Longhorns Ch. 03


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"Yeah, baby, don't you think we should start picking up strange women at bars and taking them home with us?" Robert asked, eager to join in with Meredith in annoying Virginia.

"I want to know her," Virginia responded.

Far from getting annoyed, or even joking, Virginia sounded like she meant it.

Robert laughed: "You're serious."

"No, really, I think it would be fun. It's just—I don't trust some random ho-bag we find on Sixth Street. I want to do it with somebody I feel comfortable with already."

"Are you two actually planning a threesome?" Meredith asked in disbelief.

Robert and Virginia looked at each other, her head still in his lap. Virginia pretended to gasp like Meredith.

"What will Pastor Steve think?!?!" she said in the deepest Texan drawl she could muster.

"I, for one, think it's a great idea honey...unless you want me to fondle some dude's balls," Robert added, "in which case it's a terrible idea."

"There's gotta be rules," Virgina said, still sounding at least semi-serious. "And I make 'em, and I enforce 'em."

"I have a feeling this threesome ends with me being tied up and whipped by two girls," Robert said, shaking his head, "which means I'm in."

Now Meredith felt suddenly uncomfortable sitting on the couch with them, with Virginia's bare legs draped across her. All the times they'd slept in the same bed together, it never seemed sexual or weird, even though they'd joke about making out all the time. They'd never taken it any further, but with the subject of threesomes broached, it felt different now.

"I...umm...I should leave you guys to it," she stuttered. "Lot of planning required for threesomes. Lots of...ins and outs. Maybe some diagrams..."

"Like assembling furniture?" Robert asked in jest.

Virginia had a huge smile—all Meredith could think was what her mother would have called it, a "shit eating grin."

"Later, gator," Virginia said, as Meredith fled the scene.

As she left, Meredith held a furious debate in her head.

They won't really do it. No way. They might. No, Robert wouldn't. But, if they do...

Would they ask me?


"So...Rick? How was that?"

Why did you think I would like him?

"Fine," Meredith responded.

It had been three weeks since the party, exactly as long as it had taken to blot out the image of Rick losing his lunch all over Robert's bathroom floor. Scratch that—the memory was still there in the back of her mind during their disastrous date, which once again ended with Meredith's bedpost un-notched.

"That bad? Damn, I thought you might actually like one," Virginia said. "Too dumb?"

"He looked at me like I was the idiot when I didn't know who Wayne Wade was."

"Dwyane Wade, Meredith. He's a basketball guy—"

"I guess that's why I struck out on Wikipedia afterwards," she replied exasperatedly. "I was looking for Wayne."

"Well, maybe you're right. About him, I mean, not, like...anyway. I guess I'm saying, I wouldn't have been in to him. You know, Rick."

So my standards ought to be that much lower? Christ, Virginia.

"Forget about him. How're things with Robert?"

Virginia started to look around furtively. The girls were seated in a coffee shop on the Drag, at a table on the second floor surrounded by people studying or conducting meetings.

"We did it."

Meredith knew what she was talking about immediately. She was surprised at how much the news hurt.

"Really?" she said in a strained voice.

"Yep. Last night. It was fun."


"Yeah. I mean, not mind-blowing, now I want to join the Mormons kind of fun, but still kind of epic in its own way."

"Mormons don't have threesomes," Meredith replied, still trying to mask how upset she was.

"Maybe they just don't tell everybody," Virginia replied. "Anyway, it's over, it was fun, and I feel pretty good about how everything turned out."

Meredith took a deep breath.

"Who was it?"

"I knew you'd ask," Virginia said a little smugly. "So first we were thinking Kylie..."

...because she'd fuck anything on two legs...

"...but then I figured that it'd be better if the girl wasn't, like, too much into guys. That way she wouldn't come between us, so we went with that chick Chelsie from the complex. She's kinda hot, but I wasn't intimidated either."

Chelsie? Like stringy hair, slutty outfits, pushing her stupid boobs together to make them look big even when they aren't that big, always making gross double entendres about cunnilingus Chelsie?

Meredith was stewing. For three weeks she'd heard Robert and Virginia tease each other about it: Robert cracking jokes about how he would need to get in shape to satisfy two women, Virginia pretending like she was going bring in a transsexual so they'd both be happy. She'd brushed it off as just a joke.

Only now, after thinking about it at least as much as they had, Meredith was downright pissed.

"Well...glad you had fun?"

"What's up your ass, Meredith?" Virginia said incredulously.

Meredith cringed. She was embarrassed to tell the truth.

"Sorry, nothing."

"Stop it," Virginia insisted. "You can pull that on everyone else but me."

Meredith knew she was right. Now she just needed to find a way to explain things to Virginia as vaguely and as non-committal as possible.

"Well, I just thought..."

Meredith had gone into full-blown fear and embarrassment paralysis. She knew Virginia got off on watching her blush, but she felt like her only way out was a trap door beneath her chair. Then again, it was the second floor, and she'd probably just end up crashing into the espresso machine, and her skirt would fly up, and everyone would see...

"Meredith Elizabeth Reynolds!" Virginia said with a huge grin. "You wanted in!"

"I did not!" Meredith protested.

"I'm just kidding," Virginia said giggling. "You're about the last person I would ever ask."

Meredith knew she should have kept nervously smiling. It wasn't often that she could lie to Virginia and get away with it. But when she heard what Virginia said, it stung.

Of course she wouldn't ask me—I'm lame. I'm boring.

"Fuck," Virginia said in a whisper. "You're serious."

Meredith knew she was busted; her wounded face must have given her away.

"It's not what you think...I mean, I wouldn't have actually done it..."

Virginia looked at her skeptically. Meredith hoped her miraculous lie detecting powers would fail her again.

"Why then?"

Meredith felt like she was on trial.

"It's nice to be asked."

"This isn't like inviting you to lunch, Meri. It would be fucking weird to invite you to have sex with us as, like, a courtesy."

Meredith hated that she was blushing. She hated that Virginia was interrogating her, and that she was lying. She hated that the truth was, she'd thought a lot about their stupid threesome, some of them nighttime, under-the-covers-and-squirming-alone thoughts.

"Be quiet!" Meredith pleaded. "You just said you wanted it to be someone you trusted. I just thought you trusted me."

Meredith felt her entire body growing warm. She knew she wasn't a lesbian, and she knew that she didn't want to steal Robert. But, for some reason, a threesome with her two favorite people, both of whom she also found super attractive, seemed like the safest, least nerve-wracking way for her to actually start living the crazy college experiences that it seemed all of her friends were having.

"I do," Virginia said, though for once Meredith detected something uncertain in her voice.

"What is it, Virginia?" she asked. "I mean, look, I get what you probably think about me."

"Really?" Virginia said, with a note of harshness in her voice. "And you're still surprised I didn't ask you."

Her words stung Meredith.

"Just because I don't seem sexy or, like, hot doesn't mean—"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Virginia said, too loud for where they were.

Meredith cringed with embarrassment, but Virginia was undaunted.

"That's what you think's going on?" Virginia continued. "You're not hot enough for me to let you fuck my boyfriend?"

Meredith felt the situation spiral out of control. She was confused and embarrassed, as Virginia's rage seemed to come out of the blue. The trap door scenario seemed even better, embarrassing fall be damned.

"Virginia, please stop yelling," she begged in a whimpering voice.

"Fine," she said in a hissing whisper, "you can stop pissing yourself Meredith. But get this straight: I didn't invite you because I didn't want Robert to be yet another boyfriend who dumps me for you."

"I never—"

"You think that makes it better?" Virginia said, eyes glaring. "To watch guys dump me for just a shot at you? Everybody falls in love with you."

"I don't even know what you're—"

"Don't try it," Virginia spat, before catching herself. "Look, I'm sorry. I know you don't do it on purpose. But, shit—how fucking stupid would I be to bring you into our bedroom? Like, I would be just asking for Robert to pick you over me."

Meredith wanted to cry so badly at that moment, but she gathered herself, looking around to make sure no one was listening in on their conversation. She hated that this was happening here. Meredith wanted her chance to speak.

"Ever since we first got old enough to even think about boys, they've wanted you. You had fifty boyfriends. I've had none. You've had all the sex and parties and skinny-dipping and sneaking off with guys during Service Club projects and whatever. I've had none. You have a guy who's over-the-moon in love with you right now, and you don't even give a crap. Seriously, I would kill to have a guy like Robert. I ended up with Clay. And I'm not trying to steal your boyfriend. I just wanted once to be the person who got to have the crazy story, who got to drink the shot for making out with a girl or having a threesome. But this idea you have about me—nobody loves me, Virginia. Not my parents, not any guys, and I guess not you."

As she stormed off, Meredith was proud of herself for actually getting her whole speech off without getting choked up. She was shaking, with a supremely uncomfortable bus ride back home ahead of her. Virginia made no effort to catch up with her; Meredith couldn't bring herself to think about what this moment would mean for their friendship. As she walked across campus, it suddenly dawned on her that if things went way south, Meredith wouldn't be able to stay at the apartment. Though she felt deep down it would never go that far, in the moment that fear fed off all the other turmoil in her mind.

When she finally got home, Virginia had already beaten her there, probably thanks to a ride from Robert. Meredith noticed how messy the closet was—Virginia had taken some clothes.

She wouldn't see her again for three days.


I am a gross, gross person.

Meredith didn't usually do this sort of thing. Most of the time, when she masturbated, she did it in the shower, like a civilized person. But now, with Virginia gone, the strangest thing was happening to her: everyday since their fight, Meredith had found herself thinking about Virginia and Robert. Robert and Virginia. Naked. Together. With her.

Before the fight, before she knew they'd gone through with the threesome, Meredith hadn't actually fantasized about being with them. At least, not a lot. But now, with Virginia pissed at her, it was all she could think about. Even stranger was the role Virginia played in her mind.

Meredith rubbed the top of her clit with her right hand. The fantasy begins in the present moment:

Virginia catches her masturbating in her bed. She accuses Meredith of secretly being a dirty slut. Meredith denies it pitifully, but Virginia tells her that a girl who wasn't a slut would have stopped touching herself by now. Meredith hasn't stopped.

Virginia tells her to admit she wanted Robert's dick. She does. Pulling down her panties, Virginia orders Meredith to tell the truth: she wants to know what it's like to eat pussy. Meredith whispers 'no': she only wants to know what it's like to taste Virginia's pussy.

Virginia tells her that her wish can be granted, if she apologizes. She does, but Virginia slaps her bare breast and tells her that she needs to be specific. 'Apologize for pretending to be a good girl when we all know you're a slut deep down,' Virginia barks, before replacing Meredith's fingers at her sex with her own. Virginia starts to pump her fingers in and out of Meredith, while Meredith licks her own pussy juice stained fingers clean.

In the corner, Robert has taken his cock out. It's absurdly big, almost threateningly so. 'Thought this was what you wanted,' Virginia says lasciviously. 'Don't you want my boyfriend's cock?' 'Not as much as I want you,' Meredith confesses. 'You're gonna get fucking pounded anyway, slut,' evil-but-hot imaginary Virginia says cruelly.

Meredith would have been perfectly happy to continue the fantasy scenario, to imagine all the nasty things Virginia and Robert would do to her, but seconds after imaginary Virginia placed imaginary Robert's cock at the entrance of her pussy, Meredith began to squeal into the pillow, coming hard on her own hand and the towel she'd placed below her. A wave of contradictory emotions followed the immediate crest of physical pleasure, and Meredith slumped into the pillow, exhausted on more than one level.

She'd learned things about herself. Though she knew—thought, at least—that she wasn't a lesbian, she was still surprised to see how much latent attraction and sexual tension was submerged within her relationship with Virginia. The fight only brought it out, especially since it was a fight in which Meredith learned that, for the first time, Virginia really, truly thought of her as a genuine sexual competitor. Someone to look out for. Not a church girl, cute-but-not-sexy little mouse, but a girl who men wanted to fuck, maybe even more than they wanted to fuck Virginia.

Meredith had been appalled at first, but gradually she realized it was if anything more flattering than being everyone's favorite asexual little sister. She knew she was pretty—she'd just thought it was a kind of pretty that wasn't sexy. But Virginia thought she was sexy, even a little dangerous. For Meredith, that was a step up.

Now she just needed to work up the courage to go over there and say she was sorry, though she wasn't quite certain about what. The longer the 'fight' went on, the less Meredith could understand Virginia's perspective, actually. Virginia knew Meredith had no malicious intentions. Why was Virginia tripping out over a bunch of high school boyfriends? She had Robert. Wasn't that enough for her?

Meredith had an odd idea. Normally at this point she'd wash her hands, but the thought of possibly, if only in her fantasy life, of being with another girl, got her thinking. Tentatively, as if someone else were watching, she lifted her hand towards her face, as she'd done in her mind's eye. Still lying on the bed, she took first one finger, then another into her mouth, tasting her own juices. She hadn't known what to expect, but it wasn't bad. She could imagine doing this with Virginia and not freaking out.

Now she just needs to talk to me again.


"Did you see this on an episode of Saved by the Bell?"

"Screech didn't have his own apartment," Robert said drily.

"Yes he did—he took over for Mr. Belding, and—"

"Virginia, stop distracting me."

"Why am I here?" Meredith asked.

And why is she pretending to be surprised. He invited each of us separately to his apartment. Of course he's trying to get us to kiss and make up.

"You're here because it takes me four days of acting stupid to say I'm sorry," Virginia said only semi-reluctantly.

Robert looked proud.

"And...?" he prodded.

"I blamed you for a lot of stuff that wasn't really your fault," Virginia continued, "and I guess I just let it build up over time."

"Well, we weren't always honest with each other," Meredith agreed, "or ourselves."

"Meri, I really do love you," Virginia said, embracing her.

Meredith felt good being back in Virginia's arms, though it felt different after the imaginary exploits of her fantasy life in the past few days.

"I'm just sorry for bringing it up," Meredith said. "It was stupid."

"What was this fight about?" Robert asked, shaking his head.

Meredith looked at him surprised.

"She didn't tell you?"

"Actually, that was on purpose," Virginia said, turning to look at Robert. "This is going to sound really weird, so please, please bear with me."

Meredith looked at the two of them: Robert, his deep, soulful eyes and quiet confidence; Virginia, so alluring, a fantasy come to life. Meredith felt a little heartache that she had never felt what they feel together every day.

"Probably no one has ever said this before but here goes: we were in the middle of a threesome when I realized I was in love with you."

Robert seemed utterly paralyzed, and for a moment Meredith couldn't tell if things were about to become a catastrophe.

"I love you too, Virginia Gaye," he said, quietly but firmly. "I always have."

Robert turned to look at Meredith for a brief moment, and she felt his confusion.

I know—why am I here for this?

"Do you know why?" Virginia continued. "I mean, why then?"

"Yes," he said with utter confidence.

Meredith couldn't help herself.

"Really?" she blurted out.

Robbie laughed.

"You had to be there. Let's just say the threesome was mostly about two people spoiling Princess Virginia."

Now it was Virginia's turn to put on a devilish grin.

"You hear that Meredith?" she said. "That's how it works around here."

Robert stroked his chin demonstratively.

"We got in a fight because Meredith wanted Chelsie's spot," Virginia said.

"Oh," he replied, calmly at first, until it hit him. "Ohhhhh. I get it now."

"I didn't," Meredith said. "At least, not at first. Hence, you know, the fight."

"Virginia, you know that—" Robbie started.

"I know. I was being stupid," she said.

"You don't have—"

"I know," she repeated. "But it might be fun..."

Meredith watched as Virginia leaned in to kiss Robert. It was deep, passionate, and Meredith felt a pang of jealousy, before realizing that this wasn't the sort of kiss you share, even with a boyfriend, in front of other people.

Still locking lips with Robert, Virginia reached over to pull Meredith closer. Once she was in striking distance, Virginia broke her kiss with Robert, who was surprised to see Meredith just inches from his face.

"Wait, now?"

"No better time," Virginia replied, before wrapping her arm around Meredith's waist and pulling her in for the first truly romantic kiss they'd ever shared.

Meredith felt herself swoon; the only thing that she could compare it to other than stolen kisses from peach-fuzzed high school boys was Clay's sleazy seduction of her, and the knowledge of what happened after had tainted those memories. The immediate physical feeling was there, only greater: the racing heart, the pleasant tingling, that good kind of dizziness. Once her head cleared after the initial surge of shock and bliss, Meredith could feel Virginia's other hand come around to pull through her hair, holding the side of her head.

Her own arms hung limp, as if she was in too much shock to move them, until she felt Robert actually lift them up and place them around Virginia, whose hair he began to stroke. With her wits returned momentarily, Meredith moved them lower, to Virginia's ass, and gave it a squeeze, causing Robert to laugh and Virginia to make a girlish squeal.

"You're bad," she whispered breathily to Meredith.

"That's what everybody says," she replied. "Meri, the bad girl."