Lucky Number Seven Pt. 01


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Still blushing, Emily quietly replied, "Yes, he does."

Myra added, "We're both lucky gals in that department."

Emily nodded her head, "Eric is a hunk!"

After a fabulous dinner and after-dinner drinks, we went up to change into our bathing suits. We took turns in the bathroom, then headed back down. We were sitting in our chaises when Eric and Emily came down the steps.

My wife, who'd had more alcohol than she is used to, whistled, "Wow, talk about a nice body..."

Eric turned three shades of red as he reached the deck.

To offset my wife's forwardness, I laughed, "Emily, she's right, you do have a nice body...Oh, and Eric, you do too."

Emily cracked up and Eric managed to laugh a little.

Then there was an awkward silence, which I interrupted with, "Oh, the sun is setting. Why don't we watch it from the pool and cool off at the same time?"

It was still about 90 degrees, and though there was a light breeze, with the humidity and having sat outside to eat, we had gotten pretty warm.

"Yeah, sounds good," Eric replied, I think happy for the distraction.

My wife was right, though. Eric was a handsome guy, close to my height, maybe an inch taller, and probably about 180; he had a classic swimmer's body. His frame was slimmer than mine, with well-defined muscles, a V-shaped torso, small waist and washboard stomach -- no body fat to speak of. His face was angular but handsome, and in contrast to me, he had slightly curly, dark brown hair, worn just over the ears; and he had brown eyes, the type I think women call 'bedroom eyes'.

We slipped into the pool and moved to the ocean side, elbows on the pool edge, looking towards the setting sun, which was now a large red ball on the horizon. We watched the pinkish-orange streaks spread across the sky, and the ribbon of light. Gradually, the entire western sky glowed red beneath a blanket of high-altitude clouds -- a remarkable vista I never got tired of. After the sun set, I suggested another round of drinks and a pitcher of water, but that I would have to go up to the room to get them.

"I'll help you, hon," Myra offered.

We dried off, then headed up. I followed my wife's gyrating ass all way to the room, and by the time we arrived at the kitchen, I was horny as hell. I'd have paid a Benjamin to not have company at the moment.

While I made drinks and Myra got the ice water, she commented, "Okay, you were right about Eric; he is watching me quite a bit when he thinks nobody notices. And, yes, he's a handsome specimen."

"So, you are attracted to him," I stated. "Does it turn you on that he is enamored with you."

"Yes, smarty, okay?"

"So, we're even?

"Sure, we're even. We're both turned on by a couple that's almost as young as our sons. But I wish we were alone, right now. I'd like to fuck your brains out," she growled, grabbing my cock and giving me a wet kiss.

I joked, "Yeah, but who would you be thinking of?"

"Pot, this is kettle, over!" she joked back.


We headed back to the pool and rejoined Eric and Emily as dusk settled over the sea.

As we mellowed out, twilight engulfed us, and in the darkness, the night denizens of jungle began their serenade. I let my hands wander over Myra's body in the water. I would have taken my wife right there if we didn't have company. And, damn, I was sure they wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

As it got dark, Myra broke the silence, "I'm getting cool, honey. Why don't you turn on the deck lights and let's get out and finish the drinks you mixed?"

So, we sat around the table enjoying our drinks, and conversation turned to our activities since we had been there. We shared what we had done so far, and what we planned to do. We planned on making a trip to the quaint town of Nathon and invited them to join us. We agreed to go together the next day.

Emily changed the subject, "May we ask you some questions about your secrets to a happy marriage, if that's okay?"

"Sure," Myra answered. I wanted to wave her off. I was still hoping for the evening to come to a close, sooner than later.

"Eric and I came on this vacation to try and get things back on track, marriage-wise, and kind of rekindle the romance, if you know what I mean?"

Myra nodded her head, knowingly, "Been there, done that."

"I don't want to give the wrong impression. We love each other very much, but with our jobs, and his is very demanding right now, and everything else, we've gotten...out of synch; and in the romance department, things have gotten pretty routine. We see many of our friends having the same problems, some already getting divorced; and the same with most of the older couples we know. We don't want to end up like that. So, anything you can tell us that you think is important would be greatly appreciated."

Myra started, "Devotion and dedication are key, I think. It is easy to let other things in life pull you away from your relationship; you have to fight that every day. And always work on finding things to do that you both like. Don't develop your own interests at the sacrifice of your relationship. That's the first thing that comes to mind."

She turned to me, "Honey?"

"Hmm, I guess I can add that when something comes between you, something that you don't agree on or have issues with, you have to make an extra effort to resolve the conflict. Be prepared to compromise, find solutions, work through it. Don't ignore problems and hope they will resolve themselves. They never do."

Eric spoke up, "Yeah, that's been a problem, for me especially. I tend to not want to deal with conflict and just try to avoid it."

"What about sex?" Emily asked, abruptly.

We sat silent, kind of not sure how to respond.

She elaborated, "I mean, for you guys. How important is it to your relationship, and well, do you still have an active sex life after all this time?"

Myra answered first, "Um, I'd say we are just about as active as when we were first married, if not more..."

"Really?" Emily remarked, obviously surprised. "I don't think my parents even have sex, anymore."

"Well, there was a time our sex life was not doing so well -- jobs, kids, not enough personal time. It was hard, but we made changes," I explained.

Myra added, "As far as how important, I don't think it's the glue that holds things together, but I think it's fair to say 'it's the icing on the cake'! And what is cake without icing?" she laughed.

"Right," Eric finally spoke up, "And that's kind of where we're at right now -- not enough icing on the cake. We don't have children, but we're finding it hard to, I guess, keep focused on each other, and to have the kind of the romantic connection that makes, um, sex better, or maybe, the kind of sex that makes romance better. We've tried different things, but just haven't gotten where we need to be. That's why we made time for this vacation."

"Well, that's a very important step in the right direction," I offered.

Myra suggested we could talk more about this, but that it was getting late and she was tired and had more to drink than she was used to. Good move, I thought.

"So, are we still on for tomorrow?" Emily asked.

"Of course, we'll meet in the lobby at ten, okay?" Myra confirmed.

"Perfect, we'll be there. And thanks for talking with us and sharing," Emily replied.

Eric added, "Yes, thank you, and thank you for a terrific evening. Goodnight."

After they left, we headed for the showers to get ready for bed. I went in first and was just getting soaped up when I felt Myra join me. She came up behind me and slipped her arms around my soapy body, running her hands down my stomach to my groin. She started gently fondling my penis.

"I'm horny as hell. Do you think you can do something about that with this big cock of yours?" she growled in my ear.

"This big cock? Or are you thinking of someone else's big cock?" I asked playfully.

"Oh, don't be silly. I haven't seen his big cock yet," she replied, "Besides, judging by that rock hard monster between your legs, I'd say you might be thinking about some hot, little redhead's big titties!" she parried.

"So, we both have some fires to put out. Good thing we're in the shower," I joked.

My wife turned me around and pulled me in for a passionate kiss, pressing her breasts into my chest. I could feel her hard nipples and knew she was fully aroused. I imagined her pressing her body into young Eric's chiseled chest like that, and what it would feel like for her.

Then, she broke the kiss and turned, placing her hands on the shower wall and pushing her delightful ass into my erection. I didn't hesitate, grabbed my erection and found her wet slit.

"Oh, yes, Sean! Just shove that big man-cock in my tight, young, pussy and pound my cute, hard butt till you make me cum like Eric never did, then fill me with your hot semen!"

Holy shit! I almost came. And I wasn't sure if it was from imagining shoving my cock into hot, young Emily's pussy, or from imagining my wife fucking handsome, young Eric -- and that was disturbing. But I didn't hesitate, and shoved hard, my large head spearing her wet vagina and popping in with little effort. I wasted no time, no slow buildup; I just grabbed her hips and started pounding her, smacking up against her full, firm ass. We didn't last three minutes and her legs started shaking as her orgasm crashed through her.

"Oh-fuck-oh-fuck-cum-cum-ing! Cum baby!" she groaned.

I couldn't keep from it, and started shooting ropes of semen hard and fast, emptying my balls. She straightened, still shuddering and spasming, gripping my rigid pole with her vaginal muscles. It was brief but glorious, and in the afterglow of post orgasmic release, I pulled her back to me, cupping her soft, full breasts and kissed her neck.

"That was intense," she laughed.

We hadn't done roleplay sex in a long time, and when we had, it was usually about a risky situation, like in public or something, not about sex with someone else. But both of us had obviously gotten fired up by recent events with Eric and Emily. Maybe sex talk with a nice looking, young couple wasn't such a bad thing after all.

After showering, we went to bed and both promptly fell asleep. I awoke a couple hours later from an intense dream. I couldn't remember everything, but Emily was in it, and the words "Teach me, Daddy," rang in my ears. I awoke with a raging hard on.

"You awake?" I heard my wife's soft, sultry voice next to me.

"Just woke up."

"And are you 'up'?" she asked playfully.

"Painfully so."

We made love again, this time slow and passionate, prolonging our climaxes till we couldn't hold off anymore. Then we slept like the dead till the alarm went off.


We met Eric and Emily in the lobby and took a prearranged shuttle into town with two other couples. We had a wonderful, relaxing day. It was a lazy, pleasant affair -- perusing the local shops, eating lunch at an outdoor café, walking along the pier, watching boats come and go, chatting with the locals. In the evening we had dinner in town at a nice little, Thai-traditional restaurant, dousing the fire from the spicy food with a potent local beverage that left us all quite inebriated.

We caught a taxi back to our villas and were going to call it a night when Myra proposed going back to our place for a swim and some espresso drinks to sober up.

I thought of saying I was tired, because I was leery of getting 'less than clothed' with these two again, but just lit enough to want to do that very thing.

I should have said something.

Unfortunately, I did, "Great idea, Hon."

Yeah, the little head won out. I stopped at the front desk to see if we could get some lattes made up. They said they would deliver them to our room, momentarily. We headed to our villa, each couple walking hand in hand. It was a beautiful evening with a soft, cooling breeze coming off the ocean. The sun had set and twilight was turning to night with the stars coming to life overhead.

As we approached our villa, Myra leaned against me, "I love you, Sean, and I'm drunk," she giggled.

"Me, too, baby. Me, too."

Behind us, Emily laughed, "Wow, I'm wasted? I don't know if I can make it up those steps!"

With that, Eric scooped her up, "I'll carry you, m'lady."

Emily cackled and kicked her feet. We stood and watched them start up.

Myra put the back of her hand to her forehead, and in her best southern belle drawl, opined, "Oh, dear, I don't know if I can make it up those steps, either."

I joked, "Hey, you're not as light as her."


"Are you saying I'm too fat?" she barked, feigning anger.

"Ohhh, goodness no," I quickly replied and scooped her up in my arms. Then, in a very bad 'Rhett Butler' accent, I exclaimed, "Why, my dear, you're light as a feather!"

When we got to the deck and had set the ladies down, I volunteered to get a pitcher of water, then thought "It would be nice to have some bread to soak up the alcohol." So, when I got to the room, I called the front desk and they put Mali on the line.

"Yes, Mr. Sean, your lattes are almost ready. I will bring them right up. Did you desire anything else?"

"As a matter of fact, Mali, we would like some French bread or such. We had a bit too much to drink and need to counter that."

"Of course, sir. Would you like a plate of bread and cheeses, perhaps some light snacks?"

"That sounds wonderful, dear. Thank you."

I took the ice water down, and we settled around the table. "Mali is bringing snacks, too, something to soak up the booze," I informed them.

"That sounds great," Eric said, "my head is still a little woozy."

"Yeah, what were we drinking?" Emily asked.

"That was SangSom Rum, a Thai favorite, with some tropical fruit juices and some kind of Amaretto in it -- potent stuff," I explained, "but it does go down easy."

Shortly, Mali arrived with two insulated carafes of lattes and two large plates of tapas. We sat and ate, chatted about the day and the purchases the ladies had made. After a while, we were all feeling a little less inebriated and decided it was time for a dip.

"So, you girls bought some swim suits?" I asked.

"Yes, we did. Wanna see 'em?" Myra asked with a big grin.

"I've no objections," I joked.

"Can't wait," Eric grinned.

"Come on, Em, let's go put them on."

They left and Eric leaned over, "Excuse me, I have to go get my trunks. Be right back."

"I'd offer you a pair of mine, but I don't think they'd fit. You're a little 'trimmer' than me. What do have on under your pants?"


"Won't those work?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Well, we'll just use our boxers, okay?" I offered.

We stood and stripped down to our shorts and got in the pool. The water was perfect, very relaxing. I thought, "It doesn't get any better than this."

I was wrong.

After more than a few minutes, Myra and Emily finally returned to the pool as Eric and I were looking out at the ocean and talking.

"Well, boys, what do you think?" Myra asked with a saucy, Mae West intonation.

We turned, and I was glad I was in the pool. I almost swallowed my tongue, but my dick reacted quite differently.

"Wow, holy...uh hum, wow," Eric exclaimed.

I was still trying to find my tongue. And I didn't know who to look at. Myra had on several strings with a couple pieces of cloth attached -- the skimpiest bikini I'd ever seen her in. The material, was thin and silky, and a rich, cardinal red, what little there was. And there was no liner in the bra that I could tell. Her big nipples were practically on display. Emily was wearing a matching bikini, just in a different color, a deep, vivid blue, and I was having trouble not staring at her firm, young body.

"So, you like?" Myra asked, coyly.

"What's not to like?" I managed to say.

"Oh, and sorry it took so long. This thing was so skimpy, I had to do some grooming," Myra disclosed with a chuckle.

"Well worth the wait," I replied.

"Amen," Eric added. And I was pretty sure he was staring at Myra when he said it.

Then, as if on cue, they both did a pirouette, showing the backs of their new suits.

There were no backs.

The bottoms were thongs, thus both beautiful asses on full display. I couldn't believe my wife was showing off her bare ass like that.

Next to me, Eric muttered, "Fuck me."

Emily quickly responded, "If you're lucky, big boy!"

I cracked up, "Does that go for me, too?"

"Well, you'll have to ask Myra if that's okay," Emily grinned.

"No, no, I meant...I was asking Myra...not if..."

"Don't swallow your tongue, honey. She knows that. And yes, you might get lucky, too," Myra laughed.

I mumbled, "I already swallowed my tongue." Then, "Um, babe, where's the rest of the suit? I think you got cheated."

She laughed, "I can't believe I'm wearing this, but it wasn't my idea. Em made me do it!"

"Hey, thanks for throwing me under the bus, girlfriend," Emily countered.

"I can't believe I'm showing my big butt, like this," Myra exclaimed.

"Your butt's perfect," Eric said, then stuttered, "I mean, it's not too, both look great...your butts...shit, help me out, Sean."

Myra cracked up, followed by Emily. Eric just stood in the pool and blushed.

Very deadpan, I replied, "No, Eric, you're right. Her butt is perfect. They both are. Our wives have perfect butts."

Changing the subject, Emily asked, "Honey, did you go get your trunks?"

"No, Sean thought we could just wear our boxers."

"Oh, okay. But I think we should have gotten speedos for you guys," she joked.

"Speedos, hell. I think we should have gotten them thongs, so we could see their butts, too!" Myra countered.

"Ha, ha. Whatever," I said, "but you girls need to get in the pool. My heart can't handle staring at the two of you any longer."

"Amen," Eric added.

So, we relaxed in the pool, laughed and joked, until we started to get wrinkly, then decided to get out, have a nightcap and call it a day. We climbed out of the pool and dried off; then gathered around the table to finish our waters.

"Honey, there are speakers out here," Myra observed, "go see if you can put some music on."

"A little ambience. Will do, if I can figure it out."

Eric offered, "I'm pretty good with that stuff. Want some help?"

"Absolutely. I still can't operate my TV remote at home."

We managed to get the system working and found a CD with what I thought of as traditional 'island' music, like you would here at a hotel in Hawaii.

We returned to the girls and our ice water, to relax and wrap up the evening.

Myra said, in a wistful voice, "This is so lovely, it's like I never want it to end. It's so romantic and relaxing."

"Here, here," I raised a glass and we toasted.

Eric spoke up, "You guys have made this really special for us. I can't imagine how different this vacation would have been if we hadn't met you. I mean, we have each other and that's great, but sharing this experience with you has made it even more enjoyable."

"Back at you, Eric," I replied.

"Yes, we're having a wonderful time. You guys are the greatest," Emily added.

Myra summed it up, "Good friends, a beautiful setting, and a wonderful time." And raised her glass in salute.

After toasting again, we finished the ice water and I thought we would be retiring, but Myra wasn't ready.

"Honey, I think I got too sober. Could you rustle up some mixed drinks for us? I'll help."

"Sure, why not?"

"I'll help, my turn," Emily said spritely and was up and headed for the stairs.

Following her naked ass up the steps was the absolute last thing I needed. And what an ass, taut and muscular, but not too muscular. Good grief. Thongs should be illegal.

While I was mixing drinks, Emily went to the sink to clean the glasses, refill them with ice, and refill the water carafe.