Lori's Dilemma

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Two lonely people meet to find a connection.
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What are the odds of something like that happening? She tried to unlock the car and the minute she stuck the key into the door lock of the rundown company car, the key broke off in the lock. She called her boss and everybody in the office seems to laugh at her dilemma, but they did promise to send a locksmith. She was a social worker in the area is pretty run down and certainly not the place for a beautiful woman to be stranded.

She quickly called one of her coworkers that lived in this town and got her to come pick her up as quickly as possible. She was not afraid of her clients, but being stranded out in these rundown neighborhoods was just not a smart thing to do. Since it was the middle of summer is too hot to sit in the car and wait, so she sat under a shade tree waiting for her ride. Her mind started to wander and for brief moment she thought about calling Bill.

Bill started off being a pen pal, then a confidant, now her cyber lover and he seemed to be intruding in her thoughts all the time. Lori had been married for 30 years, two kids but she and her husband had their share of issues. Now they slept in the same house but rarely talked and the passion was certainly gone. On a lark she had joined one of those no strings attached websites designed for people looking to have an affair. She didn't really know what she was looking for but she wanted some excitement and passion in her life again. Basically, she wanted to feel alive instead of just existing.

Because she was tiny, slim and beautiful she immediately start getting proposals from every kind of guy out there and about 99% were out there for one thing. They wanted to get laid, with no repercussions and no strings. Unfortunately, Lori was not that kind of woman, she could only be involved with somebody if they meant something to her. As offers flooded in for illicit sexual meetings she at first tried to politely decline, her mannerly southern upbringing required her to respond politely. That didn't seem to work very well and guys wouldn't take no for an answer. Therefore, she just started deleting emails.

Then Bill wrote her a note and automatically she politely declined, but she kept his email because something about him seemed different from the rest. Bill responded back to her in the kind of gentlemanly fashion that she had hoped for and once again she took another look at his profile. All the things he said were in right alignment with what she wanted, he didn't want a one night stand and wanted somebody long-term to be with, a friend, and confidant, someone that he could exchange fantasies with and ultimately a long term friend and lover.

From Bill's viewpoint Annabel (Lori's pseudonym) was pretty close to the type of person he was looking for, but she was committed as she responded in her email. However, several things were different about Annabel, first she responded with a polite very genteel and ladylike response. No one on this site had done that, in fact, up to this point, everyone he had met was after money in one shape, form or fashion. Second, her written profile actually seemed to be the person who wrote the nice note. Bill was intrigued and after a week of mulling it over he sent her some virtual roses.

She said she was committed and so he didn't really expect anything to happen, but it was his way of thanking her for actually being a nice and caring human being. Lori was not used to someone being nice to her as well and after seeing the virtual flowers she now became a little more interested in this guy.

She wrote back thanking them for the beautiful gesture and Bill responded that he was only thanking her for being the only real lady on the site. A few days later Lori responded tentatively wanting to talk and she gave him her fictitious Annabel email ID she had created for just this occasion. They began to communicate via email and she liked what she was hearing, but she knew they were just words and she still had her doubts. Her entire life people had tried to take advantage of her kind and trusting nature, so she had built a defensive shell and was very wary of silver tongues. However, with every email he seemed to be saying the right things and there seemed to be sincerity in his words, like he really believed it. Lori was in the mist of her daughter's wedding and told Bill she would not be able to respond for a while.

The weeBilld of the wedding came and went with Lori going crazy with all the wedding plans, plus the constant demands of her job. Then on the Tuesday after the wedding Bill send her a nice note asking how the wedding went. Lori was in the midst of a wild and woolly day trying to catch up from being off during the wedding and didn't respond until the next day. Bill had already figured out that Lori's schedule was worse than his. Hers was compressed into a very intense eight hours while his spread out over the whole day. When her schedule started to settle down Lori responded and they began a light banter back and forth through email.

Lori was going to the lake for the weekend for some rest and relaxation, but she still wanted to hear from Bill, she was enjoying their banter and was starting to feel a little connection. She thought about it, then she gave him her phone number, and they began to text each other. The entire weekend and into the following Monday their banter continued, but it started feeling more intimate to both of them and Lori began to probe to find out who this man the captured her attention really is. Lori's probing questions told Bill he was going to have to open up and so he responded with a long email detailing his long and sordid past.

Bill fully expected that after she heard he was at the end of his third failed marriage she would end it right there. In Bill's world, any sign of weakness or failure is automatic rejection and general hostility. He had sent the email knowing that this would mostly likely kill their budding relationship, but she needed to know who she was dealing with. Bill was a hard core romantic and a very trusting person, like Lori he had been lied to all his life, but he never mastered the shell around his heart. Heartache seemed to be a constant in his life, but all he wanted was someone that he could give his heart to, they would know what a special gift it was and take care of it.

Lori surprised him with a soft loving email that hinted at her own pain, but she continued to text and email Bill. He knew now he had someone very special, someone with a heart as big as Texas and his interest in this woman escalated to new heights. Every one of her texts and emails to Bill only convinced him further what an incredible woman he had found, but he wondered how somebody could trample such a beautiful spirit and where her pain came from.

Strangely enough Bill had still not even seen a photo of this dazzling woman out there in cyberspace, but he liked her very much. He could feel the love and passion in her texts and emails with him beginning to have fantasies of what she looked like. He wondered what kind of passion she could unleash when someone actually took the time and made love to her. In his mind's eye he could see passion build as he slowly discovered her erogenous zones. Discovering which ones made her quiver with excitement and which ones made her gasp with uncontrolled erotic fire. He vowed that if they ever made love he would slowly drive her crazy, stimulating her as he tried to set her personal record for the number of orgasms, or in other words, spoil her like she deserved to be spoiled.

He felt his heart start to open up and for the first time in a long time he was smiling and thought Lori could use a little spoiling, so he sent her a gift certificate to an upscale on-line clothing store. In his note he told her that he wanted her to use the certificate for something that made her feel sexy and beautiful, something she would not normally do. Lori immediately responded that she couldn't take this, but he persisted that this was his way of saying thank you for opening his heart and his only request was to see a photo of her smiling and blissfully happy in the new dress.

Lori was kind of wondering why he would do this and this spoiling of her was something she longed for but she was suddenly very unsure of. Why would all those women lie and cheat when all this man did seemed to say, all he wanted was love above all else. To her it seemed like he was always giving and all his ex-wives did was take, she wondered what it would be like to have such a loving and giving person love her like that. It scared her and excited her at the same time, on Tuesday she wanted hear his voice and they talked on the phone for the first time.

Bill concluded that Lori gave everything at her job and took special care of her clients, then at home took care of her family the same way. Everything she gave was selfless, but she longed for someone to love her that way and make her feel love and life again. Bill was also a giving person that longed for someone that he could give to and someone that wanted to give back. He knew that Lori could be that person, but she had built a shell to protect her from the ravages of the world and it would take a lot for her to trust him.

She at least trusted him enough to send her photo and while she was different from what he had pictured in his mind, she was still extraordinarily beautiful. Now his dreams of what it was like to see her face contorted with rapturous ecstasy actually had her real face attached. His erotic dreams took on a new look as he thoroughly kissed her all over and made her cum with his mouth before they consummated their love making.

Every moment together either texting, emailing or talking brightened Lori's day with the passion and the excitement that she'd been longing for. Now within her grasp and as Lori sat under the tree her fingers hovered over the button to call him or not and finally she gave in. When his gravelly voice answered the phone she felt that little bit of excitement that she been longing for and she could hear in his voice that he was glad she called. Her smile brightened on her face as they started to talk, she told him where she was and he seemed a bit concerned that she was stuck in the poorer part of town. She belayed his fears and they began to talk about everything and nothing.

Then he asked if she had time for lunch and he was going to drive the two hours it took to see her to take her out on a picnic. The thought of seeing him having him kiss and touch her had her stomach fill with butterflies, oh how she wanted this. For a few moments she was stunned into silence with her heart caught in her throat and then she said yes. They set up a time for Thursday and she was smiling from ear to ear with just the thought of being together.

Her ride showed up just then and she had to hang up for the ride back to the office. When she got there they told her that they couldn't find a locksmith but they were sending a tow truck to get the car. She only barely heard what they said, because her mind was still on the idea of seeing Bill in two days.

Lori hadn't felt this much excitement in a long time and now she felt wonderful and alive for the first time in years. She dreamily thought of Bill and all the things he said, about how her heart is even more beautiful than her beautiful and sexy figure, but Thursday would tell the tale. All of these things could easily be just lines, but somehow she didn't think so and she felt the sincerity in him that seemed to be lacking with everyone else. He seemed like the kind gentle man full of fire and passion and no outlet for it. Oh how she longed to be feel that passion, then have it bring her alive again.

That night they texted back and forth and when she took her bath she laid there lightly caressing her skin wondering if this is what it would feel like with Bill touching her. Lori felt her nipples harden and her body quiver as she thought about what he would do and how he would make love to her if she ever let him. She felt the excitement coursing through her body and after all that's why she joined this website is to try and feel what she is feeling right now. She wondered if she could really go through with this. She was scared and nervous but even more excited and she definitely wanted to see him. The picnic would be fairly safe but what about after that.

The next day they called in the morning, texted all day and called in the evening as she drove home. Lori had quivers in her stomach, but a big smile on her face all day and when she woke up in the morning butterflies got even worse. Lori knew she had a tough day meeting with clients and if she's going to carve out the time for Bill she had to hustle. There were a quick few texts in the morning, but she concentrated on getting her clients out of the way so she could free up an hour for Bill.

As he was driving up he texted his progress, letting her know where he was and at 1:00 he arrived, but Bill hadn't understood her directions to the park and went wrong place. After phone call he got everything straightened out and finally he got there. Lori was still nervous and rocking out to music in her car to take her mind off the nervousness. A car pulled up beside her and a handsome man got out, but he was not as tall as she had hoped but he was dressed nicely and decent looking. At this point they had only exchanged photographs and had never seen each other and while she thought it might be him she wasn't sure.

Bill was in his car thinking the exact same thing, it looked like Lori, but the woman in the car was much prettier than the picture of Lori. So just to make sure he called her on the phone and when she picked up, he knew and as she looked over she knew as well.

Bill walked over to her car and when Lori got out she apprised this man that had captured her waking dreams. He was not as tall as she thought and that disappointed her because she loved the feel of her head laid against a man's chest. However, he was handsome, had all his hair and was fit and trim with arms strong enough to hold her tight.

As Bill looked at her he realize just how bad her photo had been. In the photo she had a round face with larger breasts, but the woman here in front of him had a beautiful dancer's body. She was slender and trim with perfectly proportioned breasts and curves, she was even more beautiful than he ever imagined. Her face was beautifully expressive with a bright smile that could light a runway and her eyes were an exotic golden hue. Her hair was a golden brunette that framed her face perfectly and to him she was the perfect vision of what a woman should be.

Bill wrapped her in his arms and held her tightly against his chest and he loved the way she felt in his arms. He pulled back a little bit saying that he wanted to look at her but his eyes never left her face as his hand gently caressed her cheek. They both felt it at the same time, the hunger and the need to feel each other's lips pressed together. Their first kiss wasn't tentative it was hungry, needful and consuming with their tongues intertwined probing and at the same time caressing each other. As the kiss ended and their lips parted Bill crushed Lori to him almost squeezing the breath from her.

Lori felt the kiss vibrate through her body and his crushing hug and told her he felt the same, it was a thrilling exciting kiss, full of promise, but she needed more. As his crushing hug ended and his arms loosened their mouths joined together again in another kiss, but this time it was less hunger and more passion. All thrilling and exciting feelings that she felt in email were so minor in comparison to the passion of having Bill hold and kiss her this was everything she hoped for and her body, heart and mind all felt alive.

Then she heard the mower and her head swiveled to make sure that was not somebody she knew and it wasn't but she had her first inkling that the picnic in a major park might not have been the best meeting place. Lori backed out of his embrace and for the first time she looked around to make sure nobody she knew was close by. She looked back at Bill, he seemed oblivious to her sudden reticence and he was looking at her like she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

For Bill the rest of the park faded into the background and didn't exist, the only thing he saw was Lori. Her loving and caring heart had captured his heart and he was already enthralled but her beauty standing in front of him dazzled him. She was way more than he ever imagined, her giving, loving heart with her beautifully slim dancer's body topped with her beautiful expressive face and eyes, just blew him away.

Lori suddenly felt all the eyes park on her and pulled back and ask Bill where they wanted to set the picnic. Bill reluctantly took his eyes from her and started looking around for a place for the picnic and he didn't see any tables but fortunately it brought a blanket so he suggested that the blanket under a tree in the shade. Bill opened the back to his SUV and before he pulled a blanket he opened the cooler that had the food, pulled out a dozen red roses and handed the bouquet to Lori saying.

"Baby I told you when I sent you those virtual roses that the first time we met I would turn them into real ones. I always keep my promises."

Lori choked up for a second; it had been a very long time since anyone had given her roses with love attached. Some of her clients had given her flowers to thank her for her work on their behalf, but she couldn't remember the last time someone that cared for her had given her roses just because. She rushed back into his arms and they kissed again deeply and passionately. Bill had no idea that giving Lori flowers would mean that much to her, it was something he wanted to do and he was just keeping promise he made to her. They separated reluctantly, but she looked at him wondering who this man really is.

They gathered up all the blankets and Lori carried those while Bill carried the cooler and the picnic basket over to the shaded spot under the tree. They wrestled with the blanket as the wind kept blowing it around, but finally getting situated and opened the cooler and the picnic basket. Bill and brought a mixture of chicken salad and grapes but also some strawberries and teriyaki meatballs. As Lori looked at the spread she thought everything was wonderful, even Bill and her earlier disappointments were forgotten.

Bill was staring at this stunning woman next to him and an idea struck him as he reached in to snap off one of the roses and with gentle strokes used the rose to caress Lori's face. It had been a long time since someone treated Lori like Princess in these soft caresses with the rose sent quivers through her body. She leaned into the reveling in his soft gentle and sweet caresses. This picnic was turning out to be everything wonderful that Lori had imagined, everything from the food, to the setting, to the company was scintillating, exciting and intoxicating.

Suddenly Lori heard Cushman Scooter coming closer in her head swiveled away to look and make sure it was nobody she knew. It wasn't anybody she knew, but she was still nervous being in the middle of the park. All Bill saw was Lori, she was the perfect woman for him and he tried to have her lay back on the blanket so they could kiss and cuddle a little more. Lori suddenly felt exposed and would not lay down. So Bill broke open the chicken salad and slathered it on some crackers giving one to Lori.

Lori was glad for the respite and began to nibble on a cracker. Lori was suddenly very confused; Bill was everything he said he would be. He had told her how he felt about her and that he was a touchy feeling kind of guy and probably wouldn't stop touching her full-time they were together and that's exactly what was happening.