All Comments on 'Losing Paradise - And More'

by BillandKate

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Only wished that the Frog knew who did it to him !

Really enjoyed this dose of fictional karma !

He didn't burn the bastard ( btb ) he castrated the bastard ( ctb ) ,here's hoping that a new genre arises !

***** + if i could .

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Yes Sir,

You play, You pay, Lady Justice is blind, But not deaf and dumb.

Bebop3Bebop3over 5 years ago
Great Story

Thanks for sharing your work.

FirstwithUFirstwithUover 5 years ago
Well done

5*, I would have liked to hear more on how Jean Paul was found and any fall out. Lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
It was moving forward just fine,

Then I got to the POV shift. That took me totally out of the story. Why? It's just dumb writing and I'm not reading that. Two stars for a mildly interesting first part.

PowersworderPowersworderover 5 years ago

A well-written, if sad story. Jayne was a selfish idiotic slut, she can't blame the other women for talking her into it. The way she led Jean-Paul on from the start showed that she never really loved her husband. Richard should never have agreed to her taking the job in St. Martin in the first place, but she probably would have just cheated on him later anyway.

It was nice to read the epilogue, with everyone getting their karmic reward. Richard got a happy ending with a loving wife and family. Jean-Paul received a well-deserved castration and bobbiting, which would certainly drive the guy to suicide. Finally, Jayne got to raise her bastard alone, a constant reminder that the father viewed her with utter contempt and had pimped her out as a whore. The last line where she was devastated to realise she'd broken her parents' hearts was beautiful.

DominantYetServile22DominantYetServile22over 5 years ago

Good revenge. It's what every last one of these lothario type motherfuckers deserve.

Very glad there was no reconciliation, cause she sure as fuck didn't deserve one. To those who say that there is no point in getting revenge on the homewrecker, I say good luck with that shit. I substantially fucked up what was left of my already ruined life beating the dog fuck out of my soon to be ex wife's lover, and regardless of what it cost me, it was totally worth it. I'd have probably offed myself had I not had some measure of revenge on him, even if that revenge boiled down to a few scars, a couple of broken bones, and the knowledge that if he sees me walking down the street he will get the fuck out of my path and not even try to make eye contact or risk not being able to walk away from what I do to him next time.

avidfaavidfaover 5 years ago
Thank you

A well-written, interesting, emotionally engaging story that left me feeling good. Thanks.

Whether it's true or not, it's my impression that Bill writes the male parts, and Kate writes the female parts, both ring so true that I never hear the artificiality of the male author trying to write female thoughts, and vice versa. For all I know, you switch around just to make it interesting, but however you do it, your men are men, and your women are women, and I appreciate that.

georgelittle2000georgelittle2000over 5 years ago

You're one of the few writers worth reading recently. Please keep doing it!

notredame43notredame43over 5 years ago
nice work

there was no plausible way for him to stay with her or her to explain it away. she got what she deserved. The payback for the guy was of course horrific(and funny sorry but in reality a lot of scum like him deserve that) nice work

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 5 years ago
Oh Please!

Are you serious?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
If you can't find a pickaxe,

grab a castration kit and a dick reducer and go to work. Just horrible.

AMerryman 2.0

silentsoundsilentsoundover 5 years ago
Not sure how to feel about this one.

Had a lot in it. Had a lot of cliches and well used plot points but it was entertaining, easy to read and erotic.

I am disappointed, however, as usual in the lack of erotic writing about the sex between husband and wife.

I appreciate affair sex being well illustrated and that was done here. I have noticed that many authors will emphasize the affair sex but not go into nearly as much detail, if any, with the spousal sex.

It often seems that so little consideration is given to the marital bed and it leaves me feeling that if the author cared so little for the marriage, why should I?

You are not the only author that does this and at least you do emphasize the details of sex in your stories. Some authors don't bother and we are left with the knowledge that they did "it" and not much more.

I'm usually curious about the mindset in female characters like this as well. Do they not understand that they aren't the only piece of ass their husbands could appreciate and there are far hotter women than they who could do things to their husbands that they might never be able to achieve?

I don't cheat and have been with the Mrs. for nearly 3 decades. The hottest piece of ass I have ever had was a belly dancer that was so sexually powerful in the sack that I came twice during one session of intercouse.

That has never happened before or again even with my very loving wife. I would never be tempted, however, by another regardless of what kind of sexual animal someone besides my sweet was.

I'm not complaining about well used plot points. Just making observations.

I enjoyed this but just don't know how I feel about it, BTB and all. I agree with his divorce and moving on of course.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

It seems to be a pattern with female leads in LW. Loving, caring, selfless women......who suddenly become stupid, shallow whores, like a switch is flipped.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
When you choose the behaviour you choose the consequences

Nuff said

kiteareskitearesover 5 years ago
2 big issues

1) He should have spoken his mind that 1st weekend and made his feelings 100% clear not just hinted at it and also told Jean-Paul to fuck off with similar lines to the end of the night dancing, but when he turned up at the beach. He should have also spoken more to her on the phone about how he felt she was becoming distant and finally laid it on the line when he went to visit. Finally the flowers should have been delivered by him.

2) His revenge may have satisfied him, but all Jean-Paul would know is that someone attacked him, not even that it was a jealous or estranged husband. There was also no certainty that he wasn't saved. A gelding by opening the sack and sending the balls to his wife....maybe I'm too nice. Also far better to face her and refuse her apology and refuse to forgive rather than refuse to talk to her.

Alison could have been clearer before the fact, rather than after it, but you can't protect stupid from itself.

That said, it was written well enough to get me pissed off at all 3 of the main protagonists, mainly Richard and Jayne for passivity and stupidity, but no sympathy for any of them.

Thank you.

kimi1990kimi1990over 5 years ago
Well, nothing like a good genital mutilation to get the old blood pumping.

Appealing to Literotica's criminal class a very great deal, I suppose. Tune in tomorrow for a good triple homicide, a ritual torturing and someone devouring a human heart. Great stuff!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Another dad BTB!

The narrator should have thanked Jean-Paul! I swore off Catholic women long ago. They are equal parts slut and nun, always looking for a drama-queen situation so they can fuck up a relationship! No point telling them to go to hell, they bring it with them!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Wow, just another Martian Slut Ray story. Thanks for the effort.

Six years of marriage, and the husband never discerned how vain, stupid, and shallow this woman was? She works in the medical community, where young sexy rich professionals are always on the prowl, always available, and always fucking up the lives of married women. And she never observed and learned from those other whores?

No, its OK for you to portray her as a stupid wannabe slut. But don't pretend such women somehow hide their lack of character and morality, for years, then suddenly pop out of the closet into the arms of the first big cock they meet. The only men who fall prey to such whores are the men too stupid and delusional to accept reality. Such women are about as hard to spot as a warthog at a pony show.

Really liked how Jean-Paule finally came up short. But not sure you can blame him for taking what the whore of the week was willing to give him. He didn't rape or drug any of them. In the end Jean-Paule did Richard a favor, revealing what a worthless wife he had. If it had not of been Jean-Paule then, it would have been some other big cock stud later, after they had children, and he had wasted his prime fertile years on the stupid slut.

Also very unlikely that she's still single, even with a kid in tow. Remember she works in the medical community. With her new sexual skills and lack of morality and ethics she would easily be married to some rich fat fool who would turn a blind eye to her boy toys, as long as she stayed his trophy wife. Maybe some tears from her parents, but this selfish whore would have no remorse.

ValintValintover 5 years ago

The passive-aggressive husband didn't work for me. "I'm leaving my wife in a tropical paradise with a lothario whose advances she's not clearly rejected. Let me subtly hint at my displeasure with this situation" seems idiotic. Makes me wonder if the divorce wasn't best for both of them, if their willingness to communicate was this shitty.

The revenge seemed a little out-of-place. He didn't coerce her, drug her or do anything other than just be an available cock when she decided she wanted to have a pre-settling-down fling.

I can buy an over-the-top revenge when you have a "it was rape, but he'll never be prosecuted" kind of scenario, and it's at least understandable in a "the lover gets to bear all the punishment for the affair, so that the husband doesn't feel like he has to punish the wife" situation.

Here, though, it just kind of came off as the husband being a sociopath.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Very Wonderful Indeed

A great story. LOVED the revenge on Jean-Paul. All naysayers on here can go fuck themselves. A bunch of pussy's who've NEVER read any violent literature. Go read Lee Child and count the bodies..

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Interesting Coincidence, Paradise

Since Paradise, California is, indeed, now lost to a wildfire.

I've begun finding Amazing Slut Ray (another writer here came up with that one) victims too far fetched. But interesting read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Zero stars

We need a lot less stories like this garbage on here

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

After days of dismal crap being posted in LW, finally, an author that's worthy to be read FIVE STARS. The rats won't be impressed, preferring garbage over entertainment.

amyyumamyyumover 5 years ago
Truly excellent

Need I say more? 5*

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 5 years ago

Add me to the list of those who wonder why the cheating wife suffers less (unless you want to count psychological torment), than the lover boy.

He just was what he was, SHE was supposed to be a faithful wife.

BillandKateBillandKateover 5 years agoAuthor
A Few Responses

Thanks for the comments; most of which we enjoyed.

silentsound asked why we didn't write more about the physical sex between husband and wife. We decided since it was Richard's POV we would show him as respectful of that aspect of their relationship.

We also didn't see Jayne as a slut in the waiting. Just a flawed human who, through a set of circumstances, made a terrible mistake. We know both men and women who we regard as basically good people who have committed adultery because they were momentarily weak and circumstances gave them the push to do something they normally wouldn't do. Most of them regret that moment forever. We also didn't let her lay the blame on the others, she accepted her role in her downfall.

Jean-Paul was castrated not because he seduced a woman; but because he did it with undeserved malice toward Richard. Richard did nothing to earn such malice, so we thought J-P was the psychopath (he lied about his vasectomy) and needed 'fixing'. In our minds J-P isn't found in time to save his nuts or cock. Oh well.

We thought the violence was pretty low key, no gory details. As was written above, just read a Lee Child's Reacher book for body count.

Finally, to those who feel Jayne got off easy. We disagree; we think her life was shit after the divorce and she reaped what she sowed. The pain she caused her parents will haunt her until she dies.

Thanks again for reading.

Bill and Kate

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
What became of the dirtbag and why?

Incomplete but much preferred over the cuckoo crap. RACC would have been acceptable if she had at least tried to fight for what she "really wanted".

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Pretty good

Dumped the cheater. Got some revenge on the lover that destroyed their marriage. Found a new woman and started a family. Standard stuff. Good read.

enderlocke77enderlocke77over 5 years ago
yeah same

if it wasnt hi would have been someone else, never really understood that type of revenge thing. love when the story has both sides, was hoping for a bit more of emotional anguish from the wife tho, but got more of that in this story than most in LW

ty for the read

mordbrandmordbrandover 5 years ago
Re Martian slut ray

His massive dick was the MSR. Some people are just like that, I went to school with a guy that would always turn his head over a massive set of tits. I've worked with people who have similar fetishes, one guy would only date anorexic model types. He had nice, sweet girls with normal bodies throwing themselves at him and he ignored them unless he was in a pussy drought. One was a nurse who, other than my wife, was probably the nicest person I've met. She was with him for a few months and I had my fingers crossed, but he dumped her for a chick with a Coke habit and a rail thin bod.

In this story, the wife was not exposed to porn star dicks until Frenchie flashed her. Bam, head turned. She was coocoo for Cocoa Puffs after that point. The revenge was violent, but the guy was a serial user and manipulator. I don't condone it, but I understand it. The revenge on his ex was more cliche, she has a bastard son and is alone, while he has a loving family. Still it is revenge that will last just as long.

BTW, we have has this exact same revenge, castration, in some form or another in a few btb stories and I've got to say I am surprised at the backlash in this story vs the others. Perhaps people are still triggered over Vandemonium, but this isn't new ground ladies and gentlemen. I know it's Winter, but can we hold off on the snowflakes for a little while longer?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Here's an idea

Since HDK & his disciples are now so militant about consequences in LW stories , why don't Bill&Kate , Vandemonium1 , Huedogg and some of the other btb greats put together the first BTB invitational. Then compare total views with the upcoming sharing / swinging invitational and just see once and for all which type stories are the most popular where it counts for the website ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
penetration of the cervix?

jp has a crank as big around as a beer bottle. his penis enters her cervix. maybe if he was needle dick the bug fucker that might happen. you people need to do some research on what happens during intercourse.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

story. That bastard got what he deserved and she lived what she deserved..nothing less and nothing more. 5*****

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

She named the kid Martin, after the place that she blew everything up? Why not just name him Jean- Paul?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Wow she made him a cuckhold and got pregnant to boot

Divorce was the only answer ,no kids. So why did she carry this bastard child only to raise him alone and never connect with another man. Abortion or giving the baby up for adoption would have worked. Now living a shitty exsistence. If she was so hot why couldn't she find Mr right with her education and beauty that couldn't be to hard .she learned a hard lesson. Cheating has consequences. That planed revenge was not believable to many things could go wrong. But justice was done .how many more women got pregnant from him. He was a smooth operator.

Rolando1225Rolando1225over 5 years ago
Lovely story

Lovely story about Paradise gained and lost, temptations and regrets. You guys are getting better and better with time. Thanks for the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Thank you

Thank you for not making this a cuck/doormat story. Nice. I enjoyed reading it. 4*

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Kinda weird. He was showing what I would consider mild cuck tendencies when he was encouraging her on the nude beach and getting turned on specifically by other men seeing his wife topless, and also when he failed to discuss Jean-Paul's behavior once they were alone together.

Gaining 35 pounds was overkill since he went to all the trouble of sailing to the place to cover his tracks. Hell, he could have used body padding to look fat.

I'm not bothered by over the top revenge in a story from time to time, but it did strike me as weird that he castrates the stranger, a certified douche bag, no doubt, but not someone who owed him anything, but the one who vowed him lifelong fidelity gets off scot-free. Oh, I know...she "lost the love of her life" that she was already intending to throw under the bus if Jean-Paul hadn't dumped her once he knocked her up, but that's not exactly on the level of permanent physical mutilation.

Leaving the punishment up to her own conscience when she barely appears to have one was...unfulfilling. Especially considering she was apparently planning to foist the lover's kid on her unsuspecting husband before she got the divorce papers. She'd already become an alley cat by that point. He shouldn't have hurt her physically, but while he's going so overboard on burning the lover, he could at least hit the so-called "good girl" in her reputation and expose what she did to more than just her parents.

In fact, her parents seemed a lot more effected than she was, and they didn't do anything wrong.

I enjoy a lot of your stories a great deal, BillAndKate, and this one wasn't terrible or anything, but a swing and a miss, in my opinion.

Thanks for sharing.


KingBandorKingBandorover 5 years ago
Enjoyed this

I enjoyed this one greatly. I'm not usually a fan of switching POV in a first person narrative, but this was handled well.

I missed there being a confrontation.


kg501stkg501stover 5 years ago
Great story with consequences

Loved the attention to showing both sides. Sexy story but I loved how you focused on the consequences of it all. Great read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
sad story

but a good one. he didn't get revenge on her, he simply moved on

5 stars

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 5 years ago

glad the french bastard got his. Talk about a country with an unearned superiority complex. Can't imagine a wife who wants to go spend months away from her husband.

ribnitinribnitinover 5 years ago

This was a gripping story that held my attention, and didn't let go even after I finished reading

TnexTnexover 5 years ago
Great Story

5 stars only because you can’t do 6.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 5 years ago
Just cliche driven and stupid

If you're 6 years in the navy and you're still a lieutenant general grade then you are fucking retard.

Despite the author's attempt to explain how Jane just had a momentary weakness she had a momentary weakness to last for 2 months.!!! It's like the authors are so fucken stupid they can't even remember their own story correctly

This was classic martian slut ray turns wife into whore/ slut for no apparent reason kind of story. And the husband reaction to the direct open sexual challenge was pathetic.... And probably gave the go ahead signal for the wife to find a real man to fuck

What's the purpose of doing revenge on the French guy/ Lover if he doesn't know who's doing the revenge on him?

Impo_64Impo_64over 5 years ago
The best revenge is...

The best revenge is leaving the enemy alive to suffer all his/her life! The wife should be mentally ill to believe that after all she had done, the husband could accept her back...Good story...4*

meganann10meganann10over 5 years ago

Good story give it a 4

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 5 years ago
Good story!

I'll never understand the faithful wife who so easily cheats, but it still made for a fun story. Sometimes, we all need a good BTB and this time there was a Frenchman who got burned (or castrated). So, a BTF as well!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
An enjoyable balance.

Not a RAAC, an earned reconciliation or a BTB, yet an ending not feeling entirely complete either.

If the wronged husband was content not to punish the slut wife then I would have preferred to see that she actually had a conscience but she genuinely seemed to lack one entirely and planned not only to cuckold the poor man but make him raise the slimy French toad's bastard.

Plus it would have been nice to see the arsehole's reaction upon waking to the reality of his new pre(dick)ament.


JbRobertssonJbRobertssonover 5 years ago
Great story...

Well written. Enjoyed it from start to finish. Thanks for posting.

Happy to see frenchie got his reward, even though it obviously shocked some of your reader's delicate sensibilities. Perhaps they should stick with Dr. Seuss; He's a good author, sold a lot of books, and there's almost no chance for a castration, even though he wasn't such a nice guy in his private life.

CaOldDogCaOldDogover 5 years ago
Intermediate comment

How many stories start with the wife off birth control and suddenly go off to save the world while meeting a sexy well hung guy? This is where I stopped reading for a while and with the title Losing Paradise to looks pretty dim for a loving marriage. OK - intermission over and I'll comment at the end.

FD45FD45over 5 years ago
Glad to see a story by you

I learned something about writing today.

CaOldDogCaOldDogover 5 years ago

Well - I posted an intermediate post after she met the Frenchman on the beach and I was correct in assuming that she would get pregnant from him. She was an immature silly girl looking for adventure after she was married. Too bad too sad she was a loser that couldn't think for herself with any level of confidence. She turned into a slut that deserved her rough life - may she burn in hell! Oh - yes I loved the castration of the asshole Frenchy. Oh yes I did give this a 5* rating for the revenge factor!!!!!!!!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 5 years ago

Before you start ranting about "stupid" and "retard" you should learn that Lieutenant JG (with a "J"!) stands for Junior Grade, not "General Grade"!

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 5 years ago
Good story.

And some great comments :).

Since I started reading stories here,

I've learnt a lot of new things.

Got knowledge about US and UK military,

some nice hints on BBQ and Cajun cooking

and new acronyms like BTB and RAAC.

But my favorite of all is the martian slut ray.

Gets me smiling everytime I see it :).

I liked this story, but not all of it.

Personally I could do without the POV of a cheater.

Just like the POV of a thief, rapist or a murderer.

I just don't care.

I know many like to have such included,

so why not let the slut say a few words

and then give us a POV of the new wife.

Put some color in the story.

We don't even know the sweetheart's name :).

Even though this story isn't among

the best of them, it's still very good

and well written.

Top ratings from me.

bruce22bruce22over 5 years ago
Good readable story.

We are here to be amused and this story does the job. I admit that I initially left it out of my reading..... but the fact it stayed up at the top more than 48 hours led be ignore the fact that the title gave away the whole plot. There were enough interesting details to keep one interested, but I admit that the idea of living happily ever after is unrealistic.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 5 years ago

Paragraph 1: Nobody cares.

Paragraph 4: Because he feels better now and because the french bastard won't be seducing any more wives. Two purposes.

tazz317tazz317over 5 years ago

then to bide the time for a serendipity reckoning, TK U MLJ LV NV

alfiemoon1alfiemoon1over 5 years ago
Very enjoyable

Enjoyed this story very much, thank you.

Would love a follow up, especially to find out how the French man coped.

Mauser45Mauser45over 5 years ago

She certainly got what she deserved, the asshole she screwed got what HE deserved, and Richard got to live happily after. All's well that ends well for those who deserve it?

Five stars

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Very good

Another great offering from BillandKate. This story of betrayal and revenge was not over the top at all. Jean Paul was a slimy snake who would have never stopped preying on gullible young women. Castration was too easy for him, it would have been much better to have him wash up on the beach one morning. Jane's punishment was to live with her parent's disapproval for the rest of their lives. She would be reminded of her infidelity every time she looked at the bastard Martin. Most of all, she lost her husband, and the family and happiness that could have been her own. Good story all round.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
My 2 cents -

I found the wife character not very credible.

She was a very beautiful and sexy woman and smart enough to be a nurse. Supposedly she loved her husband but fell rather easily to another very attractive man. OK - fine, so far.

So - why all her angst at losing her husband? She was far more upset discovering her "wonderful" French lover was just an utter cad -- this I understand. Husband by this point was rather a distant memory, diminished by the greater sex (and love, on her part) with her "new man."

In my experience beautiful women don't pine for their ex-husbands for years. Women like this one (in real life) find another man soon enough, certainly not long after her baby is born and work themselves back into shape. She would have been very motivated to remove herself from her parents, also - to "prove" that she wasn't an utter failure as a wife. She would probably settle for "just" an MD - not holding out for any "romantic" exotic true love stories anymore.

But I understand the mythology and fantasy in this genre that such women SHOULD pine for years (or the rest of their lives!) when they do their husbands wrong. And writers who write anything else will suffer lower ratings from the fanatic BTB punish forever crowd. As always 5 stars from me for motivating me to comment.

Keep up the good work!


Richie4110Richie4110over 5 years ago

Thanks for a great read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Plot, build up, character development and conclusion. Of course its so easy to hate on Frog with a hyphenated first name. They're such easy pickings. Thanks for a great read. Five ☆

c24jc24jover 5 years ago
Slut rays and shields

Good, sad, story . . . I see lots of notes here on the wife being a bit unrealistic, with some emphasis on the 'Martian slut ray' . . . but actually, 'good' girls DO often have regrets (as do some boys) and, Martian slut ray not withstanding, both can sometimes act unpredictably as a result.

My wife, whose father was a psychiatrist, once told me a story. In her mid-teens, she asked her father if he saw a lot of psychological problems in people who became sexually active too early, before they were ready. He readily agreed that was indeed the case, and there were often problems they currently believed could be linked to premature activity of all types at any level. She said okay (perhaps having gotten the answer some instructors at her private school had assumed she'd get).

Several minutes later, he asked her to come back for a minute. She said he looked very pained, as if he had something to say that he did NOT want to say to HIS teen- aged daughter. He told her he had to be truthful, and that they saw just about as many problems in people that 'started too late' in a sense in that over-suppression could result in persons who never learned to understand and separate various feelings and emotions, and the appropriate associated levels of affection and intimacy. Their consequent understanding of restraint and caution was often incomplete and or misapplied. The result could often be the onset of behavior as unpredictable and devastating as that found in those who'd done 'too much - too soon'.

So, there may indeed be 'Martian slut rays' hiding within the psyches of (seemingly) well-balanced, happy, 'straight-and-narrow' people.

penneydog55penneydog55over 5 years ago

I am giving this story 5 Stars....It's worthy of it!!....It was told that good.. I wanted to kick Jayne in the Ass and tell her to go home to Richard...It wouldn't have been a Story then Hey?......As I Promised 5 Stars ★★★★★....WOOF

OnethirdOnethirdover 5 years ago
To the point

Very good tale- the wife was culpable and deserved what she got, the husband didn’t mope around and go his due as well. Living well and just cutting the relationship is really the best revenge. No pages of whining and apologizing, and the wife didn’t drag it out. Who would leave their wife alone on an island for the summer? Trust, but verify.

Hooked1957Hooked1957over 5 years ago
Great read

This was a great read. I'm into sad and dark. I'm also into consequences, and I felt you did this well. Yes, the wife gets off easier than the scumbag, but considering that the husband supposedly loved her, that wouldn't just disappear overnight. He had no attachment to the scumbag, so burning him badly makes perfect sense.



AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Opportunity is a problem, distance in relationships is a problem, often traveling for work is a problem and just plain old everyday similarly is a problem. Men will always try weather the woman is married or not and most get off on fucking the married ones. There are sluts pigs and good girls who fall so I don’t care if you trust your spouses if given opportunity over and over the sluts will fall quick but the good one might over time. This woman obviously saw this French accent aggrisive man with a high cock and thought my hubby will never know and what he don’t know can’t hurt him, an expression I hate. Why didn’t she get rid of the baby? Did she thing he would raise the lowlifes kid. I would never allow my wife to go away from me that long nor would I expect her to let me . A former coworkers cousin and her husband of 12 years were away at a bar hanging with a bunch of people having a great time and got fall down drunk and wound up in one guys hotel room. He was from some slovic country. Well to cut to the chase the guy and his friend fucked her while hubby was passed out drunk. He woke to her in the morning still being fucked as she sucked the other dick obviously not still drunk. He went nuts but they kick his ass bad and still fucked her more. He left flew home without her and divorced her . She begged him but he wouldn’t forgive her and she was destroyed. A good girl her whole life fucked up once and paid a big price that altered her life forever.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I'm not an A-hole like other Moronymous commenters.

Well it's a time tested scenario and it could have been trite, but your writing style and the plot twists and imaginative revenge plan brought it out of the doldrums. There was no reconciliation at all, I don't see what the A-hole was ranting about.

Your stories are clever and well written and I depend on them to flush out the hopeless crap that seems to be the norm on LW.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
A refreshing change !

The best revenge is indeed a life well lived.

Hopefully she too will find someone , but lurking somewhere in the back of her mind will always be the memory of her betrayal and what it cost her.

Best of all , the seducer suffered .... and happily it cost him big time.

I for one would like to see more stories where it's not just the wife that gets hurt in the fallout.

tazz317tazz317over 5 years ago

the ones that pay the most are those that dont owe the debt , TK U MLJ LV NV

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 5 years ago
It was going so well

Why destroy a good tale by trying to give the wife's perspective. Did not bother reading more, aside from hating changing POV in a story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Not sure why the author thought it would be interesting to waste so many words on the cheating woman's POV.

Maybe it was to help hide just how paper thin the plot and characters actually are?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
What is the point of woman's story?

You could not make it shorter?

William_LinesWilliam_Linesover 5 years ago
Outstanding Story.

Revenge taken on "Good Girl" wife and her lover was well deserved.

Billy Lines

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 5 years ago
Great Job

I love seeing this author name pop up in LW. Always a heart tugging read

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Ok, she is young, sexy, married and inexperienced,

and suddenly she's a slut. No dilema, no indecision, suddenly straight to slut.

Then, avisit by hubby gives her no pause, Now she is Super Slut.

I realize my next comment is flawed based on this "fantastic" website, but this story lacks realism.

Granted, lots of other stories do as well, but i find this one less believeable.

Just my opinion.

Thanks for the story.


SkubabillSkubabillover 5 years ago
Another Fun Read

Sure the plots are thin, we should know that going in. David Baldacci and James Patterson don't post on Literotica. My only disappointment is that sometimes the revenge on the cheating wife isn't enough. This one wasn't so bad except she didn't feel much guilt throughout the affair and was only remorseful after it was over. She paid a very small price for the pain and anguish she put her husband through. With that I have to admit to a small amount of misogyny as a result of similar treatment by women in my youth.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 5 years ago
Good story

You do need to spellcheck it before you post it.

It is good that you did not wimp it out this time even though the husband character gave all the indication he would behave like a wimp before making his play for a revenge.

But then again it works in the way of continuation of the story. However in real life no red-blooded male would allow open humiliation to go a second longer than it is needed to make a confrontation. There would no chance in hell any guy would be rubbing himself into my woman in front of me without immediate castration to follow.

rfnks2002rfnks2002over 5 years ago
Revenge is sweet

I have to agree with dark2donut2 that no man is going to let someone rub on his wife with out saying something then not leaving. Especially after he tried to kiss her. After all day and night of the FRENCH FUCKER was so arrogant to him . And her not being applaud by what the FRENCH FUCKER was treating her husband. Now she and her folks have a reminder of her slutty ways every time they look at her bastard child.

I do feel sorry for her mom and dad they lost a son.

ThematchthatBurnsThematchthatBurnsover 5 years ago
Now that's a fine way to resolve a problem.

It's important to remember that "living a good life" only works after devastating revenge! Castration and amputation are just right in this case.

266xxyz266xxyzover 5 years ago
Good story for sure...

I must say tho, I will never understand a woman who thinks she can win her husband back after an affair. Especially one of that nature and coming home preggers. "But Richard loves me!" Really...can any one, even a woman be that delusional? We'll...apparently. I have never been where forgiveness has ever been any thing worth doing but I reckon that may just be me...and those like me. That stuff about how you gotta forgive your enemies for your own sake is hogwash as far as I'm concerned. Then there are those women, at least many of them in these stories, who go to a counselor to figure out how they "fell". They fell because they got fuk-struck...that's why. The "stage was set" by those two older women...? No, kit was set when she laid eyes on that frog's dick.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Too bad

Fuck her

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Even a sissy wimp

Might have pouted and spoke up about her lover disrespecting him with her right in front.

The character would not have put up with that for a second. But somehow he did and it was a blight on the story ,a distraction from enjoying it to the fullest.

TreymonTreymonabout 5 years ago
Thanks for not insulting

our intelligence with a psychobabble layered RAAC.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Only chance she had was getting an abortion

Keeping the child killed any chance of reconciliation.

OOAAOOAAabout 5 years ago
Fantastic story!!!!!!!!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Something with some decent revenge.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Pretty good

But The middle part sucked a little, The wifes change to a completly Brain dead bitch was Too fast And to drastic, doesn't ADd up to The description of The love they had before. This was replaced by a Cheap Sex story. The end was okay

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Good Stuff

I liked the payback dealt out to the French prick. Is that redundant? Anyway, I did think Jayne got off a little light. Don’t know what else could have been done but just a straightforward divorce doesn’t seem like enough suffering for the misery she caused. But she certainly did deserve everything she got.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
What goes around comes around.

She got exactly what she deserved.

MormonJackMormonJackover 4 years ago
Great story

Thanks Bill and Kate! Keep writing more, please!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Really Well Written

A fully rounded out story. One of the few which gives one satisfaction. Possibly because the coldly calculating bastard Jean-Paul, is allowed to live BUT without the equipment to ruin another life. Tragic how women can be so deluded as to fall for any and all bullshit, once they are infatuated with the seducer, giving up everything in order to be with the slimeball 5*s.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Really Pathetic Woman

A week hadn't gone by since her husband left for home, when she became the French asswipe's whore. She had fully primed herself to cheat and it was hardly a seduction, since she wanted it! A really delusional, disgusting whore. And to think after her seven weeks of non-stop whoring and pregnant with the asshole's bastard, she was confident she'd get Richard back because," he loves me" ! For a change, it was not just the ex-wife who suffered the consequences of her blatant disrespect. But a word at the end(after 7 years) recording the travails of the once philandering Frenchman ( and confirming the loss of his equipment) would have been a nice touch!! 5 stars for a very well written story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Would have been a look into the French assholes life post castration. Yes the revenge was there but it would have been nice to get a glimpse into his humiliation and suffering.

Perhaps about the time the cheating slut sees Richard at the zoo he could have sent the asshole a card asking him "how's it hanging?"

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago

A great story of betrayal and justified revenge, may be the best.non lethal revenge in LW annals. Jayne had to live with her betrayal everyday, no more revenge needed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great story

Well written and left me wanting more. Just the way a good story should go

chuckysmariachuckysmariaabout 4 years ago
i have nothing against the story itself

But why is it when councilor (therapist) are involve, there’s always the attempt to separate the woman from her action. She’s a grown woman, yet she is treated as a gullible child when she blamed her co workers.

If this poor excuse (to justify or worse excuse women from consequences) will always be available for women, whether in real life or fiction, let end this equality experiment and go back to the days of evil patriachy.

It pisses me off when women are not held to the responsibilty of their action. If a man did what she did, he wouldn’t even be given a chance to explain. he’s an asshole, end of story.

The mere fact that the french dude was physically assaulted shows this bias. if you think the interloper deserve a punch in the face, it’s only fair you give the cheater 2.

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Husband and wife who love to bounce ideas off each other and who enjoy the Loving Wives category of Literotica. We'll keep writing stories - some with BTB, some with reconciliation - as long as the feedback has been mostly positive. The Anom. gallery can be a pain in the ass a...