Man of the Hour


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"Ohhh, I thought we were done," I groaned.

"We are, we are," Derek tried to placate me. "But there's a bottle of champagne in the back of the fridge for special occasions. We were going to pop it open."

"Stick around for one toast," Joel encouraged. "Dorm curfew's not for a couple hours yet."

Robbie looked down at me, his expression neutral. If I wanted to go, I was sure he'd take me, no questions, no complaints. But when would he get to be the man of the hour again? I was going to have our wedding day, but this night was just about him. As badly as I wanted to rip that stupid black robe off him and ride him like a woman possessed, he deserved to have his frat brothers make a fuss over him.

"One toast," I agreed.

But one toast turned into half a dozen, and then someone tapped a keg.

There are maybe three dozen brothers living in the Alpha Lambda Gamma house. A dozen or so girls showed up as well, girlfriends of brothers I was guessing, mostly sorority chicks. I found myself once again recounting the story of Robbie's proposal, this time with more invective for my little brother. And there were the same questions about dates and dresses and venues and kids.

The other girls were all juniors and seniors, so it was a serious ego trip to be the sophomore who had what they all wanted, whether they'd ever admit it or not.

Just like back at the dorm, someone put on music, so everyone migrated down to the party room in the basement.

I'd started with a champagne glass from the homecoming china cabinet, but switched to a plastic cup that the pledges kept topping off from pitchers. So I had a pretty good buzz going when Derek asked Robbie "Hey man, when does Christy get her turn?"

Robbie blushed and smiled sheepishly at the floor.

"My turn to what?" I asked. Robbie had made some connection I hadn't.

"You're like our sister-in-law now," Derek slurred with a smile, draping an arm around my shoulders. "You're a Gamma Girl and we're gonna look out for you."

"That's right," Derek's girlfriend agreed. I think her name was Jenny or Ginny or something like that. "You're as good as Greek now, sister."

"Yeah!" Derek agreed. "And we won't let this guy—Leave. You. Hanging." He punctuated each word with a finger to Robbie's chest.

"C'mon Derek... Knock it off man," Robbie brushed him off.

"Was'sa matter, big guy?" Joel teased. "Has Christy got bigger balls than you?"

"We should totally find out!" Ginny/Jenny goaded.

"Nobody's dragging Christy out to the Green," Robbie snapped with sudden sternness.

"No, no, no..." Derek waved away Robbie's concern. "No, that's all done. You should do it right here."

"She's wearin' a skirt," Ginny/Jenny pointed out matter-of-factly.

That's when I put it together. They wanted Robbie to go down on me in front of everyone just like I'd done to him. Well, if he enjoyed being the center of attention so much, I was feeling uninhibited enough to put on another show.

"Yeah Robbie, when do I get my turn?" I teased him, looking straight up at him and pressing my breasts into his stomach.

"How much have you had to drink?" he looked down at me, eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Just enough," I told him, stepping back and handing my cup to Ginny/Jenny before hiking up my skirt and hooking my thumbs under the waist of my underwear. The whoop of encouragement I got when I shimmied the lace down to my ankles drew the attention of the rest of the crowd.

"You, um... You sure about this?" he asked, feeling the weight of all his brothers' eyes on him.

I just smiled and took hold of the collar of the black robe he was still wearing and pulled him down to kiss me. There was no hesitation in my kiss—lots of tongue, but no hesitation.

Robbie lifted me up by the waist without taking his lips from mine and set my bare butt down on top of the bar. He gave me one more soft kiss on my lips, then held his forehead to mine and when I opened my eyes he was looking back into them. My own nervousness and excitement were reflected back in his dark pupils.

"Last chance to back out," he whispered. "No one would blame you."

"Not me," I shook my head, doing my best to ignore the room full of strangers all turning to watch us. "You?"

"I don't think they'd ever let me live it down."

"Then get down there, baby," I taunted. "Don't stop 'til I'm screaming."

I scooted my ass to the edge of the bartop and spread my knees wide. Robbie took a deep, dramatic breath that got a chuckle from the crowd. He ducked his head under my skirt and clamped his mouth around my pussy like he meant to suck me inside out.

The crowd cheered and I squealed with delight as Robbie opened me with his tongue and flicked against my neglected bud. Draping my legs over his shoulders and kicking off my shoes, I crossed my ankles behind his back and took hold of his head pulling him even tighter against me.

"Oh God, Robbie, just like that..." I sighed, looking up at the basement full of faces looking back at me with gleeful titillation. All of the guys were leering, craning their necks to get a glance up under my skirt.

"Is this what it was like for you?" I murmured as Robbie's tongue probed deep and slow, then flicked out whip-fast across my clit—a trick he knew would make me crazy. "Is this what it was like having all your friends watch while I sucked you off, baby? Oh God... Mmmmph... My heart is beating so fast Robbie... Can you feel it? Can you feel my heart beat with your tongue?"

"Waiter, I'll have what he's having!" a guy at the back of the room called out and the whole room laughed.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir," I smiled back, looking him dead in the eye, as Robbie's tongue languidly traced through my labia, lapping up my nectar. I caressed my chest with my left hand to make sure everyone could see the ring. "This dish is—uhnf!... no longer on the menu."

More laughter. I couldn't believe how much everyone was enjoying our naughty little show. I couldn't believe how much I was.

Robbie clung to my legs and kept working me like an ice cream cone in the sun. My own hand squeezing my breast added to the stimulation. My head lolled and my breathing grew ragged as I watched the gawking crowd through heavily lidded eyes.

The idea that I was being so raunchy, so audacious in front of everyone had me more aroused than I had ever been in my life. My head was spinning. I didn't know where this sudden delirium came from and all I could do was moan in fervid confusion.

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about," a girl yelled from the back of the room. "You love that, don'tcha slut?"

Nobody had ever called me a slut before. My friends tossed around the expletive like a badge of honor, but I never realized what a visceral reaction the word could cause. I was suddenly awash in a clash of emotions, shame and humiliation mixed with defiance and hubris.

With so many people crammed in the basement to watch Robbie orally defile me, it was getting warm and I was starting to perspire. The heat of the incandescent lights over the bar glared down and a trickle of sweat ran between my breasts. I was still kneading my own yearning flesh underneath my blouse when my thumbnail caught on a button.

That gave me another devilish idea.

The crowd whooped and whistled when I opened the top button of my blouse. I opened another and they started to chant "Take it off! Take it off!"

Another button and another and another and my blouse fell open, exposing my chest sheened in sweat and pretty lace. Poor Robbie still had his head under my skirt and couldn't see what the crowd was cheering for, but he was feeding off of their energy and driving the tip of his tongue across my clit like a sewing machine.

When I looked out at the room, I saw that one of the brothers had retrieved a camcorder and was pushing his way to the front of the crowd, the little red light telling me my debauchery would be immortalized on VHS for years to come in the Alpha Lambda Gamma porn collection. The thought of it made me squeal just a little bit.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" the camera guy asked when he was close enough to be heard over the mob.

"Mmmm... Christy," I groaned.

"And what's going on under your skirt there, Christy?"

"My fiancé, Robbie... Ngggnnh... He has his tongue halfway up, mmm... up my cervix."

"And you're letting all these people watch?" he asked, panning across the crowd as the brothers cheered and mugged for the camera.

"Uh-huh," I panted when the camera was back on me.

"It looks like you're enjoying it," he said, panning the camera down my body. "Hey, why don't you show us your tits?"

My open blouse hung from my shoulders, my bra still on for what little bit of good it did. As depraved as I had been tonight, no one had actually seen anything yet. Camera-guy's suggestion made me gasp as an unexpected surge of hormones erupted somewhere deep in my brain.

"You wanna see my tits?" I purred to the camera.

"Do you wanna see her tits?" camera-guy yelled to the crowd. An affirmative cheer reverberated back.

"What do you think, baby?" I gasped, stroking Robbie's hair through the fabric of my skirt. "Should I... should I show my tits to... mmmmh, to all your brothers?"

Robbie reached up and grabbed my bare ass in both hands, pulling me tighter to him, and whatever he did with his lips sent a jolt through my abdomen that made me squeal.

I took it for a yes.

As I snapped open the front clasp between my breasts, a hush fell over the crowd. They cheered and hollered as I spread the lacy cups and exposed myself. I could feel the tension in my psyche ramping up. I was seconds away from an absolutely mind-melting orgasm.

"Are you gonna cum on camera for us, sweetheart?"

"Yess! God yes, I'm gonna cum!"

I braced my hands against the low basement ceiling as the first tiny spasms started to erupt. The cheers of the crowd, the stench of stale beer and sex, the tickle of sweat between my bare breasts, the leering faces of dozens of strangers... It was all too much to contain.

"Robbie!... Oh God, Robbie, yess!"

With another flick of his tongue across my overstimulated clit, Robbie sent a tidal wave of euphoria crashing through my soul. My cries of ecstasy were drowned out by the cheering audience and the sudden release of tension left me trembling and panting.

It was all I could do to push Robbie's head back away from my slippery hot rose.

"Hey Christy, what fraternity eats the best pussy on campus?" camera-guy asked.

I knew what he wanted me to say, but I took a moment to decide whether to play nice or not.

"...Alpha Lambda Gamma," I answered with a sigh and a smile, brushing a tress of hair out my face. The crowd cheered and launched into a lewd drinking song that extolled the sexual prowess of Gamma Guys.

Robbie emerged from under my skirt and my legs dangled limply off the bar on either side of him. Seeing me there with my blouse and bra hanging open, a shy grin spread across his face slick with my love juice. I did my best to smile back at him while I caught my breath.

"You are so beautiful," he told me.

"Shut up," I demurred. I must have been a sweaty mess under the harsh lights over the bar.

He wrapped his arms around me, pulled my bare breasts into his chest, and he kissed me as the crowd sang. I wrapped my legs around his waist and ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him back.

Between my thighs I could feel his costume robe tenting out on his erection and I was obscenely aware that my Robbie was stark naked underneath. The only thing between my bare pussy and his beautiful dick was one layer of cheap fabric.

That night had been the raunchiest, lustiest, sluttiest night of my life. It was a night I was going to remember forever. I wasn't ready for it to be over. If I was slut now—if that was going to be my reputation—I was going to be a slut that Rachel would envy.

I broke our kiss and turned towards the guy with the camcorder.

"Hey, camera-guy," I beckoned, "Show's not over yet!"

He grinned like a shark.

Robbie must have had an inkling of what I had in mind, but he wore a puzzled expression when I turned back to him.

"Fuck me," I whispered in his ear, leaning in close.

"Wh-what?" he stammered.

I pulled the zipper down the front of his robe and reached inside to wrap my fingers around the heat of his eager tool.

"Fuck me," I repeated loudly enough for the camera to pick up. "Right here. In front of all your brothers." I inched my ass forward on the bar until I could rub his bulging head between my slick folds.

The crowd had realized something was up and a hush fell across the room as they waited to see what was going to happen next. Robbie looked down nervously and the cameraman followed his gaze, but my skirt was covering our sex.

"Do it, man!" camera-guy urged. "Your girl wants it bad."

"I do," I told Robbie in my sultriest voice, "I want it so bad. I want all your brothers to see how worthy I really am."

"Do it!" called a girl from the back of the room.

"Fuck her!" called a guy.

"Yeah, fuck that slut!" called another girl.

A cheer erupted and the crowd began to chant "Fuck her! Fuck her! Fuck her!"

Robbie looked over at the camera, smiled and shook his head in resignation. When he turned back to me, he simply said "I love you."

"So prove i-AH!"

I gasped as Robbie lurched upwards and filled my body with his so suddenly that my ass came off the bar and I nearly hit my head on the ceiling.

The shy smile was gone and Robbie's lip curled in a determined smirk as he planted his palms on the bartop and drove himself into my hungry snatch over and over again in time to his brothers' chant.

"Yes baby, yes baby, yes baby," I gasped, clinging to his neck as his dick probed my pussy over and over again with steady, shallow strokes. "God you fuck me so good!"

Robbie's a big guy, but not so tall that his dick hangs at bar-height. He was up on his toes to keep himself inside me, and I don't care how toned your calves are, you just can't do that forever. I was starting to think I should let him bend me over a barstool instead when Robbie grabbed my ass and pulled me off the bar as he staggered backwards a step.

The air was forced out my lungs and I yelped in surprise when the full length of Robbie's erection speared my depths as my weight sank down.

I savored the sensual pressure deep in my core, but the sinful part of my psyche wanted that stimulating rhythm back. Hanging from his neck, I pulled myself up feeling each glorious inch of Robbie drag out between the petals of my carnal embrace before relaxing and sinking back to his hilt.

"You're so strong, Robbie," I moaned, stroking his ego as I rode up and down. "Mmmm... You're holding me up—Unf!—with your dick!"

Robbie blushed, looking around the room at all of his brothers ogling us. One of them called out "I gotta add that set to my workout," and everyone laughed. Camera-guy circled us trying to find the most pornographic angles under my skirt and down my open blouse.

"Guys, give us the sofa, huh?" Robbie called back over his shoulder and the crowd cleared a path behind him. I groaned in satisfaction as he flopped backwards, and I landed on my knees straddling his lap with his dick impaling me.

"You want me to ride you?" I asked, pushing the robe off his shoulders and planting my hands on his bare chest.

"This was your idea," he smirked. "Giddy-up!"

Bucking his hips, he started me on a steady rhythm sliding up and down his heavenly shaft.

I was soon moaning with ecstasy as Robbie bounced me with his hands on my hips and the crowd cheered us on. My head rolled back and I closed my eyes to focus all my energy on the rising tension that was building again.

Suddenly there were hands on my shoulders and I opened my eyes to see Ginny/Jenny standing over me, grinning wickedly with her tongue between her teeth.

"Hey Gammas," she yelled over the din, "who wants to see this bitch GET NAKED?"

Without even waiting for the affirmative cheer, she slid my blouse and bra straps down my shoulders, and I moved my hands one at a time, letting her remove my top completely.

I was too far gone to object, lost in semi-orgasmic delirium.

Robbie and I never broke our steady cadence as her hands roamed back up my bare skin, caressing my ribs, fondling my breasts. I squealed when she pinched a swollen nipple and shivered as her fingers drifted over my belly to the waist of my skirt.

Ginny/Jenny deftly opened the buttons and pulled my skirt away leaving me totally nude in a frat house basement fucking my fiancé for all his friends to watch.

Well, almost totally. I was still wearing Robbie's ring and my graduation crucifix, which I became suddenly aware of as the cool gold clung to my flushed skin between my bare breasts.

An unexpected wave of embarrassment washed over me and I pressed my body tight to Robbie's hiding my nudity. His brothers found me worthy to be with Robbie, but I wondered if his great-grandmother, whose ring I wore, would approve of such a wanton slut.

At the same time, the tremors of pleasure radiating out from my loins had me bouncing my ass on Robbie's dick with a fervid need for more.

Robbie wrapped an arm around my back and twined his fingers in my hair. "You alright?" he whispered in my ear as I clutched the back of the sofa, my chest pressed tight to his.

"Yess... Yessss, pleeease..." I closed my eyes to block out camera-guy circling through the crowd behind the sofa.

All of the conflicting sensations and emotions made it hard to focus. Another tempestuous orgasm was relentlessly building, and no humiliation was going to deny my desire. I had eagerly started down this sinful path, and I would see it through to the end, no matter how many Hail Marys Father Tom made me recite.

Robbie was getting close.

I could feel his heart rate quicken and his breath grow ragged. I didn't know if he was going to finish inside me or not, and I didn't care. I just didn't want him to finish without me. Clenching my teeth, I fucked him even harder.

Then something hot and fleshy was pressed against my lips.

I opened my eyes to see some guy's dick poking out of his open fly, a thatch of pubic hair inches from my face.

"Eewww! No!" I blurted, recoiling back away onto Robbie's lap in disgust.

Robbie looked back over his shoulder. "What the Hell, dude!? Are you seriously sticking your cock in my girlfriend's face?!"

The room went quiet, and dick-in-his-hand guy turned bright red, and even though I was sitting there stark naked in the middle of it, any sense of shame I had felt was quelled as all eyes turned to him. The mood should have been ruined, but instead all of my senses were suddenly focused on Robbie's erection throbbing deep inside of me.

"I... I dunno, man... I just... I thought she was gonna put out for-"

"You thought my girlfriend—no, my fiancé—was gonna put out for the whole damn house!?" Robbie cut him off. "Is that what you thought, Smitty?"

Something strange was happening. It was like I could feel the testosterone coursing through Robbie's body. As he berated Smitty in front of everyone, I swear I could feel Robbie's dick getting bigger, swelling deep in my pussy.

"Well, I mean Ginny had her hands-"

"Seriously, dude!?" Robbie cut him off again. "You can't see the fucking difference between Ginny touching Christy, and you waving your pecker in her face? Are you that fucking dense?"

Listening to my sweet Robbie castigate his brother was like nothing I'd experienced before. I don't know how to explain it. The heat of his anger surged into my body as raw masculine energy. It overwhelmed me. I felt like I was going to explode.

"No man, but Jeff said to-"

"I don't give a fuck what Jeff, said!" Robbie barked. "If Jeff said to fuck Iota Chi's goat, would you do it?"