All Comments on 'Look of Lust'

by Cinical

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26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago
Change for the better

Finally, a decent new story on LW. Except for BR's special events, and a rare gem, we haven't had much to like here in LW. Here we have a story of a man who won't tolerate his cheating wife, and burns her and her man whore to the ground. Thanks for the fun.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
4 stars

Finally a good story would have gave it a 5 if he ended up a white someone else.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 6 years ago
At this point I'm kind of wondering if the author's mentally retarded

Absolutely nothing about the story is even coherent or rational.

Why doesn't he confront her about the way she was dancing with her boss? the entire first half of the stories about how the wife's boss humiliates him and how the wife walks all over him and embarrasses him at the company party. So why then does he not mention this at all on the way home from the party or in the days after the party?

He lets himself get pushed around by her nasty aggressive attitude.

His wife says he's imagining things and she's not fucking her boss. So why is your diaphragm bear in the hotel room?

he already knows as wife has a previous incidents of cheating on him so why is he so willing to give her a second chance? Why is he willing to not say anything or react when he finds the bosses clothes in her room with condoms and her diaphragm?

Despite all of this even when the wife comes home there's no reaction to anything that she is done. Not until she announces that this going to be a second trip with her boss does he finally do anything

The poorly written irrational incoherent story that makes no sense

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
This was better than 90% -- make that 99% of the LW stories these days.

But it pretty much turned into the same cliche' idiocy on the 3rd page. Also, what was the point of staying with her for months? The alienation of affection BS and suing the company BS dropped the story a couple stars for me.

The writing was okay but try to come up with something more original next time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Good one

I'm sure he'll pull out of his funk in a bit and he'll be much better off in the long run than if he'd stayed with her cheating whorish ass .

It's not the best story in loving wives history , but if you add all of them up , its in the top ten percent . It's a sad thing to say , but that's the truth of it .

Now get ready for the usual suspects to start throwing you under the bus .

anytime there's even a hint of a btb , the usual ones will show up . lewdon , cocksuckerjoe , timmy90 , harold knight , red richard just to name a few . they won't say jackshit when its a raac or waac tale , never say anything about cumslurpin cuck stories either . but they'll be in here on you like flies on shit author . you should just delete them , my advice to you .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
This was painful to read.

Not only did the author not take the time to determine parental and child support laws; but he didn’t even explain why Carl would make demands, and act like a child instead of dealing with his wife and her lover.

The whole story was his reaction to her affair. Not once did he try to stop it, sure he attempted to force her to quit or transfer but she had no Post secondary education and no qualifications for anything orher than scrubbing toilets so why would they transfer her?

Sorry but Carl was a piece of shit husband. And this heavy handed approach to punishing the ex-wife was retarded. She lost her job, gained 50lbs, lost the baby, and was blackballed from whatever the fuck an uneducated 42 yr old works as....which was what exactly.

Impo_64Impo_64almost 6 years ago
In the end she was lucky...

In the end she was lucky...She lost the baby, one less expense and found out a companion for the old age...3*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
well some just do not like this presentation

for those I say I am sorry for the tenor of the story... This crap happens and geez maybe the story has some holes in it... But this a damn good story line of some elements of marriage on the way to divorce.. Baby and all...4

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
I wonder?

I can't believe how many IDIOTS comment with stupid ideas.

"There is a REAL BIG PROBLEM with this story" by Anonymous:

Shit is mentally ill: If DNA say you are not a father, than you are not.

That is why they let DNA tests before the birth.

Honestly... some people open their mouths, and shit comes out.

Sorry Cinical for this, your story is GOOD! Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
The irony is...

If he wasn't such a self defeatist sad-sack, he'd be happier than ever.

Men as they get older become more and more attractive to females. Women are programmed to look not just for youth and beauty (like men) but also status. His status will only go up as he gets older, and age makes men look distinguished. It's a man's time to shine!

Young men need to be SUPER good looking to find even a casual fling, because a young woman is at HER PEAK. His wife can no longer bear children safely, her age and wrinkles put off men as a whole. Her entitled attitude is GONE. She's like a young man now, desperate for any attention.

Point is, he can have children safely with a young thing. He can afford to make himself as healthy and as status secure as he can to attract a young, pretty, and most of all SMART woman. She can't. Youth favors women, old age favors men.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Not a very exciting or emotional story.

The guy wallowed in self pity. Getting his wife knocked up was not a smart move. The one thing I am always amazed at is how people feel they can sue a party that does not adhere to a contract with a third party. If the wife has a contract with language that prohibits certain behavior, it is a contract involving the parties that actually signed the contract. Suing people because they do not live up to a contract between them is just ridiculous. If The NY Giants allow Eli Manning to sign autographs and his contract states he cannot do that, can I sue the Giants and get a big payout because they did not enforce the terms of the contract? If your name is not on the contract, it simply does not involve you. This was a story about a weak man that closed the door after the horse escaped.

Harold Knight

ScorpioJJScorpioJJalmost 6 years ago
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me

She didn't consider her husband at all. Even if she didn't get pregnant, she was probably loaded with STDs. He shouldn't have even attempted sex with her after the trip. Just get checked for diseases and stay away from her. She deserved everything that she got in the end. I agree with other posts, why should he give up women? He has money and is still healthy he would be catnip to the single ladies. Go get some. There are better women out there.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Not bad until ....

It was a good story, with a lot of energy, but it doesn’t hold together when you have him continue to have sex with her and so on. Why would he do that? Answer: because you had no idea what to do after the part where he flies out.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago

I could MAYBE give her a LITTLE benefit of the doubt that she got swept up into something. But when her husband points out how inappropriate she was, and not only does she at least claim not to see it, she pouts HIM down!

Frankly, he was stupid at the function, after the first slow dance, he should have been out of his seat an reclaimed his wife. It reminds me a little bit of The Bridge, where the hero ignored his boss's inappropriate behavior with his wife.

With no fault divorce he needs no PI, or even cheating. He simply says that it's the job or him. If she goes on that trip and/or doesn't transfer, he's getting a divorce, plain and simple.

I would have fucked her so hard that she could barely walk, let alone fuck Trevon, and mark her all over for Trevon to see!

"Thank you for trusting me. You have nothing to worry about." - Except that I DON'T fucking trust you, and I'm PLENTY fucking worried!

Why the hell didn't he walk up to her at the pool and say, "Is this the big 'meeting' that kept you from coming home today?"

Why bring race into it? It was sort of okay as a simple description of Trevon, but then the OTHER guys at the function were also black, as well as the other guy on the trip? Then this: "not to mention what kind of filthy black cock she was sucking." Would it be better if it was a filthy WHITE cock?

"You haven't been doing your job in the bedroom so I guess I needed a little entertainment on the side." - Oh? Just when did she ever say that? She certainly seemed pretty happy with his performance! What is it any way? His performance or her job advancement? It doesn't speak well of her job performance if she has to fuck ti boss to get ahead, no pun intended!

She has a good case against the company. She was seduced by her boss; that's sexual harassment, even if she consented. It was apparently common enough knowledge that the bosses SHOULD have known about it, especially after their behavior at the party, and the bosses obviously knew his history. She has a HUGE suit against the company. Despite what these stories say, Carl probably doesn't, though he MAY be helped by the fact that that the company probably knew and even somewhat enabled it.

"Everybody blames me" - Of course, you're to blame!

I'm sorry, early forties is plenty young enough for a decent looking guy with a good job to find a good woman. Okay, unlike a lot of stories he's not going to get a swimsuit model, but there are plenty of decent women looking for good men.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago

I'm admittedly not an expert, and I'm certain laws vary from state to state, but I find it INCREDIBLY hard to believe that just because the baby is born before the divorce is final that the husband is responsible even if he's not the father.

I BELIEVE that if a wife gives birth to a lover's child during the marriage, and the husband knew nothing about the affair and has been raising the child as his own for x period of time, he's on the hook, MAYBE he can get off it, but only with extreme difficulty.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

A bit too racist for me.

Don't care about white or black, or yellow.

God story....dump the racist stuff.

Redo1984Redo1984almost 6 years ago
Couldn’t finish.

Argh. I wanted to.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

The baby was never born, pre-natal paternity tests are a thing. Fully read the story before babbling 😉

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Not great or original

But not because of "racist". Every Black athlete I know works at fucking a white hottie and all the better if she is married. Check out your television commercials and you will see that 25% show blonds with BLACK MEN INTIMATELY. The other 75% make fun of white men.

PowersworderPowersworderalmost 6 years ago

"I was probably too old and too depressed at what happened to find another woman who I could build a close loving relationship with."

This ruined the story.

The guy is only 39, it's not like he's a pensioner! He was reasonably good-looking, wealthy after the lawsuits and had a good job... women would be lining up to go out with him! He'd easily be able to land a nice mid-thirties girl whose biological clock was ticking. Having him give up dating after only a couple of women was pathetic and made me lose all respect for him.

Actually, he behaved like a spineless loser long before that...

When his wife disrespected him at the party, he should have stopped them dancing and publicly humiliated her... After all, she'd just done the same to him. If he'd done that and threatened the slut with divorce, he might have made her realise how serious it was and saved the marriage. If that didn't work, he'd have got the divorce and avoided months of being cuckolded... and rid himself of a whore wife who had already been unfaithful before!

DrakenNoirDrakenNoiralmost 6 years ago
Rep. To Anon: Real Problem With the Story??

O.K. You have a DNA test that proves her puppy isn't yours. That alone establishes her infidelity. You also have the video of her committing the act. You have at least some dates, times and the location of one of their assignations. Additionally he had sworn statements from several co-workers who knew of the affair and could testify if needed. Exactly how is it going to be tricky for him to get out of paying child support?? With the evidence he had it's very doubtful he'll be paying for that kid. Not if he's got a decent lawyer.

Oh, and who are you to say that his reactions were childish! Yeah, we all like it when the husband has it together and gets clever revenge in whatever degree we feel is appropriate. But hey, the guy is just rather average. Or maybe not even that. And as far as MAKING her transfer or quit, she shut him down quick, fast and in a hurry. She flat out said NO. That left him with few choices. Through away his marriage before she had done anything or wait until he could confirm his suspicions. Not very many other options. He told her what was going on, she ignored him. He tried strong arming her and she wouldn't go for it. Had he tried it at the dance it might have worked but it also could have blown up in his face. Leaving him looking like a fool. Sometimes you can see what's going to happen and do all you can think of to stop it and the train wreck will still happen. We've all seen spouses do great things to avenge those that have wronged them. Hey, it's just not this guy!

The author did do Sarah a disservice about her skills. She worked there for over TEN years. She was this guys PA. She may not have had any higher education but she did have EXPERIENCE!! So she should have been able to find work other than as a menial. Not saying she would make as much as she did. But she should have been able to live at least a modest lifestyle.

As far as Carl being a POS husband? What would you expect him to do?? He tried his best to warn her. He can only do what he is capable of doing. So in the midst of just about the most painful thing a person can go through, YOU expect HIM to be WHAT EXACTLY????? Understanding??, Forgiving??, Patient??, Loving (you got to be kidding)?? Sarah is the one who torched their marriage. For you to believe that Carl would be thinking rationally and clearly is a bit absurd. His WHOLE world is in pieces but you somehow think that he should magically rise above it all. It would be interesting to see how you would react under the same set of circumstances. According to the experts on infidelity, finding out that your spouse has cheated is one of the most painful things a person can experience. It has been stated that it is MORE painful than losing a limb or being raped. Check web if you doubt it.

All we have is your basic once a cheater cake eater and her very average spouse. Who tried to cope the best way that he could.

Decent story. Hopefully Carl will eventually come out of it, though it may take a few years.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Try writing in the realm of possibility you stupid cuck fag

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
First Stories

First stories just break the ice. They are rarely very good. But everyone has to start somewhere. Ignore all the advice (except mine, of course), and just write another story. Then another. And another. By that time, you'll have enough experience and a thick enough skin to appreciate what is good advice and what you can safely discard. Incorporate the good advice in still more stories. You'll get there if you want to, but writing is hard work when done right.

Good luck with it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
A decent first story with plenty of flaws

1. He is 39 a whole life a head of him. Men make babies into there 60 s look at Larry King.2. He should have stop her on the dance floor,the cheating would have happened anyway. 3 . The co morality clause do they even have such a thing. You wrote he got a hudge settlement , so he can move on confortably . 4 . The odds of her getting pregnant from punching hole in a diagram and rubbers got to be in the stratosphere. 5. She had job skills that would have gotten her a decent paying job. 6 . Divorces are 50/50 unless it's a state that allows adultery as a defense. she would have gotten alimony till she found a job ,since his suit got her fired.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Stupid BTB trash

I see all the sad little weasels who’s wives have left them have come crawling out from under their rocks to worship another super hero husband who did what none of them did but wish they would have. It’s really sad how these pathetic excuse for men seem to all fawn over these stories. Like nerds to Marvel comics. This story was in no way erotic and should not even have been on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
OK first effort

I know better than to confuse an author with the characters he created. This main character was racist, which made him hard to like. When you don't like the cheating wife, scummy boss, or the offended husband, it makes it hard to really root for anyone.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "@sbrooks"

I DID read the whole story! I was responding to OTHER comments regarding paternity.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

You feel good writing this? Its pure putrid excrement of a writing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Re: stupid btb trash

If you don’t like your story put out there then tell that slut you married to stay off my jock. But don’t stop her till Friday, we’ve got that gangbang lined up

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
@anon stupid BTB trash

I think it's time to go back to sucking your bull's dick and reading cuck stories. You need to keep your mouth busy.

KristieBechirKristieBechiralmost 6 years ago

Exactly like a thousand other stories on this site. It could literally have been copied and pasted piece by piece from a dozen different stories.

Also, please lay off the “alienation of affection” lawsuits. They don’t exist anymore. There are only 7 states that have these laws still on the books, and they are almost never filed, and never won. Same with those cliche “morals clause” lawsuits.

As a first effort, however, I give you credit for much better grammar and spelling than 90% of Literotica authors.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago
@KristieBechir Re: Morality Clauses

I'm with you, I've been railing against their use forever. No company is going to have a policy that exposes them to lawsuits, just the opposite! To the extent that there are "morality clauses," it's to make it easier for firms to fire supervisors who abuse their authority.

The only case he MIGHT have against the company is the open knowledge of the affair, including inappropriate behavior at a company event, Trevon's KNOWN proclivities, and allowing him to take female colleagues on "business" trips, including staying after the business is concluded!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I will take this over a sissy boy cuck fag story anytime. The wimps can just keep crying into their creampie.

bruce22bruce22almost 6 years ago
Yet another sad tale

The truth of the matter is that fucking around is bad for the spirit and for the body.

It hurts everyone sooner or later. But with that look on her face she was long gone.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Bad plot summary

“My Wife is having an affair with her boss.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to set it up so he gets her pregnant.”


“And then I’m going to pretend to fuck her without cumming.”

“You are a true genius.”

“I know.”

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Sad, Solid Tale

A sad but solidly told tale. Four stars.

sdc97230sdc97230almost 6 years ago
"Morality clauses"

These date back to the days before at-will employment, when companies could be sued for wrongful termination for firing people for things that had nothing to do with how well they did their jobs if there weren't written policies in place. The only way anyone could ever sue a company over them was if the company applied them unequally, and it's the employee who got the short end of the unequal treatment that is the one with standing.

Now that most states have at-will, under which companies can terminate employees for any reason or for none at all, the closest thing that exists today is provisions in employee handbooks that say an employee can be disciplined or fired for actions that harm the company or its public image, and the company is the sole arbiter of what those actions are.

The idea that you could ever sue your spouse's company for not having or enforcing policies to prevent your spouse from cheating on you is just laughable.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreealmost 6 years ago

We have a lot of faithful readers

of this kind of LW stories.

The number of comments on each story

show that.

They also show a lot of PETTY complaints.

It's not criminal to be petty, but it can

discourage writers.

Who wants that?!

Petty commenters keep your negativity to yourselves!

Stop discouraging writers!!!

I liked this story.

It had a few points that were not logical,

but showed a lot of potential.

A really good start from a new writer.

Kudos Cinical!

I look forward to seeing more from you.

4 out of 5 from me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

If you’re hell bent on repeatedly using a word, at least know what the definition is!





smile in an irritatingly smug, conceited, or silly way.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

A spell binding story that I couldn't stop reading. All I could think about after was your story. Thank you for a great experience.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Author, are you a racist white pig who list his Wife to a Black Man

Thats all I can get from this pathetic story. Thats why all these racist mysoginistic pigs love you and you wanna be story...

Poor pathetic racist white american pigs. Stop obsessing about Blacks. Obsess over yourselves. You are a by product of Africans cross breeding with neanderthals. Obviously, this was a huge fucking mistake for my ancestors to fuck those neanderthals and bring forth this terrible ugly race (ww 1 & 2, colonialism slavery many many genocides holocaust crusades mass shootings...) why not write about this white disease/plague/scourge. You descendant of a neanderthal. You pig skin complexioned imbecile. Write about whites and leave Blacks in peace asshole. You did enough against us already you caucasoid monkey asses

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago

I've been struggling with whether to bring this up again. Why the need to have the pussy hound black? To have ALL the pussy hounds black? At least I don't think you brought BBC into it!

"not to mention what kind of filthy black cock she was sucking." - Why does the black cock have to be "filthy"? Would it have been better if it was a "filthy white cock?"

This story wouldn't change one BIT if you removed the word "black" from it, except for the racists.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "Really?"

Maybe I missed something, but just where was "smirk" used incorrectly?

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreameralmost 6 years ago

For a first story you’ve done a darn good job. Of course you had the usual crap from those who couldn’t do nearly as well themselves, but still get their kicks downing others. I didn’t pick up on the problems concerning laws until others mentioned them, but given the screwed up state of our laws today, I suspect they’re right. Anyway, keep on writing, and don’t back away from calling them like you see them. You described a basic story that plays out daily, but of course most will never acknowledge it.

Yes, you could have made the a white guy and just as much an asshole, without losing any authenticity, so long as you adjusted the attitude of the players. BUT you chose to tell a different story-a story probably a little more authentic given the bull is an ex-football player.-

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago

There ARE white ex-football players!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Did I Miss It?

I thought I read that hubby said he would not stick his cock into the wife's pussy as it was likely diseased. So what he does is wait for her to sleep and then he sticks his cock into her pussy? Hunh?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Revenge is always good , necessary and rewarding no matter what anyone says. I would’ve let her see the video and anyone I could get it to also . She deserves that for that kind of actions

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
My first wife had a fling with the boss of her boss. I confronted her & she admitted everything. She begged me to give her anothet chance. I forgave her. No regrets in that regard!!!

She became much better in bed after she got invloved with the big boss. She was no longer inhibited. As for me, i had a hidden voyeur/cuck side... the realization she was not faithful was turning me on very very much. I used to fuck her tirelessly like a man possessed that i was.

She & i parted ways 2 years later when she fell in love with another man.

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy60almost 6 years ago

Hey Anonymous,

How do you know how Blacks "really" act towards white females or any females for that fact, How many Blacks do you actually know and interact with? We don't count you reading these race baiting stories on Literotica, none I take it, so do us a favor and go sit in your corner, and keep your cowardly mouth shut, and comments to yourself... Anonymous!

norcal62norcal62almost 6 years ago
Mixed up telling in this.

Try to keep your action line straight. Had to jump back and forth to follow the action. Looks as if you're poking at the racists for a reaction. I guess you got it.

networkgurunetworkgurualmost 6 years ago
Full of Cliches

The writer certainly did their homework on the cheating wives genre. The only thing that was missing was him meeting a newly divorced woman who's husband had cheated on her 6 months later and marry her. And why the need to name him Trevon? Was that to emphasize the fact he was black? You could have named him Chet and we would still know he has black since the writer made it known throughout the story. And about her only being able to find a job scrubbing toilets? Really? Even without an advanced degree she would have been able to find another job similar to what she was doing. I could go on and on about the lawsuits and several other things but whatever.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyalmost 6 years ago

Only part way on 1st page. He completely trusts her, would never wander. Then it was just once that she did another guy.

What trust could you have. She only got caught once.

Just too silly to be feasible. The hubbie is a weak moron and deserves to be a cuckold. Now she is getting it on with a big black guy...cliche.

tazz317tazz317almost 6 years ago

both sides do lose in a divorce///////some more than others, TK U MLJ LV NV

cabbage01132cabbage01132almost 6 years ago

So, the snowbunny (yes thats what they call them) guts her husband.

this story deserved to be longer and written in a much darker way. Infact most cheating stories are too light hearted, concentrating on stupid implausible revenge instead of describing the utter despair and lonelyness and sense of betrayal an unwilling cuckold must feel.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Didn't Cave In

There could be issues with your stories but the fact that you don't have the husband becoming dominated whimps by his wife or her lover is a plus in my world. It is one thing to accept a wife who likes sex, it is another to let her dominate the marriage. Neither party wins in that arrangement.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Such a stupid story. So many stupid people arguing stupidly over a stupid story. It would be stupid of me to continue.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
nuther stupid

G P S (guvnmt protected species) nigger tale

1 star

cub4acougarcub4acougaralmost 6 years ago
hang in there

you ll be fine

great story i loved it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
all it says is something about the author

and the way he is. has to be from either bad personal experience or appalling ignorance and prejudice. i mean, thanks for your efforts in providing a free read, but there are no redeeming qualities whatsoever in the writing or sentiments.

ejsathomeejsathomealmost 6 years ago
That was . . .

. . . infantile.

jharpjharpalmost 6 years ago

Fuck this story and those like it. No one wants to read about sad, angry and depressing shit. It leaves us angry and unfulfilled. There is no payoff. If this is what cucky boys call 'erotica' might I suggest they just never write again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
What's the plan?

Agree with so many other commenters, far to much racial overtones in this story.

Now, to my main complaint. What was the point of the husband putting the wife in a position to get pregnant? What would be gained? At best, 9 months down the line, when the baby is born black, he has his indisputable proof of her infidelity, the recording of her hotel room orgy not withstanding. Granted, a DNA test can be done before the baby is born, cutting the nine months waiting time down, but why risk bringing an innocent child into the world. A child who has nothing to do with the husband/wife/cheating scenario going on, but would bear the brunt of that conflict for the rest of it's life. Don't understand that part of the story at all.

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 6 years ago

tell the same story over and over again with different furniture.

MainefiddleheadsMainefiddleheadsalmost 6 years ago

As writers we all move the furniture around to get a different view.


dragonmann72dragonmann72almost 6 years ago
My turn to comment.

I missed this story when it came out, sorry.

Anon: OK first effort

I know better than to confuse an author with the characters he created. This main character was racist, which made him hard to like. When you don't like the cheating wife, scummy boss, or the offended husband, it makes it hard to really root for anyone.

I don't see it your way, anyone who has what happened to him would have responded the same way. He didn't say anything racist until she said,"You mean because he's an attractive younger man that notices I'm not so old, or so bad looking?" She snapped back at me. "Or is it some racial thing you don't like him because he's black?"


The idea that you could ever sue your spouse's company for not having or enforcing policies to prevent your spouse from cheating on you is just laughable.

From NOLO website.

Under a legal doctrine sometimes referred to as "respondeat superior" (Latin for "Let the superior answer"), an employer is legally responsible for the actions of its employees. However, this rule applies only if the employee is acting within the course and scope of employment. In other words, the employer will generally be liable if the employee was doing his or her job, carrying out company business, or otherwise acting on the employer's behalf when the incident took place.

The purpose of this rule is fairly simple: to hold employers responsible for the costs of doing business, including the costs of employee carelessness or misconduct. If the injury caused by the employee is simply one of the risks of the business, the employer will have to bear the responsibility.

But if the employee acted independently or purely out of personal motives, the employer might not be liable.

As the affair took place on Company time and expense it could be enforceable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
This could almost be plagiarism because......

there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING original about it. It reads like you just read a bunch of "wife cheating with her boss" stories, sliced them and diced them then regurgitated some of it back. It was predictable and disappointing.


sdc97230sdc97230almost 6 years ago

"Respondeat superior" could only apply in this case if it could be shown that cheating on her spouse is part of her job responsibilities and carrying out company business. For example, if it turns out that she's the company whore and the highest level of company management is using her to close business deals. Try finding THAT in an employee's job description, or documented anywhere within a company.

Otherwise, cheating on company premises and on company time is not one of the company's "risks of doing business," it's just an employee stealing time from the company and using company premises for unauthorized purposes. That will give the company cause to discipline or fire the employee, but it won't enable the cheated on spouse to collect from the company. Because it's the company that is the injured party.

Also, most states don't even recognize adultery as something that causes compensable damages.

An approach that MIGHT have a chance is "intentional infliction of emotional distress." In order for that to work, the cheated on husband would have to prove that the parties involved were aware of the wife's cheating, were aware that the cheating was causing the husband emotional distress and acted in a manner that promoted that cheating because they wanted to cause that distress to happen. "Emotional distress" would have to be established as something that rose to the level of being injurious, such as depression or other mental health issue (merely being saddened or offended wouldn't cut it); and "promoted" would have to be something that rose to the level of active participation in the planning or execution and not just looking the other way.

Best bet would probably be for the cheating wife and her lover to assault the husband and for the company's security people to cover it up on the order of the company's management, then have someone in the company who sympathizes with the husband leak a security camera recording of it all. That would definitely be fodder for a suit against the company, as well as criminal charges against the conspirators.

Blkman53Blkman53almost 6 years ago
You are a racist !!

The story was predictable and sucked badly, you took every opportunity to emphasize how terrible it was that your wife was being satisfied by two BLACK MEN. as if it would have been less of an insult if she cheated with two white men. You are a sad hateful little person. I gave you a one because that will effect the stories rating. If LW had a racist category’ you would probably fare better, but as it stands you and your story of hate need to find a website that caters to ppl like you. 1 star

carvohicarvohialmost 6 years ago
Come you jokers...

That's right I'm talking to you, you know who you are, you lazy comment writers.

Loving Wives stories are like the old westerns or today's typical crime/mystery stories; there's only one theme, just fifty different variations. It's not the theme it's the presentation. Cinical here is giving us something a little different. Let him do his thing, and let's the rest of us enjoy the fact he doesn't have the grammar problems so many writers have. He's easy to read, and regardless of the plot be it BTB or RAAC they've all been worth the read.

So what if there's a racial element in this story. Don't tell me all you readers out there don't get put off when you know there's a black guy trying to horn in because all he wants is to score another white woman. And they do, and you know it. The only way to effectively avoid that is to do what I did; marry a woman who is more bigoted than I am.

About racism. We who live in the USA, and Australia, and most like New Zealand all live in a world where racial prejudice is a part of the culture. We're all infected to one degree or another.

Just enjoy the guy's writing and comment on the story, but don't start calling names or using the theme of the story at hand to give a low score.

That's me, Jedd Clampett, and that's all I have to say about that.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago
Racist Much?

"Don't tell me all you readers out there don't get put off when you know there's a black guy trying to horn in because all he wants is to score another white woman."

Yes, I will tell you EXACTLY that! At least if you mean that I would be any more put off than if he was white.

I know that's a common trope here on Lit, that a wife who cheats is bad, but if the guy is black, she's even worse.

This country DOES have a problem with race, and I'm sure that there are many people, apparently including you, who DO feel that way. Please don't presume to speak for ALL of us, or even just all readers.

"So what if there's a racial element in this story?" - Because it panders to that racism. There are a lot of obnoxious stereotypes out there, from the "cheap Jew," to the mobbed up Italian, most of which are thankfully fading. Unfortunately, the fear of the predatory Black man, while NOT as prevalent as Jedd wants us to believe it is, DOES still exist, which is why so many of us get angry when writers try to use it as a lazy way to stir up anger against the cheater. There are many legitimate reasons to be angry at a cheater, beyond the simple act of cheating, that there is no reason to bring race into it.

I'm not saying that we should never have a wife cheat with a Black man, but we should avoid using it as an intensifier: "I can't believe that she cheated on me, and with a BLACK man!" I suppose if the intent is to show the husband as a racist, it MIGHT be useful, but in all the stories that I've seen, the husband isn't shown to be a racist in other ways. The Black man is often a friend, even a best friend.

"We're all infected to one degree or another." - Maybe so, but most of us don't just shrug our shoulders and accept it, and if we feel it creeping out, fight it.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago
@Anonymous 07/18/18 Re: "White Neanderthals"

Before you get too high on your horse, who do you think sold the Africans to the slave traders? It was OTHER Africans!

carvohicarvohialmost 6 years ago
Oh my...

I left a prior comment about this story. In that comment I made some honest remarks about racism in my family and in our country. Black and Rand wrote me a private e-mail excoriating me, and insisting I never e-mail her again and neither comment on nor read any of her stories. This is regrettable.

To be sure, we've shared a few e-mails, and I have read most of her Loving Wives offerings, yet she in fact has read none of mine. I'm supposed to be unhappy?

Regarding racism in America; it's as though we all live in this big lush forest, but all the ground vegetation is poison ivy. Is it possible to not be infected? The only way my country will ever be able to put the plague of racial bigotry behind us is to face it honestly and squarely. I say to you beware the person who in America says, "I am not a racist," or "I am color blind".

I would've liked to have talked with Black and Rand about this issue, but I suppose she's preferred to shut off the sound.

By the way there is a newly published book by Leonard Zeskind titled "Blood and Politics". It is a study of "white nationalism", read "white racism", over the past thirty years in the USA. Perhaps someone should tell Black and Rand she should obtain a copy. I would, but she's made another determination regarding me.

I feel deep sorrow for anyone who does not understand this.

With regret,

Jedd Clampett (carvohi)

GirlintheMoonGirlintheMoonalmost 6 years ago
Hey, Carvohi!

Since we're sharing private emails, I have a bunch of abusive emails from you, sprinkled with some kind ones that must have been written when you were on your meds. One of my favorites reads like this: "Rotten diseased cheating cunts like you are what's wrong with this site. I hope your husband beats you to death then raped your corpse." Supposedly, you claimed to be hacked. I never quite believed that. Not not only are you a sexist, abusive, SICK human being, but you're wildly racist and there is no room for you on this site, or really, in this world. Please get help, reevaluate yourself, do whatever you need, but refrain from spewing your hate here.

As for stories like this one, I must confess to not spending my time reading it because I knew what it was about. I'm tired of it. I'm just tired. I'm tired of it being 2018 and still having to read shit like this. I'm tired of turning on the news and hearing shit like this, like it's commonplace and normal and OKAY. It's not okay! I'm really praying for the day when this stops and all you racist assholes crawl back under the rock or recede back into your mother's basement, where you belong.

kimi1990kimi1990almost 6 years ago

I have always wondered what kind of person shared private emails. I guess I know now. Racist sexist idiots like you. Since we are sharing emails, should I mention your emails to me, using language such as "fucking fag shiteater," inviting me to suicide and detailing what you would do with my corpse?

You're a sad and disgusting man, and I hope you find help. Your claim that someone hacked your account is laughable. Why does no one else have their account hacked? No, it's you, all right, and you have some serious medical issues you should deal with instead of posting mediocre stories and spewing your racist filth on the internet.

I agree wholeheartedly with Girlinthemoon. That people such as you exist in this day is an embarrassment to the medical profession and you are an embarrassment to humanity.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 6 years ago
I ask that Kimi and Girlinthemoon never disclose the troubling

and rather offensive emails I may have sent to them when I was drinking heavily and fantasizing about attractive women with big... well, please do not mention the content of my emails! I beg of you!

forsure798285forsure798285almost 6 years ago
No one wins in a divorce

I have had two divorces. No one wins. After my last divorce I met a wonderful woman and we have been married 30+ years. Life does go on.

phill1cphill1calmost 6 years ago
sbrooks talks about African Slave Traders...

"Before you get too high on your horse, who do you think sold the Africans to the slave traders? It was OTHER Africans!"

If someone comes to your home, with weapons that you don't have the possibility of matching, and says "sell me your mother or I will kill your whole family!" Are you going to sell them or just spout the racist tripe you did above? Moreover, the slave experience of blacks in America has no rival for its barbarism, cruelty and debauchery in the world, ever.

I didn't read many of the comments, but I definitely could not let that one pass. As for carvohi, I've read his stories and can't imagine him being a racist. He doesn't think much of anyone and rarely, if ever, uses the hackneyed "black guy with the big dick" plot device.

But, hey, maybe he's different in email ;-)

timrivtimrivover 5 years ago

He’s lonely and miserable, she’s lonely and miserable, the both loved each other once, she probably still does love her ex. if he was able to put his ego and pride aside and decide she had been punished enough it would be a better thing for him to take her back. Sure it would not be the same and they would need a lot of therapy but they probably would be happier in the long run. Just sayin’.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Now you really getting there! A good story!

Whatever happened to her was well deserved and a lesson that all unfaithful partners should learn. For someone who have been unfaithful she was pretty blasé! Once again! The same recurring theme – Good husband married to a bitch! Only this time he has already caught her being unfaithful. I just could not believe that if she was fucking around again why was she being so bitchy. Surely if you cheating you make sure hubby is taken care-off., instead of making waves. At the dance she was being her stupid self! She showed her hand like a very bad poker player - he saw her a mile away! And ... wasn’t he right – Once a cheater ALWAYS a cheater! You do know what an apostrophe is for do you? This time around I have no criticism. I liked the fact that the unfaithful bitch paid for her stupid and arrogant mistake. Burn the bitch or the bastard! No quarter given!

kiteareskitearesover 5 years ago
Do you have something against children?

I've read all 4 of your stories so far and again children are being used as weapons or pawns, I'd hate to guess the author's motivation for doing this, best if they are only mentioned in a neutral (both grown up and left home) or positive aspect (I would never let my children down) or at the very worst have the antagonists use the kids against them (every time we agreed to see the kids it was cancelled at the last minute, but I'll never give up). Anything else really makes the MC look like a twat, 'hey, I'll ruin an innocent's life', don't get me wrong I can understand hating and rejecting another's child that they had nothing to do with creating, but that's not the MC using the kid.

Others have covered the racist aspect of this one, when colour is mentioned in another story it is for a purpose, this one served no purpose, all black men with white women at the table, 2 black men and 2 white women on the trip, filthy black cock. All could have been said without resort to any mention of colour, this alone should hammer the rating.

Another passive husband, 2nd slow song should have been up there cutting in rather than let it escalate like.....the time she did it before.

For the trip he should have warned her to be aware that it was obvious he was going to try something and when she said it was silly state that if anything did happen it would be either rape or decipt.

When he was there he could have waited in the reception with a bunch of flowers and "I knew the meeting was only this morning, so I wanted to surprise you and take you out to dinner and dancing" and watch her sweat as they walked up to the room. Or stolen some of her used underwear and wrapped it as a present for when she got back...

When she was back, not going to use that diseased hole, yet he did. Just because he didn't cum, doesn't mean he won't get any STDs. Or use the fantasy world where STD's don't exist, so no mention of diseases.

Ultimately, it's not too far from the realms of reality, but with a very dissatisfying ending, down right depressing if you're the MC. I'm guessing the author is pretty young as people in their 40's seem to be washed up, for men especially the older they get the broader their options and they see the beauty in older people as well as younger ones.

I think Cinical is a decent writer but also a bit jaded and that reflects in the stories. They need to up the fantasy a bit, if it's revenge get the revenge and walk away head held high, if it's cucking have either a very willing and eager cuck or an unwilling but devoted cuck. At the moment your characters are a bit too mixed up, I can look around my life to see people like that :)

chytownchytownover 5 years ago
Good Read***

. Thanks for sharing.

chytownchytownover 5 years ago

For the read.

jharpjharpover 5 years ago

I am officially blacklisting you from my reading list. Your shit is too God damned depressing and rage inducing. Your protagonists are weak and spineless and likely reflect your own personality. I keep reading any more or your crap I'm going to say something truly unkind.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I'm with jharp

Blacklisting this douche author. He's always ruining stories by fucking with the protagonist. Somehow, they all end up being miserable losers

ranec1ranec1over 5 years ago
Mean As!!

Chur bro awesome story

penneydog55penneydog55over 5 years ago

Having a tooth ache would be better than this story!.....In comparison this is that bad that Sharknado would have become a Box Office Hit!....Like that was going to happen!!.....★★★ For this story......+......★★★★★ For Sharknado..... WOOF!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I agree...

With sbrooks 103x comments. I would also add he had his wife served at her work, and included incriminating photos of her affair, then later her lawyer says its a no fault divirce, you have no proof of adultery. Huh? Thanx


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
In my book the wife is a KEEPER! A 42 y/o wife has earned the right to have an affair with her boss.

Wife's character gets a 5+ (5.25/5 = 105% "above expectations")

Husband's character gets a 4 (4/5 = 80%)

Mauser45Mauser45over 5 years ago
Anon of 10/19/18

Get some help, you sick fuck

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
timriv - you are nuts"

must be some cuck in there somewhere

ErotFanErotFanover 5 years ago
He could have saved some money.

When she returned from her trip, all he had to do was tell her he hoped she behaved because he poked holes in her diaphragm and substituted shaving soap for her spermicide. Whether he did or not. Her reaction to that comment would tell him all he needed to know about the weekend.

Of course he wouldn't be able to set up the elaborate BTB scenario.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
fuck you cucky

Fuck you... eat creampie of your wife's lover! Die you cuck. Suck a dick!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
You know why wives cheat on such guys?

Because they are wimps and woman is looking for some power from a man. You are describing a character of a wimp who is surprised what has happened to him. But that should not be surprising.

This story is an example how a wimp man destroys multiple lives while playing himself into a victim.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

We don't know for sure if her boss was the lucky father. Could have been the other guy.

timrivtimrivover 5 years ago
“Divorce sucks”

If divorce sucks why did he divorce her? Sounds like he would have been better to have stayed with her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
No wonder she cheated

Guy was a pathetic, weak, poor me, looser. Any life would be better than a life with him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

There are no women in the world that want a man with a good job and decades of a good life possible ahead.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Weak ending. He could easily find someone better than a cheating, lying, high school educated custodian, that sleeps with black men, is mid forties and older than him, looks like a worn used rag, and has only one moral : the typical Literotica refusal to consider abortion even if it means the destruction of the marriage (even the Pope is not so religious).

What does he actually miss, pray tell? Getting rid of her was a God send. Women are everywhere, his standards are garbage.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Can’t feel sorry

She was a dirty whore. That she ignored her husband’s warnings and pleadings is proof that the slut thought only of herself. Typical. Sad that he was suffering and it’s good that she was ruined. Too bad her ex-boss couldn’t have an “accident”.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Both of them were losers. She was just your everyday whore of a wife who had probably cheated on the dummy their entire marriage. He was just to stupid or did not want to see it.

The guy was such a wimp, no wonder his wife cheated on him. Reading his story was

almost enough to make me suicidal. What a poor, little me, I will never be happy or loved, will never find love again. Oh, woe is me!,

Somebody please bitch slap that jerk!

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