Master Jack Ch. 03


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"You're feeling quite sexy, aren't you?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied, remembering previous lessons.

"Well done. Now for some real stimulation."

He reached for his pants and removed the belt, shortening it in his hand, then began tapping each nipple, five taps on one, then change, then repeat. I found my body adapted to the rhythm very quickly and before long I found that the nipple not being tapped was crying out for attention. While at the start it had been slightly painful, now it was delightfully sexy and arousing and each nipple wanted more attention. I remembered my experience with Cedric, how I had cum from him doing exactly what Master jack was doing now, but also remembered that I was far more aroused then than now. I checked my body; no, I wasn't anywhere near ready to cum yet. I thought this would be a waste of time, that all I would end up with were sore nipples. But I was wrong.

"Now just imagine my fingers on your clit, my cock deep inside you; imaging the feelings as I thrust into you, your cunt wrapping around my cock, my fingers rubbing, squeezing your sensitive clit. Imagine how you feel just before you cum, the build up of tension, your stomach muscles tightening, striving to reach your orgasm."

His words, along with the gentle strokes of his belt, aroused me far more that I imagined possible. In a few short seconds I had gone from disinterested and cynical to feeling quite sexy. I noticed that my hips were thrusting upwards, even though they were not being touched; my body was starting to tremble. I felt the sensations of sexual desire rushing through me, but to be ready to orgasm? No, I seemed far away from that goal.

"That's good, well done, now hold it while I count to ten and on ten, I want you to cum. One . . . . Two . . . .Three . . . . Four . . . Five . . . . Six . . . . Seven . . . . Eight . . . . Nine . . . . . . . . Ten."

When he started on one, I still felt dubious but noticed that the feelings I was feeling had indeed intensified. By the time he reached eight, I was hanging on his words, willing him to speed up the count, barely able to hold back. Nine was agony and then on ten I let go and a massive orgasm rocketed through my body, blasting me into inner space. In the distance I felt my body shuddering, heard my scream of release, all a background to the waves of sensation that poured through me, annihilating me until they washed me up on the shore, gasping and exhausted, an incalculable time later. Master Jack was beaming down at me, like the cat that had just eaten the canary.

"Thank you, Sir," I said when I was able, "That was amazing. I don't know how you did that, but please don't make it the last time like that."

"Of course not, Elizabeth, from now on I will cause you to cum frequently like that. After all, practice makes perfect."

I was yet to find how true those words were.

The rest of Monday passed relatively uneventfully. Maria applied comfrey cream to my pussy several times to reduce and heal the bruising. I spent much of the day with Master Jack; it was almost as though he was apologizing for my treatment yesterday, although I doubted that was his reality. At supper that evening he asked if I thought I'd be fit for night shift tomorrow.

"Yes, I think so. Maria's comfrey cream seems to be helping. Tomorrow morning you can take me for a test drive if you wish," I replied, grinning in expectation.

"Mmm, possibly, but why wait till then? Do you want to cum right here and now, in the dining room?"

I didn't know what he had in mind but it was not in my genes to turn down an offer of an orgasm. Besides, I was curious to know what he would do.

"Yes, darling."

He didn't touch me or move at all. Instead he just began talking quietly and slowly.

"I want you to relax, close your eyes, and just picture yourself lying on your back on our bed, my hands upon you, caressing you, sliding slowly over your breasts, stimulating your nipples. Feel your nipples harden under my touch as I gently caress them, then slowly intensify my touching, rolling your hard buds between my fingers; feel the pangs of arousal travel down to your pussy, feel your juices starting to leak out between your lips as your clit starts to grow and harden, wanting my touch to stimulate her."

Although I was sitting comfortably beside him in a public dining space, I could feel my body responding to his suggestions. I looked down and saw my nipples were hard; I could feel the increase in lubrication between my lips and could feel my clit hardening and becoming more sensitive. I had never realized that words could be so powerful.

"Now, just imagine having my hard cock at your entrance, feel it sliding between your slick lips, feel your desire for it to be fully implanted inside you as it slides into your entrance, pushing the sides of your entrance apart as it eases its way inside, traveling upwards into your body, stimulating all your sensory nerve endings as it expands your love tunnel. Feel my body over yours, my tensed muscles pushing my hard cock further and further inside you. Now feel it fully inserted, feel the pressure of my pubic bone pressing against your clit, squeezing her, stimulating her, sending waves of pleasure through your body, merging with the sensations coming from your nipples."

I sat there, amazed, noticing that despite Master Jack not having even touched me, his words were enough to cause me to feel what he described. With my eyes closed, I could feel him inside me, I could feel his hands on my breasts, I could feel my pussy oozing her juices as he reamed my pulsating cunt with his hard cock, even though it was all just in my mind.

"Now, I want you to feel your arousal gradually increasing, feel how it feels to slowly climb the slope towards your orgasm, feel the anticipation as you wait for and look forward to your complete loss of control as waves of indescribable sexual sensations pour from your pussy, clit and nipples into your brain and cause you to experience a massive, screaming, body shaking orgasm. Just imagine how that orgasm will feel and just allow every thrust, every touch on your sensitive body to push you further up the slope, higher and higher, closer and closer towards your orgasm."

The part of me that is the observer was incredulous that what Master Jack was describing was actually what my body was experiencing. I realized that I was climbing towards my orgasm, that I was looking forward to cumming and that this really could happen in a matter of seconds, rather than minutes. I gritted my teeth, holding back as much as possible to let it build. As if reading my thoughts, he continued.

"Now as you feel this build up, I want you to hold back to intensify your release. Feel yourself approaching your crisis, feel it building, feel the sensations in your cunt, in your clit, from your nipples; feel these sensations building and joining to push yourself almost to your release. Now, I'm going to count to ten and when I reach ten, then and only then will you cum. One . . . . Two . . . . Three. . . ."

I was so close, so, so close. I could feel my body shuddering as waves of sensations poured through me. I needed to cum, I had to cum, now. I tuned back into Master Jack.

"Nine . . . Ten. Cum for me, Elizabeth."

I did. With a scream that stopped all conversation in the room, I felt my orgasm wash over me, my whole body shaking and shuddering, my head rolling around out of control. Nobody touched me, I was sitting on a chair having the orgasm to end all orgasms, alone, without even touching myself. I gradually came back to reality, stilled my movements and opened my eyes, still panting for breath. I saw Master Jack grinning at me.

"Did you enjoy that?" he asked.

"Oh yes, how did you do that?"

"Quite easily. It's amazing how easily bodies are programmed to do whatever a person wants them to do. Pleased you enjoyed it."

I looked around the room and saw many people smiling as they watched us. Gradually they went back to their own conversations.

The following morning, I awoke in Master Jack's arms. We kissed as I remembered the previous evening in the dining room.

"I feel so embarrassed about cumming like that in the dining room."

"Think nothing of it. You're certainly not the first, won't be the last, and many of those present had been in the same situation. Besides which, what's so bad about cumming? Orgasms are perfectly natural; it is only normal society that thinks they should only occur in private. A strange view, in my opinion. Things of a sexual nature seem to be most interesting yet also seem to be the butt of jokes and events that are supposed to only occur in private. Seems strange to me; I'd have thought it should be the other way around. Imagine if public sex and public orgasms were encouraged in general society."

I grinned as I pictured the situation; walks in the park would never be the same again. Just the thought of it was enough to make me horny. I reached for his cock; hard, as expected, so I began slowly stimulating it as I felt him tentatively stroke my pussy, running his fingers between my slightly lubricated lips, touching my clit gently.

"How do you feel today?" he asked.

"Horny. Go easy and we can have fun," I replied, feeling his fingers becoming quickly more lubricated by my feminine secretions.

We made love gently, Master Jack bringing me to two normal orgasms, filling me as I came the second time, then we lay together, our breaths mixing as they slowed. We kissed for a few minutes, then he told me to close my eyes. I did.

"Now, I want you to focus on your orgasm, feel the feelings that you felt a minute before you came."

I did this, easily able to feel the sensations that poured through me from his gorgeous cock thrusting inside me, even though right now it was not even touching me.

"Now feel the build-up," he prompted.

My imagination continued so I could feel the sensations as they built as though they were actually being generated right now. My hips took on a movement of their own, the sensations building, higher, higher; my body began shuddering.

"Cum for me, Elizabeth, cum for me now."

I did, pressing my body against him as I shuddered to a third orgasm this morning. It was quickly over and I was once again relaxing slowly into his arms, my breathing slowing, my body once again still.

"Wow. That was amazing. You didn't even have to count."

"No, and soon I won't need to do the initial stages either. You'll see."

We lay on the bed together, kissing, cuddling, loving each other, chatting about the day.

"Will you be Ok to work tonight?"

I thought back to Cedric and how much fun I'd had that night. Did I want to work? Yes. Could I? My pussy hadn't hurt this morning so, unless I had a rough guy, it should be Ok.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it."

"Good, I'll tell Maria to put you on the schedule."


I relaxed on the bed as Maria gently covered my wounds with a numbing healing balm. Why had I been so stupid, I thought, berating myself not for what I had done but for allowing Master Jack to find out. My mind went back over the past day . . . .

Stefan had dressed me in a sexy outfit, bright red this time, sheer stockings, garter belt, no panties so my pussy was clearly visible, a new crimson corset which he fastened tighter than my usual one, quarter cup bra to support my breasts as though holding them out for people to see and feel, which they did. He then took me into the gambling den and I waited tables all evening as well-dressed men sat playing cards and dice, winning and losing fortunes.

At the auction I was sold for $3500 to a relatively young, good looking man named Lionel, who quickly showed me that his good looks and overt virility was more than skin deep. We had a long, very sexy, very loving session in which he brought me to crashing orgasms five times and filled my cunt with his hot cum twice. Then he became more serious.

"The reason I bid for you tonight was that I was under strict instructions from Cedric. He told me you are an amazing woman, that I'd have a great deal of fun tonight, which I have had, and he told me to tell you that he wants to get you away from here. But he can't come back to be with you every night, as he would like, so he gave me something to give to you."

My heart had leapt when he told me about Cedric and I watched in anticipation as he pulled a small package from his pants pocket and handed it to me. I quickly unwrapped a small cellphone.

"It's already programmed with Cedric's number, but it will be absolutely essential that you keep it hidden. If Master Jack was to find it, I hate to think of the consequences. Master Jack is a psychopathic narcissist and will stop at nothing to prevent what he thinks of as his being taken from him. You can't see it because you're too close to him, but he has you totally brainwashed. So, if you wish to be with Cedric, this is your line of communication."

"Thank you, darling," I'd replied, hugging him and pressing my body against his, feeling a stirring between my thighs as his cock hardened despite its two spouts tonight. "I do think you have Master Jack wrong; yes, he's controlling, but he does love me and he wants what is best for me. I would like to be with Cedric, but I certainly don't want to hurt Master Jack."

"Well, we'll have to differ there. If he wants to call you, he will, but your phone is on silent, so you'll see he's called and can call back when you're able. I emphasize once more, don't allow Master Jack to know you have a phone."

"No, I'll be careful. I know phones are forbidden here but I don't know the punishment if one is found."

"So, make sure you don't find out. Time for sleep, honey."

I'd put the phone under my pile of clothing and we'd cuddled together and slept. We made love again before our shower in the morning, then I farewelled Lionel, hoping I'd meet him again on the outside, if I chose to leave here, and returned to my bedroom where I undressed, slipped into my corset and went to breakfast.

After the usual chatter with the night shift girls, I returned to my room to find Master Jack waiting for me. My clothes were all over the place and my new phone was sitting in front of him on the table.

"What is the meaning of this?" he'd asked gruffly, indicating the phone.

"Lionel gave it to me last evening so I could contact him. I haven't used it though."

"I know you haven't; I checked the history and there's nothing there. The number in the phone is not Lionel's though. Whose is it?"

"I don't know," I'd lied, "How can I? I haven't used it."

"Ring it now," he'd ordered, "In fact, no, I'll ring it."

He rang the number and I heard Cedric's voice after a few rings.

"Hello, darling, how are you?"

"Firstly, I'm not your darling and secondly, who are you?" asked Master Jack.

There was no answer; Cedric rang off quickly. Master Jack scowled at me and threw the phone onto the floor, destroying it with his heavy boot.

"Who was that?" he asked me again.

"You should have spoken to him nicely and you may have found out," I replied, knowing as I did so that it would only rile him more but what the hell, he was going to punish me so a bit more couldn't hurt, or could it?

Master Jack had gone into a rage. I'd seen him like this at another commune member but had never been the cause of one of his rages, until now. He'd grabbed me by my hair and dragged me out of the room, along the hallway and into a room I'd never entered before. It was clearly a punishment cell, small and dank, with rings from the ceiling and on the floor. Quickly he attached my wrists to the ceiling rings then he stripped me of my corset. He'd begun shouting at me, cursing me for being a fool, telling me I only had to play my cards right and I would be queen of the empire, his empire, that we could reign over the commune and have whatever we wished for, but now I'd ruined the whole fairy story and would be punished. He went on and on, all the while I was waiting for my punishment, but he seemed intent on ranting and winding himself up to still higher levels of anger. It was only then that I realized that Lionel's assessment of his mental state had been accurate and it was I, not Lionel, who was deluded.

Eventually he'd run out of steam and circled slowly around my helpless body, running his hands over my skin, telling me how he was going to destroy me, to disfigure my body until nobody would want me, nobody would ever love me again. After many minutes of this he'd taken a chain and anklet attached to a wall and fastened it to one ankle, repeating this on the other side, so I was hanging by my wrists from the ceiling rings, my legs stretched wide apart, feet well clear of the floor.

"I think I should just leave you here to rot," he'd said, "But that would be too good for you, and someone might find you and release you before you died. So, punishment it is."

He'd gone to the wall behind me and apparently taken down a whip, which he brought around and showed me, explaining that it was a cat, short for cat o' nine tails, and it had nine strands of leather which would slice through my skin like the skin of a tomato, leaving the red flesh beneath to well up through the cuts. I'd shuddered at the thought and the mental picture he had described. Then, without further talk, he'd laid into me.

I had lost count of the number of strokes he gave me. He'd started with my back and ass, then my front, breasts and belly, then my legs, starting at the ankles and working his way up to my upper thighs and then, finally, he'd beaten my pussy, the impact of the leather on my sensitive clit sending waves of exquisite agony lancing though my body. By this time my whole body was a mass of pain, thick welts and cuts oozing blood, so the shock effect of having my pussy flogged was largely lost on me. There is only a certain amount of pain that can be borne before a person becomes immune to any further pain. My mind mercifully blanked out the final parts of my punishment.

And so I awoke, on my bed, lying on a waterproof sheet as Maria applied the soothing, numbing balm to my injuries.

"Ah, you're awake at last," she said as I opened my eyes.

"Yes," I croaked, my mouth and throat dry. Maria quickly gave me some water, supporting my head as I drank thirstily.

"Thank you. How bad is it?" I asked.

"Well, I've seen much worse from him. This cream will help your skin to heal without scars, so in two weeks you should be fine. The scars on your mind, however, could last a lifetime, so I hope you can let the memories go rather than allow them to color your view of life."

"Yes, that's fine, I can let those go. I've had many unpleasant experiences in life, this is simply the latest. Will I be beautiful again?"

"Of course, darling, you are beautiful now. Beauty is not just in the skin, it is who you are; far more than skin deep."

I realized the truth of this and relaxed even more. I realized also that I hadn't slept much last night and it was now afternoon, by the sun. So, as Maria completed her treatment, I drifted off to sleep, the pain from my beating becoming as a background to oblivion.

I awoke many hours later in the dark, feeling the bed move as someone else crawled onto it.

"Who's there?"

"It's only me," said Master Jack's well-recognized voice, "I've come to apologize and to hope that this won't come between us."

"Apologize!" I yelled, trying to sit and wishing I hadn't, "Apologize! You've got a damned gall if you expect me to accept any apology from you after what you've done to me."

"I am truly sorry," he said in a soft voice, very different from the tone he'd used a few hours ago. "I was totally out of line. I had no right to think that I owned you or that you betrayed me. I'm sorry. I lost control of myself. Again I ask, please forgive me."