Mackenzie's Messy Mishap


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It was the identity of the young woman who captured and held my attention. Attractive, slim and clearly very fit, the young woman was attired in a pink tee-shirt, black shorts with white socks and running shoes, sunglasses on her pretty face, a small backpack over her shoulders and with her long brown hair tied back in a loose pony-tail, any other passers-by would not have known her, but I knew straight away who she was. Mackenzie Gold, the egocentric diva of our triathlon training group.

That Mackenzie was on the running track was not a surprise. Her parents lived in the Redlands area, obviously at a far more expensive and exclusive address than Hayley's parents. It did surprise me that she was walking rather than running, even when exercising alone Mackenzie was ultra-competitive so it seemed unusual that she wasn't really pounding the pavements. But then again, perhaps it was a rest day.

A middle aged couple walking their dogs came along the path in the opposite direction, and greeted the attractive girl walking the other way with a cheerful good morning. But Mackenzie of course had no interest in talking to people who were beneath her, so ignored the greeting and carried on her way.

There was a small space to the side of the track where there was a water fountain, although not a fountain one would probably drink from. Mackenzie stepped off the path and into the space. I couldn't imagine her drinking from such a tap, and in any case Mackenzie had what looked like a full water bottle attached to her backpack to keep her hydrated.

Mackenzie did not take a drink either from the bottle or the tap however, and the next thing I noticed was her grimace, and rub her tummy. Did she have a stitch? Unlikely given how fit she was. Perhaps she ate something that didn't agree with her, or maybe it was her period? For some strange reason I found it hard to believe that Mackenzie actually got periods, she was so far aloof that maybe menstruation was beneath her too? In any case, I had no idea whether it was Mackenzie's time of the month, and would never know, not that I wanted to.

I next observed Mackenzie look left to right, in front of and then behind herself. She of course could not see me, I was too well concealed in the bushes. My jaw dropped open with amazement at what happened next. Having checked that she was alone, Mackenzie's facial expression changed and she farted. I had obviously never seen, heard or smelled Mackenzie fart before, and passing gas was something I thought she didn't do either. And Mackenzie's fart was not a normal fart, it was super-loud and I thought people sailing out on Moreton Bay might have been able to hear her passing wind.

Mackenzie then farted a second time, this as loud as the first time. Still hard to believe what was happening -- stuck-up Mackenzie passing gas from her anus -- I watched wide-eyed as Mackenzie farted a third time. This time she didn't pass wind as loudly as her previous two farts, but I could still hear it along with a different noise -- a squelching sound and there was a completely different reaction from her this time.

Mackenzie went absolutely rigid, and a look of abject horror filled her pretty face along with another emotion that I had never seen from her, one seemingly of panic. "Oh shit, no!" the teenager exclaimed, pushing her sunglasses back onto the top of her head and looking most distressed.

Hidden by the bushes, my heart was racing. What the fuck was going on?

Mackenzie walked slowly and gingerly off the path and into the bush with the most awkward body posture I have ever seen anyone walk with, her pretty face bright red, the teenager clearly upset and humiliated. Had Mackenzie shit herself when she farted the third time? No, this was impossible. I found it hard to believe that Mackenzie shit at all and if she did poo, then she would do it while sitting on the toilet. No way would Mackenzie ever poop in her panties. But what else could have happened?

Still walking very awkwardly, Mackenzie got behind the trunk of a large tree and stood facing me. I could see her, but she could not see me behind the cover provided by the vegetation. Mackenzie undid her shorts and pulled them down, and I could see that underneath she wore white bikini-brief style panties with yellow waist and leg elastic.

I felt short of breath as Mackenzie pulled her knickers down and squatted, at the same time taking her backpack off her back. I discovered a few things about Mackenzie. One, she removed her pubic hair from her vagina but kept a triangle intact on her feminine mound, much like my girlfriend although of course Hayley's pubic hair was blonde like the hair on her head and with Mackenzie being a brunette her pubic hair was brown.

Secondly, Mackenzie did get her period. Attached to her knickers was a sanitary pad, wings adhering the napkin in place to Mackenzie's panties. The pad's white cover was covered in dark red menstrual blood and as the teenager squatted in front of me, her knees wide open, I could see more scarlet blood seeping from her pink pussy flaps.

Thirdly, Mackenzie did poo. If she didn't poop, then somebody had blended together a mixture of chocolate ice cream, caramel topping and satay sauce and poured it down the back of Mackenzie's pants, which was very unlikely. And given that I was downwind from Mackenzie, I could not only see the evidence that she had defecated in her knickers while farting, I could smell it too.

"Shit," Mackenzie lamented, which was appropriate given she had messed her panties.

As Mackenzie was wearing a period pad, she had obviously farted into her feminine protection when she was passing gas, and the napkin had copped the worst of Mackenzie's diarrhea. But a considerable amount of her feces had ended up on the back panel of her panties, the massive brown stains evident on the white cotton fabric.

Mackenzie must have been suffering more menstrual cramps as she rubbed her tummy and took off her back pack, frantically going through it and removing a small flowery bathroom bag, opening it to pull out a small packet of tissues, a white paper sanitary disposal bag and then what looked like another sanitary napkin, wrapped in a blue plastic packet.

I knew Hayley always carried a period emergency kit containing pads and tampons, hand sanitizer, a spare pair of knickers in case of menstrual mishaps, wet wipes and tissues in case Hayley found the toilet with no paper for her to use. Mackenzie obviously did the same, and no doubt she was glad she had done so today.

Mackenzie continued to squat with her legs wide apart showing me her pubes and her pussy, and it was obvious that she was still pretty upset about what had happened, the teenager clearly flustered and close to crying. Adding to her frustration were the flies that were attracted to the ripe smells of her feces, and were now buzzing around her bum and her soiled knickers, some buzzing around her face and annoying her all the more.

The expression on Mackenzie's face changed, and she farted. This time, as her knickers were down and she was squatting there was no harm done, which was a good thing as I watched in amazement as Mackenzie's anus released what looked like a tsunami of diarrhea from her rectum, the girl farting the whole time. The messy, runny shit went all over the ground over which the teenager was squatting. Not all of Mackenzie's excrement was diarrhea, I saw her pass some fairly normal although very soft poo as she moved her bowels. The smell of shit drifting my way on the morning breeze got even stronger, more and more flies arriving to check out the scene.

It was not only Mackenzie's back bottom that was releasing bodily wastes, it was her front bottom too. Clearly Mackenzie's uterus was working overtime today to shed its lining, and I could see her menses dripping out of her vagina, Mackenzie's fanny flaps covered in her period blood. Some clots of blood, dark red in color, also came out of her vulva and onto the ground with the rest of her period discharge.

With her diarrhea over, Mackenzie reached for the packet of tissues and pulled one out, applying the soft white tissue to her genitals, circling it around her vagina. The tissue came away from its encounter with the menstruating teenager's pussy as to be expected, covered in her menstrual blood.

Mackenzie placed the soiled tissue into the sanitary disposal bag, then took another one, wiping her anus front to back, this tissue coming away from Mackenzie's bum covered in her smelly shit, flies trying to land on the poo-covered tissue even as she placed it in the bag.

I watched with wide eyes and feeling short of breath as Mackenzie took a third, fourth and fifth facial tissue to wipe her bottom, these also coming away from her anal area smeared in her poo. Suddenly the thought occurred to me; what the fuck was I doing standing here watching this?

True, I could not walk back down through the vegetation to the running track as this would take me past Mackenzie and she would know I was there, but why didn't I turn away and stop watching Mackenzie in her embarrassing predicament like a decent and normal person would? Mackenzie may have been a spoiled and stuck up bitch but she deserved to have her privacy respected. I was not doing that at all. Yet even as I thought this, I could not look away, I just stood watching her with my heart racing, like I was watching a car crash. You heard of people doing this sort of thing in unfamiliar situations, just freezing and standing and staring. Perhaps this had happened to me?

As I watched Mackenzie wiping some of her shit away from her buttocks, I suddenly realized I had an erection. Not a stirring in the pants type of erection, a full-blown hard on. It was like I had that super tall new skyscraper nearing completion down on the Gold Coast in the front of my pants.

I tried to tell myself I was turned on by seeing Mackenzie's panties, her pubic hair and her pussy, nothing more and nothing less. I was an 18-year-old guy, Mackenzie was a very attractive 18-year-old girl albeit not a very nice one, why wouldn't I be turned on at seeing what was between her legs?

Yet while I was indeed turned on by seeing the more private areas of Mackenzie's young body, I could not escape the truth that I was turned on by her messy and smelly predicament and that she was menstruating even more. My erection throbbed as I looked at Mackenzie's knickers and period pad covered in evidence of her messy mishap, saw more period blood coming from Mackenzie's fanny, then I saw her wipe between her legs, this tissue covered in red stains at the front, brown ones at the back before the teen placed it in her sanitary disposal bag. The smell of Mackenzie's feces continued to drift my way, and to my dismay I sniffed every aroma from her bum thinking this smelled great, not like her shit smelled like rotting cabbages which was the obvious reality.

I had never been turned on by female bodily functions or menstruation before, so why now? And why with Mackenzie of all people? I wouldn't have been turned on if Hayley accidentally shit her panties, at least I thought I wouldn't. And with pretty female friends, I would have felt sorry for them in this embarrassing situation, not stood there hiding in the bushes watching them like a pervert. Obviously I had never seen a girl pooing before, but even if somebody had presented me with this opportunity before I would have said no thank you.

It would have made sense if I had seen Mackenzie in some less personal predicament, such as if she was running, the elastic in her knickers went and she had to go into the bush to change her underpants. That was something normal to be turned on by, not this.

My conscience nagging me to turn away and leave Mackenzie in privacy and my attempts to psycho analyze myself came to nothing. I did not turn away, and I did not lose my erection. Things got only worse when I saw the still squatting Mackenzie do something different. From the small opening at the front of her vagina, I saw a bright yellow stream of piss emerge from her urethra, Mackenzie's pee soaking the ground under her pussy already covered in menstrual blood.

I kept watching as Mackenzie kept peeing and peeing and peeing, her stream never seeming to end. Finally though, she stopped urinating and took another tissue to dry her pussy. Having a pee must have affected Mackenzie's bowels. She farted once more and I again saw more of her poo come oozing out of her bottom and join the rest of her excrement on the ground. There wasn't as much poop this time and it wasn't as messy, but still it took three tissues for Mackenzie to finish wiping her bum and this time she seemed to be done pooing.

Mackenzie stood up, and regarded the poo with distaste, stepping away from it as even more flies came in to investigate all the excrement. With her shorts and her knickers still down around her ankles, Mackenzie turned around and my view of her triangle of dark brown pubic hair was replaced by that of her bare bottom.

Mackenzie's bum was close to perfect, two firm, peach-shaped cheeks. One of the blowflies obviously thought Mackenzie's arse was close to perfect too, as it landed on her left cheek with other flies checking out her shitty knickers, the annoyed teen shooing them away.

I continued to watch as Mackenzie bent over. Although I was some distance from her, I could see the oval shape of her vulva between her legs, and as her butt cheeks parted, the part of Mackenzie's body that responsible for this mess -- the tight opening to her anus, looking like a little starfish.

From her period emergency bag, Mackenzie extricated a number of items. These included some personal hygiene wipes, similar to baby wipes, and a small bottle of hand sanitizer.

Mackenzie took one of the wipes, and applied it to her teenage twat, cleaning her menses away from her pussy flaps, then placed the blood-stained wipe in the sanitary bag to join her shitty tissues. She then took a second wipe and used it to wash her buttocks and anus, getting rid of any poo smells that lingered around her rear end, this wipe going into the bag too.

Mackenzie's attention then went to her soiled knickers and sanitary pad. Obviously the young girl needed a change of sanitary pad, the one attached to her knickers was covered in her poo and given how large the red menstrual stain was, looked to be pretty full anyway.

However, while Mackenzie did have a new pad so she could change her feminine protection, the disgusting state of her knickers presented another problem. Even if she changed the pad over the new napkin would soon be covered in her shit, and walking around with feces in her underwear Mackenzie would have smelled pretty bad, as well as being at risk of a urinary tract infection.

But like Hayley, it seemed Mackenzie was well prepared for mishaps in her knickers during her time of the month, and she extricated a pair of fresh panties from her bag as well as a zip-lock plastic bag, Mackenzie's new knickers white bikini briefs with pink leg and waist elastic and pink flowers.

Mackenzie opened up the plastic packet containing her new period pad and extricated the white, rectangular feminine object from within, unfolding it and straightening out the wings. Taking her clean new white and pink flowery knickers Mackenzie unpeeled the peel-back strip and pressed the new napkin onto the double cotton saddle, before removing the tabs from the wings and firmly adhering the pad in place to her new knickers.

Bending over again, her bum high in the air giving me a good view of her vagina and her arse Mackenzie reached down and took off first her shorts and then her dirty knickers, leaving the young girl naked from the waist down aside from her running shoes and socks.

I noticed that Mackenzie had some period blood running down her leg courtesy of her super heavy flow, and fortunately for her dignity so too did Mackenzie, the teenager taking a tissue and cleaning the menses away.

Putting her smelly and soiled knickers to one side, the flies immediately all over her feces and her dirty period pad, Mackenzie took her new knickers and held them out in front of her, stepping her feet into them which wasn't that easy given she was wearing running shoes and pulled them up, before adjusting them around her box and bum and moving her napkin around so it was secure and in the right position to catch her menses.

Mackenzie then put on her shorts, and now fully clothed again it looked as though nothing was out of place, aside of course from the massive pile of shit on the ground, a sanitary bag filled with poo-covered tissues she had used to wipe her bottom and a pair of knickers with a soiled pad attached and smeared in her excrement.

Mackenzie took hold of her dirty panties, regarding the pad and the feces with disdain and dismay. The young woman then removed the soiled pad from the saddle, folding up the napkin covered in red and brown stains and putting it into the sanitary bag, which she then folded up and placed next to a tree trunk.

Holding her dirty knickers in her left hand, Mackenzie took her water bottle and sprayed some on the shit stains on the back panel, removing the worst of the excess poop but she could only do so much out here and obviously would have to wash these knickers properly when she got home.

With Mackenzie's knickers still having massive brown skid marks on them, the teenager placed her damp and dirty panties into the plastic zip lock bag and sealed it securely, before sliding it into her backpack.

Mackenzie then got some hand sanitizer and washed her hands, then repacked this and her remaining tissues into her period emergency kit and returned this to her backpack. I would have preferred to think that Mackenzie wasn't the type of person who would leave her dirty period pad out in the forest, but she did not take her sanitary disposal bag with her as she left the area and headed back down towards the path.

In a way I could see why she had done this, the bag not only contained her soiled pad but lots of tissues smeared with her poo, and carrying the smelly and unhygienic object until she found a bin would have been embarrassing for the girl. And at least her pad and tissues were in the bag, she hadn't simply left the napkin on the ground and allowed the dirty tissues covered in her shit to blow around in the wind.

The flies continued to have a party on Mackenzie's shit as the teenager reached the path, stopping to wash her hands properly at the tap before going on her way. This left me standing in the bush with a throbbing erection and thinking that if Mackenzie needed to fart again today, she would probably sit down on the toilet as a precaution.

Emerging from my hiding spot, I went to the place where Mackenzie had had her poo, and stood looking at her diarrhea, her more solid feces and her spots and clots of menstrual blood like I was admiring something of great beauty, not the smelly bodily wastes of a young girl who was menstruating and had been taken short with a bathroom emergency after farting during her early morning walk. Flies fought for position on Mackenzie's poo and menses, and had I found this when I entered the bush I would have been repulsed. But knowing that these substances came out of Mackenzie's vagina and Mackenzie's arse I found a turn on, although even as I thought this I struggled to reason why I was thinking these perverted thoughts.

With my erection throbbing in my undies, I seemingly had no control over what I did next. It was like I was having an out of body experience as I walked over to the tree where Mackenzie had left her sanitary bag, picked it up and opened it.

The contents of the bag smelled strongly of Mackenzie's poo and menstrual blood of course, and I looked at the tissues covered in her diarrhea that she had used to wipe her bottom, the wipes she had used to wash her genitals and anal area, the plastic packet and peel-back strip and wing tabs from her new napkin and of course the main thing, her dirty and soiled sanitary pad.