Masks That We Wear


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Mandy was in hell. Her manacled legs and wrists wouldn't allow her to lift up far enough on the dildos to get any kind of movement inside of her. She twisted, turned, and even flexed her kegels but was unable to find release. Already tonight her body had been molested by at least ten people and she'd given blowjobs to four of them. Wax had been dribbled and poured over her breasts, encasing them in places. One man had even dipped her nipples into the hot wax to cover them up. It kept them perked up but at the same time dulled them so that anyone playing with them wouldn't get her off.

After a while she gave up, moaning in dismay at her inability to climax. She hoped that Brent would still be up for getting her off later tonight back home. As the party progressed, less and less people came by as they got over their initial infatuation of a host of naked women and focused on those they preferred.

She felt the presence of another couple standing nearby between her and Jennifer. Her head perked up as she thought she heard a familiar voice. Who was that?


When Brent stopped between the two beautiful brunettes that were middle of the penthouse, he caught a look of concern from Mister Falcon. Falcon wasn't hard to miss as he was the only one at the party not wearing a mask. Aha! Brent thought. He'd been spending most of the party trying to figure out which one was his wife. Mandy is one of these two. He prided himself on reading people and now that he was getting used to this, he was reading Falcon's body language like a book. "Carla," he said as an aside to his escort, "he said that the guests were free to play with any of the statues that they wanted, right?" he asked as he looked them over. Both of them were whining, moaning, and gyrating in an obvious attempt to get off but their bonds made it so that they couldn't lift too far off of the dildos inside of them.

"Well, yes," Carla confirmed, confused. "But why... oh..." it hit her as she looked at who they were in front of. "You think she's one of these two?" she leaned in and asked at a whisper.

"Judging by the murderous look I'm getting from our 'benefactor' here," he grinned, "yes." Brent locked eyes with Falcon, who was looking both angry and curious as to what Brent was up to. Brent made a show of examining both girls as if he couldn't decide which one he wanted to try. In reality he was looking for one single thing.

He found it. Faint underneath of the gold body paint was the hint of a birthmark just under the woman's left buttocks where it met the thigh. Bingo... he thought as he straightened up a bit. He then gave a sly smile to Falcon as he placed his hands on her and leaned in to the woman's ear. "Mandy..." he said softly.


Mandy tensed up when she heard her name spoken by her husband's voice. He found me! Her mind squeaked with alarm. Oh dear God! What does he think of me of what I've been doing with all of these men?

She was in a near panic until she felt his hands on her body, cupping her breast and sliding down to cover her sex, massaging it just right. His thumb on her breast gently peeled off some of the wax that had been dribbled on it by others. It felt good as contained skin was released once again, especially her wax-encased nipples. Oh Gooood... she thought as she let out a moan. If he keeps doing this... I'm gonna... She'd been on the edge for a good part of the party but never able to climax. Now her husband was fingering her clit the way she liked it while groping her chest.

Brent's voice then spoke into her ear in a commanding tone that she'd never heard him do before. "Cum for me, baby," he said as he fingered her hard.

Her body exploded, shaking violently in her bonds. When it was over, she hung limply off of her pole, totally spent and mind-numb. Oh thank you, sweetie! She managed to think through the haze. I hope Carla takes good care of you for that...


Brent smiled as he watched his wife get off and then go limp. He kissed her on top of her latex covered head and gave her a reassuring pat. Then he straightened up, looked straight at Mister Falcon, and gave him the middle finger.

Falcon's pissed look then turned to that of begrudging admiration as he had no choice but to smile and lift his glass of wine in salute to Brent's audacity and defiance. He excused himself from the group of men he'd been talking to and made his way over to Brent. "That was against the rules, you know."

"You never said that I couldn't touch my wife. You just said that I had to be in the area so that I could watch her get accosted by others. You never said that I wasn't allowed to partake." Brent said with a sickly-sweet smile. "In fact, you told us when the party started that we were to enjoy your living statues," he added with an innocent tone.

"Heh, heh, heh..." Falcon wagged a knowing finger at him. "Touché. Rules as written, not as intended, huh?"

"Dad always said to follow the letter of the law, if not the spirit."

"HA!" Falcon laughed and draped a friendly arm over Brent's shoulders. "Ain't that the truth. However, you did displease me and that cannot go unnoticed. Oh don't worry, you outfoxed me on this one so it will be light. You're dismissed from the party. Carla, take him home and fuck him in his own bed."

"What about my wife?" Brent challenged him. "She's in no condition to drive home herself later with all of the wine that's been forced down her gullet."

"Which is why one of my drivers will take her home to you. They've already taken your car back. What do you think that they've been doing all this time during the party?" He laughed at Brent's uncertainty. "Relax! I'm not a monster despite what you may think of me. Now get out of here, both of you, before I change my mind."


"That was a beautiful and noble thing that you did for your wife," Carla told Brent when they were back in the limo heading back to his ranch. "Having been in her position before, I know how difficult it is to cum. Being teased and tormented all night like that is hard especially when you can't fuck yourself on the rods."

"I kinda figured that the way a lot of them were moaning and whining," Brent said absently as he watched out the window, his mask now discarded onto the floor of the limo. It was dark now and he was thankful that many of his staff would be in bed when they arrived. The last thing he needed was to explain why he was brining another woman home with him. "How much longer until the party is over?"

"An hour at the very least. Possibly two... depending." Carla sighed. "Anything over that and the girls will start trying out, falling asleep, and possibly soiling themselves. Not at all anything anyone wants to see. Mister Falcon may be a lot of things but he does see to the care of everyone afterwards. Your wife will be given a massage since her arms and legs will be stiff from maintaining that position for a while before being driven home."

"That's good, at least..." Brent muttered. He then looked at her when she took his hand and gave it a squeeze. She was smiling at him. "Look," he said to her, "I know what Falcon ordered us to do, but we don't have to do it. We can just say that we did."

"He'd see right through it... me at least," she admitted. "I tried it once and he punished me for an entire day for it. Besides, after what you did for your wife and for standing up to Mister Falcon like that, I want to." Carla slid down to the floor to kneel in front of him. She then opened up his slacks and pulled his cock out. It was already hard, which didn't surprise her. Brent was a noble man and hadn't touched anyone after that blonde that Mister Falcon ordered him to... at least, he hadn't touched anyone until his wife that is.

She kissed the head of his cock and then took him into her mouth, gently suckling off of it. Brent groaned and sank back into the cushions of the limo seat as her mouth worked on him. Carla was expert enough to keep it going until they pulled into the driveway at his ranch. By the time they got to the master bedroom, Brent was bending her over the side of the bed, ready to take her. "Yes," she let out a husky breath as she pulled the skirt of her costume up and over her hips to show him her bare bottom.

"I thought that I felt a plug in you when I was having sex with you last night in the lounge," Brent noted, looking at the pink gem that poked out from her cleft.

"All of us women who are indentured to Mister Falcon have to wear one." Carla confirmed as she reached behind her to grab her bottom and spread her cheeks for him. She gasped with pleasure as he penetrated her a moment later. "OH GOD! YES!" she cried out, burying her face into the covers to muffle her voice. She'd done this enough times to know how to disguise her voice so that others wouldn't be any wiser, especially with wealthy clients like Brent.

His hands slid up her body to grab the top of her costume to pull down. He then groped her left breast while planting his right hand on her hip. Carla covered his hand with hers while using her other for leverage against the bed. Brent squeezed her tit while pounding her from behind, feeling both his cock and the plug inside of her move. He then tried to slow things down as he felt close to the edge. Carla must've sensed it as she then used the hand that was propping herself up to finger herself. "Cum inside of me," she moaned. "Now! Please!"

Brent let loose a torrent of semen inside of her and she came along with him. His hands dug into her flesh while she buried her face into a nearby pillow and screamed her ecstasy. Brent grunted long and loud as his cock throbbed and pumped harder than it ever had before. More so than he had with his wife and that made him feel a bit guilty. But once he was done he collapsed on top of her. They both stood there, panting and draped over the side of the bed covered in a sheen of sweat until he finally slid out of her. He then sank to the floor and sat back against the side of the bed. Carla joined him, sitting next to him. "Damn..." he breathed.

"Yeah..." she agreed, laying her head on his shoulder. "I haven't cum that hard in a long time. Thank you..."

"Uhhh... You're welcome..." he said, not sure what else to say.


Mandy could barely walk. Once the last client had left the party, the legion of men who were working the party sprang into immediate action lifting girls onto dollys and carting them to the service elevator where they were taken back downstairs. There, they were removed from their bondage pedestals and immediately put into an open shower stall for them to wash the paint off of their bodies and relieve themselves once again. Mandy's legs were so stiff that she couldn't do it. So, the two men who'd made her relieve herself at the start did it again and then they washed her down from head to toe.

She was dragged over to a massage table where another two men then gave her a thorough rub down from the small of her back down to her ankles. It felt good and Mandy moaned in pleasure. Once they were done, they helped her into her clothes, got her plug back up her ass and her collar back on her neck, and got her into a waiting limo. She laid herself out on the back seat, body throbbing from exhaustion. After driving for some time, she heard the driver call someone. When the limo stopped, the door flew open and a robe was thrown over her body as someone yanked her out and then picked her up. The limo door slammed and then a house door slammed. It took her a moment to realize that she was now home. "Brent?" she asked, weakly.

"I got ya, babe," Brent whispered into her ear as he hustled her up the grand staircase to their room.

"Brent..." Mandy sighed with contentment as she snuggled into his arms.

Ahead of him, Carla was waiting with the door to the room open. She closed it the moment they were inside. "Help me get her clothes off, please," he asked her as he laid Mandy down and opened up the robe he'd put her into. Carla was by his side at once, taking Mandy's shoes while Brent got her dress off. Carla was undoing the front clasp of Mandy's strapless bra when Mandy's hand shot up, grabbed her wrist, and guided Carla's hand down to her mound. "Do me... Please..."

Brent paused as he was in the process of turning back to his wife. Him and Carla locked eyes. He could see that Carla was hesitant. "Uhhh... Isn't lesbianism a sin with you two?" she asked.

He couldn't help but snort in amusement. "I don't think that she realizes it's you," he noted, watching Mandy subconsciously gyrate her hips up into Carla's hand. "And from the looks of it, I don't think that she cares right now." He bobbed his head left and right. "I gotta admit, this does turn me on; seeing you two like this." Both he and Carla were in bath robes, having finished their interlude a half hour ago.

"Won't your church have an issue with this, though?" Carla asked, still not daring to move. "I mean I have no problem with this, I'm bi. I'm just worried about you two."

Brent shrugged and looked up to the heavens in mock exasperation. "What more can they do to me if they find this out? I'm guilty of sexual relations with two other women other than my wife tonight alone. Hell, that handjob-slash-blowjob at the party could count as a threesome already. So.... in for a penny, in for a pound, as the saying goes." he nodded to her as he shucked his robe off. "Go ahead, we'll see what the Missus says tomorrow when she's more coherent.

Carla shared his rueful smile and then leaned over to gently kiss her pubis. Then she left a trail of fluttering kisses up Mandy's body. Mandy hummed and gyrated her hips more as Carla expertly fingered her. Brent was getting hard watching Carla service his wife. Carla shrugged out of her robe as she crawled onto the bed in between Mandy's open legs. Brent watched in fascination as Carla lowered her mound onto Mandy's and began to dry hump her. Huh... So that's how they do it in real life... he mentally noted. He'd snuck porn movies and magazines when he was a teenager and was guilty of his fair share of porn in college. It made him feel dirty and unclean afterwards but he got such a thrill off of it.

Mandy's arms came up to absently caress Carla's sides before gripping her biceps as Carla's mouth descended upon hers. Their breasts pushed together as they made out and slowly fucked. Brent's cock went as hard as he'd ever felt in his life, especially watching their bodies move both with those jeweled plugs up their asses. Carla saw him stroking his cock as he watched, smiled, and motioned for him to join them on the bed. He climbed up and she gently took him by his hardness, and guided him behind her and motioned for him to take her. "Do me first, and then take her." she whispered.

Nodding his understandment, Brent took his cock in hand as Carla released him to go back to making out with Mandy. His hand shook slightly as he realized that he was about to fulfill a dirty fantasy of his since... well... puberty. He pushed up into Carla's still wet sex and grabbed her hips and started to pump into her.

"No," Carla said, putting a hand back on his hip. "Let me do all the work, please," she asked him, gasping with pleasure. She then took his hand off of her left hip to guide it up her body to her breast and then downward to Mandy's. All the while, she rotated her hips back and forth, simultaneously fucking Brent's cock while rubbing her mound down onto Mandy's

As far as Brent was concerned, he could be damned to hell tomorrow for he was in heaven tonight. He watched as the girls went at it. He felt Carla's plug move inside of her ass while it pressed down onto his cock through the vaginal wall. Her pussy clenched and released his cock as she fucked them both at the same time. While she was French kissing Mandy, Carla let out a little whimper and then a gasping "OH!" as she came hard. Her pussy clenched Brent's cock hard and it took every fiber of his being not to blow too early.

"Now her," Carla moaned as she was jerking her hips hard into Mandy's. Mandy was moaning and writhing with pleasure underneath of her. Brent pulled out of Carla and plunged his cock down into Mandy. Mandy arched her back and cried out in ecstasy. Carla moved from their lip lock to start nibbling on the side of Mandy's neck. Her hands came up to move Brent's hand aside so she cup the sides of Mandy's tits, thumbs flicking at her nipples.

"Yes... Yes... Yes..." Mandy mewed underneath of them. A moment later her body started to jerk and shudder as the orgasm ripped through her. "OH GOD!" she cried out, arms splaying out wide to grip the bedsheets. Her pussy clamped down onto Brent's cock like a vice and he was unable to hold it in any longer. His cock exploded deep into her as he joined her in the climax.

"FUCK ME!" Brent cried out as the orgasm made the ones he had earlier in the evening pale by comparison. His hands hand traveled up to grip Carla's tits while his cock pumped in and out of Mandy's pussy. "HO-LY FUCK..." he breathed as his own body trembled from head to toe. It was the best orgasm ever.

When the three of them collapsed, spent, Mandy nestled in beside Brent and was out in an instant. Carla smiled sadly at them and went to leave when Brent caught her hand. "You can stay here, if you want," he said.

She shook her head. "I don't want to impose..."

"Like I said; what more can they do to me if they find out?" Brent shared her wan smile. "So, there's no sense in you even trying to sneak down the halls to a guest room or try to get home tonight. Stay, we'll get you some clothes in the morning, and I'll make sure you make it back."

"Thank you," Carla said with tears welling up in her eyes, touched at his compassion. "Master." she added softly as she laid her head onto his other shoulder and fell asleep. She wasn't sure if he'd heard her as he was already out as well.

CHAPTER 6: Damage Control

"What is this that I hear that you had another woman in your bed with you last night along with your wife?" Brent's father, Congressman Donald, asked with a glare when they met for lunch and golf the next day. Donald looked around to make sure that no one was within earshot. It was relatively quiet for a Sunday afternoon at the course. Once he was sure, then he leaned in. "Look, boy, I don't mind you getting in your flings while you're young but can't you at least be a little bit more discreet about it? I mean, Jesus, we're good Christian folk and we run on the Conservative Religious ticket. If you're gonna take my place on retirement you're going to have to remember that."

Brent sighed, having anticipated this as there obviously was no privacy in his own home. Rumor traveled faster than the speed of light. But at the same time he wasn't entirely too guilty about it. "Can I level with you on something, dad?"

"You can tell me anything, son," Donald said with wariness and concern.

"We were blackmailed to do it."

Donald gave him a disbelieving, disdainful look. "You can do better than that."

"I'm serious, dad," Brent countered. "You know why I don't play poker? It's because I don't bluff."

"Can't bluff, you mean," his dad snorted.

"Whatever. The point is, this guy, a one Mister Falcon, blackmailed Mandy. When I confronted him he then blackmailed me. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't punish one or the both of us for me just telling you this."

"Okay..." Donald said slowly, "Lay it out for me." Brent gave him the rundown as they played and as he got into more details about his and Mandy's situation, Donald became more serious. Brent even went in to how Falcon blackmailed him by promising physical punishment on Mandy if he didn't sleep with Carla at home. When he was done, Donald was shaking his head. "I told you that godless jezebel would be trouble when you two met," he grumbled.
