Making the Best of a Bad Situation


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"Okay. If you do...want to talk about, you know you can trust me, right?"

She smiled at him and said, "Yes, I do." She reached out for his hand and his heart began racing as he took it.

"This is twice you've saved me," she said without looking at him.

"I told you I'd always be there for you, Mrs. Mason."

"Please call me Blair when we're alone okay, Hunter?" She looked over at him and said, "Yes, you did. You promised and you were there for me. Thank you."

She squeezed his hand and told him, "It was really bad tonight, Hunter. It could have gotten a whole lot worse. If you hadn't been there..."

He felt her shudder and said, "But I was. You're okay and that's all that matters, right?"

"Right," she said softly. She let go of his hand and lifted up her shirt again and gently touched the bruised area. She lowered it then said quietly, "He knocked me down and then kicked me."

"Jesus. He kicked you when you were on the floor?"

"Hard. Right around my kidney. It hurts pretty bad."

"Maybe we should go to the ER instead," he offered. Hunter was now genuinely worried there might be some kind of internal damage or bleeding or...

"We're here," she said ignoring his concerns as they approached the turn off. "We don't have to stay too long. I just want to be able to sit where it's quiet and think."

Hunter drove along the road until they came to the large parking area not far from the lake itself. There were a couple of other cars in the lot and both of them laughed when they saw a young couple making out in the back seat. "Oh to be young and in love again," Blair said wistfully. She was smiling and that made Hunter feel a little bit better.

"It's so beautiful out here," she said as she looked up into the dark night sky. After a few moments of silence she said, "Could we maybe walk around for a while?"

"I don't know, Blair. Your back. Is it okay? Are you in pain?"

"It hurts, but I really want to walk. Just for a while, okay?"

"Okay." He went around and opened her door and helped her out. He clicked the remote and locked it before offering her his hand. She took it then gingerly took a few steps. "You okay?" he asked as he saw her favoring one side. She nodded and they kept going one slow, painful step at a time.

They reached the lake and Blair said, "There's a trail just down there a ways where we used to hang out."

"That's where kids go to party or make out or whatever," Hunter added.

"I've done my share of both down there," she said with a small laugh. "Come on." She pulled on his hand and he followed her lead.

As they walked she said, "Why do you care so much, Hunter? Why do I matter to you?"

"I'm not really sure. The physical part if obvious."

"That's very sweet," she told him. "Is that it? Is that the only thing?"

"I'm probably the wrong person to ask. It's not like I have this broad perspective on life and love and how the world works. All I know is I can't stop thinking about you. I not only think about you I worry about you. I can't explain why. I only know that I do."

"Is it just because I'm older and that seems exciting to you?"

They continued walking as he said, "No. There are a lot of older, attractive women out there. I just don't find myself attracted to them." He stopped her and looked into her eyes and asked, "Does anyone really know why we're attracted to a particular person?"

Blair knew his question was valid but tried to provide an answer. "Well, the physical part plays a role, but it's more than that. There are a lot of things that go into a relationship. But there's no formula, no recipe, no guarantee of success. I never dreamed Daniel could be like this. He was such a nice guy and he was always so good to me. But the drinking changed him. I begged him to get helped several times, but he wouldn't even admit he has a problem."

"Sounds a lot like someone I know," Hunter told her. "Do you think your marriage could be saved if he did get help?"

"No. No, because...I don't love him anymore. It takes time for love and trust to grow, but it can end suddenly. It's like getting cut, you know? You can die from one massive wound or slowly from a thousand tiny cuts, but the end result is still the same. Once love dies, that's it. So, no, there's no chance we could make this work. I should have left last June, but I kept hoping against hope."

They continued walking and soon reached the trail. Blair strained to see in the dark and said, "It's only about a hundred yards from here." She smiled at him and said, "Come on. Let's go check it out."

Several minutes later they found the smaller trail which led from the one they were on and followed it another 20-30 yards before coming into a small clearing surrounding by evergreen trees. "This place brings back so many memories," she told him. "How about you? You've been out here, right?"

"A couple of times," he told her.

"With a girl?" she teased.


"I lost my virginity right over there," she said with a weak laugh pointing a tall tree.

There was a flat tree stump a few feet away and they sat down on it still holding hands.

"So why are we here, Blair?" Hunter asked her.

She rested her head on his shoulder and said, "I've heard so many different stories about female teachers getting involved with their students, and for me at least, I could never understand how that could happen or why." Without looking at him she added, "Until tonight."

Hunter wanted to say so many things but had no idea where to even begin. He put his arm around her and let her talk. Blair went on by saying, "I've always played by the rules and done things the right way, and where has it gotten me? I don't think I've enjoyed myself once in the last year with the exception of the night you drove me home and...tonight."

"So what are you saying?" he asked her.

"That I'm...very confused." She played with his hand and said, "My head is telling me we need to head back, but my heart wants us to stay."

"Which one is winning?"

"As badly as my back hurts, every fiber of being wants you to kiss me and...make love to me. But I know that when Monday comes and we're back in class, I'll feel differently. And yet a part of me doesn't care. It just wants you, Hunter."

"You know how I fee about you, Blair. I was raised to respect women and taught that 'no means no' so unless you tell me 'yes' I'd never..."

"I know you wouldn't, Hunter. I trust you, remember?" She looked up at him and smiled. "I trust you completely." She put her hand on his cheek and said, "I know that even if we know...that you'd never tell anyone. I trust you that much."

"I wouldn't. Ever."

"I believe you. I just can't figure out what we do on Monday. I can't see how that works."

"Again, I'm the wrong person to answer that. Whatever kinds of things you're feeling right now, multiply that by some very big number and that's how badly I want to be with you. But as to Monday, I have no idea. And although I can't think clearly right now, the one thing I do know is it would be foolish to think it'll somehow just work itself out if we do, you know..."

They sat there silently holding hands for several minutes before Blair spoke. "I have an idea," she told him. She spent the next few minutes talking through the thoughts percolating inside her head. When she finished she asked him, "What do you think?"

"I think it sounds great," he told her.

She got up and stood in front of him and asked, "Can you wait that long?"

"If you can wait so can I," he told her.

"It's not going to be easy," she said.

"No. It won't be easy," he agreed.

"But it'll be worth it, right? she asked hoping he'd agree with her.

"Yes. Yes, it will," he said as he brushed her long hair back. "Could I possibly ask for a small downpayment on this deal?"

She smiled and nodded as he stood up. She put her arms around his neck and stood on her toes as he leaned down and kissed her. Unlike the two previous little pecks, this was a very real kiss. It was long and slow and passionate. Tongues swirled, lips were gently bit, and gentle moans came from them both.

"If we don't leave now, I won't be able to stop," she whispered.

"We definitely need to stop, don't we," he said as he kissed her again.

"We definitely need to," she said kissing him back. "I don't want to, but we really need to." She forced herself to pull back from him and looked up into his eyes. "My heart is beating so fast it feels like it's going to explode," she said putting his hand on her chest. "That's what you do to me, Hunter," she said as she kissed him again.

He smiled and said, "I would love to show you what you're doing to me, but if you let me put your hand there..."

"It'd be all over," she said kissing him again. "So..."

He removed his hand and told her, "So...let's get you home and take care of that bruise."

After a long, slow walk back to his car and another hour on the road, they pulled into her driveway just before 3am.

"I can't let you come in with me for obvious reasons," she said as he let her out.

"I know. It's okay. I can wait."

"I'm not so sure I can, but this was my idea so...can you help me strong when I don't feel like being strong?"

"I can't make any promises other than I'll try," he told her.

"That's good enough for me," she said sweetly. "Well...g'night," she told him.

"Good night, Blair." He kissed her one last time and watched her walk away. She promised him she'd go to the ER or call 911 should things get worse or something unexpected happen. He'd wanted her to promise she'd call him, but that wasn't a part of her plan so he trusted her and hoped for the best.

Blair was waiting for the principal when he walked in Monday morning. "Ah, just the person I was hoping to see," he told her as he invited her into his office.

She took a seat and waited for him to do the same. "Another busy weekend I hear," he began by saying. "Are you okay?"

"I will be," she told him. "David, I need a couple of days off. I managed to find an attorney over the weekend believe it or not, and I need be at Daniel's arraignment. We need to have a restraining order in place and we're hoping the judge forces him to move out of my house. I'm also filing for divorce, so it's going to be a hectic time for me. Oh, I already requested a substitute for both days, but I will be back for rehearsal each afternoon."

"Blair, you can have whatever time you need and I'm sure one of us can cover the play at this stage for you..."

She interrupted him and said, "Speaking of the play, I need to also let you know that I'm resigning once its over." She removed a letter from a file she was carrying and handed it to him. "I won't leave you in the lurch and quit before the play is over, but I need a fresh start. I'm not only resigning from the school district, I'll also be moving at some point. I'm really sorry to do this to you during the school year, but..."

"No apologies. I'm just glad you're okay and if I may say, I'm glad to see you putting this behind you. For what it's worth, I think you're doing exactly the right thing."

She smiled politely but didn't tell him he wouldn't be saying that if he knew everything she had in mind, but she no longer cared what he—or anyone else for that matter—thought about her or her decisions.

He wished her well and with that, Blair left campus and headed for city hall where Daniel's arraignment was scheduled for 10am.

Her attorney met her in the lobby and let her know he'd just filed the restraining order and would be making a motion to compel her husband to live elsewhere at the hearing. The request to begin divorce proceedings was also ready to be filed later that afternoon.

Just before lunch, the judge made his ruling. Blair found him to be very sympathetic to her and granted her attorney's motion. Daniel would be released on bond and escorted to their home where he would be given an opportunity to remove whatever personal items he needed. Everything else could be boxed up and delivered to his new address. Finding a new place was his problem and the court had no sympathy for a wife beater.

Via their attorneys, Daniel also learned Blair was filing for divorce and to her surprise, he agreed not to fight it. She would be free in 90 days. They also agreed she would sell their home for them, split the proceeds, and be done with it.

The following day, she put their house up for sale and sent a very short text to Acme Repair. "Everything is on track and on schedule. I can't wait until we can be together. Love, Blair."

He read the text without removing it from his book bag then deleted it. The waiting was killing him, but he knew this was how it had to be and accepted his fate. The worst part was having to be near her and pretend like nothing had changed. During class as well as during rehearsal what had been sexual tension was now more like a magnetic field. Through sheer force of will, they both managed to stick to their plan, keeping contact to an absolute bare minimum until after opening night of the play. There would be one performance for the school and another that evening for the public.

All of the performers' hard work and Blair's efforts to pull it off together paid off as the cast received a standing ovation from both the student body and the good people of the town.

Just after midnight, when Blair was no longer his teacher, Hunter knocked on her door. She'd only gotten home a few minutes earlier but had had a few moments to get ready for him. She'd changed out of the simple dress she'd worn to the play and into a black, satin slip trimmed with white lace from Victoria's Secret, a pair of off-black stockings, and four-inch black heels. She touched up her makeup and gave herself a final look in the mirror before heading to the door. She was already heavily wet with anticipation as she opened it.

"Hi! Come in," she said smiling. He closed the door and looked at her.

"So...was it worth waiting for?" she asked him as he put his arms around her.

"More than worth it," he said as he kissed her.

"What did your parents say when you told them you're graduating early?" she asked as she led him toward her bedroom.

"They were very surprised and wanted to know why," he told her.

"And what did you tell them?" she asked.

"That I'm joining the Air Force and going to basic training right after New Year's. I just didn't tell them I'm going to marry my former teacher—yet."

"How do you think they'll react when you do?" she asked him as she closed the bedroom door and took off his coat.

"I'm sure they'll be surprised...again," he told her.

"I do want them to like me, but I'll understand if it's too much for them. As long as you love me, that is." She kissed him and said, "Are you still going to tell them before you leave?"

"Of course. Just like we planned. I know this will be difficult for them, but I don't want to spring it on them after basic training."

"No, that would be terrible," she said. "And who knows? Maybe they'll find a way to accept it."

"They're really good people, Blair. And they trust my judgment. This might be too big a pill to ask them to swallow, but I know they want me to happy."

"Are you happy?" she asked anxiously. In spite of being older, she was still very insecure about his love and she needed to hear him say it.

"I am. In fact, I couldn't be happier." He brushed her hair back and said, "I'm in love with the most beautiful woman on earth and she loves me. How could I not be happy?" He kissed her and said, "I'll always love you, Blair. Always."

He reached into his pocket as he said, "Speaking of loving you." He produced what looked like a diamond ring. He saw her put her hands over her mouth and her eyes open wide. "I can't afford an actual diamond yet, but I want you to have this as a promise of the real thing to come." He got down on one knee and asked her to marry him.

This time, the tears she blinked back were tears of joy. "Yes, of course I'll marry you, Hunter. I'm so in love with you too, and I don't care whether or not it's real." He slipped it on her finger before standing up.

"Will you please make love to me, honey?" She kissed him and said, "I've wanted to say that to you since that night at the lake. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Blair," he said as he helped her take off his shirt.

He kicked off his pants and Blair reached for his underwear. "You have no idea how badly I've wanted to see...all of you, sweetheart," she said as she pulled them down.

He was already partially hard and Blair gasped when she saw him. "Oooo!" she said happily as she ran the palm of her hand under his long, thick shaft.

"Am I big enough for you?" he asked. He knew from PE and showering after practice he was as big or bigger than any guy in school, but he had no idea how he'd fare in Blair's mind until she saw him.

"Let's just say I'm going to really enjoy making love with you." She stroked his growing cock and whispered, "Yum!"

"You look so sexy and so beautiful," he told her as he kissed her deeply.

"Thank you, sweetheart," she moaned as she continued stroking his cock. She pushed him back toward the bed. Hunter found the edge and sat on it as Blair knelt between his legs. She flipped her long hair back then smiled at him before taking him in her hand again and pulling his fully-erect shaft toward her lips. She dipped her head down and licked it from his ball sack to the tip.

"Oh, ssshit!" he moaned as she ran her tongue underneath the tip up and down and back and forth.

"Do you like that?" she asked playfully.

"I love it," he groaned as her soft lips parted to take him deeply into her warm mouth. "Fffuck!" he groaned as she worked her magic slowly taking him down and then gliding back up.

"Mmmm," she purred. "I love your gorgeous cock, honey." Her eyes were happy and bright and Hunter smiled at her as she went back down taking him as far as she could. She held it there while sucking hard using her lips and tongue as she took his full length.

"That's amazing," he groaned as he told her no one had never had done anything like that to him before. She was still doing it when he felt like he'd lose it. Sensing it, she raised up quickly and got on the bed next to him.

"Make me feel good too, please," she begged kissing him as she rolled over on her back and spread her legs for him.

Hunter kissed her as he gently fondled her breast under the lace nightie. "Mmmm. That feels so good," she whispered. "God I love you!" she told him as he slid between her legs. "So handsome. So caring. My sweet protector...and my lover."

"I love you too, honey," he said as his face disappeared between her legs. He quickly went to work by gently sliding his tongue between her soft, puffy lips and finding his target—a swollen nub that seemed to push back as he softly ran his tongue over it.

"Oooo!" she cried. "Yesss! Oh, God...just like that!" She reached for the back of his head and pulled him in close. "My handsome young lover," she moaned as used his lips to pleasure her by gently pinching her clit with them. "Oh, my God! Where did you learn that?" she cried. "Oh...that feels SO good! Fffuck!"

Blair was breathing deeply as Hunter alternated between licking, sucking, and pinching her clit. As his first finger slid inside her, she felt like she was in some other world where only the two of them lived. "Oh, yeah!" she cried softly as a second large finger entered her. "Just like that, baby," she told him.

Each time he slid his fingers in deep, he stopped and used his thumb to drive her crazy by gently rolling it over her clit. "Oh, my God...get that cock inside of me!" she told him but he didn't listen. "Do what your teacher says and fuck me!" she pleaded.

He continued using his hands and told her, "You're not my teacher anymore. I'm in charge now and you'll take it my my way and love it."