Mark and Micki, Julia and Fitz.


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With two mugs of tea she went back up the stairs and put both down on the nightstand,

"I shut your kitchen blinds," she said perching her perfect bottom on the bed next to him, "Wasn't sure if your neighbours would appreciate a hot naked Jennifer Aniston lookalike smiling at them in their garden."

"He probably would, but his wife would tear him a second arsehole if she saw him looking at someone as hot as you."

"Do you really think I'm hot Mark?" she tried to hide her grin.

"Seen better," he said with a sniff, and she laughed and lashed out at him, "Hot as FUCK! Michaela, seriously, tell you what," he said sitting up and reaching for his mug of tea, "I think..." he tilted his head, "yeeeeeeah, do something with the hair!"

She turned to face him, flipping her long brown hair around and trying to whip his face with it.

"What, my perfectly managed, one length, uncoloured hair that's looked the same since I started to let it grow in year ten?"

"Not too much, just a bit of a style, perhaps some layers, just take a bit of a chance, why not speak to Katie about make-up, I get the feeling she'll love to be your mentor."

"What, a mentor like you, you mean?"

"Only if that kind of thing does it for you!"

She giggled and picked up her mug of tea as she asked him some more questions about her hair, before getting back eventually to the two other places inside her that he'd mentioned before they made love for the first time.

He pulled her back onto the bed, where they kissed and caressed for a while before he showed her, and as he strummed, licked and played, she sighed, cried and howled, shocked as she gushed into his face with her first G-spot orgasm.

He played with her boobs for a while and she was again really impressed with the passion that the man showed to her over just something as simple as her breasts.

He lay on top of her again and sucked her nipples, and this made her reach down for his now hard penis and she rolled over him,

"I want a go at the cowgirl!" she said.

"You help yourself honey and remember, move around so everything you want touching gets touched." She had some fun bouncing around on him before she worked her way up to her G-spot then back down to her A-zone, he started to play with her clitoris just how she had described to him.

She came in rents falling forward onto Mark and giggling and crying to her latest and greatest come.

He rolled her to one side and cuddled into her back, holding her breasts and kissing her neck as they recovered, and in doing so he eased into her pussy from the rear, pulling her hips back onto him.

"Oh shit, yeah." She leaned back twisting her head to find his mouth to kiss, as he gently screwed her from behind, "Oh Mark, that's so fucking nice, shit... Mark please!"

He rolled her onto her front and lay on top of her, reaching around and under to grab her tits pinning her arms to her side while he pressed her down into the mattress and screwed her.

"Come for me Micki," he said, starting to flag, "Come for me baby," and held her tight.

For her the full body contact, her restriction under him, not seeing his face, the feeling of 'being taken', the hint of submission she'd only ever read about and the effect his penis was having on her insides was too much and she came heavily, gently weeping at the amazing sensations and emotions she'd encountered on this day of days.

They both woke a while later, as she again bolted to the ensuite with a shouted 'Eewwwww!" as his semen dribbled down her leg.

He pulled her into the shower and they both had good fun in the large cubicle washing the other and playing around. With soapy hands they grabbed and tried to tickle each other. Mark was rather ticklish and warned Michaela that she shouldn't play with the big boys.

"Oh yeah, what'cha gonna do Doctor Mark?"

He spun her around and pushed her against the shower wall smacking her shapely and firm arse, and she shrieked before purring, feeling his soapy middle finger slip into her puss and he finger-fucked her.

Feeling her approaching orgasm he speeded up and just as he felt her knees start to tremble, he twisted his hand and slipped his soapy index finger up against her anus, then just inside stroking around the nerve endings he knew to be there and with eyes wide she cried out grabbing for the handrail as her knees gave way and she came.

He held her firm and fingered her through her orgasm. Recovering she pulled herself up resting against the wall gasping as she felt his fingers rub together in the thin membranes between both of her holes.

"Told you didn't I," he said pulling her face to his and kissing her.

"You must remind me to tickle you again some time," she said, resting her forehead against the cool tiles on the wall, "that was AMAZING!"

They finished their shower and being the new girl in town she asked about a good hairdresser. He recommended Katie and Rachel.


Fitz and Julia.

After their lovemaking they both declared themselves hungry and headed down to her kitchen, him in just his boxers, her wearing his T-shirt

They ate cold meat sandwiches and drank tea at her rustic looking kitchen table, followed by her amazing home-cooked cupcakes and chatting inconsequentialities, about family, education, his friend Dan who'd grown up next door. She talked about her ex-husband leaving her for a woman much younger than her.

He stared at her,

"What?" he looked shocked, "Seriously? A man walked out on YOU?" He a waved a hand down her body, "walked out on this?"

"He almost ran to her -- the fake bitch, taking only his clothes and his golf clubs. She left him within a year having spent his money and sold his golf clubs. He lives in Reading in a ground floor flat he rents at stupid money. Came to me a year ago pretending he wanted to see our children, one is married and lives ten minutes from him, the other was over in the city, the city he had to drive through to get here." She poured tea, "I thought he might have been trying to get back into my good books but no, the twat wanted to borrow money to get the down payment on a place seeing as she'd taken him for every fucking penny just like I told him she would." She laughed, "Can you believe the twat actually thought I'd re-mortgage this place, put MY house on the line just so he could get try and get back on the property ladder.

He told me that 'surely what we had means something to you'." She picked up her tea mug and sipped at the edge, "I pointed out that he left me for the whore that I guessed must have spent all of his money, money he only had because he made me sell the house I loved. The one we bought together, decorated and turned into a home and raised our children in," he could see her becoming upset and reached across the table for her hand, and she brightened, "so to be honest I'd happily see him sleeping on a park bench for all I cared - and I told him so."

"He hasn't been back since?"

"Met him last summer at our youngest's graduation, he couldn't make eye contact with me."

"Ashamed of himself?"

"Probably; both kids told me he asked them to ask me to lend him money so he could by a flat." She finished her tea, "fortunately they both told him to fuck off on my behalf, they loved that house as much as I did."

"Wow," he looked up at the kitchen clock, "Julia, I've had an amazing morning... and night actually, but I have to get back to my computer and the revised closing statement my tutor is expecting in on Monday morning, I hate to kiss and run but..."

"Well come here and kiss me then!" she said with a smile.

He stood and stepped around the table to her side and kissed her. She felt a shiver down her spine and a tingle in her nipples.

"What time would you like dinner this evening?"

"Whenever you want Julia, and whatever you want to cook, I'm easy."

She grinned, and looked amazingly sexy.

"I bet you say that to all the MILF's Fitz!" she pulled his face down to hers again and they kissed noisily and wetly.

"Oh no Julia," he said, "There could only ever be one MILF." He reached down and grabbed her tits through the T-shirt, squeezing them just like she'd shown him the night before. Her right hand moved from his face and down to his boxers and the latest erection growing there, fuck it was big!

She stood, not letting go of his cock, but pushing the chair away and dragging down his pants as Fitz reached down for the hem of his own T-shirt that she was wearing and she was again naked. She leaned forward over the kitchen table and he got the message, stepping behind her, pushing her flat against it and fucking her soundly, a hand on her hip and another at her shoulder to hold in place while she screwed her to their mutual orgasms.

Happy with his efforts, he stood pulled up his shorts and stroked her arse and the thigh she'd raised onto the table to get him deeper.

"See you at dinner Julia!" he said with a beaming grin.

"Uh-huh!" she sighed at him with a wave of her hand taking all the energy she could muster. Only the imminent seepage from her pussy getting her off of her kitchen table and to the downstairs bathroom.

She called him for dinner naked but for a white cotton apron she'd found in the bottom drawer of her kitchen unit. It had been bought for children's school cooking lessons and was quite small.

She did need to stop hot food splashes getting onto her naked body, but the fact that it made her naked body look quite 'porn fantasy' just added to the moment and she quite played the naked waitress to him in his boxers and his T-shirt he'd pulled off of her before he fucked her over the kitchen table.

"Come in Fitz," she bustled around like the perfect hostess -- the perfect hostess that was wearing nothing but the equivalent of three tea towels stitched together, her great tit's threatening to burst out of the sides and her entire back bare but two white cords. Her arse still looked amazing.

He sat down at the chair she'd indicated and she placed a plate before him, piled with sausages and mashed potatoes.

"Wow man-food!" he said as she sat down next to him.

"Well absolutely Fitz, if EVER a man deserved man-food then bloody hell, the last 24 hours spent with you, I really should keep you supplied with steaks, bacon and eggs, roast beef, huge pies and... well... whatever you ask for really!"

"Need to keep my strength up Julia," he scooped up a large dollop of mash on the sausage he'd speared, "if the last 24 hours is anything to go by, I'll need everything on that list and some vitamin pills."

"Leave that with me Fitz," she said and leaned forward just enough for her right breast to escape the apron. She took a gentle hold on his hand and moved the sausage to her. She extended a tongue and licked the mash from the end of it in the single most erotic food moment of his life.

She licked the end of the sausage clean, licked her lips then let go over her hand stabbing a sausage from her plate, raising it up and all but ripping the end off with her teeth. She chewed on it, swallowed and smiled.

"This kitchen is rapidly becoming one of my favourite rooms ever," he said.

After the meal she made coffee and poured two large mugs from her percolator. Fitz could see from her look and from her demeanour that she really loved looking after people and he was extremely grateful, she'd already described what his packed lunch for the next day would look like and it included another of those amazing cupcakes.

As she put the milk back in the fridge, Fitz was up and loading the dishes and pans into her dishwasher.

This met with another grateful smile and she leaned across and kissed him. They finished their coffee and she stood, untying the apron bow at her front, hanging it from a small hook on the door standing there perfectly naked.

She reached out a hand for Fitz's,

"Have you finished you work for the evening?"

"There's still tomorrow," he said.

"Excellent, come to my bedroom, I have a sudden desire to make love with you!"


Micki and Mark

Out of the shower and back in his room they dressed, her with a pair of borrowed panties and a cropped top from his daughter's spare stuff he kept there for when she visited.

Michaela loved the look of the top that gave her a divine cleavage like she'd never had the guts to show before, but tonight it was perfect.

They went to a nearby restaurant and he bought dinner, it was great fun and they chatted about work, about life, relationships and it was really nice.

With at least some of the weight of the world off of her shoulders Michaela giggled her way through a huge glazed waffle covered in chocolate, whipped cream and a whole mess of different ice cream flavours -- the real reason this place had been chosen -- the waitress came across looking a bit embarrassed.

"I'm sorry Miss," said the uniformed girl looking back over her shoulder but with a guarded smile, "but there's a whole bunch of lads over there that asked me to give you this," she placed an ice bucket with a bottle of prosecco in it next to her almost empty dish, "and these!"

From across the bar there was a loud and raucous cheer as Michaela took the bouquet of flowers from the waitress, the large group of lads waving across to her all wearing the same football shirts.

"They're all City fans and of course they won at home today, asked that I give you these -- I did tell them your Dad was sat right here." Mark smiled widely, almost proudly at that and Michaela blushed, "that group often do this when they win at home so it's not them being personal sir honest, I'll take it back if..."

"Good heavens no," said Mark, and he stood and raised his glass to Michaela's benefactors, "nice that other people recognise how gorgeous my girl is!"

The lads cheered loudly and waved phones indicating she should come over for a picture or two.

"Go on!" Mark encouraged, "do you good, and who knows..."

She raised her eyebrows.

"Only if you come with me -- Daddy!"

They stepped across the bar to more cheers and suddenly Michaela was stood in front of the group of nine lads all at peace with the world through a two-nil win at home for City against one of their league rivals and any amount of lager.

Holding her bouquet, she posed, dropping her knees and giving even more emphasis to her denim clad bottom and the amazing cleavage the borrowed top was giving her. Mark was given a handful of phones and took picture after picture. Michaela had her cheek kissed quite a few times, and they even shook hands with 'her Dad'.

Her cheeks aching from the almost constant smiling, they went back to their table and finished the prosecco, and she was sure she would never get that kind of attention ever again.

She took a restorative gulp of the prosecco,

"You set that up didn't you!"

"What, a home win for the City? The Impossible I can do at once honey, but bloody hell..."

She beamed that perfect smile back at him. "You look fucking amazing Micki, simple as that. So, tell me where you live and I'll drive you home, it's been a great day!"

She looked over her wine glass at him,

"The day doesn't finish until midnight does it?"


"Then I'd much rather go back to you place, I'm sure you've still lots to teach me!"

He looked across the table at her.

"Fucking hell, you drive a hard bargain Micki," he reached across, took her glass and drained it. He called across to the waitress, "Cheque please?"

Carrying her bouquet and hanging on Mark's arm the walked out of the restaurant and up to his car.

"Glad I'm not as pissed as I was last night Mark."

"So am I," he said, "I'm not saying you were heavy but I was slightly concerned all that booze you drank was going to be spread across my dashboard."

"So pleased I didn't!" put a hand on his knee, "Now I know what I have to look forward to being sober!"

Back at his place she started to buzz a little, and they walked to his front door quite innocently and he opened it letting her in then following. Once in she grabbed him around the neck and reached up to kiss him. He slipped his arms to her back and responded to her, his hands sliding down her back to grab her arse and she pushed hard against him.

"Come on Mark, you gonna fuck me again?"

"That was the plan Micki, unless you can think of anything else you want to do, Netflix?"

"Nope, still fucking me really."

"Come on then," he said pulling her up the stairs.

"Excellent, although I'm really not sure how you're going to top this morning and this afternoon."

"It that a challenge Micki?" he said with raised eyebrows.

"No, it's a very sincere wish!" she said batting her eyelids at him.

"Oh, you're so going to regret that remark!"

"Am I?" she giggled, "How splendid!" She raced away from him and up the final flight of stairs.

He followed he up the stairs and by the time he walked in, she was sat on his bed pulling down her jeans, having already shirked the top that had made her look so great that evening.

"In a hurry?"

"Just trying to remove your daughter's top and panties Mark, figured that could be a bit weird for you."

"Nah," he said with a grin, "I wasn't looking at the top, I was actually paying more attention to the tits inside it."

"Ooh Mark, you say the sweetest things!" She reached behind her and unclipped her bra, he looked pleasantly surprised, "Doesn't match the panties Mark." She said.

"Take them off then honey."

"OK!" she said brightly and pushed them down, stepping out of them lightly to stand before him, quite naked and beautiful.

He stood before her,

"But now I'm still dressed Micki, what are you going to do about it?"

"I'll undress you then Mark," she said simply. She thought about how he'd dealt with her the first time around and stepped up close to him and unbuttoned his shirt and eased it off of his broad shoulders, kissing along his shoulder, kissing the skin she exposed the stepping behind him to slowly pull the shirt down his back, kissing from his shoulder down his spine.

The reached around him and undid his belt, then the brass button at his jeans, then the zip. She stepped back to his front still holding his jeans. She knelt before him unzipping then sliding them down, again kissing the flesh she exposed, and it was his turn to step out of his jeans.

Finally it was just his stretchy grey boxer shorts and the erection she could see growing in them. Stretching the elastic she pulled them down his erection was there before her. She hadn't grown up in a chapel and the concept of oral sex was one that she was aware of and she knew that after he had gone down on her that morning and brought her to orgasm after orgasm, she really should return the favour. While she wasn't sure if she would let him come in her mouth, but all of the rest was definitely on. She held his pants on his thighs then kissed from the crown of his penis, down its length until she reached his scrotum, this too received some kissing and out of pure inquisitiveness. She gently laid a hand on them, in the same way that he had to her. He opened his legs to allow her more access.

She looked up into his face with as smile and she pulled down his pants all the way, pushing him back towards his bed and he lay down.

He stretched back indicating she do likewise, so like he had she climbed up next to him and stroked her hands across his body, investigating each crease, each bulge, even kissing and sucking his nipples.

She reached down to his penis.

"I think I'd like to return the favour and go down on you Mark."

"Be my guest honey,"

"What kind of thing do you like?"

"It's a penis honey, treat it gently and with love and virtually anything is acceptable, trust me."

She did and it was, and the exchange of power as she fucked him with her mouth was just the biggest turn on and he was soon coming in her mouth. It was salty and a bit tart but after a slug of water from his water glass, no problem.
