All Comments on 'Lord, What Fools... Ch. 02'

by Blue88

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AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
A really nice ending!

Lack of communication can really be a killer, can't it? You did a great job of pulling thngs together. The ending was as good as any. Sometimes authors make it too easy to reconcile, while others aren't satisfied with anything less than a smoking gun! The interlude with Kathy was sweet. If anything it would probably make any eventual reconciliation easier. Again, great job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
well written unrealistic plot

You always write extremely well, Blue88, but this plot is a bit unrealistic-- that long time married couple would divorce without the slightest communication or even a discussion about who was at fault or whether the rift was repairable. Just too far fetched no matter how well written. the Ct. Yankee

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Ain't talking to one another grand? You handled this story very well. Everything is quite plausible. Even the lying private investigator. Looking forward to reading more of your stories.


EffectEffectover 18 years ago
Misinformation can be

Talk about misinformation really fucking things up. Especailly when it's made up information just to get paid. That's seems to basiclly happen here with the person she went to see if he was really cheating. Take with addition to the simple lack of communication.

Good ending I feel. Things get cleared up, things weren't as bad as he thought but pain is still there but so is the love. Seems like they could start over if they worked at it. I was wondering how this was going to end. Nice and to the point.

Still like other stories. Her point of view would be nice but with this story you can see how she could get to the outcome she did. Just lack of communication still bothers me.

Tail End PeteTail End Peteover 18 years ago
Totally Plausible

Part one was a good lead in for part two. When two people get to the point where they are roommates - with or without benefits - every little thing is going to be taken out of context. Talk to each other? No, hold it in and be totally nasty is more like it. Thank you for ending it where you did. It doesn't really matter which way their lives would go from this point on, it is enough that they finally discovered the truth. Good people have been known to do really stupid things.

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 18 years ago
I didnt like the ending

I know this is supposed to be a story about communication but I see it as a story on the perils of marrying someone with half a brain and no common sense.

If you want a story about how misunderstandings and lack of communication can irretrievably ruin a relationship even after things are resolved, you should have made it both their fault. You made the wife too unsympathetic and all their problems seem to be her fault. Seems like Paul is better off without her and I dont think that was what you were going for.

By making everything her fault, it is makes Paul's willingness to accept blame and his pining away over his lost love slightly annoying as well.

p.s. Aside - if PI's have some regulatory body, couldnt Paul and Emily sue them for breaking up their marriage? Wouldnt get back what they had but, like I said, it doesnt really seem like Paul is losing much anyway and Im sure being rich is a good way to forget your problems.

wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
Fantastic story, had

my undivided attention and my emotions soaring. Found myself fully engrossed with the characters. It had me hanging on to every detail but!!!!! the ending just sort of left me hanging. Not in regards to reconciliation, but more in regards to Paul’s good name and reputation. Because of a lie, Emily had destroyed their lives, there family, their marriage, their wedding vows, and their home. She had robbed them of at least three years of happiness and probably a lifetime to come. Even if they reconciled, they could never be as happy as they were before. We know Emily told their attorney and his wife, Terry and Julie, that it was all Paul’s fault, he had cheated on her. I’m left wondering what other friends, acquaintances, business associates, family, maybe their daughters that she has inadvertently lied to about his cheating. The daughters need to be told the whole truth, might head off future relationship problems for them if they have personality traits similar to their mother’s. A hand shake, let’s be friends, and see what the future holds just didn’t quite close up the gaps to me. Emily has created a very large mess, who’s going to clean it up, should be Emily, she created it. The story seemed to end with her just walking away form it, let someone else deal with it.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 18 years ago
Good story

Another story depicting the lack of communication causing total havoc with a relationship.

It also shows that breaking the old adage:


is the road to ruin.

Actually, I can't see what she intended to gain by fucking Jason. She was doing it on the sly so if Paul didn't know about it it couldn't bother HIM. Was she supposed to find great pleasure in it knowing she was revenging Paul's infidelity?

Is this story continuing? With prope counseling and time they could maybe have a life together again. Happy endings are good.

Risq_001Risq_001over 18 years ago

I have to ask a question though.

Uhhhmmmm.... you've written two pretty good stories, but in both of them the husbands were so in love with their wives that even after they supposedly moved on with their lives they couldn't commit to anything or anyone else in their lives because they loved the ex-wife so much. Why? If they loved them so much why did they get divorced? If they got mad enough to want a divorce, why did they get so mad? Why did they even care who the wife would sleep with? I mean I guess if they were that obssesed with the wife it seems strange that they would even care enough to be mad if they were going to be chomping at the bit to get back with her.

I'm not saying that, this wasn't a good thing, to love your wife so much I mean. But it amazes me that after a couple of "Quick" explainations and "Wham"!! everyone is looking for ways to get back together again.

Oh well. I'm not saying its a bad story, but it is another slight variation of a story with the big red 'Do-Over' button slapped on the side of it.

AnonymousCriticAnonymousCriticover 18 years ago
This doesn't make sense to me

First the dishonest PI. They get paid by the day or by the hour. By turning in a dishonest report, he made less money than if he had been honest. Since there would have been no activity to report, he would have kept looking. He would have followed him to poker night and gotten to bill a few more days. He would have been in the place and able to report about the waitress' perfume. He got zero benefit from lying and it cost him. So why did he do it except to further the plot. As far as I know, ficional PIs in stories don't get paid anything extra for furthering the plot.

Second, and just as silly, what the hell kind of revenge was she getting? She wasn't getting the revenge of hurting him because he wasn't ever supposed to know. And, if he hadn't hired his PI in time, he never would have known because, according to her explanation, she was calling it off after the time she was discovered. So it had to be the personal satisfaction she derived from knowing she got back at him. Except it disgusted her. So she got no personal satisfaction. She must have felt queasy going into it. She could have called it off if personal satisfaction was her goal. The only reason she could possibly have had to cheat on him if those two reasons are not valid, is to advance the plot. But ficitonal cheating wives don't get enough revenge satisfaction to feel they have been vindicated. Sorry, she can't both hate it AND never want him to know.

Finally, we have her abusive behavior over the last year and her absolute refusal to talk to him to try to work things out. Despite this behavior, she is the only woman for him. Why? If your spouse treated you that badly and refused to even discuss it, would you be feeling the urgency that this is the person you must stay with?

In sum, I found it so implausible that it took the story out of the realm of entertaining into the realm of Hollywood pap. Once they decide where they want a plot to go, plausibility, credibility, consistency, and character are no longer necessary.

The author certainly has a command of the language and an effective vocabulary, but without plausibility the plot falls apart.

Kanga40Kanga40over 18 years ago
That's a shame anon critic below

You obviously missed a good enough story.

I was rooting for the husband all the way thru. I didn't find him as unfeeling as others appear to have managed.

Also, the ending was somehow telegraphed - the mention of his poker nights as the start of the 'problems' put up a huge red flag to me. I expected the reason for her conduct to be her imagination that he cheated, or because I read some comments on ch1 before reading it, I thought maybe we would be told somewhere before the end of ch1 that he had actually cheated. That was the only way I could have seen him in the bad light others painted him in.

I can't see how they can heap so much blame on him - he tried to get her to say what was wrong and she merely attacked him - and that was his fault???

Blue's depiction of the 'avoid contact, avoid arguments' scenario is realistic, and in my experience, is played out more often than people seem to realise.

The only thing I did not consider was the dud PI the wife hired. Sort of made her treatment of him more credible, but still did not lessen her two extremely stupid decisions - first to not confront him, but just maybe that is understandable, then worst of all her 'revenge fuck' decision really indicated her stupidity.

MinigalesMinigalesover 18 years ago
Lack of Communication or Lack of Brains?

First I want to state that I see revenge sex as absolute lack of brains. Your partner stooped low, so to retaliate you stoop even lower. What a revenge! Second, the only reasonable revenge sex I see is if you like someone and you are not fucking him or her because of your marriage. When your marriage disintegrates, you can fuck them. There would be no reason to deny yourself, but that is not even revenge. A rational person would never hurt himself or herself for revenge. You have to be getting something in return in a revenge or it is mere stupidity.

With that said, I find it really weird that Paul has not figured out how dumb his wife had been in all their years of marriage. What she did borders on mental retardedness. Apart from that (major problem), it was a decent story.

Papabear49Papabear49over 18 years ago
Good Story

Maybe, just maybe Emily learned a lesson through it all. If they get back together it may be better, but oh my the hump they must scale. Paul has to come to grips with a lot of new information about why and how. Sometimes you have to see behind actions to work through interactions. Kinda hope they can work it out.

Keep it up your doing better with each submission.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
What a Story

It certainly has all the elements.

Late night poker game every week. That’s definitely a strong clue that he’s fooling around with another woman.

Arriving home smelling like a French whorehouse just confirms her suspicions.

Lipstick where it doesn’t belong is a given. A crucial hint that all isn’t hunky-dory on the marriage front.

An unopened box of condoms left in plain sight on the seat of the car is the real clincher that he’s enjoying some strange. Or at least he will be as soon as he opens them.

The unethical PI is the icing on the cake, so to speak. Of course she wasn’t intelligent enough to ask for pictures, audio recordings, hotel surveillance video, name of the paramour, or even her license tag number. She just takes the idiots’ word for it.

With everything totaled up, how could she possibly come to any other conclusion? Yep, we’ve got all the elements we need to make a damn good cheating wife story.

Okay, you can relax now, Blue88. Please be assured I am not picking on you. You’ve done a very good job with a well used subject. You get a hundred from me.

There’s only so many ways for a wife/husband to cheat. Just as there’s only so many ways for them to get caught. It keeps getting harder and harder for an author to come up with a new scenario on an old subject. At last count, there are 7698 stories in the loving wives category. I’m sure a large part of them involve cheating in one way or another.

The plots, and the tools of the plots, are bound to be similar. It’s how an author develops the story line and the characters that makes for good reading.

As for brain dead women, or men for that matter, well, someone has to be brain dead, or there wouldn't be any cheating going on. The same can be said for the lack of communication. If they all talked openly and intelligently, how would they ever come up with the excuse that they needed to cheat?

People occasionally do stupid things, for stupid reasons, that’s just the nature of the human race. Just think, if everyone were perfect, we wouldn’t have all these interesting stories to comment on.

There happens to be several authors who do a very good job of writing a cheating wife story, of which you are one. Your efforts, as well as those of a dozen or so other authors, are well appreciated. Please, do not get discouraged. Keep up the good work.

Here’s toast to imperfection, and all that ‘that’ entails.

The Squirrel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Let's talk!!!

Great story!!

However, let's raise the wife's intelligence quotient. Instead of fucking the old guy, Jason, her twice revenge fucks should have been with the the whole story makes more sense....and even more credible.

To have her seduce the old guy, in effect tells me she can communicate with strangers but not with her own husband... now that is response to her once she realized her mistake would be simply to say... "drop dead" and walk away...

But to get conned by a PI who wanted to just get into her pants by playing on her misconceptions about his poker nights stands a better chance of reconcilation. In effect, she became so embarassed and ashamed in what she did that last night that she ended it with the PI, paid him for his services to date and attempted to forget or hide the whole thing. Unfortunately, once she realized that her hubby knew about the tryst... she felt further remorse that she concluded that she deserved the divorce...and any outcome because of laspe in judgement.

The reason she didn't want to talk about it...was that she didn't want her hubby to know it was the PI she had hired who had used her during her most fragile moment that she had the affair with.

Now the story can unfold from here on...making more sense by realizing how much further the PI had duped her and the husband more understanding of why she felt she deserved his retribution for a divorce...

'nuff said


fumunda cheezefumunda cheezeover 18 years ago
Great Writing-Excellent storytelling, and

totallly comprehensible. Thanks for writing Blue88. Your stories are great

cageyteecageyteeover 18 years ago
Thanks a lot!

I have enjoyed reading all your work and this is no exception.


RussHRussHover 18 years ago
Well done, REALISTIC story

Blue88, you are getting better very fast. This one was very good. And REALISTIC, regardless what some others here may think. If the world were perfect and everyone talked out each situation, then maybe not. But we all know that miscommunication and non-communication are the way that most of us live. So, very true to life.

Great job, keep up the good work, and keep 'em coming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
You Nailed It!

You set the perfect stage for a riveting and gripping story of two people who could not commuincate about the most important things in life. Every element was right on..

Husband's apparent cheating - clues the wife found would

have convicted many husbands

Wife revenge fucking - How many wives want to strike back

at the errant husband but then

realize that the revenge is just as


Refusing to talk/Pride - Death of many marriages

It was also great that you left the ending open because

many men may not be able to get past her revenge fucking

so you did not take the usual romantic ending sought by

many readers. The only thing standing in their way is

their lack of communication as a couple.

I look forward to your next story!


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Realism Indeed

Multiple KUDO's Author - this story is legitimately plausible because as the pride and pain escalate - people talk less but fight more senselessly and frequently (many of us have been there prior to a seperation or divorce - this because it is so personal, unfair and offensive in each spouses mind).

This was as tight, clean and direct plus character and plot path straight as anyone could want - well and plausibly written with strong talent Author - thanks with more requested - with very High Regard

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Interesting Ending

a different take on an old format. you created a very smart character in paul, at the very least you'd expect him to get to the bottom of the problem before allowing him to end his marriage. as the story progressed, it was obvious a piece was missing, which was her light weight evidence against him. it would be hard pressed to find a marriage blowing up over those reasons, perfume on on his shirt? lip stick on his collar? funny how ole'paul had this total recall of events dating back over two years, and poor emily, after being sooo suspecious and sure of herself, suddenly exhaled and believed every word. heck, women aint that me lol. you write great, its just the ending that threw me out the boat, like a undersized bass.

saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago
Well Crafted

It is clear that you thought this one through before putting pen to paper. All of the different aspects of this story fit together well. The cause and effect angle was especially well done.

DoctorWyldcardDoctorWyldcardover 18 years ago
The best part...

to ME was the fact that at the end, they weren't 'back together and loving it', but trying to at least become friends.

Can they refind their love? Or has the actions of the past killed it for good?

That is a realistic ending to this kind of tale IMO.

Thank you Blue for giving ME a story that I can truely believe in.

z00timez00timeover 18 years ago
Good story/stupid wimp husband/more stupid wife

Easy to say when it's not about the one you love. What the heck would I do.

Good story.


gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

shows what not talking can do to a marriage. very realistic ending maybe there is hope for them to get past this

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

shows what not talking can do to a marriage. very realistic ending maybe there is hope for them to get past this

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
good but

that she did not have enough faith in the marriage to go to him with her questions tells me that the marriage & he wasn't her first priority. i don't think i would have any reason to take her back she'll just do it agian the next time she has a doubt as to where he was.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
this story is Blue88's WORST ever!!!

Blue88 is one of my favorite if not my FAVORITE author here.

But this story blows chunks... The KEY premise is that the wife internalizes everything and when she is upset she does NOT communicate..

Has anyone ever met a woman like that? of course not.

as someone said how is this a revenge fuck if Hubby was Never suppose to know?

wife see lipstick smells perfume and sees condomns and NEVER says anything? How is that possible? would seeing a BOX of condomns NOT cause a emOtional reaction or OUTBURST from the wifeE?

and the hubby.... he sees NO panties... a wife coming hone at 1am.... and never says a word?

come on people....

zed0zed0almost 18 years ago

Whatta wimp! Well written, but plot not as good as your useual. (zed)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
well done

good story with an ending that felt real. Couples do have to communicate to survive. Peoples feelings do change with time apart.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Strange? You do a lot of good story's, then I find sh* like this , seemingly coming directly from the wimp academy.. Another embarrassment to read.. It's like they have to reconcile, otherwise somebody will complain at you or? Will you lose you authorship??? Extremely uneven penmanship here... Yoron

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkover 15 years ago
How sad...

To be so afraid of being alone that you desire to reconcile with a woman who is quite willing to break her most solemn oath rather than simply talk to her husband about her misgivings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
please stop

Please stop writing every story the same you make all men and women look stupid nobody goes on the way you have your characters act,they would not be able to hold a job if they were that dumb.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
I've a better idea

Than the one made Anonymous, who asks you stop writing your characters the same, please just stop writing Period. Full Stop. Pack up your pencils and go away! You did write some good stuff in the beginning of your time here but after awhile everything sucked shit on toast. The men are victimized by every woman they meet, but in the end they become the villains of the story? I never did understand that one. I guess you bought the line on how the problem is always "both parties fault". You know when u go to see a shrink or a marriage counselor they make it both parties fault? Well that's crap, if someone fucks up that's their fault. No use trying to drag someone else into the pit with you. However that is how your stories go. You have the victims cheated on date raped held hostage and gods know what else and in the end it's the victims fault. THEY have to beg the cheaters to take them back.

Like I said, sucks shit on toast.

gyjunkiegyjunkiealmost 15 years ago
Definately not one of your good stories.

I gave you this score because you at least had him divorce her.

zed0zed0almost 15 years ago
Well Written. . .

Now if you could just write non wimp stories, I would enjoy your stories more than I do now.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
is it just me?

where did the investigator from wife come from? and he fabricated any report to her? and not stated directly, just 2x where she cheated and her behavior towards husband went on for much longer?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

Instead of suggesting the author either write his stories the way YOU prefer or stop writing altogether, how about you guys just stop reading them? P.S. The rest of the world doesn't revolve around you either.

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 15 years ago

I will buy it because my own wife of the last 28 years is and always has been uncommunitive. She internalizes everything which has caused me many problems and a lot of pain because I have to guess at her feelings. I was often wrong trying to explain her actions to myself. Me being an extrovert and needing to verbalize everything did not do me any good at all! However, she never deliberately cheated on me even when she worried that I may may have cheated. In my wife's case, she was so worried about the way she treated me at times that she would sometimes admit that I had every reason to find someone else! When she did that I knew that she cared for me whether she could talk to me or not. We are still together and neither of us cheat. I don't quite get this revenge fuck stuff. I can only guess that it enhances these types of stories. From my experience people cheat because they want to. They may rationalize it in all the various ways you writers conjure up but they do it willingly and don't intend to be caught because they knew it was wrong. This was not a bad tale, and quite real in actuality. And you convinced me again that they were always in love!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
through the eyes

through the eyes of a retard, that is my only way of judging this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Brain dead wife- brain dead husband

When you have a brain dead wife, a brain dead husband and a crooked incompetent p.i. it's no wonder divorce results.

60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

... but they had both gone through enough pain, and since the love was still there, I would rather have read of a romantic renewal than the rather half-hearted conclusion chosen by the author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Well written story!

From the point of view of content I feel that the ending was a total disaster. Neither a man or a woman would forgive that kind of behavoiur from their spouse, doesn`t matter that the behavoiur is based on misinformation. It`s not hard to move on with your life in todays global society where being single is an accepted norm.

norcal62norcal62about 13 years ago
Others comment on the author's style.

These stories seem to have in common the aggrieved husband, the refusal to talk to the woman, bouts of self doubt and self pitying by the male; along with lots of righteous anger. Then in the final few paragraphs the couple seems to come to some resolution; or do they? The author likes trailing the story off with uncertainty. Not much fun to read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
The reality is that she made him a cuckold!

She did cheat; he did not. Only thing existing now is the fact she cheated and he certainly can not trust her. Would be a fool to forgive. Friends, OK. Remarry, No.

saratusaratualmost 13 years ago
OH BOY!!!!

He is going for cuck of the year and big delicious cream pies! ! ! !

bigguy323bigguy323over 12 years ago
One trick pony. That is apparently all you have. Once type of story: She cheats, he finds out, she did it because of a misunderstanding and then they reconcile.

You actually have talent. Please use it for more than wimp cuck stories.

MystykOneMystykOneover 12 years ago
sorry but i just cant stand your stories.......

its always the same....ive tried about 5 now and its always the same formula:

she cheats

they break

he forgives her

they get back together

now i know they are just characters in a story. BUT a story has to at least reflect reality and give something the reader can identify with,

and there is the rub. once a cheater always a cheater. it was a hard lesson but i learned it. i am no wimp pussy. after being burned a couple times thru forgiveness i learned the hard way that it NEVER WORKS. i have also watched my friends go thru similar situations.....and it almost NEVER works out. women seem to be able to forgive men more readily than men can forgive women and i can say that for some reason a larger % of men can stop and get better. but for some reason that i aint gonna get all armchair psychiatrist about, women cant seem to. mars and venus is all i can say about it. maybe its the way we are built. dont know dont care....just seems to be the way it is.

so if i was you i would think about that and maybe try writing something men can identify with. men like revenge. its a territorial cave man thing. women may love your stories because they feel that it gives them a license to feel good about what they have done or want to do and so they love the idea that a man will take them back. BUT imo that is silly and unrealistic as hell. if a man does take her back he must be the kind of wimp pussy that likes to eat other mens slimy stinky loads out of his wifes sloppy stretched out sluthole. and frankly i and most other men just dont work that way. YUKKY!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
aitch'em says.

utter BS

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I liked the story.......

keep it up. Good work.

Mr WolfMr Wolfover 11 years ago

Whilst this is not a comment on your stories, after all they ARE your stories not mine or any other person's, what does come through in those that I have read so far is that communication is a two way street and this is try in fiction as well as true life.

Keep writing as your stories are still a good read, IMHO.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago

Comments to this author or about this author are falling on deaf ears - HE HAS NOT BEEN HERE SINCE 2007!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Blue88 is still here

Blue88 is still here. He has commented much more recently than 2007.

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3over 11 years ago
Fucking stupid or what?

Why would anyone, male or female take back someone who acted like his wife. I don't know who is the bigger moron in the story. As for leaving comments, Shakespeare has been dead and gone for several hundred years and people still comment about his writing.

Dubby49Dubby49over 11 years ago
Common Theme

Too many stories on the same theme - Wife hears/is told/believes husband is cheating. Goes out and screws some random stranger for revenge/to get even without confronting husband or asking for an explanation. Then expects situation to return to normal. Get real guys. People don't behave this way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Yeah, it is a common theme here.

Cheating wife, injured husband, counselor intervention, kiss and make up. Written for weak spine men.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Long time.

After all those years together you wouldn't think people would jump to such serious conclusions, but it happens. Good story but I would have liked you to take it to a clearer ending. I like my endings, my middles and my beginnings clear cut. What can I say?

monkcalmmonkcalmabout 11 years ago

Got back together with that thing hahahaha..cough cough dear sir she didn't inhale either....oh yeah she is a virgin again magic pixie dust hahaha.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 11 years ago
Her refusal to communicate cost them both -

Worse she compromised her beliefs and morals and broke her oath -

A lie is a lie and she did that too -

Not sure there is enough to get past that much -

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

the cunt fucked someone twice while they were still married to hurt him - so long cunt!

tiger46tiger46about 11 years ago
4* (grudgingly....

and only because you didn't have them RAAC.)

Terry is a complete asshole. With a friend like him, enemies look good. "I think you're both idiots..." Where did that come from? What did Terry base this statement on, intuition?

Another blithering jewel from Terry: "Can you truthfully say you've been happy (since the divorce)?" Ummmmm HELL YEAH! It was made clear that Kathy was making him blissfully happy. It was only her new job that sent her off. So mr know-it-all atty is full of shit.

Then Paul muses: "Why did Emily cheat? Was this a ploy? One thing I know, Emily was never devious". Oh yeah? Never devious? Really? So I missed the part where she made it clear to Paul she didn't really have lit meetings twice a week? I also missed the part where she actually didn't hide the panties?

Woulda been a much more satisfying story if there weren't so many holes in the plot. Keep writing, I really do expect better from you.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 11 years ago
She Blew It

She cheated. He didn't. But why didn't any of the PI's reports come up during the divorce? He had a lousy lawyer and she jumped to conclusions.

Conclusion: Fuck the cunt blind and anyone else for that matter. No talk of marriage and don't believe a word she says. Oh, and kill the lawyer.


tazz317tazz317about 11 years ago

which ever is the most disgusting. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

The P.I. reports didn't come up because it was an uncontested divorce. Since nobody had to 'prove' anything, the reports didn't matter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Two things need to be done

First, find a new lawyer/friend. A good friend would have been helping you move on with your life, not plotting to get you back together with the ex-wife. And, as your lawyer, should he have been talking to his wife about you? Secondly, you should have let your lease run out and moved to the West Coast with Kathy. Get back together with a cheating slut that refused to talk to you after all those years of marriage? I think not.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Should of had a followup.

He definitely does NOT want to rekindle a relationship with a proven slut ex-wife.

Let her burn in hell first. If he did let bygones be bygones and take her back, he becomes a splineless, gutless cuckold loving wimp.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Blue88 never finishes stories. Does not know how

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
She was still a cheater.

Finish the story! No reconciliation. She cheated, she pays the price. Goodbye.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Gawd Damn..another cluck wimp story.

Likely author is a cluck wimp.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Enjoyed it

A very well written story. I believe her sincerity. She was the fool. Not so much him. Don't blame him for not wanting to avoid her and be done with it. However, the way she walked away without much fuss is very telling. Perhaps, reconciliation isn't a given. Thus marriage had problems before the cheating.

TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR3over 10 years ago
And the Fairy Waved Her Magic Wand


There is something called logic. You build two characters who have lost communication and are drifting apart with the wife being aggressively non-communicative and refusing to recognize or discuss any issues for a long period of time. Wife sees lipstick and assumes infidelity without any other indicators, does not ask any questions, hires PI gets report and never confronts husband. She decides to have revenge affair. Finally, two years after divorce some of this gets mentioned and he falls all over himself to get back together. Stupid wimp male? No. Incredibly stupid author.

phil2213phil2213over 10 years ago
Incredibly stupid story and pathetic characters.

It was at best a waste of time to read this story. The characters were profoundly stupid and pathetic. The immensely chaotic drama was boring with no revenge no emotion and no meaning. Just waste of time. However, it was extremely well written just idiotic plot.

connoisseur29connoisseur29over 10 years ago

What the hell is a cluck wimp? (One of the comments). Good story for cuckold readers. For myself, it's BTB! Cheers!

WilsonMeisterWilsonMeisterover 10 years ago
Agree with "connoisseur29"

Without confronting her Husband, she decides to Cheat…?

BTB isn't enough…

Should be BTB w/Prejudice

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 10 years ago
nah....I don't see it

She was nasty and uncommunicative for a long time, destroying the marriage long before she "decided" that he was cheating and she "needed" revenge.

Sometimes there is nothing left to save or rebuild.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
SO I'm NOT going to rant and rave over a fictional story.

But how in the name of hell does the bitch just go off half-cocked without talking to her husband? Been married for a long time and can't communicate? He should move to the West Coast and find Kathy!!!! Crappy ending to an okay story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Ok I apologise

I was wrong, I apologise. This wasn't exactly like most of your stories with reconciliation & crappy endings, but it was close, still had one of your usual quick sloppy endings, however not a complete reconciliation, just a maybe.

Why do you continually ruin very good stories by ending them so poorly, the finish should be like a dessert. the final touch to a good meal; yours more like an ice cream from Macdonalds. 4****

SplitAcesSplitAcesalmost 10 years ago
I repeat Paul is a pussy!

If he had any balls, he would have forced Emily to talk with him and none of this would have happened!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago


Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 9 years ago

The best I can say about it is that at least his pain didn't magically go away the moment she realized it was her fault and they didn't immediately reconcile.

Realistically, she had already checked out of the marriage long before he started going to the poker games that provided her with an excuse to cheat.

Five years of growing indifference and near hostility in their home, over two years apart, nothing left to build on.

He saw the pictures of her cheating shred them or not, that which has been seen cannot be unseen.

TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR3over 9 years ago

It is beyond comprehension when authors whine and complain about being ripped for their reconciliations when it is their own fault. They paint themselves into a corner with their characterizations and then get hurt feelings when people point out that it is impossible based on the characters they have developed and the plot they have provided for a reconciliation to occur.2*

EgoTrixiEgoTrixiover 9 years ago
I need to agree...

...this story had a fair start - and then lost it. Nothing seems to fit. Improbable that a divorce would go through withour problems after so many years; improbable expecially concidering her assumption he had been cheating on her. Lack of logic on your side too, I think. No woman could be stupid enough to believe a report without any proof. No fotos, no names and no validation whatsoever.

Meeting with each other for a talk after 2 years seems to be "out of this world".

Sorry - I have read better stories you have written.

Tim413413Tim413413about 9 years ago
I have enjoyed

Blue88 stories before, but this one predictable and I was not convinced (possible)reconciliation was the way to this story should end. He had gotten on with his life. He should not become exclusive with the ex.

kdcee79kdcee79about 9 years ago
Too predictable

You tend to use the same type of general plot of wife cheating, husband not being able to move on, then finally some type of reconciliation. It gets monotonous & less enjoyable when the reader almost knows how the writer is going to expand & finish the tale. 3 ***

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Yep, as previously noted about this author's postings.

Wife cheats, they divorce, wife "cleans up her act," cheated-on husband accepts role of wimp cuckold man, kisses ex-wife's ass and crawls back. Yep, just like in real life (bullshit).

EXursusRhereEXursusRherealmost 9 years ago
Quite capable and articulate author...

However, the story sucked branchwater. Two people so stupid they should have been neutered during puberty.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Nope, no more heartache

Emily showed herself to be an absolute stupid cunt. Your spouse is your spouse and that's who you talk with whenever an issue comes up. No matter how big. Instead, she cut him out of her life, cheated on him and refused to speak with her husband.

Nope, she has a mental disease and it's best to stay apart from someone like that, but let the children know, just in case they picked up the same mental defect.

rick_ohrick_ohalmost 9 years ago
A sequel

in which payback is given to the dishonest PI, would be nice, whether or not there is reconciliation of Emily and Paul.

sugnasugnaover 8 years ago
Not Likely

After being married for so long it is not likely that a wife would not confront her husband before she cheated, unless she was looking for an excuse to cheat. Nope, she would have flipped on him and raged at him, maybe physically assaulted him, but not simply cheat. If she were to cheat, she'd do it to get even and let him know she was going to do it, to cause maximum pain. She cheated because she wanted to cheat. The rest is all bullshit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Not So Good

Communications between these two would of stopped a world of emotional pain.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago
Second time through...

Not very well developed. You have his girlfriend saying that he is still in love with his ex. And yet, there is no textual evidence built in for the reader to confirm. Then he has the opportunity to fall back into her arms and decides to just be friends. So which is it? Did he have feelings for her or not?

Pappy7Pappy7almost 8 years ago
What a crazy bitch to take her back.

Wife was a cunt too, but she proved that she was not trustworthy in any way, form or fashion. To just go jump on a dick to get back at hubby and then not even talk to him about anything when he leaves. Don't see how they can reconcile, too much bad history there and as for the girl friend telling him he still loved his ex. Well, she either wanted to be with him and help him exorcise his demons or she didn't and she didn't so she left and slammed his ass as she went out the door.

Ok, I am not a fan of RAAC or WACC or really BTB, although that seems to be the preferred of the three. Better luck next time, this one was pretty badly plotted out.

dyonysosdyonysosalmost 8 years ago
Really people ?

When i read your comments i come to the conclusion that divorcenumbers in the US and Europe,as high as they are,would be allmost doubled,if anybody would read and follow your advise,let's not forget that the reason for divorce in many cases is NOT infidelity but many other reasons such as spousal abuse ,alcoholisme or abandonement

TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR3almost 8 years ago

Exceptionally stupid and unbelieveable plot with a forced reconciliation brought about by sprinkling fairy dust on the characters.

JackmoftenJackmoftenover 7 years ago

No way should he have met Emily other then in his lawyer's office to talk about anything. She didn't trust her husband enough to talk to him and find out the truth before things went to far.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Classic Shitplot Syndrome

Been a huge fan of Blue in the past, but these dipshit communication breakdown plots are just plain stupid. It's lazy and stupid. Sure, it must happen this way often....for stupid, crass, insensitive and disgusting people.

This was a frustrating and annoying waste of time.

TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR3almost 7 years ago
Classic Crap

The author writes a story that precludes reconciliation and then decides he wants one. Therefore the reconciliation lacks any strain of credibility and the author goes off and sulks and pouts in a corner when it is pointed out to him/her sometimes in an excessively nasty fashion. Except if written by the brothers Grimm, fairy dust is not a reasonable way to get a conclusion you decide to have. Learn to think or don't write.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Pathetic story

Emily did not get what she deserved, the wimp cuck just left, Jason got a free piece of married ass twice with no repercussions and the stupid corrupt investigator was never made to pay or examined for motive.

Extremely weak story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
1* More Wimpiness from a Gold Medal Winner in Wimpiness

Man up Blue Balls

danoctoberdanoctoberalmost 7 years ago
Enjoyed the read. Thanks author.✌

Literotica is a fantasy fiction story web site. Some of the comments are hilarious to read. Some people post the most ridiculous things that have no connection with the quality and style of the story. In the LW's section there are some people whose comment border line on being insane. Those folks should take a night class in creative writing to understand there is more a story like this than BTB.

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