Lost and Found Ch. 01


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"She's really cute. She doesn't seem to speak much English, though. How do you guys communicate?" Liz asked.

"She speaks more English than she lets on. I think she clams up when she's tired or nervous or..." I was going to say during sex, but that's not something Liz needed to hear. "...plus, sometimes we speak Russian." I admitted. I looked to Liz's eyes for her reaction, but she just rolled them.

"Oh, sure cause you just happen to speak Russian?" She said mockingly.

"Da, Nemnogo." (Yes a little) I said.

Liz's eyes snapped up to mine. I couldn't hide my smile. "A little." I translated.

"Benjamin Evans, you are just full of surprises today!" Liz said, using my full name. She was cut short by Brooke leading Alex back to our table.

Brooke sat down and looked at me. "We talked, and the two of us will escort you and Alexandra to the police station after lunch to take official statements." Brooke looked to Liz, who nodded her agreement to join us. "Just to warn you two, since Ashraf has diplomatic immunity, the state department will be getting involved, and you will both have to give statements to them.

"Since Ashraf's full name is Ashraf Ali Bin-Nahyan, homeland security will probably come snooping. We will also probably have a few other agencies smelling blood, and running their own agents over us. We will be with you through it all, but just so you know, this will be a three-ring circus, and I wouldn't expect to get out of there before midnight tonight."

Our food arrived shortly, and we all dug in. Alex still looked worried, and picked slowly at her food.

"Alex, what's wrong?" I asked her.

"Ashraf." She said glumly. "He is still dangerous man. Even with police on our side, he will be more dangerous. He gets angry when he doesn't get his way. I was glad we escaped this morning, but I am worried that you made him even more angry when you left him stranded. Now I am worried for both our lives."

I look Alex's hand in mine. I had the same fear, but I didn't want to let it show, so I put on a brave face for Alex, and since our two lawyers were at our table, I tried for a diplomatic answer.

"Alex, laws are very important in this country. Ashraf wouldn't be allowed his position if he wasn't smart enough to know that he can't always get his way. If he comes at us, it will be through his lawyers, and we have two brilliant lawyers to help shield us from whatever he throws at us." I looked over and Liz and Brooke were both nodding.

"Since there is a history of domestic violence, we can also ask for a restraining order. I don't know how that would work with diplomatic immunity, but we can ask that he keeps a distance from you." Brooke offered.

The rest of the dinner was more pleasant conversation. We talked about work and relationships. Liz ribbed me again for coming back from my hunting trip again empty handed. I joked that it wasn't a complete failure, since I got Alex out of it, which got me a smile from Alex.

The women reminded me about coming to their house for dinner, and they seemed really nervous about something. I suggested that we do it soon, just to get it out of the way. They suggested the next evening, and we made plans to meet again at their house tomorrow evening at 6 PM.

After dinner, Alex and I returned to my truck, and followed Liz and Brooke to the police station. I still had the gun and smartphone in my glove box that I had taken from the man in the car, but I left them there. I was sure that I would be asked to give them up when I gave my statement, and mentioned that I had them.

The police station was quiet, on a Wednesday afternoon, but we were given a number, and asked to wait. The Sargent that met with us took us to a conference room because there were 4 of us, and as we started telling him Alex's story, his eyes grew. 5 minutes in, he stopped us, realizing he was way out of his depth. Brooke recommended calling in his chief, and making some calls to homeland security and the state department.

An hour later, the three-ring circus had arrived. I told my story first to the chief, who sent a uniformed officer to my truck to retrieve the stolen items. He brought them back in a plastic evidence bag. Men and women in suits started arriving, and I could tell that Alex was becoming extremely uncomfortable with the authority in the room. I held one hand, and Brooke held her other, and we fed her all the strength we could muster.

Pictures were taken of Alex's face and ankle, and lawyers and district attorneys came and went. I told my story at least six more times, and a Russian translator was brought in for Alex, who appreciated being able to tell her story in her native tongue.

The Russian embassy had been called, and a representative had been sent. He claimed that Alexandra Kosoya had died in the same car accident that claimed her parents. Alex refused to speak to him alone, and when he started berating her in Russian, I called him out on it, and he left, red faced. He hadn't believed that anyone else in the room could understand him.

Next came representatives from the state department. They were all very professional, and excelled in talking without saying anything. The only thing that I learned from the two men was that Ashraf Ali Bin-Nahyan was the nephew of the sultan of Abu Dhabi, and was responsible for American investments of his uncle's money in the billions of dollars. The state department refused to mention the crimes Alex accused him of, and left after taking her statement.

Next, an FBI representative came to speak with us. They had collected the phone and gun as evidence, and since the phone was unlocked, they were legally allowed to check it for evidence of a crime. They found photos, videos and texts that implicated the owner in numerous violent crimes, and Ashraf as having ordered them.

"I'm going to recommend a police escort be placed near your home for the next few nights." The FBI agent offered us. "I don't want to worry you, but it seems that Mr. Bin-Nahyan is not above resorting to violence to get his way."

The state department sent another representative that was interested in Alex's story. "We were very upset to learn of the deaths of Yuri and Ludmilla Kosoy. It was part of a broad pattern of intimidation and elimination of the free press in Russia during those years. We never received word until today of the death of their Daughter, Alexandra, but the incident is under investigation. In the meantime, we take you at your word that you are who you say you are, and allow you to stay in the country for 120 days as a resident alien until your identity can be confirmed." The representative told Alex to her great relief.

Beating Brooke's estimate, we were free to go by 10 PM. Alex had a restraining order out against Ashraf, and a temporary ID card from Immigration and Customs Enforcement. We were told that a police car would be parked near my apartment until Ashraf was served with his restraining order, and probably for at least a week after.


When we got home, we were both exhausted, and fell right into bed, with me once again spooning Alex. I tossed and turned all night, waking at every sound, convinced that someone was going to come busting in. I checked that the door was locked, and propped a chair against it. I drew the curtains, and then put a chair against the door leading down the stairs into my garage.

I fell asleep with Alex wrapped in my arms, smelling her soft blonde hair, and holding her naked body against mine.

I woke up the next day the same way I woke up the previous day, with Alex's hand on my cock and her ass rubbing around it. Just as I was about to stop her, she rubbed me over her opening, and thrust her hips backwards, sinking my cock deep in her soaking tunnel. I let Alex do all the work, moving her hips back and forth, while my arms encircled her, kneading her breasts, and pinching her nipples.

Alex's breathing changed as she approached her first orgasm. I began pumping my hips to speed her orgasm along, and that was all it took as she arched her back in a silent scream, every muscle in her body tense.

As soon as she regained control of her legs and arms, she pulled me out of her, and climbed on top, wasting no time seating herself on my throbbing erection. Alex began bouncing on top of me, swiveling her hips as she humped me. I was shocked at the feat of athleticism and stamina Alex was displaying, as she was quickly pushing me to my own orgasm.

I began pumping my cum into her, which triggered Alex's release. We rode out our simultaneous release, with Alex still bouncing before she suddenly collapsed onto my chest, shaking and panting. She was muttering something in Russian, then looked up at me and said "Spasibo." (Thank you)

Alex kissed me, then jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up some time later to the smell of coffee and bacon. I got up and walked naked into the kitchen where I found Alex cooking at the stove wearing only my apron. Her perfect little ass wiggled as she danced to a song that only she could hear. I snuck up behind her, and she jumped and squeaked as I wrapped my arms around her.

Alex spun and smiled and I wrapped her up in my arms and kissed her. The kiss was just getting hot when I heard the bacon pop, and Alex lunged forward, pushing me away from the stove, and hissing in pain. I got a cold washcloth, and quickly soothed her backside where a drop of oil hit her.

Alex noticed my cock once again rising, and reached out for it.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about us." I started. Alex's smile dropped. "I just want us both to understand where we are in our relationship and what we want. It's not normal in this country for a couple to move in together after knowing each other less than a day."

Alex looked like she was fighting tears. "I have nowhere else to go. I can cook and clean for you, but please..." I stopped her with a kiss.

"I'm not kicking you out." I said. That earned me a sweet smile from Alex. "I just feel like our relationship is moving really fast, and I feel like we don't know each other. I'd like to slow things down until I'm sure that we're together for the right reasons."

Alex's face was serious. "I like you. You like me. What other reasons do we need?"

"I want to make sure that you are with me because you chose me, not because I found you half-dead on the side of a mountain, and brought you home with me. I know you haven't been shown a lot of kindness in recent years. You have no responsibility to me, you know." I said, starting to lose my confidence under the darkening emotions on Alex's face.

"You carried me three kilometers, share food, warmth, water. You cut your trip short, and risked your life for me with Ashraf's man. Some women will sleep with man because he buys them drink in bar, or pays compliment. You saved my life. You are good man. Never question whether I want to be with you for right reasons! Yes I've had hard life, but I am not asking for pity or sympathy! I'm not so stupid not to realize good thing when I have it, and I'm not letting that go!" Alex was shaking with anger, and opened her mouth for another rant when I hugged her close, and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to push you away, I just wanted to make sure that you understood that you have a choice..." Alex started to pull away, and I pulled her in closer. "...and I can see that you do understand, and I'm happy that you chose me." That calmed Alex down, and she sunk into my arms, but another pop of the bacon made her turn back around to flip it before it burned.

"I do still want to get to know you, and let you get to know me. I think that's important for our relationship."

Alex turned and smiled at me. "I'd like that too." She said, and turned back to making breakfast.

"I think we can take turns asking each other questions. For example: How did you not go crazy for those three years, talking only to the people Ashraf sent?" I asked.

Alex looked thoughtful, and said "It was two years only speaking with them, and they both spoke Russian. I became good friends with them, and I learned how to play Ashraf's game while he was in town so he thought I was stupid. I learned a lot about America and other people through my conversations, and there was always television, books, cooking and puzzles. I stayed busy as well as I could." She paused for a moment, and then asked "How did you come to learn Russian? I thought Americans didn't learn other languages."

I told her about my long commute, and how I had started listening to the lessons to pass the time. I told her that I also spoke some Mandarin and Arabic, and was working on Italian. Alex was impressed.

Next, I asked her about her parents, and she described them to me in reverent detail.

"They would have loved you." She said. "They were always fighting against evil in this world. They saw corruption in the government, and believed that good people would triumph over the bad, if they only knew who the bad people were. They had so many friends, and they were loved by so many people. I still can't believe they are gone sometimes."

Alex took a few deep breaths to hold back the tears that were forming in her eyes. "My turn. What happened with you and Liz? Is she lesbian? Is that why your marriage ended?"

I pulled a chair away from the table and sat down facing Alex, thinking of how much to tell her. I decided to spill it all. "Liz and I got married young. Our families were religious, and we never had sex until our wedding night. She was my best friend, and we love each other, but we didn't make each other happy. Liz isn't a lesbian. She doesn't like sex at all. With anyone. Brooke is the same way."

Alex stared dumbfounded, unable to grasp the concept. "So maybe she just didn't like sex with men? She is with Brooke now, right?"

"They are together, but I understand that they don't have sex. They meet the other needs of a relationship, but neither has any desire for sex." I tried to explain again.

"How long were you married?" She asked, turning the heat down on the stove, and straddling my lap.

"Married seven years." I answered.

"And you never had sex?" She asked incredulous.

"Maybe once a month. I would beg her for it, and she would sometimes try to use it as a reward, or punishment for me. We fought about it a lot." I said, remembering the hurt feelings and nights spent on the couch.

"You must have worn out your arm jacking off?" She asked me as she leaned back and wrapped her hand around my stiff member.

"Sometimes, but she didn't like me doing that either, she wanted to be enough for me." I said. Alex made a scoffing sound.

"I was locked in a cage for three years, but even I know that a man needs more than once per month." She said angrily.

"Listen Alex, we're going over to their house tonight. I'm okay with you knowing, but can you please still treat Liz and Brooke like friends, and not hold it against Liz? We worked through it, and I would be upset if you and Liz couldn't be friends because of something like this."

"Of course." Alex answered with a smile. "And I will also promise to never let you go a month..." she stroked my cock up hard and back down. "...A week..." Again, she stroked me. "Or even a day without relief."

Alex began stroking my cock hard, and when I let out a gasp, she slid off my lap, and onto her knees on the floor in front of me. She brought her mouth down, and sucked the head in between her lips, while working my shaft with one hand, and rubbing my balls with her other.

She brought her mouth off long enough to say "I will be the perfect girlfriend, and you will never want to let me go!" Then she went back to her blowjob, taking me deeper into her mouth, until she started deep-throating me. I came within minutes, and she held me in her throat as she swallowed my load before licking me clean.

She stood back up and started cooking breakfast again. When my legs stopped tingling, I stood to get coffee for each of us, but she shooed me out of the kitchen. "It's your turn to ask a question." She told me.

"What shows did you watch to learn English?" I asked.

Alex blushed. "PBS kids shows in the morning. They use small words and repeat slowly. I learn from Sesame Street and Super Why." I laughed, and Alex laughed with me.

"My turn. Tell me about your parents." She asked sweetly. My smile was gone, and Alex looked embarrassed. "You don't have to if..."

"No, you're going to know sooner or later. My parents supported my marriage to Liz. They didn't support our divorce, me dating afterwards, or me 'letting' Liz date Brooke. They are very religious, and are the worst examples of what their religion is supposed to be." I said, fighting back tears of my own.

"Are you still religious?" Alex asked.

"Not really. I still believe, but I see religion as too inflexible. When Liz and I first realized we had problems, we sought help from the church pastor. He told me I needed to take a stronger hand with my wife, and in time she would learn. It sounded too much like he wanted me to rape Liz until she broke. He had no better suggestions than that.

We started seeing a counselor at our college who put Liz on some antidepressants. She was happier, but it made her libido problem even worse. He talked us through a lot of our problems, and we never would have made it seven years without his help. We decided that we would seek secular help for our problems from then on."

Alex nodded. "I was raised secular. My parents were raised under communism, and never went back to religion after the soviets fell."

Alex and I talked all through breakfast. I memorized her birthday, and learned about her favorite color, flower, foods, and other interests of hers. I told her about mine too. I discussed more about my parents, job, and my marriage to Liz.

Our conversation was halted by my cell phone ringing. It was the police department, telling me that Ashraf had been served with a no-contact order, and was being charged with domestic violence and attempted murder. The man whose gun and phone I confiscated had been arrested for murder, but was out on a 2-million dollar bond, paid for by Ashraf.

When the call ended, I looked outside, and looked around until I spotted the unmarked police car that had been assigned for our protection. They were across the street, and one of them appeared to be sleeping. It didn't make me feel safe. Suddenly I was wishing that I had the gun back that the police had confiscated.

Alex saw the worry on my face and came to wrap her arms around me. She was so small in my arms, and so beautiful. I swore to myself that I would do whatever it took to protect her.

After breakfast, Alex and I left to run some errands. The first stop was at a gun store. I went right to the counter, and started looking at the semi-auto pistols. Alex's eyes were huge. She had never seen so many guns out in the open, and all for sale.

The gun salesman showed me a few Glocks, and a colt, then asked what I needed it for. I told him I needed it for home defense, tilting my head at Alex, and said "We're just worried about an ex-boyfriend causing trouble. Better safe than sorry."

The man nodded. He was a clean cut ex-military type. "There's no waiting period for a gun in Colorado, but you can't legally carry a pistol out of your house without a concealed carry permit. If you really need it for a deterrent inside the house, I would actually recommend a shotgun." He walked me over to a display of shotguns. "Assuming you can pass a background check, you can take one of these home today. If I was worried about someone coming into my home, I would load one of these rounds."

The salesman opened a box of shotgun shells onto the counter. "There's a one-ounce rifled lead slug in each of these. A pistol round will generally have low penetration, especially shooting through walls and doors. These bad boys will punch through anything. As for the gun..." He took one off the shelf and removed a trigger lock. He pumped the action making a 'chik-chuk' sound. "...there's no better deterrent than that sound right there."