Lori's Dilemma


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It was also intense for Lori having someone look at her like she's the most beautiful woman in the world and then caressed her, hold her and with his kisses set fire to her passion that had long been so dormant. Oh it felt so good to have someone do this to her and care about her like this, but at the same time being out in the open scared her. Almost everybody in this town knew her, her car and every time she heard a noise she jumped thinking it was somebody she knew seeing her with someone other than her husband.

The picnic went like that for the remainder of the hour, Bill would caress her hair, her back, hold her or nibble on her ear with Lori being lost in the sensations he was creating and then some noise snap her back to reality. The fact that she was in an open park where almost anybody could see brought this reality to the forefront of her mind. If the wrong person saw her she could lose everything, her husband her son and daughter and maybe even her job.

Bill however, was in a completely different place, he had the woman of his dreams in his arms and the rest of the park seemed to fade into the background. For Bill there were no consequences and with his dream girl in his arms, he just wanted more, but all too soon the hour lunch came to an end and Lori said she had to get back.

As they packed up Bill reached the down and wrapped his arms around Lori holding her tight against his chest and with the emotion of the last hour still coursing through his veins he muttered: "I love you" in her ear. It was sudden and shocking for both of them. For Lori hearing it was the topper of Bill's passionate intensity. Bill immediately knew he had screwed up because now Lori would think he is like all the other guys that will lie just get a woman into bed and even feels it in Lori's body language, she stiffened immediately.

For Bill the last emotional hour had robbed him of reason. Having Lori in his arms with his lips traveling over her ears and neck, her hair and her scent with those golden eyes all went to places in his heart that he had thought had been long dead and he wasn't lying about his feelings when he blurted out the L word, but it was too early for real love. She had awakened long dormant feelings and truth be told he didn't remember anyone ever getting as deep or as fast into his heart as Lori did.

They loaded up the car with all the picnic stuff and then kissed goodbye. They were still hungry soulful kisses, but quickly Lori pulled away, got into her car, and quickly drove away. Bill watched her go sadly knowing that when he blurted out the, I love you, he most likely had thrown away the best person he had ever known and the love he had searched for all his life.

For Lori the rest of the day she went through her normal routine but her mind was still trying to make sense of everything that happened on the picnic. On one side to it was incredible to feel the thrill, passion and absolutely loving intensity that Bill has for her. When she had looked into his eyes earlier she knew how he felt, she could see the love in his eyes, but to hear him say it was still a shock. On the other hand were the fear of discovery and the potential consequences of being caught.

There is no doubt that Bill cared for deeply for her and she still got chills thinking about him when he was sensuously kissing her fingers. She knew that when they made love it would be earthshattering and that scared her even more. If she really let go, she knew enough about Bill to know that he would be devoted to her, spoil her and make her feel all the things she dreamed about.

Ultimately, she was scared for her family, she and her husband didn't have much of a marriage but she still cared for him and didn't want to hurt him. She knew her children would be unforgiving and the thought of that wounded her deeply. So she had some decisions to make because if she continued with Bill the intense love and passion that he had for her would make her take chances and forget about everything else.

Lori wondered if there was any way to make love to Bill and still keep her family intact, because that's ultimately what she really wanted. She wanted to feel loved, she wanted to feel beautiful and alive and Bill did all of those things for her, but she didn't want to do any of that it meant sacrificing her family. Maybe they just needed to be smarter about everything.

On his drive back, Bill was in his own hell. He noticed how jumpy she was at the park, but chose to ignore it, and he was pissed at himself. Still everything would've been okay if he had just kept his mouth shut and not said those three little words. The drive back to he sent her a text apologizing for what he said and the first time since his utterance, he began to have hope. Lori said "I know you meant that you love being with me."

She had given him a way out. The heartache he had been feeling eased a little; did this mean she still wanted to be with him? Bill was definitely not used to someone as loving and tolerant of his mess ups as Lori and boy did he mess up a lot. In his life, everyone pounced on any screw up and you are made to suffer for it, both at work and at home. He looked at her text and in his heart he didn't think anyone in her life truly knew how wonderful this beautiful lady really was.

Both Bill and Lori kept mulling over the picnic and both alternating between loving exhilaration, the potential for disaster and then smiled as they went back to the loving passion that filled their time together.

The next morning Bill woke to the alarm playing "Hold on loosely" and he thought it was a sign. Yesterday he was holding on tight and he felt like he scared her. He needed to be more cool and collected, but he realized how difficult that can be when your dream girl is in your arms.

Bill's decision was fairly easy; Lori was the first person in a long time made him feel something. As long as Lori would have him he would stay with her, care for her, spoil her and try to bring her as much joy and happiness that he could. Bill knew their relationship is going to be difficult and would consist of stolen moments were both could forget about the world around them, forget about their worries and obligations and just reveling the feelings they created in each other.

Bill hoped that they would be able to find times to be together as a couple, as he desperately wanted to take her out on the town. He wanted her to have the opportunity to dress up, feeling beautiful as he had her on his arm as they went from dinner to club. He wanted the opportunity to make love to her throughout the night and then fall asleep in each other's arms, still being there in the morning as they woke and make love again.

Lori found herself thinking the same thing. Bill made her feel sexy and beautiful, wanted and desired, and it's what she wanted more than anything, to feel alive again and Bill brought her that. He was a very special man for her, he was a giving, loving wonderful man and she really did want him in her life. She had dreams of what it would be like to fall asleep in his arms every night and wake with his arms around her in the morning. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible, but hopefully they could find some way to have some uninterrupted time together.

For now, they had to find creative ways to be together, away from the crowds so she wouldn't be distracted by people around her. Right now more than anything she wanted to trust herself with him, she wanted to be able to let herself go and feel everything he could do to her. She knew, being the person he was he would fall in love with her and she knew she could fall in love with him too, but her life is complicated and full of obligations. Now she hopes that he can be patient, because she doesn't know how she can make these things happen, but somehow she wants to make it happen.

Chapter 2 -- Making Love

Another week past with Bill having driven up to donate a bunch of school supplies to the families that Lori helped. It was an enormous amount of school supplies, but Bill had used the tax-free weekend, sales on school items and his employee discount to get much more loot for the money. This was a quick trip to deliver the items, but still they held each other and kissed reinforcing their feelings for each other. Bill found himself thinking of Lori all the time and wanting to find ways to see her even if he was for just a few minutes. Every time he thought about her, his heart beat little bit faster and when he saw her in his heart beat like a bass drum at a rock concert.

Lori was much more controlled and she was used to being in charge of her life, but even she had to admit Bill intruded on her thoughts as well. Her day was usually controlled or uncontrolled chaos, but at quiet times like driving to and from work she found her mind wandering and thinking about Bill. Both found they were becoming very close friends, but distance, family and jobs kept them from talking as much as they would like.

On Thursday afternoon Bill proposed that they meet the following Friday at a motel where he could finally give her the massage that he promised and she desired. Both knew the massage would be wonderful, but it would most likely lead to finally making love. The anticipation built all of the following week and a couple of times Lori almost called to back out. This was a huge step for her and it was the first time anyone except her husband had touched her and she didn't know if she could really go through with it. She desperately wanted this, but still a huge step.

Bill knew how she felt and did his best to be understanding and supportive, but he that knew at some point they needed to make this step, so he persisted. He booked motel room in a little town about 10 miles further south, in an area that she didn't have any clients. On the appointed day Bill arrived about a half hour earlier than the meeting time, texted her to room number and then set up some lilies and candles in the room to make it more romantic. He warmed of the massage oil and then Lori arrived.

Bill wanted to give Lori and afternoon of unrivaled pleasure, something he didn't think she had ever had in her entire life, but he knew the most difficult part would be for Lori to relax enough to really let go and feel. He hoped the massage would relax her cares away and allow her to feel the passion he planned on giving to her, but just in case he had bought to bondage cuffs for restraining her hands. He was thinking this might be the way to free her from her control and allow her to accept his gift of pleasure, allowing her to let go and feel.

When she came into the room Bill could tell she was nervous so he took her into his arms, held her as he kissed her and sat on the bed with her in his lap. He looked into those golden eyes that had seen so much trouble, but now all he saw was nervous passion. She wanted this is badly as he and she was still nervous. Bill reached over and turned on the alarm clock saying.

"Sweetheart, I set the alarm for 2 ½ hours and I want you to trust me enough to put yourself in my hands for that time. Forget about everything else, just feel. Everything about this afternoon is for your pleasure so clear your mind and just feel, my baby.

She looked back into his green eyes and nodded her assent and then leaned in for a kiss, which Bill lovingly obliged. While their lips nibbled on each other and their tongues dueled passionately Bill began to unbutton her blouse. As the blouse came open Bills hands slid over the silky softness of her skin, while his lips slid off of her hips onto her neck where he began to seductively kiss and nibble her sensitive skin. His arms wrapped around her caressing her belly and back as they went and then they climbed higher and deftly unhooked her bra.

Lori pulled back with some of her nervousness returning, but Bill withdrew in his hand from behind her and began caressing her cheek and then hair reassuring her this was all about her pleasure. As he looked into her eyes he pulled her blouse from her shoulders, laid it on the bed beside them, and then repeated the procedure with her bra. She was now topless in front of Bill and she looked into his eyes to see his thoughts all she saw was his love and admiration. Lori had always thought her breasts are too small, but to Bill they were perfect for her thin dancers body and he lightly drew his fingers over her breasts and teased her nipples to hardness.

"My God, you're so beautiful, everything about you is perfect." Bill said as he lovingly dipped his head and suckled her nipples.

Lori thought he must be blind to say things like that, but she loved that he said them. As his lips closed over the tip of her breast with his teeth lightly scraping her hard thrusting nipple, her mind stop thinking as passionate quivers flow-through her seeming to center in her pussy. Lori's head rolled back on her shoulders as she gasped with the passion she had been missing all these years.

Bill swiveled taking her up in his arms and laying her back on the bed and Lori watched as he lovingly unbuttoned her pants and drew them down her hips, kissing newly uncovered skin as he went. As the pants slid down her legs he continued his kissing caresses down her legs until her pants were removed and then he repeated the process with her panties, kissing as he went. Lori had never had anybody undress her as sensually as Bill had just done and the passion he had lit in her was vibrating through her like a guitar string.

Bill was lightly caressing her naked body and he was looking at her like she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. Lori felt the clutch in her chest because no one had ever treated her like this, at least not in a very long time; oh how she missed it. Bill climbed on the bed, looked into her eyes, gently kissed her, and then said.

"Baby you are so exquisitely beautiful. Everything matches perfectly to create this perfect woman and I'm going to spend the remainder of our time savoring this wonderful gift that you're giving me. I want you to stop thinking about everything and just feel. I brought something if you think it will help, if you want, some bondage cuffs to tie your arms to the bed. I know that sometimes this will free you from your control and allow you to truly feel the pleasure." Bill whispered passionately.

He looked into Lori's eyes and saw the idea scared her and intrigued her the same time, so he let it drop for the time being, then added. "Okay baby rolled over on your stomach and let me start your massage."

Lori rolled over onto her stomach, keeping her arms and legs to her side. Bill pulled out the warmed massage oil and put some of her back. This was not supposed to be a deep tissue massage but instead a sensual massage; however some of the knots and Lori's back necessitated some deep tissue work. As his hands began to glide over her shoulders and back they would encounter hundreds of knots with many that were so large he had to do something. Instead of using his thumb is to dig out the knots he just used the heel of his hand for a little softer feel. Lori groaned as some of the knots began to disappear, but as his hands began sensuously caressing her arms, sides, waist and the sides of her breasts her groans turned into moans.

He continued a soft but firm massage down her back, her waist, over her firm butt and down her long beautifully toned legs. Then reversed and began caress back up her legs and as his hands reached the juncture of her thighs his fingers would tease the lips of her pussy slowly thrusting in and out teasing her and as her hips began to rock back and forth until he told her to roll over for the other side.

Lori rolled over and there was a smoky need in her eyes. She looked at Bill directly and purposefully lifted her arms over her head with the message clear; she wanted to be bound to the headboard so he could release the fiery passion building inside her. Bill grabbed the Velcro cuffs and bound them to her wrists and then threaded a small rope around the headboard and tied each end the ring on the cuff. With her arms bound Bill made himself a promise for the remainder of their time together and he was going to give her more passion than pleasure than she had ever known before. Today is all about letting Lori experience all the love and passion she can handle.

Bill gently kissed down her arms until he reached her face and kissed down her forehand over her nose to her lips. As he reached her lips she lifted her head hungrily demanding he ravish her mouth. Their mouths fused in a passionate kiss with their tongues dueling lovingly in their mouths. While their passionate kiss with sending shivers through both of them Bill's hand caressed down Lori's neck, over her chest and cupped her succulent breasts and his fingers began to tweak her thrusting nipples. Lori moaned into the kiss as her back lifted pushing her breasts into the sensuous attack.

As Bill lightly pinched her nipple, Lori broke the kiss gasping and moaning his name. His mouth free from the kiss, traveled down her neck kissing and nipping at the sensitive skin, making sure not to leave any marks. As Lori bowed her back, lifting her breasts and stretched her neck her veins became prominent against her neck and Bill sucked one into his mouth feeling her passion through the vein and through his mouth. His slow sensuous descent continued over her chest until his lips captured the nipple that was not in the grasp of his hand.

As his lips took over where his hand was, sucking and nibbling on her hard nipples in his hand traveled over her chest, down her flat belly with the intent of pleasuring her pleading hips. The slow teasing kisses and caresses were driving Lori out of her mind. She couldn't remember when anybody slowly made love to her like this, oh God it felt so good, but she didn't know how much longer she could take this exquisite torture.

It was okay, because Bill had no plan to keep torturing her, only to make her cum as many times as he could. His fingers began to slowly thrust inside her while his thumb began to explore her clit trying to find those spots that would send her into orbit. Lori was alternately bowing her back to get more of her nipple stimulation and a lifting her hips to get his fingers deeper inside her. Bill had just switched his mouth to the other nipple when his thumb found her secret spot, and he felt Lori tremble, gasp and then moan as he played with her spot. Bill began to curl his fingers into her g-spot and then actively rub her secret spot on her clit and in less than a minute her hips were lifting, reaching for her elusive orgasm. Then it hit with the force of freight train and her whole body froze as blissful rapture of a massive cum locked her muscles into a spastic jubilation.

Lori's breath was locked in her lungs and only when the orgasm began to wane did her lungs releasing an extended wail of satisfaction. Bill lifted his head from her breast and looked at her face glowing with supreme orgasmic satisfaction with her eyes sparkling and a huge grin on her face. She looked at him and said.

"Baby thank you so much and was one of the best orgasms of my life." She whispered passionately.

Bill leaned over and kissed her lips and then said. "Then get ready baby because we've only just begun. We're going to set a new record for the numbers of orgasms in one go. I want you to know how much I care about you and how much I want to spoil you."

She looked at him softly and said. "I've never had more than one at a time and sometimes not even that."

Bill kissed her again and said. "Oh baby that at all ends tonight, because I'm going to keep making love to you and keep making you cum until our time is up."

Bill kissed his way down her chest, over her flat tummy and then settled himself between her legs and started licking, nibbling and sucking on her pussy, lips and clit. He was careful to avoid her clit right away, knowing that she would still be sensitive after an orgasm, but after he felt her hips starting to lift and squirm he knew he could begin her next rocket to heaven. His tongue began to lightly caress her clit as his fingers began to slide back into her hot and wet sexual core.