Masks That We Wear


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"I'm gonna blow..." he croaked in warning to her. But Carla just continued on. "Goddammit... I'm gonna cum!" he said, now trying to get her to stop. That just made her suck on him even harder and faster. "Oooohhhh Gooodddd!" Brent clutched the armrests of his lounge chair and arched his back. Unable to contain himself any longer, his cock spewed forth its thick, white cream into her mouth. Carla went down hard on him, deep throating him all the way to his hilt, expertly sucking and swallowing him while he came. She stayed there until his cock went still in her mouth, pulling away once she was satisfied that she'd swallowed every single drop.

"Daaaaaammmmmmnnn..." Brent moaned as he sank into the lounger. Carla took him into hand and started stroking his cock back to life while gently suckling on its head while Brent just stared off towards the flatscreen, watching more of what was going on downstairs. By the time Mandy was back on stage, Carla was up in his lap riding his cock while Falcon watched on with glee.


CHAPTER 4: The First Masquerade

"So, who is Mister Falcon having you take to the party tonight?" Mandy asked as they both dressed and got ready for the evening.

"Carla," Brent said sullenly. "The maid that he had me have sex with while watching you." After Mandy was done with her punishment shift in the nightclub, Brent had walked out to the car with her and confessed to everything that he'd done with Carla up in Mister Falcon's private lounge. He even told her about their joint punishment. "Dear God above..." Brent said now, looking up in exasperation. This morning had been hell enough as he scrambled to cover for Mandy. Both the family and the church wanted answers for her Birth Control pills since they were supposed to be trying to have a baby. He managed to bullshit his way through it saying that the pills made her more 'regular' on her cycle which, in turn, made it easier to predict ovulation and so they could plan that way to conceive. Much to his surprise, they bought it. Thank God for WebMD!

Brent shook his head and looked at his wife. "Now I know how you must've felt this past month... I didn't want to do it but he said that he'd get the audience to fuck you if I didn't. And then I was feeling guilty but then once I was doing it..."

"You enjoyed it." Mandy finished the sentence for him. He looked at her in surprise and she gave him a sad smile and a nod. "I know. It tears you up inside and eats away at your soul. You don't want to enjoy it but you wind up having an orgasm regardless." Mandy walked up and hugged him. Brent wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly. "Do you still love me?" she asked in a small voice.

"What? Of course I do! I am SO, so sorry for that comment last night and for ever doubting you, my dear!" Brent said with all the hurt and compassion that he felt, taking her hands into his and kissing them. "My God, can you ever forgive me for that?"

She smiled, looked up at him and stroked his face, and then kissed him lovingly. "Of course, honey. Can you forgive me for keeping all this from you?"

"There's nothing to forgive. He was blackmailing you."

Mandy hugged him again. "I love you."

"And I love you, my dear." Brent replied. "I swear to you that we'll beat this yet. I just need to figure out how."

"Well, until you do, we have a party to get to." Mandy said with a resigned sigh. Then she let out a rueful laugh. "Don't have TOO much fun with Carla. I want some of you tonight when we come home."

"I'm getting permission now?" Brent asked in a teasing manner.

"Might as well. We're both officially guilty of adultery now." Mandy shrugged. She then glanced at the time. "I should get going. What time will Carla be here to pick you up?"

"In about an hour, so I'll see you there," he said, giving her what he hoped was a reassuring smile before leaning in for a kiss.

She gave him a brave smile and kissed him tenderly. Then, before she could entertain a notion to defy Mister Falcon, she tore herself away from his embrace and headed down to the garage.

Brent watched her leave, feeling deflated, wondering what Falcon had in store for them both. All he had to do was wait so he went to his computer to start searching for any and all information on their mysterious 'owner'. He was ready to throw his computer against the wall in frustration when one of his maids came in and announced that his limo was here. "Thank you," he told her, standing and straightening his suit blazer before walking out the front doors.

Carla was in the back of the limo in a sexy, sultry black Egyptian styled corset and skirt complete with an ornately jeweled headdress. Her legs were bare save for the black sandals that laced all they way up her shapely calves to her knee. She smiled at him when he opened the door, presenting a box for him when he got into the seat next to her. "Mister Falcon says that you are to wear this tonight."

Brent looked at the box dubiously and then opened it as the driver closed the door, hurried around to his driver's seat, and then drove them away from the ranch. Inside was a blackened silver Egyptian Eye Mask complete with a crown on the top. On the temples were stenciled 'Mr. Hill'. "Who is Mister Hill?" he asked.

"You are," Carla said, taking a similar Eye Mask with a more feminine crown and putting it on. "Just as I am Missus Hill for tonight."

"That fucking bastard..." Brent swore as he saw the 'Mrs. Hill' stenciled on the side of her mask. "It's not enough that he's using my wife for his games, now he's replacing her?"

"It's how he does things..." Carla said with a twinge of sadness as she looked out the window.

He felt for her, certain that she was in a similar situation. "Does your, uh, husband know about all this?" He winced when he saw a pang of pain flash across her face when she slowly nodded. "I'm... I'm sorry for bringing it up... We, uh, don't have to do anything tonight that you don't want to do."

"But I have to," Carla replied bitterly, still staring out the window at the Texas countryside as it flashed by. "Mister Falcon commanded it specifically that I am to have sex with you at least one time tonight either at the party or afterwards."

Brent swore under his breath. "Let me guess: your husband will be there?" He winced when he saw a tear trickle down her cheek as she shook her head no.

"He divorced me," Carla's chest heaved as she choked back a sob. "I went into debt with Mister Falcon to pay off all of my husband's medical bills. When it came time to serve, my husband went off the deep end. Then, with his clean bill of health, he went off with the babysitter and took my son. I'm not allowed to see him until I can pay off my debt and sue my ex for custody... custody that I'd initially won. I even had a good job at the time as a Nurse and now I'm a glorified maid and hooker."

"How old is your son?"

"Five... he's starting... well, should have started... kindergarten this year." She wiped the tears away and looked at Brent, giving him a sad smile. "I'm happy that you and your wife are sticking though this. It's good to see that there's at least one man out there who'll step up and support the woman he loves."

"I swear to God that I'll find a way to help you if I can," Brent said. "You shouldn't have to do this and you shouldn't be kept away from your son like this."

Carla smiled through her tears, took his hand, and squeezed it. "I appreciate the sentiment. You're a nice guy and a man of God, I can see that. But Mister Falcon is both evil and ruthless. In his game, nice guys really do finish last."


After arriving at Mister Falcon's building in downtown Dallas, Mandy was hustled into a preparation area in the back of the night club. The club was open for the regular off-the-street customers with the girls who worked there legally for a paycheck. Mandy, and a host of other girls, were going to be the actual entertainment for the real party that was about to commence on the top floor.

As soon as she was in the prep area she was ordered to strip, take off her collar, remove her butt plug, and take a shower. She found it insulting as she'd taken one before leaving home but orders were orders. While she was lathering up, two men came into her shower stall wearing nothing but swim trunks. Mandy instinctively covered up her breasts with crossed arms and turned away from them but they merely walked into the spray with her, forcing her down to her knees under the water. "Come on, don't make this difficult for all of us, please?" one of them asked.

"Yeah, believe me, I'd rather be attending the party with my wife rather than doing this..." the other said, "Not that you're not pretty to look at, mind you."

Just by that alone Mandy got the impression that they were as much forced labor as she was.

She relented, allowing them to do what they needed to. The first one reached in front of her and furiously started to finger her, "Sorry I have to do this," he mumbled as he alternated fucking her hard with his hand and slapping at her abdomen right where her bladder was at. Mandy screamed out in pain and discomfort as he forced her to cum so hard and fast that she lost control of her bladder. She covered her face into her hands in shame and cried at peeing in the shower in front of them.

Then the second man bent her forward and shoved something up her ass. She realized in horror that she was being given an enema to 'thoroughly clean her out' as he told her as he did it. Her eyes bugged out as she felt her bowels fill up to the point that she thought that she'd burst. Then he pulled it out to allow them to empty. That made Mandy want to curl up and die. But after they were done, they apologized again for having to do that and moved on to the next girl in the next stall over while Mandy cleaned herself off all over again.

It was then on to the next room where she was dried off and her hair blown dry. While her hair was taken care of, two men applied gold body paint to her from head to toe, putting shimmering gold paint to over her nipples and areolae to make them stand out more. They looked just as uncomfortable as the men in the shower were as they did their job. They did their job well as she felt totally relaxed from where they rubbed the paint into her skin. After that, it was into the next room where two more men were waiting for her next to a huge plush pillow with a large pole coming out of the center. The pole had two loops on one side about halfway up and another pole on the other side close to the pillow, that had two dildos covered with condoms sticking upwards.

Mandy was told to kneel on the pillow over the dildos, placing her legs into manacles that were cleverly hidden within the pillow. The men then lowered her down onto them and she squirmed uncomfortably as she was simultaneously penetrated up both holes, making her gasp. Then she her wrists were pulled behind her and manacled into place inside of the two loops while her legs were shackled at the calves and ankles. Her back was arched and her breasts jutted out for all to see. Another collar, gold in color, was placed around her neck and latched to the top of the pole.

Then came the spider ring gag. They placed it into her mouth and it kept it forced open. Then one of them showed her a gold latex hood that they pulled her hair through an opening in the top before putting it over her head. She was now totally blinded as they locked the hood into place. She was then gagged as a plug gag was fitted into her mouth through the hole in the hood and her ring gag. After all that, then she felt one of them braiding her hair into a top knot before they left her alone.

It was then some time kneeling there, totally helpless, before someone came back. Mandy felt herself being lifted up, as if she were a statute on a table. She was then put back down and she heard the rolling of wheels that came with the sensation of being pushed on a cart. There was a ding of an elevator when they paused and she felt the cart bump a bit as they crossed the elevator threshold. She groaned as the bumping jarred the whole thing, moving the dildos inside of her. There was another moan as she heard another cart entering the elevator as well.

Another ding and then the sensation of upward movement. They had to be heading up to the penthouse now. The elevator car jarred to a halt at the top and dinged, making both Mandy and whoever the other girl was both moan again with the dildos inside them being disturbed. They were wheeled out and made a few twists and turns until coming to a halt.

"Oh yes, Mandy and Jennifer!" She heard Mister Falcon saying, "I want those two right here in the main thoroughfare so that their husbands will get a good look at them." Mandy was pushed over to wherever it was that Mister Falcon dictated before being lifted up again and set on the floor. "Ah yes, these two are quite the lovely pair. So similar in body type that you'd almost swear that they were sisters." Mandy swore that he was leering at them even though she couldn't see anything through her latex mask. "We only have a few more to bring up? Yes? Snap to it then! The guests will be arriving shortly!"

His voice trailed off leaving Mandy alone in her thoughts to await the start of the party. Her earlier sentiment to Brent came back to haunt her. He'd see her at the party, all right, but she wouldn't. Would he even recognize her?


"Welcome and Good Evening to you all!" Falcon proclaimed from the small stage that had been setup in the entryway to his penthouse suite. "Tonight, we begin our Month of Halloween with an ancient myth. In Egyptian mythology, Isis searched for her husband, Osiris after he passed into the afterlife. For three days, she supposedly searched for him with the help of other deities so that she could conceive a son with him. So great was her sorrow that her tears filled the Nile. Tonight, ladies and gents, we pay tribute to this myth with our Egyptian theme. Their religion stated that their path through the underworld was lit by candles and since the soul survives in the body they need nourishment which is why food, water, and wine was left by their burial grounds."

Falcon smiled at them. "Tonight, as you partake of the party, please light a candle near your favorite living statues," he gestured behind him. The lights came up in the penthouse and the patrons could all see various naked women who were bound to poles with golden latex hoods over their heads. "And don't forget to give them a morsel or two along with a drink of wine as they'll need it tonight." He then gave a sly wink to the crowd. "As usual; guests are encouraged to play with the statues to their heart's content. So, enjoy tonight as we celebrate the Egyptian cycle of death and rebirth!"

"Well..." Brent let out a long, slow breath, "that explains the Egyptian themed mask now that you gave me," He quipped to Carla as they followed the throng of people in. His eyes were already darting amongst the living statues in their various bondage poses. Each woman had Egyptian sarcophagus faces painted on their golden hoods. As they walked arm-in-arm past the first set of women; a redhead and a blonde that flanked the entryway, he noticed that there was a plug in each of their mouths. Curious, he stepped up to the blonde and gingerly pulled at the plug and discovered that it was a plug-gag that fit into a ring gag keeping their mouths open.

"Mister Hill!" Falcon proclaimed as he walked up. "I see that you're already examining the merchandise." He wagged a knowing finger at him while grinning broadly. "I knew that there was potential in you. So what are you waiting for, whip it out and get a blowjob already!"

"Are you serious?" Brent blanched. But then he looked further into the penthouse and saw that there were two brunettes who already had two men in suits driving their cocks down their forced open throats. He couldn't help but wonder if Mandy was one of them.

"Absolutely! That's what they're here for." Falcon leaned in to whisper to him. "And if you don't, I'll see to it that your wife is unmasked and gangbanged before you all leave tonight. A businessman with your political aspirations won't even be able to get a job as a county clerk after that. These are some of the most powerful men in the country. You can be one, too. All I have to do is introduce to you better people than even your father knows and you taking over and keeping his seat when he retires will be secure. Think about it." Falcon said softly, all the while smiling at him."

"Mister Hill..." Brent said, the light dawning in his mind as he rolled the name around... "The pseudonym you gave me... For Capitol Hill... where I want to be eventually."

Falcon's smile broadened and he clapped Brent on the shoulder like a proud teacher whose star pupil just displayed a flash of brilliance. "Like I said; you have potential since you're a smart boy who can adapt. Think about it." He then looked at Carla. "Be a dear and help him out. First timers are always nervous." With one more clap on the shoulder, he departed and disappeared into the crowd.

Brent shook his head in disgust while Carla merely unzipped his slacks and reached inside past his boxers to stroke his cock. His head whipped around to look at her. "Done this before?"

She nodded. "Both as an escort and as a statue," she confirmed, nodding to the bound blonde in front of them. Carla moved behind Brent as she continued to stroke him to hardness inside of his slacks before gingerly bringing it out and pointing it at the blonde's waiting mouth. Then she bumped her hips forward into his butt, moving him forward. "I know that you don't want to do this, which is sweet, but if you don't he'll not only punish you, but your wife, me, and this girl here."

Relenting, Brent moved forward, leaning over. "I'm sorry I have to do this," he told her in a whisper. "My name is Brent and Mister Falcon is forcing my wife to do this as well and will punish her further if I don't get a blowjob from you."

"Issss Ooay..." the girl managed to get out despite her mouth being kept open by her ring gag. Her tongue flicked out and curled back in what Brent assumed was a 'come here' manner.

Taking a deep breath, Brent straightened up and slid his cock into the blonde's mouth. The blonde hummed in pleasure as she then started to suck on him nice and hard to the point that Brent swore again, this time in passion. Carla's hand stayed at his crotch, fondling his balls and occasionally stroking his cock while her other hand came up around his chest to tweak a nipple through his shirt. "Relax," she said into his ear. "This really is the only way to blend in around here so that no one will really know you. Besides, you endeared yourself to her by admitting your name and asking permission first."

He looked around again and realized that she was right. There was no way for him to tell one person from another. Other girls seemed to be just going through the motions while his girl was actively sucking him off. A wave of pleasure suddenly hit him as the blonde sucked on him hard once again. His balls twitched in Carla's hand and he blew his load down the blonde's throat. She started swallowing at once until he was totally spent. He hated to admit it, but it felt really good. His head swam from the eroticism of the moment and he dizzily stepped back and stuffed his cock back into his pants while Carla picked up a nearby bottle of wine and gave the blonde a swig. Then Carla gave her a peck on the lips and put the plug back into her mouth.

She then put her arm through Brent's and smiled. "Come, we must mingle," she said with a brave, masked smile of her own. "The night is nowhere close to being over."


CHAPTER 5: The Party Continues