Make Me Hate You Ch. 03


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She put a hand to her groin and felt the dampness and the hangover glow in her uterus from the orgasmic lovemaking she had just shared with John. Hell, but he was still a great lover and the year of abstinence had given him an extra vigour! Wow! He'd smacked her bottom several times when she was on her hands and knees and she felt her cheeks flush at the memory of that moment and her rather surprised delight.

But he wasn't there; they'd shared probably their most passionate moment ever yet here she was, laying alone in the bed they had retired to, continuing with their lovemaking when the sofa just wasn't big enough. She felt embarrassed.

She had just started to get back onto a real and meaningful footing with him after a year of nothing but very occasional emails, and after the smiles and giggles they had jumped each other and while it had been great... well...

She got up, went to the bathroom, washed her hands and stared around the bedroom for her clothes which were obviously still in the front room on the floor where they had both thrown them during their passionate preamble and initial intercourse.

On the end of the bed was John's dressing gown and she picked it up holding it across herself padding softly towards the living room; in doing so her mind went back to that morning more than a year before when she'd pulled the shower curtain across her tits to hide the love bite that Rob had given her below her left nipple the night before. She closed her eyes for the ten thousandth time at that horrendous mistake - no, THOSE horrendous mistakes that had wrecked her life so succinctly and led to her miserable existence as it was now.

If she'd just ignored him for the man-whore he was, who knows where they would have been now; married, children - all in the comfort of their home.

OK, he'd never mentioned marriage, and she'd been quite career minded and had never ever mentioned wanting a baby, but she'd lived comfortably with a wonderful man and it was always on her mind. At least she realised how wonderful he had been after she'd lost him. She eventually told her parents that they had split up and why, she still felt shivers about that particular inquisition. They were as she had imagined they would be, only slightly worse.

They had just downsized from her large childhood home to move into a nice two bed bungalow in the country with the second bedroom very much a hobby room and office for her sewing, knitting, stamp collecting, artistic, Women's Institute and Lion's Club masonic parents.

Her parents were two different ends of the spectrum. Her Mum was a tough, forceful and unforgiving woman who didn't suffer fools. As a retired circuit court judge she believed that people should learn from their mistakes but should also pay for them, while Dad was a retired school headteacher and believed that there were mistakes and 'mistakes' and she shouldn't be so hard on herself.

He had always liked John but there was no doubt that Julia was a Daddy's girl and he could pretty much forgive her anything; Julia had always suggested that while she often had the best of both of her parents she could occasionally have the worst. So after the breakup she had gotten extremely self-reliant and had struck out on her own, just as her mother would have done.

But being self-reliant was one thing, being unlucky was something quite different and her life just went from bad to worse. Her employers, while pretty much unaffected by the after-hours activity, were 'annoyed' to find that she and the new boy had been screwing on company property, but it received no more than a semi-admonishing 'please don't do that again' to them both. It wasn't the sort of thing that happened to the small close-knit team, but she seemed to pick up far more scorn, behind-the-hand giggles and blame than the man-whore, new boy dentist. SHE was an adult, SHE was in a relationship with a really great guy, SHE should have known better. HE was a 'bit of a lad'.

This came to a head when someone that she had previously considered a good friend and confidante took it very personally. Before his first liaison with Julia even, Rob had already started to use the same methods on Annie, more successfully once he realised that the real trigger to get the slightly older Dentist into his bed was to show an interest in other women, her friend the dental nurse to be exact.

Annie was a senior partner though and much more of an investment than the sexy curvy nurse, so it was dinner, dancing and romance for her - not sexy flirting and tawdry back office shags. Annie's romancing made it a hundred times worse for Julia as she was treated as the girl that had an affair with Rob, even though it was weeks before the now loving dental surgeons had so much as shared a pizza and Annie, who did have propensities to being a drama queen at the best of times, made it so that Julia seemed to be the problem rather than the man-whore. The negotiated resignation seemed the only option to restore peace to the very upmarket and successful practice that didn't need this kind of thing disturbing the peaceful and business-like equilibrium.

So Julia sofa surfed and considered a short term let on a place that she might be able to rent with a friend from college while she stayed in a B&B.

After her resignation and Golden Goodbye, she discovered that her angry and bitter one-time friend Annie still wasn't happy.

OK, Julia didn't work in the same practice but Annie had found out from Rob that Julia had asked if she could stay with him during her accommodation difficulties, but it turned out that the man-whore still lived with his parents. That revelation by Rob, designed to just ignite Annie's sexy jealousy, had burned her far deeper once their relationship was more established.

Julia was well out of the way but she was alive and in London and Annie hated that, so she extended the web of her jealous hatred and quietly put the message out to the other surgeries in their group, and to other local dentists that their former star player and anaesthesia specialist Miss Julia Saltmarsh was actually a troublesome predatory she-wolf and that few men were safe around her and nothing good could come of employing her.

She later found out that Annie had interrogated the office human resources computer system after hours following a couple more of Rob's disclosures about his previous short-lived loving and found the emailed job reference to the Clinic Julia had moved to and spent twenty minutes on the phone with the just married female office manager telling her about the sexy Miss Saltmarsh and how disruptive she was. That did explain why the slightly cross looking woman just handed a cheque and her notice six weeks into a 6 month contract on that last Friday with a simple 'we don't need you any more', not a second glance or even a thank you.

Which was why Julia found herself virtually unemployable. At the abrupt end of her contract at the hospital clinic she spent six weeks trying unsuccessfully to find another job, finding out a year later that 'word had been put out' that she was trouble.

So after no work in five weeks and with thirty pounds in her purse and with a seventy pound overdraft she figured that something could be up and decided to drop her first name using her middle name instead went on line and joined an agency as a dental assistant not as a dental nurse with a resulting drop in wages hoping that she could get a full time job from that then re-establish herself once her employers knew how good she was.

The new atrocious hourly rate she was on from her agency (when she was on it) and her zero hours contract meant that she couldn't afford to live and eat in too much comfort. She approached a food bank, then once her settlement had gone so went the hopes for a flat and she slept on her still disappointed parents' sofa in their new house for six weeks. Eventually she managed to rent a tiny furnished room from a woman that worked at one of the dental surgeries she had temp'd at.

Jeanette, the deathly pale and deathly quiet, spinsterish, fifty-something that needed no more than a TV and a telephone line (didn't even have a mobile), and her twice, sometimes three times a week visits to her church - nothing else.

Worse still, Jeanette seemed amazed and just a bit frustrated when Julia said she really didn't want to make a second visit to her Pentecostal chapel. The empty, dark, chilly, damp-smelling wooden hall that echoed to the three or four scraping chairs as the few faithful stood up and sat down when ordered to by the scowling minister whose sermon lasted well into a second hour, and Jeanette tried to suggest that she only really liked to help out Christians 'like her'. That frustration was compounded because Jeanette had found out that Julia could play the piano.

To avoid more requests and more scorn she stayed in her poky room with her 'Christmas present from John' personal DVD player retrieved one afternoon when he was at work and borrowed movies using headphones as it was a house rule that the there was no TV after 10 o'clock as everyone had to be up for work in the morning.

Julia would have liked to go out with friends but money was too short. She found a solution by getting a Saturday evening job in a pub she knew well, although she told Jeanette that she was waitressing not doing the devil's work behind a bar. She would have the occasional beer more so when she was bought one by a customer, she would be asked for a date but never seemed to want to go on one. She missed John so much.

The food that Jeanette supplied was simple, cheap, lacked flavour (Jeanette felt that salt wasn't good for you) predominately boiled (Jeanette hated the smell of frying) and the portion size was child-like because the wraith-like Jeanette didn't like waste or fat people.

So much so, even her Mum had noticed Julia's weight loss and after the second month of living there had started to insist that she came for lunch on Sundays (set to coincide with the Sunday church service) and at least once during the week (normally when Jeanette had Bible study fellowship) and tried to 'feed her up'.

All evening visits had to carefully timed as the flats had limited cycle storage and any bike not locked away would be reduced to a frame by the morning. Jeanette hated Julia's bike in the flat, not even in the tiny room that Julia rented. Jeanette was a 'shoes off in the house' person and bike wheels apparently 'made her feel sick' with what they might have pedalled through and on some occasions Julia had locked her bike up at work and walk the two or three miles rather than face that grief when she got home - not that she ever really felt at home there.

Here she was back in what had been her home for nearly five years with its simple comfort and warmth, things she now considered luxury, and it was all too much and she leaned against the wall her eyes brimming with tears but stopped as she heard a quiet but cheery 'thanks mate' from the living room.

She froze, was there someone else in the flat? Had he invited someone else over? What the fuck?

She pulled on the dressing gown pulling the belt tight for a swift 'excuse me' walk of shame across the room for her clothes, to snatch up panties and bra under cover of her shirt and trousers, into the bathroom but not have the hot shower she so missed (Jeanette only had a bath), dress and a hasty 'goodbye' and dash for the door with her shoes rather than all of the things she so desperately wanted to say to John.

Evidently not though. John was in the sitting room in a T-shirt and boxer shorts, on his own and unpacking what her nose told her was Chinese food from a white plastic bag, and there was a lot of it.

"You found the robe Jules, excellent," he said as he opened plastic tubs spooning out on to large plates already on trays what she could now see was special fried rice with vegetables then beef and green peppers in black bean sauce next to sweet and sour chicken balls, "Sit down Jules!" he indicated 'her' corner of the sofa nearest the gas fire. 'Game of Thrones' was already set up for her to pick the episode and as her bottom slipped into her dent on the sofa she pulled the small scatter cushion under her left arm, she had never felt more at home.

He was dishing up her pick-me-up meal - almost; waaaay to much for two but ordered when she'd had a bad day, when it was that time of the month, when he just wanted to treat her. As he poured the thick red sauce over battered chicken she looked at the shape of the white plastic carrier bag and thought for a strange instant, 'if that's pork chow mein this could be OK'.

He lifted out the pork chow mein.

This was a Friday night and she had no work planned for the weekend, so sat on the sofa more pleasantly replete than she could remember being in a long time and still naked under his dressing gown. She had already phoned her grumpy, grumbling landlady flatmate saying she was staying out that night with an old friend but hearing the crossness in the other voice, along with a large healthy slice of judgemental disapproval and a side order of righteous disbelief. Jeanette sighed and took her revenge saying that she would keep her meal until the next night so it wouldn't be wasted but John shook his head.

"Won't be tomorrow either, I'll ring you the night before I come back just so you know." She said and disconnected the call looking at John, "After all, wouldn't want her to waste half of a chicken breast and a whole boiled potato now would we..."

When he came back from making her a hot chocolate she slipped under his arm without even thinking as the intro for the third season of 'Outlander' played.

She started to nod towards the end so he suggested they went to bed. She went to the bathroom and cleaned her teeth using one of the spare new toothbrushes she had always stored in the cabinet, and used his comb to brush out her hair. She took off his robe and hung it on the hook, knowing that tonight she wanted to sleep naked with him, like she always had done.

She stepped out into the bedroom and John was finally able to look at the sexiest body he'd ever known,

"Fucking hell Miss Saltmarsh," he growled, "get that glorious arse over here." She giggled and did as ordered slipping under the thick duvet and into his arms.

There was a box of condoms that had sat unused since her last month 'off of the pill' break eighteen months before, still in date and they both smiled as he broke one open and put it on.

"Talking of arses Mr Daniels," she said climbing across him to sit astride his now erect and protected penis, "l really really liked it when you..."

To cut her short he lightly smacked her exposed right buttock and she giggled at him.

"I could tell!" he said pulling her down for a kiss.

"Where did THAT come from!" she squirmed lying across him now.

"Research for the book," he said, leaving out that it was only after the research that he decided to write the damn thing.

"Well..." she squirmed as she confessed, "it reeeeeeeally turned me on!"

"Again," he said pulling her tight to him, "I could tell..."

"I wouldn't want it like... like it is in your books, but feel free to give me the occasional one, just to keep me on the straight and narrow like."

"You really liked my book?"

"Fuck yeah," she sighed reaching between her legs to feed him into her, "it was brilliant AND as sexy as hell, and knowing that you'd written it just gave my masturbation a whole different angle."

"You wanked to MY book?" he said raising her chin to kiss her.

"Fuck yeah," she gasped, rubbing his iron hard cock against her clitoris for a few moments, "knowing it was out of your head..." she gasped again, "It was like..." she laughed a dirty laugh, "it was like wanking... with you..." She forced herself back onto his cock with a sharp cry, then sliding forward again riding him hard. She closed her eyes, "There's been no one else John," she panted as she rode back and forth on him, "no one I swear," she kissed him hard, "just... you know... and he wore a condom when..."

"Shhhhh..." he hissed, "history baby, just history." He rolled over on top of her and stopped her gasped confessions with a kiss,

"Oh John!" she sighed as her fucked her in the dominant position but holding her tight like he would never let go, "thank you, thank you!"

As he lay there spooning her to sleep he thought about telling her that there had only been one as well. OK, it was only one but there had been about a dozen times and in all three holes but he didn't want to have to explain the other weird shit that he had gotten up to with the one person. More than that, his current success was all down to him going on that holiday and meeting that woman and doing what they did.

If Julia hadn't had her little dalliance with that bastard then he never would have gone on the trip, listened to her hand-me-down sex tales, then screwed, beaten and anally and face-fucked Mrs Booth and he'd still be writing shitty articles for Sunday supplements and history magazines and forever trying to finish his history book. He kissed her cheek and she stirred and purred momentarily,

"Oh no," he whispered to himself and pulling his naked lover even closer, "thank you."

They woke next morning and made love again, both so overjoyed that the other person was there and in that kind of contact; they seemed to be forever kissing and she didn't mind at all.

She was sleeping naked again for the first time in almost eight months, the thing she had always preferred to do but couldn't with her current landlady.

It started when Jeanette, who seemed quite rational and contemporary at the time, would come into her room with cups of tea which was very sweet but Julia knew it was so she could spy on the young woman twenty years her junior and would comment on her tiny knickers that went right up her bum. Having shared with other girls when she was at college and knowing that Jeanette wore a dress and had all the same bits and pieces as her she worked on the fact that it would be OK to walk around the maisonette in a T-shirt and underwear.

She was renting this tiny damp room for peanuts, half of what she would've had to pay elsewhere, with its tiny metal casement, single-glazed window that was misted with condensation and occasional ice for at least seven months of the year. During a freezing January night she had gotten up at three in the morning and out to the hallway and retrieved her fleece jacket, knitted gloves and woolly hat and put them on over the top of her day clothes, pulling the single duvet up and over her head. When Jeanette asked her what she had gotten up for in the night, she told her. Her landlady just rolled her eyes and said she would get someone to take a look the radiator in her room and find out what the problem was - she hadn't been cold, after all she had a small 3 bar electric fire in her bedroom.

Julia was about to point out that whatever was wrong with her bedroom radiator, the same was wrong with the hallway radiator and the living room radiator and the kitchen radiator and the bathroom radiator, all rooms where she had sought solace from the damp, system-built coldness seeking a room she couldn't actually see her breath in.

She was just about to smile and offer to pay more rent money for heating repairs - part of her really wanted to say that for the place to be warm her landlady needed to use the 'heating on' switch on the fucking combination boiler to start with - when Jeanette threw in that Julia would be warmer if she actually wore proper clothes.

Julia soon realised that the less attractive she looked the warmer the flat was, so the hot and sexy lace strings went to one side in her underwear drawer and the boring, big briefs got worn, the push-up and balcony bras went to back of the drawer and the stretchy sports bras that held her in place and squashed her perky boobs flatter went on. She once tried a silly yawning puppy dog T-shirt nightdress but even that resulted in a definite chill in the air from both her cross landlady and the lack of heating. Two-piece pyjamas it was then, by order of the thermal censor.