Madam Vixen's Mad Mansion Ch. 03


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"You flirt up the bouncer to get us in?" Karen teased Tala as she got her wristband.

"My cousin owns this place." Tala informed her, crossing her arms.

"A werewolf owns a club called 'Howl?' Really?" Alex laughed at that and was the last one to get a wristband. Serenity giggled a little at that too.

"Idiot thought it was funny." Tala muttered before turning to the doors that led into the club. The music was loud and the lights pulsed as they entered. Serenity looked around to see the bar on the left side of the wall and a staircase on the right. There was a dance floor right in front of them and booths around the walls. Upstairs was VIP and was where the DJ was set up. Tala and Vixen headed for VIP and they all went up the stairs once Tala gave her name. They found a good spot and sat down before Alex ran off to buy them all drinks. She brought back some alcoholic drink for everyone but Serenity, getting her a Shirley Temple instead.

"Cousin!" Came a voice a few minutes later as Tala groaned slightly.

"Hello Cran," she sighed as she stood up. A man with sandy blond hair and green eyes hugged a very stiff Tala. He was taller than her so had to be at least six feet tall. He let go of Tala and looked her over.

"How are you? Are these the girls you're living with now?" He asked as he turned to look at the rest of them.

"Yes. That's Vixen. She owns the mansion. Then there's Karen, Alex, Francine, Anna, Chloe, Ella, Asia, and Serenity."

Cran shook each of their hands as Tala introduced them. When he got to Serenity he kissed her hand and took a deep breath through his nose before looking at her almost hungrily.

"Hello my beautiful sea nymph," he murmured. She blushed and pulled her hand away, not sure if she was comfortable with the look he was giving her.

"S-Siren actually..." She corrected him before looking down at her drink that was nothing but ice. He grabbed another chair and set it down next to Tala's and then sat in Tala's chair, next to Serenity.

"Don't mind if I join you ladies, do you?" he asked with a charming smile.

No! Don't think that! You've seen that hungry look before. Don't fall for that smile!She thought to herself as old memories surfaced a bit. She took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down before trying to pay attention to the conversation. Cran was telling them about the club and how he came to own it.

"It should have gone to my brother really since he's Alpha of our pack now but he didn't want it. He figured he would have enough on his plate so gave it to me to deal with." Cran explained before looking at Serenity. "I might hand it off to another Beta though now that I found you."

Serenity blinked as he looked at her with a look she didn't understand. It scared her and she started to panic. She stood up right as Karen, Alex and Tala did.

"Are you coming too?" Karen asked. Serenity nodded, not even knowing where they were going but wanting to get out of this room and away from this man that was making her feel strange.

"I'll come," Cran added as he stood up too. Karen and the others started heading out the door of the VIP area and Serenity quickly followed, catching up with Alex. They headed down the stairs and towards the dance floor. Serenity bit her lip as she looked at all the people dancing all close together. Karen found a clear space before turning around and grabbing Alex, grinding against her to the beat of the music. Tala began to dance in a way that was rather mesmerizing and several people stopped to watch her for a few moments.

Serenity jumped when she suddenly felt arms wrap around her, startling her out of watching the others.

"Want to dance?" Cran asked huskily, barely audible over the music. Serenity shivered slightly as he turned her around and pulled her close, starting to dance with her slowly. Serenity blushed slightly, never having really danced before and just tried to keep from stepping on his toes. She looked up when she felt, rather than heard, him chuckle. She felt a bit small as she had to look so far up to look into his eyes.

"Just relax and let me lead," he leaned down to tell her. She bit her lip but nodded as she tried to do as he said. Their slow pace didn't match the music but she didn't mind as she started to relax a bit. She laid her head against his chest and let him lead their dance. A slower love song started a few moments later and they danced through it, Serenity relaxing a bit more. When it stopped, he stopped their dance. She looked up at him and gasped slightly when he leaned down and took her mouth in a kiss unlike any other she has ever had. It made all other thoughts fly out the window and she found herself melting into him. After a moment her thoughts came crashing back and she started to struggle against him. He held on for a moment before breaking the kiss.

"Serenity," he started to say before she pushed away and ran, panic setting in. She ran through the crowd of people on the dance floor and for the door. She ran passed the bouncers and away from the crowd. She stopped at the edge of the building by an alleyway and tried to stop herself from hyperventilating. She looked up as she heard a noise and peeked into the alleyway. There was a man just around the corner who just seemed to finish throwing up. He looked like he had way too much to drink and had been thrown out of the club. He turned right as Serenity noticed him and he noticed her as well. He looked her over with that hungrily look she knew so well.

"Hey sweet cheeks. How you doing?" He slurred as he started to approach her. She went to back away but he grabbed her hand and pulled her roughly into the alleyway.

"No! Please stop!" she cried out as she tried to pull away.

"I just want a bit of fun." The drunk chuckled before throwing her onto the ground. She tried to get away but he grabbed her and yanked the top she was wearing apart so her breasts hung out above the under bust corset.

"Stop! Let go of me! Please no!" Serenity screamed as she tried to hit and kick at him. He slapped her across the face, dazing her for a moment before she was snapped out of if by him groping at her breasts.

"Stop!" She cried, tears running down her cheeks. He covered her mouth with his hand as he continued to palm at her breasts.

No please! Not again! Please not again! Please no...Serenity whimpered in her mind as she continued to struggle against him. He suddenly flipped her onto her stomach and lifted up her skirt. She started screaming again before he covered her mouth with his hand once more. He ripped off her panties as she tried to struggle, scrapping up her knee and elbows in the process. He fumbled with the zipper of his pants as Serenity pleaded for someone to save her. She wanted nothing more than to be back in Cran's arms, kissing him and dancing with him.

The guy got his zipper down and started to try and find her opening. She managed to bite his finger, making him cry out and pull away.

"CRAN! SAVE ME!" She screamed out before the man suddenly flipped her over and punched her in the face, breaking her nose. She cried out in pain as blood began to gush down her face.

"Fucking bitch." The guy said before there was a growl from behind him. Serenity whimpered in pain as the guy stood up and looked at what had made the sound.

"What the fuck do you want?" he asked with a slur.

"Your head on a platter," came a growl that was barely understandable. The guy laughed and Serenity curled up into a ball, fearing what was to happen next. She heard what sounded like a fight and wondered if the new person won if they were going to continue where the other guy left off. Suddenly it was quiet and she jumped as someone touched her shoulder. She looked up and cried out in relief when she saw Cran. She clung to him and sobbed as he picked her up and held her close. He whispered reassuringly to her, but she barely heard what he was saying. She sat there in his arms for a few minutes before the sound of footsteps reached them.

"Serenity!" came Vixen's voice as she and the others came around the corner.

"I already called an ambulance. They should be here any minute." Cran told her as she knelt down in front of Serenity.

"We are going to get you all fixed up, okay sweetie?" Vixen said soothingly as she buttoned up her shirt for her. Serenity could only imagine how much of a mess she looked at that moment with tears and blood running down her face and her clothes all torn up.

The ambulance arrived a minute or two after that and the doctors looked at her nose before saying they needed to take her to the hospital to get x-rays to make sure they set it correctly. Cran carried her to the ambulance and stayed with her on the ride over, refusing to let go of her. She honestly found herself liking every moment she was in his arms. She suddenly had a strong urge to hear him sing but pushed it away as she laid her head on his chest.

Once the x-rays were done the doctor set her nose and put something on it to keep in place. The police then came and asked her about what happened. She explained the best she could, shaking a bit and tears coming back. Cran held her hand through that and she was thankful to have him there to keep her from being a sobbing mess. Cran added in a few details when she got near the end and didn't really see what happened. When they said she could leave, she got up and Cran followed her out into the waiting room where Vixen, Asia and Ella were waiting for them.

"Hey sweetie. You all set?" Vixen asked in a soothing tone. Serenity nodded weakly before turning to Cran.

"Th-Thank you," she stuttered slightly. He smiled at her and pulled her close to hug her and kiss the top of her head.

"I will never let anyone hurt you ever again, okay?" he told her as he wiped away a few of her tears. He then looked at Vixen and smiled weakly.

"I give you my heart. Take good care of her now." He said softly before letting go of Serenity. Vixen nodded before pulling Serenity close and slowly pulling her out the door to a van that was waiting for them.

They drove home with no other sound except Serenity's weak sobs. Vixen and Asia both sat with her, holding her close and trying to comfort her. When they got to the mansion they helped her inside and into her pajamas. Asia laid down with her in bed and held her close as she sobbed. Eventually exhaustion caught up with her and she passed out.


She woke up in a dark room, with a warm body next to her. She could tell by the rocking motion that she was in a boat again and could smell the sea just outside. She longed for the freedom of the sea again. She tried to carefully move, hoping the warm body beside her would stay asleep. She had no such luck however and as she moved towards the edge of the bed, arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her up against their naked body.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"P-Please. No. Please." She begged as the man pressed his erection against her butt. He started groping her breasts roughly as she tried to pull away, but knew it was no use. He slid his erection against her roughly and growled in her ear.

"You're my toy for now bitch." He hissed before sliding himself into her. She cried out and tried to pull away but he continued to roughly shove himself into her.

"Please! I-It hurts!" She cried out. The man just chuckled and finished shoving himself into her. She cried as he started to slide in and out of her, her blood starting to lubricate him and make it easier. Suddenly the door opened and light came pouring in, blinding her for a moment.

"We're at the fishing spot," someone said before chuckling and approaching the bed. "Let me have a go with her."

"We can share," the man behind her said before pulling out of her. She was confused for a moment before the man suddenly started to press into a spot even worse than before. She cried out and struggled against him but he pushed right on. The other man undressed and climbed into the bed before shoving himself into her. She cried and screamed and struggled against them.


The man behind her kept probing and was now trying to shove himself in.

"Please no! It hurts! It hurts!" She cried.

"Serenity! Wake up Serenity!"

She woke up screaming before she realized where she was and burst into tears. Asia held her close as she sobbed and clung to her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Asia asked gently a few minutes later. Serenity thought about it for a few moments.

"Yes. On Monday." She finally whispered. Asia nodded and continued to hold Serenity close.


"Alright everyone. The question for this week is..." Vixen said as she reached into the hat to pull one out. "'Does your past define you?'That's actually a great question so this week let's focus on the past and if you think it defines you or not. Go ahead Ella."

"Well... I think there are at least a few defining moments in my past. Probably the most defining was when I became a Guardian Angel. You train for many years and then you must be chosen by a god to serve under. I was chosen by the goddess of reform and I have protected many people who were meant to bring change to this world." She glanced at Vixen then before continuing.

"It was a scary moment for me to be honest. I was afraid that no one would pick me or that I would get picked by someone who would just have me guard objects of something. I wanted to help make a difference in the world and I guess she saw that in me when she chose me. She put me to work almost right away and I've been working to change the world ever since. So in a way I guess my past does define me." A shadow seemed to pass over her face before she turned to Francine, who was sitting next to her.

"My defining moment was becoming a demon. It is who and what I am. So yes, I do believe your past defines you." She said before looking down.

"I was raised to be perfect, to be an Alpha. My past has made me into what I am." Tala stated as she crossed her arms, not saying anything else. Asia seemed to be in thought and it took a moment for her to finally speak.

"I think that my past has shaped the way I think a bit, but I don't think it defines who I am. I think there are parts of me that have developed that have nothing to do with my past." She looked over at Serenity who swallowed and looked down.

"My past... I... I was turned into a siren in my past. I think that kinda defines me..." She stuttered a bit. She knew she had to talk about it eventually but she would wait until they had all answered the question.

"I am the same. I was turned into a vampire at the age of 16 and that has defined me in many ways. However I was also at one point a slave. I was a Lady at one point. I was born a commoner though. So I guess I could be called many things but they all came together to influence who I am now. I believe the past helps shape who you are, but I don't think it DEFINES you. I believe only you can do define yourself." Alex explained, sounding rather wise.

"I feel the same. I have been defined by many labels that other people have put on me but I do not believe they are how I would define myself." Karen added.

"I was born a goddess and raised to be a goddess. However I don't think I have ever felt right being a goddess. So perhaps for myself, my past holds no sway over me." Chloe said thoughtfully.

"My past is technically the future. When I came here it was to warn the people of the past about the future that could come to pass. After that I wasn't sure what to do. I think my past influenced me to choose to go to college and learn more about engineering and technology. My past has definitely influenced me but I'm not sure if it defined me." Anna admitted.

"I, like Alex, believe that, while the past does influence you, it does not define you." Vixen finished with a smile. "Now does anyone want to talk about anything in particular today?"

It was quiet for a moment as Serenity sat there shaking a bit. Finally she raised her hand, her hand quivering in the air.

"Serenity? What would you like to talk about?"

"A-about..." She stuttered before she felt a hand slip into hers and looked up to see Asia holding her hand and smiling at her gently. "About what happened the other night... It... It wasn't the first time..."

She looked down, scared of what they would think. She heard a few gasps and Asia gripped her hand a bit tighter. She looked up to see her looking at her worriedly and tears came to her eyes as she was reminded again of her Momma. She looked back down before continuing her story.

"The first time I was 12... It was when I got caught on the fisherman's boat... They wanted to see if I was like a human in that way... The s-second and third time I w-was 14... The third time there were ten men on the ship and two women... They... They all hurt me... They all took advantage of me... The... Th-the f-fourth time I was 15 and th-the f-fifth time I was 16... Th-The sixth time I-I was a-almost 17... It was the worst time... Th-there were t-two men on the boat. Th-they had m-me captured for a whole week... Th-they d-did s-such h-horrible th-things t-to m-me..." She started sobbing at that point and she suddenly felt arms go around her. She looked up right as two more pairs of arms wrapped around her. She realized then that all the girls had gotten up and had her in a bit group hug. She sobbed weakly as she accepted their comfort and tried to let the past go.

"I'll always be here if you need to talk about it more, okay?" She heard Asia whisper.

"As will I," Vixen added. The others all murmured in agreement and held her for a few more minutes before pulling away, some with tears in their eyes.

"Okay. I think that's good for today. Why don't we go out for dinner, my treat?" Vixen asked. The others all agreed and Vixen turned to Serenity.

"Your choice sweetie. What do you want?"

"Sea food? Maybe some clam chowder in a bread bowl?" Serenity suggested with a slight blush.

"Fish sounds good," Asia added. The others agreed and Vixen got everyone settled into two different cars before heading to a nearby sea food restaurant.


The rest of the week was better. Most of her session on Tuesday was spent talking about what all happened to her, how it has affected her life, and crying in Vixen's arms. Vixen helped her realize that almost all her fear seemed to stem from all those times she had been hurt like that and as she realized this she tried to conquer her fears. The others treated her just as they had before only they started asking more about how she was feeling and holding up. She had cried in Asia's arms quite a few times and Asia had offered to sleep with her every night so she could feel safe. Serenity had accepted the first few nights but after that tried to be braver and sleep alone.

The nightmares started to slowly fade and instead she started to have weird dreams that she couldn't remember much all. All she could really remember was a voice. A voice that she knew was familiar. It sang to her every night and she woke up longing to hear the voice sing more.

"Here," Tala interrupted her thoughts as she was walking down the hall. She was holding out a cell phone towards her and looking rather annoyed.


"Take it. He won't stop calling me." She said before putting the phone in Serenity's hand and walking off. Serenity stared at it for a moment before lifting it to her ear.


"Serenity!" came a voice, such a familiar voice, a voice that she longed to hear sing to her every night before she went to bed.

"Cran?" She asked in surprise.

"Hey! How are you holding up? Tala wouldn't let me talk to you the last few days and I wanted to make sure you were okay." He sounded genuinely worried about her and she felt her throat close up a bit.