Make Me Hate You Ch. 03


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This was a total pain because she hated the restriction of clothes that seemed to wake her and pull at her arm pits and groin whenever she twisted and turned in the night and had even experimented with how she might get the alarm on her phone to wake her at five forty five to give her time to get those fucking PJ's on; but Jeanette had obviously heard and had told her not to worry as her alarm was sufficient for both of them, so pyjamaed decency it was then.

She had so missed being able to walk around naked and still be warm and comfortable and it was pretty evident that John had no problem with her being naked and had never stopped looking at her with admiring lust.

The whole 'Julia naked' concept stayed with them for the weekend, after all she had no clothes with her and wore either his robe or one of his T-shirts if it was absolutely necessary, taking a wonderful hot shower and washing and conditioning her hair with the same products that she had left there all that time ago.

She cooked a Sunday lunch for them both, taking a great delight in sending a text message to her Mum early that morning to say she wouldn't be across for dinner that afternoon as she had 'met up with John and had spent a few days with him'.

Mum's reply was short, positive and hopeful, 'Oh thank goodness!'

On the Sunday night as she folded her just-washed and dried clothes for her return to work the next morning she stood next to him, in one of his T-shirts with her shower wet hair,

"Thank you John, it's been a wonderful weekend."

He kissed her and smiled,

"Yeah, it has been hasn't it..." he paused, "Look, however positive you try to make it sound you hate where you live with the mother superior, why not..." he took a deep breath, "why not move your stuff back in and just... well, just see how it goes."

Her eyes filled with tears and she just hugged him then kissed him, their tongues bashing together in lusty fascination.

"If it goes on like this, I'll go back on the pill," she whispered to him, "I still hate that fucking rubber!"

He swept her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom,

"Let me suck and lick you to orgasm then," he said.

"Only if I can do it to you..."

It went very well; so well that she pulled a sickie at her work then waited until ten thirty on that Monday morning when she knew her landlady would be at her paid labours and they drove back to her place in his large car and collected her things, mostly clothes, leaving her key with a note and another month's rent in lieu of notice thanking Jeanette for her kindness in taking her in when she was most in need. She also left her last two £10 notes for the church collection plate.

For those next glorious weeks they rediscovered each other; for him he made a point of being home to listen out for that ticking clicking of her freewheeling bike that he had missed so much as she coasted the last few metres to the gate and the drive. Her bike rolled safely into the garage and she parked it and ran in, incredibly happy to see him and his delight in seeing her. They made love of course but most of the time they just held each other, and because she had read his books there was the occasional smacked bottom thrown in for good measure. Nothing compared to what he'd dealt out to Mrs Booth, but Julia would add to the sexy atmosphere by tugging at her bottom lip, pouting and saying, "Have I been naughty again John?" and he would pull her over his lap, pull down her trousers or raise her skirt for six of not quite the best, but half a dozen gentle spanks on her freshly bared bottom just to get her in the mood.

She had a few days off for the launch of his new book and he took her out to buy her new outfits for the various events where a delighted Liam was on hand and fought off the occasional journo that was desperate to speak to the girlfriend of the man that wrote such racy books. While John was photographed and interviewed Liam took her to one side and chatted about how gorgeous she looked and how crappy John had been without her. She admitted that she had been worse!

After the London launch they spent the next weekend in Edinburgh where he was signing copies in Waterstones, and on the first night in the hotel and after a great dinner they retired, him in his excellent dinner jacket and her in an evening dress that looked almost glued to her. She could never remember being as horny as she was now, and she had a little something prepared.

Hidden in the depths of her make-up bag was a small bottle of lube she had thrown in with her grocery shopping a few days before after re-reading the part of the book that involved anal. While she would never be in Mrs Booth's league she had never done anything anal bar a post-orgasmic masturbatory finger every now and again since reading his book.

In the bedroom she stripped naked and lay down reaching into the drawer of her nightstand and handing over the small tube.

"There you go John," she hissed rolling to her front and pulling her knees up, "You can have my arse," she looked over her shoulder, "be gentle with me?"

It was the words that the nasty fictional femme fatale (Mrs Booth of course) had used the first time she'd been buggered, and his penis sprung to instant erection.

He tore off his clothes and knelt behind her, trying hard to make it look like he was no expert at this anal sex lark, seeing as he had still been an anal virgin before he broke up with Julia and had said that he'd not done anything with anyone since.

He managed though, and it was made easier by Julia's head being buried in her pillows as he gently pushed into her rectum and screwed her arse. It was great and he made sure he came quite quickly and was suitably grateful for his 'first anal'. Julia was also suitably impressed with the new feelings that the position gave.

They flew back to London the next morning and were on time to meet his Mum's coach on its return journey.

Julia had been in two minds on how her first meeting with his Mum would be after the separation; she needn't have worried, the lovely old lady minus her spectacles didn't recognise her and her long dark hair for a moment until she simply said,

"Hi Mrs Daniels!"

The old lady's face split into a huge grin and she grabbed her son's girlfriend around the neck and hugged her, rocking slightly,

"Oh Darling Julia!" she said, "How lovely, how lovely!"

Julia's smile was no less beaming, and she hugged the lady back.

"Thanks... Mrs Daniels," she said.

"You can call me Mum sugar," she said, "like you used to, it's easier."

To celebrate the reunion John took them all out to dinner.

His invite for her to come to the States with him for a month was a total surprise and she gleefully accepted and the only time she was ever pleased that she was on a zero hours contract. She would have resigned mind you, that was far too great an opportunity to pass up.

They were flown out business class which was a first for both of them and their tenth floor hotel room even had a view of Central Park. It was only once she had been in New York for their second week that she realised that her period was late, very late in fact. While he was book signing in Barnes and Noble she slipped out and bought a pregnancy test from a local store, used it in the coffee shop bathroom and with great embarrassment discovered that due to their initial, passionate but ultimately unprotected lovemaking on that first Friday afternoon, she was pregnant.

Conscious of how this would appear she dragged him back to the coffee shop and after she very nervously bought a couple of lattes, she finally spat out,

"John," she stammered reaching into her bag for the tester, "I think I'm pregnant, it must have been we first made love on the sofa..."

"Oh..." he said, "we'd better get married then."

"W... what?"

"Well, if you don't want to?"

"No! What? I mean... what?"

"Marry me Jules," he said taking her hand over their table with just the biggest smile on his face, "I should have asked you years ago but..." he paused letting some of HIS guilt hang in the air, "only... I've never been happier having you back in my life and in my arms. Having a baby to share with you, well..."

"OK," she kissed him through the sheen of tears blurring her vision.

They waited until they got home from their marathon trip and inviting just his Mum and his sister and family, her parents and a small collection of friends, they married at the Register Office, yards from the Dentist's Surgery where she had worked and where he had seen her at that top window.

They both looked up at 'that' window, looked at each other and he smiled and put his fingers and thumbs together in the 'whatever' sign he'd learned from his niece. She grinned and turned to him making a spank hand gesture and just sticking her arse out the tiniest bit.

And that was that.

In the strangest quirk however, as they were outside on the steps taking pictures, shaking hands and congratulating each other who should walk by but her former Dentist Boss David Palmer carrying a large bundle of cakes and sandwiches from the adjacent bakery.

"Julia?" he said in pleasant surprise, especially as she was wearing a light silk gown and carrying a bouquet with John in a suit.

"Hi David!" she said with a big grin.

OK, he had pretty much sacked her, but today nothing could ruin her mood and she proffered her hand with the two new rings and then her cheek which he kissed.

"Congratulations!" he said looking genuinely pleased, taking John's hand for a shake, "Oh how lovely!" he said, stopping to chat with her grinning parents who were still both patients of his.

When John and Julia returned from their long weekend honeymoon, her Mum called her telling her to come visit.

"Are you still on that shitty contract?" said her Mum as they all sat down for one of her fantastic Sunday lunches.

"Yes," she said, "I'm working at that private hospital for a few weeks, getting extra for working Sundays."

"Well," there was a pause, "David Palmer asked what you were doing these days, I said that you were working at the private hospital."

"As a dental assistant temp..."

"Don't have to tell the bastard that Darling," said her Mum, "when I said that you were working at the private hospital I wasn't lying was I?" Julia shook her head and grinned, her mother was a judge after all, "Well he asked me to tell you that if you wanted to go back to him and Micah Cohen you had only to ring..."


"Do you WANT to stay on shit money with shit conditions?"


"Exactly, I'm sure that the new Mrs Daniels will be welcomed with open arms now that Annie and her ex-husband Rob have moved on."


"Sadly it seemed that along with slandering you to all and sundry, Annie fell for the self-same shit that you did. She married Rob Summerville after four months and divorced him with a similar speed once she found he was knobbing every older woman that so much as smiled at him. She howled and screamed apparently and demanded that Cohen and Palmer sack him, but apparently his order book was twice the size of hers so David Palmer laid out a few home truths; about having to 'let you go' to keep the peace and that perhaps the shit that she'd spread at your expense was just a bit unfair considering."

"Christ," said Julia hugging her new husband's arm, "That didn't go down well."

"No," said her Mum, "she threw a bit of a hissy and demanded that Micah and David pay for her and Summerville to go through counselling. David said that really wasn't on the cards and added that surely he wasn't the only one that knew that while Rob was a reasonable dentist he was, indeed, a good-for-nothing, philandering man-whore."

Julia wanted to laugh but was conscious that he'd fucked her twice; John looked at her trying to decide how to react and laughed himself. She bashed his arm then hugged it in relief.

"Well to wrap up this wholesome little tale, Rob Summerville has moved to another practice within their group but is many miles away and with lots of new 30 to 50 year old women he can screw, while Annie threw her toys so far out of the pram she'll need to pay import duty to get them back."

"Where is she?" said Julia hoping desperately that she was far enough away to not make her new life uncomfortable for her.

"New Zealand Darling," said Mum with a smile, "she asked me if I could help her with her divorce before she went. Charged the bitch a fortune of course, I'll let you have a cut by way of damages."

"Thanks Mum!"

She rang Micah the next morning and said she would start work on the next Monday. Next Julia contacted the agency and cancelled her contract. They asked to know where she was going to work next and she refused to tell them so they refused to pay her insisting that if it was as a result of her agency work then they wanted a finder's fee. She insisted she hadn't worked there on the agency so they sent a threatening letter to her parents' place, so in retaliation she sent a threatening parent to theirs.

Within ten minutes District Judge Saltmarsh was being smiled and bowed out of the office carrying a cheque for Julia's remaining wages plus some extra to get her terrifying mother out of the building as quickly as possible.

The extra money was nice and Julia was pleased to have the final word over her smug mother.

"Thanks Mum," she pecked a kiss on her mother's cheek, "this should be just enough to buy the cot, or perhaps the pram..."


"Yes, the pram... Nanny!"

She went back to work and nothing was said about anything that might have happened up in the flat with one of the two dentists that no longer worked there. She signed a new contract of employment dropping in at the last moment that she was almost three months pregnant - this passed by without comment, as many had remembered that the nice lady that gave Mr Cohen legal advice was actually Julia's Mum and perhaps it was best to just go with it.

John's second book was a massive hit, and the rights to it and its prequel and the next two sequels were bought by Netflix. They sold their tiny flat with its memories, then with the advance on book three and four they bought a small place in the country and it was there that they first returned with their new daughter more deliriously happy than before, with six months until she would need to go back to work again.

After a while John told his wife that unless she really wanted to go back to work he wouldn't object to her being at home with him while his regular cheques arrived. She said yes of course.

As he wrote outlines for books four, five and six they spent a long, mostly tax-deductible second honeymoon on the continent making notes and taking pictures, starting in Normandy doing Utah, Omaha, Gold, Sword, Juno and especially Caen, Ouistreham, Ranville and Arromanche.

Through St Mere Eglise, Bayeux, Falaise then north to Brussels, then Eindhoven, Nijmegen, Arnhem, then to Cleves, Aachen, Remagen before stopping to catch their breath in a rented house somewhere in the Rhineland where their second child, a son, was conceived within sight of the river where all of this good fortune had started.

He awoke as the sun rose and John looked across the naked sleeping form of his gorgeous wife to the large windows where in the distance he saw a Rhine cruiser, lit for its safe passage, slowly and quietly drifting past, and while it wasn't the one he'd travelled on he saw the wide, secure, secluded, first class balconies so obvious on the top of the vessel.

He thought about that trip and decided that one day he would play Julia 'The Molly tapes' and come clean; but not yet. He thought about his new house in the country, his new car, the new car he was going to buy for Julia, and the request to spend some months in the States to set an episode there. Julia stirred slightly and he looked at her outrageously sexy form knowing it was all his. Life was fucking good.

The distant cruiser headed away and around the bend in the river and the last he saw of it was the two stern port balcony cabins, the best on the ship and laughed quietly to himself at that irony.

"Thanks again Molly," he said and pulled his wife's warm, soft and freshly pregnant body against his, falling back into a dreamless sleep.

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francemanfrancemanabout 1 year ago

A lovely story, but with a very immature and naive reconciliation. It's a real pity.

The reconciliation itself isn't the problem, it's the speed that is.

It's almost as if they'd split up 6 months before, very good friends.

But the big baggage is the betrayal.

That alone should have made them reconnect at a very slow pace, with small steps forward, small steps back, doubts, hope.....

A betrayal is like a scar. Even if it fades or becomes less visible over time, it won't go away. It will always be there; it's part of you now

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Thoroughly enjoyed.

Would have liked a passing meeting with jo, but still a very enjoyable Story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Bull! He stated that he wouldn’t date gold diggers after his new book sold out! Julia is the biggest gold digger! She is a known cheater. Why would he believe anything that she told him?

Cracker270Cracker270about 3 years ago

That was a fine series. Great character development and outstanding story line. Easy five

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