Lost and Found Ch. 01


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I wound up buying a pistol-grip 12-guage shotgun with a pump action and a 9 round magazine. I also bought 50 rounds of the ammunition he recommended.

On the way home, I took Alex to Costco, where we picked out several outfits in her size, and I bought a security camera setup with 6 motion sensor cameras and a digital recording center. If Ashraf and his men did try something, I wanted to have proof of it. We also bought some food and got a cell phone for Alex.

When we got home, I loaded the shotgun, and set it in the corner of the bedroom closest to my side of the bed. I spent the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon installing the security cameras and playing with the setup, while Alex set up her new phone, playing with every feature. She especially loved the translate app, which allowed her to speak in Russian, and have the sentence come back spoken in English.


By late afternoon, Alex had tried on all of her clothes, and we headed over to Liz and Brooke's house, Alex in a brand new outfit of jeans, a t-shirt, a new jacket, new shoes, and sunglasses.

We arrived at their townhouse just before 6, and I reminded Alex that Liz and Brooke were a couple, but not lesbian or bisexual, but asexual. I also reminded her that Liz and I had worked out our problems, and that she was not to hold our problems from our marriage against her. Alex agreed.

Liz and Brooke greeted us at the door, and I could smell the wine on their breath, and in the air as we entered their home, my old home. I took in the same messes that had been there when I had lived there. They had cleared off the kitchen table and couch, but every other horizontal surface held a mélange of papers, clothes, dishes and household odds and ends. I had to take a deep breath and remind myself that it wasn't my home or my problem anymore.

Liz was cooking stuffed chicken breasts, one of my old favorites. She drug Alex into the kitchen with her to talk, while Brooke offered me something to drink. Alex didn't have a driver's license, so I was driving and asked for water.

Brooke sat down at the couch with me, a glass of wine in her hand. I could tell from the empty bottle on the table, and her slightly slurred speech, that it wasn't her first of the night. She still looked nervous, despite the liquid courage. We started with small talk, I thanked her again for her help the previous day, and we talked about the warm fall we were having.

"Ben," Brooke finally started. "...Liz and I have a big favor to ask you. We've decided to move our relationship to the next level." She looked into my eyes, hoping for me to understand.

"You're getting married?" I asked, confused.

"Can you keep a secret?" Brooke asked, looking over her shoulder into the kitchen where Liz and Alex were laughing over chopping vegetables. I nodded. "We've technically been married for the last two years. It started out as a financial and tax decision, but we both love our arrangement, and want what we have for life. The paperwork has been filed, and we don't need a ceremony. We agreed months ago that we are both in it for life."

I looked at Brooke, waiting for her to continue. She took a big draft of her wine.

"We've decided that we're ready to start a family." She spit out in one breath, and then took another gulp of wine. I saw where this was going, but let Brooke continue.

"I know my timing sucks with Alex coming into your life, and all of the stress of everything, but Liz and I were hoping that you would be willing to help us conceive." She looked nervously into my eyes, and I gave her a slight smile, nodding for her to continue.

"It's just... I always wanted to have kids one day. With work and my relationship with Liz going so well, I feel like there will never be a better time than right now. We looked into adoption, anonymous sperm donors... Liz and I both agreed that we want our kids to grow up knowing their biological parents. I know it's weird, with yours and Liz's history, but we can't think of any man whose kids we'd rather have."

Brooke tipped her wine glass back, and drained the rest. I reached out my hand to touch her, but then remembered that Brooke doesn't like to be touched. Liz's sexual problems were medical, while Brooke's problems were emotional. I had overheard just enough to know that she had suffered some abuse in her adolescence, and couldn't stand being touched by men.

I started to draw my hand back, but Brooke reached out and grabbed it, holding it in both of hers, her eyes pleading.

"I love both of you, and would do anything for you. You know that." I told Brooke. She let out a nervous laugh that was also half-sob. "I think there's a lot of details to work out, but if everyone can agree on details, and no one gets hurt, I'll do whatever I can to help you."

Brooke leaned across the space between us on the couch, and threw her arms around me. I couldn't believe that she was touching my hand earlier, and now I was shocked by the full body hug that she was giving me.

I felt her shaking, and realized that Brooke was crying. I looked over into the kitchen, and saw Liz and Alex in a similar hug, but staring at us. My eyebrows went up, and Liz beamed a big smile at me.

Brooke and I joined Liz and Alex in the kitchen, and Alex launched herself into my arms. "Will you do it? Will you help them have a family?" She asked me.

"We have a lot of details to work out, so no promises, but if you're okay with it, I told Brooke I'd like to help her." I said. Alex kissed me passionately on the lips before drawing back and looking me in the face.

"I think it's wonderful of you. You are good man and will make wonderful father." I looked over to Liz and Brooke, who were standing, embracing and watching us. They nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then. Let's discuss this." I said. "Obviously you two want to be the parents, the kid will live with you. What kind of visitation will I have?"

"Open invitation for babysitting any time, including overnights at your house, and you can stay over at ours." Liz offered.

"What will we tell them when they grow up? Will you both be mommy? Will they know I'm their dad?" I asked.

Just then the timer went off, and Liz set about serving dinner. Brooke answered for her: "We agreed that we don't want some anonymous father. We want you involved in the lives of our kids. They will call you dad, and see you as often as you will let them. You will also be listed as the father on the birth certificate."

I had to smile at that. That's what I wanted too. "How about money?"

"No." Brooke answered. "We make good money at our jobs. We've helped you out in the past, and you repaid us, but we won't ask you for any financial contributions for our child. Let us worry about that."

"What about discipline? How will we raise our child?" I asked.

Brooke got a look of concentration on her face. "Liz and I need to discuss that more, but we both ask that you let us set the rules and follow them. For example, we will have a 'no spanking' rule, and we ask that you follow it when you are with the child. We can work out discipline and rewards when that comes up, but I think we will ask you to follow our lead."

"What about Alex?" I asked Brooke.

Brooke looked between us, and smiled at both of us. "As long as she is part of your life, she will be part of our lives too." That brought a big smile from Alex, and she hugged Brooke.

"Now for the uncomfortable part." I said. "How do you propose we go about making this baby? Do you just want a plastic cup of baby seed a few times a month?"

Liz looked up from serving her plates at Brooke, and they communicated something with a look.

Alex broke the silence first. "I can help with the collection!" That drew a laugh from all of us.

The laughter from Brooke was nervous. "Um... no. Liz and I were talking. We were hoping that we could do it the natural way." Brooke's normally pale complexion was turning beet red.

"You would be okay with that?" I asked Brooke. "And you too?" I looked at Liz.

"I...I don't know. I haven't tried yet. I think..." Brooke struggled with words as her already red skin seemed to grow even more flushed. "I think if you're gentle and patient with me..." She paused, searching for the words. "I trust you, Ben. I think if my life had turned out differently, I could have seen myself with a man like you. Alex is right, you are a good man."

Brooke paused for a moment, then took a step closer, opening her arms for only the second hug I had ever gotten from her in the three years I'd known her. She continued. "I really think everything in my life is in such a good place right now, and this is something I want so badly. I know if there's one man I can stand to have sex with, it's going to be you." I wrapped my arms around her in a protective hug.

"You may not believe this, but I've handled hundreds of divorces. I've never heard an ex-husband or wife talk about their former spouse with the love and respect that Liz talks about you. I know that if she hadn't been handed such a rotten hand that you two would still be together, making each other very happy.

"I think Alex would agree with me that we're glad for how things turned out, but that says a lot about what good people you and Liz are to still have the relationship that you do."

Liz started crying, and joined Brooke and I in a group hug. Alex, not wanting to be left out, came up and wrapped her little arms around me, grabbing onto Brooke. Brooke and I eventually broke apart, and turned to our respective women, wrapping them up in hugs.

Dinner was as good as I remembered it. Liz was an amazing cook as always, and had given her recipe to Alex, who had spent time on her phone translator, and copied the recipe in Russian. I watched as she printed it on a notecard in beautiful Cyrillic script.

Liz brought out a homemade key lime pie for dessert, and Alex once again asked for the recipe. I could see that Brooke and Liz were starting to sober up, and they seemed to be communication something with their eyes.

Finally, Liz broke the silence: "Ben, about the timing of our starting our family... we had planned on starting next month, but... tonight would actually be a really good night for the first try. Do you think you might have a little time to stick around and... you know?"

I looked between Liz and Brooke. Brooke's blush had returned, but she looked at me with hopeful eyes. I looked at Alex, and she was smiling. "Is everyone okay with this? There's no taking it back after we do it." I asked.

Brooke broke into a big smile, and stood up to sit on my lap. I couldn't help it, but I instantly reacted to her. She could feel my cock grow under her, and quickly jumped up off my lap, looking back at the offending lump. She smiled and apologized, reaching out, and tentatively touching it through the fabric of my pants.

"So." I asked. "How do we want to do this? On the bed? Alone? With spectators?"

"I'd like to be there, but I won't be participating beyond moral support." Liz said. "Alex, you're welcome to join if you'd like." Alex just smiled and nodded.

I offered my hand to Brooke, who took it and led me down the hall to their bedroom. My old bedroom. The mess had grown, and I could tell that Brooke was just as messy as Liz. Dirty clothes were sprinkled on the floor, while clean laundry sat in various stages of being folded on the bed, dresser, desk and a chair. Liz quickly went to clear the bed by piling the mess on the dresser even higher.

I turned my attention to Brooke. She gave me a nervous smile, and I started undressing her. I stopped when I saw her start to shake. Alex walked up behind me, and lifted my shirt over my head. Liz hadn't seen me without my shirt in three years, and whistled at the weight I had lost.

I told Brooke to sit on the bed, and I turned my attention to Alex. We kissed slowly, passionately, while my ex-wife and her current wife watched. I slowly undressed Alex, while she took my pants and shoes from me. I could hear Brooke breathing heavy, and looked over to see her watching us.

I took Alex's bra off, and removed her panties. She took my boxers off, and I heard a small gasp as my cock sprung free. Alex was on it immediately, sucking it into her mouth, and pulling it in deep. She gave a little moan, and I could see that she was watching Brooke on the bed. I looked over, and Brooke was watching us. Most of the nerves had settled, and I thought I could see lust in Brooke's eyes.

I held out one hand to Brooke, who took it without breaking eye contact with Alex. I slowly inched Brooke's shirt up her skin, gently touching and caressing as I lifted. Brooke raised her arms, but seemed entranced by Alex's ministrations on my cock. Alex really did look beautiful, and the expression of bliss on her face was genuine.

I drank in the sight of Brooke standing in her black bra. Her dirty-blonde hair fell in soft curls around her shoulders, and she once again was enthralled by Alex, slowly moving up and down my cock. I gently unbuttoned Brooke's jeans, and lowered the zipper, moving slowly, so as not to break the trance that Alex had her in.

Brooke gave me a little wiggle of her hips, to help me lower her jeans down as far as I could reach, before she stepped out of them. Her black panties were French cut, and matched her bra right down to the little pink bow on the front of each, and the lace on the sides.

I turned my focus back onto Alex, who was slowly teasing my cock, licking and sucking on it, but not pushing me towards any kind of resolution. I ran my fingers through her hair, which earned me an extra moan. I felt the vibrations across my cock, and up into my stomach.

Brooke reached behind her, stretched her bra in the back, and unsnapped the clasps. She looked at me as she let it fall down her arms. Brooke's breasts were beautiful, full B cups. Her small pink nipples sat on small pink areola, forming little cones on otherwise perfect, round orbs.

Her nipples were tight, and I could tell from her breathing that she was turned on by the sight of Alex enjoying my cock. She caught my eye, and smiled at me. She was so breathtakingly beautiful, I had to smile back. Brooke made sure I watched as she slowly lowered her panties, and stepped out of them.

She took a step forward, and knelt on the floor next to Alex, who gladly scooted over to share my cock with Brooke. Brooke slowly reached a tentative hand out, and wrapped it around the base. She stared hard at it while moving her hand back and forth. "It's so hard, yet soft at the same time." She marveled.

"Wait until you feel what he can do with it." Alex whispered with a wicked smile.

Brooke stuck her tongue out, and licked the underside of the head. She smiled, and took the whole head between her lips, making me gasp as she scratched her teeth along the top and bottom. "Sorry!" she apologized.

I looked up and saw Liz. She was fully dressed and watching Brooke with love, though not a hint of jealousy or lust. She saw me starting, and met my eyes. "Thank you!" She silently mouthed. I winked at her.

"I think I'm ready." Brooke said after a minute. "Can I be on top?"

"Of course." I said, and moved to lay next to Liz on our old bed,

Brooke climbed on top, and straddled me, then caught Liz's hand and said "I love you." To my ex-wife. To my surprise, Liz reached between us, and guided me into her wife's sopping wet pussy. Brooke lowered her hips just a little, then started to shake, and pulled all the way off.

"If you aren't ready, we can..." I started to say.

Brooke surprised me by covering my mouth with a kiss, our first ever. It lacked the passion of Alex's kiss, but was sweet, and just a little needy. "Shut up. I can do this." She said. She then leaned over and kissed Liz.

Liz's hand came up, and caressed Brooke's cheek. "You CAN do this. Make us a baby!" She said with conviction. Liz once again grabbed me and guided my cock into her wife. Brooke lowered herself slowly, stopping often, and staring into Liz's eyes. Something was communicated, and Brooke started again after each break with more determination.

Finally, I was fully seated inside Brooke, and she was resting on my hips. "I'm doing it!" Brooke beamed to Liz. "Oh god, it actually feels good!" Liz reached up and stroked her wife's cheek. Alex slid onto the bed next to me and pulled my face in for a passionate kiss.

Brooke lifted her hips up a fraction of an inch, and lowered them, blowing a lungful of air out as she did. She started rocking her hips, slowly back and forth, then in a circular motion. She was incredibly tight, and I could feel my cock putting pressure on various walls inside her body.

Brooke lifted her hips up a little more, and brought them down, inhaling this time, then she repeated the action. She fell into a slow rhythm, and I brought my hands up to her hips, helping her move. "Oh god, I never thought I would actually enjoy this!" Brooke said to Liz, her voice full of surprise. And then to me: "Ben, thank you! You have no idea what this means to me!"

Alex pulled my head over to face hers and said "you are a good man." In Russian.

"Best girlfriend ever." I replied in Russian.

"Hey, English you two." Liz scolded.

Brooke was bouncing on me now, her pace speeding up as her breath became ragged, and the blush that had colored her face red before spread down her chest. Taking a chance, I reached up and grabbed those perfect breasts, bouncing in my face. I grabbed her nipples between my thumb and forefinger, and gently pulled.

"YYEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!" Brooke shouted as her orgasm overtook her.

I could feel her already tight pussy clamp down, so hard that it almost squeezed my cock out. A trickle of her juice flowed down my stomach, and pooled on my hip. Alex dipped her finger in the thin fluid, then offered it to me. I took it greedily into my mouth, and marveled at how sweet Brooke's nectar was.

"Do you see what you did for her?" Alex whispered in my ear.

"More!" I asked Alex, who reached two fingers in, and got them soaking before bringing them to my lips, then repeating a few more times.

Brooke was still shaking through aftershocks, and struggling to stay upright on my cock. Liz was sitting up, holding her, and the two of them were whispering. Alex had her forehead against mine, and told me again how good of a man I was for doing this for my friends. She told me to give them a baby.

Before long, Brooke started rocking again, then started fucking hard, up and down. She wasted no time in reaching a second peak, which Liz held her through, whispering as Brooke gasped for air and breathlessly cursed.

"So good Ben!" Brook gasped. "But I need you to come inside me. Give me your seed. I need it."

I lifted Brooke forward enough that I could move my hips, and started humping up into her. I expected her nerves to come back, but she just rolled her eyes back in bliss. I felt my pleasure rising, and warned Brooke that my orgasm was approaching. I let out a soft moan, and grabbed her breasts for my own enjoyment. That was enough to send Brooke into spasms, right as I started shooting my load inside of her. We both shook together, until she collapsed on top of me.

"Never..." Brooke gasped. "I never believed that it could be like that. Oh my god!" Brooke kissed me then, deep and passionate, with just a little tongue.

Liz stared on dumbfounded, and I thought I saw just a little jealousy in her eyes, but she smiled down at me and gave me a quick, chaste kiss on the lips.

"Thank you, Ben." Liz said. "I never thought I would see Brooke enjoy anything that much. If anyone could have done that for her, I knew you would." Liz hugged me and Brooke together. "Thank you for your gift and for being part of our family."