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"I find you to be a handsome young man Rollie, I have to say I'm humbled and flattered at the same time. No one has spoken to me like that except my Chuck, and that was years ago when we were much younger. You're a young man into the dating scene. How does this work nowadays?"

I felt him stiffen slightly and then relax. "I may be younger, but I am in no way into the dating scene as you called it. Women my age and younger that are out cruising the bars are looking to hook up, no commitment, no muss, no fuss, a roll or two in the hay and onto the next one. Don't get me wrong, I'm not averse to sex, in fact I quite like it, but I don't want to be sticking my you know what into a petri dish. Who knows what's growing inside some of those girls."

I pushed back and continued walking pulling him along, "Don't you want to get married and have a family Rollie? That certainly isn't going to happen with someone my age."

This time he stopped and took both my hands in his, "I do want that. But I want to do it right. I watched you and Chuck realizing that is what I want in life, to be just like you guys. My dad always told me if you want to become proficient at something find somebody who does it better than you do and learn from them. I can't think of another woman who I want to learn from Louise, my question is, will you teach me? I know how to have sex, but I don't think I know how to love yet."

I was caught completely by surprise, I had no idea what to say so I let go of one hand and proceeded walking without uttering a word. He was wise enough to not press or cajole, he remained quiet and tender. We didn't say more than twenty words from that moment until he walked me to the front door. I did and didn't want to kiss him goodnight and I sure as hell wasn't going to invite him into my bed, at least not yet, if at all. Standing a foot away looking into his eyes I began.

"I want you to know that was the best birthday I've had since Chuck died, I also want you to know I'm extremely flattered by what you said. I'm not going to say you haven't made my heart race tonight, on the other hand, I need time to process what you said. Can we be close without being bed partners until I know what to do for sure? I've never been with another man in my life Rollie, this scares the crap out of me."

He was the epitome of chivalry as he lifted my hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. "We can be friends Lou, I was simply making my feelings known. It was a gamble to expose myself, at the same time how would you have known if I'd never said anything. I'm okay with whatever you think is right."

He let go of my hand, said goodnight, turned and walked away. I stood on the porch watching until his taillights were no longer in sight. Hanging my coat I couldn't get past the tingling I felt throughout my body, the anticipation of knowing another man intimately, the sensations and feelings his attention had wrought as we kissed. But was I ready to take off my panties and have him fill me with his seed, to caress and suck my breasts as my hubby had, to feel his fingers slide through my graying muff while headed for the promise land between my legs?

Was I ready for all of that and more? What if my body couldn't keep up? I would feel humiliated. While taking my bra off after hanging the dress I cupped my breasts as Chuck used to do from behind, I softly kneaded and squeezed them as he had expertly done since high school. Moving my hands forward I drew them into a cone shaped configuration stopping when the thumb and forefinger of each hand reached the nipple. I pinched them enough to make them hard, at the same time sending an electric shock through my body, destination ... my pussy.

Dropping the right hand onto my mound I continued to manipulate my breast with the left, just as my hubby would be doing if he were still with me. I tugged slightly on the material of my bright white granny panties, drawing the cloth between my labia, causing it to rub across my clit, sending new shivers throughout my body. Did I want this ... you damned right I wanted this ... but I wasn't quite ready to take the plunge.

At work things progressed more rapidly than I expected. They had anticipated it taking as long as six weeks to find my replacement and then train that person. They had hired a lady within two weeks of my birthday, I would train her for a month and then retire right away if I wanted or wait until late April as previously planned. It was my decision to retire as soon as the new lady felt comfy in the position. The situation with Rollie and I continued to improve and escalate in ways. We had gone from just being friends to being a pseudo couple, I say pseudo because we made sure we kept it outside the workplace.

He would stop by my office each day before lunch, we'd walk to the cafeteria, talk over our lunch period and then back to work. He would compliment me on new attire, or how I'd done my hair, makeup, basically everything I did different. I had never experienced that sort of attention before, not even from Chuck whom I'd known over forty years. At least once a week a potted plant of fresh cut flowers were delivered to my office, the new lady told me she was jealous of whomever my lover was. I smiled but said nothing. I wanted him to be my lover, at the same time I was afraid I might not live up to his expectations.

Away from the office we were becoming more intimate, holding hands or arm in arm all the time, going to dinner together or me cooking something at the house. Three times he invited me to his place where he cooked for me, his meals had been tasty as well as filling. I caught myself thinking if he was as good in bed as he cooked I might be in for a treat after all. There had been a few times on the couch while kissing that I had let him caress my breasts through my clothes, but I wasn't ready for it to go any further, that is until now as I sat at the vanity contemplating the night before me. Tonight was my retirement party as they called it, my final day as an employee at Rogers Grocery's. It would also be the night I willingly gave myself to a 28 year old man.

Sitting at the vanity I stared into the mirror. With makeup and hair as I wanted I stood admiring what would be before Rollie in a few hours if all went according to plan. If he still wanted me, he was going to have me, and I wasn't about to hold back, he could have me anyway he wanted and as often as my body would endure. As I slid the mature version of a little black dress over my head I smoothed it over my bodice and hips, I had to admit I looked inviting without looking slutty. With it zipped and the three-inch heels on my feet I did a slow turn looking at myself in the mirror, then I looked around the room.

Candles were in place and ready to be lit when we got back from my retirement party, I wasn't going to wear anything more special than what I had on. If these peach colored undies weren't sexy enough then he was out of luck, although I knew they would be. I was nervous, but not as much as I had been weeks ahead, the more we knew each other the more I knew I needed him in my bed, and tonight I was going to make that happen. He picked me up just before six, dinner was at seven and the formal stuff was to take place about eight thirty.

The speeches were gracious, the parting gifts were generous and the alcohol was flowing freely. Rollie and I were seated at the bar watching others get wasted, we were sitting on stools half facing each other. My legs were to the right of his, our left thighs touching as we talked and joked. I wanted things to move along faster so when a couple stopped directly in front of us to talk with others and block anyone seeing us, with my left hand I took hold of his left wrist and guided his hand under the hem of my dress. With his hand on the inside of my thigh he smiled and slid it to the top of the stockings.

Bending forward as if to tell me a secret I followed suit, when I did his hand slid further up my leg until it touched my warm panties, opening my legs slightly his fingers trailed along my slit and then back to my mound. As the couple was moving away he sat up pulling his hand from beneath my dress, shocking me as he sniffed them and hissed like a feral animal. Though it had all happened in thirty seconds it felt like a slow-motion movie. With us both sitting upright his left hand took mine.

Kissing the back of my hand he smiled, "Lou, I do believe it's time to go. The party is getting rowdy, why don't we adjourn to your place?"

As I slid off the stool I felt his hand on my ass cheek, he gently squeezed it and moved his hand to my waist. I was being treated like a lady in front of the rest, I could only imagine what he was going to do with my yearning body once behind the closed door of my bedroom. I was as close to having wet panties as I had been in years, the normal amount of natural lubrication a young woman would have wasn't there, but I was as wet as a sixty year old could be. I not only wanted his fingers exploring me, I wanted his tongue to taste me, I wanted his hard young cock to properly invade my pussy and bring me to a screaming, body shaking climax.

Walking toward the door I was greeted repeatedly with well wishes, the last to do so was Sheila, who happened to walk up as Rollie was helping with my coat. In doing so he gently swept his hand across my bosom, something Sheila didn't miss. As he turned to get his coat she moved me to the side where a whisper wouldn't be heard.

"Are you and Rollie ... together?"

"Not yet, but after tonight he'll be in my bed as often as I can take it."

Sheila giggled, "Oh honey, what a wonderful retirement celebration you're about to have. Stay in touch, I want to know how this turns out."

Walking to the car he let his hand slide down across my butt, I went to move it away, he held it in place and growled.

"This is mine now." Then moved his hand up to the small of my back.

I wondered to myself, Oh boy, did I just open a pandora's box I shouldn't have? Understand something, Rollie is not a big man per se, he's about five foot nine, maybe five ten, probably weighs 180 or there about, isn't necessarily muscular but his body is well sculpted. I know he goes to some sort of gym at least three mornings a week before he gets to work. He isn't dreamboat handsome, then again he's no dog either. I guess you could say he's an average looking guy, the kind you see a hundred times a week every week.

As we drove the twenty minutes to my house he placed his hand on the inside of my thigh, softly rubbing up and down from knee to the top of my stockings which were no more than two inches below my blood engorged panty covered vulva. If we were at a stop light he would slide his hand to my knee and keep it there, I found myself thinking. "he's being a gentleman in public but I have a feeling he's going to fuck me into oblivion when he gets me in bed".

As we approached the house I reached for the garage remote in my purse, as the door opened he pulled into what had once been Chucks space, our oldest daughters husband bought his pickup after the funeral. With the door closing he walked behind the car and to my door, opening it and extending his hand for mine. Feeling slightly loose and a smidge slutty I purposely opened my legs far enough that I thought he would see my panties, and he did, his eyes were big as saucers. I was not only feeling proud that I could still do that to a man, I was feeling hornier than I could remember. I wanted that stiff projection pushing his slacks outward inside me, and as Chuck would have said, "in a damn quick hurry."

Walking me hand in hand to the kitchen entrance door we moved inside just as the opener light went out, softly closing the door he drew me into a tightly held embrace, his warm lips on mine, his tongue gently probing my lips. Opening my mouth I sucked his tongue in as far as I could get it, his hands were on my butt pulling my body tight to his. The hard long bulge between us seemed to be pulsing, whether it was or not didn't matter, I wanted it in me ASAP.

Loosening his embrace he removed my coat, draping it over a chair a foot away, pulling me back tight to his body I felt his fingers inching my dress up further and further over my butt until I could feel his bare hands on the skin beneath my panties. I shuddered with excitement, early in my marriage foreplay like this was often, but not so much as the years went by. My mind was flooded with thoughts of how I loved what was happening, he made me feel like twenty something all over again. I was going to use every trick in my repertoire to please this young animal of a man. I pulled back enough that we were nose to nose.

"Take me to bed Rollie. No more playing around, I need you inside me now. Please, I need to feel you shoot me full of your warm seed."

He scooped me up in his arms carrying me to the bedroom where he stood me next to the bed. He lifted my chin and spoke with a voice of authority. Don't move, I'm going to undress you."

With my arms to my sides and my heart racing I watched as he took off and draped his coat over a chair, then his shirt and tie followed. Sitting on the quilt chest at the end of the bed he removed his shoes and put them under my bed, as though he were claiming his territory, oh I liked this boy. He removed his slacks and socks leaving him standing before me in cotton briefs that were being pushed beyond design, I swear I could see the tip of his cock peeking above the waistband. I recall whispering, "Oh my gosh your big."

With his hands on either side of my face he kissed me and turned my body 180 degrees. Sliding the zipper down slowly he was nuzzling and kissing my neck, damn this kid was good. With it fully unzipped he pushed it over my shoulders to the front, shimmied it over my hips and let it fall as his hands went to my breasts. My nipples had been hard from the kissing and foreplay, when he cupped my breasts they became like tiny pebbles under the thin material. Gently pushing the bra up he cupped my breasts, kneading, gently forming them, tweaking the nipples, then cupping them again.

Looking over my shoulder he growled softly, "Nice tits Lou, can't wait to get them in my mouth."

His right hand went downward, resting on my mound, moving his hand up the fingers slid beneath the elastic and into my muff. I opened my legs moaning as he slid a finger over the clit and into my soft damp folds. I wasn't sloppy and gooey as I would have still been at 40, but I was damned sure wetter than normal. Pulling back slightly he took his hand from my panties, smelled them and unhooked the bra tossing it across the room when it came off. Turning me he gently walked backward until my knees hit the mattress and folded.

His knees touched the floor at the same time my butt hit the mattress, with his right hand he pushed against my chest until I was flat on my back. I quickly grabbed two pillows and put them under my head, this boy was going to eat me and I was going to watch him as long as I could before ecstasy overtook my body. He didn't bother taking off the panties, he moved them to the side and slid his tongue into my labia. His tongue was stiff, pointed almost and knew exactly where it needed to be, licking bottom to top he stopped dead center of my clit and softly bathed it with saliva as his tongue slowly circled the stiff nubbin.

He would circle slowly, then swipe his tongue across the top, then dip below and tongue fuck me as deep as he could go. Licking back to the top he found my hot spot, a thin little trough of skin just at the base of my clit. When he found it my hips pumped into his face, he knew he'd found the secret treasure and parked his tongue on that spot. I was looking down at the top of his head, my fingers were woven into his hair as the soft moans leaving my mouth cheered him on. I was close, oh so close but not quite there when he moved up slightly and sucked my marble sized clit between his lips.

My ass went off the mattress, my hips were pushing upward into him and my breathing had stopped altogether. I was wracked with the earth shattering pleasure that only a well executed orgasm can bring, my hips were pumping into his face, my fingers dug into his scalp. I was amazed that nothing seemed to come from my mouth, not an eep, or an Uh, or any words, my vocal chords were paralyzed as my body quivered. Wave after wave of euphoria swept through me, I felt as though it went on forever when in reality it was probably closer to a minute. As my ass dropped to the mattress he clenched tight to my thighs and continued licking, I wanted to explode again but it was so damned sensitive it almost hurt.

Pushing his face away I found my voice, "Stop, stop. Oh my God, oh my, what the hell did you do to me? It was delicious, I haven't experienced that strong an orgasm for a long, long, time. Come up here and kiss me, I want to taste my pussy, it's been years."

We lay side by side after a minute or two of sloppy kissing and me licking his chin. I always thought I was weird wanting to taste myself on Chucks face after he ate me, that is until my daughter let it slip that she liked the same thing when hubby ate her. I guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree after all. I sat reaching for his briefs, his cock wasn't as hard as previously, as soon as I began pulling them down and away from his lovely meat pole it sprang back to life, throbbing and pulsating in my hand.

I smiled looking at his cock, fat, cut, long enough to satisfy but not so long it could hurt me. There were thick veins running along the sides and the tube on the bottom looked like it could spew a thick load of semen inside me. I bent over to finish taking his underwear off and as I straightened I placed my lips directly over the thick rim of the head, it was like a helmet almost. Chuck was cut, but the head was not as big and pronounced as Rollie's. Wrapping my lips around his delicious cock I started to bob my head up and down, long deep strokes, no hands, using my tongue along the bottom to accentuate the feeling for him.

With my lips pursed I was able to swallow almost five inches of what I thought must be seven inches or better, only a little longer than Chuck but much bigger around. The thought crossed my mind, will I be able to take all of this? I answered myself with an affirmative, my pussy was going to take every inch he possessed. My cunt was going to milk his balls so dry they would look like shriveled prunes. I could feel him starting to show signs of an eruption as he pulled my mouth off, lifting me up to him he whispered softly.

"You are such a good cock sucker, but I want the first load to go in your sweet tasting pussy. We'll start with you on top until you're warmed up, after that I'm gonna fuck your ass off. Hope you like it from behind and on your tummy with your ass raised because I love those positions."

I grabbed his face and kissed deeply, moving my head next to his I moaned, "You can fuck me anyway you want except my ass. It's never been used and I aint gonna start now. I happen to love doggy and on my tummy, I have a foam wedge we used to put under my hips to raise my puss higher. I also love it flat foot doggy, you're young, you should be able to do that."

He lay back, lifted me over his body and groaned, "Ride me you sultry little bitch. Fuck me like you own me."

Normally being called a bitch would have infuriated me, but the way he said it I knew he was paying me a compliment, I was going to ride him and he was going to love it. I was the teacher and he was the student ... at least for a few minutes I was soon to learn. With my hands on his chest I lifted a leg over his body and positioned the head of his cock tight against my pussy. I was wet enough yet from the tongue lashing he'd given that allowed the labia to give way slowly, opening ever so little as I tried pushing my body down.