Mama Mia's Potion of Love


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"Sit back in the middle of the bed and lie down, Sweetheart." She said, quite matter-of-factly.

He looked up, decided his current state of desire was so intense he'd do anything she asked, and followed her instructions. As he did so, Vanessa was tending to straps and whatever that hung off the harness she had applied to his upper torso. As he moved, he felt the device tightening more and more, until when he finally laid down, his chest felt comfortably secured in a kind of web.

"Put your hands over your head," She commanded, with just a little more firmness in each consecutive word.

He did so with no hesitation and wondered why she was getting sharper in tone. He next felt and heard Velcro straps going around his wrists and was suddenly aware that his hands were now secured to the straps extending from the back of his harness, tightly to the rails on the head of their bed. While he was getting the sense of this restriction, another Velcro band was applied to each of his feet, though this one was equally puzzling. Apparently she had fixed more of the straps from his harness to the corners of the foot of their bed, and he simply let her move his ankles up till they were almost touching his ass. The interesting part now, was that she had affixed those ankles to the lower straps, and he was totally secured, and totally exposed on their bed. He couldn't move anything but his head, and with that he strained to see his wife.

She made it difficult for him by standing at the foot of the bed, instead of to the side where he could simply turn his head to see her. This way, he had to raise his head up, straining his neck muscles to do so, and therefore forcing him relax every now and then to keep from cramping his neck. In the time that he was able to look, he was able to see his very sexy wife discard her blouse, her skirt, and after a few sexy gyrations of her hips and arms, her bra and panties. She kept her garter belt and stockings in place, while taking a long and deliberate sniff of the crotch of her panties.

Matt's dick was dipping down to his stomach, then springing up like a rocket about to be launched from a mobile vehicle. It was pulsing up and down like this quickly as he watched his wife perform. She was using her tongue on her lips, reaching out now and then to touch his bouncing shaft, and swinging her beautiful hair in twirls of delight. Matt had to have her, and badly. He'd completely forgotten that he'd had a lousy orgasm the night before, and a terrific one just minutes ago. She folded her panties around his cock and pumped it up and down a few strokes. Then she placed the panties on his face and watched him inhale their aroma. She tossed them aside and stood still once again.

Vanessa smiled at the effect the drug was having on both of them. This was exactly the kind of romantic, lustful experience she'd been longing for since the kids had left home. This was better than that! She was about to do things she'd never even dreamed of before! And thanks to Mama Mia and her family's Potion for Love, she was about to live a dream. She reached into the bag and pulled out the narrow anal dildo.

Matt thought he was going to cum without touching himself. What the hell was his pristine, delicious wife up to? They were both obviously way out of character here, though he wasn't complaining a bit. What the hell was in that vial!? He watched as she agonizingly slowly inserted the slender imitation cock up through her pussy lips and fully within her cunt.

When she moaned at the pleasure, Matt echoed her sounds. He humped his hips up once at the delicious sensations running through his body. He wanted her to touch him so bad his cock actually hurt. But it only go worse when his innocent loving wife pulled the visibly wet dildo from her pussy and pushed it right up her ass, as if she'd been doing this for years. He was nuts with passion for her at that moment and wanted desperately to cum inside her while the dildo was up her ass. He yelled at his wanton wife, "Oh Baby! Fuck me Baby! Come over here and sit on my hard cock, Honey!"

She laughed with abandon at her husband's lust and began to work the dildo in and out of her ass for him. He was squirming on the bed, watching her rotate its end around in circles outside her ass, trying desperately to get his cock to make contact with something, anything to bring him off. She said nothing as she brought the strap on assembly from the box. She merely smiled as if he weren't in the room, and held it up above her head as if to inspect it.

Matthew Roderick was going nuts with lust. He was long past any sense of humility or shyness. The fact that he was tied up on the bed, his sex totally exposed and vulnerable, only served to augment the lustful thoughts flying through his mind as he saw yet another totally uncharacteristic item in his wife's hands. He was doubly shocked when he noticed the reciprocal dildo, just as she began to insert the bigger of the two cocks into her cunt.

"Oh my God, Vanessa! You are driving me nuts! I have to fuck you Baby, NOW!" He was writhing on the bed.

She looked at him in pity, but with a smile and soon the lust returned. The drug was almost scaring her now, it's effects seeming to show no sign of abating in either of them. She took a firm, two handed hold of the jutting end of the device and slid the mighty dildo completely up her pussy. For a few pumps, she fucked herself in front of her husband's eyes. "I want you to do this to me Baby, all the time now, do you understand?" She rolled her eyes in pleasure as she pumped herself a few more times.

Matt was speechless watching her. He just couldn't believe what the drug had done to them. They were animals in heat. They had never experienced anything like this before, probably never would again, and yet, he didn't want it to stop, ever. His wife ceased her motions suddenly however, and she slowly removed the dildo from her pussy. He watched closely as she slowly dragged it from her now sopping cunt, letting the swollen lips of her slit close as the device departed.

Vanessa began to apply the device to her body. While she looked into her husband's eyes and smiled, her lip curling every now and then as more of her work was completed, she slipped the reciprocating dildo up her cunt and applied the rest of the device, securing it around her with a little extra tightness this time. It was built for her to ride, and for once, she was going to get her chance to do just that.

"Honey," She said, standing with her hands on her hips and waiting for her husband's head to raise up again at the unbelievable sight, "I am going to fuck YOU now." She looked seriously at him and added, "I'm going to fuck you the way I want you to fuck me, do you understand?"

He simply stared at her. His neck was cramping because he had held his head up too long. But he couldn't stop staring at her! She was magnificent! Her breasts were pointed with steeled nipples, aiming directly at him. Her lush hips reached out beyond the tightened strap around her waist, her ass poised and begging behind her. A moderately sized dildo stuck out from her pubic bone, where a smooth skin and small patch of hair should have been. And he knew intimately that there were now TWO dildo's in her holes, all this while he watched her! He couldn't speak he was so full of lust for his delicious wife. "Ohhhhhhhh…."

Vanessa mounted the bed and stood above him for a minute, between his spread knees. When she didn't move, Matthew began bucking his hips up at her, and finally found his voice, "Oh yes Baby! Fuck me Baby, up the ass, any way you want! Just do me Baby, before I explode here, into oblivion! OHHHH…. FFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKK MMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

She smiled at his wanton lust and desire, and kneeled down between his legs. His eyes bulged in anticipation of a foreign object going up his ass, especially one pushed there by his wife! It was new, all new to him. He'd never even fantasized about another man, but he did admit that when a couple of the women he'd had over the years had pressed on his ass, he'd been deeply stirred by the action. Now he was going to find out what it was like to be fucked. His own wife was going to brutally take his anal virginity with a cock that would push another like it right back into her, and probably stimulate the other one in her ass too while she fucked him. It was all too much and he wanted to cry out for more of her and more of the drug.

Vanessa's eyes were bulging too. She stared at his as she felt her way to his ass and guided the elastic cock to its entrance. She wanted to warn him that her juices may have partially dried already, but for some reason couldn't speak. She saw his mouth open too, but similarly, nothing came out. She pushed forward as she thought a man might were the roles reversed.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh……" Came a low, guttural groan from Matthew. His eyes closed and his head tilted back, mouth open wide.

The dildo broke through his sphincter muscle, and they rested that way for a moment. Vanessa began to pull back, but Matthew quickly used whatever leeway he had to hump his hips up at her to let her know he wanted, needed more. She hesitated momentarily, then pushed forward slowly. Another, lower groan, though less in volume, emitted from deep within her husband. It was obvious that he was undergoing some pain, but far more pleasure, and Vanessa began to loosen the reigns on her own lust. She pushed forward harder and the medium sized dildo pushed clear up his ass to its base.

They both let their heads back to savor the moment. Neither could believe their sex had been so vacant for so long, and suddenly so absolutely unbelievable in one fell swoop. Their lives had just taken an entirely new tact. This miracle drug had just changed their lives not only to the better, but it had transformed them into dreams being fulfilled. How did it do this? They wondered, but then again, they didn't care. They began to gyrate their forms and Vanessa reached around and undid his wrists and his ankles as they moved.

Matthew's hands came immediately up to his wife's breasts and massaged them firmly but without pain to her. He pulled on her nipples and let them fly. They smiled and even laughed in the ecstasy of their feelings and the joy their bodies were feeling. Eventually, Matt reached up and pulled her down to him, crushing her breasts against his chest, but pulling her ass with his hands, to maximize her penetration of his own. The contact of sandwiching his cock between her stomach and his was all that was needed to initiate one of the sharpest and longest orgasms he had ever had. They both felt the cum squirting from his cock, squeezing and slurping between their bodies as Vanessa started an explosive orgasm of her own.

She continued to fuck her husband in the ass, forcing the most delicious feelings in her pussy at the same time, and feeling his hands on her ass just pulling her harder and harder to him. Her orgasm immediately followed the start of Matt's and they rolled them out together in a frenzy of pumping, groaning, sweating and penetration. They both left the planet and soared as eagles over the rest of their lives and the world below. They were one, totally linked, and totally simplified to the only emotions that really mattered. Their love for each other, and their lust for each other at that moment were one. There was no separating between them.

The orgasms lasted for sometime, but of course came to an end eventually. When they did, the two of them collapsed, Vanessa on top of Matt, and held there in his strong arms. Neither tried to remove anything from any orifice. They simply lay there, kissing each other slightly every few minutes, but resting and regaining some of their spent strength.

After a time, Vanessa raised her head and smiled down at her husband. "I don't…."

He put a finger to her lips, "Say nothing. Just let it wash over us, Baby."

It was as if he knew she was going to tell him she had no idea what was happening with the potion, or what might be next. She was delighted he felt the same way as her. After what they'd just experienced, how could it go wrong?

Eventually, she pulled her jutting dildo from her husband's ass and kissed him as she undid the straps of his harness. While he got out of its remnants, she removed the strap-on device from her body, and the anal dildo. She had just placed them in the box when her husband put his arms around her from behind. "You are not going to believe this Honey," He heard whispered in her ear, "But I am going to take you now."

She shivered in the unbelievable delight that he was still horny for more. This was just so perfect, she had to pinche her clit to be sure she was awake. Matthew turned his wife around, lifted her off her feet, and pulled her thighs slightly, motioning her to clamp them around his waist, while he remained standing. He used one hand to reach around behind her and guide his still rock hard cock to her pussy's luscious lips. With one jerk of his hips, he impaled her on his shaft and they both gasped in the ambrosial sensation of its presence in her pussy.

Slowly, still standing and supporting both their weights like a college athlete, he began to pump his wife's vaginal tunnel with his cock. She groaned in pleasure as he did, beginning a rhythmic movement of her hips to complement his own. She wondered at first how he was handling all their weight, but remembered the magic drug and smiled. Whatever it did, it had brought them to a point in their lives she'd never imagined, nor even in her earlier wildest dreams had hoped for. She held her man tightly around the shoulders, her hand caressing the back of his head as she kissed him profusely.

Matt couldn't get enough of his wife. She was the hottest, horniest thing he'd ever seen or touched. He tried his best to ram his shaft up her body until he could taste it in his mouth, and still he tried for more. He held his arms around her, one hand on each ass cheek, pulling her onto him as never before. The tighter together they became, the more they pulled for even more. Never again would he have to go elsewhere for satisfaction, he thought, when the ultimate in satisfaction was right here in his arms.

They rocked faster and faster on his feet as they neared yet another orgasm together. The sensations in each were building from the point where her clit rubbed his pubic bone, all the way up to their brains and out to their limbs. They each kept pulling the other closer until the pressure between them only added to the sweat dripping down their bodies. The heat of the couple was more than the sum of each as they began to jerk and hump in orgasmic delight with each beat of their hearts. Their bodies once again joined in spirit as well as physically, and they simply fell inside each other's abyss of pleasure.

Some time later, lying side by side in bed, Matt looked over at the window and noticed it was dark outside. They'd slept for awhile after their lovemaking and he had no idea, nor did he care, what time it was. He reached over his wife's body and pulled on her shoulder to wrap her back in his arms. She was only half awake as she slipped a thigh between his and they made mutual contact with each other's thigh to sex contact. It wasn't long before they were making love again, this time with Vanessa sitting on his loins while he, backed up against the headboard, licked and sucked on her tits. Yet another orgasm overtook them soon enough and they fell back to sleep once again in blissful satisfaction.

Twice more before morning's light, they awoke, enjoyed each other's bodies and fell back to sleep Matt took her in the ass for the first time during one of these sessions and held her in the doggie style position while he bent down after to clean her off with his tongue. Before he was done, his wife pulled him back to her and shared his find with him as they kissed themselves back to sleep.

It was after ten the next day, a weekday that they suddenly realized they'd overslept. When Vanessa tried to sit up and tell him she'd start breakfast so he could at least go to work not hungry, he simply pulled her back to him and said, "Fuck work today."

Vanessa fell back into his arms and suggested, "No, fuck me today." And he did.

This dreamland of waking and fucking and sleeping went on until after three in the afternoon. Finally, they agreed, they could take no more. The only solution to get some rest, was ironically to get out of bed. They laughed as they both headed for the shower at once, but decided one last soapy fling under the water wouldn't hurt. They wrote it off to the last remnants of the drug and finally emerged from the house for a walk, fully clothed, and satiated like never before.

They walked silently and aimlessly through the suburban streets, smiles on both faces. Through gravity, or magnetism, and without saying a word to each other, they found themselves walking into the village and over to Mama Mia's store. After looking at each other before they entered, they smiled and went in. Mama Mia came bustling out from behind the counter with perhaps the biggest smile on her face ever. She knew her solution had worked, could tell as much by the sight of Matthew with his arm firmly around his loving wife. "Oh, you two are sooooooooooooooo good to see."

Vanessa and Matt began to speak simultaneously, then laughed. Matthew managed to speak first. He took Mama Mia's hand in one of his and said, "Mama, I don't know how to thank you for that magic potion. I have no idea what it is…"

She was smiling so hard she was almost unable to interrupt him with the word, "Love."

Matthew hesitated, then continued, "Yes, uh, 'Love Potion', I don't…."

But she interrupted him again. "No, you silly thing, LOVE. Whatever happened between you was LOVE, not that sugar water I gave to your wife." She began beaming so broadly she started to laugh.

The couple were confused. Love? Vanessa managed to ask, "You mean, that vial you gave me…"

"Sugar water. I told you it was nothing!" She laughed some more before adding, "Oh, a little food coloring mixed in, but nothing but water and a little sweetness to go along with the tons of sweetness you both already had for each other." She waited for the realization to sink in. "Your minds were the only thing in your way! The 'Potion of Love,' merely let you think with your hearts and souls."

After Vanessa and Matthew absorbed the astounding revelation, and began to reflect internally on all its ramifications, all good, since it meant they were truly and naturally as horny and loving toward each other as they were last night, they smiled openly at the little old woman.

Matthew finally said, "Mama Mia, you are one beautiful lady. Come on! We are taking you out to dinner! I don't care what time it is!" He started to pull her by the arm.

They were all smiling, but Mama Mia stood her ground. "Oh, no you don't. You too could be dangerous! I can only imagine what mischief you got into last night! No, I'll stay here where I am in control. You two run along and I don't ever want to see a frown on either of your faces again! You understand?" She scolded them with her wagging finger and a smile.

The couple laughed and turned to leave. They thanked their deliverer profusely and kept doing so as they made their way toward the exit. Just before they opened the door, they heard Mama ask, "Vanessa darling?"

They turned around to face her and she held up a jar of KY Jelly. "Need this honey?"

Vanessa beamed with the humor of the woman, looked briefly at her husband and back at Mama Mia. "Oh no, Mama, like you and your Potion of Love, we make our own." They turned and left the store, arms around each other's back.

Mama Mia dropped her arm and looked again at the plastic jar. Then she looked back at the door and said, "Well you may not need this, but I'm an old woman!" Her devious smile augmented the appearance of the jaunty swinging of her hips as she disappeared into the back room of the gourmet grocery store.

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voluptuary_manquevoluptuary_manqueover 16 years ago
Is it on the internet?

Sugar water or no, I want a bottle!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Damn HOT !!!

You are a very good script writer. I know you will get published in mainstream mens mags!!

Keeep up the HOT MOMMA ASSFUCK Stuff

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Set the mood with Love

This is great for remembering courting attraction and sex. Really felt very great about sex with my partner after reading this. A story that relates to reality (at least most of the time!!) has to be good. A feel good story without being overly pornographic.

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