Lucy Ch. 16-20


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'The way you look.'

'You really like this outfit then?' she replied, smoothing her hands down over her hips then around and up over the even more disturbing bulge made by the twin cheeks of her bottom.

'That's putting it far too mildly.' I said, imagining it was my hands actually doing what hers were.

'That's good, I was hoping you would.' she said, bending forward and running her hands slowly up and down the valley between the prominent globes. 'But when I was putting it on it set me thinking about what you said earlier, about our responses being stronger when a body is covered, leaving something for our imaginations to play with.'

'The way that fits that's not very much.' I replied gruffly, my unblinking eyes staring hard as her hands continued slowly moving over herself.

'That was one of the things I was thinking about, it was the way I reacted to that picture that started me wondering about it. It's very strange how completely different, and sometimes quite opposite forms of covering can be equally effective in getting the viewer excited. I mean something like this, which as you said, actually leaves very little to the imagination, can do it. But then a flowing, virtually all-covering robe can do it too. I've read that many men find the veil that particular Islamic women wear is actually very arousing, even though you might only be able to see their eyes.

And it's not just men who react like that. I got excited from just looking at a photograph, a photograph of a painting of a man with an erection, an erection I couldn't actually see. Our imaginations really are one of the most amazing parts of us, aren't they?'

'They certainly are.' I said, finally pushing back from the table, getting up and moving across to her. 'And while one part of my brain has been following your intellectual musings, the rest has been running wild, imagining it's my hands not yours, doing what you have been.'

'I'm very happy to let you take over.' she replied with a knowing grin as I took her in. arms and kissed her.

Of course the actual feel of her was a thousand times better than it had been in my imaginings and right then I wanted to be able to touch and feel every part of her. But that was difficult while we were jammed together and I had to settle for one hand fondling her breasts, and the other squeezing her buttocks, pushing my fingers deep into the valley between its cheeks.

So in one way I was thrilled when, just as our kisses had started to become even more feverish, she suddenly pulled away and said breathlessly. 'Let's go upstairs Jack.'

When we reached the bed-room she told me to get my things off, and while I did that she pulled the covers back off the bed then kicked off her shoes. But that was all she took off before stretching out on the bed and then watching as I struggled out of the last of my clothes.

The fact that she was lying there waiting for me to touch and caress her was exciting, but the strange thing was that in some ways still being dressed made it even more so. Perhaps it was because the sheer fabric clung to her so tightly it was effectively a second skin, somehow outlining her curves even more sharply than the one beneath it. Perhaps because the details of her body were still covered, still hidden, still to be uncovered and explored.

Whatever it was, and leaving the uncovering until a little later, I got up on the bed and knelt beside her, then immediately set about exploring her, moving and turning her this way and that as my hands roamed all over her supple and eagerly pliant body.

By then I knew Lucy's sensitivity to my caresses pretty well, so I wasn't surprised that it didn't take too much of that before I could tell she was getting worked-up. As always, I got the first sign from her nipples, noticing the sharp little spikes they were making in the thin fabric. Soon after that her breathing becoming shorter, shallower, and then I felt the increasing dampness between her legs.

And as I had been anticipating the thrill of doing what I was for so long, I wasn't surprised at my own reactions either, but what really did amaze me was the strength of them.

I'd had a strong erection even before I started and as I caressed and fondled the various parts of her, my fingers tingling from the unusual combination of the feel of the sheer, silky fabric and the warm firmness of her body beneath it, I felt additional blood surging into my cock. At first that started making it gently throb, but then as the thrills I was getting continued the throbbing became much stronger, and it wasn't too long before it was jerking about quite uncontrollably.

Just as I had picked-up Lucy's reactions to what I was doing for her, she must have recognised the growing strength of mine, because while until then she had been compliantly allowing me to do whatever I wanted with her, she suddenly became much more active. Having pulled me down beside her she rolled me on to my back and then began slipping and sliding herself, almost snake-like, all over my body.

The feel of her slippery, artificial skin moving against mine seemed to set off nerve ending I didn't even know existed, and adding to all that was what her mouth and hands were also doing as she slithered and twisted about. I had never experienced anything quite like the sensations I was getting, but even though I could feel the pressure rising inside me the outcome took me as much by surprise as it obviously did Lucy.

She had somehow managed to get her legs twined right around me, one slipping between mine from the back, the other around my waist, in the process somehow trapping my cock between them. So each time she made the smallest move the slick rayon rubbed up and down it, sending showers of fiery sparks up my spine and making me gasp with excited delight.

Perhaps I should have realised that after such a long period of anticipation the intensity of that stimulation would be more than my system could take. But I didn't, and so I was both astonished and disappointed when, after only a minute or two in that position my cock suddenly, and quite literally, exploded.

I gave a deep, guttural grunt as I felt the rushing surge, then my body heaved convulsively as the first load of bottled-up semen squirted out, followed a split-second later by a series of what felt like equally massive bursts.

'Oh no!' Lucy cried when she felt what was happening, then quickly twisted herself around and plunged her mouth down over my still firing cock. Sucking hard she urged the last few shots up out of me, then, as though it was what she had planned to do all along, she moved again, and knelt between my legs.

Cupping my depleted balls in one hand, she pushed the other under my buttocks, then looked up. 'I'm sorry Jack, I knew you were excited but I didn't realise just how fired-up you were.' she said softly.

'There's no need for you to apologise Lucy, it's me that feels guilty.'

'Oh come on, there's nothing to feel guilty about, we don't always have to come at the same moment. But what actually brought it on?'

'You somehow managed to trap me between your legs, so the tights were rubbing against it each time you moved.'

'And just that was enough?'

'Well as you said, I was already pretty fired-up. That's an incredibly sexy outfit, and I'd been wanting to touch you for the last couple of hours. Then the reality of it was a thousand times better than I had been imagining. But I am sorry, I mean for leaving you strung-out.'

'Oh I'm sure you'll take care of that soon enough my darling, and it's nice to know I can get you so excited, even when I'm not actually trying to.' she added with a giggle. 'Now, let's start again, so close your eyes. I want you to remember how I looked downstairs, remember how you felt, remember what you wanted to do, what you imagined doing to me.' she said in a low, almost hypnotic voice, then bent lower and as her hands began gently fondling and squeezing me, her tongue, lips and mouth set to work on my still swollen cock.

I had no trouble doing as she had asked, the images were still fresh and clear in my mind, as were the urges I'd felt when I had watched her.

I remembered the way the leotard seemed to be moulded to her breasts, its tightness lifting them even higher than they normally were, giving an even sharper outline to their curves and jutting nipples. Then remembered how my heart had skipped several beats and I'd felt the blood pounding through my veins when she'd turned and bent to get something from the fridge. The tights did even more dramatic things for the lower half of her body, looking as though they had been sprayed on to her arse, accentuating the taut fullness of her bottom, the buried seam making the deep valley between its cheeks even more tempting.

That image was made even more disturbing by the memory of the thrills I'd experienced when I'd taken her that way, the tightness of that entrance, the enormous strength of the orgasm I'd had. And although the orgasm I had just experienced had been intensely thrilling I knew it would rate like a damp squib by comparison with that one.

So I continued happily drifting in a haze of remembered pleasures, slipping from one to another, so totally absorbed I was only vaguely aware of what was in reality happening down between my legs. That is until I heard her voice breaking through that sensual mist. 'I should nickname your cock Mr. Reliable.'

But the thoughts and images had got such a strong hold of me that it was only when she pulled herself up over my body to kiss me that I really knew what she meant. Again I felt those fiery sparks as her tights grazed up the length of my cock, and realised that what she had been doing, plus what had been going on inside my head, had already given me another erection.

'Now tell me what you were thinking.' she said, lifting her head, but continuing to squirm herself against the still hardening length of me.

'How beautiful you are, how much I love you, how much I want you whenever I look at you.'

'Be more specific.' she said. 'Tell me exactly what was going through your mind.

'That outfit fits you like a second, only even tighter skin, outlining and giving a sharper definition to the shape of your gorgeous body. Lifting your breasts even higher, making the curves of your stomach, hips and thighs even more sensuous, your bottom even more voluptuous. And the way the tights fitted was especially arousing, the seam slotting down into the crack between the cheeks. I could feel my hands tingling from wanting to touch you, caress those curves, feel the warm firmness of you.'

'And the rest of you, your cock, what did it want to do?'

For some reason I hesitated answering but she urged me on. 'Come on, tell me.' she said hoarsely, wriggling her belly from side to side and sending another shower of those sparks searing up from my cock.

'It wanted to go where that seam was going, take you that way, feel all that tightness.' I answered.

'Say it!' she insisted.

'I wanted to fuck your arse.' I whispered reluctantly.

'And is that what you still want to do?' she asked, again slowly wriggling herself down against my cock.

'Yes.' I admitted in a hoarse gasp. 'Yes I do.'

'Good, that's what I've been hoping for, that's why I put the tights on in the first place.'

'But if that's what you wanted why didn't you just say so.'

'I thought it would be more fun this way, getting you all steamed up I mean. I just hadn't anticipated being quite so effective.' she added with a low giggle. 'But I also had a bit of a variation in mind, and as I wasn't sure if you'd fancy it I thought I'd have a better chance if you were really hot to trot.'

'Why on earth would you think I wouldn't fancy something? What is it?'

'I wanted to see if I could take both you and Fred, at the same time. Do you understand what I mean?'

Of course I understood, she wanted to experience having two cocks inside her again, but this time in her pussy and arse.

I admit I was surprised by my initial reaction. Even though it was me that had brought the dildo into our sex life, my excitement at the thought of doing it that way, fucking her arse, was tempered by the idea of what she might be imagining as we did it. She would probably be imagining she was taking two men at once, me and a fantasy lover, and I really wasn't sure if I liked that idea.

But then I remembered that I had done exactly that, when I let myself imagine it was Leila making love to me, and realised I was being both stupid and unfair.

'Of course I do.' I replied after that momentary hesitation. 'A variation on your favourite erotic picture.'

'Yes, that's right. I should have known you would understand. Are you sure you like the idea?'

'If the time comes when I don't like any of your ideas, or start showing signs of jealousy towards either Fred or your vibrator, book me in for treatment.' I replied. 'Now, we'll also need some of that lubricant.' I added, pushing her off to one side and extricating myself from underneath her.

While I got Fred and the lubricant from the cabinet Lucy peeled off the leotard, and even though we were both more than ready we still spent quite some time re-exciting each other. At first simply kissing and caressing, then curling into the classic sixty nine position and spending even more time licking and sucking.

But eventually neither could wait any longer, and having decided it would be easier if I was standing up, Lucy slid down to the end of the bed then got up on her hands and knees. 'You first Jack.' She said, taking the lubricated dildo in one hand then looking back over her shoulder at me as I spread more of the jelly over my cock.

Even though the thought of doing it, plus the memories of the previous times had been filling my head for much of the evening I had still forgotten just how tight a fit it was. But Lucy's determination was so strong that after a couple of unsuccessful attempts I felt the muscles relax just a little more, and, giving a stronger push, felt the head slip inside her.

Once that initial barrier was breached getting deeper became easier, and as the lining became smeared with lubricant I was able to push slowly in and out without having to use too much force. But that didn't diminish the strength of the thrills I got from the sheer tightness of her anal channel, and they were simply electrifying.

Lucy waited a couple of minutes before introducing Fred, and when I felt her shifting her weight to one side so she had a free hand to use I reached mine underneath her to give her some extra support. Presumably because by then her pussy was so wet from what we had been doing before she had even less trouble getting it inside her than I'd had, and pausing only long enough to pick up the rhythm of my strokes she began push it back and forth. Sensibly she alternated her strokes with mine, pushing the dildo in as I pulled back, and pulling it out as I pushed forward.

Looking back on it later I remember thinking how surreal the scene might have seemed to an observer, more like one of the erotic paintings than suburban reality. But there was nothing surreal about the effect the somewhat bizarre situation was having on me.

Obviously I had no idea as to what was going through Lucy's mind, and in spite of my earlier momentary concern about competing with some fantasy lover, right then I didn't care. Although I'd had a fleeting pang of jealousy as to what Fred would do for her, what I hadn't anticipated was what it would actually do for me.

Despite being separated by several layers of her body's tissue the hard length of it pressed against my cock each time they passed, and although at first it felt very strange, I soon realised that as each moved against the other my level of excitement was rising still higher.

So, although I had already climaxed just a short time before, because the sensations I was getting from combination of the tightness of her arse, plus those the dildo was giving me were so extraordinary, it wasn't too long before I felt another starting to build inside me.

'Oh Lucy! Lucy my love!' I heard myself cry, unable to prevent my thrusting getting both faster and more forceful as the pressure quickly rose higher.

Her immediate response was muffled and unintelligible but I felt the dildo moving more rapidly, trying hard to keep up with the pace of my cock's activity, and then almost immediately she began to respond just as strongly as I was.

'Yes Jack! Yes! Ooh yeeesss! Now Jack, noowww!'

Knowing she was coming only added to the physical sensations that were boosting the rising surge inside me, and as Lucy's convulsive contractions began, I felt that familiar, searing rush. And then our mutual cries of ecstasy blended as my cock spat gouts of hot, sticky semen deep into her flexing bowels, and Lucy rammed the dildo faster and deeper into her cunt.

Although that climax was even more massive than my earlier one, and had utterly drained me of every drop of semen, my cock remained rock-hard. Perhaps that was because her arse continued gripping it so tightly long after I was utterly spent, or perhaps because I could feel her still pushing the dildo back and forth. Whatever the cause, Lucy obviously enjoyed the feeling it gave her and made the most of it by wriggling herself back on to it as she worked herself through several more climactic peaks.

But eventually she too was done and when I felt her pulling Fred out I did the same, then the pair of us collapsed gratefully down on to the softly welcoming bed.

It was some time before either of us found the energy to either speak or move. 'I must go and clean myself up a bit.' I finally said, reluctantly pushing myself up off the bed and heading for the bath-room.

Having given my cock and balls a thorough wash and splashed water on my still sweaty face I hooked a towel around my waist. 'Was that as good as you hoped it would be?' I asked when I stood at the bed-side looking down at her.

'Oh yes darling.' she replied as she rolled over and looked up at me. 'But it's not something I'd want to do very often, I think the risk of wear and tear would be a bit high.'

'Maybe using the vibrator would be better.' I suggested.

'Now that is a good idea, we'll try that way some other time. But how was it for you?'

'Strange, but still very, very exciting. As I think you must have noticed.' I added with a grin, then knelt down beside the bed and kissed her.

'Yes we were both a bit quicker than usual weren't we. But then we were both already pretty worked-up. I had been thinking about trying it like that for quite a while, so started getting wet once I decided we should have a go at doing it tonight.'

'And as you know only too well, I got an immediate erection when I saw what that outfit did for you.'

'Yes, clothes really do make a difference, especially to men of course.' she said quietly, then paused, obviously thinking about something.

'Penny for them.' I said when a few moments had passed in silence.

She looked up and grinned. 'Not yet Jack, just an idea, I'll need to think about it a bit more before it's worth telling you about.'

'Another exciting scenario?'

'Maybe.' she answered thoughtfully. 'But now let me have a bit of a wash too.' she added more energetically.

While she was gone I tidied up the bed and then, as it was still relatively early in the evening, slipped into some fresh clothes. 'I'll see you downstairs. Would you like some coffee and a brandy darling?' I called through the bath-room door.

When she said she would I headed down and by the time she joined me the coffee was nearly ready. 'I see, a much more demure young woman.' I said, eyeing the house-coat she had put on.

'As I said before, it's amazing how much affect just the way someone looks has on our thought processes. For instance, you know very well that I'm exactly the same person I was an hour or so ago, but whereas then you saw me as some sort of sex-fiend, now you describe me as demure.'