Mature Teacher Pays for Her Mistake


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"I hope you won't think less of me, but I had fun learning to strip, and the aftermath, the sex is outstanding. I want to dance to help you, but I don't want it ruining my teaching career." Wendy said, while giving Carl a contented purr, because of his manipulation of her pussy, while talking with her.

It is getting dark; the couple is nude, in plain view of anyone walking on the sidewalk. Carl has his back to the window and at an angle, but Wendy is sitting, with her legs spread, anyone can see her husband playing with her pussy his is stating. "I will call Jim to make sure you're not ruining your career by doing the strip tease at the club. You know you don't have to do it if you don't want to."

"I think I want to, I have always been the shy one and I found out tonight that I have been missing out." Wendy said, blushing at her admission.

They had dinner while nude and watched TV cuddling in their birthday suits, this is the best time the couple had in many years. They went to bed contented.

Wednesday morning the couple awakened at the usual time had breakfast and left for work

Carl called Jim Wentworth when he arrived at his office, and when Jim answered the phone, he said. "Hi Jim, how are you doing?

"I'm doing great and you?"

"Doing well, my wife wants to make sure if she does the striptease, she won't lose her job as a teacher. She wants to know how you're going to guarantee her that."

"I don't want your wife to lose her job; I know she is a good teacher. I just want her to do some penance for causing my son undue humiliation, for something he didn't do. I will have my lawyer draw up a non-disclosure document that all will have to sign, to view her striptease."

"Wait a minute, how many people are going to be at her show?"

"Your wife will have to invite all the boys over eighteen in my son's class. I will invite the principal of the school, so he will not say anything, and you can invite whom you want. I may have a few more friends that may like to come, but I am not sure presently. Oh, the show is in the function room, not out in the main area. We will see you on Saturday afternoon."

"Okay, will see you then." Carl said in a defeated voice, hoping Wendy won't back out.

Wendy couldn't wait for the day to end, she was in a good mood all day, and the students noticed it.

On the way out of school, Roger the High School principal stopped Wendy. "I would like to see you in my office before you leave." He said holding a hand full of papers.

"Okay, what is it." Wendy asked as they walked to his office. He shut the door.

"Wendy, Jim Wentworth senior emailed me documents that all the boys who are going to your show on Saturday have to sign, don't tell them anything, until they sign this document, for your protection. I don't want to lose a great teacher, because you want to have some fun, on your day off." Said the principal as he handed the documents along with a list of the boys that can attend her show.

"How do you know about this?" The shocked teacher asked, while she thought. "The only reason I am doing this is because of the conditions that Mr. Wentworth put on the purchase of material from her husband's company, she is not doing this for pleasure."

"Jim and I are good friends, I play golf with him. I signed the document already, and sent it back to him. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday. The principal said with a double meaning to his last sentence.

Wendy put the documents she received in her brief case, rushed home, and put on recently purchased sensual undergarments, under the skirt and blouse she had on for school. She sat in the living room going over in her mind, that after Saturday there are going to be many students that will see her nude, along with the principal and many unknown men. Will she be able to face them after they see her nude? Will they like her body? These are a few of the questions the older woman has that are stressing her.

It was four o'clock when Charlene showed up with Carl right behind her. Carl let Charlene in and heard the TV he said. "Wendy should be in the living room."

Going into the living room Charlene found Wendy sitting on the couch Watching Ellen. "Hi Wendy, are you ready to continue with your dance instruction?"

Breaking out of her reverie Wendy said "Yes I am. We can practice here in the living room today. It is nice in warm with the sun shining in." Wendy said unaware that people walking by the house could see in with the setting sun illuminating the inside of the living room.

"Good I will dance first and then I will work with you." Charlene said as keyed up her phone and then started to dance. The first song she was out of her outer clothing. The second song she was nude and the third song, she was doing the floor exercise, exposing her pussy and bottom to Carl and Wendy.

All the songs were new she danced to today, Charlene remained nude, and Carl could not take his eyes off of the nude woman, which upset Wendy. Charlene intimidated her, as Wendy felt that she could not compete with the younger woman's beauty.

"Charlene is a very pretty woman and not very modest, would you like me to be more like her Carl?" Wendy spoke quietly to Carl, while Charlene used earphones, to key up the music from yesterday, so she could not hear the older couples conversation.

"Wendy, she is a beautiful young woman, but I love you. It would be great, if you could be more like her. I realize that I would love it if you want to show off a little in public, or in front of our friends."

They have been married over thirty-five years and Wendy did not realize that Carl would like to show her off. She was always concerned that she was showing too much, with some of her outfits, she said. "Why didn't you tell me this before? I would have let you show me off more, if you wanted too and if I had known about it."

"I didn't realize it until I saw Charlene strip and then you. I thought you would be embarrassed, but I could see, after your initial embarrassment, you enjoyed yourself, so if you want to exhibit your charms more, I would love that."

The music started and Wendy danced, while removing her outer clothing. This time Carl could see by her body movements, she was not embarrassed, she was enjoying the dancing, and this made Carl happy and proud of her.

Carl started clapping. "Wendy you did a great job with the dance."

Charlene also complimented her on the dance, just before the second song started. Wendy picked up the beat and with some difficulty removed her bra, she started to remove her panties, but Charlene stopped her when she said. "We will work on the proper way to remove the bra sexily first and then continue." Charlene said while she put her bra on to show the older woman how to remove the bra in a way to entice the audience.

Wendy practiced the movements Charlene showed her. Carl was excited by the third time his wife removed her bra to the music and he could see Wendy had a wet spot on her panties by the third time she stripped off her bra also.

After two hours of practice, and Wendy removing her garments down to her panties, like she has been dancing for years, Charlene said. "I think we did enough for today, how about tomorrow at the same time, will that work?"

"Sure that will work. Would you like to stay for dinner with us? I have a delivery coming from a restaurant and it is always much more than we can eat. Wendy said, as she did not want Charlene to leave just yet and Carl agreed with her.

"I will stay and have dinner on one condition; we go to the door, as we are to pay for the meal." Charlene said smiling.

"I will even pay." Carl said looking at the two women, as a kid looks at candy.

"Oh you will pay my dear, you will pay!" Wendy said, walking up to her husband and grabbing his man meat through his pants, while kissing him.

"Now stop that you're embarrassing me." Charlene said pouting. "And besides I am here with no one to play with and I am jealous." She giggled

The doorbell rang signally their dinner has arrived.

"Well, here goes nothing; I hope it isn't one of my students delivering the meal." Wendy said, as she took the money from her husband to pay the driver.

The expression on the deliveryman's face was priceless, he knew Wendy, he said, "Hi Mrs. Grant nice seeing you." Then looking Charlene up and down he said "I know you from someplace, I can't forget a face like yours" Looking from her pubic area to her breasts.

Everyone burst out laughing at the last comment.

The deliveryman was in Wendy's English class a few years ago, now she is worried that he would say something. "Derrick, how have you been? You're in college at Umass, right?"

"Yes, but I don't have any classes until Friday, so I work when I can."

"This can be our little secret right, you're not going to tell anyone are you?" Wendy said in a concerned voice.

"Are you kidding me Mrs. Grant, no one would believe that I saw you in only panties with a nude woman when I delivered a meal to you."

The group laughed and conversed in front of the open door for a few minutes.

"You go to Umass right? Carl asked.

"Yes I do." Derrick stated.

"How would you like to come to an invitation only party at the Classy Ladies Lounge in Whately on Saturday at one?" Carl asked.

"Yes, I would love that. I have been there a few times; I have a lot of fun there." Then looking at Charlene again said, "Wait a minute I know you, you're stage name is Candi." He looked at Wendy. "You're going to dance there on Saturday?"

Charlene and Wendy didn't say anything just smiled at Derrick.

"Well do you want to come to Wendy's first show, Derrick?" Carl asked.

"Hell yes, can I bring someone with me?"

"You have to ask the ladies here." Carl said.

"I have no problem with it." Charlene said.

"I am okay with it as long as you don't bring the twenty-four thousand student body, Derrick? One other person and that is it. You have to see Carl at the door to be let in." Wendy said, she is concerned that this will get out of hand.

Derrick was lingering around eyeing both women as he talked with Carl about his major in business administration, the same major that Carl graduated from at Umass, he asked. "Is Mr. Jacobs there?"

"Yes, but he is very old. Derrick said.

"He must be close to eighty presently, but he just received his master's when I was there, so he may be a little younger." Carl said.

"The food is getting cold. Derrick do you have any more deliveries?" Wendy asked.

"No, not as of now, they will text me, if I have any more deliveries, Mrs. Grant."

"Derrick, I am standing here talking with you in my panties, with my boobs hanging out, and you're calling me Mrs. Grant. I think you have seen enough of me to call me Wendy. Oh and if you like you can stay for Dinner also."

"I would love that, I will stay, but I'm not hungry."

Derrick, you could have fooled me, with the hungry look in your eyes, as you look at both of us ladies." Charlene giggled, causing everyone to laugh uncontrollably for the next minute or so.

With tears in their eyes from laughing so uncontrollably, they sat down. Carl on the end by his wife and Derrick across from the two naked women, he was smiling the whole time looking at two lovely set of breasts, a young pair and a mature pair.

"Life is good." Derrick thought as he eats, although he stated he was not hungry, while keeping his eyes glued to the erotic sight in front of him.

When dinner was finished, Carl started to clean up. The women were also bringing things to the sink.

Derrick followed suit, he said. "Both ladies have been so kind to have me eat here. I will help Carl clean up."

"That is sweet of you Derrick." Charlene said as she went up to him, and gave him a kiss on his cheek, as she rubbed her breast on his arm.

Wendy did not want to be out done, so she kissed Derrick on the other cheek and rubbed her breast on his other arm. The women went into the living room to watch TV, while the men cleaned up. It was about a half hour later, that the two men entered the room, to find Charlene sitting in the lounge chair her legs bent and her pussy showing, as she talked with Wendy, who still was in her panties and topless.

Charlene is a very smart woman. Wendy, formulating her opinion after she found out the younger woman is a college graduate, during their conversation, as Charlene has a master's degree in accounting and is working to get her CPA certification, so she can start her own CPA firm. Charlene told Wendy that by the time she is forty-five she is on track to be a multi-millionaire. The stripping was a way for her to finish college, with no student loans. Now she is dancing to supplement her income working for a CPA firm to get experience. Charlene's parents are poor, and she is the youngest of six. Charlene is helping her parents financially. She received her BA through a scholarship and paid for her Masters by stripping. Wendy has gained a lot of respect for the young woman presently.

Wendy told Charlene the couple has three children, two boys, and one daughter the youngest. Charlene was envious of Wendy because she has children. She also could not believe that the older woman has three children her body still looks like a young forty year old. Charlene is putting all her energy into starting a business, so she does not have time for marriage or children. Furthermore, being a stripper, you do not meet eligible men you would want to date.

It is getting late; the sun is down, so Carl reluctantly called an end to the evening, as it is another workday tomorrow. The group walked to the door both women bid good-bye to the college student, while in their present state of undress. Charlene put her blouse and skirt on minus undergarments, as she did yesterday. Wendy stood proud in the doorway waving good bye to her new friend, not concerned with cars going by in the neighborhood.

The door was barely shut, when Wendy stripping off her panties, half dragging her husband to the couch in front of the picture window, unceremoniously removing his pants and underwear frantically, to get to his hard cock. Dropping to her knees, and giving him the best blowjob ever, while in front of the picture window. When he was about to shoot his load, she pushing him onto the couch and hopping on board of his hard cock for a wild ride to orgasm. She was like a mad woman trying to stuff Carl's whole body into her overhead pussy. Carl wanting to hold off to let Wendy cum first, it was going to be a race to see who will come first. The down stroke from Wendy was more than Carl can take, causing him to cum. Wendy feeling the ropes of cum hitting her cervix, causing her to go over the edge in a screaming orgasm. They rested for a while coupled, Carl kissing his beautiful wife as she came down from her orgasm.

They walked hand in hand to their bedroom and they took a shower together to save water. The couple dried each other and went to bed nude, to cuddle, watch television until the late news, falling asleep nude and spooning.

Thursday morning, Carl thought he was dreaming, feeling a warm mouth around his semi-hard cock. Coming out of his slumber and looking down he could see his wife's blonde mane bobbing up and down on his tool. He loves the look of his wife when she first gets up, she has the look of an unmade bed, and seeing he is awake, she rotating around with her month on his cock to get into a six-nine position, and sitting on his face, so he can pleasure her pussy. Looking at his wife's pussy is causing him visual pleasure. Her scent is driving him wild, and sticking his tongue into her honey pot, is causing his cock to jerk in his wife's mouth.

Rolling over Carl said. "Wendy, I have to make love to you now." As he scrambled between her legs to put his man meat into her manhole, he pumped as fast as he could, and as deep as he could to bring her off, with her encouragement.

Ooooooooooooh My Godddddddddddd Carl" Wendy screamed in orgasm.

Both laid there holding each other while basking in their after orgasm glow and then. Looking at the clock it was only six o'clock, taking a shower and dressing ready for the day ahead. They are ready for work half hour early, both leaving with a smile on their faces hopefully, which will last all day.

Wendy had to give the boys in Jim Jr's class the non-disclosure document and then explain about the show on Saturday, that is a fly in the ointment to Wendy's otherwise good day. Finally the bell rang signally the end of the last class, Wendy read off names of twelve male students in the class. "I need to see all over you before you leave." Wendy waited for all others to leave then turned red she stated. "You have to sign these documents, before I can tell you what this is about."

"This is a non-disclosure document what is this for?" One of her students declared.

"Sign it and I will tell you and then you can do what you like." Wendy said hoping they didn't what a teacher that is old enough to be their mother strip.

After each student signed the documents and as Wendy picked them up, she explained. "I am going to be dancing at a private party in Whately at a gentlemen's club on Saturday, starting at one O'clock. You are all welcome to come to the party, but you need an ID." Blushing as all the young men looked at her with shit eating grins on their faces, they have heard of the club from some of their older friends.

"Are you going to strip?" One of the students asked.

"You will have to join us to find out, but do not say anything to anyone or you could be libel for paying a million dollar fine if this gets out. I will see you in class tomorrow." Wendy said as she left the room.

Now that Wendy had all the documents signed she left, just as Carl finished half of the work he should have for the day and was ready to leave also.

Walking in the door Carl is calling "Wendy where are you?"

Wendy coming down the stairs surprising him, she is in her bra and panties, she says. "I want to start with the last song today, and learn how to do the floor show."

"Really, you want to learn the floor show?" Carl says amazed and happy that his wife is having fun stripping.

The doorbell rang and Wendy went to the door to let in her instructor, "Hi, Charlene."

"Hi Wendy, looks like you're ready to dance to the second song and on to the floor show."

"Yes, I want to practice both with both songs today."

Charlene while walking into the living room was removing her clothes, placing them on one of the chairs. She found her phone, keyed up the second and third songs for Wendy, as she said. "Start dancing around a little; let's see if you remember what to do."

Wendy is dancing around and toying with the front clasp on her bra, in a teasing way as Charlene taught her. Wendy, removing her bra in the middle of the song, and starting to work on her panties, she is pushing them down a little in the back and front, but without warning pulling them up again as if she is shy. With the end of the song coming, she pushed her panties down and off stepping out of them, giving Carl and Charlene a glimpse of her moist hair covered mound and labia.

The song ended with Wendy nude. Picking up her panties, Wendy put them with her bra, while waiting for next song to start. The beginning of the song Wendy is walking around the room, and when the beat intensified, she laid on the floor rolling around, and spreading her legs.

Charlene stopped the music while she said. "We need to practice the floor routine, you look like you're sick to your stomach, and that is why you're rolling around. You have to learn how to do it to entice your audience; it is not just about showing your pussy. You have to make all the guys want you, knowing they don't have a chance to get you."