Magnolia's Mercy


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"I thought so..." she said. "I've been doing this for a long time. Every cock is different—but men are simple creatures. Driving a man wild is easier than you might think. Sometimes, patience and restraint pay off. Other times, you've got to go straight to the source."

She took her hand off my cock, and I heard a drawer slide open, followed by the sound of her rummaging through a tightly packed wooden compartment. Then I heard the distinctive high-pitched "pop" of a plastic cap opening on a bottle or a tube. When her hand caressed my cock again, it was slick with lotion.

Her slippery fingers slid swiftly along my rigid erection, and she playfully squeezed my cock as she took the full length of it in her hand. I gritted my teeth, knowing that I would suffer for my disobedience if I came without permission—but Miss Maggie was far too skilled to let that happen.

"Don't get your hopes up, honey," she whispered, as my breathing sped up. "You won't be cumming tonight. I made up my mind about that when I called you over. My mercy is a fickle thing. I'm a kind mistress when the mood strikes me, but tonight ain't the night. Tonight, I'm in a mood to torture..."

Her hand slowed down, and she slid her palm along the length of my cock in a tortuously slow movement. Perfectly synchronized with the movements of her hand, I let out a low moan. My voice increased in pitch until she removed her hand from my throbbing penis—leaving me dangling on the edge of an orgasm, with no release in sight.

My erection died down, and my balls felt swollen. Miss Maggie rested her hand on my stomach, but she refused to touch my cock. Though I couldn't see her face, I imagine her admiring her handiwork, watching as my cock twitched futilely.

My cock went soft, and I could only give a gentle sigh of frustration. I whispered a single word:


Miss Maggie laughed.

"Sorry, honey," she said. "Bitterness won't get you out of this. But there's no need to feel angry with yourself. This ain't a punishment. You played along just fine, and you did everything I wanted. You did everything right—but in this room, that ain't always enough to earn my mercy. It may not sound fair, but that's the way it is."

I breathed deep, willing the throbbing in my cock to subside. It did—but the frustration remained. My cock ached dully, yearning for the warmth of her body.

Again, I heard her rummage in the drawer. She reached down and slid a key into the left bracelet of my handcuffs, and it popped open—leaving my hand free. A moment later, she pulled off my cuffs and untied the knot holding my blindfold on. I squinted against the unwelcome intrusion of light.

"That's it, honey. We're done," Miss Maggie said. "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up."

• • •

When I hear the sound of the floorboards creaking just outside the door, I dare to hope. But when I hear the sound of whispering, that hope fades. Miss Maggie isn't nearly timid enough to whisper in her own hallway.

As I listen more closely, I realize that it isn't just one voice. It's at least two. It's Miss Maggie's friends—and they're lingering right outside the door.

I hold my breath, praying that they'll move on. If I'm lucky, maybe they're just on their way to the bathroom.

I pick out one voice, just loud enough that I can hear it through the door.

"You're lying, Kara!" a woman says. "I know she's got her naughty streak—but there's no way she's that kinky!"

That comment is followed by a succession of nervous titters.

"C'mon, Grace!" Kara whispers. "When have I ever lied to you?"

"She's got a point, darlin'," a third woman says. "Besides... She's been livin' with Magnolia for three years, now. She knows her pretty well by now, I'd imagine."

"Maybe..." the woman named Grace says. "But I'm not believing it until I see it."

"I believe you," the third woman says. "But still... I'd like to get a nice look at some of those toys of hers!"

My heart lurches in my chest. The door is unlocked—and if Miss Maggie's friends are really as curious as they sound, they might be bold enough to take a peek inside. If Miss Maggie's plan has gone as well as she'd hoped, they still have no idea I'm in here.

"Don't be nosy, Sherri!" Kara hisses. "You know Miss Maggie doesn't let me in that room! That's her 'special room'. She only uses it when she's got one of her man-friends over."

My heartbeat slows, and I allow myself a moment of relaxation. Kara's a sensible girl. Maybe she can talk them out of it...

"What are you afraid of, girl?" Sherri asks. "Magnolia's downstairs, and she's got plenty to keep her distracted. We just want a peek! Let us see that big wooden bondage cross, at least."

Kara sighs wearily.

"Alright, fine..." she whispers. "But you've gotta keep your voice down, understand? She can't know you were in there!"

She sighs again.

"You're probably wasting your breath, though," she says. "Most of the time, she keeps the door locked..."

When I hear the doorknob turn, I worry for a second that my heart might stop. Prickles of anxiety make my body hair stand on end.

To stop myself from having a panic attack, I tell myself that they won't see me if I don't move. I try to hold my breath, and I struggle to keep my body rigid. But I already know that it won't do any good.

The door opens, and their whispers are silent.

"Oh... Oh my God..." Kara breathes.

"Holy shit..." Grace whispers.

"Close the fucking door!" Sherri hisses.

I hear them swing the door shut, not quite forceful enough to make a loud noise. Somewhere nearby, I hear one of them giggle nervously.

"Uh... Did you want me to close the door after we stepped out of the room?" Grace asks.

Her voice is near, and I can hear it clearly. There's no door between us.

"That's kinda what I had in mind, yeah..." Sherri says.

From her tone, I guess that she's rolling her eyes.

"Well, this is awkward..." Grace says.

For a moment, they don't say anything. I can feel their eyes on my nude body, and I know they're staring at me.

Grace—clearly a bold one—is the first one to speak.

"God, look at him..." she says.

"Don't talk like that, you idiot!" Kara hisses. "He can hear us!"

"Has he really been up here all this time?" Sherri asks, incredulous.

"We could ask him..." Grace says.

"No!" Kara says angrily. She sounds like she's struggling to resist the urge to yell. "We shouldn't even be in this room!"

It's humiliating enough when Miss Maggie sees me naked. We've known each other for months by now, but I still have to fight the urge to cover myself when she orders me to strip down. With the eyes of three complete strangers on me, I want to curl up and hide under the bed.

Their footsteps approach the bed. One of them breathes in sharply.

"Grace, don't!" Kara says. "I mean it! Stop!"

But Grace doesn't listen.

I feel a hand on my cheek, and somebody pulls the blindfold from my eyes. In the darkness of the room, I see three shadowy silhouettes surrounding me, their features barely visible.

All three of them are dressed for a dinner party, but some of them got more dolled up than others.

Sherri—a tall, graceful woman in her mid-thirties—towers over her two younger companions. She wears an elegant red silk qipao dress, which clings delectably to her slim body. As she turns sideways and juts out one hip, I can't help but admire her svelte profile.

Her long legs are wrapped snugly by the tight dress, and her firm, pert bottom makes an ample bump under the shimmering red fabric. Her dress is patterned with golden lotus blossoms, faintly visible in the glow of the moonlight shining through the window. Her dark hair is an elaborate waterfall of curls, capped by a neat bun held in place by a beautiful comb. As my eyes linger on her hair, I see that her comb is decorated with a delicate little golden bauble shaped like a butterfly with wings aloft.

The other two women are dressed far more casually, but each of them rivals Sherri's beauty.

Grace is a cute freckled little thing with ice-blue eyes. Her hair reminds me of a ray of sunlight glimpsed through a glass of wine, and it's styled in a simple bob-cut that falls just below her ears. She wears a simple sky-blue sundress with white flowers stitched into the neckline—but its neckline is low enough to expose the broad swell of her cleavage, and the hem is low enough to grant me a tantalizing view of her well-muscled legs. Her face has an impish look, with her nose just slightly turned up.

Kara—the only one of them I've seen before—is a timid girl with ash-blonde hair and apple-green eyes. Her years of waiting tables at Magnolia's have kept her slim, but she's usually too modest to show off her figure. Tonight, she chose a light golden blouse and khaki Capri pants; a necklace of unpainted wooden beads hands around her neck.

"Well..." Grace says, raising one eyebrow. "I guess you win the bet, Kara. You were right: Magnolia really is that kinky..."

Her eyes linger on my penis. Behind her, Kara hangs her head in embarrassment and rests her palm on her face.

"We should leave, guys..." Kara says. "We've already been in here too long..."

"We will, darlin'," Sherri says. "But be patient. I want to enjoy this..."

"Sherri!" Kara exclaims, suddenly scandalized.

"Don't worry," Sherri says. "I'm a cautious woman. I know what I'm doin'. Grace?"

"Yeah?" Grace responds.

"Flick on that lamp for me, would you?"

I gulp as Grace's hand goes for the lamp.

"Please..." I whisper. "Don't..."

"It's alright, darlin'," Sherri whispers. "We just want to get a good look at you..."

She switches on the lamp, bathing my naked body in harsh white light. In spite of herself, Grace gives a nervous little giggle as she finally sees how erect my cock really is. Even Kara gasps faintly.

"Dear Lord..." Sherri says. She raises one eyebrow as a smirk spreads across her face. "It's been a while since I've seen a man that desperate."

"What did she do to you?" Grace asks. "You can tell us. We won't go gossiping about it, but you can't blame us for being curious."

My gaze flits back and forth between the three of them. Sherri, with her calm, cocky smirk; Grace, barely able to contain her gleeful laughter; Kara, nervously eying the door.

"N-nothing, yet..." I stammer. "She just, um... She left me here. To wait for her."

Sherri chuckles. Grace keeps her eyes riveted on my cock.

"That sounds like Magnolia," Sherri says. "She does love to keep her boys in suspense..."

"Oh, God..." Grace says. "She's gonna torture him!"

Her tone is salacious. She sounds giddy with glee, as if she can't imagine anything more amusing than my suffering.

"But first she's gonna make him wait for it," Sherri says. "There's no torture worse than waiting."

"Oh, you don't really believe that, do you?" Grace asks. "Everybody knows Magnolia's got a mean streak! And she's been aching for an excuse to work out a little anger on some poor bastard who'll let her do anything to him. I know. I can tell."

"Oh, you cannot!" Kara says. "You're just running your mouth. And I bet you're just trying to scare him!"

Grace giggles.

"Don't be too sure, girl," Grace says. "I've known Magnolia for a long time. I know how she thinks. And believe me: if she wants to make a man suffer, she'll make him suffer good and long. Whatever she's gonna do to him, it'll be a hell of a lot worse than waiting for it!"

"It's a shame, though," Sherri says. "We've been having the time of our lives downstairs. I guess he must be feeling unloved."

"Poor baby..." Grace coos, pursing her lips in an expression of mock concern. "I bet he's aching for a woman's touch."

Sherri chuckles. When she speaks, her voice is low and husky.

"A woman's touch..." she repeats. "Be careful what you wish for, darlin'. When Magnolia gets her hands on you, I bet you're gonna be begging her for mercy. I wish I could see it... That'd be a fine thing to behold."

Grace tiptoes to the edge of the bed, swinging her hips to draw my eye. Under the thin fabric of her dress, I can just make out the curve of her slender hips. Her body is slight, but her thighs are thick and powerful.

As a mischievous expression crosses her face, she moves her hands to the thin shoulder-straps of her sundress and slides an index finger under each strap. Her eyes meet mine, and she smiles.

"I know what you want, baby," she says. "And I know what you're thinking, too. That fat cock makes it pretty hard to hide."

She sneaks the straps off her shoulders and tugs her dress downward, exposing her breasts. She isn't wearing a bra...

Her breasts are only modestly sizable, but they're irresistibly plump and soft, hanging before me like ripe fruit. After all these hours of fantasizing about Miss Maggie's body, the sight of her bare breasts nearly makes me salivate.

Grace strokes her nipples with the tips of her fingers and cups her breasts in the palms of her hands, playfully stroking them and squeezing them together. When she erupts in another fit of girlish laughter, her bare breasts jiggle and quiver. As I watch her from the bed, I shift uncomfortably on the mattress as my erect cock aches with arousal.

Kara's eyes widen, as if she's impressed by her brazen teasing. But Sherri just rolls her eyes.

"Goddamn tease..." Sherri mutters. "I've met strippers who don't show off as much as you!"

Finally, Grace pulls her dress back up, and slips the straps back over her shoulders. Still feeling giddy from the unexpected peep show, I'm tempted to beg her for more—but I resist the urge.

Grace pivots on one foot and turns her back to me. As she does, she playfully pulls up the hem of her short sundress—granting me a fleeting glimpse of her plain white panties, which are catching in the crack of her ample bottom.

The hem of her sundress is short, but it's loose enough to conceal her curves. Her butt almost seems too big for her body; she has the face of a pixie, but the body of a pin-up girl.

Again, Sherri gives Grace a disdainful look as she turns back around to face me. Still, Grace's eyes are fixed on my trapped cock. Before long, Sherri joins her in staring at it.

"I think he likes what he sees," Sherri says, smirking. "If you flash your tits at him again, you might just make him burst. Drop your panties, and I bet he'd burst twice."

"Uh-uh..." Grace says, pursing her lips. "I may be a tease, but I know when to stop. I'm not gonna make it that easy on him. He's here to suffer, after all."

I want to protest, but I know it's true.

Downstairs, the sound of idle chatter continues. Surely Miss Maggie must be getting suspicious by now...

Still, Grace keeps staring at my cock.

"How many strokes do you think he could take?" she asks Sherri. "If I got his cock all nice and slick, I bet I could send him over the edge with ten pumps. Maybe less!"

"Grace, Grace..." Sherri says, shaking her head with disapproval. "That's nothin' to brag about, girl! Men are always horny. Especially when you go prancing around in front of 'em like you do. Anybody can send a man over the edge. But teasing a man takes real skill. If I had him to myself, I'd keep him on the edge for hours."

Grace's smile widens.

"We do have him to ourselves, Sherri," she says. "What's stopping us?"

Behind them, Kara's eyes widen in shock.

"No!" she pleads. "You guys have already taken this way too far! I'm not letting you touch this guy!"

I'm too afraid to speak, but I feel a surge of gratitude for Kara.

Sweet, golden-haired Kara... I don't know if it's kindness or shyness that's holding her back from joining in, but I'm grateful all the same. But Grace isn't quite so easy to dissuade.

"Don't be a killjoy, Kara!" Grace says, turning to face her. "You're not gonna tell Magnolia about this, are you? I bet she wouldn't be too happy if she knew you were in here with us."

"Of course not," Kara says. "But—"

"But what?"

"It wouldn't be fair! He's helpless!"

"I know he is, love. That's why it's so fun!"

"But, it... It wouldn't be right! He doesn't want it!"

"I'm not an evil woman, Kara," Grace says. "You know I'd never take a man against his will. If he asks me to back off, I will. But I've got a feeling he's not gonna ask me. Just look at him: he's desperate."

For the first time in several moments, Grace's unblinking eyes meet mine. She moves her hand to the mattress, right between my legs.

"How about it, baby?" she asks me. "Want me to stroke your dick?"

She inches her hand closer to my rigid, pulsing cock.

"You don't have to say 'Yes,' you know. I know what you're thinking. But if you say 'No,' I'll leave you in peace..."

I think of her playfully pulling down her dress, cupping her soft breasts in both hands. I think of her twirling on one foot and flashing her panties. I imagine her pulling off her panties and mounting me in one easy motion, biting her lip as she rides me to orgasm. My mind goes wild, but my free will's still intact. And I know that there's only one right answer.

"No..." I whisper. "I belong to Miss Maggie. Tonight, only she gets to touch me."

In spite of my fear, I manage to give her a defiant smile.

Grace's cocky grin vanishes. Kara sighs in relief. Sherri—still the "Queen Bee" of the trio—smirks cruelly at Grace as she backs away from the bed.

"That's that, then," Sherri says. "Better luck next time, Grace. Now come on. Let's get back downstairs."

The blindfold is still in Sherri's hands. She moves to the side of the bed to tie it back over my eyes.

My eyes meet Sherri's. She stops just long enough to let me admire her features. Her skin is lightly tanned, her hair is black and silky, and her plump lips are adorned with matte lipstick the color of a crisp apple.

"Sorry to leave you like this, darlin'," Sherri says. "I hope Magnolia isn't too rough on you..."

She looks over my naked body one last time, as if taking a mental snapshot to enjoy at her leisure. A mischievous expression crosses her face.

"It would be a shame to leave you without a parting gift," she says. "I don't have much to give. I hope this will do..."

Without waiting for permission, she bends down low and plants a soft kiss on my bare chest, letting her lips linger on my skin for a good five seconds. When she withdraws her lips, the imprint of her red lipstick is clearly visible on my skin—leaving a mark just below my left nipple.

"What... What did you—?" I stammer.

Sherri smiles.

"Sorry, darlin'," she says. "I didn't hear you say 'No.' I hope Magnolia doesn't mind..."

I want to wipe it off. I want to hide it. But with my hands locked tight in the handcuffs, there's nothing I can do.

Without another word, Sherri ties the blindfold around my eyes and switches off the lamp. I hear their footsteps against the floorboards as they walk toward the door.

"Okay, that was just mean..." I hear Grace say. "Even I wouldn't have done that...

Sherri giggles.

"I know, but I couldn't resist!" she says. "Poor boy... Hate to imagine what Magnolia's gonna do to him!"