Lust on Haunted Hill


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allow me to lift the tube top over her arms and head. And what a sight that was to behold. Free at last, her lush, full breasts bounced before my admiring eyes, her taut, erect nipples begging for immediate attention.

Cheryl, however, was quicker than I. She had similar designs on my own nipples, and having torn open my now buttonless shirt all the way to my waist, she attacked them with a lustful hunger I'd never seen in her before. In seconds she sucked and nibbled them to full attention. Her tongue licked all around them and then she sucked

them hard. I wanted her breasts so bad that I reached down and fondled them while she sucked my nipples.

I couldn't hold those succulent orbs captive for long, however, because Cheryl was on the move. She kissed and licked my chest, and then her hungry mouth worked its way down to my abdomen. Her oral advance was arrested by my jeans and, as with my shirt, she had little patience for this. Her eager hands gripped and

tugged on the clasp above the zipper. Luckily it gave way easily, and her fingers immediately yanked downward on the zipper, the teeth parting smoothly to reveal my briefs beneath. I was still lamenting the escape of her soft

breasts from my grasp, but was nonetheless encouraged by what was transpiring at my waist...and lower.

Having released the clasp of my pants and opened my fly, Cheryl reared back like a striking serpent, grabbed both sides of my jeans at the hips and heaved at them, pulling so hard that my buns rose up off the floor. This time I felt I'd better lend a hand lest my jeans become another casualty of Cheryl's lust. I lifted my hips higher off the floor and helped her slide my jeans down my legs. Upon reaching mid-calf, however, we both realized that yet another obstacle lay in our sneakers. But I learned that sneakers were no obstacle at all to a

determined woman.

Without even bothering to untie the laces, Cheryl managed to rip my sneakers off of me with surprisingly little least so it appeared. In a blur of motion she tore first one sneaker, then its mate, off my feet. Where

they sailed into the gloom I wouldn't know for several long, exhausting hours. Just for the sake of completeness, I suppose, she likewise yanked off my socks and flung them into the void.

Lying there in just my briefs, and a mangled, once-favorite shirt, I lost my breath when Cheryl pounced on me, the weight of her knocking all the air briefly from my lungs. Her lips were already seeking my nipples again, and didn't take long to find them. Again she kissed, licked, sucked and nibbled her way down my chest and abdomen, stopping briefly at my navel, which her tongue probed and tickled. As her mouth worked on my exposed belly, her hands sought more intimate treasure. Still kissing my navel, she grabbed the waistband of my briefs. The removal of said briefs was extremely quick work for her. She again reared back and tugged hard. Before I could lift myself off the floor to help, she had yanked my briefs all the way down to my knees. Another tug, and a howl of success, and she was twirling my briefs around in the air above her head. They then followed my other garments into the inky blackness of the Bradford House master bedroom. While she gloated over her defeat of my clothing, I scrabbled out of the tattered remains of my shirt on my own, leaving nothing else for her to conquer...except my body....and I relished that battle to come.

Now her prize lay naked and tempting before her. She had unwrapped her personal gift. Beginning at my swollen manhood, her eyes slowly crept upwards to mine. She locked her eyes onto mine and just stared at me at first. Then, my lovely, adorable Cheryl....the love of my life.....actually leered at me. It was such a base, lascivious look, that my already engorged member throbbed and pulsed with even more vigor....which did not go unnoticed by my lady love. Her lecherous smile broadened.

Downward struck the cobra! Cheryl's head arced downward and she once again kissed my belly. As she did so, her hands flew upward and playful fingers grabbed my nipples, pinching them, squeezing them, tweaking them, fondling them as her mouth worked its way down to its prize.

Slowly, oh so slowly, her light fingers traced a path from my nipples down to my hips, up and down, barely touching my flesh, her tongue simultaneously flicking at my belly and moving steadily toward my groin. When her lips came finally to the swollen head of my pulsing manhood, she kissed it gently. Her hands now left my sides and glided slowly down to join her lips at my penis, ending their trek at the edge of my pubic carpet. Her fingers teased lightly in my fur as her lips did likewise along the length of my shaft, from head to base and

back again. She kissed lightly along that throbbing pathway, her hot breath adding a sensual tingle to that already provided by her lips.

With a sigh, she then opened her mouth and slipped out her tongue. Starting at the base, she licked slowly up to the head, repeating the process as if licking an ice cream cone. I was reeling from this, and my fingers had

begun to run through her hair, ready to grasp her head and keep it there lest it try to escape..though escape was the furthest thing from Cheryl's mind.

On about the ninth or tenth circuit, when Cheryl's tongue again reached my slitted helmet, I looked down to see her staring up directly into my eyes. She licked slowly around the base of the head, her eyes never leaving mine. One of her hands snuck slyly between my legs and down under my sack. Still her eyes fixed on mine.

At first I felt a gentle stroking at the back of my testicles, and then a slight squeezing as she cupped them in her hand. Still she licked around the head and held my eyes with hers. Her other hand grasped my shaft and held it firmly. She pulled the head downward now, aiming it directly at her full, luscious lips. She put her lips around the head, but not taking it into her mouth completely, and let her tongue just barely lick the tip of it. She licked for only a second or two. Then she grinned a truly wicked grin and said in a tone full of promise,

"Now I'm going to teach you a lesson. I'm going to show you what I do to naughty men who take me to haunted houses to have their way with me. Mean men who won't tell me what they have in their goody bag. Men who tease and torment me for their own pleasure. I'm going to suck your brains out through your cock."

With that, Cheryl bent her head down, opened her mouth wide, and took me inside....and as she still looked directly into my eyes, I could swear her eyes changed from their usual lovely blue to a boiling, misty, sea green

color that began to glow in the dim, dancing candlelight.

Since I've known her, Cheryl has never in her life failed to come through on a promise she'd made to me...nor I her. Likewise, her promise of giving me a taste of her oral prowess did not go unfulfilled. As her hot mouth slowly took more and more of me into it, sliding down the length of my throbbing shaft, I noticed

the room had suddenly grown darker. Since the candles still had quite a bit of life left to them, I hazily attributed the growing gloom to the fact that blood was now rushing from one head to the other, leading to a superbly engorged cock, but a woefully depleted brain. I chuckled inwardly at what my sarcastic love could

make of that situation.

A quick glance toward the window, however - grime coated though it might be - assured me that though besotted my brain still functioned properly, and that it had definitely grown darker outside. The bright summer sky was now no longer able to fight its way through the filthy windows, and the flickering candles were entirely on their own in their fight to light up the ancient, gloomy room.

With my lady love sucking the life from me down at my groin, it took a couple of minutes for the distant rumbling outside to register in my brain as an approaching thunderstorm. Cheryl seemed oblivious to it, her green glowing eyes rising and falling in the near darkness as she gave me the hummer of my life. And with

each round trip of her mouth along my primed cannon, the thunder seemed to grumble a bit closer.

Even with my hemoglobin-depleted brain, I couldn't help but make the trite connection between thunderstorm and haunted house. How utterly perfect. If not for the delicious warmth around my penis as Cheryl's head bobbed up and down, I might even have chuckled out loud about it....but I didn't have enough

sustained breath in me to accomplish even that. She was literally sucking the breath out of me. So, the humor of it simply fled my sizzling brain as Cheryl's mouth made one head weak while making the other vibrant and brimming with life.

I lay there with my arms straight out at my sides now, too weak to even lift them to grasp Cheryl's head as she devoured me. I'm sure my face had the stupidest looking grin on it that I'd ever had in my life before that moment. Cheryl had always known how to please me orally, but this time seemed different. Everything she

did to me made me weak, defenseless, my body and soul her personal plaything....completely at her mercy. Her mouth and hands did everything exactly right, making not a single mistake in their goal of bringing every ounce of energy I had directly into my pounding erection. It was as if the only life left in me was in my cock...

which was completely in her hands...and mouth.

Every stroke was the exact perfect firmness or gentleness. Every lick or light nibble occurred at exactly the right moment. She seemed to read my mind as to when I wanted her to lick or suck me, or squeeze my testicles. Amazingly, though she had me completely in her mouth, and was able to take every inch of me

down her throat (which she'd never been quite able to do before), her teeth never once grazed my sensitive shaft, or gave me a second's discomfort.When she intended to, however, her teeth brushed ever so slightly along my flesh,

giving me magnificent sensations of tingling pleasure. It was like a fantasy come true!

I gasped for air as her expert tongue explored every nook and cranny, flicking like a snake's tongue (causing my fevered brain to numbly think of Snake Hill for some odd reason) at shaft, head and testicles while her fingers moved deftly about as well.

Cheryl's head was pistoning madly now, her mouth sucking for all she was worth. At one point during this, she again lifted her head just enough to look into my eyes with those green eyes. Her eyes were actually glowing with lust. Interesting how the yellow light of the candles could make her blue eyes shine green and bright in the darkened room.

Then I saw something that sent mingled chills of fear and excitement along my spine. Even with her mouth full of my throbbing organ, my lust-crazed love's mouth curled into a wicked grin, a grin so salacious that I became, if it was even possible, more turned on than ever. She obviously knew I was on the verge of a momentous orgasm. That lascivious, sex-dripping grin looked familiar, though I'd never seen one quite so hedonistic on Cheryl's lovely face before. And then it hit me. With my cock on the verge of exploding, I turned my head and looked up at the portrait above the fireplace. Even in the distant gloominess, the faces of the Bradfords seemed well lit and even glowing.

There it was...that lustful grin. That's what it was about the portrait that made me feel like the Bradfords were extremely happy together. They both had such sexually charged grins on their faces! And their eyes grinned as much as their mouths did! Even in the darkness, every detail was ridiculously clear...easy to see...almost as though the long dead Bradfords wanted me to see each and every one of them.

I looked back down at my Cheryl, her green eyes glowing lust, her hands squeezing and manipulating my manhood, her grinning mouth devouring every inch of it with glee, her tongue not missing a single taste. Her head bobbed faster, but her eyes never left mine. She squeezed me, stroked me, licked me.....sucked me

with supreme skill.....and my orgasm drew near...very near.

The final straw was when Cheryl licked along the bottom of my cock while she sucked up and down it's length, one hand squeezing my tightened sack while the fingers of the other played lightly behind that sack, blatantly probing the area between my testicles and my anus. I could feel my scrotum tighten and prepare to release its load into my penis. My penis in turn almost seemed to rear back, priming for a thunderous discharge. I could feel it rumbling every bit as powerfully as the storm clouds outside.

Finally, I could take the strain no longer. My fluids rushed forward, straining to be free of my body. In the instant before release, I again turned to the portrait, and Mrs. Bradford seemed to look like Cheryl now,

and I could swear her tongue peeked out ever so slightly and seemed to be licking her curled upper lip. The glow in her eyes was more intense, her look of lust an exact duplicate of what I'd seen on Cheryl's face a second before.

I felt a chill....but not of fear. It was that delicious chill that precedes orgasm. As the chill darted the entire length of my back, I bucked, heaving my back and buttocks off the floor with a loud moan. I felt my juices rushing from testicles to shaft to head and then out

....directly into Cheryl's hungry, still sucking mouth. My bucking didn't phase her in the slightest. Her mouth remained locked on my spraying organ, which it rode like a bucking bronco. One hand continued squeezing my sack, seemingly unhindered by my spastic

movements. The other hand, however, had moved back to my bottom, splayed fingers grasping both cheeks from the middle, steadying me for her ravenous mouth to finish its job. As my bucking weakened, Cheryl moved both hands to my ass, each hand squeezing a cheek, holding my still spilling and sputtering cock in her mouth.

With each burst from my spurting head into Cheryl's throat, a flash and rumble crashed outside. The onset of my intense orgasm had heralded the escalating anger of the storm outside, the only difference being that as my orgasm subsided, the storm intensified. As my lady love squeezed and sucked the last remaining drops from my dribbling helmet, the angry clouds outside seemed ready to unleash their full fury,

which they did almost immediately.

My ejaculations slowly ebbed, leaving only a spastic reminder in my groin and upper thighs. I could only lay there numbly, lungs trying weakly to suck in oxygen. At length I was able to muster enough strength to feebly lift one arm and slap my hand down onto my sweat-drenched forehead. As I did so, my head rolled again to the side and my eyes focused on the portrait. It seemed normal again. Mrs.Bradford's eyes no longer glowed; she no longer licked her lips; the grin was there but not as evident. The Bradfords seemed their usual contented selves in the flickering glow of the candles.

I felt my deflating penis flop weakly against my left thigh as Cheryl finally released it. I looked downward

toward the sensation and once again focused on my woman. She was licking droplets of semen off the corners of her mouth. Her eyes still blazed that eerie sea green, but the glow was slowly waning, and their natural blue color returning. I looked at the burning candles. They still flickered as brightly as before, yet they no longer affected the color or intensity of Cheryl's eyes. A flash of lightning was intense enough to actually make it through the grime on the windows, bathing parts of the room in muted white light for a second. In that brief instant, I couldn't help but notice that Cheryl looked a bit like Mrs.Bradford...not so much in physical appearance, but more in her countenance, her facial expression, and the twinkle in her eyes.

When I was able to speak again, I said, "Cutie, you've been holding out on me. That was your best work ever! Should I be worried? Have you been practicing on someone else?"

"Never," she replied, beaming a warm smile,"you know I'm a one man woman. I guess I'm just getting better at it. Everything just seemed so right just now. And don't you worry, you sexy hunk of meat, you....I've got lots more for you where that came from."

"Uh...okay....just give me about a decade to recover, okay? Besides, is it me, or is it suddenly chilly in here? It can't be that cold outside, just because of the storm."

"Hmm....," she said, "it has gotten kinda cool, huh? Now that we've gotten that little scenario out of our systems, how about you light up that romantic fireplace and I'll put out the candles. I'll put our blanket on the Bradfords' huge bed over there and we can continue. What do you say...hmmm? I've got lots more plans for that wonderful piece of meat of yours before I'm done with it."

Without even waiting for my reply, Cheryl hurriedly extinguished the candles and packed everything back into the basket and cooler. She whisked the blanket off the floor and carried it over to the huge poster bed. Before laying it on the bed, she shook it out, stirring up clouds of dust on the floor that scurried away from her. Another cloud rose from the bed's heavy but tattered bedspread as she smoothed out our blanket over it, this one attacking her nostrils, producing a series of sneezes.

Cheryl had put out the candles so quickly that I didn't even have time to put any wood or kindling into the fireplace, yet she seemed to be having no trouble seeing in the dark as she prepared our play area on the Bradfords' bed. I fumbled for and found the flashlight and used it's beam to find bits of rotting wood for the

fire. I managed to scrounge up a few bits of paper from discarded food wrappings and empty packages, hoping they would do as kindling. You see, it was the one flaw in my preparations...I hadn't brought anything to build a fire with.

Despite my lack of preparedness, I sighed with relief as I managed to get a tiny fire going in the fireplace. It sputtered reluctantly and I knew it had little chance of thriving enough to ignite even the rotted wood. As I stood there staring at my foiled attempt at romantic atmosphere and kicking myself for being so negligent after all my planning and preparing, suddenly there were sparks jumping from the anemic fire and the healthy crackling sounds increased in numbers. Instantly, my makeshift fire caught hold and blazed into vibrant life. One second the fire had coughed and wheezed, nearly dying out, and the next it blazed hot and bright, creating a warm and cozy glow that spread outward, and upward to where the smiling Bradfords seemed to approve.

I stood there staring at those playfully licking flames, mesmerized. I turned to express both disbelief and pride to Cheryl, and saw my lovely lady crouching pantherlike on the bed, eyes blazing once more in the dancing firelight. She was either growling or purring very loudly.

"Good work, lover come give Cheryl some more lovin'. You owe me some of what I just gave you, so don't dawdle. Come and give to mama." She licked her lips in a way that made my groin a hundred times hotter than any fireplace known to man ever could.

Not only was I instantly horny as hell, but I felt compelled to attack my woman, to do anything and everything I could to ravage her and sate her lust. Her savage pleasure was my single concern, and nothing else on this planet mattered.

The flashlight slipped from my hand and rolled a few feet on the floor before the beam weakened and then winked off completely. I was vaguely aware of the heat of the fireplace on my naked back as I strode trancelike toward Cheryl, unable to resist that sensual, leering mouth and those glowing green eyes. When I reached the bed, she remained motionless but appeared ready to spring at any moment. Our eyes were