Mary's Guardian Angel Ch. 01


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I will gladly spend an eternity in Hell to be one day with her in Heaven. Do we have a deal? She's married to him on paper. He severed any spiritual holy bond between them that might have once existed. Please don't take her from me now. I will love and protect her to my last dying we have a deal?'

"Aaron, do you play the piano?"

"No, baby, have you been in the ballroom?

"No, but I saw the grand piano through the sheer curtains of the glass on the doors. Did it come with the house?"

"Yes, the previous owner said it was here when he bought the place. He and his wife covered it with tarps and closed off the room off. I use the room for my workouts with my kettle bells because of the view of the ocean"

"Did he say why they closed it off?" she asked.

"He didn't say and I didn't ask. I was getting a free Steinway grand piano. It works fine though as far as I can tell and all the keys work. I've never gotten around to having it professionally looked at or tuned. Do you have any suggestions who to call?"

"Yes, may I call him? I'll play you the Minute Waltz." she teased...

AFTER THEIR INTIMATE SOAK IT WAS GETTING LATE. They had a light meal of soft poached eggs and whole wheat toast. Mary changed into a filmy light blue nightgown and they cuddled together on the couch and talked about going shopping to buy clothes for her tomorrow.

She was delighted Aaron would be going with her to help her pick things out. Gabriel had definite preferences how he wanted his pretty lady dressed and from their conversation, so does Aaron. Afterward they were going grocery shopping.

Mary put her arms around his neck and kissed his lips long and deep." I love you, Aaron Ian McCloud." and she rubbed the back of his head and kissed him again.

"And I love you beautiful. I never thought I'd find love like this again. You make me complete." he replied taking her face gently in his strong hands and he returned her kisses. He then put his hand lightly on her mons pubis rubbing through the nightgown. He cleared his throat and gave her a stern look that made his meaning very apparent. "You'll find everything you need in the bathroom you showered in earlier..."

'HE SAID OUR "BEDROOM.' she thought as she was walking up the stairs. 'And you make me complete. I've spent 10 years of my life with the wrong man. Yes I forgive you Randall; however Myra was always right about you. My eyes are wide open. You're a dirty back stabbing polecat. You don't believe in God and with you it was all a sham! You worship money. Aaron may have his doubts about God, nonetheless he's a better man than you'll ever be.'

She walked into the bathroom and found Aaron's black Oster Model 10 clippers on a folded towel and she was thinking. 'These must be what he uses to keep his hair so short.' She remembered seeing this type of traditional electric clipper with a long black cord as a little girl when she went with her Daddy to Mr. Parker's barbershop on Saturday afternoons.

Mr. Parker always had coloring books and crayons for her when she was there and she always left with a peppermint stick. Mary used to believe the spinning barber pole under glass was a big peppermint stick until Myra set her straight. They were both in Kindergarten when Myra told her and they've been best friends ever since.

The barbershop was across the street from the old Woolworth's building with its worn and creaky wood floors. After his traditional straight shave and what her mother called a businessman's haircut, her Daddy treated her at the Woolworth's soda fountain to a chocolate soda. They sat at the counter on the tall chrome and red vinyl upholstered stools that were bolted to the floor and would spin around in circles together.

The clippers felt heavy and substantial in her hand. 'Well, here goes.' she thought, plugging them in and spreading a towel on the floor to stand on. Mary turned them on and they vibrated to life and started getting warm.

She made several passes removing the bulk of her curly pubic hair, finding the warm vibrating blades stimulating and pleasant in their efficiency. She ran her fingers over the remaining contrasting stubble and sighed knowing there was no turning back as she got into the shower to soften her skin with the hot water followed by the shaving cream, the same Olay Vanilla Cashmere she prefers when she uses her Lady Venus 5 blade razors.

While she was applying the soothing and moisturizing shaving cream there was a knock on the door. "Mary it's me, I have to use the bathroom, please close your eyes." and she didn't as she was wise to that trick, keeping them open as he walked in wearing his birthday suit. "I've been thinking, pretty lady. I've decided to shave along with you so I can taste scrumptiously delicious for you as you will for me."

"In our story Gabriel refused when Delilah asked him to do that." she said surprised. "You'd do that for me, sweetheart?"

"Yes and sweetheart sounds nice when you say it so please don't ever stop."

And he was smiling as he stepped on the towel and picked up his clippers making several passes and leaving a trail of stubble adding to her fallen forest. "Share and share alike my love. Gabriel was obtuse on that subject. I'm interested in a life partner, Mary."

"Then we'll shave each other." Mary suggested. "Shave me first." and she sat on the edge of the tub and spread her legs for him to begin. Aaron added more water and shaving cream and quickly and expertly shaved her smooth and delicious. He rinsed and lathered a second time having done this for a few of his lovers over the years.

Aaron sat on the edge of the tub and for Mary this was a new sexual adventure and he delighted in her enthusiasm. She took her time, massaging the vanilla shaving cream in well and kissing his lips and rubbing his face neck and shoulders with her hands while she kissed him.

She was very careful as she shaved him, twice, taking her time and concentrating at the task at hand so as not to nick or cut him. Aaron noticed as before how Mary tucks her lower lip, as she does when she is reading or thinking intently about something and that always makes him smile for he finds it endearing.

She finished by licking and kissing the tip of his hard cock, and then she hugged him tight. She took his hand and they walked to their bedroom and once there she hugged him, putting her head on his chest to hear his reassuring comforting heartbeat and said, "Sweetheart?"

"Yes baby." he replied stroking her hair gently.

"I've never sucked on a man's cock before." Mary admitted, catching him by surprise and making Mary even more desirable than before. "Will you talk me through it like Sir did for Delilah?"

"Do you want to do it as I wrote it for you, baby. You want to pretend to be Delilah?"

"Yes Sir, I love you, except we'll be actually doing it and no more avatars."

"How can I say no, my love? It will be my pleasure and privilege, please begin..."

"Please?" Mary asked getting down on her knees in front of him and hugging his legs. "Please you promised you'd let me and I've been good. I want to pleasure you with my mouth, Aaron?"

"You will not address me by my first name when we're alone until you learn all I have to teach you." Aaron severely admonished her getting quickly into character. He gave Mary goose bumps as he continued to scold her. "We are not in public and we discussed this. Have you forgotten your place? I am your Sir!" and he took her chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilled her head up to make her look into his eyes. "Bring me your!"

She quickly brought her brush back and stood before him with her hands crossed in the front looking down at her feet and not meeting his eyes

"You're backsliding already. Must I treat you as a child? Must I punish you like one?"

"Please, Sir, I'm not a child." Mary answered still not meeting his eyes while being aroused and thrilled at the thought of being dominated by Aaron. "I meant you no disrespect, Sir."

"I don't see it that way." he replied. "I allow you great latitude and freedom in most things, however in this there will be no compromise."

"Please don't be angry with me. Please don't spank me. I'm sorry." Mary pleaded looking up into his intense brown eyes.

Aaron sighed. "Very well, I forgive you, pretty lady. I'll forego your spanking. Nonetheless, contrition without penance is an empty vessel. We will discuss your penance tomorrow morning. Have you ever sucked on a man's cock before...please forgive the question. Of course you haven't and I shall teach you. Give me the brush turn and around."

Aaron took Mary's hair down from the messy bun, knowing she styled this way in keeping with their story. He took his time brushing it and smoothing it down her back and she enjoyed every minute of his pampering.

He finished and said. "You will grow your hair much longer for me. I want it touching the bottom of your buttocks." and he took a pillow from the bed and dropped to the floor, pointing for Mary to kneel on it and she did. "Let's start over. Say the words."

"I...May I suck on your cock, Sir? I want you to lick and suck on your cock."

"Much better and yes you may. Start with your tongue. Be sure to look into my eyes when you are licking and sucking unless you're told otherwise. Yes that's right. Lick the entire shaft...mmm...Marvelous!

Take your little tongue and lick the entire circumference of the tip. Very good your tongue feels wonderful. Alternate between the two, the shaft and the tip... the shaft and the tip. Lick in a circle around the circumference of my cock with your tongue on the a circle with your tongue on the tip... keep licking.

Very nice pretty lady you are doing fine for your first cock sucking. ...Imagine that your tongue is butterflies' wings fluttering from flower to flower. Flutter your tongue on the tip... good... In a circle, on the tip, on the shaft, good you are developing your own technique already...start sucking...good...take my whole cock in your mouth...all the way to the way down...good...all of it and hold it there.

Do you feel my cock throbbing and pulsating in your mouth? I am holding back my orgasm to prolong the sensual pleasure...back off your teasing and lick the clear pre-cum off of my cock... good stop...keep looking at me but continue to kiss and nuzzle my cock and balls..."

All the while that Mary was licking, Aaron's hands were buried in her long and thick silky hair and he was playing with it as he talked to and encouraged her. "You know when I'm about to orgasm by my pulsating and throbbing cock followed by the pre-cum. Learn how it tastes and then back off unless I hold you in place for you continue to finish. I will pump my semen into your mouth for you to swallow.

If I were to orgasm right now, I will use your beautiful hair to hold you in place and immediately ejaculate into your mouth. When I do, I will pull out slightly just before so you won't gag or choke...start licking.

I like to have my balls licked ...Mmm...very nice...keep licking...lick the inside of my legs where my balls hang... ah, yes nice, very nice...start sucking on my cock and be sure to be careful with your teeth...good...suck and look up at me, Mary...slow down...pause and let me see your eyes and watch your yes, yes ...ah...Nice, but enough we'll finish this blowjob in bed. "

He got into bed and got comfortable in the pillows, sitting with his back on the headboard and Mary joined him, lying on her stomach. She started with kissing with little licks here and there. She kissed and licked his balls and the insides of his legs, all the while teasing and probing her tongue as he taught her by licking the tip and shaft in a circular motion while fluttering her tongue.

Getting up on her hands and knees to reach forward, Mary kissed his face and then his lips long and deep, their tongues seeking and probing. She kissed and licked his neck and chest while working her way to his stomach, caressing his body with her long flowing hair.

Mary worked her way down and continued to kiss and lick his body until she reached his cock. She took it into her mouth and started sucking, moving her head up and down the shaft. "Slow down and watch your teeth." he warned tugging her hair and cuffing her head lightly. "School is in session and this is your final exam to graduate. If you pass I will take you out for breakfast tomorrow morning."

Aaron slid down on lay his side, adjusting the pillows under his head to get comfortable and Mary shifted down lying on hers. She was very careful with her teeth while she sucked and licked and teased. He played with her hair, pulling it back in into a ponytail, twisting it up into a bun and then letting it down again to caress her shoulders and back, repeating the hair play. Aaron was in total ecstasy and in the pre-orgasmic zone trying to prolong the inevitable.

His violent orgasm was like a volcano erupting and his semen felt red hot as it flowed into her mouth like molten cum, as she managed to swallow most of it except for a smidge on her chin.

She sat up smiling at him and her eyes were shining. She was licking her lips and he wiped the spilled semen her chin with his fingers and then she licked and kissed his fingers clean. Next he held her hair away from her face while she cleaned his cock and balls thoroughly with her mouth and tongue before snuggling up close to him, touching his face and smiling. "How was that Sir." she asked.

"It was fabulous and even better than that for your first time, baby and what a great little actress you are. We should get some sleep now. We have a lot of shopping to do tomorrow..."

MARY AWOKE AROUND THREE in the morning from a pleasant dream. In the dream Aaron was standing beside her in a church and they were singing hymns, with their twins, her little boy next her, and Aaron's little daughter next to him.

Aaron was sound asleep and lying close to her breathing deeply in and out and she was thinking how cute and precious he looked sleeping peacefully next to her. She took his hand in hers and said a little prayer asking God to keep him safe and grant Aaron his divine favor. She then adjusted her pillows and snuggled up closer and put her arm around his waist, content and warm and drifted off into a deep peaceful slumber.

THE ALARM WAS SET FOR SEVEN, however Aaron woke up ten minutes early from a pleasant dream and found Mary snuggled up close with her arm over his thigh. He recalled his dream vividly for a few seconds, yet it was almost impossible to describe the breathtaking beauty of it in mere words.

He was standing next to Mary holding hands. They were where in a church without a defined physical structure that was larger than infinity and beyond. He was surrounded by a benevolent omnipotent light that penetrated every atom of his being with love and acceptance.

He knew if he let go of Mary's hand he might never see this light or inhabit this heavenly plane of existence again with her by his side. The thought of such a loss was unbearable. He carefully and gently took her hand and held in his as not to wake her...trying to remember the details to write everything down about the benevolent light as it dimmed out of his waking memory to fade into the sunlight streaming through the bedroom window...

WHEN THE ALARM WENT OFF Mary awoke to find him holding her hand.

"Good morning sweetheart." she greeted as he turned for her to hug him and kiss him and she did and asked "Where are we going for breakfast?"

"Hang on!" and he jumped out of bed to turn off the alarm and got back into bed with her. "There's a little Greek family diner called "THE OLYMPIA" not far from here that has a delicious Slovakia breakfast that includes toast, eggs, fried potatoes and coffee.

I always add fried onions, sweet and hot peppers to my potatoes. They allow me to substitute chunks of marinated lamb for the marinated beef and I like their thick sliced Italian toast, not to mention I know how much you like lamb chops. They have those too and a marinated and stewed lamb shank served in a wine sauce with roasted vegetables and lemon potatoes made like nowhere else."

"That sounds wonderful sweetheart. I can't wait to get this day started! What do you want me to wear?"

"Why don't you wear your navy blue jacket and matching skirt? When you purchase new clothes you can change into them and we'll take what you were wearing now to the dry cleaners..."

MARY FOUND AARON IN THE BALLROOM working out with his 50 lb kettle bells. He was stripped to the waist and wet with honest perspiration from the vigorous workout. He continued the repetitions ignoring her as he concentrated at the task at hand. She watched, fascinated, as his corded muscle moved underneath his skin accentuated by the sheen of his sweat and she thought, "My dear Guardian Angel is so strong and sexy, unlike you know who and good riddance, Randall.'

He finished and walked up to her and said satisfyingly. "I needed that morning workout to get the old blood pumping and now for a tepid shower. You look lovely with your hair in a French twist, pretty lady. I know what you want and need. I remind you from last night that contrition without penance is an empty vessel. I'll be ready in ten."

"Aaron I can't!" she protested. "I can't wear my hair like that in public dressed like this!"

"If you truly want to explore your submissive nature and sexual preferences or too share our secret sexual desires, you will comply. You've read my non-consensual stories, and I'm allowing keep your panties on...for now. Leave your hair up and I'll see you in ten..."

AS AARON WALKED DOWN THE STAIRS he could hear music coming from the ballroom and it wasn't difficult to guess who was playing. When he walked in Mary smiled at him, a smile to brighten his day and warm his heart. She noticed he was dressed casually in blue jeans, a green tee shirt with the US Navy embalm silk screened on it. He had traded his spit shined black dress shoes for well oiled and comfortable brown wellington boots. Given the worn and patched faded denim jean jacket he was wearing, Aaron's overall attire had noticeable contrast to her Sunday go to meeting clothes.

Mary stopped playing and said."Everything inside is tight and sound and all the hammers are in balance and strike true. It does need a professional tune-up and cleaning though to bring out the potential of this wonderful old piano. Just give me one minute Sir and then I'll submit to my penance." and with that Mary began playing the "Minute Waltz" for him. She finished and he walked over to the piano bench clapping his hands. "Very nice pretty lady, that was very nice indeed. Please take a bow."

Mary got up smiling and curtseyed and Aaron bowed to her at the waist with a flourish making her laugh and smile all the more which was his intention.

He then took her by the hand and by the waist and they danced slowly about the room without music except for the music of their beating hearts and so much in love. "You're incredible, Mary Susan." he said as they danced about the room. "You're bright and cheerful, optimistic and upbeat despite everything bad that has happened to you. How does the bible verse go about hoarding treasure on earth? I believe it is somewhere in Matthew."

"Matthew 6:20." Mary said smiling and happy he knew about. "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal."

"For where your treasure is there will your heart be also." Aaron finished the last line and he stopped dancing to kiss her. "And you have taken this verse to heart and live your faith, pretty lady. You are my treasure, Mary and where my heart is."