Lucy Ch. 16-20


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Not wanting to leave her with a really sore bottom I began to ease off a bit, taking longer pauses between each smack, using those to take some of the sting out of her skin by firmly stroking it. As I ran my hand up and down over her the curve of her bottom my finger-tips sometimes slipped into the cleft between the cheeks of her arse and when I felt her react even more strongly to that I deliberately slid my fingers deeper, pushing them down into the swampy heat that lay between her legs.

At first I couldn't believe she could be so wet. Even allowing for the amount of semen I'd pumped into her, much of which would be oozing our again, she must have been producing even more fluid herself because her pussy was literally dripping.

Each time I slid my fingers down there, stirring the juices, more of its powerful scent was released, rising and filling my nostrils. The smell was intoxicating and as I breathed in more and more of it I felt my own already high level of excitement rising even higher, felt my cock quivering and jerking as it started to throb.

I knew I couldn't wait any longer, I had to have her again, if only to get rid of the tension and pressure that had built up inside me.

Looking down, at the firm, smoothly rounded globes of her arse, I was tempted to take her that way. I remembered the first time Lucy and I had done it, after the concert. It had been utterly fantastic! So tight that it had felt as though the skin was being stripped off my cock. The sensations so incredible I'd thought their intensity would drive me mad.

But then I saw my cock, it looked truly fiercesome and seemed to have become even more massive. When I recalled just how difficult it had been to get it into Lucy, even with all the lubricant I'd used, I wondered if it would be just too risky to try that with Dannie. But then I thought, my cock was as slick from her pussy juice as it had been from lubricant, and Dannie had obviously been wanting it roughly. So I decided that have me she would, this time that way, no matter how uncomfortable it might prove to be for her.

The moment she felt my hand slip down between the cheeks of her bottom and press them apart she must have known what I was about to do, and without showing any of the hesitation I had, she shifted her legs even wider and pushed herself flat down on to the desk.

Not giving either of us time to reconsider I wedged the head in the crack, using my thumbs to open her up, then pushed forward, forcing a low moan out of her as I drove the head inside. I paused for a moment, revelling in the sheer tightness of the fit, then pushed my throbbing cock steadily deeper. That first thrust was sheer bliss. The lining of her anal channel clung so tightly to my cock it felt as though I was having a second skin unpeeled, exposing the nerve endings and triggering a series of intense shock-waves of pleasure.

She gave a much louder, gasping groan as she felt the mass ploughing into her, and I saw the muscles in her shoulders and arms tensing, her clawed fingers gripping the desk as I stretched her wide open and she braced herself for what she knew was to come.

In spite of the tight fit and the blazing fire she had lit inside me, as I'd already come once I felt sure I would have better control of the second, not reach my climax so quickly, have time to savour the steady build-up to it. So, once my cock was fully embedded, my pelvis jammed hard up against her bottom cheeks, I held myself there, making a series of short, quick thrusting movements, digging the head as deep as I could get it.

She grunted as she felt it probing the depths of her, but to my delight, instead of jerking forward to escape it, she pushed herself back at me, apparently urging me to try to get even deeper still. That finally dispelled the last of my worries and taking a firm grasp of her hips I began to thrust in and out, using strong, much longer strokes.

Apart from a couple of small adjustments to her stance and an occasional gasp as my cock-head found a particularly sensitive spot, that time she remained quite still and silent, passively allowing me the use of her receptive body. And the sensations I was getting were so phenomenal that I soon found myself drifting off into a haze of sheer, self-indulgent, pleasure. Both my mind and body were being so swamped with such intense delights that for a while I don't think it really mattered whether it was Dannie, Lucy, or even some totally different woman's arse that was giving them to me.

I lost complete track of time and have no idea how long I fucked her for, but from time to time I glanced down. Noticing how wide I was stretching the tightly crinkled rim of her arse-hole. Watching my cock piston in and out. Seeing how the shaft shimmered as the light overhead reflected off the frothing juices coating it. But most of the time I had my eyes closed, only vaguely aware of the effort needed to keep thrusting, allowing my senses to wallow in the voluptuously blissful feelings I was experiencing.

But then, as though being forced to wake from a deep sleep, I suddenly felt myself being pulled back to reality. I immediately became aware of both a strong, and rapidly growing ache in the pit of my stomach, and a sharper, more bruising one in my balls as they slapped against the back of her thighs. Realising I was finally building towards my second climax I tightened my grip of her and began to increase the speed and power of my thrusting.

It was as though she had been patiently waiting for just that signal, had somehow allowed her own responses to remain dormant until she was sure I was going to be satisfied, but as she felt my tempo accelerating she came alive again.

While one hand seemed to tighten its grip of the desk-top, she pulled the other back, slipping it down beneath her. Then, just as I imagined she was starting to play with her clitoris, she began speaking again, and although it was the same voice as before and she used more of that disturbingly coarse language, I somehow knew that that time it was actually Lucy.

'Oh yes, you're going to come again, very soon now! I can feel your cock getting even bigger, getting ready to fire off more of your spunk. And I need it, my bum's so hot, it badly needs the same hosing down you gave my cunt.'

As they had before, the raw crudity of her words fanned the furnace that was blazing inside me and I felt my balls tightening and the throbbing pulse growing even stronger as she again urged me on.

'Fuck me harder! I want all you've got! Spread my arse, get your cock deeper!'

Changing my grip I did as she'd asked, forcing the cheeks of her arse wide apart and ramming my cock as deep as I could get it. Her response was virtually instantaneous, and as she cried out I felt her entire body flexing.

'Oh shit! I'm coming! I'm coming again Jack, don't stop, for God's sake don't stop now!'

I had no intention of stopping and even if for some incomprehensible reason I had wanted to, my body wouldn't have let me. I could feel the semen churning, feel my muscles tensing in readiness for the rapidly approaching crisis.

Her sounds suddenly became unintelligible again, no more than a series of expletives and gasping grunts, then just as I began to thrust even more forcefully I felt the first load surging up through my body. I heard myself give a loud roar as I rammed even harder and deeper, slamming myself against her arse as the first seething mass exploded out of my pounding cock.

As it began it actually felt as though her anus was tightening its already vice-like grip of the slippery pistoning shaft, adding even more strength to its pumping, our cries of mutual release blending as load after boiling load of semen spouted deep inside her.

As it couldn't have been more than twenty minutes since my first climax I couldn't believe I produced as much as I did, but unlike that time, when I finished I knew I was utterly drained, not only of semen but also of both need and energy. I collapsed forward on to her back, my racing heart pounding against my rib cage, and we stayed locked together, my slowly wilting cock still jammed up inside her long after both our bodies had stopped shuddering from the power of what we had experienced.

When we had regained our breath and a little of our composure I pulled out of her, suggesting she wait there while I fetched some paper towels from the toilet.

'There'll be quite a bit of stuff running back out of you.' I explained.

'You can say that again, and although I was pretty wet before we started and what you did produced a lot more, from what I felt when you came there's even more of it that's yours. And that's in both places.' She replied with a broad grin.

While in the toilet I gave my cock and balls a quick but thorough wash and as I did that I found myself wondering about the things I'd heard Lucy whispering. But deciding to leave any questions on that subject for another time, I went back to help her clean herself. She was sitting up on the edge of the desk and there was a dreamy, far away look on her face, but when she heard me returning it was replaced by a broad grin.

'That was utterly fantastic! You were so strong, I never thought you'd react so quickly, or as powerfully as that Jack. I think you liked my impersonation of Dannie. And you obviously had the hots for her, didn't you.'

'For a while, yes.' I admitted as I handed her the paper towel and she started wiping herself. 'But I never imagined her quite the way you made her, nor myself reacting the way I did. I'm sorry about the smacking, did I hurt you?' I added as I watched her carefully wiping off the mess that had started running down the insides of both legs.

I was surprised to see a faint flush colour her cheeks as she answered. 'No, no of course you didn't. It actually made me more excited. Though right then I didn't really need any more of that. Trying to imagine your reaction to me started getting me worked-up before I left home. Thinking about what we might do together on the way over here made me more so. Then on top of that was the way you actually reacted when you saw me.'

'You drove here in what you were wearing?' I asked as I continued staring down between her legs, unable to tear my eyes away from the sight of her still pink and very puffy pussy and the stickily matted blonde curls above it.


'I mean, well, without any underwear?'

'Oh I see. I knew from what happened in the gardens that you'd like that. I felt your reaction when your hand went up under my skirt, I thought your cock was going to burst through your trousers. But no, as I was on my own this time I kept them on for the trip over, I did think about leaving them off and if the skirt had been a bit longer I might have given it a try. I really got into the part I was playing, though I don't think I was fair to Dannie, I'm sure she was actually nothing like the way I made her.'

'I can't imagine her speaking the way you did.'

'I wasn't sure about that, but it seemed right at the time. I didn't offend you did I?' she added as she finished her clean up and, to my regret, slipped down off the desk and smoothed down her skirt.

'God no! It was fantastic hearing you say those things. It's just not something I've imagined before. But then neither was the smacking. I guess that like some other things that have already happened between us, we've both found out about bits of ourselves we haven't seen before.'

She paused and I got the impression she was going to say something else, but that she had changed her mind. 'Yes, there's always been a bit of an actress in me, I used to love dressing-up when I was a kid and I got a real kick out of pretending to be Dannie. But at the same time it's bit frightening isn't it, I mean, well what else is there that don't we know about ourselves?'

'We'll just have to wait and see. But it's fun searching, isn't it.' I added in a brighter tone.

'Yes it is, well it is with you, partly because I know that whatever we do I'll be perfectly safe with you Jack.'

'That's nice to hear Lucy.' I said as I slipped my arms around her, pulled her close, and kissed her.

'You weren't planning on us going out while you are dressed like that were you?' I asked when we broke apart.

'No, that was all just a bit of subterfuge, to give me time to go home and change, and to be sure all your staff had gone before I got here. Now, we'd better put the things back where they were on your desk.' She said when we broke apart. Adding with a cheeky grin. 'We don't want them wondering what you get up to after they've gone.'

'Tomorrow is another university day, isn't it?' I asked in response to a sudden thought.

'Yes Jack, why?'

'Well we now have two cars here. Instead of taking them both home separately, if you could drop me off in the morning I'll leave mine down in the car-park, you can drive us home in yours.'

'Of course I can drop you off, any time you like Jack.'

With that settled and once we had rearranged things on my desk and were ready to leave she reached for her bag. Having fumbled around inside it for a moment she took out a pair of lacy black panties, and although I knew how sexy she would look wearing them something urged me to say.

'You won't really need those just to go home, will you?'

'Would you like me to leave them off?' she answered quizzically.

'Oh yes please.'

She gave me an understanding smile and said, 'OK, but first we'd better find a towel or something to put on the seat, there's still plenty of your semen sloshing about inside me and I don't want to stain the upholstery.'

I found a clean drying-up cloth in the tea-room and we headed for the lift. During the short trip down I couldn't resist the opportunity that gave us for another of those loving kisses, and at the same time to slip my hand up under her skirt for a more lascivious feel of what was beneath it. From the strength of her immediate reaction I felt sure she was getting just as much pleasure from making herself available to me as I was from exploring what she was offering, and that like me, she was a bit disappointed when the lift stopped and the door opened.

Having doubled and spread the towel on the car seat she slid in, and even when she'd settled herself I saw that the skirt was so short it left the dark welt of her stockings and a thin slice of her creamy thighs in full view. Even though all that we had just done together had completely drained me I found the sight, coupled with the thought that beneath the skirt she was naked, extremely arousing, and Lucy must have guessed something of what was going on inside my head because as we drove off she said.

'Do you know what I'd like us to do one evening?'


'Go somewhere where's there's not too much traffic, both of us take some of our clothes off, and drive around like that. Does that sound too weird for you?'

'Far from it.'

'You can do the driving, and while you do that I could do something for us, one hand for you, and one for me. Does that sound nice?'

'So long as there was eventually somewhere to park.'

'So we could do it on the back seat!' she interjected, reaching across and giving my thigh a firm squeeze as she added. 'That's an even better idea. We do think alike, don't we.'

She was silent for a while, then with a slightly more hesitant tone to her voice, said. 'I've had another thought, but I'm not sure how you'll feel about this idea.'

'All your ideas have been fantastic so far Lucy.' I replied encouragingly.

'Well say so if you don't like it, I mean if you think it's going to spoil your fantasies of Dannie. But how about we sometimes use my impersonation of her for special things.'

'Special things, what do you mean?'

'Well, for when we're feeling really raunchy, when we want to try something different. Do you know what I mean?'

'You mean for when we want to explore those parts of us we don't know about, or perhaps find a bit embarrassing to talk about? Like the way we both found we enjoyed me smacking you?'

'Yes, well, that sort of thing.'

'I think it's great idea Lucy.'

'You wouldn't mind us using the memories of Dannie that way?'

'Lucy, they're not memories, they were fantasies, not memories. Dannie and I never did anything together. Of course we can use the idea of her that way. As I said, I think it's a great idea.'

'Oh good.' she said happily. 'Now I'll have to go and do a bit of shopping, for things she might wear, that'll be fun.'

'Taking them off will be even better.' I replied.

She chuckled and said. 'You didn't even have to do that this time, you had it all laid out on a plate for you.'

'You can pop yourself in my in-tray anytime you like, whether you're being yourself, or Dannie, or Leila.'

'Oh of course, I'd forgotten Leila, that gives me three to play with. This is going to be fun.'

'I just hope I have the strength to keep up with you.' I replied.

She fell silent for a while and I was left with my own, whirling thoughts. Not just the memories of the feelings she had aroused, and the incredible thrills we had shared. But also what I had done and what had been going through my head at different times. The smacking I had given her, and the thought I'd had just before fucking her the second time seemed to confirm the ideas I had been wrestling with on other occasions. Even if in my mind the woman wasn't Lucy but some other, some quite imaginary woman, my thoughts and actions seemed to confirm my capability for at least a little unnecessary roughness.

But even as she had before, Lucy was again more than willing, in fact this time she had been the instigator, had prompted and encouraged most of my actions. And then what was I to make of those muffled mutterings I'd heard. 'Bad girl! Naughty girl!' And most confusing of all. 'Daddy!' What might have been going through Lucy's head was in some ways even more disturbing than what had been going through my own.

At some time we would have to talk through what we learning about ourselves and about each other. Some time, but not right then, I decided. I would have to pick a time when Lucy was in the mood to share things that she might not yet be willing, or perhaps even able to do.

But then I had a sudden flash of completely unrelated thought. I could understand what had prompted it, but simply couldn't imagine how I could possibly have forgotten the small parcel for so long. Lucy's mention of the word shopping, coupled with the memory of the way she had looked when she'd first hoisted herself up on to my desk, the way her naked pussy had been made even more arousing by the grip-top stockings, must have been what had triggered it. But how could I have forgotten the third purchase I had made in the lingerie shop, the crotchless pantyhose?

When we got home Lucy headed straight for the bath-room and I took that opportunity to retrieve the small package from where I had left it, handing it to her when she reappeared and saying. 'It's from the same place, but a bit more practical than the other little gifts were.'

'Oh Jack you shouldn't.' she said as she undid the wrapping, then I saw a look of slightly disappointed confusion appear on her face. 'Pantyhose? Thank you very much, but why did you buy them?'

'Look a bit closer, check the description.' I said with a grin.

I watched as her eyes ran down through the printing, then saw her smile and she looked up with a cheeky twinkle in her eyes. 'Gusset-less! I didn't even know they made such things!' she exclaimed as she opened one of the packets, took out the filmy nylon and then carefully slipped her hand down inside.

'You clever, clever man.' she said excitedly when she spread her fingers and saw the opening. 'These will certainly come in handy, won't they.' she added, giving me a knowing smile.