Matt & Lisa at School Ch. 04


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Lisa smiled warmly at her little brother. "Of course, silly. I know she did great...and when you said 'stressful' before, you don't know the half of it."

Matt kissed her again -- this time letting his tongue open her lips as his hands drifted over her moist flesh. When his hand found the curve where thigh meets ass, he grabbed hard and pulled her against his thickening tool. Lisa worked her hands down until she had her brother's shorts in her grasp. She broke their kiss to kneel in front of him and peel them down his muscular legs. As always, when she found herself up close and personal with her brother's magnificent organ, she fell immediately under its spell. Almost unaware of his hands, Lisa felt herself being drawn up Matt's torso until she was on her feet again.

"She's jealous of you, you know..." Matt said softly to his sister. His hands were on her breasts, his fingers rolling her thick rubbery nipples. Lisa's fingers were stroking her brother's cock and rubbing gently over his balls. "I don't want her to be...I don't want her to have any reason to be unhappy about all this, baby."
"I know, lover," Lisa mumbled as she kissed and tongued her brother's nipples, still stroking his growing stalk. "Don't worry, baby. I could never be jealous of you no matter what you do." She looked up into his beautiful eyes. "I love you so much, Matty -- that's all that matters, knowing you love me just as much as I love you." They kissed with even more passion this time, losing themselves in each other until Matt felt Lisa lift her leg against his thigh, offering herself to her brother by spreading her swelling labia before his ever-hardening cock.

With his cock still in her hand, Lisa drew him forward, nestling the thick shaft between her moistening lips, sliding it back and forth through her creamy slit until he was covered in her secretions. Then she put the bulbous head into her hole and slid herself down the slick, thick ten-inch shaft until her brother's cock was buried to the hilt in her loving cunt.

"I do, Lis', I love you more than know that." Matt didn't move his body as he flexed his cock inside his sister's hot, tight walls. "Enough so I'm not jealous of you, either." Lisa moaned as he kept flexing himself in her. "I heard you before, you know, when you were talking to Henry." Lisa groaned as her brother's cock kept tapping against her G-spot and her cervix at the same time. She opened her mouth to suck on the finger she found there. The next thing she knew, that same finger was rubbing circles around her little star-shaped pucker. Then it was back in her mouth, demanding more moisture. And then, finally, she felt the slick digit penetrate her ass, fucking in and out of her while her brother's magic cock was playing her pussy like a musical instrument.

"You would make beautiful children with Henry, baby cakes...I really think so." Matt whispered into his sister's ear. "If that's what you want some day, it would be okay with me." That was all Lisa had to hear...when he started playing with her nipple again, pulling it in time to the finger fucking her ass and the cock twitching in her cunt, her best orgasm of the night rolled over the incestuous twenty-one year old coed. Matt could feel her climax everywhere. Her sphincter clamped down on his finger in time with the spasms of her cuntal walls trying to coax the sperm from his balls. It took all his concentration to keep himself from giving in to the sweet temptation.

Matt was still hard as he lifted his sexy sister off of his cock. But he knew it would go down in a few minutes - he'd wanted to save himself, to be ready for whatever Margie came back with. And he knew it would be soon.

When both siblings had calmed down, Matt asked his sister to find out what was keeping their China Doll and at the same time, re-fill the pitcher of ice water. As Lisa left the room, Matt sat down and rolled a pin-joint from the new pot. It was almost gone a few minutes later when Lisa and Margie returned.

"May I?" Margie asked as she took the joint out of Matt's fingers. She took a nice, long drag and handed it off to Lisa. After a while, the hot little twenty year old blew the smoke out and sat down by Matt, on the side of his bed. She looked at him and smiled.

"God," he thought for the thousandth time, "she's so fucking beautiful!"

Lisa put her tray on top of the desk and poured two glasses. She took one and handed the other to Matt. She nodded at Margie and said, "Guess who I found at the refrigerator? I think she was on her second glass when I got there."

Margie smiled again at the sexy siblings. "I got very thirsty talking to my new mother. She is so beautiful. And my new father seems just as nice." Margie sighed as she took another drink. "I wonder how I could be so lucky!"

Lisa couldn't stand the suspense any longer. "What did you talk about? What did she tell you?"

Margie just looked at Lisa and shook her head. "I'll tell you later, baby. Right now, I think I owe Matt an answer to his question." Matt started to move but Margie put her hand on his chest, keeping him still. "My wish, Master, is that for the rest of the night, you treat me...just the same..." It was so hard for her to get the words out of her mouth she had to take another sip. "I want you to treat me the same way...that your father treats your mother."

Lisa just about spilled her water when she heard what Margie said to Matt. She couldn't wait for his reaction...this was brilliant! And yet, once again, her little brother proved to be in command of this as well.

Shocking them both, Matt slid off the side of his bed until he was sitting on the floor by Margie's dangling legs. He looked up into her black, almond-shaped eyes and let himself fall in to the deep obsidian pools. "Fuck me," he said to himself, "that is some great fuckin' dope!" With the most mellow smile he was capable of, Matt said he would be honored to serve her like that.

Lisa was starting to hyperventilate. This was about the hottest thing she'd heard of since her family started sharing everything last New Year. "Fuck, Matty..." Lisa hissed at her brother, her eyes turning to slits with thoughts of unholy lust, "guess what's gonna be on the top of my birthday list?"

Margie looked at her with an expression Lisa had never seen before...a little superior, maybe a little dismissive. Whatever it was, it made Lisa's pussy drool. Still looking at Lisa, Margie spoke again to Matt. "You can let her help, if you'd like...but please keep her quiet, Matthew." This time, Lisa's excitement was evident throughout the room. She could feel her response dripping down the inside of her thigh.

Matt turned to Lisa and using only his eyes, he directed her to the floor and had her assume her submissive pose. Only then did he turn around to look at Margie. "What may I do for you, love?"

"What time is it, Matthew?" Margie ignored his question.

"1:45 in the morning."

The sexy coed scooted back on the bed and took another drink. "Roll me a joint, dear." Matt looked at Lisa and she hopped over to the desk, busying her experienced fingers with the task. A minute later, Matt placed it between Margie's lips and held a flame to the tip.

As Margie slowly sucked on the tip of the little white tube, she raised her right knee until her foot was flat on the bed. Her left leg was flat on the mattress, slightly bent towards Matt. The beautiful long-haired Chinese girl moaned as she sucked in the smoke, letting the fingers of her right hand trail slowly down the inside of her firm golden thigh towards her slick, bare mound.

When her fingers found the top of her slit, she looked right at Matt, whipping her long black hair over her swelling nipples. "Call your friend, Winston. Invite him to come over Tell him you would be very pleased if he would...come over and...fuck me." Lisa thought that her heart was going to explode! She couldn't believe how hot this was...watching her oh-so-powerful brother being dominated like that. She wanted Margie so badly...she had never appeared more desirable. That Margie wouldn't speak to her or even let Lisa speak at all sent vibrations through every nerve in her body.

Again, Matt glanced at her and she got to her feet. Locating his cell phone, she handed it to him and resumed her pose at his side. Lisa gazed up at Margie with a new-found respect and admiration. Seeing Matt involved on the phone, Margie relaxed a little and winked at Lisa, then puckered her plump lips in a very sexy air kiss.

A minute later, a red-faced Matt turned back to Margie. "He said he had to shower. He'll be here in about 30 minutes." Matt looked down for a second and then back up. "May I ask you a question?"

"Of course," Margie answered. "What is it, Matthew?"

"My father treats my mother many ways. I think I know what you want, my love...but if I'm wrong...or not...don't hesitate to correct me, okay?"
Margie's eyes gleamed. "Don't worry, Matthew...your mother told me all about how she corrects your father. Sometimes, he even deserves it, she said!" Margie laughed -- alone. "But you've done nothing wrong, so far..."

Matt looked up again. "For right now," he said, "I just want to know...what do you want me to call you?"

She looked at him, stared at him until he saw her eyes change once in anger and then again in understanding. Now, looking just plain hot and sexy, Margie spoke in a low, throaty voice. "Matthew, you can call me whatever you like...whatever makes you comfortable. It's not what you call me, love. It's how you treat me tonight that counts."

Brother and sister were both more than a little impressed by her answer. Everything she did, earlier and even now, seemed to justify their feelings about her. They were both totally in love with her...and she with them.

Margie could see the understanding in Matt's eyes. She could also see the love he felt for her and her heart caught in her throat. He was so beautiful to her. "Stand up, come closer, Matty." He stood next to the bed and leaned towards her. His cock was standing straight out, almost perpendicular to the floor. Margie slid her fingers around the thick shaft with one hand and cradled his balls with the other. She pulled over even farther, stretching the skin covering his genitals.

"I want you to start a bath for me, baby..." Margie licked his cock and kissed the smooth, soft skin covering his sac as she gave him her orders. "You can bathe me and shave me for your friend, okay?" Lisa was shivering from the way Margie was addressing her brother. She wasn't kidding about the birthday list thing! When several seconds went by and Matt remained silent, Margie held her breath and bit down on her lip as she remembered what Laurie told her to do...had to do, she'd said, if this whole thing was going to work for everyone. Margie held his thick hard cock against his stomach as she licked the base of his cock and the top of his sac. Matt moaned as she licked him, unaware of her tiny right hand between his legs. As she stretched his cock upwards, she held her middle finger back with her thumb creating as much torque as she could. She silently counted five seconds, hoping he would respond. When the time passed, she let her middle finger go...that classic flick from everyone's childhood...and her long, painted fingernail landed hard and flat, flush against the tender scrotal bag.

When the sounds of brother and sister gasping died down, Margie smiled at Matt. "I believe I asked you a question. Were you going to answer me, baby?"

Matt was trying very hard to gather himself together. The electric jolt of Margie's snapping nail had scattered parts of him throughout all the known universes. He was so high... the pain was almost transcendent. When he felt he could speak, he slid back down to the floor and apologized from his knees. He could hardly breathe, he was so excited. And without looking at his sister, he knew she had climaxed again when Margie's finger struck him.

"Of course, my love," Matt finally spoke, his tone low and soothing, "let me get it started for you now." The handsome young man backed out of the room and ran upstairs to start a hot bath in Margie's bathtub.

When the girls were alone, Margie motioned Lisa up on to the bed with her. She smiled at Lisa, her black eyes bright with power and lust. "Lick my pussy, baby." Margie hissed at her lover. Lisa moved her head immediately between her girlfriend's firm, golden thighs; her tongue finding the moist, hot slit full of crème. "That was so cool, baby. I felt his whole body tremble." Margie started to giggle as Lisa's tongue found her hole. "Your mother told me how to do it, honey...I hope you're not mad at me for doing it...she told me I would have to."

Lisa looked up at the beautiful girl with a sly smile. "I almost always listen to my mom," she whispered. Then she looked up again. "I'm sorry, Mistress. I spoke without permission. Will you punish me now?" Both girls giggled together until Margie heard Matt's footsteps on the stairs. She pushed Lisa off the bed before Matt re-appeared to escort her upstairs.

And just like he'd seen his father do on occasion to his mother, the incredibly mature freshman bathed and shaved the classic Chinese beauty, stroking her ego along with her perfect body as she relaxed in the steaming tub. Ten minutes before Winston was due, Matt lifted her out of the tub and carried her, wrapped in a thick towel, to her bed. He'd finished drying her and was applying a very light coating of body massage oil to her golden flesh when Lisa brought Winston into Margie's bedroom.

(Only a few minutes earlier, Lisa had been in the living room waiting for Winston. Knowing what might develop, she thought it prudent to speak to the young man before anything happened. She knew she had to grab his attention and then his agreement as quickly as she could...she thought answering the door completely naked would help. It did.)

Hearing his footsteps coming towards the door, Lisa's heart was pounding and her breathing was getting faster and shallower as she waited for him. Finally, she just couldn't stand waiting another second and she threw the door open just as he stepped up to knock. Winston stood there, his arm suspended as his eyes took in his all-time favorite fantasy image -- but this time she was real and right in front of him.

Lisa brought him quickly inside, whispering to the freaked out freshman to be quiet as she shut the door behind him. Lisa slid into Winston's arms and kissed him lightly on the lips. Her hand found the tent in the front of his jeans and gave him a little squeeze. "You seem to be all ready, Win," she whispered to him. All he could do was groan in response. "Listen up, little boy," she continued, "tonight's not like usual." He started to say something but she cut him off immediately. "No time, baby...just listen. Some things may happen won't be expecting. Nothing bad...just different." Lisa kissed him again, harder this time, as she closed her fingers around the pole in his pants. "Just go with the flow, Winston...okay?" He hesitated for just a moment, trying to figure out what the fuck Lisa was talking about. Thinking he was being reluctant, Lisa whispered again. "If you're a good boy tonight, Win, I'll be a bad girl for you another night."

Winston was sure that Lisa could hear his heart pounding. His mouth was so dry he could barely get the words out. "How...bad?"

Lisa smiled up at the cute boy, remembering what it was like when she was just a lowly freshman. Her cunt started to juice up as she suddenly knew his fantasy. Her nipples poked him in the chest as she whispered again. "If you just go along tonight, baby... sometime very soon...I'll get all naked for you...and let you fuck my little asshole..." Winston , now certain his heart was outside his chest and ready to explode, was on the verge of cumming in his pants. "And Winston," she said, later wondering if it was to 'seal the deal' or if it was just her own fantasy come out to play, "you can do front of a few of your friends...if you want."

When Winston's knees started to buckle and he groaned softly about starting to cum, Lisa dropped to her knees, unzipped his jeans and pulled his stiff cock out just as it started to spurt his thick, hot cum. The first jet hit Lisa on her cheek before she was able to get his thick head between her lips. She sucked and swallowed as the overexcited boy splashed the inside of her mouth time after time until finally, only a small drop fell on to her tongue. She licked him clean and put his cock back in his pants. She stood up, his arms around her again. "I take it we have a deal?" She smiled as she licked the last of his crème from her swollen lips. All he could do was nod his head in agreement as she led him to the stairs.) Winston's eyes were jumping back and forth between Margie and Matt. He decided he wasn't high enough for this...whatever this was! He turned back to Lisa. "I need a joint, Lis', okay?" Before he could turn back, he heard Margie, but he'd never heard her speak this way before.

"You heard your friend, Matthew," she hissed at him. "Get him what he wants...the good stuff."

Winston turned around quickly, immediately captivated by that totally in control. He looked more closely this time, at first seeing the flush spread through his best friend's face and neck. He looked at Margie, propped up against a few pillows. Her right leg bent upwards at the knee and her left leg flat on the sheet, her left knee pointing towards the side of the bed. He saw the moisture collecting at the bottom of her slit and his heart started beating so fast he thought he would pass out.
Then he saw Matt stand up. Naked. They had seen each other nude before -- they had been dorm roommates, after all -- but he'd never seen Matt (or any other real, live man) like this before. Naked and Excited. He knew Matt was kinda big (he had only seen him flaccid), but fuck...the dude was huge! Matt walked by his friend and motioned to Lisa. She left to get the pot, some papers, an ashtray and a lighter.

Finally, Margie spoke to her special guest. This time, when she opened her beautiful mouth, it sounded like music. She patted the side of the bed, "Winston, I'm so happy you could come over. Come here, baby...sit down by me."

He moved nervously over to the bed, sitting awkwardly on the edge...not knowing exactly what was going on or what he was supposed to do. Margie sat up and hugged him from behind. He was built lean and strong and she could feel the muscles beneath his skin. She whispered softly in his ear, "Don't be nervous, Win...I know you want to do all kinds of nasty stuff to me." She dropped on hand down to his crotch. "And I want you to, baby...I really do." He felt her fingers squeeze his swelling cock. "But I have to be honest -- I'm just using you to teach your friend a lesson. Don't worry...he won't hate you for this...he'll thank you later and really mean it, Win." Margie pressed her tits into his back as she licked the side of his neck. "Okay, baby?"

Winston had been watching his former roommate as Margie whispered in his ear. He didn't understand it at all...he knew he was 100% straight...why did Matt look so fucking hot to him? All he really heard from Margie was "Okay, baby?" and now he turned towards her...he'd forgotten for a minute just how truly beautiful she was...and brought his mouth down over hers in a searing kiss.

Margie melted into the young man's arms as he rolled her back into the pillows. He took his long, supple tongue out of her mouth and then bent over her chest, massaging first one nipple and then the other with the tip of that same tongue. When he'd made them stand out, hard and thick, he moved back to Margie's face. "Okay," he whispered back to her.