Mama Mia's Potion of Love


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Vanessa's face became a bit more firm, indicative of her diminishing patience. Mama Mia noticed this, and chose her moment to speak. She stepped into Vanessa's space and lowered her voice to a whisper, "This is the 'Potion of Love.'"

She let the disclosure settle before explaining, "This, with a little help from you and Matthew, will fix all your, uh, problems." She smiled.

Vanessa didn't know whether to laugh at the absurdity of it all, dismiss the woman as batty, or listen politely for anything else the old woman had to say. Out of years of friendship and trust, she opted for the latter and waited.

"Hmm.. I see you are puzzled. Vanessa, you are a beautiful woman. I wish I looked like you when I was your age. I also know what it is like to be, uh, virile." She winked and continued, "Marriage is not an easy thing to keep warm. I had the same problem you are having, with my Anthony." She crossed herself and blessed his memory.

"The Potion of Love is not a love potion as you may think. It doesn't just make people fall in love, or uh, you know…" She circled her thumb and forefinger on one hand and poked the index finger of her other hand back and forth through it, while looking around the back room as if to see if anyone were watching her perform such a lewd act.

Vanessa smiled warmly at the adorable woman and asked, "Well if it's not a love potion, what is it?"

Mama Mia resumed her whisper saying, "It brings love BACK to a relationship," She hesitated to let the revelation sink in and then added while kicking her foot out provocatively, "While adding a little kick to it!" She laughed at herself once more.

Vanessa listened while the woman continued to instruct her on the potion's use and effects. They spent another five minutes in the back room before returning to the counter in front and checking out Vanessa's purchases. Before they finished, Vanessa, now more a believer than before but still less than 100%, suddenly said, "Wait!"

Mama Mia smiled while the younger woman rushed for something which Mama already knew what would be. Upon returning to the counter. Vanessa realized that she'd already cum twice this afternoon, once really hard, and she sure didn't want to spoil their fun if indeed the silly potion actually worked, and Matthew complied. What a dream that would be, she thought as she dropped a jar of KY Jelly on the counter. If all things went as the old woman predicted, which was probably the most improbable thing she could imagine, she might need some additional lubrication.

Mama Mia laughed and took the jar away saying, "You won't need this sweetheart, believe me. You just do as I told you, ok?" Come by tomorrow if you can. Let me know how happy you are!" She laughed yet again, further frustrating Vanessa, yet further intriguing her as well.

49 Bayside Circle, Port Washington, on the north shore of Long Island, New York

"This is it," Mathew announced to the driver as they pulled up in front of his house. The cab stopped and let him out as Matt grabbed his overnight bag and slung it over his shoulder. He walked forward, paid the fare and tip and turned toward the front door. Another trip ended, this time with even a lousy lay, and another boring night at home about to begin. He thought about what games would be on tonight to occupy his time until he felt tired enough to go to sleep. His thoughts hardly included visions of his wife. It was only as she surprised him at the door that she reentered his mind, and quite unexpectedly so.

Vanessa raised up on her tip toes to hug and kiss her husband very uncharacteristically. He usually opened the door with his key and let out the usual announcement, "Honey, I'm home," and walked to the foyer table to check the mail. This time there was no such walk. This time, he saw over his wife's shoulder, in the midst of a strong embrace and a heated, tongue accentuated kiss, that the dinning room table set, with two candles burning.

"Whoa, what's this all about?" He asked, letting his wife lean her head back while still held by his arms around her back. He was smiling at her from a similar pose.

Vanessa smiled back and said, "A very special evening, Matt, and it just started." She was beaming warmth all over, obviously excited about something and Matt was surely not about to upset her. Hell, he wasn't all that displeased with the hot kiss either. Maybe it would lead to something more later on.

They walked together to the dining room and Vanessa immediately brought out a rib-eye steak with baked potato and Brussels sprouts. She smiled in advance, knowing what he would say.

"Beef, Brains and Potato's! Yum yum!" It never changed. Matt had explained the different name to the kids for years until they started calling Brussels sprouts what they looked like to their father, "brains."

"Breakfast of lovers," Vanessa responded, again as always, embarrassing the kids, but not the parents. Tonight her echo evoked different emotions, in the only other person present, her husband.

They sat down and Matt refrained from asking what was going on. As they ate, he looked at his wife and noticed something very different about her. She was radiant tonight. Her hair was not changed, but truly combed and waved in such a way as it looked like it had been groomed by an expert. Her eyes were made up as if they were going out. Maybe that was it. They were going to a party. She was wearing a silk blouse, unbuttoned uncharacteristically down low in her cleavage. She was wearing a skirt too, he suddenly realized, and now he was sure they were going out. Probably some movie, he thought, and she was buttering him up before asking. Another woman's flick, thought the devil in him. "You look… radiant tonight, sweetheart," The angel in him said.

They chitchatted through dinner and Matt continued to resist asking. When they'd finished their meal, and some homemade ice cream that both considered their private specialty, they dropped their dishes in the sink as usual, but for some reason, Vanessa wanted to wash them by hand tonight, together, instead of using the dishwasher. This did not coincide with an evening out.

They finished that chore only after Vanessa had pushed her breasts into Matt's arms, chest and just about his face several times, "by mistake." He wondered what was going on with his wife, and wondered again at what was going on with him. His pants were beginning to pinch his growing shaft. The previous night he'd had to work to experience an orgasm, through no help from the rather deadpan one-nighter he was with, and now he was hornier than he'd been the whole trip. Interesting.

When they were all done with the cleanup, Vanessa took the towel from his grasp and folded it and hung on the under sink door. She'd kept smiling at him the whole time, and made sure to push her delightful ass up in the air at him as she'd bent down. There went the pinching in his pants again.

"Vanessa, what…?" He was cut off.

Vanessa grabbed his tie with a provocative smile on her lips, and pulled him out of the kitchen. Something was up, of that Matthew was sure. The only question was what it was going to cost. Yet even this thought was pushed back by reality's experience. She had never felt she had to convince him of anything in the past, at least not so much as to have to hide her intentions in drama. She'd always spoken freely. They'd never had a problem with "permissions" like for buying something new, or deciding on a vacation. Each had always taken the other into account in any decisions, automatically. So what could possibly be going on here?

She sat them down on the floor of all places, directly in front of the fireplace. Naturally, in the middle of summer, the thing was turned off, allowing the house's air conditioning to do its job. What surprised Matthew however, were two icy drinks sitting on coasters on the fireplace hearth. These had been there for some time, or just placed there while Matt was drying the last of the dishes. He was still trying to figure this out when Vanessa pulled a small vial from behind the poker rack and held it up between them.

They were sitting cross-legged before each other, a position slightly more comfortable for his wife than it was for Matt. He hoped she would not sit this way in other circumstances, for her skirt was forced to ride up her thighs enough for him to see the tops of her stockings and the crotch of her white, lacey panties. The sight was somewhat stirring and he fought back the temptation to reach out, or even say something, as usual. Why was that, he wondered. The previous night had been such a letdown, and here was this gorgeous wench before him, a woman he knew from experience he could enjoy and give enjoyment too, and the two of them were so willing to let that opportunity go by.

"Now don't laugh. I got this from Mama Mia today, and it has been in her family for generations, so we know it lives up to its billing." She held the vial up and looked into its contents through the glass before holding it closer for him to do the same.

Matthew rolled his eyes and wondered at the same time what was happening. This was not like his wife. She was a practical woman. Sure, she watched the women's channels and chatted with her girlfriends like birds in a tree, but this was totally out of the box for her. "Honey, the dinner was absolutely a wonderful surprise, and seeing you in such a, well, sexy outfit," He looked and nodded toward her open legs, a look she let go with a sly grin on her face. "But this is just not like you."

"This is a very special potion, honey." She ignored his dismissal and continued, "Mama Mia says it will give us something to bring love back into our lives." She smiled, obviously not only convinced of its powers, but already living as if they'd been activated. She moved her legs slightly, probably to alter her position for comfort, and her panties became even more visible.

Matt's retort to her revelations was interrupted by the growing member in his pants. Stretched across his groin as they were, the two legs of his trousers left room for his groin to move without revealing movement. Yet he was definitely reacting to the view.

Vanessa continued, "We have drifted apart, Matt, in bed. We both did this, not just one. I don't blame you and I don't feel you blame me…" She hesitated before asking, "Do you?"

Matthew tried to respond with the same seriousness his wife was displaying. He thought quickly about the condition and state of their physical relationship and agreed. It was neither of their faults alone, but both their responsibilities together. "No, I don't blame you. I don't know why we have let that part of our lives go away. We have always been so good together. When the boys finally left I thought we would get back to our college days variety of sex and yet we just drifted further apart. I'm glad you don't blame me, Baby, but… does it mean there's something wrong with us?" He hated getting so close to the real fear, that they were finished.

Vanessa too, hated the idea, but was just as close to such a conclusion, and didn't want to be. But she had a renewed faith that she needed to impart to her husband. "Honey, I want to try this. It's just a single drop. That's all it takes, Mama Mia says." She didn't wait for an answer from Matt and popped the little cork out of the vial. She lifted her glass first, and carefully tilted the vial until a single drop fell from its lip to her drink. Straightening, she looked at her husband with a sly smile, before drinking the entire vodka martini in one hoist.

Matthew was shocked. She'd never drunk like that before. She was the nearest thing to a tea-totler he could imagine, barely sipping a drink if one was ever pushed before her. And here she'd taken the entire contents of her glass like a sailor his first night in port. He watched her for any further reaction.

Vanessa watched herself too, surprised at her audacity and smiling at her accomplishment. The vodka went down fast, but left a lingering burn in her throat that now seemed pleasurable in its presence. After a moment or two, she remembered what Mama Mia had told her. It is important that less than five minutes pass between their taking of the potion. She leaned over this time, not trusting herself with raising her husband's full glass, and carefully doled a drop of the potion into Matt's glass where it stood on the hearth.

As she leaned, Matt noticed one side of her ass rising off the floor. The upper knee came up a bit more than necessary, perhaps to balance her, or perhaps by intention. It didn't matter. Matt got a much larger flash of his wife's panty laden crotch, and the smooth white flesh above her gartered stockings. She was wearing them, just like she used to when they had planned a night of heated sex in the past. The garter straps were white as well, while the hose now stood out as a fine material of mostly transparent black. His cock stirred considerably now and he had to use his hand to free up his shorts to let it extend. It was unclear as to whether Vanessa had seen him do this.

She leaned back up and with an obvious movement of her head, indicated he should pick up the glass. Her eyes then tried to impart a similar message, blinking and looking from the glass to Matt and back again.. Finally, Matt smiled and reached for the glass. What harm could it do? The old woman probably had sugar water in the vial, and all this was, was a wishful hoax from one woman to another.

As he leaned to retrieve the glass, his eyes scanned his wife's blouse, and the wide-open cleavage she'd left with the open buttons. Her large, creamy tits were clearly visible above the lace of the bra, so much so he could just see the tops of her areole. Again his pants tightened around him.

Matt made some fanfare of the act of retrieving and hoisting the glass to his lips, stopping just before the liquid touched his mouth. He looked at Vanessa, who was looking on with earnest anticipation, prompting him to tease her with delay. He brought the glass down from his lips and acted nonchalant as he asked, "Are you sure this stuff is safe?"

Vanessa didn't know whether to smack him, kiss him, or attack him! She was already getting hotter and hornier for his body than she could remember. She looked down at his groin and swore she could see his bulge growing. "Of course it's safe, you tease! Drink it, now!" She boldly lifted one knee so she could be sure he saw the prize that awaited him.

Matt's eyes opened large as he looked down her raised thigh at the clearly visible wet panties between his wife's legs. In one gulp, he downed the whole drink and leaned in to grab her thighs. They kissed with their tongues deep in each other's mouths and hands began to rove. It was only seconds before they were both clawing at each other's sex and long past wondering just how far this potion of Mama Mia was going to drive them. For the moment, they were desperate to join their bodies in coital bliss.

"NO!" Vanessa pushed back. "Not yet!" She was torn between smiling at her finally revived husband's libido, and screaming in frustration at not letting him take her then and there. But Moma Mia had given her specific instructions to delay, to force themselves into "various acts of excitement." She'd said, "Think of some things you have never done before, that he must participate in, before he can have you the first NEW time."

"The first NEW time?!" Vanessa had responded with surprise. Mama Mia had simply smiled and held up the vial again.

So now was that time, the heated wife recognized, to stop the action and take on new tactics before she let them get off course. "Take me into the bedroom first, Matt. There are more surprises for us." She was already getting into a mood of oneness with him, a feeling she hoped and thought he was beginning to share.

He pulled back at her request, and quickly offered, "You name it Honey! Wow! This stuff really works! How can that be?" He rose, reached down to pull his wife up by both hands, and pulled her too him in a long, full bodied hug and kiss. "What is it? Some kind of Spanish Fly?"

They began gyrating on each other's parts quickly and once again, Vanessa had to stop their action and turn back the pace. "Whoa there Stallion, the bedroom, remember?"

Matt picked her up in a sweep of her feet with one arm and cradling her with the other. He probably hadn't done this in twenty years, but it sure seemed natural at that moment. Whatever the little drop of liquid was in his drink, he was feeling freer and more in heat than he could remember. He dropped his head and kissed her breast as he walked her into the bedroom and stopped at the bed. Then he kissed her again on the lips, tongue searching, before placing her gently on the mattress below.

She was immediately sitting up and peeling off his belt and pants. Unbuttoning his shirt while his pants began to fall under their own weight, she then pushed down his jockey shorts and took his now stiffened cock and fed it into her flushed lips.

Matt groaned with the pleasure of her touch and the warmth of her mouth all over his cock. She handled his balls with on hand, while the other began drifting all over him, finally winding up between his legs with a finger pushing lightly at his back door. That was new! He felt the jerk in his body at her touch there, a jerk that served to push his cock deeper into his wife's throat. Another groan preceded his joining her with his hips in a pace she was producing with both her hand on his balls and the thumb or whatever at his anus. She was pulling him and pushing, pumping his entire hip area, and he was loving it.

When he felt that irresistible sensation of orgasm approaching, he said, "Oh Honey, you better stop soon…" But he knew it was already too late. His wife must have known too, for she only increased her tempo, pressing and sucking until he spewed forth a volume of sperm she hadn't had in her mouth in years. She felt her own orgasm tingle through her pussy lips and up her spine as she gobbled the hot jism down her throat, milking him with her hand to extract every last drop.

When they finally subsided, they were both amazed at how horny they still were. Matt's cock didn't shrink a bit. Vanessa's desire didn't diminish either. It was time to follow instructions and move on. With slow but deliberate movement, she pulled her head back but held his cock and balls in her hand. With her other hand, she pulled him down beside her on the bed, and asked him, "Just sit there for a moment."

She began to get up, but stopped before doing so and looked at him closely, "Are you still as hot and horny as I am, Honey?"

"Baby, whatever that potion was, is, I want a gallon of it! I just came a bucket down your throat, and at this very second I have never wanted you more! Where the hell are you going?" He tried lightly to hold her back, but she rose and went to the closet.

Returning moments later with a box, she put it on her dressing table and turned to face him, still fully dressed. The look on her face was one of wanton lust. She knew the potion was really taking hold now for she had never felt this horny before. The mere sight of her husband sitting there on the bed, naked, stiff as a board, drove her crazy. She had to have his entire body inside her before this was over.

Her first act was to retrieve another device she'd purchased from her favorite, specialty web site. She walked with it over to his position, and stood between his legs and directly in front of his face. He didn't mind this at all and began to fondle her ample breasts through her blouse and bra while she was doing whatever with her straps and things. They both received their share of pleasure while he pulled on her nipples alternately with his teeth, while coning a single breast at a time in both hands. He was amazed at how firm and enticing they still were, and she was feeling the tingling all the way back to her pussy again with his touch. How long she had waited for this touch!