Master PC Reboot Ch. 05


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Jack tried to speak, but then she bit on his ear. "I know you're still coming around to us throwing ourselves at you and I know it's confusing to suddenly having sisters growing sexier and sexier by the day. And hell, Mom looks years younger after riding your cock. But we can't help ourselves." Jack looked over and saw Steph playing with Erin's large breasts.

"We need to have you as our master." Jess whispered, "Please. We all love you."

The feeling of her body crashing against his was hitting him over and over again. The whispers on his ears were making his whole body shake and shudder. He could feel her busty bare breasts against his chest, moving back and forth as she fucked him. It made his cock harder and harder.

Jack looked at her, then at Steph, then Erin still tranced out. They were all so sexy, especially his sisters. He never asked for it, but now it was damn hard to deny that he wanted it. He wanted it all. It was so hot watching them serve him. It was hot to hear his mother's cries of pleasure as she followed his command.

"Ok." Jack said. He'd be their master, and he'd deal with any other conflicts that came his way. Jess was right in the shower this morning. He had earned this by dealing with the crap hand life had dealt him. And he was tired of feeling guilty about it. "I'll be a master. But I love you, all of you. And I promise to be good to all of you."

And with that, Jack turned Jess over and began to ram his cock into her hard. "You're not allowed to let them know we're down here. You have to keep quiet." He started slowly thrusting, making her feel every bit of his large cock. He looked over again to where Steph and Erin were sitting.

"Tell Erin to pleasure Steph." He commanded to Jess.

Still in throws of passion, Jess repeated his command and snapped her fingers at Erin, who stood up and began to caress Steph.

"You can't make a sound either." Jack sternly said to her.

"Yes Master." Steph said softy.

"Oh Master." Jess said just as quiet, "This is what you were born to do."

And as he kept pumping his cock into her, almost on the verge of cumming again, he believed her.

Sometime after their time in the basement, Jack's mother came downstairs to see her kids. And hopefully get another go at her son's cock. What she saw were here three children and Erin lying on the floor covered in fluids. She got on her knees and started to swipe some of it up to taste. She could taste her strong son's sperm mixed with the lovely flavor of her daughter's releases.

It was so strange how much this world turned her on now. She saw her son lying there. His massive cock spent between his legs. In each of his arms, his sisters lay. Their heads resting on his chiseled chest. Erin was at their feat, seemingly in slumber.

Natalie Daniels looked at her children with boiling lust. She had just finished with her wife Kelly moments ago, but all she could think about was having sex again with Jack's cock. It wasn't that she wasn't attracted to her wife. Kelly was still the hottie, but now Natalie felt younger than she had in years. The libido that she had when she was a twenty something rolling around had come back. And it was smoldering when her own son made her submit to him at the breakfast table. When he commanded her to fuck Kelly she was so turned on by thoughts of him she actually imagined Kelly was her son. Her wife mentioned later that it was the most active they had been with together in quite some time.

She felt a bond with her daughters that she had not before. She instinctively knew that they were also bound to him the way she was. Their bodies had been changing so much over the past few days, it was hard to deny the same wasn't happening with her. Her daughters were blossoming and becoming undeniably attractive. And all three of them belonged to Jack.

Natalie wondered if he would get her pregnant. With this young of a body, it might be possible. She remembered how hot it was thinking about her son knocking up her own daughters, but for him to do the same to his mother? She was getting wet with the possibility. It was another thing that was so lovely about the whole affair here. She wanted Jack to fuck all of them. Natalie wanted him to fuck all the girls he wanted. If he commanded her to bring Kelly to his bed, forcefully, she wasn't sure she'd resist.

But that is not why she was down there right now, Natalie realized as she stopped wiping up cum to taste. She needed her family as her family right now and not her lovers.

"Jack sweetie," She called to him. He woke up immediately, and started looking around the basement quickly.

"Jack don't worry. Kelly's at the restaurant." His mother quickly assured him. "She had to go back because they're super short staffed."

Jack loved the restaurant that his mom's owned. But it was difficult to get people to work their full time. Jack and his siblings always would pitch in when needed. And the way his mother-slave was talking, it seemed to be the case right now.

"Do you need us all to go?" Jack asked, getting up. In doing so, he woke his sisters.

"Yes, it's pretty bad tonight. We only have one server working the full shift and it doesn't seem to be slowing down." Natalie said, "And besides, you've done nothing this spring break besides fuck your sisters. You need to get out."

"I'm happy to help." Jack said. "And my slaves will too."

"Yes Master." His sisters spoke in unison.

"Jack," Jess said, "We should let Erin get home. Her folks will question things."

"Yeah." Jack admitted. "Have her go home, but have her believe that it was just a nice sleepover." When he saw his sister's face drop, "And tell her that she will remember all the sexy bits of her stay as an increasingly frequent fantasy." Jess regained her smile.

"Alright," their mother spoke, "You kids get changed and go on over."

"Where are you going?" Jack asked. "Aren't you coming with us?"

"No I have to stay here and take care of the mess upstairs." Their mother said, "And I might be able to come later if I can get some other chores done."

"Hmmm." Jack said, "I said that my slaves will be going. And last time I checked Mom, you were on your knees submitting to me as my slave."

"Ww-well yes, that is true," their mother admitted.

"And so then I will say again that all my slaves will go to help out the restaurant." Jack reaffirmed, "Jess got me to admit that I enjoy being your master. And I think that I have the same hold over you that I do for them. So, I will order you to come with us to watch the restaurant."

"B-but I'm your mother."

"And Jess was cleat that I am the one in charge of the house now. And you said you were my slave." He walked over to her, his flaccid cock suddenly getting very hard. "And as for the house work. Jess, why don't you command Erin to tidy up before she leaves. If her parents ask questions, I give you permission to hypnotize them too."

"Oh wow. I'm liking Master Jack." Jess said, starting to sway her tits.

"Good. Now Mom," Jack gave all his attention to his mother, who was beginning to pant at the sight of his now hard cock. "I want you to get on your knees right now and blow me. After you finish we will get ready to go.

Natalie Daniels immediately fell to her knees. How could she have even thought things would go back to normal. She loved her son, and this cock was too good to pass up. She needed it.

"Yes Master," She said as she began to stroke his cock. "I will obey." Then she took all of his member into his mouth.

After an exquisite blowjob, and several showers (much to his sister's chagrin, they were individual), and a good change of clothes, Jack and his slaves went to the restaurant.

The Daniel's family owned a very respectable establishment. They were the classic American restaurant. "Burgers, beer, and brat friendly," was Kelly's slogan she liked to share with her customers. It had a nice bar in the corner and scattered booths throughout the building. It was a nice place and both his moms were very proud of its success.

Jack thought back about his commands earlier. There was a rush he had with making people do those things. But he understood that there needed to be a balance. This might be a crazy world he was in now, but that didn't mean that he couldn't be the best person he could for other people.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Kelly was at the hostess's stand, being swarmed by a large party of guests.

"Hey! You made it Nat!" She called over to her wife as she walked over. "Ok. Here's they play fam." Kelly looked at Jack and his sisters.

Jack never really appreciated how beautiful Kelly was. She had nice auburn hair that came down to her shoulders. She had a slender frame with a modest breast size. She had a tan complexion and ravishing brown eyes. But her smile is what drew people into her. She surrounded an aura of hospitality and kindness that was perfectly suited for running a restaurant.

"Jack, I need you to be a host. Bring people to the tables and make sure they're comfortable. Jess and Steph, I need you two to join the wait staff. Two of my servers quit and we're already down three so we are short staffed to hell. The only others that have stayed are Becca and Heather. I'll join you in a second to take a few tables and to help run food. Nat thank god you're here, I need you to bartend." Kelly grabbed a stack of menus and began to move with the large family she was already dealing with.

Jack and his family immediately got to work. Jack thought it was odd to see his sisters clothed for once in five days. But he couldn't think about that right now. He greeted everyone that was walking in the door with a polite smile and made sure that they got to their table.

As he was helping people, Jack noticed how different people were to him now. Before when he was a lanky, unconfident nerd, he got a lot more pushback from customers. But now that he looked handsome and built, people weren't having an issue at all. People were being a lot friendlier to his sisters too. And Jack knew exactly why. Although they were wearing clothes, they had chosen garment that helped accent their new shapely gifts. Already stunningly attractive, Jess and Steph were heavily complimented by what they were wearing. It helped that they were dialing up the charm as well.

"What's gotten into those two?" a voice asked from behind Jack. It was Becca, one of the other waitresses. She had light blue eyes, with hair dyed a deep blue that gave them an extra pop. Jack looked at her cautiously. Becca was on the cheerleading squad of their school with Steph.

And Sara Jack reminded himself. He hadn't thought about that girl in forever.

But for now, he had to play it cool with Becca, "They're doing their best to help. What's up with you? Taking a ten?" Jack asked back, curious why she wasn't in her section.

"Oh, please I've been on my feet all night I need five minutes." Becca replied, noticing his tone. "And bullshit. Steph will help when she's needed, but she'd never go the extra mile like this. I don't know about the dweeb though."

Jack grit his teeth. Calling his sister Jess a dweeb wasn't that bad of an insult by far. But it was the disrespect that came with the slight that was gaining his ire from this girl. Jack looked at her more closely. She had fair skin, and it looked like average breasts. Compared to the racks on his sisters, they weren't anything special. But if she got his cock in her, that could change Jack realized. And then her tone would change as well.

"Becca, why tell me this? Why not Steph?" He said, trying to change the subject. Or rather testing her further to see if she would provoke him.

"Well she's acting weird!" Becca groaned, "She's been going non-stop here with the serving, and when I asked her to blow off five minutes with me, she told me to screw off! That she had to do this for you and her mothers." Becca stared at Jack, "No idea what hold you have on her, but I hardly recognized her attitude."

Jack's brow furrowed. "That's all that was different about her? Just her attitude?" he asked.

Becca nodded while raising an eyebrow.

"What about physically? Did you notice that anything was different with her there?" Jack asked quietly. He knew that Steph's body had become more toned and bustier, but one of her own friends was not noticing the overnight change.

"What? Ew!" Becca responded to his question. "Why would you ask that about your sister? She's the exact same when I saw her at the mall earlier this week!"

"What about Jess, do you notice any changes with her?" Jack asked quickly.

"The hell is a matter with you pervert!" She almost shouted, but had enough sense not to alert any customers. Jack did see an elderly couple tilt their heads at them however.

"Anyway, weirdo. Jess is the same as I saw her last too." Becca stared at his sister. "Damn shame she didn't join the team as well. She's a knockout like Steph." Then she gave Jack a sharp look, "Now if you're done perving on your family, I have to go to work!"

"But you came up to me...?" Jack trailed off as Becca walked away to her section.

"What'd you do to piss of her bro?" Jack heard Jess ask from around the corner.

"Nothing really." Jack said as he smiled at his sister. "But apparently, no one's noticed that you or Steph look different. It's like you've always been like this."

"People think I've always had the bod of a playboy model?" She asked. "Nice. I can live with that." Then she stared down behind the host's podium.

"You want to bend her over, don't you?" Jess asked eyeing her brothers boner. "I wonder if she's blue all over too..." Then she licked her lips.

Jack smiled. He was really loving this new life that the world had given him. "I actually have an order for you about that." He looked at his sister in the eye. He had a plan.

"I'm all yours, sir. Command me." As Jess spoke, Jack could see the mischievous nature of his sister bubble forth.

"Take Becca in the back where no one will bug you. Lure her with whatever means." Jack instructed. His sister was listening intently. "I want you to put her in a trance."

"Fuck yes!" Jess said aloud. The same old couple that had turned around did so again and looked at Jack strangely. Jess giggled. "Sorry bro."

"I want you to first make her want to work harder tonight than she ever has before. Make think that she has to impress our family. Namely me. Then instruct her that she will need to stay with us after close in case there is anything left." Jack continued.

"This is lame Jack get to the good stuff." Jess seemed disappointed.

"No here's the fun part. I want her to believe that she has to come home after close. She wants to learn the secret on how you two became so attractive."

"And then?" Jess said.

"And then I'll fuck you and Steph in front of her. Give her a show that she'll get drunk with lust with and then take her."

"Alright, I think that will work." Jess said, "The reason that it worked with Mom and Steph was because your pheromones had time to affect them, I'm not so sure it will work with a three-peat."

"Ok. Make her think she has to impress me in order to learn the secret. By any means necessary. Make her want it."

Jess nodded. "Ok. I'll run with something like that. I have some ideas on the best way to play this, but I don't want to spoil your surprise. It's too bad Steph doesn't have these puppies, because she had more of a chance to get her alone." Then she winked at her brother, "As you command master".

"Oh, it's a surprise now?" Jack said as Jess walked away, swaying her hips. "Damn that girl. I want to see what she's got up her sleeve.

Jack didn't see what happened with the two. But he did see that Jess pulled Becca away with what looked like something urgent. In about a half hour, the two were back.

Jack noticed a dramatic change in Becca's work ethic. She began running food so that Kelly could take a break, and even took a few needy tables not in her section. Jess caught Jack staring and winked again knowingly.

As Kelly walked over to where Jack was at the host's stand, he couldn't stop imagining wrapping her tan legs around his body and making her moan. She smiled at him meekly and gave him a thumbs up for helping all night. Jack smiled and waved back. He'd take her, he decided. She was beautiful and he wanted full control over his household.

But it would not be tonight that he took her. Tonight, he needed his Mom to take Kelly out of the picture. Tonight was about getting Becca into their fold. First, because he wanted to bend that blue haired body over his bed. Second, because he wanted inside information about Sara, and how to get back at her for ruining his time before the break. And third, she irked him when she called Jess a dweeb.

At closing time, Jack was busy sweeping the bar area. His mother was dealing with the many pieces of paper men had given her so she'd have their phone number. Her youth and her beauty were bewitching to all the men around her. Jack leaned his broom on the bar counter and motioned her over to speak.

"I will be fucking Becca tonight." He said in a low whisper. "I'm going to make her my slave." He saw the wild excitement blossom from his mother's face. "I can see you're excited by the idea, good. I need you to keep Kelly out of the house so I can do it."

"But Mast-uh-Jack." His mother stuttered, "What about me? I need your cock and I thought we'd fuck when we got home." She bit her lip. Jack smirked at how much his mother looked like a horny twentysomething now. Still older than him, but she could be mistaken for someone half her age now.

"You obey me in this and wake me up tomorrow and I promise we'll have your time."

"Yes sir. I will obey." She said. Jack was getting turned on hearing his mother say that again and again.

He looked over and saw Becca telling the other server, Heather, that she could go home. Neither of them had been scheduled this late initially, so one of them had to leave. Jack didn't know Heather, she was an outsider to the community. More importantly, she was not what he had set his sights on.

Becca was wiping down booths quickly and with purpose, but Jack noticed how she was giving him side glances occasionally. He looked over to where Steph and Jess were cleaning, but it more looked like Steph was getting informed about tonight's activities. He saw the Cheshire grins etch over their faces

By the time the store had been locked up, Jack had a moment to wonder if he had the energy to actually do what he set out to. But this was going to be hot. And that started to fire him up.

"Jack, honey," Kelly said, "Nat and I are going to go blow off some steam, so we might not be back tonight. That leaves you and your sisters without a car. But that's ok, I can call you guys a ride share." Jack laughed in the back of his mind. Kelly must have been promised another fuck like the one from this morning.

"Oh, don't worry Ms. Daniels," Becca spoke up, "I can drive all three of them home. I have something I needed to drop off for Steph anyway."

"Thank you, Becca," Kelly said, "And please call me Kelly. Alright if you can take them, by all means!" Then she walked off with her wife in hand very quickly.

"Wonder what that was about," Becca said as they made their way to her car. It was a small blue sedan that looked like it had seen better years.

Jack piled in with Steph in the backseat, as Jess got up in the front with Becca.

"Becks," Steph called, "My seatbelt won't click."

Becca looked back to where Steph was having the problem. "Just sit on your brother's lap until we get to your house. It's not far."

Steph did her best to seem like this wasn't the best thing that could have happened. She immediately got onto Jack's lap and immediately began to nuzzle up to him. Jack could feel her hips gyrating slowly on his hardening cock.