Loss of Control Pt. 12


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Tanya didn't hesitate this time. "He's my husband."

Kelly nodded and smiled. "I know." She was led out.

The third girl was walking over now, blanket trailing behind her, and stood in front of Tanya and Carla. Carla looked up at her and whispered, "Who are you?" Stacy smiled at her and said, "I'm somebody who is willing to do a lot for people she cares about. Apparently unlike some other people." She turned her head a little and said, "Now I can openly say, hello again Tanya. It's been a crazy couple of months, hasn't it?"

Tanya looked down. "Yes it has and I really made a mess of things." She looked at Carla who was still waiting for some explanation. "Introductions, I suppose. Stacy, this is my sister Carla. Carla, this is Tyler's sister Stacy." By the end she was looking down again.

Stacy knelt down and held up Tanya's head by gently lifting her chin. Suddenly Carla blurted out, "Oh my god, I .. we .. oh my ... but you ..." Stacy looked at Carla and spoke softly. "As I said, I'm willing to do a lot for people I care about. And I have to admit, it wasn't so bad. In fact, it was much better than the preparation, just watching videos over and over and practicing on toys." Carla blushed. Things had happened quickly and now Tanya's eyes widened. "They're shipping Tyler out of the country."

Stacy looked at the female agent running around organizing the cleanup and just asked, "Tyler?" The agent looked at her. "Safe." Her attention went back to making sure procedures were followed. Kyle, Brad, and Ellie had been led out early and now the room was beginning to empty. Stacy looked back at Tanya. "Let me sit and tell you a short story."

Tanya looked up as Stacy wiggled her hips and sat between the sisters. "After the stuff at the club, especially after a few minutes with Brad, I realized things had gotten out of control. If I was going to stay out of it and do anything to help I needed to completely cut off any contact and be totally disgusted with the whole scene. I called Brandon and filled him in, so when Tyler called him he was all primed for his part. Dropping the hint by calling him Ty his idea, and I don't know if Tyler caught on, but we had to leave no trace that we were working to get you two out of this web."

Carla was a little overwhelmed by it all. "How did you know where to begin?" Stacy laughed. "Job hazard. I do counter-hacking work for law firms. And I learned that several of Tyler's top managers were clients of the club. One of the lawyers I work with knew Stevenson's son as a professional contact and a few phone calls later the old man was signed on to help us. He really had gotten fed up with the place. He wasn't warned in advance about my strip and lick," she winked at Tanya, "or the kiss I gave him later. Real surprise is always a better distractor than staging things."

She paused as Tanya gave her a questioning look. "No, Brandon didn't know either. We started growing hair and beard early, and I had somebody help me add some extensions for extra length. We were just a married couple with Stevenson who was giving us a tour. I didn't start building the story until we saw Tyler. And with you, I realized there was another way in. We had planned the day before we knew everything, but once I learned Brad would be out I felt pretty sure I'd have the night at least to plan further. Besides, Brandon was on the outside and would know where I was."

She waited for other questions, but there weren't any. The sisters had stunned looks on their faces. "Anyway, I kept tracking back on the contacts. Ellie wasn't too hard to find, and then through her information I found other names, her accounts on the porn sites, and then Brad's information. Basically, I hacked the hacker. I couldn't change anything, so all the videos stayed up online, but I found the sale information regarding Tyler and the other woman and from that we knew we had to move. I'd been in touch with law enforcement, passing on what I learned and tipped them that it was action day."

Tanya looked down again. "I'm glad he's safe, but I don't think he'll want to see me again." Stacy lifted her chin again. "Tanya, he still loves you. I don't know what that will look like, but he does."

"And how do you know so much about that?"

Stacy, smiled. "She planted cameras in your house and was watching Tyler, and I hacked her line and saw what she saw."

Tanya just managed a soft, "Oh."

"And now," Stacy said as she stood up, "I think I'm going to go back to my 'husband' and see if Brandon has gotten over seeing his sister misbehaving. I'll leave you with this." She smacked Tanya hard on the cheek. "You deserve much more than that, but I'll let it go because you realize now how much trouble you caused by sending texts with pictures."

Tanya held her cheek and whispered, "Yes, I do deserve more."

Stacy turned to Carla, who leaned back. "You got pulled into this thing innocently, set up by your sister." Carla relaxed a little and sat up again. Stacy slapped her. "But you were off like a cheap whore spreading your drunk legs for some bastard while my brother almost drowned."

Carla whispered, "I'm sorry."

Stacy took a step then turned back. "Just so you understand, she had been checking out sites where she could post a true snuff video, and that crowd of idiots around the pool would have cheered when the last air bubble came up. She intended to drown him, and Kyle kept you distracted enough by playing with your pussy that you didn't even care." Spent, she walked out.

Tanya and Carla looked at each other. Tanya spoke softly, "You wanted to drown him?" Carla replied, "I, no, I mean, I thought it was just to scare him. I was supposed to pull him by the winch. Kyle distracted me, then the plan changed. Afterwards, I even asked her and she said ... oh, she didn't say anything. Oh my god, I almost killed him. I'm so sorry, so very very sorry."

The female agent cleared her throat. "If you two are done sorrying each other, there are 2 packages here with some shoes, underwear, and dresses. The woman who left guessed your size and bought these. Apparently she wasn't going to take chances with bras. You're both about the same size, so you can put on either one. Get dressed and I'll get you to a hotel. There's a room reserved. Where you live, or lived, is being restricted for evidence gathering."

They dressed and a female officer was called on to drive them to a hotel 20 miles away. Nobody was sure yet who could be trusted. Tanya was feeling oddly overdressed. The hem came down to her knees and she hadn't worn anything that long since she started down this road. As they walked out of the club, Tanya stopped and then fell down onto the sidewalk. She realized that other than the trip to Brad's to watch her husband nearly killed and her sister seduced into a trap she had not been outside in over a month. She was not leashed, not led, she was actually free. She could do nothing except cry.


Tyler was the first one to come home. He had been kept a day at the hospital while they did toxicology and monitored his coming out of the drugs he had been given to keep him in a silent stupor. The CEO of his former company stopped by to check on him, told him Stevenson had resigned from everything after explaining how unjust the firing had been. Tyler could come back to the company when he was ready. He also brought a package and said Stevenson had insisted it be delivered. Inside, Tyler found briefs, jeans, a t-shirt, socks, and shoes. As he dressed to leave, Tyler instinctively adjusted himself for the briefs, feeling a strange freedom as he noticed the lack of weight and the soft feel of skin. The hospital had removed the cage when they removed the catheter the club had inserted, leaving him free for the first time since Tanya and Ellie had traded from pink plastic to metal.

He had no money with him, so he asked for a ride to near the club, then went to his car. It was still sitting where he parked it that last night. The key was still in its hiding place behind the rear bumper. The agent leading the investigation had stopped by and told him the house had been cleared for occupancy. Stacy had helped identify where all the cameras were hidden and those had been removed. As Tyler drove past the club he saw a line of black vans parked in front and people moving carefully in and out past police tape. It would take a while to get all the evidence, he thought. It was a maze of torture chambers and cameras and cells.

Arriving home he parked in the garage, once again noting the absence of a second vehicle, and walked into the kitchen. Aside from the agents, he could tell Ellie had gone in after he had left because some things that were dear to him, like the wedding album, were gone. Some food and a few pieces of furniture were all that was left.

They told him the sale of the house had been blocked for the investigation, and he was assured that a judge would void the sale some time in the future. If he wanted it, they would also try to annul the divorce. The lawyer he so disliked had been found in one of the dungeon cells marked "Femdom plaything" and, knowing he would go to prison, he was making deals and providing information every chance he had. He even told where to find a storage facility outside Saint Louis where he had kept copies of everything. He had been trapped before he could use it as insurance, but now he would use it for revenge.

Stacy and Brandon stopped by later in the day and gave him a sense of normalcy. Brandon made it clear that he did not approve of the dressing up, but said he was glad to be able to help pull his brother's ass out of the fire. He also told Tyler that after seeing what he had gone through, there was nothing but respect that he had kept his hope and his wits. Neither of Tyler's siblings brought up the obvious issue of what would happen when Tanya came home. Brandon was paying for them to stay in the motel another day to ease the transition.

At the end of their time, Brandon gave his younger brother a firm hug, something he had never done before, told Tyler to call if he needed to talk." You remember I do armed security, don't you? Between Stacy and me, we knew how to set up the rescue wagon, but we aren't so good at the gentle things. Well, I'm not, anyway." He walked out the door and left to go home. Stacy kissed Tyler on the cheek, told him it was going to be difficult but he had shown how strong he was, and left saying she would be back tomorrow.

The day droned on, with nothing to do except enjoy his freedom and eat a little bit. That night he went upstairs, looked at the bed, then grabbed an extra blanket and went downstairs to sleep on the couch, fully dressed. His heart ached and his mind was spinning. Tomorrow Tanya would come home.


Stacy sat in a chair facing Tyler on the couch when the door opened the following afternoon. Tanya walked in first, followed by Carla. There was an awkward silence as they looked at each other, Stacy staring her anger at the two other women. Tanya and Tyler had wondered how this meeting would go, and now they found it was not going well. Tyler looked up with softness in his eyes, but his voice was dull when he greeted Tanya without standing up. She felt a sense of rejection, feeling that all her hoping and crying was for nothing while Carla guided her to the other chair before sitting herself at the far end of the couch from Tyler.

Tanya looked around at the empty house. "Where is everything?" she asked. Tyler sighed. "Gone. In the last 2 weeks Ellie was moving stuff out almost every day. From what I can tell she even took stuff on the day of the raid. Probably left the basic furniture to pass to the new owners." Tanya just nodded.

Stacy broke the silence for a while with, "Your SUV is tied up as evidence, but the sale was illegal and it will be returned as soon as they can process everything."

There was more awkward silence before Tanya decided she had to bring something up. "Tyler, I'm, well, they gave me, she took my pills and they gave me a test, and," she started sobbing. It wasn't that she didn't want to tell Tyler, but she didn't want to admit it to herself. And he just stared at her.

Stacy was the one who rescued the situation. "About that test, I've taken the liberty of setting up a medical exam for you. We were getting to a critical time and the agents agreed we needed every distraction we could come up with. My own information showed you had a better chance of good treatment if you were pregnant, so I met with Kelly and gave her a rigged test guaranteed to be positive. The agents didn't know about it. That was on me."

Now it was Tanya's turn to stare. "You mean I might not be pregnant?" Each word was punctuated. Then she screamed and stood up. "You put me through all that, the fear, the .. the ... shitty feeling I was going to have a baby and never know the father .. you put me through all that .. for ... for ..."

The other woman didn't move. She just said softly, "For you, and for time. I'm sorry about all the emotional stuff, but they were getting pretty wild with you while Brad tried to break you. As the shipping date approached and I had to make a decision that I hoped would save you from greater harm or death. Ellie wanted Brad to call off the wedding plans and stage a kidnapping in that wooded area that would end with a group of guys throwing you into the pool in chains." Tanya stopped screaming, mouth open. Stacy continued, "I'm not making it up. I saw the email and overheard the conversation. I hacked their cameras, remember?"

"She ... but ..." Tanya was struggling.

"Brad wanted to use you as a breeder, and sell the kids on the black market. Honestly, Kelly told me you were going to crash but we agreed it was necessary."

"How do you know Kelly?" For the first time, Stacy smiled. "She used drugs once. As so often happens, she needed money to keep it going. Somebody led her to Brad and he agreed not to supply her, but to get her off drugs if she worked for him. Drug addicts are useless to him, but a good worker makes him money and volunteers are best. He did get her through rehab, and paid her debts, but the price was 2 years of doing what you were doing. Then she got moved upstairs, where the doors aren't locked, and was told she would continue as a handler for 20 years with just enough pay to get herself food and a bit of clothing. When she saw you, she saw herself."

Tanya's eyes were still questioning. "While she was an 'entertainer' there was a guy who really liked her. He was having some ED issues, his wife was ignoring him more and more, and they just seemed to match up really well. Brad didn't care what they did as long as he got paid, so most times they would just cuddle naked and the guy would pay for that time. That was Mister Stevenson. They kept up their friendship and would often meet away from the club during the day when she wasn't being monitored. She was huge in getting needed information. She notices a lot while she's standing against the wall."

"What will happen to her now?" Tanya had developed a friendship with her handler and was concerned.

Stacy shrugged. "That's up to a court system I can't manipulate. I will tell you that night she was told to go home she was terrified for you and her heart was broken to see you bruised the next day." She paused as she noticed the questioning look in Tanya's eyes. "The night you were blindfolded and pretty much beaten up? She was given a note to go home and leave you. Also," she looked at Tyler, "she trusted Layla enough to drop some hints that you had friends. She may have acted unattached, but the longer she handled you the more she wanted to protect you. She tipped us when she was reassigned because she knew you were in real danger."

Carla spoke up for the first time. "So the people who were supposed to just do their job actually ended up getting attached to both of them. You know, I think that says something about who you guys are. I know this is tough, and I can feel the ice in the air, but you need to take some time and look at how you made your concern for each other so obvious that those other people wanted to look out for you."

Everybody nodded, and a stiff kind of conversation followed. Stacy ordered dinner and set up some appointments, then she left in the evening. After an hour of looking at each other, Tyler said he was going to go to bed. Carla took the guest room upstairs. Not much had been moved out from the second floor except clothes and some accessories. Tyler and Tanya went to their bedroom, feeling quite uncomfortable. Tyler changed in the bathroom and came out in the loose sweatpants and t-shirt Stacy had gotten for him. Tanya had not begun changing clothes and was standing near the dresser. Out of curiosity she had opened their toy drawer. Ellie hadn't gotten to that or wanted to torment Tyler while he lived at home, because the handcuffs, dildos, a sleep mask they had used as a blindfold a couple of times, were all still in there. She closed it quickly, feeling a tightness in her chest.

When he came out of the bathroom they stood looking at each other, struggling with emotions. Finally he walked slowly toward her and her stomach flipped a few times with insecurity. He kissed her on the cheek and whispered, "I'm sorry, honey, but I just can't right now." She stood stunned as he grabbed a blanket and went downstairs.


Tyler was struggling. His arms were tightly bound behind him and he was kicking his feet to try to reach the surface of the water. When he finally got his head free he took a deep breath and screamed for help but a hand pushed him back under. He heard Ellie laughing at his struggles. Somehow he knew she hit a switch and his cock and balls erupted in fire as electric current shot through them. It seemed the harder he pulled at the ropes holding his arms the tighter they became and he was nearing the point when he knew he would have to suck in the water because he just couldn't hold his breath any more. Again his head broke the surface and he screamed the scream of one sure he was going to die. Something, another voice, came to him.

"SShhhhh, it's ok, Tyler, it's ok, I'm here. I've got you." Tanya woke with a start the first time he screamed. After the second scream she hurried down the stairs and saw him writhing on the couch, arms held behind his back as if invisible ropes held them. She hesitated briefly, knowing their relationship had been shattered and not sure what he might do when he woke up. Then he screamed again, a long, agonized scream and she held him. She held him and rocked him as if he were her baby and she needed to comfort him. Her tears fell onto him as he continued to struggle and there were 2 more screams. Inside she ached, knowing her actions were ultimately to blame, but she knew she had to hold him and help him through this. After several minutes he stopped struggling and she felt his breathing return to a normal, steady breathing. He was wet with sweat and her tears and she held him close, really, really enjoying the feel of him in her arms even if he didn't know it was happening.


Carla came down in the morning and found Tyler's head resting on Tanya's thigh. She held his hand and her head was down. They were both asleep. Carla had heard the screams in the night, heard Tanya hurry down the stairs, and decided to let the situation play out and see where it led. She smiled a little, seeing a small break in the wall and hoping that the love they had would blossom and help them rebuild. She had thought about a lot last night and again now as she got herself a bowl of cereal. It was time to go home, and today she would try to move her flight up a few days.

Stacy was still very involved in the computer side of the investigation, providing information to the actual law enforcement agents who would gather digital evidence. She saved them a lot of time by sharing what she knew, and then she called one of her clients to see if his law firm could help in exchange for a reduced cost for her services. The first thing was to void the divorce decree that had been issued 2 days earlier. The judge was happy to comply when presented with evidence showing that the investigators knew why he was handpicked to process it quickly.