Lust on Haunted Hill


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locked and she smiled up at me, still licking her lips, but her purring had become a long, low "Mmmmm....." escaping from those succulent lips.

Suddenly, my state of entrancement lifted and I was overcome by lust. I felt my entire body become inflamed with heat, and there was a churning inside me. I leaned over the edge of the bed, grabbed Cheryl's face in my hands and pulled her forward, lifting her face to mine and clamping my mouth against hers. I kissed her long and hard. We sucked in each others breath for long minutes as our tongues played together

endlessly. Cheryl reached her arms up and around my neck, holding me tightly. I continued to hold her face for a few minutes, then put my arms around her body and squeezed her fiercely against me, me standing at the bedside and she on her knees on the bed. Cheryl hadn't sucked all the life out of my penis, for it reinflated nicely.

Our mouths groped and sucked at each other, and both our mouths and bodies seemed to become one. The storm roiling outside was in full throttle now, lightning flashing brilliantly and frequently around the old house and estate. The thunderclap accompanying each bolt followed almost instantaneously. The lightning without seemed to mirror the white hot heat and electricity crackling inside our bodies, and the booming thunder mimicked the pounding of our lustful hearts, even as the glow in Cheryl's eyes mirrored that in the eyes of the seemingly alive Mrs.Bradford above the blazing fireplace. I've never expecienced such interacting internal/external energies before. And it had a

definite effect on my libido. I felt more lust and need than I ever had at any time in my life before that moment.

Whether it was from the storm outside, Cheryl's animalistic passion, a combination of both, or some intangible unknown, the need came over me to make Cheryl moan with pleasure, to sate her lust, to give her the most incredible orgasm I possibly could...and that would just be for starters, for I needed to see her explode again and again.

I reached down and grabbed Cheryl's ass and lifted her just enough to throw her back onto the bed, raising a small cloud of dust that disappeared quickly. Even the dust didn't want to risk getting in the way of our lust.

My fingers, lips and tongue explored any part of her that they could capture. I sucked at her stiffened nipples as one of my hands explored elsewhere, seeking her soft center. She had captured my other hand and was sucking

furiously on my fingers. Her other hand had captured my throbbing muscle and was stroking it, increasing the electric sparks throughout my body, and the blood flow to my groin.

My hands and mouth had become independent of my brain and were working on Cheryl's body as they pleased. She squirmed and sighed, moaning softly around the fingers she was sucking. I sucked and squeezed her firm breasts, nipping at the nipples with my teeth, squeezing them with my fingers. Cheryl bit one of my fingers. She was squirming fitfully now and I knew it was time to reciprocate for the joy she'd given me earlier.

Still fondling her breasts, I kissed, licked and sucked my way down her ribcage to her soft, sweet belly. As she had done earlier, I reacted with impatience at the barricade before me. I was impressed with the fluidness of

my motions as I removed her shorts in the blink of an eye. She giggled lightly when I slipped my fingers under the band of her skimpy black panties and slid them slowly down her buttocks, thighs and calves, revealing her moist

treasure with an agonizing, but erotic, slowness that made my throbbing muscle rise still further to get a peek for itself. Despite my eagerness to enjoy her sex, I wanted to savor its unveiling...and savor it I did. I stared at it

approvingly as my hands deftly and quickly removed her white sneakers from her sockless feet. And now it was my turn to ogle my prize.

Cheryl's squirming and growling broke me from my admiring trance. She was spreading her legs enticingly, showing me clearly what part of her now needed attention. But in her heightened desire, she couldn't lay still, and her bottom slid and bounced along the blanket as her fingers teasingly played in her glistening flower. I couldn't hold back a second longer. It was my turn to pleasure my lady.

I wrapped my arms around her thighs and pushed her backward on the bed. The blanket under her slid along the musty bedspread of the Bradfords' bed and she moved back enough for me to get up on the bed. On my knees on the bed between her legs, I repositioned my arms so that my upper arms were now under her thighs and ass, and I hoisted her upward, pulling her legs, bottom and most of her back off the bed. Grabbing her cheeks, I moved forward so that her upper thighs rested on my shoulders, her soft buttocks on my hard chest, and her calves dangled over my back. Knowing what was coming, she again giggled with glee.

With her thighs braced on my shoulders, I buried my face in her patch and kissed it passionately. At first I was able to kiss it gently and sensually, but as the lust overcame me I was compelled to savor it more forcefully,

kissing, sucking and licking it like some crazed beast.

Still bracing her bottom with my thumbs and palms, I was able to work my thumbs toward her center enough to slip them into her treasure and unfold its soft petals for my exploring lips and tongue. After tasting every delicious, moist fold, licking and sucking them completely and without mercy, I wanted - no, needed - to go deeper into her. I sucked that sweet pussy like a man possessed, my lips buried between hers while my tongue sought out the succulent center of her sex...the core of her womanhood. My lips caught and lightly tugged on juicy pink flesh and my tongue lapped and flicked at them between sucks. Cheryl squirmed and moaned softly.

I worked my way ever deeper, savoring every succulent, moist treat. Having gotten the immediate need to taste her out of my system, I could now be more playful and teasing with my tongue as I probed for her love canal.

The tip of my tongue enjoyed her, exploring and savoring her as it probed down toward those sugar walls.

I continued to hold her off the bed with my hands under her and her thighs on my shoulders the entire time I enjoyed my delicious feast. My warm breath tickled her emerging bulb as my tongue moved ever downward, in search of her entrance. It seemed to have a mind of its own as it uncannily pushed aside those delicate petals

and found her portal. I pushed my tongue into her, feeling the steaminess of her cavern as I licked the inside of those walls, moving my tongue in circles so as not to miss a single inch.

My hot breath on her clit was arousing my already aroused tigress significantly, and I soon found my hair invaded by grasping hands with a viselike grip. I knew by her moans and undulations that it was time to focus my attention on her button, and finally give her that climax she so badly needed.

Cheryl's hips moved rhythmically now and her moans and gasps were carnal indeed, and her hands held my skull tight enough to crush it. I took my cue and removed my tongue from inside her so it could find its way up to her bulging, sensitive nub.

A few flicks of my tongue on that sizzling button and I felt claws digging into my scalp. As I circled my tongue around her clit, those claws dug deeper and Cheryl's gasps increased in frequency as her breathing became more labored. Her hips began to push themselves upward, shoving her sex more forcefully into my face. She was trying to grind her clit into my mouth...and I was happy to let her.

The time for licking gone now, I captured that burning bulb between my lips and began to suck on it...lightly at first. As her lips had doggedly ridden my cock earlier, so was I determined that mine would stubbornly ride her

clit to the end. As her passion mounted, I sucked harder, flicking my tongue at the tip of her bulb. Her escalating passion fueled my own, and I sucked harder and licked faster.

I felt she needed more stimulation, so I slipped one forearm under the small of her back and held her up that way, freeing my other hand for more rewarding pursuits. As my mouth sucked and licked at her aching button, the fingers of my freed hand entered her, rubbing gently where my tongue had licked earlier. With my index finger, I lightly caressed that wall directly behind her clitoris, stroking ever so gently. Licking and sucking her clit from the outside and stroking the wall behind it from inside seemed to be the final straw.

I sucked hard on her clit and pressed the wall behind it with my fingertip. Cheryl shuddered and moaned. She gasped for air as her entire lower body quaked. I could feel her lower back vibrating where it rested on my forearm, and her legs shook as they dangled over my back. It was time for her release.

LIghtning flashed continuously and thunder shook the house repeatedly as I sucked hard again on her clit, and pressed a little more insistently inside her. She moaned and shook and gasped. Finally, I lightly grazed my teeth on her love button and flicked my tongue between them. With a loud moan and a buck of her hips, Cheryl's orgasm had arrived. She held my head firm and bucked her sex into my face fast and furious. I doggedly returned the favor she'd given me earlier, my mouth continuing to suck her clit throughout her orgasm. She moaned and bucked and heaved as her cream flowed free. I held my ground and savored every drop of her release. By continuing to stimulate her throughout her climax, I was able to give her multiple orgasms, her pleasurable eruptions only subsiding slightly between them, then intensifying again. I savored her orgasm almost

as much as she did, staying with her until her creaming lips stopped spasming and her screaming squeals of pleasure slowly subsided.

It took several minutes for the quaking in her thighs to stop. Slowly, her breathing became normal, with only the occasional gasp for air. She lay there on that ancient bed, spent and smiling, looking very similar to how I

must've looked earlier....arms straight out at her sides...head lolling to one side, exhausted and unable to move.

It was my turn to flash a wicked smile. I had pleased her, and that was worth almost anything to me. And I knew this was just the beginning, with much more to come. I guess I stroked my own ego as I watched my recovering love, the swirling sea green glow slowly dimming in her eyes.

As I sat there admiring the beauty of my lady - and apparently patting myself on the back - the storm still howled outside. We weren't sure if we'd totally ignored the storm, or if the storm had actually enhanced our love play, but either way the storm was not unwelcome in any way. As I considered this, Cheryl suddenly sat up and thrust her arms around me, kissing me passionately once again.

"That was amazing, lover. That was the best that wonderful tongue of yours has ever done for me. Mmmm...just fantastic. You must've loved it, too...'cause you had this amazing glow on your face, and you had these amazing steely blue bedroom sexy. All the while you ate me you'd look up every so often and your

eyes would tug right at my soul. Must've been the lightning. But it sure worked for me! You are the sexiest, man of mine...and don't you ever forget it!"

"That's because I have the sexiest woman...with a magic pair of lips of her own," I replied, saving the "bedroom eyes" discussion for later. I wasn't even sure it was worth discussing anyway. Just tricks of firelight

and the lightning storm, that's all. Or was it? Well, that was food for thought for later. We still had much to do.

I gently lowered Cheryl's legs to the blanket, unaware that I'd still been holding them on my shoulders. During our brief talk I'd been rubbing them gently from knee to hip, waiting for their vibrations to stop. As I looked down

at my exhausted love, a crack of lightning and boom of thunder shook the house again. That lightning bolt seemed to pierce my brain, sending a jolt down the entire length of my body....which gave me an idea.

It was time, I thought, to delve into the contents of my "goodie bag."

A sly smile crept its way along my mouth, but my exhausted lady barely noticed. However, almost as if on cue, when I turned to look toward my little bag of fun, a lightning bolt seared earthward with an earsplitting crack, its bellowing thunderclap tagging along closely behind. In the glow of that nearby bolt, Cheryl watched my leering face turn toward where our blanket used to be on the floor. I could swear she knew what I was up to before I even finished turning my head. I couldn't see the goodie bag right off, so I stood, stretching and

flexing the kinks out of my muscles and joints. Apparently I'd spent quite some time holding Cheryl off the bed while I devoured her.

I left Cheryl sighing and purring on the bed and walked over to where our basket and cooler were packed on the floor nearer to the fire, my purpose to capture that elusive goodie bag and return to the soft, warm object of my affection. As I neared them, the flickering fire made the various objects cast dancing shadows, some of which temporarily hid the bag, almost toying with me, forcing me to search longer than I intended to for it. The delay in returning to my lady once again made her impatient, as she purred at me, "Oh stud of mine....I'm getting soooooo cold and lonely. I need my big, strong man to keep me warm. Do hurry and

return to me....I'm in the mood for a spicy hot sausage to play with. Hurry and bring it to me, honey. I promise I'll play with it real nice."

I nearly chuckled out loud at that one, and I would have if my hormones weren't forcing me to search double-time for that mischievous bag. Once again as if on in some film noir detective movie where a burst of lightning reveals a crumpled victim of foul play...a burst of white light revealed the hiding place of my

toy bag and the ensuing thunder made the discovery that much more dramatic. Not only was this turning out to be an erotic day to remember, but it was also eerily fun.

I clutched the bag and held the folded top firmly in my grasp, as if afraid it would try to escape. As I turned smiling back to my "wanton harlot", another blast of heavenly electricity lit up my triumphant face,

at the same time clearly illuminating Cheryl's gleefully expectant face as well. In that dancing light, both our salacious grins seemed magnified.

As I walked back to Cheryl, I jiggled the bag teasingly, the contents bustling about inside. I was beginning to feel wickedly lustful again, and with each step I felt that lust increase. I had never been so lustful before....and I enjoyed every second of it....and never wanted the feeling to end. I licked my lips. Cheryl licked hers.

I walked up to the bed, stood once again beside it, looking down at the prone Cheryl. She looked up at me, breathless, lying there in what appeared to be a completely vulnerable position, arms and legs spread, her face and body saying, "Take as you will. I am yours."

As I boldly leered down at her, she brazenly returned the sentiment. I set the bag down slowly onto the bed, and equally slowly uncurled the top of it to pick and choose from the contents inside. With words oozing

promise of my own, I said, "And now, my dear, the time has come." As if to add emphasis, lightning and thunder applauded their approval of what was to come. I continued, "I'm going to show you what's in my little bag of tricks here. It's time for me to show you exactly what I meant when I said I wanted to ravage you...and that I intend to have my way with you in this creepy old haunted house. This is going to be one day that you will never forget. Are you ready, my little panting harlot?"

Cheryl could barely breathe as she swallowed hard and replied in a deep, throaty voice, "Oooh, yes, baby, I'm ready. C'mon...ravage me. Do whatever you want to me. I'm all yours for the taking. C'mon, show me

what you've got, stud. Make me cum and cum and cum."

"All right," I replied, "let's see if we can't break some records...and maybe even create some entirely new ones."

Cheryl squirmed with anticipation as I reached into the bag. We grinned decadently at each other. Slowly my hand pulled something out of the bag. They dangled loosely from my hand, those four strips of cloth....for I needed to bind my love before I could begin....

As I held up those four thin strips of cloth in front of Cheryl's beaming face, she giggled nervously, but the look of gleeful anticipation on her face was unmistakable. She licked her lips yet again as she'd done so

many times already in this eerily lit old bedroom.

I got up on the bed beside my love, setting the bag down at my side, still teasing her with what was soon to be her bonds. I straddled her body, facing her, my bare buttocks resting lightly on her abdomen to pin her while I tied her arms to the bedposts. As she was lying sideways across the bed, I tied her right arm to the footpost and her left to the post at the headboard. Since the bed was quite large I had to lift myself off Cheryl and stretch out to tie the far ends of the strips to the posts. As I did so, my already lengthening love muscle dangled tantalizingly over her head. Somewhat encumbered by both her bonds and my pinning

legs, she lifted her head as far off the bed as she could and playfully kissed and licked the head and shaft of it...and took the head in her mouth as I tied her tight. It grew as she sucked it gently. She gave it one last lick, and a kiss on the tip, as I completed tying her and sat back lightly on her belly again.

I didn't tie her legs just yet. That would come later. Moving myself back to sit on her thighs, I once again opened my little bag of tricks. Just as I pulled out the first "toy", another bright and loud bolt brightened the

room and highlighted my sensual offering.

From the bag I retrieved a canister of "honey dust", a sensual body powder for lovers. Attached to its lid was the accompanying "honey duster", a small feather duster to be dipped into the powder and then used to sensually (or teasingly and ticklingly, depending on your mood) spread the "love dust" all over your lover's body. I had mentioned this little toy to Cheryl once or twice, but she never knew I had actually gotten it. She said nothing, only grinned and licked her lips, her chest heaving with excitement...and her eyes once again taking on that ghostly green hue.

I slowly dipped the duster into the powder, and even more slowly "dusted" Cheryl's body with it, barely touching the duster to her flesh. It seemed to tickle her slightly and she squirmed, smiling and biting her lower

lip. I spread powder over every inch of her from her neck and arms to her breasts - where I lingered teasingly - and down to her belly and groin. I lifted her legs and bent them at the knees, putting her feet flat on the bed.

I spread her legs just enough to apply the powdered feathers to her inner thighs, again teasing and playing. I moved the duster in small circles, slowly and lightly, up and down her inner thighs, replenishing the powder every so often. Cheryl squirmed more, and in between biting her lip, her tongue snuck out and licked quickly between those lips. Her eyes were closed and she was sighing heavily, her head moving from side to side.

I alternated between dusting her inner thighs and her breasts, enjoying her squirming and sighing. While quickly flicking the duster at her nipples - as if dusting off a small knickknack - I bent down and held her behind the neck with my other hand, lifting her head a few inches off the bed, and kissed her long and hard,

sending my tongue to meet hers. She panted as she kissed me, her glowing green eyes closed tightly.