Mary's Guardian Angel Ch. 01


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"I see him now." Mary offered getting up and standing by the door. "Randall is standing next to me."

Aaron got up and walked over to her and asked. "What would you have me do?"

"I want you promise me you won't hurt him, Aaron Gabriel McCloud. You're better than that. Will you do that for me? She put her head on his shoulder and hugged him, her hair tickling his cheek. "I can hear your heart beating. It's a good, strong and honest heart."

"May I have 30 seconds with him then?" Aaron asked holding her gently.

"I may not achieve the desired goal of his shoulders however, half way there will suffice." "No." she answered, hugging him tighter.

"Ten seconds...I'll settle for ten seconds and throw in a toaster. I'll settle for five seconds and a throw in a blender with the toaster and just two punches, the old one two?"

"No, I'm trying to be serious." she said laughing. "You must promise not to hit him at all. It wouldn't be self-defense. He doesn't stand a chance against you. Do you promise not to hit him?" She asked looking into his brown eyes.

Aaron closed his eyes and sighed knowing he was defeated without a punch being thrown. He was happily resigned to the fact he will do almost anything for her.

He opened them looking into her sea green ones. "Yes pretty lady, I promise by all that I treasure."

"Thank you." and she paused to listen. "Do you hear that?" she asked going to the kitchen window and looking out. "It's not raining, although the wind's still blowing. May we go for a ride along the coast road?"

"Well, yes." he said. "But it will be dark soon."

"That's fine. Will you please drive me to place where the ocean is deep?"

WHILE HE WAS GETTING DRESSED, Aaron received a call from his publisher and it was good news. Afterward he found Mary waiting in the kitchen wearing his trench raincoat coat over her pajamas. She rolled the sleeves up and as before wrapped his coat around her and cinched the belt in place to keep it closed.

He noticed she was wearing the yellow rubber boots Marie wears when they go clamming. "Will you braid my hair for me please?" she asked.

"Yes, but..." he said taken by surprise. "What makes you think I know how?"

"I'm guessing you do." she answered. "Do you remember when we were working on the Memorial gift in the library?"

"Yes, I remember, pretty lady."

"I asked you why you never married, Aaron. You told me you were seeing a young Japanese woman. You asked her to marry you, but didn't finish the story.

You had a faraway look in your eyes when you changed the subject. What really happened between you and her?"

"We didn't marry because her mother didn't approve of me."

"You were what, eighteen or nineteen when you asked her?" Mary inquired.

"I was twenty and willing to move to Japan to be with her. What does this have to do about braiding your hair?"

"The setting of your short story "Nippon Pearl" took place a few years after the atomic bomb was dropped. Your beautiful love story was between homeless Japanese girl, Hisako, and an America sailor, John. It was a happy ending for the lovers in the story. In real life your Japanese sweetheart broke your heart. What is her name?

"She was my first love, Mary, and she did. I've never told anybody about her but Joseph. I begged her to reconsider. I got on my knees and prayed to God for all the good it did me. She loved me; however her ties to her family and tradition were stronger. Her name is Shinako. It translates to English as "faithful child."

"What happened to her, Aaron?"

"Shinako married the wealthy man her parents chose for her and I haven't heard from her since."

"In your story, Hisako's lover, John brushed and braided her hair for her." and Mary handed him her hairbrush and an elastic hair tie. "Your ink & pen drawing for the story shows a woman with very long hair falling below her waist.

She is standing in front of a window looking out, as if waiting for someone to return to her. I'm surmising Shinako's hair was long or longer than mine and until today, you've only seen me with my hair up. I saw the look in your eyes when I took your hat off. Did Shinako teach you how to braid it?"

"Yes, you're very insightful, pretty lady and I can do many types of braids and

It will be my pleasure." He took the brush and started brushing followed by separating her hair into three sections. "Shinako's hair was waist length and blunt cut all one length, as yours is blunt cut all one length. When Shinako broke up with me it was short and well above her ears. Her mother took Shinako somewhere for a little boys bowl haircut. It was done to humble her and spite me."

"That's so sad and it also explains the passion you convey in your short stories and Nippon Pearl in particular. Was it your first short story?"

"You surmise correctly again." he continued braiding her hair and enjoying it immensely.

"Did you know many devout Pentecostal Christian women do not to cut their hair?" Mary asked. "They want to please and honor their husbands or submit to the literal interpretation of 1 Corinthians 11-15 and I quote "but that if a woman has long hair, it is her crowning glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering".

My goodness you did that quickly." Mary said reaching behind to feel the neat and tight three-strand braid. "Thank you, I'm ready to leave now."

Aaron drove her to an out of the way and lonely place on the coastal road and parked on the shoulder. They walked into the wind through the scrub and brush to a small rock shelf on top of one-hundred foot or better cliffs with deep churning violent waters below. It was a place where the ocean relentlessly battered the shoreline.

Mary took off her gold wedding band and clenched it in her fist. She took Aaron's hand and closed her eyes. She was trembling. Her emotions were rising and falling as they battered against her soul, like the oceans furious turbulent waves battering the rocks below.

She opened her eyes and let go off Aaron's hand and threw the circle of gold as hard as she could over the edge into the deep cold waters of Poseidon's realm.

Mary turned to him and flung her arms around his neck, her lips desperately seeking his. Aaron wrapped his arms around her and gently crushed her to him. He kissed her soft and warm generous lips long and deep with the sound of the ocean wind above and crashing turbulent waters below. Those sounds were less than whispers that went unheard and unnoticed as they kissed.

Mary was crying as he kissed her, yet she returned his hot honest kisses with the same passion as before until her sobbing overwhelmed her. Aaron held her gently to him. He let her grief and remaining pent up emotions wash over him like the waves on the breakers. Aaron was her immovable sheltering rock and she his treasure.

He talked quietly and soothingly, rubbing her back to assure her everything will be fine and telling her she was making the right decision and he will always be there for her. Finally Mary stopped and looked up at him smiling. "I see two tears too many remaining. Let me kiss them away"...and he did.

It was a quiet, reflective drive to the house. They didn't talk as no words were necessary. Their silent understanding or some might say spiritual-melding began by the sea under the twilight sky binding them together as one...

IT WAS DARK WHEN THEY PULLED into the long driveway. Aaron purchased the rambling and spacious 2 ½ story house and out buildings primarily for approximately one mile of uninterrupted private beach front except from his properties access to the water, with much of it having a cornucopia of fresh clams to harvest. His house was arguably much too large for one person. Over the past 7 years he'd restored to its 1890's heyday, keeping much of it as original as possible, while upgrading the plumbing and electric, although he often thought. 'Do I really need 4 full bathrooms and an outside brick outhouse when it's just me?'

Mary was curious about him after they first met. She drove here when she knew Aaron wasn't home and fell in love with the house and private beach miles away from other houses on the Sound. She wondered then what her sexy author's home looked like inside.

As they were walking into the house Mary was thinking. 'My husband hasn't touched me in 5 years and we slept in separate bedrooms. When we were first married and made love, it was slam-bam-thank-you ma'am and he'd roll over and go to sleep. Now I'm with a deeply passionate and good man. Aaron is my sexy guardian angel and no one can convince me otherwise. Aaron's hugs and kisses make me feel so desirable and sexy.

His first love broke his heart and he was devastated. I'm certain expressing himself with his beautiful and tender "Nippon Pearl' is his way of easing the pain.

Even now he's not completely over her. His eyes give him away. Aaron's the strong and silent type and he is so cute when he rubs his head as he yawns and stretches. I've never been kissed this way before. I'll make him forget her. I've been in love with him since the beginning and grew to love him more each time we were together...'

After he closed the back door and locked it he was thinking. 'Mary is finally mine. I've wanted her since we first met and I'd almost given up hope until... and he smiled inwardly. 'Velvet Bunny and Rouge Mercenary have corresponded anonymously for two years now. It is well that I use a different style of writing for my on-line stories. I wonder if she knows or suspects Rouge Mercenary is yours truly.

I've written the story line and sex scenes for my continuing series "DELILAH'S AWAKENING" just for her, an anonymous fan who calls herself velvet bunny.

I encouraged her and gradually drew her out as she opened up more and more to me. Mary has projected her sexual desires, preferences and fetishes into this story. She wrote in great detail to tell me what sexual adventures Delilah wants to have. Mary is expressing herself through Delilah Brown as her avatar.

Delilah, a good and chaste Christian woman who meets a man, Gabriel Stone, at a religious retreat. She submits to him totally and falls in love as her repressed sexuality blossoms...'

WHILE HE WAS HELPING HER OUT of the trench raincoat coat and putting it on the hook she asked. "Aaron, may I use your telephone? I need to call home to Pennsylvania and tell Myra and my mother where I'm staying and everything is fine. I'm certain they know what happened by now and must be worried sick.

As we discussed earlier I won't talk about the specifics of my court case. I'll give them the bare minimum and I'm sure they'll understand."

"You must kiss me first." he tugged playfully on her braid. "Now that I've tasted your luscious lips, I crave them always. Be sure to tell Myra that too. Tell Myra and her husband John they may visit here anytime. Oh, yes and be sure to tell your best friend you're my pretty lady, now and forever." he said grinning while pulling her gently to him.

She put her arms around his neck and kissed his lips long and deep. "How was that?" and she kissed him again the same.

"Heaven on earth, Mary, and I'll write that in stone. While you're on the phone I'll be taking a hot soak in the swan bathroom. This is a big house and I want you to move in with me so feel free to look around..."

AARON WAS SOAKING IN HIS ANTIQUE oversize copper and brass bathtub in the shape of a swan. Five feet wide and nine feet long it was the hot tub of the wealthy and well to do of the 1890's. It must have cost the original owners a pretty penny. This bathroom was more than twice the size of the others which would have been considered quite large in their time. The other bathrooms had showers and the traditional large claw foot tubs that were much larger than average than the norm for their day. The hot water was soothing and relaxing and he was deep in thought working through ideas for another short story.

"Aaron, close your eyes." she said knocking on the door. "I need to use the bathroom." he did and she walked in as bold and naked as can be to put a bamboo tray on the marble vanity. "You may open them now." and he did and she said. "I made us some hot green tea."

"Have you ever done this before, pretty lady?"

"Do you mean serving a gentleman tea?" Yes and I found this darling Japanese teapot set in the cupboard with these precious matching little cups." She poured tea into two cups and handed him both. "Are these cranes?" she asked holding up the teapot.

"No, I'm not talking about serving tea, but thank you. Yes they're cranes.

You've pinned your hair up. What I'm getting at is..."

"Do you like my hair up?" she asked interrupting him.

"You know I do. You look sexy and tantalizing with your hair up a messy bun for me to take down."

"Do you like my hair swept up in a French twist?"

"Mary, please stop changing the subject!"

"Yes. Sir." she answered climbing into the tub and taking her tea cup from him and taking a sip. "Mary, have you ever..."

"Taking a bath with a man before, "She interrupted so he took a sip of tea, "No, of course not, unless you count the times I did as Delilah with her Sir, and lover Gabriel, AKA Rouge Mercenary." and Aaron almost choked on his tea. "How long have you known it was me, Mary?"

"I didn't until just, now, Sir. I wanted it to be you. I fanaticized it was you when we exchanged e-mails. I was afraid to ask. What if it was and you thought less of me, a married woman doing something like that? After I got off the telephone with Myra, I was trying to figure out how to tell Rouge Mercenary I wouldn't be e-mailing him any longer.

I was going to ask to use your laptop when it occurred to me what you said, "I'll write that in stone"...Stone...GABRIEL STONE?

You inadvertently let it slip so I decided to surprise you and make us tea. I suspected and you confirmed. How long have you known it was me, Aaron?"

"I knew almost from the beginning. I was selfish, I know. I was torn; what if disclosing who I am made you stop sharing with me, perhaps not even wanting to ever see me again? I couldn't bear those thoughts? Every moment I spent with you was bitter sweet and precious to me. I looked forward to your e-mails my velvet bunny.

You were married and beyond my reach. Sometimes I didn't see you for weeks at a time. When we parted the memory of your smiles were all that remained to brighten my time away from you. When we were together I wasn't allowed to hold you in my arms or kiss your sweet and generous tell you I love you. I realize you're going through difficult times and I'm willing to wait until." and she interrupted by kissing his lips.

"I love you too, Sir." and she snuggled up close to him sitting between his legs for him to hold her and he did, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I've slept alone for five years. The only sexual release I've had know. I don't want to wait! I want to experience everything we wrote together. Randall has no imagination. I have no prior experience to judge him by except from what I read and given that he's a lousy lover. He is selfish with no consideration for my needs. With him it was missionary or nothing. His idea of Romantic music playing in the background while making love is the "Minute Waltz"."

"Don't tell me." Aaron said laughing. "Was it because that's all it took for him?"

"Yes, exactly...well almost exactly." she laughed along with him, "although sometimes it might have to be played twice."

"Forget that son of a biscuit eater, he's history. There's only you and I now and your Sir wants you to pleasure yourself...Like you asked me to write for you in Chapter 3, beautiful. Your nipples are already hard." he said cupping her breasts and rubbing her nipples with his thumbs. "You have such beautiful breasts with marvelous up turned nipples...that's it...slide down and get comfortable.

I know you're aroused." and he kissed her cheek. "Can you feel my hard cock pressing against you and isn't this better this way, pretty lady."

"Yes, Sir." she said almost purring with pleasure. "Oh...mmm that feels so very good." she moaned softly closing her eyes. Mary leaned back to pleasure herself snuggling comfortably against his hard body as he stroked and caressed her breasts and nipples.

She slowly slid the middle finger of her right hand down her body from the base of her neck and down in-between her breasts, past her stomach to her mons and ran her fingers through her abundant pubic hair for the last time, knowing her Sir's preference from their story. It must be shaved smooth and totally hairless to be always available for his mouth and tongue. She amazed herself that she could do this in front of a man. She knew deep down inside she couldn't with any man but him.

She was breathing deeply, totally relaxed, thinking of Aaron's hard muscular body and how he kisses her with such testosterone laden passion with their tongues intertwined, fluttering and probing as they did on the cliff by the sea under the twilight sky.

Mary... or was she Delilah, could feel his hard pulsating cock pressed up against her and wondered what it would be like to have his cock in her mouth and taste his rich and delicious creamy seed for her to swallow.

She rubbed her vagina with the palm of her hand stimulating herself until she was moaning softly while her index and middle finger stroked around the outer lips of her vagina and then towards her clit. She was in sublime ecstasy and totally relaxed and aroused.

"Do you want to come, Mary." he asked, pinching her swollen upturned nipples giving her the contrast of pain and pleasure she was now experiencing as she asked him to write.

"Yes, please." she whispered. "Your pretty lady wants to come, Sir".

"Say it Mary, you must use the words." Aaron demanded as she knew he would, grabbing her wrist and pulling her hand away from her engorged swollen flower.

"I want to fucking come, Sir. Please let me fucking come!"

"What else do you want pretty lady, tell your Sir?"

"I want to lick and suck on your hard cock, Sir." and Mary could feel her face flush red with embarrassment and pleasure thinking. 'I wonder what his semen tastes like?...but oh goodness me, soon, my first cock sucking and I'm going to lick and suck and drive him fucking wild...oh I'm so fucking naughty.'

He let go of her hand and let her continue this erotic pleasure as Mary's breathing became deep and heavy...her middle finger entering her swollen aroused sex, followed by a second, her legs were spread wide as she ravished her vagina and clitoris with both hands, the other rubbing and pushing against the abundant thick curly hair of her mons pubis.

Soon, Mary was moaning loudly and kept on repeating. "Oh, I'm fucking coming...I'm so fucking naughty oh, ah, I'm fucking coming" and she squirming in his arms as her sweet orgasm washed over her in turbulent waves of pleasure. She collapsed satisfied to enjoy the warm afterglow of her orgasm, her juices of arousal mingling in the hot bath water and he turned on the hot water handle to refresh the warmth.

'I can be my secret self with him.' she was thinking. 'I only dreamed it could be like this...Oh Dear Lord thank you for sending him to me. And my sweet Guardian Angel, I will submit to you totally as Delilah did with Gabriel in the privacy of our bedroom of shared desires. I will make you a good wife and make a good home for us...'

Aaron gently held her, enjoying the quiet intimacy. He reached for his tea and taking a thoughtful sip. 'Mary is truly a treasure and she has given herself to me freely, heart and you know what I'm thinking God? Assuming you exist of course, and if you do I beg your pardon. Mary's faith in you is strong and unquestioning. If we are committing adultery in your eyes now punish me not her.