Mackenzie's Messy Mishap


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I removed Mackenzie's feminine napkin from the bag with trembling fingers, and admired the white rectangular object, tracing the soft stay-dry cover and the wings, feeling the sticky strip on the underside that had adhered the pad to Mackenzie's knickers. Obviously it was an overnight pad, it was very big and quite thick, and young Mackenzie clearly had a heavy menstrual flow given the massive dark red stain and small blood clots on the center of the sanitary pad. Also on the pad was one of Mackenzie's dark brown pubic hairs, obviously having come loose from her pussy.

I lifted Mackenzie's period pad to my nose and sniffed her menstrual blood, the aroma something like expired tuna fish. The smell should have repulsed me, in normal circumstances it would have repulsed me, but today for some reason it smelled great to me.

I then examined all the shit at the rear of Mackenzie's pad, before smelling her diarrhea. Mackenzie's poo of course smelled like rotting cabbage the same as her feces on the ground, but the odor of Mackenzie's excrement turned me on as much as the smell of her menses, not that either substance should have had that effect on me.

Not done, I sniffed some of the tissues Mackenzie had used to wipe her bottom, again enjoying the smell of her period blood and her poo-poo, before returning the tissues and pad to the bag and placing it back down where Mackenzie had left it.

Getting my erection under control was not easy but I managed it by thinking about sad movies then made my way back to the running track, leaving the flies to continue laying their eggs on Mackenzie's shit. Soon the resulting maggots would remove all evidence of Mackenzie's embarrassing accident, then pupate and become part of Queensland's next generation of flies.

Mindful that I had handled objects soiled by Mackenzie's feces and her menstrual blood I washed my hands at the same tap Mackenzie had used and ran back towards Hayley's house very fast, my mind racing at a million miles an hour with so many thoughts and images it was like I was tripping on LSD.

One, I couldn't believe what I had seen -- the menstruating Mackenzie had shit her panties after farting too hard into her period pad. It felt like a dream, perhaps I was asleep and would soon wake up from this vivid dream? I also felt guilt, guilt at watching Mackenzie in such a private and embarrassing situation and getting my rocks off perving at her. While I thoroughly disliked the girl, I had not said anything to anyone when I overheard she was million to one IVF baby born to a couple with fertility problems. Yet I had watched Mackenzie doing such private things and not looked away. But maybe it was sort of like seeing an appalling accident, perhaps I was frozen like some observers are in those situations?

Most of all though, I was turned on. I told myself that it was because I had seen Mackenzie's panties, pubic hair, pussy and bum and she wasn't exactly unpleasant to look at, but while these did excite me it was the fact that I had seen, heard and smelled her peeing, pooing farting and menstruating that was turning me on more. That these things sexually excited me confused me, they had never turned me on before, so why suddenly now?

One thing I knew I wanted was sex. Sex with my pretty girlfriend who was alone in her parents' house. Yet in something of a paradox, I couldn't have sex with Hayley as like Mackenzie, she was also menstruating and having problems with her bowels. I couldn't have sex with Hayley. Or could I?

I ran faster and harder in my haste to get back, my mind running through one plan after another to convince Hayley to have sex with me on her period. Finally I reached her parents' house and hastily opened the front door, my heart racing and filled with desire. My heart was not the only thing filling with a substance, my penis was filling with blood as my erection rose.

"Hayley!" I called out, looking all over the house for her when I saw that she wasn't on the couch in the living room anymore.

It wasn't long before I found the object of my affections. My girlfriend, still barefoot and in her nightwear was walking along the hallway towards the rear of the house and Hayley turned to look at me as I approached.

"Hey Jamie, did you have a good run?" she asked.

"Yeah, really good," I said, my mind's eye already taking Hayley's knickers down. I ran towards her and embraced her.

"You're all hot and sweaty," giggled Hayley, although I noticed that she lifted one foot off the ground and her bare toes curled up, a sign she was turned on, so I pushed aside her long blonde hair and kissed her on the nape of her neck.

"What has gotten into you this morning Jamie?" Hayley laughed.

Of course I could never tell Hayley the truth; that I had seen Mackenzie shit her panties while she was on her period and watching the aftermath of this had turned me on no end. I could only tell her half the truth. "I've been thinking about you the whole time."

"I can see that," said Hayley, touching my erection through my shorts. "I hope you weren't running around like that, the police might have wanted to ask you a few questions."

"No, I kept it under control by thinking about sad movies," I laughed, embracing Hayley tighter.

"Well, you'll have to keep it under control a bit longer and it might be a good idea not to squeeze my tummy so much, I was on my way to the toilet when you came back," said Hayley.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know," I said, releasing my grip on Hayley.

"You wouldn't want me to make a mess of my panties, would you?" Hayley laughed. She then grimaced and gripped her tummy. "I really need to sit on the loo, I am about to have a massive case of period shits. You look like you've run pretty hard, how about you stretch up while I go to the toilet?"

"Have fun," I joked.

"I don't know about fun," smiled Hayley, as she made haste for the laundry toilet on her bare feet, and I heard her close and lock the toilet door, then put down the toilet seat. As she did so, I heard her fart loudly into her period pad, and was close enough to hear a slight bubbling noise, presumably as her wind travelled along the cover of her napkin and made this sound as it went into her vulva and mixed with her menses. Unlike Mackenzie when she had a period fart earlier, Hayley's period fart obviously didn't result in her shitting her knickers.

I heeded Hayley's advice about stretching after my run, but rather than go to some other place in the house, I walked as quietly as I could to the hallway just outside the laundry so I could hear everything that was going on in the toilet.

It was quiet in the house, and I could just pick up the sound of Hayley's period pad rustling presumably as she was pulling her knickers down to sit on the toilet. Then came the sound that sent more and more blood to my groin, a splashing, tinkling noise as Hayley began to urinate.

The sound of Hayley pissing into the toilet, her pee stream tinkling and echoing as it hit the porcelain bowl and went into the water was like music to my ears, and I thought about the yellow liquid flowing from my girlfriend's urethra, soaking her pussy and turning into a pink color like tropical juice as it mixed with her period blood.

When Hayley finished her pee, I heard her unwind toilet paper to wipe her pussy, and thought about the soft white paper with purple flowers going between Hayley's legs and wiping the pee and menstrual blood from her fanny.

Next I heard Hayley farting hard on the toilet, her wind echoing in the bowl as she passed gas. My girlfriend's farts were as loud as Mackenzie's earlier in the morning, and I thought about what my girlfriend looked and smelled like with her knickers, menstrual pad attached to the saddle, down around her ankles as she farted on the loo.

I knew Hayley's farts were just a sign of things to come, and soon there came the sound of Hayley pooing on the toilet, her feces splashing into the toilet water with what sounded like a rush, before Hayley unwound more toilet paper to wipe her bottom.

I listened to every flatulent and splashing sound from the toilet as Hayley pooped and pooped, then pooped again, the teenager frequently advancing the toilet roll and getting more loo paper to wipe the residual shit from her anus and her menstrual blood from her pussy. With Hayley and I having been together for years, I knew that she always had a lot of problems with her bowels when it was her time of the month and took ages on the toilet so I felt bad for listening to her while she was on the loo rather than respecting her privacy, but despite my conscience I could not stop myself.

Hearing Hayley pooing once more, then her getting more toilet paper and wiping her bum, I was consumed by thinking about watching Mackenzie shit this morning, imagining what Hayley looked and smelled like on the loo behind the locked and closed bathroom door and even more dirty fantasies, such as me being a length of Hayley's toilet paper and her using me to clean menstrual blood from her front bottom and feces from her back bottom.

Why was I thinking this? Only an insane guy would fantasize about being his girlfriend's toilet paper and her wiping her smelly bottom with him while she was on the toilet taking a shit while on her period, but still I kept right on doing it. And I had plenty of time to do it, Hayley was sitting on the toilet a full ten minutes, not unusual for her when she was menstruating.

Finally though, I heard Hayley unwinding toilet paper three times in a row, then her put down the toilet lid. Hayley flushed the toilet, and I was so overcome with desire that I launched myself at her as she emerged from the lavatory and made for the sink, adjusting her knickers and her napkin through her over-sized tee-shirt.

Hayley laughed lightly, and playfully pried herself from my grasp. "Jamie, stop it, what are you doing?"

"I want you so bad," I said, again attempting to embrace her.

"I think I should throw a bucket of cold water over you," said Hayley. "You're forgetting one important thing -- hygiene. I've just been to the toilet, I need to wash my hands."

"Sorry, I didn't think," I stammered, admiring Hayley's fine teenage body as she washed her hands with plenty of soap and warm water at the sink, before turning off the taps and drying her hands.

With a throbbing erection, I embraced Hayley from behind and fondled her boobs through her sleep shirt. She giggled, and wriggled out of my arms.

"Jamie, are you sure nothing happened on your run this morning?" Hayley asked. "You didn't hit your head on a low branch, you didn't leave your water bottle unattended and somebody put some speed in it?"

"No, nothing out of the ordinary happened." Unless seeing Mackenzie pooing her panties was normal, this morning had been anything but, however I could never say anything about this not to Hayley, nor anybody else. I smiled at Hayley. "I just couldn't stop thinking about you."

"You'll have to be patient," said Hayley. "I need to go to Mum and Dad's bathroom and get the toilet freshener. It had run out in that one so don't go in there whatever you do. I should know, I was the one in there sitting on the loo gagging at my own stench."

Hayley departed for her parents' bathroom as fast as her bare feet would carry her. Perhaps it was because Hayley had told me not to do something, or because thanks to Mackenzie's stinky little arse I discovered that the smell of girl poo was weirdly sexually arousing, my first action was to push open the toilet door and take advantage of the small window of opportunity to enjoy Hayley's toilet smell.

I was in for a big reward. As soon as I opened the toilet door, the overwhelmingly bad stench of Hayley's girl poo went into my nostrils, and I could also detect the musty, fishy odor of Hayley's period. My erection throbbed as I sniffed the lingering odor of my girlfriend's shit, noting that Hayley's feces smelled exactly the same as Mackenzie's feces. Maybe it was because both girls were high level triathletes and had similar ultra-healthy diets? Or maybe all menstruating women's excrement had the same smell? I wasn't sure, all I wanted to do was smell Hayley's shit as much as I could in the short time I had.

I lifted up the lid of the toilet, the seat still warm courtesy of Hayley's stinky little arse having sat on it for so long, and hit the jackpot. While all of Hayley's feces had cleared when she flushed, she had left some of her smelly brown poo-poo stains on the white porcelain bowl. Better still, a length of Hayley's toilet paper had failed to flush properly, and I admired the massive red menstrual stains from Hayley's front bottom at the front of the toilet tissue, and the massive brown shit stains from her back bottom at the back. It looked like raspberry jam and peanut butter, and I kept thinking about how these stains were courtesy of my girlfriend's uterus and her bowels.

Of course, I had very limited time to enjoy my new found perversions and was already innocently standing outside the closed toilet door when Hayley returned with the toilet spray. Pushing her blonde hair back from her face, the barefoot teenager opened the lavatory door and sprayed toilet freshener around the loo.

"That's better, but I'd still wait half an hour before you go in there," she said, closing the toilet door again as the sweet smell of the toilet freshener banished the smells of her bowel movements.

Again, I could not control my desire for my girlfriend and my hands were soon over Hayley's petite figure, my hands reaching around the back to fondle her bum through her sleep-shirt and knickers.

"Jamie, stop it, why are you acting like this?" Hayley giggled.

"Because you're so hot," I said.

"You're making me horny too, stop it," Hayley admonished me with a giggle in her voice. "You know we can't have sex."

"Yes we can," I said. "How about we give it a try?" I kissed and gently nibbled Hayley's neck, knowing that got her in the mood.

"No, we can't Jamie, I have my period," said Hayley. "There would be blood everywhere, it would be messy and smelly, I would bleed all over you. I've got a very heavy flow today."

The thought of being covered in my girlfriend's menstrual blood was very appealing to me, but of course I could not say that, it would sound weird.

"How about we do it in the bathroom?" I suggested. "I'll lie on the floor, you on top, then if there is any mess we can easily clean up and then jump into the shower afterwards?"

Hayley looked tempted, but said, "No Jamie, forget it, we can't have sex." As my hand touched her bum at the back though, Hayley stopped and then said, "Or can we?"

"Of course we can," I assured her, stroking her hair. "We'll take it nice and slow and gentle, and we'll only do things you're comfortable with. And if you don't like it, then we'll stop straight away. And another good thing - we won't need to use a condom like we usually do."

"I'm so nervous," said Hayley, a shy expression on her pretty face. "I've got gas, what if I fart when we're doing it?"

I laughed. "Come on Hayley, it's a proven scientific fact that pretty girls like you don't fart."

Hayley laughed. "Thanks for the flattery Jamie, but the toilet might disagree with you. I just hope you're good at breathing through your mouth if my bum lets me down. And I still feel nervous."

"That's normal," I assured her, giving Hayley a kiss on her face. "Think about it like last year, when we went to the theme park down on the Gold Coast where they had the new rollercoaster. You were so nervous about going on it, but I convinced you, we had a great time and guess who ended up riding it seven times before the park closed for the day?"

"I did," said Hayley. "Okay, you've convinced me, but like you said, if I don't like it we stop right away?"

"Of course," I said, going into the bathroom with Hayley, feeling like I was floating on a cloud. I was going to fuck my girlfriend on her period. My mind was completely blown.

In the bathroom, Hayley and I kissed deeply, making out before Hayley took her maroon towel -- the towel she always used when on her period and lay it flat on the bathroom floor. We undressed, me taking off my running shoes, socks, tank top, shorts and underpants, leaving me completely nude and sporting a huge erection.

Hayley, obviously barefoot and wearing a tee-shirt over her panties had less clothes to remove. She took off her over-sized tee-shirt, me admiring her fit toned body and her perky teenage breasts. I admired her white cotton bikini-style panties more, looking so good covering the most private parts of her body.

I could see the shape of Hayley's napkin in her knickers and the wings holding it in place, and of course saw more and more of Hayley's pad as she took hold of her panty waistband and pulled her undies down. Because it was her overnight pad, Hayley's sanitary wear looked like a crime scene, massive scarlet stains all over the white cover thanks to the wearer's super heavy flow.

Hayley stepped her bare feet out of her knickers, leaving them on the floor with the pad still attached. I wanted to smell Hayley's dirty period pad more than anything else in the world, but it would have weirded her out so of course I did not.

Instead I admired her pretty triangle of blonde pubic hair. Like Mackenzie, Hayley removed the hair away from her vulva and trimmed her bikini lines, but still had the classic 'map of Tasmania' on her feminine mound.

In the mirror, I could see the firm, peach shaped cheeks of Hayley's bare bottom and my erection went higher. I embraced my naked, barefoot menstruating girlfriend and we kissed deeply, me fondling Hayley's bum.

I could see Hayley was spotting on the floor where she stood, and the red droplets made my erection throb. It felt so hot in the room. Obviously I had been for a run, but I felt more like I had donned a tracksuit and parka, and run a full 42 kilometer marathon at noon in the Northern Territory capital of Darwin during the tropical wet season. It must have been desire.

My erection probably didn't need any more stimulation, but Hayley ensured I did just this as she first teased my cock and balls with her gentle, sensual hands and then got down on her knees and gave me a quick head job to really get me in the mood, moving her head back and forth along my shaft and licking the head of my penis with her tongue.

I could see the period blood dribbling down Hayley's thighs as she stopped sucking my dick and said, "I can't believe we're actually going to be doing this."

I gave Hayley a kiss. "Don't worry, you'll be right. Remember, we'll take it nice and slow and gentle and if it doesn't feel good for you just stop, I'll understand."

My heart racing in desire, I lay flat on my back on Hayley's period towel as she straddled me one bare foot over each side of my groin. I looked upwards and saw Hayley's pink pussy, the lips oval shaped and with perfect symmetry. A drop of her period blood dripped from her cooch and splashed onto my balls.

"Here we go, there's no turning back now," Hayley laughed, as she lowered her fanny down and sat on my erection, me pushing my cock up into the tight confines of her teenage pussy.

Entering Hayley was very easy today, as she was on her period there was plenty of lubrication and I slipped right in. Hayley leaned forward, her bare breasts touching my chest. She writhed on my groin, getting my dick nice and comfortable in her twat.

With Hayley riding me in the cowgirl position and bleeding all over me, I could not have been more aroused, especially as the feminine smells of her menses and her girlish excitement filled the room. As we had discussed beforehand, we took it nice and slow and sensual so Hayley was comfortable. With lots of kissing and caressing.