feel so soft and lovable. I can't stop dreaming about licking and sucking on her tender little nipples. They feel so sexy rubbing back and forth against mine. And feeling her rubbing her beautiful little pussy on my leg was making me so hot! God but that felt good! And she smells so good! I can't wait to be with her again - soon. I hope she's okay with it. I know I should feel weird or scared or something but I just don't. I love her body and I love her . . . Oh yeah. I do indeed.'

'But what about my Jackie then?' And that thought sent another warm little jolt of pleasure to my naughty little puss.

'Maybe I should find a nice quiet place on the way home and play with myself again.' I thought with my familiar aching, tingling need. 'God but my naughty Little Girl sure wants me to. That itch is back and it's making me real squirmy. Oh thank you Billy. Thank you, thank you, and thank you for showing me such a delicious way to scratch it.

'But, it's funny though. As wonderful as it felt, it seems like there should be more, like I was building up to something but then it just sort of faded away. Oh well, it still feels delicious and I think I may have to spend some quality alone time getting to know myself all over again.' I thought with a cute little naughty smile.

And so, smiling wistfully but with my insides once again feeling empty and aching—my loins pulling gently at me from within—I continued rubbing and pressing my thighs together and squirming as I drove on home.

But now there were other wonderful, but scary possibilities having to do with my beloved Jackie bouncing around in my head as well. I was beginning to hope against hope. 'I think I need to do a little private research of my own,' I thought.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Part 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As I walked in the door, there didn't seem to be anybody home. Looking around and listening closely for any sounds, I thought that maybe now was my chance. I just need a few minutes with Jackie's laptop.

Climbing the stairs quietly, I tiptoed down to Jackie's door and found it slightly ajar. I peeked in and stared in open-mouthed wonder at the sight that met my eyes.

My big brother was sitting at his desk staring fixedly at his computer screen. His pants were down around his ankles and he was avidly stroking his penis. 'And,' I thought in wondrous delight, 'his penis . . . hummm, is lookin' pretty sweet . . . and, rather large; isn't it? Just the sight of it is making my insides melt and go wet. I'm dripping again and that damn itch is back,' I realized with a quivering tingle of pleasure. 'And, all it took was one little look at my big brother's wonderful looking penis!'

All of a sudden, that incredibly naughty word Billie and I had been discussing so flippantly just a little while before -"Fuck"—came back into mind and sent another heated jolt of electricity shooting through my sodden little pussy. I let out a very shaky breath and continued standing there, spying on my big brother.

He seemed mesmerized with whatever it was he was looking at on the screen so single-mindedly. I felt my insides liquefy at the forbidden sight and up between my legs, once again that insistent little doorbell was buzzing and buzzing and buzzing. I was dripping and my little pussy was sizzling hot and feeling so fucking EMPTY!

I silently gasped and couldn't help slipping my hand down inside my panties and urgently running my tiny fingers all over my drenched and aching little puss. My knees felt weak and I had to brace myself next to the wall, against the liquid ecstasy my fingers were pulling from my sodden folds. 'God, that feels so goooood!' I marveled, trembling and softly panting with my self-induced pleasure. I was thrilled by how good my hand felt down there as I attempted to get at that intense itch that was driving me mad and that continued to remain just out of reach.

And then, I began to make out my big brother's ragged whispered words. "Oh god, my little Tishie," he gasped, "I love . . . you . . . so much . . . I guess . . . always have. Please, . . . little Baby Sis, my . . . little girl . . . please . . . let meeahh . . . lick . . . your . . . beautiful little nipples . . . And then . . . please oh please . . . let mmnuhh me . . . rub my . . . hard cock . . . between your . . . sweet, . . . little . . . juicy . . . pussy lips. Oh please . . . my sweet . . . little girl, . . . my baby sister. I know I shouldn't . . . but I . . . just can't . . . help . . . myself . . . I . . . need . . . to slide . . . my hard cock . . . soooo deep . . . inside you . . . and love you . . . forever . . . "

And then he jerked back in his chair and began shooting long white ropes of his love juice all over. It just kept pumping and shooting and spraying, rope after rope, all over everything.

"Ohhhh Jeeeesus! . . . ahhhhhhh . . . yesssss . . . I . . . lovvve youuuu . . . sooooo . . . much . . . little Tishhhhhie! Oh Fuuuuck!"

Shocked beyond belief and thrilled beyond measure, I closed my eyes tight, squeezed my little pussy - hard, stifled a huge groan and managed to pull my head out of the doorway so I could take a few seconds to breathe and gather myself. Sighing deeply and, grinning madly, I tiptoed quietly to my room and softly closed the door.

A while later, I heard my big brother walk passed my door and run down the stairs. Vaguely, I could hear him calling out to see if anyone was home. There was no answer.

A few minute later there came a soft knock on my door and a quiet voice inquiring, "Tishie, are you in there? I saw the car was back and . . . "

"Hi Jackie," I responded, "I'm just in here reading, what's up?"

He stuck his head in the door and smiled sort of sheepishly and said, "I saw the car was back. Did you get Beeje home all right?"

Surprising myself at my outwardly calm manner, I smiled warmly at my big brother and said, "Yea. She got home okay. She's wonderful isn't she? We and a ball together."

"Yea, I could see that Little Sis," he said with an inquiring, suspicious little grin. "You couldn't keep your eyes off each other." And then with a fake sort of little pouty frown, he added, "It was like you forgot all about your big brother."

I put down my book and looked at him seriously and said, "Jackie, you never have to worry about that. I love you more than anyone else on the planet. I'd rather die than to hurt you. You know that, right?"

Trying mightily to fight off the tears that threatened to break through his masculine pride, he gave me a smile that melted my heart. He came to my bedside and lifted me up by my armpits and hugged me so tightly I could hardly breathe. God he felt so good, holding me against his body like that.

I've always loved the way he can just lift me up and throw me around like I weighed nothing at all.

"Say, have you been here long?" he asked, kissing me on the nose and getting my expected giggles. "I didn't hear you come in," he asked suspiciously.

Knowing the reason for his unease, I let him off the hook and lied, "I just got back a few minutes ago." But I couldn't help letting a knowing little grin slip onto my face. That seemed to give him a few moments pause but then he held me tightly to his chest again, my little feet dangling at least a foot off the floor.

In a tight voice he whispered, "I love you sooo much Little Sis. Sometimes, I think I love you too much."

"That's impossible, Big Brother." I said squeezing him around the neck like my life depended on it. "Never 'too much' love between us - never!"

Shaking off his momentary slip into emotional weakness, he sighed, shook his head and announced, "Well, I'm off to do some errands for Mom. I'll see you in a few hours. Love you."

"I love you too," I replied to the back of his head as he walked out the door. "But never, 'too much,'" I whispered to my empty room.

I jumped up and ran to the window and saw him drive away. I gave him the standard 5 minutes of "come-back-time" and then went into his room. I was feeling sneaky, which is very unlike me, and guilty too as I'm not used to going behind my big brother's back, but I was on fire to know what he'd been looking at.

It took only moments to hack into his computer. "Tishie-18." That made me smile. (As I've mentioned, we are both very computer savvy and have even written some cool programs that have made us some pretty decent money.)

After poking around for a while I came upon this oddly filed folder labeled "Spinners." Not knowing what that meant, I opened the folder and started to poke around. What I found both shocked and delighted me.

There were many captured images of naked girls, which really didn't surprise me, but after a while I started to notice some similarities. Almost all the girls were very small or petite and most had features that sort of resembled me! They all looked very sweet and innocent. That sort of shocked me as I'd sort of expected them to be pretty "hard" looking. But the point was that most of them resembled me!

I guess I had finally realized, thanks largely to Billie, that I actually do have a really good-looking - Billie says "HOT"—little body. She says she loves my small; well shaped breasts topped with "mouth watering", (her words) puffy, pink nipples. Most of the girls in the photos had bubble butts that looked a lot like mine too. They also tended to have beautifully sculptured faces. I was smiling broadly and liking this a whole lot!

But there were also some very recent additions of small, beautiful redheads as well with beautiful bodies and faces that I thought looked a lot like my new friend, Billie. Frankly, I wasn't so sure I liked that much at all.

But what they all had in common were beautifully shaved, bare and luscious looking pussies. And many were posed in short skirts or dresses with no underwear in evidence at all. My big brother had interesting, and, I must add, very good taste in his porn.

I also found several film clips featuring men, sort of resembling Jackie, and having all sorts of exciting sex with women who, sort of, resembled me. My naughty Little Girl was tingly-wet again and being very naughty indeed at the moment. She was soaked and itching like mad. She was really going to get me into trouble if I didn't watch myself very carefully.

Almost unconsciously, I slipped my hand down inside my panties and began some very pleasing one-handed computer researching. I especially liked the clips that showed these attractive "actors" obviously enjoying all sorts of oral sex. I found myself totally mesmerized by scenes of the girls licking and sucking the guys' cocks and especially by the ones where they were licking and loving on the girls' juicy and beautifully bare pussies.

I couldn't help slipping a questing finger down between my pussy lips and, closing my eyes, I started whimpering as I began loving myself once again. I found myself distracted and thoroughly glorying in fingering my soaked and aching pussy.

'YUM!!' I thought, 'I love these delicious feelings' as my other hand crept up under my tee shirt and began pinching and twisting my aching nipples. 'God I love this! It feels so good . . . feels so fucking good!'

When I finally regained a measure of sanity, I noticed that the latest couple of clips he had downloaded were of two beautiful girls, a petite brunette and a slightly bigger, voluptuous redhead in obvious ecstasy as they kissed and licked and made love to each other's pussies.

'Oh I gotta tell Billie about this!' I exalted.

Finally I checked his browser history and found many bookmarks to a website that featured erotic stories. And all the ones he saved had to do with incest—brother and sister incest!

I made sure I copied the site so I could visit it on my own computer. I was very excited and obviously had a lot more stimulating research ahead of me.

I made sure that his computer was returned to as close as possible to the way I had found it and shut it down.

Back in my room, I found myself extremely conflicted. Obviously I was excited and enormously turned on by what I had learned about my brother's sexual fantasies. Inevitably, as I resumed loving myself, I started running all those exciting images I had seen through my mind. But soon, my fantasies morphed into scenes of my Jackie and myself doing those same things. It was always those forbidden images that seemed to turn me on the most and made my little pussy just sing with electricity and aching hunger.

'What the hell am I thinking?' I thought, shocked as I focused on what I was doing. 'Jackie is my brother, for Christ sake! My sibling! Granted, he was only my half brother,' I reminded myself 'but he's still my brother!'

And then my mother's words from all those years ago echoed in my head. "You can't marry Jackie," she had said smiling at my own 4 year old's impossible dream, "you'll have 3-headed babies!" 'We just can't go there and that's that!' I thought with finality.

And then the tears began to flow and I started crying my eyes out. 'But I love him! And I now know that he loves me! God I want him so bad! What am I going to do?'

The answer: more research.

But first I called Billie. She could tell I had been crying and her soothing voice was extremely comforting. I could tell she was in her room with the door closed. Her parents would FREAK OUT if they suspected what we were talking about; especially considering the newly discovered sensual games Billie and I had been playing so wonderfully.

"Don't worry about it too much Tish," she soothed. "After all, there are many things two people can do short of having babies."

As I considered that, I felt heat rush over my body and a new longing in my heart.

"Oh, I love him Billie! I just love him so much! What can I do?"

"Well, see if you can get him to kiss you for starters." She suggested. "I know, tell him you've never kissed a boy before and you need him to teach you how. Have you ever thought about kissing him—like we were kissing each other last night?" she teased, reminding me of that wonderful sensuality we had shared.

"Give that a try and tell me how it goes." Then she sighed and continued, "I just hope this doesn't come between this wonderful new thing you and I have started. I just loved being with you last night Tish, didn't you?"

"Oh god, yeah," I answered, suddenly excited. "I can't wait to share that with you again. It was magic! Oh, and I've learned a few things this afternoon that excited the hell out of me and I think you might like them too."

"What? Tell me!"

"Just wait until I see you on Monday," I answered. "I want to talk about this face to face instead of over the phone, okay?"

"Oh, okay," she groused. "Uh, gotta go. My dad is calling me. Bye. (click)"

'Okay, I thought with my heart pounding and already making my plans for tonight. 'First I have to get cleaned up, pick out something sexy to wear, and then I have a little bit of shaving to do.'

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Surprising myself at my outwardly calm manner, I smiled warmly at my big brother and said, "Yea. She got home okay. She's wonderful isn't she? We and a ball together

We HAD a ball together(.)

nice story though.

courtjester369courtjester369about 8 years ago
Very good

Good read so far can't wait for more

WichitalinemanWichitalinemanabout 8 years ago

You've started something intriguing here I suggest you continue but only post when you have multiple chapters. As a critique I suggest you reread twice slowly to catch the few small errors.

FeyGranddad95FeyGranddad95about 8 years ago
Hot! So Very Hot!

Wow, that bedroom scene between the two girls was wonderful. You have a nice way of telling a story. Please keep the chapters coming. I agree with the earlier comments about keeping the size realistic and the development of the sexual contact at a realistic pace.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
We can wait - but hopefully not too long

Nice start, and I think we can see where this is going - let's assume all three are visual / hands on learners. Jackie may yet need further field experience - let's just hope he doesn't end up with a horse cock - that's really overdone and the writing's so far is good enough to not need cheap tricks.

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