Maddy Was Different Pt. 02


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After a few minutes, Maddy said in a low voice, "I'll share him, but I'm not letting him go."

"Do you have sex like that every time?"

"Yes, mostly."

I had my knee firmly against Chris's crotch and was working her boobs with my tongue.

I said, "Sex with just a sense of touch is really great. Especially with two of you. Will you be my girlfriend, Aunt Chris?"

"Only if she lets me."

They rolled me over and sat on top, smearing themselves wherever they wanted. "I guess we need to heat more water."

After cleanup, we took breakfast back to the bed nest. Chris had a pad and pencil. We positioned her between my legs and did not allow clothes. "I'm supposed to take notes while you maul my tits?"

"Maddy could take over, but she can be vicious. My hands are a better choice."

She tipped her face back for a kiss. "I've been captured by climbing degenerates. Why am I so happy?"

Maddy crept under my arm and we talked about the project. She suggested, "Chris, why don't you get some sections of boardwalk fabricated for your garden at home. They can find their way here and reduce the damage around the tree."

Chris reached up and pulled Maddy down into her lap. The pad went on top of flattened boobs. They had to have a little kiss to transfer sisterly emotion. I was being completely edged out of the picture.

Chris said, "There is a picture book about climbing one of the other big trees. I have it at home and we can see what that party did about equipment."

I asked, "Once you get this set up, are you going to invite any biologists to go up there?"

"I've been thinking about that since yesterday. What if we divert miss pre-med here into silvaculture biology?"

Maddy jerked. "Silvaculture biology? Who makes a living at that?"

"Sweet young things who live with their boyfriend's auntie and climb big trees."

Maddy straddled Chris and pulled her hair, looking fierce. "Am I being set up?"

I kissed her and said, "Well, you like to climb, you are very smart about organic chemistry, Chris needs a biologist she can trust, and?"

"I have been set up. Maybe I wasn't supposed to be a doctor anyway."

I whispered in Chris's ear, "She is smart enough to do both."

I lifted Maddy from Chris's lap and got her in my arms. She was sniffling and mumbling, "This is so nice and I am so confused..."

She jumped up and ran around the room. "Let's go climbing. At least I know how to do that."

It was chilly and damp outside. I looked up at the practice tree and said, "Ok, how do we get to the next big branch above the one we are on?"

Maddy looked at me, realizing I was turning the challenge over to her. She looked back at the tree. It wasn't obvious.

She leaned on me and asked, "We can't even stand on that slippery branch until there is a top belay. Around the trunk?"

"You could hang in the slings and try to get a line over the next limb up."

"Let me go up there and figure something out." I got a hard elbow for good measure. She went up to the branch like a shot and got herself tied off with a sling and carabiner. The next limb was twenty feet above. She pulled a weight with line attached out of her chalk bag and leaned back as far as she could. One, two, three swings and over it went. "Duck," I shouted, but the weight landed on her helmet with a good thunk. In ten minutes, she was standing on the limb with a top belay, grinning from ear to ear. "Care to come up?"

I sent Chris instead and over the next two hours, we worked through a lot of rope management issues in which I kept emphasizing there was no substitute for concentration. Chris did grab the wrong rope a couple of times, and looked unhappy when she discovered the mistake.

"Hey, second day out, ever?" I leaned over and gave her a kiss and pinched her boob.

She swatted at me and said, "You brought me up here without even asking if I was afraid of heights!"

"If you had a wild ass dream about going two hundred feet into a tree, doesn't that answer the question?"

Tummies were grumbling and we descended for a tea break.

I leaned against the rustic table and eyed my beautiful feisty women. A guy could get used to early morning sex and climbing all day. They sat down and wanted to get back to the expedition plan and timetable. I could tell Chris thought calling it an expedition was fine.

I had my arm around Maddy. "Even if this one is the scientific leader and very discreet, you are going to need a backup plan if the media finds us out."

Chris wrote down "backup media plan" and kept going. By lunchtime, there were four pages of detailed notes. Climbing guy was feeling better about having been launched into this with no warning.

"I need more instruction, but what if we pack up and go back to my place. There are showers and a hot tub and a nice big bed for my next lesson."

Maddy and I had her in a tight sandwich, tickling and kissing. "Bad, bad, bad," we said to her.

"Yes, I'm very bad and loving it. You two are getting inside my skin with all that talent. And sex."

Maddy said, "You are hot stuff, Chris. I'm worried. He might decide he likes older women."

I rubbed their tits and kissed the back of their necks and said I loved them both and was saving up.

Chapter 7 - A Surprise in the Spa

Coming out of the woods was the right call. Before we got to Chris's house, a driving rain was beating on the car, and Maddy got soaked just opening the garage. Chris went to start the heater for the spa and I made tea while Maddy skinned out of wet clothes and found some pants and a fleece top.

They sat on the sofa sipping brandy infused tea while I made a fire. My ineptitude was commented on. The first match fizzled. The crumpled damp newspaper refused to catch. The kindling defied me. Suddenly, I was on my back on the floor with two demons crouching over me, turning a few flickers into roaring flame.

"Climber guy isn't much with fire." Maddy sat on my chest, undid my fly, and played with me. He obliged by rising up out of my pants. "But he has other virtues."

Chris leaned in and kissed me. "She is cruel. Let's go to the spa. I need your hands to work out the kinks."

The construction was impressive. A hexagonal alcove, ten feet across, with floor to ceiling glass panels, one of which was a door, and another of which opened to the garden on a nice day. Benches and hooks for clothes in the entrance way. Chris helped me out of my clothes, pinching here and there, and said, "I treat it as a soaking tub, so wash well in the shower over there before you get in."

Climbing girl slid into my arms with a hot kiss. "This is awfully nice. School and books will be hard to go back to." She leaned onto me and rubbed her tits with my hands. I closed my eyes and let the heat sink in. The third body eased up against us and my arm went around her.

"What inspired you to build such a wonderful place?"

"I have a friend, Jeremy, who is magic with wood and carpentry. He and Elena are trying to make it on their own as artists. We were at a barbeque together and he was describing a hot tub he had done for someone in town, and I knew I had to have one. Decided to open up the side of the house so it wasn't such a chilly experience in the winter."

Maddy turned into me so she could face Chris and give her little kisses. "You are spoiling us, Mom."

I blinked, that was a nice endearment, but...

"I think it is time he knows, Maddy. You did say you were going to marry him."

My arms tightened. "What's going on?"

Maddy slipped away and got out of the tub. "Go to her bed. I will bring drinks and we will talk." Her eyes had a hard look.

I wrapped Chris in a big towel and carried her to the bed, which had a beautiful antique quilt on it. "We have to fold the quilt, first."

I sat against the headboard, drying her hair. She was shaking. "This is hard."

Maddy appeared with a tray of glasses and sandwiches, a few stray drops still glistening on her glorious nakedness. My brain was calculating. Holy shit, the ages matched. Could it be true?

After a bit of arranging, we had the food in the center of a circle on the blanket. The drinks were fruit juice and tequila.

Chris said, "He may walk out on us."

Maddy looked at me, tears running down her face. "I know. I know. Damn it. We thought we were so clever. How could I expect to fall hopelessly in love?"

"He might have to beat us. It's not a good idea to lie to your lover."

"Yes. Tie us up and beat us and make us his slaves forever." They were beginning to smile.

"Pardon me, but what the hell is going on?"

They each had a hand. The tray was cleared off. "Can we lie on you? This may take a while."

Chris started the tale. She pressed my fingers into her breast, which was distracting.

"My parents were killed in an accident when I was little, and I was raised in this house by my grandparents. They were kind to me, but firm the way grandparents are. I was a teenage rebel, but got into Berkeley and into a lot of trouble. On probation at the end of the first term, and suspended after the second. High all the time. Sleeping around. After I was suspended, the house mother told me I needed to get a dose of the real world and grow up. After six months on the road, took a job in Colorado at a ski place. Long hours, low pay. Learned to ski, got good at it, won races, met exciting jocks. A month after Easter, no period. Roommates said to get an abortion. Cried a lot, bought a ticket back here. Grandma said we would have the baby together. You've got your hand on my baby."

Maddy was crying again. I switched her around and held her tight. Kissed her as tenderly as I could.

"I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to tell me the rest if you don't want to."

More sobbing on my shoulder. "I feel so dumb."

"I think you should hear the rest. It's kind of funny, actually."

"Mom! How can you say that? We were so stupid."

"Honey, when a guy has great sex with two different females in the same bed, he is not likely to ask a lot of questions. He didn't know his Aunt Christina had a daughter when she was young and foolish. We didn't know he was such a terrific man and lover. Ask him if he still loves you now that he has had sex with your mother."

Now it was my turn to laugh. "A dumb climber finds an incredible partner who not only climbs fearlessly, but fucks him to death. Then she takes him to the redwoods and her mother has great sex with him in the dark. His next assignment is to get them both in the top of a giant redwood and have sex with them on New Year's Eve. What is the problem with this picture?"

Maddy was laughing and crying and beating on me. "He has turned this all around and made it into fun!"

She sat up and glared at me. "You said we were getting engaged when our issues were settled."

I stared back at her in silence. They looked at me with doubt in their eyes.

"There are conditions. Go get two big towels and the massage oil."

I got them arranged with space for me in the middle. I said to myself that a guy doesn't deserve two outstanding bodies to work on at once. I alternated sides, finding muscles that needed attention and concentrating on the massage for five minutes. There was a mumble from Maddy. "Conditions?"

I swatted Maddy and said, "This one is to go to Medical School. We need a doctor in the family."

I swatted Chris and said, "This one is to go back to school and get a B.A. and M.S. in silvaculture. We need a tree expert in the family."

"What about you?"

"I am going to be a civil engineer and P.E., specializing in exotic construction techniques using wood. We need a builder in the family."

My kneading was stronger and they were moaning. "Is that all?"

"No. I've hardly started."

"This is cruel. You are making us feel good while you lay down these terrible conditions. What about babies?"

"Yes, what about babies if all three of us are in school?" I had their legs in the air and worked ankles and toes carefully. I licked the soles and they kicked wildly.

Maddy reached out and clasped her mother's hand. "He could impregnate us both."

"Oh, what a terrible, delicious idea. We could see if Jeremy and Elena want to live in the attic apartment and trade child care for run of the house, and the spa, and the shop that Matt is going to build."

"He can't be legally married to both of us."

"He's yours. Legally. Look how well you turned out without a married mother."

Maddy's arm was around my neck. "You hear that, Matt? When she is calling us stupid young oafs, remember that once she said I turned out well."

I was hovering over Chris, my fully erect cock waving at her. The legs went up, up up and the cock went in, in, in. I leaned down and applied a very wet, very hot kiss. She humped at me and squeezed fiercely.

"What did I do to deserve this?"

"Your daughter fucks like a rabbit. I'm just trying to see if she got that from you."

Maddy was beating on my ass and cheering. "OMG, do her! It was her idea when she heard I had a hot new boyfriend. She is letting loose all those years of doing without."

I drove Chris right up and over the edge. She swore and cried and called me arrogant. Maddy pushed me on my back and slid down the slippery cock before it got soft. "Yes, he is very arrogant. When you are as good as he is on the rock and in the sack, you can afford to be."

Chris lay there, flexing her hips and letting me run out of her. Maddy noticed and abandoned my cock to suck cum out of her mom.

I lay on my side and played kissyface with Chris. "I thought mother-daughter pairs weren't compatible with one man."

Maddy crawled on top of me and we both kissed Chris. "There are exceptions to every rule. Mom and I have been bonded since I was a tiny baby. With no parents and no husband, I got a lot of attention."

"What about the determined business?"

Chris said, "What determined?"

I had my arms around Maddy, who was wiggling a storm and kicking my shins.

"This one does not take no for an answer once she makes up her mind."

"Yes, she used to do that with me. Her grandfather was meticulous to a fault about keeping promises."

"I hope you are not determined to have my baby right now."


"Preggers is a cheap trap a lot of women use. And regret."

They lay half on me, transferring oil, and sliding a lot. "No cheap traps."

I pulled their hair and whispered, "Our babies," I emphasized our, "will be wanted and loved."

"Wanted and loved."

I tickled them and we wrestled about. My fingers entertained their slippery bottoms and they couldn't decide whether we were having sex or more serious talk.

"What about the conditions?"

"I gave up."

They sat on me and said, "Look at that, he isn't so tough after all."

"Kisses, please."

It didn't take long and all three of us were crying. And licking tears away. And saying no more falsehoods.

I said, in a threatening voice, "Just more sex and lots of it." They each had an oily thigh, rubbing harder and harder and coming on me and putting their heads on my chest, letting the shudders run down to little quiet twitches.

"Mom, we don't deserve this."

"I know. Shut up and enjoy it while you can."

I rubbed Chris's back and asked, "How are you my aunt? Are we having incest on top of everything else.?

She had hold of me, squeezing. "Your mother's mother was my grandmother's sister. So we are pretty distant relatives. Besides, I'm not giving this up." She squeezed harder.

I reached for a blanket and spread it over three bodies and we napped.

Chris was chewing on my ear and whispered, "What do you see in an old woman like me, anyway?"

Maddy moved over on top and ground her pubic mound on Chris. "You stop putting yourself down this minute. So you had a flaming youth that ended up here in solitude. We've broken you out of that mold and we are not letting you go back. Hurry up and come with me."

I went to get some refreshments and heard the exclamations when they both orgasmed. When I returned, two incredibly sexy bodies were on their backs, legs wide open, giving me a come hither look.

I passed out the drinks, and decided I needed to execute a cleaning job with my tongue.

I had to hold on tight because they screamed and tried to get away. My grip on their ass was like iron and I sucked every bit of juice out of each one.

"Oh god, I'm wrecked. I suppose that is what we get for having girl sex in front of him."

I sipped my drink and gave them my serious look, "It's going to be hard work to get to the top of that tree."

"Hold that thought. We need to clean up."

I sat at the kitchen table while they put together a casserole and placed it in the oven. A big green salad was next. Another bottle of classy pinot noir was opened.

Chris said, "What if I rent an apartment in Palo Alto or Mountain View? You study, I use it for the project and for getting my own schooling going. Matthew puts out a training program. Biking, swimming, running. All that triathlon stuff. We collapse into bed every night and don't even think of sex."

Maddy leaned over and pulled my hair and climbed into my lap. The wrap dress didn't have anything under it where my hand was worming. "She is hot for your cock. Don't believe that BS

about no sex at bedtime."

Chris's hands were on both of us. I hoped we weren't back into the teary business. She said, "I feel like one of those lionesses that has sex every ten minutes for a whole day and leaves the male exhausted. She reached for my crotch and asked, "When are you going to take me again?"

"Do you think a lion can squirt every ten minutes for a day? That would have to be the world's most incredible semen factory. You women only have to be on the receiving end. We males have to make it and deliver it!"

"Yes, delivery is important."

We got back on the bed, nicely tangled, and watched the last sunlight fade away. I pulled Chris close and said, "An apartment would be terrific. We couldn't afford it on our own. If we get a king bed, some workout equipment could go in the other bedroom.

"You are really going to have me sleep with you?"

I pulled her hair and said, "Lady, your daughter just told you the old mold was broken. The new mold has you in bed with us."

"What about when you want to...?"

"Mother! You already know he can have either of us whenever he wants."

"Every ten minutes?"

We beat on her. We tickled her. She screamed and promised no more smart talk. We hugged and kissed and squirmed around, edging as close as we could.

I said, "Thanksgiving break is five weeks away. Let's plan to get two platforms up in four days. Maddy and I will go back tomorrow and start looking at apartments. When we find one, you can drive down and rent it if you approve our selection. We will keep working on the equipment lists and finding out where to buy things. Maybe you can turn the boardwalk project over to Jeremy."

Maddy said, with a sigh, "Did you get that all down, Mom?"

"Not a bit of it. He is too warm and snuggly. Will he take me climbing?"

I tickled Maddy and she chewed on my fingers. "Be careful, he is very particular about climbing partners."

"I know. I figured he might have a soft moment just after his mother in law agreed to rent an apartment."

I pulled her on top and worked my fingers into muscles and other good places. "Kiss me and tell me you understand about how easy it is to get killed climbing. Tell me you will be serious about training and will take advice from your daughter without complaint. Tell me you don't want to do this just because Maddy is so good at it."

The kiss was soft and then hard. "Yes, all of that."

"Maddy, I think this one has the determined streak too."

Over dinner, Maddy and I kept looking at her. "What now? Is the food bad?"

Maddy looked at me and said, "A rope of three?"