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I wiggled my hips a little to help spread the wetness and pushed again, as the head popped through and just inside the vagina I stopped. Having only ever been with one man I knew without fail that I had never been spread so wide before, I could feel the walls of my vagina spasming, seeming to tell me "more please".

He put his hand on my cheek which made my eyes open. "You okay Lou. Do we need to stop?"

I made a kissing motion without moving off him, "No, we don't need to stop. I need a second or two to adjust. You'll be balls deep soon, give me a few strokes to get there and when you are you can have me anyway you like. When that starts, I want you to do as you said I should do to you ... own my pussy."

Another wiggle of the hips another inch inside, I kept that up until his pubic bone and mine met up close and personal. I groaned as we touched, he growled something I couldn't make sense of, then again, it didn't matter, I had his cock buried in me and that was what tonight was all about. I lay forward over his chest as I slowly pumped up and down, back and forth, my nipples dragged through his hairy chest tickling and making them hard as a cold winter day.

Pushing back I sat straight up and dropped as hard as I could, I made a soft guttural sound as a climax ran through me, my toes were curled and just when I thought my nipples couldn't get any harder they did. To the point that they hurt. Pulling me forward he latched onto one nipple then the other sucking hard, drawing the nipple out as far as he could, as they softened he let go so I could recover.

"Dammit Rollie, you really like those nipples don't you."

"You bet your sweet ass I do, especially when you cum, they get so damned hard. I could suck them for hours. Now, off, on your hands and knees, ass in the air baby, I'm gonna pound that pussy."

I was so wet with girl cum that his cock slid balls deep on the first long, slow stroke. When our bodies met he grasped my hips and began to pummel my ass, his hips were slamming against me, I was arching my back and spreading my knees a bit more so he could ram it deep inside. My tits were swinging back and forth in cadence with his strokes, I lowered my chest to the bed sticking my ass even higher, he took the hint and moved first one foot flat on the bed, then the other.

As he crouched over me there was nothing touching but his cock invading my pussy other than two fingers on my back for balance. I could feel the head spreading the walls of my vagina which instantly collapsed around the shaft coaxing the sperm from his scrotum. As my orgasm hit I felt his body tense followed by him clamping onto my hips, slamming against my ass so hard it almost knocked me down, it was then I felt the torrid of hot cream coat the inside of my vagina. I knew we were the same body temperature, but there was something about it that made his cum seem hotter than that. Passion I suppose.

Three, four heavy spurts, the semen was hitting my cervix, it wasn't something that hadn't happened before, I had simply forgotten how much I loved that feeling. A feeling only a cock buried deep in a pussy spewing cum can create. My body was still vibrating internally as he let go of my hips, my body flopped forward onto the bed, he sat back on his haunches breathing heavily, wheezing, grunting, hissing through his teeth. I could feel coolness on the small of my back like something wet, I knew he hadn't cum on me and wondered what it was until I looked back. His head was bent at the neck, drool was falling from his lower lip dripping onto the bed. My God, he'd cum so hard he had drooled on my back, oh my, this was definitely going to be a fun weekend if my old cooter could handle it.

Turning onto my side I lifted my left leg placing my foot on his chest, rubbing back and forth gently through his forest of chest hair. He reached for my foot, lifted it and kissed the bottom of it before putting it back on his chest. I had never had the sole of my foot kissed before, damn, that was hot. Moving my foot form his chest he lay next to me still breathing hard, I moved tight to his body loving the warmth being radiated onto mine. He let out a loud exhale and turned to face me.

"Was it what you wanted Louise? Did I give you what you needed? I know I enjoyed it, hope you did to, I have to say, and don't think I'm being vulgar, you are one fine piece of ass, I've never been screwed with such precision before. The way you move your hips, it's almost like your pussy was determined to suck my balls dry, and when I came, holy shit. I swear your pussy was sucking on my cock, it felt wonderful."

As he moved his hand between my legs I flinched.

"Are you okay Lou, damn, did I hurt you?"

I softly kissed him, "You didn't hurt me. I'm feeling swollen and a bit raw, but that will go away soon and you can ride me again. That is, if you want to."

He grinned like the kid with his hand in the cookie jar, "If I want to? Just try and keep me off you, I guarantee you'll lose. I can reload several times in a twenty four hour timespan, if you're comfortable enough I want to make love some more. You're a good lover Lou, really good."

That was something new to my ears, sure Chuck and I enjoyed our time in bed but he had never told me I was a good lover in the same context Rollie had. I determined as I drifted off to sleep in his arms that I was going to be exactly as he saw me, a great piece of ass. I woke to another first around three in the morning, his cock buried in me slowly stroking back and forth, it felt good, it was certainly erotic. Within seconds I was awake enough to lift my hips into his downstroke.

"Where did you learn this Rollie? I've never been woken with a cock in me before. I like this, what a wonderful feeling."

"A girl I knew in college taught me, this was how she liked it the best. She'd get me off quick and not wash before we slept so she was wet as hell when I woke her with my dick buried inside. We didn't last very long, but it was good while we were together."

I purred at him through the darkness, "I'm ready, fuck me hard baby, give me all your cream. Fill my pussy, I'm yours. I want it running out of me when you're through."

He made slow gentle love to me for over twenty minutes, I was beginning to get a little sore when I felt him tense, push forward against my vulva and then I felt what I wanted. Sperm hitting my cervix once more, I went over the cliff as soon as I felt it coat my insides, I'd told him to do me hard but I was glad he didn't, it was better like this. I knew I could go again by midday, I'd be ready for a good hard fuck on my tummy with the wedge under my abdomen by then.

We showered taking time to neck and pet before finishing, after we dried I made a light breakfast, looking at one another I said I was going back to bed, I got no argument from him as we drifted off together. It was the noon whistle that woke us. Yes, we live in a town that still sounds a siren for a minute at noon, it started with the farmers decades ago and never went away. The only people it bothered were new people in town, and they quickly got used to it. They also do a one-minute tornado warning the second Tuesday of each month at four PM. If you don't like it, move, no one's blocking the way.

I mentioned I could go for some Chinese as we dressed, I should say I tried to dress, his hands were all over me, I felt like a teen aged girl being felt up by a date instead of a sixty year old woman. I slapped his hand when he started removing the panties I'd just put on, he grinned and apologized.

I slid into his arms, "You can undress me and have all the pussy you want when we get home. Be patient and let me get dressed. By the way, I intend to give you a complete blow job before you leave this house Sunday afternoon."

He raised his eyebrows, "I'm staying until Sunday? I think you're trying to wear me out. Let's go have lunch, I'm definitely going to need my strength."

When we got home I asked him if he was okay with waiting until early evening to continue having fun, I was sorer than I thought I would be. He didn't mind, telling me whatever worked for me, he didn't want me to be hurt or uncomfortable. I was snuggled against his chest on the couch as we ignored some show on Hulu when I tugged at his arm.

"Rollie, I don't have any other sexy panties and bras like last night. Chuck liked the hip huggers and I have lots of those, but no other sexy see-through ones like last night. I can get more if you want me to."

"Wear what you're comfortable with Lou, I'm not here to screw your panties, I want that sweet little pussy of yours. Will you mind if we do this more often than once a week? I want this to last as long as we feel like it's the right thing to do. I could care less about your age, I'm not a kid, I know what I want, I'm with you to love and learn."

He made pancakes and sausage for supper, he was cleaning up as I went to the bedroom and changed into a long black sheer robe Chuck had bought for me years ago. I was naked beneath, he was on the couch when I walked into the room, standing directly in front of him he slowly opened the robe which was held together with one tiny bow at the neckline. Holding the sides apart he leaned forward and sniffed my muff, then leaned back and pulled me so that I was straddling his lap.

"I love your two-tone bush. No longer completely dark brown, but not completely gray either. That's sexy Lou, just plain sexy, you make my dick hard."

I smiled and kissed him, "Thank you, that makes me happy. To think that an old lady like me can make a young man's dick hard is thrilling. I know I said I wanted it on my tummy but would you do something else for me? Do me from behind while I lean over the couch, I love when I can look down and see my breasts swinging with every thrust. Does my ass make waves, Chuck always said that turned him on."

Removing a nipple from his mouth he answered, "Just little waves, your butt isn't soft enough for big ones, and Chuck was right, it is sexy watching those little ass waves with each thrust. If you want it over the couch, that's the way we'll do it. Are you okay though, I've hammered your kitty kind of hard today."

"Yes, I'm okay, but can we make this the last one today? That'll give me a chance to be ready for tomorrow when you ARE going to drill me on my tummy. When you go home I want to be full of your sperm, all those little soldiers swimming around looking for a non-existent egg. I get a shiver down my back just thinking about it."

When I stood I untied the little bow and let the robe drop, leaning on my elbows against the back of the couch my breasts were hanging down, nipples pointed at the floor, my ass was swaying back and forth waiting for him to get rid of the sweatpants and free his cock. He dropped to one knee, licking me nice and wet, I felt the tip of his cock touch my pussy lips, pushing back I slowly impaled myself halfway onto his shaft. I rocked forward and pushed back a second time, bingo, he was in all the way, I felt his balls touch my clit hood.

I started out moving slow as he remained stationary, when I felt his hands on my hips I knew he was ready to take over. What happened next excited and surprised me. He started talking while making long, slow strokes.

"Do you like this Lou? Is my cock big enough for your experienced pussy?" I grunted a few "uh-huhs" as he continued stroking.

"Uh-huh won't do it Lou, I need to hear you say it. I need to know I own this sweet pussy."

I thought, what the hell, he needs to hear and I need to say it, he owns my pussy, no doubt in my mind whatsoever. I could die and go to heaven right this instant after the weekend he's shown me so far, and after he reems me on my tummy this gray haired old pussy will be full of cum and quivering for hours. Did he own my cunt? You bet he did.

"You own my pussy Rollie. Your long thick cock fills me so nicely, I love feeling you cum inside, you leave my pussy wanting more and more. You can fuck me anytime you'd like, I'm your little house whore. Fuck me now Rollie, enough talk."

I love it when a young man does as he's told. He tightened the grip on my hips and slammed his cock into my now wet and hungry cunt, our bodies slapped as his body pounded against my ass. Looking down I watched my breasts swing in rhythm with his strokes, back and forth, meeting together as they swung forward, my nipples were so hard they ached. I wanted that boy to explode inside me, I didn't care if I was a bit raw and sore, I needed to please this young man in the same manner he was pleasing me. I arched my back as much as possible affording him another fraction of an inch penetration, he groaned deep as my pussy opened even more, he gave my ass cheek a sweet slap and hissed.

"Good girl, open that pussy, let me have all of her, suck my balls dry baby, suck my balls dry with that hungry horny pussy. Mmm so good Lou, so good."

As euphoria ripped through my body I shoved back against him as hard as possible. His legs were legs bent slightly as he rammed inside over and over. Feelings of euphoria flooded my body, my orgasm triggered his nut, he held me tight for the first blast, continuing with short one or two inch strokes, a huge gush of semen erupting from his cock with every short stroke. He stopped moving and held me tight to his abdomen, his cock was twitching, vibrating inside me, I was full of warm thick vibrant sperm. If I were a much younger fertile woman I was certain his army of sperm would surely have invaded my fortress after him cumming that hard.

I could feel the mixture of my cum and his beginning to seep around the edges of his dick and ooze slowly down the labia, I wondered if there was so much that it might drip. I didn't wonder long as I felt a tiny river of liquid pool at the edge of my clit and then drop to the floor, as he began to pull out I was going to cover the opening with my hand and then said to myself, "screw that, let it puddle, it may never happen like this again". Moving back slowly as he softened the vaginal muscles pushed the last of him out and then I heard a soft 'plop' as a few drips of cum hit the floor. I looked at it with a smile.

I laughed, "Look what a mess we've made on the floor Rollie. I never knew a man could cum so much, Chuck was good but he never had that much cum. I'm so glad I can't get knocked up anymore, because that cock of yours would surely make me that way."

I stayed in place catching my breath as he walked into the kitchen, returning with a warm wet washcloth which he used to gently cover my beat up, well used, eternally grateful, eager for more, gray haired old pussy. The heat of the cloth stung slightly when it made contact with the raw part of my nether region, I moved one hand to cover his as he attempted to help me clean up.

I stood and turned, "Let me have that cloth, I know you want to help and that's sweet, but I need to take care of this by myself."

I went into the master bath where I finished cleaning Rollie's new playground, walking into the bedroom he lay on the bed naked, cock hard again, standing horizontal to his stomach. I couldn't believe this young man, surely he wasn't expecting me to fuck anymore tonight, I slid on some panties and a nightie then lay next to him with my fingers trying to wrap around his cock.

"Baby I can't do anymore tonight." I crooned softly. "I could give you a blow job."

He chuckled and grinned as he spoke, "I don't have anything left to give Lou, you simply make me hard, that's all there is to it. I'm kinda glad you won't be in the office any longer, now that I've enjoyed your womanly charms I would have a difficult time not being hard around you all day. I'm telling you Lou, if you were in the office I'd find a place and a way to screw you every day. Then I'd screw you some more at night, damn you trip my trigger, I've always heard older women are better lovers, but I never believed that until now."

We went to brunch the following day about ten, we shopped a bit on the way to my place, by the time we got there it was after one. I was horny and wanted more of that glorious cock but wasn't sure if I could take it again so soon. We put away the few items I'd purchased and were standing in the kitchen when he pulled me in, kissing me, gently squeezing my butt, I felt the back of my dress being lifted and smiled into his mouth as we kissed.

"Hey sailor, what do you think you're doing? This pussy belongs to a stud at work, if you think you're getting in these panties your gonna have to pay a hefty price."

With the dress around my waist and his hand under the panties caressing my bare bottom he gave me a maniacal grin.

"How bout this you naughty little tart, If I let you sit on my face, will that be payment enough to go spelunking in your cave again?"

I threw my head back laughing, "Oh baby, not only will that be payment enough to explore my love cave, you can drill an entirely new well if you'd like. Just be sure to leave a large deposit of goodies within when you're done."

As he scooped me up I put my arms around his neck and lay my head on his chest, the beating of his heart was strong and steady. Entering the bedroom he kissed me and told me to undress quickly, he wanted to watch and he'd be waiting on the bed. I accentuated every move as I disrobed, I probably wouldn't have needed to, considering his dick was already at full mast, but it made me feel sexy and I did it anyway. As I slid the panties down my legs he stuck his tongue out in a snaky lick fashion, I knee walked along his body putting one knee over a shoulder and then the other.

My hairy beaver was directly over his mouth, he put a pillow under his head, spread my knees further apart so my labia were touching his lips and proceeded to turn me into a screaming, creaming, mass of quivering flesh. I was gripping the headboard with both hands just to keep myself from falling off the face of the earth, my hips continued to rock back and forth over his mouth even though it tickled so much it hurt. I finally lifted one leg separating his tongue from my salivating slit, looking down his face was shiny and covered in girl cream, that vision brought a satisfied smile to my lips.

He surprised me by pulling me down far enough to put a hardened distended nipple into his mouth and suck like a newborn. I would have loved to stay that way and feed him both nipples until I came again, but alas my sixty year old legs were nothing but rubber after that massive climax. I flopped alongside his body throwing my leg over his abdomen and my arm across his hairy chest. His arm was under my neck cradling me as we regained our breath, mostly mine would be more accurate, he was already raring to go again.

I purred to him, "Honey, there's a wedge under the bed, will you get that? It's time for you mount me and mark your territory once more. You should have another big load for me by now, god I love how much you cum. My pussy has never had so much semen in two days, I could get used to this, I like being filled by your big cock."

With the wedge under my hips my ass was in the air waiting for him to ram his meat into me. To have him ride me like a two-bit whore, to spew gobs of sperm inside me, to paint the walls of my pussy with his life producing seed. He put a drop or two of KY on his cock and rubbed it around the thick purplish looking head, moving it up and down the slipperiness of my already drenched labia a few times I wiggled my ass as an invitation to climb on and ride me hard.

As he pushed forward the petals of my flower opened without hesitation or restriction, she'd been thoroughly opened the past two days and nothing was going to deprive her of the stimulating pleasure awaiting. I could feel the thickness of the head spreading me open like a snowplow making a way for the rest of his shaft, which my vaginal walls instantly hugged, coaxing his balls to let loose another volcanic explosion of semen. My tits were smashed flat on the mattress, my head was turned sideways as I gasp for each breath, he was riding me harder than he had before, and I loved it.