All Comments on 'Long Road Gone'

by Ahazura

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lujon2019lujon2019over 3 years ago

given his divorce and the slut were nothing more than a spring board I dont know why this is loving wives

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Good start keep going let's see how Joe developes on his own

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
very well written...

...but it seemed to veer off from the original story, and seemed like two separate stories. Thanx!


TajfaTajfaover 3 years ago

I loved it! 5 stars. However, there is more to tell and the sit down with his ex would be a good place to start. Keep writing.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 3 years ago
how are you going to help

another man through the loss of a child when you didn't even attempt to help your OWN husband. And if that was true, why lie about it.

PowersworderPowersworderover 3 years ago

I always enjoy a good story about a divorced husband putting his life back together after being betrayed by a cheating wife. This was a fun tale and I'd love to read more about his adventures.

I really liked Lateesha and Connie, they were both interesting characters. Being FwB for Lateesha's single friends would be awesome! I'm curious who he'll end up with, whether it's either of them, or if there's some other woman you had in mind for him.

If you do write another chapter, a visit from the kids would be a good way of finding out how the ex-wife is doing post-divorce. Hopefully Carol fell apart after he finally ended the marriage she destroyed with her infidelity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Nice story.

But I disagree with the counselor who said he hadn’t forgiven her. He said that the marriage was good and that he hadn’t thought about her affair for two years before he caught her lying again. He may have decided not to rock the boat and stay for the kids the first time, but he probably would have been perfectly happy to spend the rest of his life with her, if he hadn’t caught her lying again.

And what a lame excuse! If, indeed, the other man was married and had lost a child, he was doing the same thing she had done when she had an affair after losing her child: using a stranger to make you feel better, which apparently is not an uncommon theme among women who lose children. Because, let’s face it, it’s so much easier to distract yourself with someone new, than share the pain of the person who helped you create the child, with whom you share your life.

And no matter what she had done or not done, it came down to the lying, which, for a person who has been cheated on before, is always the worst thing you can do to them. It’s worse than the actual physical cheating, the sex. It totally destroys the trust.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 3 years ago

Interesting story! I hope you do a follow up.


ju8streadingju8streadingover 3 years ago

will look forward to reading more about joe

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

yes a second chapter please

woodwardwoodwardover 3 years ago

A very well written story and very enjoyable read. A lot of us have been in his position and opened up life's opportunities. Would like to read more about his journey. Thanks!

johntcookseyjohntcookseyover 3 years ago

What a wonderful opening salvo. I can't wait to hear more from Joe (and Carol and Lateesha and Connie and...). Kinda reminds me of Jong's 'Fear of Flying'. This could be the prologue and first chapter or two of a full 'life after death' novel. Fabulous piece of writing. Thanks much.

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

Thus far ok, not a world beater, but definitely worth another chapter.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 3 years ago

. Slow Dance to Divorce, Slower Road to Recover from a Heart Lapified from Wife's Deception - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (

I liked this overall. This story was like a crockpot. It took awhile to get going but author used time well to denote stages of grief and then finally the nascent healing.

Bottom Line : Good job!

I thank Ahazura for sharing.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 3 years ago
It seemed that his marriage . . .

. . . was just the hook to put this story into LW. This was mostly the middle aged male fantasy of getting a lot of pussy from different women, and being just as studly at 47 as 27. You even threw in the Harley, the tattoo and the beard.

Eventually he will be 57, and then 67. You can still fuck at 67, but life will seem kind of empty without a wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


Rob5373Rob5373over 3 years ago
Yes, I agree on a follow up.

I think he was looking for a reason to get out of the marriage as flimsy as the excuse he gave was. She didn’t really do anything wrong except lie to him about where she was and what she was doing. Yes, that’s on her but it wasn’t divorce grounds. As he said, he never really forgave her for the affair but he keeps saying he loved her and his family. I can tell you, playing the field and fucking anything with a pulse lasts just so long when there’s no Love connection. I really would like to see him realize what he’s missing by leaving his wife. Maybe he should see her out with another man when after he’s cut her loose? See how he feels now. Time for him to eat some crow if he really loves her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

It was really quite good! I like Joe and I do agree with the counselor, he never really got over the betrayal. When children die, issues in marriages become more pronounced. As he said, he felt as though he suffered the loss of his child alone because his wife abandoned him emotionally and physically. Not many would overcome. He was ready to leave and just needed an excuse. I don't fault him really.

Anyway, enjoy your classes. I enjoyed anatomy and physiology... of course that was 22 years ago. God, it hurt writing that.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 3 years ago
Great start - can't wait for more

I really enjoyed the plot development and appreciate keeping the story "real". I would have had the wife do a little more than just dancing with the guy at the bar, maybe a kiss, but you handled it well by tying back to him not getting over her previous affair. I also like how you're hinting he is "missing" something from a relationship point. At 47, he would be wondering/hoping to find someone to grow old with after he "finds himself" 5*

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerover 3 years ago
Always a pleasure to read something well written.

Many thanks. When a story is comprised of well composed words and structure, with a creative writing and insightful aspects, it is much appreciated. Thank you once again. Cheers.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesover 3 years ago
More please

This is well written and heading in a good direction. A follow up on the poor ex's misunderstood (ha) goings on with the asshole and Joe's progress navigating the changed times will make this even better.

Reader121Reader121over 3 years ago

Oh oh oh, to touch and feel virgin girls vaginas, ah heaven

BearcatfozzyBearcatfozzyover 3 years ago

While you were right that story didn’t break new ground, it was very enjoyable and realistic. I for one would love to read more about Joe and his midlife adventures, especially an eventual discussion with his ex — why did she suddenly decide to sign divorce papers so quickly?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Best of Luck with school!

You have the story part nailed! I'm looking for your next chapter.

As to A&P, just remember that the thigh bone is connected to the leg bone. etc., ect.



012Say012Sayover 3 years ago
Tell me more

The wife contested, then gave up, why? The story is a fun account of moving on. I like the character, I probably would like the wife, too. The backstory is plausible and compelling, this has legs, if you want to use them.

SleeperyJimSleeperyJimover 3 years ago
I enjoyed the writing as much as the story

The story itself frustrated me at first as it didn't seem to go anywhere different, but then you swung it around so that it was about his recovery rather than his despair. At the same time, it was really well written and the dialogue was smooth and natural. Well done.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I'll give it a Lit 5

The story is well worth continuing. Thanks for writing

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 3 years ago
I enjoyed the story. 5*****

However, it often strikes me that a middle-aged men who has raised two college-age kids and has a good job with responsibilities running a plant doesn't talk nasty to the woman he's having sex with. He sounds like some dumb-ass college kid who thinks that's what a man is suppose to be. Can't he be a man without being stupid?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Good story. Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed reading about Joe and his experiences. Connie's lying about her meet ups just ripped the scabs off the wounds he suffered from her previous affair and original betrayal. Divorcing Connie was Joe's only option to finally move on with life and obtain permanent emotional healing. Life's just too damn short and now Joe's on a path to make each tomorrow better than yesterday. Hope we get see more of Joe's story and that he finally finds the happiness and fulfillment he deserves.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I‘m looking forward to the next chapter,

but I‘ll gladly wait, knowing it is because you are using the time to study. Study thoroughly, there are enough bad doctors out there! Good luck with your exams and don’t forget to get some fresh air and exercise in between studying!


BaggyUKBaggyUKover 3 years ago
I'll also ask for more..

Good story and good characters. Sounds like you are very busy with life like most of us but whenever you can please continue this tale it's a very solid base for a second part. Thank you I enjoyed it.

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989over 3 years ago
Good Story

Initially I thought his reaction was too quick and he should have at least done a face to face. I do understand that things like affairs never leave one's mind. Once he got to SC it was party time, and life began at 47. Doesn't appear that he's concerned about Michigan or his family. Maybe when he's 57's he will..

BillandKateBillandKateover 3 years ago

You wrote some great characters here that we'd like to read more about. Maybe a bit about Connie - why did she give up so quickly and sign off on the divorce? And looking forward to Joe's further adventures. Thanks for this 5 star tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

reconnect with his kids...hook up with the ex-wife....go to Boston with Connie ....have a bevy of beauties be fuck buddies? There are quite a few possible story line here. One thing though. He spent a couple of decades in a family situation. Will he be able to function alone for the long haul? Hmmmmm, wonder what the ex is doing.

Hooked1957Hooked1957over 3 years ago

Nice job, Ahaz. Always great to read a well-thought out story.


green117green117over 3 years ago
Interesting story

Good luck with what looks like a medicine related degree.

I didn't get a feeling of completion out of this one. You left the motivation for his ex for giving up on the table. You leave any sense of purpose in the protagonist in a "whatever" kinda mode. What's happening with his kids, especially his daughter, is floating.

Yeah, midlife crisis I guess.

But anyway, I'd certainly look forward to a continuation. I'd mostly be looking for a development of some kind of emotional depth, at least before the conclusion.



Longhorn__07Longhorn__07over 3 years ago

Like others, I hope this is only the beginning of Joe's story. A number of things seem to need resolution--his relationship with his children, for instance....

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Just Words, I think you are being a little judgemental. Some women enjoy that. Shrugs

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 3 years ago

Her ex was staying in the same hotel ROOM, LOL?

I think you actually brought things to a nice conclusion, probably not a good idea to then leave it open-ended.

I don't see the need to have a talk with the wife. She cheated rather than deal with their SHARED grief with her husband, then lies to her husband instead telling Mike to talk to his wife, KNOWING from personal experience that going outside the marriage is not the way to deal with grief. BTW, does Sherry know their history? If so, why the fuck didn't SHE tell her that "helping" Mike wasn't a good idea?

Second BTW - He hasn't talked to his kids in SIX months? Yes, it's a two way street, but SOMEBODY has to go down it! His daughter at least seemed to be on the same page as him, why not maintain communication?

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 3 years ago

@Bearcatfozzy and 012Say, I think she signed because she and Mike WERE doing more than dancing, or at least did once he left.

Blinkie99Blinkie99over 3 years ago
Good story

Interesting well developed characters. Would like to see more parts to the story.

dragonmann72dragonmann72over 3 years ago

Your a good writer but I had a few problems with this start.

You started the story off with, 'I opened my phone and printed out the picture I had taken earlier tonight of Carol and some guy slow dancing. I left the picture, my wedding ring, and my lawyers business card on the table where she would find them.'

Then, 'Carol I found out that the last two weeks you haven't been going to Sherry's like you told me but instead you've been going to the Red Horse for drinks. Because of our history I followed you last week and saw you slow dance with that guy in the picture.'

Next, 'It occurred (corrected) to me that maybe I misinterpreted what I saw so I followed you again tonight and saw you slowly dancing with that same guy.

Last, 'We had a phone call where she explained that she was helping him get over the death of their newborn and the dancing was just part of the setting where they were at. She said it was awkward when he asked her to dance and she did so just to not make a fuss. The second week when he asked she had one dance and that was it. She didn't think he was hitting on her but it weirded her out to the point where she said was going to stop going out.'

Now I won't claim to be Sherlock Holmes, but what are the chances that that the only two dances happened when he walked in so he could see them. She claimed it was only the two weeks but when he followed her the last time it was the third week. Conclusion, she was lying. If she was so weirded out, why didn't she leave right then and she would have gotten home just after he did and before he left.

When we found out that her ex was staying in the same hotel room she put on a bikini that was barely acceptable and we went down to the pool.

I will assume (bad word) he was staying at the same hotel not the same room.

ranec1ranec1over 3 years ago
Mean As!!

chur m8 awsum story


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Hope to see more of his travels and see more about the girls he has great story keep it up

FireFox59FireFox59over 3 years ago
Not Bad

But I agree with another commenter....this was like two different stories. Don't disagree with divorcing the lying wife. She had cheated on him once and was lying to him again. Definitely time to move on with your life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Very good story.

Just like real life. One doesn't have to have or know all the answers all of the time. Sometimes it's okay to just let life "happen". You don't need to make yourself crazy thinking you should being doing "A" or should have achieved "B" by a certain time or age. Thanks for the read. A followup would be great.

5 stars

COYSCOYSover 3 years ago

For a good read. I agree with others that it doesn’t feel finished. Your story is good and the characters are great. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
More Please!

Thank you for a very good story. I would really like to read more of this man's adventures!

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdover 3 years ago
1/2 of a Really Good Story

Many little tales started but none completed. What was here though was quite interesting.

baulloyder68baulloyder68over 3 years ago
Liked it a lot

A very good read, well written and a great story line. I'd like it if you followed his life for awhile. He is headed in the right direction. FIVE*****

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984over 3 years ago

Really needs another chapter or so about Joe.

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984over 3 years ago

Forgot to say that even with my previous comment still a damn good read.

RK52RK52over 3 years ago

Your previous work is great and this is just as good, albeit different. I hope you can find a way to keep it up. A strong 5.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good story

I look forward to future chapters, at your convenience. Congrats on school, and good luck with your classes!

SkubabillSkubabillover 3 years ago

I do hope there is is a sequel soon, but first things first.

BeBopper99BeBopper99over 3 years ago

2* Stereotypical LW with wimpy, cucky, cowardly husband who runs into a bunch of slutty women who can't wait to bed a stranger. Better to watch a rerun of Fantasy Island. We need more real manly writers in LW.

Richie4110Richie4110over 3 years ago

I liked it and hope there is a follow up to bring it to a conclusion.


Bebop3Bebop3over 3 years ago

A tight, enjoyable little story. It left little morsels on the table for the reader to think about (why the sudden acquiescence by the wife regarding the divorce) and room to grow. Well done.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 3 years ago

This is a fair example of the new LW category. Wives are mentioned and perhaps used as props as the husband goes on a journey of self discovery. Many of the top LW stories do not really focus on a wife so much as the husband going wife after the wife cheats. Wives are needed to get the story into this category where the readers are, but they play an increasingly smaller part in the adventure type stories. They are front and center in the cuck and hot wife stories, as well as old school writers.

This story didn't really go anywhere, but it was well written and a comfortable read. I will read every story this writer posts.

timrivtimrivover 3 years ago

Guy dumps wife cause she was dancing with another guy and didn’t tell him about it. Talk about a shithead looking fo a way out. Obvious mid life crises.Now he’s banging a girl half his age. Nothing after the first couple paragraphs about the wife and what happened to her. Hopefully she moved on a married a real man not a little man child. Hope he wakes up in another chapter but finds he lost his wife and ends up a lone bitter drunk.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Nice story!

But why is, at the least, his daughter incommunicado?

But I think lots of folks would like to see where Joe is going in tne next couple years.

More please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I don't see the point in a confrontation with his ex

She repaid all his love and energy with lies, disrespect, and broken vows.

He doesn't owe her anything. I used to think 'closure' is something a cheated party can get from a cheating partner. But it's VERY rare that it does anything other than soothe the guilt of the cheater. Most times cheaters cheat because they can. It's hot, it's exciting, and it feels good. It's a pretty rotten thing to do, but people do it all the time. He's better off ignoring any attempts she has in trying to explain herself. He's not her therapist, and she's already hurt him. He should slowly be realizing by now how little he meant to her to do what she did. And while he's not perfect, the cheating and true rot in their relationship lies solely at her feet. He doesn't owe her a single minute of his time, he's right to explore himself. To find his own happiness, he's sacrificed enough to entitled toxic people.

MightyHornyMightyHornyover 3 years ago

Honestly wouldn't mind reading more stories about my namesake.

Thanks for the share, author.

mattenwmattenwover 3 years ago

That was a well-told story that was very entertaining! Seems that even as a divorced man gets older, you can have fun and the world doesn't end just because marriage does!

Baldy74Baldy74over 3 years ago
Great start

Really enjoyed it. I think people are missing the point about why he left. Wasn't because she was dancing with another man. It was the lying about it, especially after her affair. He deserves an honest wife, he deserves to be happy too. Look forward to where you go from here.

SpencerfictionSpencerfictionover 3 years ago
That was fun

Which is quite exceptional in this genre and still remain believable. Nice job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
good job

Nice, looking foward to the next chapter

chris73170chris73170over 3 years ago
good story

i like the story and cant wait to see what you have in store for joe. Good luck with anatomy and physiology

FD45FD45over 3 years ago

A good start. Wanting much more

arrowglassarrowglassover 3 years ago

Spencerfiction said it just right! Thanks for this one!

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 3 years ago


A divorce is an end,

but it's also a beginning.

Why not make the most of it?

Top ratings from me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

But too much.

FWBs ok

Motorcycle beard tattoo ? Beard shave off tattoo skin shriveled?

Hiking and camping healthy and take mind off work

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Nice job of revenge

You might not call it revenge, but a life well lived is the best revenge. I do believe he is living life to the fullest.

someoneothersomeoneotherover 3 years ago
A different opinion

Most commentators liked the story. I thought the story started nicely. A wife who did not love or respect a husband enough to grieve with him but found another, and a husband who could never forget. But then the story went downhill. Wife lied, but she did not do anything and had rationalized that she did not want to bring up bad memories with her husband. So, why was the husband so upset, as white lies are all too common with everyone. But then story transformed itself to another typical utterly boring trope about how husband becomes a sex god with women on each arm. Nothing more on the daughter or son, much less the wife. It is like two different incomplete stories that have no relation to each other, neither one of which was sufficiently developed to make me care.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I like connie, if she goes to Boston and decides to return for him and get married I'd like that. Think they make a good couple. Especially if latessha and her become friends. Not with benefits just that they speak and have an understanding of what the main guy was going through at the time. Oh and some resolution with the kids. Shitty how he doesn't hear from them anymore. No need for the wife anymore unless if to prove she was having an affair.

MediocreGingerMediocreGingerover 3 years ago

I love this story and can't wait to see what you do with it. Lots of directions it can go. Best of luck in RL so you can get back to this fantastic fantasy.

MediocreGingerMediocreGingerover 3 years ago

Also on the ex wife front. Curious how she gave up and signed papers after only a month. I feel if she truly loved him she would have fought longer and even tried to see him in person. So that could be a nice little plot there. Strange how the daddy's girl suddenly hasn't called in 6 months. something might be there as well.

Wolf_Man_1962Wolf_Man_1962over 3 years ago
Grear Story Looking Forward To The Next Chapter

Well written and plenty of room for other chapters. Those who want to criticize him for leaving "for no reason" are full of shit. You can forgive without forgetting. While the author didn't go into detail, the reason he followed her was he saw the signs from her infidelity repeating. She was headed down the same path whether she admitted it or not. He knew something wasn't right so he followed her. Once he discovered her lying again it was over. Not weak, not cowardly, but rather firm. He was not going to be treated like that again and I understand and agree with it. Funny how on this site, if the genders bad been reversed, they would be applauding the wife for leaving.

The complaints about not being in contact with the children for 6 mo were over stated imho. If the children were younger I could see this being an issue but these are college aged, young adults, who have their own lives and maybe are avoiding having to deal with the family break up. Also common in a lot of divorces, one parent demonizes the other, and the children choose sides. Who knows maybe that came into play here. Hopefully the author will expound in the next chapter. Again great story, even if it is fiction.

mr6x5mr6x5over 3 years ago
Good job

I really like where your going with this ..

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Great story. I was saving this one for a bad day in LW. Instead, we have a bad week and I bread it. I really like Joe, and the situation he finds himself in. Looking forward to chapter two.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Why do authors have to revisit the ex it doesn’t matter anymore if you’re going to continue this feed then forget about her.

kdad9010kdad9010over 3 years ago

Fun story. I want to know why the ex suddenly gave in though. I also like to dwell a little on their remorse and regret. I’m not sure what that says about me (but it probably isn’t admirable)

silentsoundsilentsoundover 3 years ago

This is great and I really am interested in all your characters.

I hope you are doing ok and I'm looking forward to more of everyone you have written about.

jazzharpjazzharpover 3 years ago
This was a favorite when it first posted

Still is! But we're waiting for the next (or final) chapter. Don't waste your time on invitations (like The Gambler) just because you're flattered for the invite.

If you're going to be distracted from Anatomy and Physiology, then devote your time to your own muse.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 3 years ago

So far the story has no direction. It’s meandering, kind of listless. It shouldn’t be predictable, but it’s pushing the boundaries of boredom.I mean, who wants to be approaching 50, without someone to share life with? Otherwise he’s just living to work, going through the motions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Finish the story

Good read. I liked it a lot. I hope he gets Connie.

BUT finish the story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Это конец???

Нет окончания рассказа...

ErotFanErotFanover 3 years ago
You've written a perfect male midlife crisis story

It had all the elements. Complicated home life. Divorce from frustration. Change of scenery. Motorcycle. Young, no strings, friend with benefits that defines what he is really seeking in his "crisis." The hot, rich babe that _might_ be either a long term relationship or a rebound that'll crash and burn.

The story plays out like a movie script. If the phone calls at the first were described as face meetings, all the scenes played out nicely. The confrontation in the hall, the bar with 20-somethings, the pool, the final visions of him with the tattoo on his bike moving down the never ending highway. Wit the Oak Ridge Boys' "Leaving Louisiana In The Broad Daylight" playing out in the background. Roll Credits.

kirei8kirei8over 3 years ago
You did it again!

I very much enjoy your stories but, PLEASE, finish One! I really don't care if it is a final btb or raac or neither - just something.

amygdalaamygdalaabout 3 years ago

Ahhh i want the other part. It looked like you were going the way of reconciliation maybe even RAAC. Still the story and character were engaging and would love to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Odd writing style, or should I say presentation style? Why bother? The entire story was almost all setup, . . . for what? We know nothing of any real human interest about these characters. What happened, To Everyone?? Did the wife really start fucking around again, did she fuck the coworker? Why did she suddenly drop her objection to the divorce? How The Fuck Are His Children Doing? You know, the ones he was just too in love with and responsible for to abandon his cheating wife 5 years earlier? And now his kids don't own cell phones, or at least don't answer when he calls, or have no weekends or college breaks to come visit their dedicated sacrificing suffering father?

Never mind. I think you have great setup ideas. I'm sure some author who wants to write a complete story learned a thing or two from your writing sample.

Thanks for the sample effort.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Looking forward to part 2

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Oh hey! You be so woke! That interracial stuff be so trendy! BLM, cracker!! You be bustin' yo honky ass to show how you ain't racist or nothin, man you ain't got no pride in you own race and culture, and that makes you nothin.

Sorry, "Anonymous" have to do, since I ain't signed up or nothin.


SouthdownSouthdownalmost 3 years ago
Good Story...

'Anonymous 06/16/21' is a cliche in his/her own mind! The comment was ridiculous and even more 'woke' if that is possible Than the story. This World is going to the dogs with all this 'woke' stuff so I am not surprised and I expect it to get worse

as the extreme Left Wing gets stronger until it isn't!!

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 3 years ago


Pretty sure the comment was a tongue in cheek attempt at humor.

IcarusascendingIcarusascendingalmost 3 years ago

really would love to see more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Loved the story, would like to see a conclusion

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Really does need a follow-on.Excellent story but the author needs to follow through with his plan for more, on the lines he has indicated.

NitpicNitpicalmost 3 years ago

Where is the rest,left like this it is a nothing story?.

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