Man of the Hour


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"Ok, let's get this over with." I climbed out of the car and started up the back steps of the house when Joel stopped me.

"It's actually out on the Green," he said as if I should have known.

"Joel!" I groaned. "Why didn't you say so? I'm not dressed for outside!"

It had been a lovely spring day, and the girls had dressed me accordingly. But the temperature had dropped when the sun had set, and there was a definite chill in the air. I'd noticed as soon as we set foot outside the dorm but hadn't been too concerned. Joel said he was taking me to the frat house. I assumed he'd meant inside of it.

"Yeah, yeah, that's my bad. Here, take my jacket." He seemed genuinely embarrassed by the oversight. His jacket was warm and kept me from poking through my thin blouse, so I wore it even though the cuffs hung past my fingers.

We walked down the row of fraternity and sorority houses to the open meadow at the end of the street where a crowd had gathered. There must have been two hundred people milling around in the dark. Here and there, flashlight beams darted among the shadowy figures.

"She's here!" Joel called in a loud voice. "I've got her!"

There was a weak cheer and a scattering of applause as the faceless crowd of Greek letter sweatshirts turned our way.

Along the edge of the Green ran a red brick wall separating Greek Hill from Old Campus. The crowd parted along the sidewalk that led to the wrought iron archway through the wall. A pair of sconces on either side of the gate illuminated the scene, and under the arch stood Robbie.

My jaw dropped.

He was stripped naked, his hands bound above his head and tied to the top of the arch.

I dashed forward through the crowd as quick as I could, deaf to the jibes and laughter, blind to everything around me except for poor Robbie.

There was some sort of harness wrapped around his head, holding a rubber ball in his mouth.

The frat hazed its pledges by sending them on embarrassing scavenger hunts. Robbie had once gotten hold of a few of their "adult book store" purchases so we could play with them privately, but I never expected to see one used like this.

"Baby, what did they do to you?!" I asked wrapping my arms around him and pressing my cheek into his chest. His skin was all goosebumps from the brisk night air. Now I understood why Joel had been in such a hurry. "Are you ok? Did they hurt you? You must be freezing."

Robbie nodded and then looked confused and shook his head.

"Why do you let them do this to you?"

He just looked kind of sheepish and sort of shrugged.

"Let him go!" I turned on Joel with venom in my voice. "You've had your fun. I'm not playing your stupid game."

A chorus of boos arose from the first ranks of the crowd. Joel clearly looked conflicted. "Robbie? What do you say, man?" he asked. "You want to go through with it?"

I looked back at Robbie. He looked at me and nodded stoically. Damn him. The crowd of frat boys and sorority chicks cheered.

I hung my head, resigned to take part in whatever nonsense they had planned. That's when I noticed the chill had done more than just give him goosebumps. Robbie's manhood had shriveled up like a frightened turtle.

Well, if my man was going to be out here on display for the world to see, they were going to see what I was really getting. I gave him a tug back to a more respectable length, much to the crowd's delight.

"There, that's better," I smirked up at him and he flushed with embarrassment. Pushing Joel's jacket sleeves up and running my fingers through Robbie's chest hair, I asked "Now what do I have to do to get you untied?"

From behind me a voice rose over the din of the crowd and called out my full name like my mother getting ready to scold me. I turned to see three more of Robbie's frat brothers dressed in black robes that looked like leftover Halloween costumes. They had hoods obscuring their faces, but I recognized Derek, the Alpha Lambda Gamma president, in the middle.

"You are brought before this fraternity tonight," Derek read from a sheet of paper in a loud, solemn voice as the crowd grew still, "because our worthy brother Robert has chosen you to betroth. Our brotherhood is formed to strengthen and support each member through sage counsel and collective wisdom. Before we give our blessing to this union, we would ensure that Robert's decision is sound, his judgement unclouded by-"

"Cut the bullshit, Derek," I interrupted. "What do I do to get this over with?"

There was a mixture of boos and laughter from the crowd.

"C'mon, Christy just... play along," Derek urged me quietly, glancing back at the gathering. "We gotta do this, ok? It's tradition."

I looked back at Robbie and he nodded so I relented. "Fine," I sighed, and Derek continued with his speech after taking a second to search for his place in the script with a flashlight.

"Uh... his judgement unclouded by base desires and uncorrupted by false fidelity. To that end, you are called here tonight in front of these gathered witnesses to demonstrate your worthiness. Ten questions must you answer true, your devotion to prove and our blessing to win."

"What if I get one wrong?" I asked, and again laughter skittered among the crowd.

"Oh, uh don't... don't worry about it. They're pretty easy," Derek assured me quietly. I'd broken the flow of his monologue again and he took another second to find his place. "The time of testing has come. Are you prepared to begin?"

"Is that the first question?"

"...No," Derek sighed. "C'mon, Christy."

"Alright, fine," I relented, and in a loud voice with more pomp than the farce deserved, I replied "I am prepared."

Derek nodded appreciatively with a smile, and read "The first test—What is Robert's major?"

"Finance," I said, rolling my eyes and adding "with a minor in Economics."

Derek took a moment to ceremonially confer with the other two black-robed brothers before loudly announcing "The first test is passed!"

I was startled as the crowd erupted in cheers. Geez, these people take their silly little rituals way too seriously.

"The second test," Derek announced when quiet had settled over the crowd again. "What is Robert's favorite color?"

"Well, that's tricky," I answered with a smirk. "He tells me it's a color he calls 'slippery hot rose'." I held my fingers down in front of my skirt suggestively and laughter coursed through the front of the crowd again. I glanced back over my shoulder to see Robbie hanging his head in mock embarrassment. "But he tells everyone else it's green."

"The second test is passed!" Derek announced to even more cheers. The nonsense went on through Robbie's middle name, his home town, his favorite food. All the while, Robbie stood there naked, stoically enduring the ritual humiliation.

At last Derek got to "The tenth and final test—What is Robert's essence?"

"His what now?" I asked, assuming I'd misheard the question.

"His essence," Derek repeated quietly, and when I just gave him a blank look he explained "It's open to your interpretation. There's really no wrong answer."

I turned around to contemplate my naked fiancé, bound in the archway. "His 'essence', huh?"

Robbie's expression was hard to read with the gag still in his mouth, but he looked down at me and cocked his head to the side, as if curious to see what I'd come up with.

I had to say something. My mind scrambled for inspiration.

Last month the campus movie theater played this old black and white film about a nuclear war that started because some American general couldn't get it up and decided his impotence was the Russian's fault. As a euphemism, the general said the Russians had stolen his 'essence'.

For some reason, I fixated on that and all I could think of was sperm.

I blushed at the thought and looked down as a devilish idea took hold in my brain. What if I gave Robbie a blowjob, right there in front of everyone? If the gossip was true, my friend Debbie had done the same thing in Florida just last night. My God, these people would absolutely lose their shit.

My heart was racing now, pounding in my chest like a drum solo.

I looked up at Robbie, laying a hand on his bare chest and taking his penis in my other, giving him another little tug. "Is it ok if I get a little naughty with my answer?" I whispered, biting my lip in anticipation of his response.

Robbie's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and the corners of his mouth twitched up in the best grin he could manage around the gag. He shrugged and nodded.

Behind me, I could sense the crowd getting restless waiting for my answer. Was I really going to do this? Well, it wouldn't be much of a 'ceremony' if I didn't spend part of it on my knees. I am catholic after all.

Bracing my hands on Robbie's hips, I slowly knelt in front of him, finding the least uncomfortable bits of brick sidewalk on my bare knees. The crowd gasped as I took Robbie into my mouth.

"Yeah girl, suck that dick!" I heard a girl behind me yell, and the crowd cheered.

I sucked against Robbie's rapidly swelling member until I couldn't hold him all in my mouth any more. Wrapping my fingers against his hardening shaft, I stroked his silky skin up and down while keeping a tight seal around his bulging cockhead until I could have taken his pulse with my lips.

Once he had an erection I could be proud of, I released him and ducked under to tongue his balls, making sure everyone in the crowd had a good look at my sweet Robbie's throbbing tool. If I was going to worship his graven idol in front of everyone, they were damn well going to know it was worth sinning for.

The crowd was whistling and cheering and my heartbeat had quickened to a staccato, adrenaline-fueled patter.

Once I'd built up a nice mouthful of lubricating saliva, I spread it across his turgid shaft with my tongue, lovingly teasing every hot inch. Popping his pudgy glans back in my mouth, I looked up to see how Robbie was reacting.

His head was thrown back, and he was pulling down against his restraints. While I couldn't see his face, I could well imagine the expression of ecstasy he wore.

"Hey, will you marry me next?" shouted a guy behind me, and the crowd whooped with laughter. I flipped a middle finger over my shoulder and really went to town on Robbie's dick, stroking back and forth with fingers and lips.

I hadn't learned how to take him into my throat without gagging yet. I made a decision not to try—and then suddenly realized that I was intentionally trying to put on a good show.

God, it was so dirty. Was that the same rush that Debbie got, stripping off a wet T-shirt in front of a crowd every night? Was it what Sara felt in that airplane restroom, knowing the whole plane was listening to her?

I was getting light-headed, overwhelmed by my own debauchery. My hand crept under Joel's jacket, and caressed my breast through the thin fabric of my blouse. It wasn't the chill that had me poking through. I wanted to reach down between my legs, but I still had some modesty left. I let my clit ache and instead rubbed a swollen nip against my palm.

Between the pounding of my heart and the tingle in my breast, I trembled at the sensations in my chest and moaned against Robbie's rock hard rod. I think I came a little. Above me Robbie groaned, and the crowd cheered again.

"Come on baby, give me that essence," I urged him quietly, letting him slip from my mouth and rapidly pumping the entire length of his slick erection with my hand. "I want all those sorority whores back there to be jealous. Show them all what they missed out on, baby."

He was looking down at me now with a squinched expression, his face and chest flushed from humiliation or arousal. I couldn't tell which, and I didn't care. He'd gotten us into this whole stupid business; he could live with the consequences for another month until he graduated.

"Suck His Dick!" someone yelled behind me, and the crowd took up the chant. "Suck his dick! Suck his dick! Suck his dick!"

"Cum for me, Robbie," I pleaded from my knees. "I want to make you cum so bad. I want them all to see how beautiful you are when you cum for me." I popped him back in my mouth and redoubled my effort to suck the essence from his balls.

He was close now. I could tell from the way he was rocking his hips back and forth. If his hands hadn't been bound, they'd be on my head right now, fingers twisted in my hair.

I reached behind and grabbed his naked ass with both hands, giving him leverage to fuck my mouth, pushing back against each thrust.

"Suck his dick! Suck his dick! Suck his dick!" the chanting continued.

And then I felt his magnificent shaft twitch and throb and my mouth was flooded with his hot, salty seed. Once, twice, three times his erection spasmed with another jet of cum.

I let him slip from between my lips and pushed myself back to my feet brushing off my chafed knees. A hush fell over the crowd as Robbie's drooping dick softened and he slumped against his restraints in a post-ejaculatory stupor.

I turned around to find Derek staring at me slack-jawed and the crowd waiting breathlessly behind him.

"Hiv effenf..." I drooled into my open hand, showing the black-robbed officiant's Robbies semen dripping between my fingers. The crowd went absolutely wild.

Derek closed his mouth, opened it again, looked at his script for a moment, and then back at me.

Without bothering to consult the other two judges, Derek crumpled up the sheet of paper and tossed it over his shoulder, calling "Let him go."

While the guys in black robes untied Robbie, I accidentally wiped my chin on the sleeve of Joel's jacket. Since I was going to have to wash it for him now anyway, I went ahead and cleaned the jizz off my hand as well.

"Christy!" Robbie called as soon as the gag was pulled from his mouth. They'd covered him in one of those black ceremonial robes.

"Robbie!" I threw myself into his embrace and hugged him tight. "Are you ok, baby? They didn't tell me you were out here freezing to death."

"No, I... I'm fine. Are you Ok, though? I... I didn't mean for you to get dragged into this."

"I'm Ok. I didn't go too far, did I?" I grimaced. There was no way this wouldn't make it back to Rachel, and then it would be all over campus. "I mean, you still want to marry me, right? Even though I have a reputation now?" I asked looking up at him with puppy-dog eyes. I wasn't really worried that Robbie would call off our engagement, but I wanted to hear him reassure me.

"Hey, if he doesn't, I do!" some guy I didn't know butted in. Robbie shoved him away good naturedly.

"More than ever," he held me tighter. "You... God, you are just full of surprises, aren't you?"

"I wouldn't want you to get bored," I shrugged innocently in his arms.

"Never," and he kissed me. I could still taste his cum on my lips, but he didn't even hesitate, that's how much he loved me. Rachel bitched about guys who wouldn't kiss her after a blowjob. Those aren't guys worth blowing, in my opinion.

"Man, I don't know how I'm going to explain this to Father Tom," Robbie shook his head. I flushed at the idea of going to confession next week.

And then the singing started.

     "OOOhhh, Alpha Lambda Gamma knows a girl who's sweet!
     She's thrifty, honest, clever, virtuous, kind, and neat!"

I looked up to see all of the brothers lined up like a choir and enthusiastically belting out the tune. I'd heard the frat singing bawdy drinking songs at parties. Most of them sounded like they'd been written in the 50s. I'd never heard this one though.

     "Prettiest girl on campus that you're gonna meet!
     A smile from her will knock you right off of your feet!
     Alpha Lambda Gamma knows a girl so sweet!"

"What's happening?" I asked Robbie through a politely clenched smile.

"They're serenading you." Robbie put his arm around me. "We have to learn the 'Sweetheart Song' as pledges and sing it for the home-coming queen every year. I've never heard it any other time. This is kind of a big honor."

     "All the brothers pine,
     to kiss a girl so fine!
     The man who wins her heart,
     will surely stand apart!

     Oh, Alpha Lambda Gamma knows a girl who's sweet!
     She's thrifty, honest, clever, virtuous, kind, and neat!
     Prettiest girl on campus that you're gonna meet!
     A smile from her will knock you right off of your feet!
     Alpha Lambda Gamma knows a girl... soooo... sweeeeeet!"

There was a final cheer and a round of applause. Robbie looked down at me with a wide grin spread across his face and I don't think it was just from the blowjob. I think he was actually proud to be the guy who'd won the girl in the song. How could I not love the big goof?

The crowd started to break up and from the chatter I could overhear, Robbie's house had managed to impress the others—thanks to me. "We gotta party with A.L.G.," was a sentiment I heard repeated by guys and girls alike.

"Are all the Gamma Guys hung like him?" I overheard a sorority girl ask another.

"I dunno, but I am gonna find out," her friend replied, and I squeezed my Gamma Guy a little tighter.

There were lots of handshakes and congratulations and joking mock-condolences. Somebody said the last betrothed who had to prove her worthiness was a sorority chick who knew about it in advance and answered the essence question with a rambling fifteen-minute soliloquy. Everybody agreed my answer was better—that I'd set a new bar.

Whether I'd raised or lowered that bar probably depends on your point of view.

Robbie held my hand in his as we walked back towards the house with the others, and I finally got a chance to follow up on something Joel had said earlier.

"Hey, um, Joel said that they do this whenever an active brother gets engaged."

"Yeah," Robbie confirmed. "It doesn't happen very often anymore."

"Are you still active after you graduate?"

"No, once you graduate, you become an elder."

"So... if you had waited to ask me like you planned, they wouldn't have done all this?"

"...No," Robbie admitted after a pause. "They wouldn't." That's what I thought. If my brother had kept his nose out of my business, none of this would have been necessary.

"Oh, I am gonna kill that little brat!"

Robbie laughed that deep, throaty laugh he has. He doesn't laugh like that often enough. "Don't do that," he smiled down at me. "I'm... I'm happy with how things turned out."


"Yeah. After that display, I don't think anyone's gonna say I made a bad decision."

"Awww." I squeezed his hand tighter and leaned my head into his arm.

"And, I mean... as embarrassing as it was..." he continued, "it was kinda cool being the center of attention for a while. I... I don't usually get that. You know... I'm usually just a face in the crowd."

"Not to me."

He put an arm around me and kissed the top of my head as we reached the fraternity house

"Can I tell you a secret?" I asked.

"Of course."

"I kinda liked it too," I whispered conspiratorially. I was a little surprised at how damp my underwear felt in the cool night breeze under my skirt. "You need to take me back to the dorm so I can kick Rachel out and show you how much."

"Just let me get my car keys," Robbie grinned that big, shy grin he has whenever he knows I'm feeling frisky.

"Hey, you can't go yet," Derek interjected. He'd been just a little way ahead of us and perked up suddenly.