LJ's Story


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Returning my attention to her upper body I couldn't resist giving her slit a generous swipe with my fingers. The girl was practically leaking and her clit had made its appearance out of its hood. My plan had originally been to have her turn over and do her front side as well. But the sight of her glistening genitals was too much for me to resist; turning her slightly on her side and resting her outer leg on her knee, I sat sideways to her back. My right hand hooked over her tummy and found her clitoris. My left hand found the entrance to her vagina. One finger slipped and sank inside it. Another finger strayed further away and asked to have access to the forbidden fruit.

A very urgent sounding "aaaaaah" escaped her lips. Dee started to rhythmically buck her pelvis against my fingers. I knew that she was very close and that I was probably keeping the rev meter on the red line. My goal though was a noble one; I wanted her to have an orgasm worthy of her birthday. I tantalizingly swept my thumb round and round her swollen nub. Dee was writhing like a fish out of the water; I had to steady her with my elbow lest I lose my grip.

Finally, rumbling like a wounded animal she slammed her pelvis on my finger and came; her sphincter clamped powerfully on my finger as her vagina walls rhythmically pulsed around the other. After a good twenty seconds my poor Dee collapsed like a puddle on my bed, totally spent from her exertion.

"Dee? Wake up baby..."


"Dee...we've got to get showered. There's more to do..."

"What do you mean more? More like this?"

"There's somewhere we have to go and we have to get dressed."

"Can't we just cuddle? Pluuuuseeeeeeee?"

"Babe, there's nothing more in the world I'd like to do right now, but I've already arranged for something. It'd be a shame to miss it."

"Oh, alright..."

We took turns bathing in the communal showers and then headed back to my room to get dressed. Dee started to wear her clothes but I stopped her and showed her the bags with the dress.

"Uhhh...Jen? What is that you've arranged? Where are we going?"

"We're going somewhere which requires formal dress. Now, let me help you get dressed and then you'll do me."

"I can do you now if you want!"

"A quickie? How exciting! As much as I'd like to indulge we'll never be on time if we do, so with regret, I must respectfully decline."

"You're as crazy as a loon you know that?"

"Yes but I'm your very own crazy loon!"

Dee looked fantastic in her emerald dress. What was even more spectacular where her legs; her brand new heels showed off her calves marvelously. Her shoulders were framed by her red locks creating a beautiful contrast with her skin. I would be wearing my cobalt blue dress which had been specially delivered to me courtesy of my sister.

"So, where is it that we're going again?"

"Well, since I was going to tell the taxi driver in any case, I might as well tell you now. I've bought us tickets for the opera. Verdi's Rigoletto to be precise. We have first row box tickets. It should be spectacular."

"I didn't know you were into that kind of music. You've never told."

"Back at home my father would listen to opera when he wanted to relax. I've heard all the great ones...Gigli, Di Stefano, Kraus, Pavarotti, Domingo, Corelli...my father had all the records. I remember when I was eight, my parents dressed me up in my best clothes and we went to Toronto to watch a performance there. But I've never been to an opera performance since then and somehow I wanted to share this experience with you."

"I've never been and I'm sure that with you it will be great!"

Once inside the foyer of the Place des Arts we proceeded to make our way to our box. I felt really feminine in my cobalt dress and Dee was just as dazzling. To my amusement I noticed many heads turn as we walked by.

"Ouch! Hey not so fast! I'm not really used to these damned things!"

"I'm wearing them just as you are. Besides, if you knew how horny you make me when I see those legs of yours you'd stop bitching."

"Well, yeah...that...But I'm the one wearing four inch heels! You're just wearing a meager one inch!"

"Yes but now you don't have to strain your neck to kiss me. We're on the same level."

Catching up with me Dee gave me a quick peck.

"You know I can't resist you, I hope you realize that."

"That's my job...to be irresistible!"

"Oooohhh...look at that elderly couple at the corner there. I think granny looks scandalized by our kissing. Should we put some tongue action in display?"

"Naaahhh...we wouldn't want to give grandpa a heart attack would we? No, I'll have you later for dinner."

"Why wait? Why not now?"

"Because, you fiery minx, a) the opera starts in five minutes, b) I have other plans for you!

Dee gave me a sly look. Giving our surroundings a quick scan she then quickly lifted the hem of her dress and gave me a flash.

"Ooooooohhhh!! You scoundrel!! Going commando are we?"

"Well I was saving that for later but you kind of coached it out of me now!"

"You do realize that I won't be able to listen to a thing now, do you?"

"Oh Jennifer? Isn't the show starting in five minutes? We'd better hurry up! We might not make it!"

With Dee in fits of laughter at my expense and me being unable to erase her orange colored tuft from my mind, we made our way to our seats.

The opera production was phenomenal. As expected, Dee really liked the opening part of Act III "La Donna e Mobile" (Woman is Fickle), the ensuing "Un Di, Se Ben Rammentomi" (One Day, If I Remember Right) which leads directly to "Bella Figlia dell'amore" (Beautiful Daughter of Love). The opera together with the intermission is three hours long, so by the time we finished it was approaching midnight. It was imperative that we make it to my next reservation on time. Thankfully, my arrangements had been spot on and our taxi was waiting to take us to our next destination.

"So how did you like it?"

"Actually it was exquisite to listen to. I've never before had the inclination or the stimulus to do so. I think that what they do is incredibly difficult. To act and sing at full tilt for so long..."

"Well, these guys are professionals and their training takes a lifetime. I mean the live and sleep with music to achieve such a degree of perfection."

"Speaking of which, where are you taking me now?"

"We're going for a night cap. We're going to place which I think is fitting to end this day."

A few minutes later we had arrived at our destination. "La Champagnerie" was a highly reputable bar restaurant, famous for its succulent dishes and its exquisite champagnes. Once inside, we were ushered to our reserved table where a bottle of Taittinger Nocturne was awaiting us. Along came a platter of fresh oysters and salmon tartar fillets. Filling up our glasses, I tilted my flute towards her:

"Happy birthday Deirdre."

"You realize that you've achieved the unachievable right? You've left me speechless! I don't know what to say!"

"Your love speaks in your stead. Listen Dee...there's something I want to tell you...I'm not as eloquent with words as you are so bear with me...I'd like to tell you that, although it's only a few short months that we've been together, although we fell for each other almost instantly, although we're still barely nineteen, I feel...I feel like I've met my soul mate. We may know each other for these few months but it feels like I've known you for years. You are my best friend, my lover, my confidant and my support. And so...I raise my glass to us..."

Dee was smiling and at the same time her eyes were brimming with tears.

"This is the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to me...I can't believe my lucky stars...can't really speak right now..."

We toasted our glasses and Dee almost emptied her flute in one gulp. The champagne and the mouth-watering sea food soon lifted the seriousness from the atmosphere. To be precise, we both took to the champagne like fish to water and by the time the bottle finished we were positively tipsy. But when Dee nearly fell off her chair from laughter, that's when I decided to call it a day.

Biting my lip hard to stop myself from giggling like an idiot, I settled the bill and we were on our way. Once inside the taxi, Dee was feeling particularly frisky and I could feel her hand roaming over my thighs through the side slash of my dress. I wanted nothing more in the world than to rip her dress apart and eat her dry but we were in a taxi and the RVC was only a couple of minutes away. Besides, I did want us to arrive in one piece.

Once inside the room, Dee was all over me. I had to literally restrain the beast if our dresses were to have the slightest of chances to come out of this alive. Once the floor was strewn with our garments, she half shoved me, half tackled me on the bed.

"But...Dee...it's your birthday...I'm supposed to be doing that..."

"Oh no you don't...You've done enough all day...And besides...it's past midnight."

"How about...how about we sixty-nine it?"

Dee looked pensive.

"Uhhh...okay...haven't done that before..."

"Me neither...but it'll be fun! You'll see!"

My fiery red-haired lioness reversed her heading and soon her deliciously dripping slit was hovering over my face. With her arousal wafting through my nostrils I rapidly closed the gap between my face and her lips and latched my mouth to her clit. Dee shrieked with pleasure as I applied suction. Not wishing to be left behind she quickly mimicked my actions. We were both quite horny and sexually charged from a day full of excitement and barely concealed innuendos.

It was soon apparent that this was a race of who was going to make the other come first. Feeling Dee's body tremble and her mouth detaching from my crotch, spelled victory for me. Seconds later, she mashed her pussy lips hard on my mouth; I could feel my nose sinking inside her sopping hole as I spread her buttocks to reach for some air. My girl must have been absolutely on fire. After a brief lull in her frenzied rubbing, I could feel her body trembling once more. "Oooooohhhh...God...another one..." was all I heard before she sat nearly upright on my face and practically fucked my mouth raw.

After riding these two tsunami-like waves of pleasure my girl collapsed on my torso utterly spent. I could smell Dee everywhere; my nose was moist and filled with her incredible scent. I'm also quite sure the lower half of my face was covered with her juices. After laying like that for a bit, Dee turned around once more and nuzzled my neck.

"That was awesome you know...My orgasms were so close together that it felt as if they were linked...I mean...wow!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself babe. Making you orgasm is something which I enjoy immensely. Happy birthday Dee..."

"I love you Jennifer. I know I haven't told you enough but it's true...and I hope you'll be around for me to tell you so for as long as you'll have me. Days, months, years...my heart and soul are yours..."

Well, what more could one ask? Sighing contently, I draped my hand around my red haired partner and we drifted off to the land of dreams.


And that's how Deirdre and Jennifer came to be together. As Darla had wisely told me, life isn't a fairy tale, although I've vividly painted one for you in these past few pages.

Dee and I, moved in together during our senior year at the university. Between our projects, exams, part-time jobs and other activities, time passed by at a breakneck pace. She had already come out to her parents during her high school years. I was still hiding my true identity from my folks; when we moved together I was going to tell them but I chickened out in the end and told them that she was a friend.

Although we were separated by a three hour drive, pressure on me was mounting: "Why aren't you dating?", "Don't you have a boyfriend?" was the usual not so subtle line of questioning I would get. Thankfully, Dee was very supportive and understanding and didn't pressure me further about that issue.

After we got our degrees with honors, Dee continued her studies in Medicine, whilst I accepted an offer I got for a PhD. After many discussions, she managed to persuade me that I really ought to come clean to my parents now because I owed them that much. In the end, I gathered my courage and went home one weekend to give them the much dreaded announcement. "Mom, dad, I'm gay," was the simple way with which I dropped the bombshell. Both my parents were quite shocked to hear this. Thankfully, no harsh exchanges were made, nor any hard feelings were left but things weren't the same when I left for Montreal that Sunday evening.

My mother quickly came round and accepted my new status. Surprisingly, my father took it quite hard and for the next couple of years he wasn't the same towards me as before. It was a painful two years for me, I must tell you. Every time I returned from a visit I would usually cry myself to sleep in Dee's comforting embrace. Eventually, Dee was invited over on one Christmas gathering and her ever present charm won the day. That, and of course my sister's tireless efforts gradually mellowed my father's heart enough that things were almost back to normal.

A few years down the road the issue of gay marriage became much more liberal and thus we were able to benefit from new legislation passed to legally bind ourselves together. In a very modest ceremony with our parents and siblings present we exchanged vows of eternal love.

As I write this, I can see Dee's graceful silhouette as she's napping in our couch. You see, lately my beautiful girl is feeling quite fatigued but...as our doctor said, that's perfectly normal when you're three months pregnant.


Post Script

I would like to thank you, the reader for reaching this far. I hope you've enjoyed this as much as I did writing it. I understand that happy endings can be so boring sometimes, but I couldn't bear to have these two separated. I would like to thank all the wonderful writers here on the Lit whose artwork has truly been inspiring for me. As always your feedback, comments and votes are more than welcome.

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Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai6437 months ago

A really good Story!

Is there more to their tale?

Thank you!

okami1061okami1061over 1 year ago

What a difference 3 months can make.

This time around, I felt it much more. Though I'd still would have liked to read more about Dee and how the relationship grew over time (the epilogue really was too much of a data dump to properly feel it).

I realize now, this wasn't a romance, per se. There was romance in it. And it had a distinct feel of documenting a very hard period for gays in the 90s; I would say providing guidance for those who come after but, thankfully, it looks like that period is over and we're not going back (regardless of what the Republicans long for).

The joy of Dee came through for me on my second reading. I still mourned the loss of Brit though (why couldn't 18 year olds work around moving away from each other? Seriously?)

And I realize the usual male-trying-to write-lesbian was there, I also realized that I didn't feel it very much. Being a male trying to write in that same space, I am very sensitive to the "offense" of trying to do so (been pounded a few times over the issue). But the novels I am working on require it (indeed, I write science fiction and my view of the future *requires* a very distinct feminine viewpoint because that's who I think will eventually be in charge of humanity; males have proven these last ten thousand years they just can't do it [without mass murder which females are done putting up with, thank the gods!]).

okami1061okami1061almost 2 years ago

This was definitely no Love Me, Please.

For me, it was too much of a 1990s lesbian documentary. I felt nothing for Dee. She felt thrown in just to have a particular ending. I didn't really need all that chapter and verse of bad or lost loves. It didn't add to "the" story. In fact, I'm not even sure what "the" story was. At first it felt like it was going to be a big self-awareness, super-angst, coming out hardship story, but compared to other stories here, Jen had it pretty easy.

So, in the end, what were we supposed to get out of this piece?

beddybearbeddybearabout 3 years ago

Really cool to read about places near home. Much easier to imagine place and go directly to the story.

Another gem from you. I really love your story telling. Real easy to feel emotion.

Thanks for sharing.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

This is a lovely story. I think it reflects the emotions involved in coming out in a clear yet very romantic way. Well done.

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